Solution Manual Game Theory Exercises Bargain Games
Solution Manual Game Theory Exercises Bargain Games
Solution Manual Game Theory Exercises Bargain Games
After a history of cooperation, every …rm i’s discounted stream of payo¤s from
continuing its cooperation is
2 T 1 9 2 T 1
(1 + + + ::: + ) + (1 + + + ::: + )
8 64 9
At this point, note that (1 + + 2 + : : : + T ) is a …nite geometric progression
T +1
which can be expressed as = 11 , which helps us simplify the above
inequality as
T +1 T
11 9 11
8 1 64 9 1
and further rearranging we obtain
T +1
9 9 8 + 8 T +1 9
72 (1 ) 64
T +1
)8 9 8 81 (1 )
T +1
)8 17 + 9 0
In similar exercises, we solve for discount factor to …nd the minimal discount
factor that support cooperation in the in…nitely repeated game. However, in
this case, our expression is highly non-linear in , and does not allow for such
approach. We can nonetheless gain some intuition of our results by solving for T ,
which represents the lenght of the punishment phase, as follows
17 9
T Tb 8
Plotting cuto¤ Tb in the vertical axis and the discount factor 2 (0; 1) in the
horizontal axis, we obtain the following …gure. Intuitively, the punishment phase
must be long enough and …rms must care enough about their future pro…ts (as
indicated by T and pairs on the northwest of the …gure) for the GTS with
temporary punishment to be sustained as a SPNE of the in…nitely repeated game.
For illustration purposes, the …gure also includes a dotted line at a height of
T = 1, which does not cross with the curve representing cuto¤ Tb. This indicates
that, when punishment only last one period, cooparation cannot be sustained
in the in…nitely repeated game even if players assign full weight to their future
payo¤s (i.e., even if = 1). When the punishment phase lasts two periods, as
indicated by the dotted line at a height of T = 2, cooperation can be sustained
for discount factors satisfying 0:67, graphically represented by the range of
to the right-hand side of = 0:67 in the …gure. A similar argument applies when
the punishment phase lasts T = 3 periods, where we obtain that cooperation can
be supported as long as 0:58; con…rming our results in Exercise #27 of the
After a history in which at least one …rm deviated from cooperation, the GTS
prescribes that every …rm i implements the punishment during T rounds. This
is …rm i’s best response to …rm j implementing the punishment, so there are
no further conditions on the discount factor, , or the lenght of the punishment
phase, T , that we need to impose.
(a) Exercises from Chapter 10: 10.3, 10.6, 10.9, and 10.11.
(b) Exercises from Chapter 11: 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.7.
See answer key at the end of this handout.
10. Repeated Games 181
Player 2
4 4 −1 5
Player 1
5 −1 1 1
(a) Let = 1. What is the critical value 1 to support the pair of actions
( ) played in every period?
Answer: The proposed one period punishment means that instead of
getting 4 for the period after deviation, the players will get 1, and after-
wards will resort to getting 4 forever. Hence, the punishment is of size
3 and the discounted value is 3. The gain from deviating in one period
is getting 5 instead of 4 so this will be deterred if 1 ≤ 3 or ≥ 13 .1 ¥
(b) Let = 2. What is the critical value to support the pair of actions
( ) played in every period?2
Answer: The proposed two period punishment means that instead of
getting 4 for the two periods after deviation, the players will get 1,
1 To see this using the whole stream of payoffs, sticking to ( ) yields 4
while deviating with the threat
4 4 4
of a one period punishment will yield 5 + 1 + 2 1− and this is not profitable if 1− ≥ 5 + 1 + 2 1− , which
4 4
can be rewritten as 4 + 4 + 2 1− ≥ 5 + 1 + 2 1− which in turn reduces to 3 ≥ 1.
2 Helpful hint: You should encounter an equation of the form 3 − ( + 1) + 1 = 0 for which it is easy to see
that = 1 is a root. In this case, you know that the equation can be written in the form ( − 1)( 2 + − 1) = 0
and solve for the other relevant root of the cubic equation.
182 10. Repeated Games
(c) Compare the two critical values in parts (a) and (b) above. How do they
differ and what is the intuition for this?
