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Lecturer: Susanna Afutu

Law 103 Constitutional Law 1 3 Credits


The course will deal with general issues of “the Constitution” and constitutional
theories. The objective is to make the student familiarize him/herself with various
types of constitutions and constitutional concepts. Students will be able to understand
the constitution of Ghana better at the end of the course.

End of semester examinations will form 60% your final grade. Class assignments and
interim assessments will constitute 40% of your final grade.

Teaching Method:
This class will be taught through a combination of lecturing, discussions and
presentations. Students are expected to prepare for class, attend regularly and
participate actively in class discussions. Tutorials would be encompassed in the
teaching hours.

1. Nature & Scope of Constitutional Law
(a) General definitions, contents and problems
(b) Coup d’état’s/revolutions and continuity or discontinuity of constitutions
(c) The relationship between municipal and international laws

2. The concept of Constitutionalism

3. The concept of Separation of Powers

4. The supremacy of the Constitution and the Courts Ouster clauses

5. The Concept of the Rule of Law

6. Human Rights
(a) General History and definitional issues
(b) The International Human Rights System
(c) Human Rights in Africa

7. The principles of Natural Justice.


Kumado, Kofi and Gyandoh S.O. Jr. Gyandoh & Griffiths, A Sourcebook Of
Constitutional Law 2nd edition Vol. 1&2. Accra: Black Mask Limted by (2nd edition)
Volumes 1&2

Wherare, Kenneth (1951). Modern Constitutions. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Opoku-Agyeman (2009). Constitutional Law and History of Ghana.

Atupare A. Peter. (2013) Constitutional Justice in Africa: An Examination of
Constitutional Positivism, Fundamental Law and Rights in Ghana and Nigeria.
Pretoria: LexisNexis


Reading Texts
1. Wheare, MODERN CONSTITUTIONS, pp.1-82.
2. Wade and Bradley, CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, (10th Ed.) Chs.1 & 2
3. Allen & Thompson, Cases and Materials on CONSTITUTIONAL AND
4. Gyandoh & Kumado (eds), Gyandoh & Griffith’s Sourcebook of the Constitutional
Law of Ghana, The Introduction to the 1st edition 2 G & G (2d) viii.
5. A.V. Dicey, Introduction to the Law of the Constitution, pp xxx-xxxvi; 1-35
6. Opoku-Agyeman (2009). Constitutional Law and History of Ghana. Chapter 1

1. Marbury v. Madison, 1 Cranch 137 (1803)
2. Tuffuor v. Attorney-General (1980) GLR 637 at 647 per Sowah JSC
3. Sallah v. Attorney-General, (1970) 2 G&G (2d) 1319
4. D v. National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, (1978) A.C. 171
per Lord Simon
5. In re an Amendment of the Constitution of Canada, (1982) 125 DLR (3d) 1
6. J.H. Mensah v. Attorney-General [1996-97] SCGLR 320
7. 31ST December Case – N.P.P. v. Attorney-General [1993-94] GLR 35


Reading Texts
1. Marbury v. Madison, 1 Cranch 137 (1803)
2. J.M. .Finnis, Revolutions and Continuity of Law, in A.W.B. Simpson (ed.) Oxford
Essays in Jurisprudence, Second Series
3. Palley, The Judicial Process: U.D.I. and the Southern Rhodesia Judiciary, (1967)
30 M.L.R.263
4. N.wabueze, Constitutionalism in the Emergent States, pp. 228-232
5. Kelsen, The General Theory of Law and state, passim.

6. Anne-Marie Ofori, Kelsen, The Grundnorm and the 1979 Constitution -A
Rejoinder, 16 UGLJ 160; see also Ahwoi, 15 U.G.L.J. 139
7. Eekelaar, Splitting the Grundnorm (1967) 30 M.L.R. 156
8. Kumado & Gyandoh (eds) Gyandoh & Griffith’s Sourcebook of the Constitutional
Law of Ghana, Vol. I (PARTS I & II) and Vol. II (PARTS I, II & III)
9. Date-Baah, Jurisprudence's Day in Court in Ghana, (1971) 20 I.C.L.Q. 315
10. Tsikata & Tsikata, Sallah A-G, Kelsen and Others in the Court of Appeal, (1970)
7 U.G.L.J.142
11. Ocran, Law in aid of development, pp. 158-182

