Communication Style Questionnaire
Communication Style Questionnaire
Communication Style Questionnaire
Becoming aware of your communication style and those of other people is a good place to start
when you want to improve your communication skills.
Each person has a unique way of communicating. Listen to your own speech. What sorts of
words do you use? Which sort of body language and what tone of voice do you often use? In
what situations and under what circumstances does your communication style change?
Now, think of someone who you regard as a good communicator. Who do you know who can
explain things clearly, who listens and understands what others are talking about? What is it about
the way they communicate that you like? Compare your style to theirs.
Let's look more closely at your communication style. There are many communication models;
Improving your communication skills will become easier once you are aware of your own
communication style; how you express yourself and how others perceive you.
The questionnaire below will help you to identify your communication approaches and attitudes. T; 08454748877
21. When talking to people, I pay attention to their body language. C
22. I like meetings to follow an agenda and a timetable. P
23. I will stop a speaker in mid-sentence if I disagree with a statement they have made. A
24. If I don't understand something, I tend to keep it to myself and figure it out later. T
25. I try to divert or end conversations that don't interest me. A
26. To be really clear, I like to see things in writing. P
27. I find it easy to see things from someone else's point of view. C
28. I get straight to the point in emails. P
29. If I find a conversation boring, I'll let my mind drift away. A
30. My body language and gestures are quite controlled. T
31. If I'm writing a formal letter or one with difficult or sad news, I often write it out several C
times before I send it.
32. If I have something relevant to add, I'll interrupt someone to ensure my views are heard. A
33. I accept differences and conflict as a normal part of any work environment, and I know P
how to address them constructively.
34. I am completely at ease when a conversation shifts to the topic of feelings. C
35. I try to anticipate and predict possible causes of confusion, and I deal with them up front. P
36. I enjoy leading a conversation (e.g. choosing the topic, controlling the pace). A
37. I present my ideas so that others are receptive to my point of view. T
Brilliant Communication Skills – Gill Hasson T; 08454748877