Answer: The punishment in part b. last for two periods which is more
severe than the one period punishment in part a. This means that it
can be supported with a lower discount factor because the intensity of
the punishment is increasing either in the length or when we have less
discounting. ¥
3 To 4
see this using the whole stream of payoffs, sticking to ( ) yields 1− while deviating with the threat of
2 3 4 4 4
a two period punishment will yield 5 + 1 + 1 + 1− and this is not profitable if 1− ≥ 5 + 1 + 2 1 + 3 1− .
2 3 4 2 3 4
This can either be solved as a cubic inequality or can be rewritten as 4 + 4 + 4 + 1− ≥ 5 + 1 + 1 + 1−
which in turn reduces to ( + 2 )3 ≥ 1.
Homework #4 – EconS 503, Answer key
Homework #4 – EconS 503, Answer key
Homework #4 – EconS 503, Answer key
Homework #4 – EconS 503, Answer key
Homework #4 – EconS 503, Answer key
No Brand Brand
Name Name
P1 t P1t
P2t P2t
0 C D 0 C
0 D
1 – 1 –
1 2 1+p 2
Player 2 creates a brand name since + p > 2
P2 t
No Brand Brand
Name Name
P1 t P1t
P2t P2t
0 C D 0 C
0 D
1 – 1 –
1 2 1 2–p
Player 2 does not cheat (honors the contract)
This is page 197
Printer: Opaque t
Strategic Bargaining
(b) Can you find a Nash equilibrium of the game that results in an outcome
that is better for both players as compared to the unique subgame
perfect equilibrium?
Answer: Consider the following strategy for player 2: first choose the
high level of investment, and then accept any offer that gives himself at
least − − for small. Given this strategy, player 1’s best response
is to offer to keep + for himself and − − for player 2. Player
2’s payoff is then − − − − for small enough , and player
1’s payoff is + so the players are both better off. ¥
are 1 = 0; 2 = −1
- In period −1 (odd period — player 1 offers), by backward induction player
2 should accept anything resulting in a payoff of 2 ≥ −1 . If player 2 is of-
fered in period − 1 then 2 = −2 (1 − ); This implies that in period
− 1 player 2 will accept any (1 − ) ≥ and by backward induction player
1 should offer = 1 − , which yields player 1 a payoff of 1 = (1 − ) −2
and 2 = −1
- In period −2 (even period), conditional on the analysis for −1, player 1’s
best response is to accept any that gives him −3 ≥ (1 − ) −2 Player
2’s best response to this is to offer the smallest that satisfies this inequal-
ity, and solving it with equality yields player 2’s best response: = − 2
This offer followed by 1’s acceptance yields 1 = −3 = −2 − −1 and
2 = −3 (1 − ) = −3 − −2 + −1 .
We can continue with this tedious exercise only to realize that a simple pat-
tern emerges. If we consider the solution for an even period − ( being
even because is assumed to be even) then the backward induction argument
leads to the sequentially rational offer,
− = − 2 + 3 · · · −
while for an odd period − ( being odd) then the backward induction
argument leads to the sequentially rational offer,
− = 1 − + 2 · · · − .
We can use this Pattern to solve for the subgame perfect equilibrium offer in
the first period, 1 which by backward induction must be accepted by player
2, and it is equal to
1 = 1 − + 2 − 3 + 4 · · · − −1 =
= (1 + 2 + 4 + · · · + −2 ) − ( + 3 + 5 + · · · + −1 )
1 − − +1
= −
1 − 2 1 − 2
1 −
200 11. Strategic Bargaining
1 − +
1∗ = 1 = and 2∗ = (1 − 1 ) =
1+ 1+
(a) Assume that = 2. Find the subgame perfect equilibrium of the game
and show in which way it depends on the values of 1 and 2 .
Answer: In the last period player 2 makes the offer in an ultimatum
game and will offer to keep the whole pie: 1 = 0 and 2 = 1 and
player 1 is will accept (he’s indifferent). Payoffs would be 1 = −1
and 2 = 1 − 2 . Going backwards to period 1, player 1 has to offer at
least 2 = 1 − 2 to player 2 for him to accept, so the unique subgame
perfect equilibrium has player 1 offering 1 − 2 to player 2, and player
2 accepts anticipating that he will offer and get 2 = 1 in the second
period following rejection. Payoffs are 1 = 2 and 2 = 1 − 2 . Payoffs
therefore do not depend on 1 . ¥
(b) Are there Nash equilibria in the two period game that are not subgame
Answer: Yes. Just like in the game we studied with a discount factor ,
any split can be supported by a Nash equilibrium. Consider the following
strategy by player 2: reject anything but the whole pie in the first period
and offer to keep the whole pie in the second. Player 1’s best response in
the first period is to offer exactly the whole pie to player 2 because that
way he is guaranteed 0, while if he believes that player 2 will follow the
11. Strategic Bargaining 201
proposed strategy and he offers anything else then he will get 1 = −1 .