1. Sallah v Attorney-General, 2 G & G 493
2. Ojo, The Search for Grundnorm in Nigeria -The. LAKANMI CASE, (1971) 20
I.C.L.Q. 117.
3. Madzimbamuto v. Lardner-Burke (1969) IAC 645, (1968) 3 W.L.R. 1229 (1968) 3
All ER 561 in R. v Ndhlovu 1968 (4) S.A. 515 AD.
4. Uganda v. Commissioner of Prisons, ex parte Matovu (1966) EA 514


Reading Texts
1. Wheare, Modern Constitutions, Ch. 9.
2. Nwabueze, Constitutionalism in the Emergent States, Ch. 1.
3. Carl Friedrich, Constitutional Government and Democracy, Ch. 1.
4. Horan, M.J., Contemporary Constitutionalism and legal relationships between
Individuals (1976) 25, J.C.L.Q. 848.
5. Kumado, Constitutionalism, Civil Liberties and Development: A Case Study of
Ghana since Independence.
6. Kumado, NR.C.D. 360 – An exercise in revolutionary Constitutionalism? (1975)
12 U.G.L.J. 124 .
7. Allen, Thompson & Walsh, Constitutional and Administrative Law p. 11-14.
8. The Public Order Act, 1994 (Act 491)
9. Kumado & Gyandoh (eds) Gyandoh & Griffith’s Sourcebook of the Constitutional
Law of Ghana,Vol. I (PARTS I & II) and Vol. II (PARTS I, II & III)
10. Opoku-Agyeman (2009). Constitutional Law and History of Ghana. Chapter 1

1. Shalabi v. Attorney-General [1972] 1 G.L.R. 259 ESP. 264-266.
2. Gbedemah v. Awoonor-Williams (1969) 2 G&G 442 at 444.
3. Ex parte Barnnerman (1967) 2 G & G 293
4. The Two Salifa Cases [1968] 2 G & G 374 AND 378
5. Re Akoto (1961) 2 G & G 160-187
6. State v. G.O.C. The Ghana Army, Ex parte Braimah [1967] G.L.R. 192.
7. Marbury v. Madison (1803) 1 Cranch 137.
8. Ware v. Ofori-Attah & Ors. (1959) 2 G & G 132.
9. New Patriotic Party v. Inspector General of Police [1993-94] 2 G.L.R. 459.
10. Fattal v. Minister of Interior [1981] G.L.R. 104. Sc.


Reading Texts
1. Geoffrey Marshall, Constitutional Theory (1971), Chap.5
2. C.K. Allen, Law and Orders, Chap. 1
3. A.N.E. Amissah, The Contribution of the courts to Government (1981) Chs. 1,2
and 8
4. C.J. Friedrich, Constitutional Government and Democracy (1949) Chap. 5
5. Wade & Bradley, Constitutional and Administrative Law Ch. 4
6. The Constitution, 1992.
7. Kumado & Gyandoh (eds)) Gyandoh & Griffith’s: Sourcebook of the
Constitutional Law of Ghana, Vol. I (PARTS I & II) and Vol. II (PARTS I, II &
8. Gunther, Constitutional Law (12th edn.), pp.311-393
9. Opoku-Agyeman (2009). Constitutional Law and History of Ghana. Chapter 6

1. Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer 343 U.S. 579 (1952)
2. Nixon v. Sirica: Nixon v. United States (1974) 418 US 683;41 L.Ed. 2d 1039
3. Ex parte Bannerman (1967) 2 G & G 293
4. Re Akoto 2 G & G (2d) pp 509-598
5. Awoonor-Williams v. Gbedemah (1969) 2 G & G (2d) 1184
6. Tuffour v. A-G [1980] GLR 637, esp. pp. 643-651
7. [31st December Case] – NPP v. The Attorney-General [1993-1994] GLR 35
8. Asare v Attorney-General [2003]

Other Materials

Proposals of the Constitutional Commission, 1968 – paras 305-328

Proposals of the Constitutional Commission, 1978 – paras 42-47
Report of the Committee of Experts (Constitution), July 1991. Pa


Reading Texts
1. Wheare, Modern Constitutions, chapt. IV
2. Nwabueze, Constitutionalism in the Emergent States, Chapts. 1&2.
3. 1992 Constitution of Ghana, Article 1.
4. Kumado & Gyandoh (eds) Gyandoh & Griffith’s Sourcebook of the Constitutional
Law of Ghana, Vol. I (PARTS I & II) and Vol. II (PARTS I, II & III)
5. Opoku-Agyeman (2009). Constitutional Law and History of Ghana. Chapter 4

1. Bribery Commissioner v. Ranasinghe (1965) AC 172.
2. Harris v. Minister of Interior (1952) 2 S.A. 428

3. Madzimbamuto v. Lardner-Burke (1969) 1 A.C. 645 (1968) 3 W.L.R. 1229 (1968)
3 All ER 561.
4. Lee and Anor v. Bude & Torrington Junction Railway Co. (1871) L.R. 6 C.P. 576.
5. Edinburgh & Dalkeith Railway v. Wauchope 8 ER 279.
6. Vauxhall Estates v. Liverpool Corporation (1932) 1 K.B. 733
7. Blackburn v. A-G (1071) 1 W.L.R. 1037.
8. Re Akoto (1961) 2 G & G 160-187.
9. Shalabi v. A-G. (1972) 1 G.L.R. 259 at 267-268
10. A-G v. Faroe Atlantic Co. Ltd. [2005-2006] SCGLR 271


Reading Texts

1. Allott, African Conception of the Rule of Law, in Hallowell (ed), Development;

for what? (Duke University Press, 1964) pp. 75-102.
2. Wade & Bradley, Constitutional and Administrative Law, 1985, ch.6.
3. Raz, The Rule of Law and its virtue, (1977) 93 L.Q.R, 195.
4. Dicey, Introduction to the study of the Law of the Constitution introduction by
E.C.S. Wade pp. (xvii-xcv).
5. Jennings, The Law and the Constitution, pp. 41-61.
6. Opoku-Agyeman (2009). Constitutional Law and History of Ghana. Chapter 5
7. Kumado & Gyandoh (eds) Gyandoh & Griffith’s Sourcebook of the Constitutional
Law of Ghana,Vol. I (PARTS I & II) and Vol. II (PARTS I, II & III)

1. Captan v. A-G, 2 G. & G. 462
2. Associated Provincial Picture Houses Ltd. v. Wednesbury Corp, [1948] 1KB223 at
229 per Lord Greene MR.; [1947] 2 ALL ER. 680 at 682-683.
3. Laker Airways Ltd. v. Dept of Trade [1977] 2 All E.R. 182.
4. Secretary of State for Education & Science v. Tameside Metropolitan Borough
Council, [1977] AC 1014; [1976] 3 ALL E.R 665 ( Tameside Case)
5. Ridge v. Baldwin, [1964] A.C. 40.
6. Council of Civil Service Unions v. Minister for the Civil Service [1984] 3 WLR
1174; 1193-129 per Lord Diplock.
7. In Re M [1993] 3 WLR 433, Lord Templeman.
8. Ransford France v Electoral Commission


Reading Texts
1. McWhinney, E. Judicial Review, (4th ed. University of Toronto Press
2. McWhinney, E. Supreme Courts and Judicial Law-Making: Constitutional
Tribunals and Constitutional Review (1986, Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff)
3. Rostow, E., The democratic character of Judicial Review, from E. Rostow, The
Sovereign Prerogative (Yale University Press, 1962) p.147-161.

4. Cappelletti and Adams, Judicial Review of legislation: European antecedents and
adaptations, 79 Harv. Law Review 1200 (1966) esp. at II – Judicial Review in
European today, pp.1213-1224.
5. Dorothy Pickless, The government and politics of France, vol. 1 pp.15-17.
6. Rupp. Judicial Review in the Federal Republic of Germany (1960) 9 American
Journal of Comparative Law 29.
7. Opoku-Agyeman (2009). Constitutional Law and History of Ghana. Chapter 8
8. Kumado & Gyandoh (eds) Gyandoh & Griffith’s Sourcebook of the Constitutional
Law of Ghana, Vol. I (PARTS I & II) and Vol. II (PARTS I, II & III)

1. Marbury v. Madison 1 Cranch 137, 2 L. Ed 60 (1803)
2. Edinburgh and Dalkeitch Railway v. Wauchope (1842) 8 E.R. 270
3. Mortensen v. Peters (1906) 88 Justiciary Cases 93.
4. MacCormick v. Lord Advocate, (1953) S.C. 396.
5. Blackburn v. Attorney-General, (1971) 2 All E.R. 1380