(c) Assume that = 3. Find the subgame perfect equilibrium of the game
and show in which way it depends on the values of 1 and 2 .
Answer: In the third period player 1 will get the whole pie and hence
the payoffs will be 1 = 21 and 2 = 0. Moving back to the second period,
player 2 will offer player 1 1 and player 1 will accept, so the payoffs are
1 = 21 and 2 = 2 (1− 1 ). Moving back to the first period, player 1 will
offer to keep such that player 2 will receive 2 = (1 − ) = 2 (1 − 1 )
implying that player 1 gets 1 = = 1 − 2 (1 − 1 ) = 1 − 2 + 1 2 . ¥
2 ≥ 1 − 1 1 (11.4)
Subtracting (11.2) from (11.1) yields
1 − 1 ≤ 2 ( 2 − 2 ) (11.5)
2 − 2 ≤ 1 ( 1 − 1 ) (11.6)
1 − 1 ≤ 2 (2 − 2 ) ≤ 2 1 ( 1 − 1 )
1 = 1 − 2 2 ,
2 = 1 − 1 1 ,
and from these last two equalities we obtain that in the unique subgame
perfect equilibrium, in the first period player 1 receives
1 − 2
1∗ =
1 − 12
(a) Find the unique subgame perfect equilibrium for = 1. Also, find a
Nash equilibrium that is not subgame perfect.
Answer: If = 1 then following a failed vote (a majority rejects the
proposer’s proposal) all the players receive a payoff of 0. Hence, like in
the Rubinstein game, the proposer will ask for all the surplus and a ma-
jority of players will vote in favor. No other outcome can be supported
by a subgame perfect equilibrium. There are many Nash equilibria. For
example, some player asks for at least ∗ ∈ [0 1] of the surplus while
all other players will settle for nothing. Then any player 6= will offer
the amount ∗ , and nothing to the other players, and all the players
will vote in favor of the proposal. ¥
(b) Find the unique subgame perfect equilibrium for = 2 with a discount
factor 0 ≤ 1 Also, find a Nash equilibrium that is not subgame
Answer: If the proposal is not accepted in period 1 then period 2 will
have the unique subgame perfect equilibrium described in part a. above.
This implies that in the first period, every player has an expected surplus
of because they will be the proposer with probability 1 and will get
the whole surplus of 1. This means that the player who offers in the first
period must offer at least to −1 2
other players to form a majority
and have the proposal accepted. Hence, the proposing player will keep
1− 2−1 to himself in the unique subgame perfect equilibrium. Just like
in part a. above, we can support an arbitrary division of the surplus
in a Nash equilibrium by having some players commit to incredible
strategies. ¥
(c) Compare what the first period’s proposer receives in the subgame per-
fect equilibrium you found in part (b) above to what a first period
proposer receives in the two-period two-person Rubinstein-Ståhl bar-
gaining game. What intuitively accounts for the difference?
Answer: In the two-period two-person Rubinstein-Ståhl bargaining
game the proposing player 1 gets 1 − because player 2 can get the
11. Strategic Bargaining 205
whole pie in the second period. Notice that the difference between the
payoff in the Baron-Ferejohn model and the Rubinstein-Ståhl model is,
−1 ( + 1)
1− − (1 − ) = .
2 2 2
As we can see, the first proposer has a lot more surplus in the Baron-
Ferejohn model. This is because the responder is not one player who
plays an ultimatum game in the second period, but a group of player
from which a majority needs to be selected. This lets the proposer pit
the responders against each other and capture more surplus. ¥
(d) Compare the subgame perfect equilibrium you found in part (b) above to
the solution of the infinite horizon model in section ??. What intuitively
accounts for the similarity?
Answer: The share received by the first proposer is the same as what
we derived in equation (11.8). The intuition is that the same forces are
at work: the larger the discount factor the more the proposer needs to
give away, and the more people there are, the more he has to give away.
Still, he gets to keep at least 12 because of the competitive nature of the
situation in which the responders are put. ¥