Reading Text
1. African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights, 1981.
2. Moskowitz, International concern with Human Rights, Leiden 1976.
3. Kotey, The African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights (1983-86) 16 U.G.L.J.
4. Dankwa et al., The International Law on Human Rights in Africa for regional and
International Instruments.
5. Keith, K.J. (Ed) Essays on Human Rights Ch.9 (pp.132-145).
6. Vallat (ed.) Introduction to the Study of Human Rights, ch.7 (pp:83-98).
7. Philip Alston, A Third Generation of Solidarity Rights; Progressive Development
or Obfuscation of International Human Rights Law Netherlands International Law
Review (NI.LR) Vol. xxix (1982/83) p.307


Reading Text
1. Jackson, Natural justice
2. Daniels, When a judge is not a judge: pass trends (1970) 2 RGL 192
3. Mullan, Fairness. The new natural justice, 25, University of Toronto Law Journal
4. De Smith, Judicial Review of Administrative Action 3rd ed. 1974
5. Alexis, Reasonableness in the establishment of Bias, 1979 Public law, 143

6. Kumado & Gyandoh (eds) Gyandoh & Griffith’s Sourcebook of the Constitutional
Law of Ghana, Vol. I (PARTS I & II) and Vol. II (PARTS I, II & III)

A. Nemo judexbin causa sua.
1. Dimes v. Grand Junction (1852) 3 HLC 759
2. Ex parte Kirkstall Valley Campaign Ltd. (1966)
3. R.V Gough (1993) AC 64b
4. Budu v. Caesar (1961) G.L.R 176
5. Quist v. Kwantreng 2G. & G. 190
6. Kwame v. Quaynor 2G & G 134; (1959) G.L.R 269
7. In Re Amponsah & Annor 2G & g 144
8. Asare & Diaba v. Republic, 2G & G 144
9. Republic v. Constitutional Committee Chairman, Ex parte Bairmah 11 2G & G 368
10. A-G v. Sallah 2G & G 487
11. Akuffo-Addo v. Quarshie- Idun 2G & G 368
12. Adzanku v. Galenku (1974) 1 G.L.R 198

B. Audi Alteram Partem

1. Bagg's Case, (1615) 77 E.R 1271
2. R. v. Chancellor, University of Cambridge( 1723) 93 ER 698
3. Cooper v. Wandsworth Board of Works, (1863) 14 C.B. (NS) 180
4. Ridge v. Baidwin, (1963)2 WLR 935
5. Spackman v. Plumstead District Board Works, (1885) ION 299
6. Lawlor v. Union of Post Office Workers, (1963) 2 WLR 935
7. R.V. Board of Visitors of Hull Prison, ex parts St. Germain (No. 2)(1979) 1 WLR
8. Ex parte Cottrell and Rothon, (1980) 1 WLR 1580
9. Ex parte Anderson (1991)3 WLR 42
10. L.C.B v. Arlidge(1915) A.C.120
11. Durayappah v. Fernando [1967]1 A.C 337
12. Pearlberg v. Varty(1972) 1 WLR 534 at 547(Lord Pearson)
13. Glynn v. Keele University (1971) 1 WLR 487
14. R.V. Aston University Senate, ex parte Roffey, (1969)2 WLR 1418
15. Ex Parte Blochover, London Times, 6 October 1970
16. Ex parte Bannerman 2G. & G 293
17. Inkumsah v. Jiagge 2G & G 313
18. Aidoo v. Commissioner of Police 2G & G 258, 261
19. Ex parte Hedo (1971)2 G.L.R 459
20. Agyemang v. Republic (No. 2) (1974)2 G.L.R 398
21. Ex parte Blewe (1973)2 G.L.R 283
22. Darkwa v. The Republic (1981) G.L.R.D 17 CA
23. Republic v. Ghana Railway Corporation: Ex parte Appiah (1981) G.L.R.D 68
24. R v. Chieftancy Committee: Ex parte Oppong Kwame (1971)1 GLR 321
25. Rep. v. Frimpong II: Ex parte Ababio (1973) - 1 GLR 208
26. Rep. v. High Ct Denu, Ex parte Agbesi Awusu II (No. 1) (2003-2004) SCGLR
27. REP v HIGH COURT DENU, Ex parte Agbesi Awusu II (No.2) [2003-2004]
SGLR 907

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