Eating the right food is definitely the key to a vibrant health and prevents diseases.
In a world where vaccinations, antibiotics, chemo therapy and harsh treatments for
illness are used, it is vital to know that healthy food can prevent and even reverse
This essay will state the facts of healthy foods and use the history of natural
medicine accordingly. There is proof that organic life prevails and other modern
treatments have negative effects.
We begin with the healthy eating facts. An article in the Journal of Advanced
Pharmaceutical technology & Research tells us about the Dietary-induced cancer
prevention. In this expanded research it is proven that the dietary supplement plays
a vital role in the prevention of breast cancer. These supplements are the source of
important physiological and functional components. They stipulate facts about the
omega fatty acids, vitamin E, vitamin A, anti-oxidants and the retinoids that can
reverse keratinization (Consumers, 2007) with premalignant changes (Ghosh, 2012:
8-10, 71-79)
Another research was done by Mr. Martin Reilly. As a science teacher in Stamford
he became frustrated with his wife and her dementia. He received help from Mr.
Fielding who is a researcher and specialist in neuro chemistry and brain function.
With one key ingredient named coconut oil, many people had changes from memory
loss to memory improvement. He also wrote a book called Memory Repair Protocol
with a 21day diet plan and a 60day money back guarantee to prove his research.
(Reilly, 2018)
On the next facts we can prove that the natural plant, herbs and seeds has always
been the main source for good health. Mr. Kent Hovind is a science teacher and did
research on the bible and their people. Prior the flood of Noah the people ate fruit,
herbs and the seeds of the plants and trees. Gen 1:29 describes the eating of seeds
and fruits. They found evidence of the Hunza people, a tribe of folks in the northern
Pakistan and these people never got cancer. These Hunza people eat apricot seeds
like we eat peanuts. The composition in these seeds includes cyanide and mixed
with benzaldehyde. They are both poison to the human body, but together they are
harmless. Together they become vitamin B17 and is backed on researcher E. Griffin
who wrote the book, World Without Cancer and the story of B17 (Hovind, 2005: 10-
12). I will say that this historical fact about good vitamin foods, is surely facts that
cannot be denied regarding the natural remedies found in healthy food.
The Hippocrates in 459 to 370 BC did work about three hundred medicinal plants
and classified them by physiological action (Petrovska, 2012: 1-5). Wormwood was
used against fever and garlic against intestine parasites. Opium was used for
narcotics, sea onions, celery, parsley and asparagus were used against diuretics.
Clearly everything goes back to the natural plant in the purest form.
The modern treatment against sicknesses is a bit harsh on the human body.
According to Dr. Frank Lipman, there is 18 of the biggest problems of the modern
medicine. In medical school the student gets a total of six to eight hours lectures of
nutrition. No one understands the use of supplements and optimizing health. Doctors
treat the disease and not the patient. They also treat the symptoms by suppressing it
and they do not treat the underlying imbalance. He also states that the
Pharmaceutical Industry use their enormous power to bribe Doctors to use their
drugs and the researchers to produce positive results. Eighty percent of all medical
treatments have not been tested as a rigorous study reviewed. Although the medical
establishment insist on testing prior to the use thereof. (Lipman, 2010)
The side effects on modern drugs simply outrun the benefit thereof. Antibiotics may
be able to kill the bad bacteria, but in addition the pharmaceutical keeps you in the
cycle of taking more pills after that. The antibiotics will also destroy the good bacteria
in your intestines and cause vomiting, diehrrea, rash and allergic reactions. In order
to cure the intestines, they sell more medicinal tablets called probiotics. A case study
by the Big Picture in England showed that the more we use antibiotics the more the
bacteria becomes resistant against them. Although antibiotics were great to cure
syphilis and gangrene, most people treated for TB on a six to twenty-four-month
course, but in 2012 almost 450,000 people developed multidrug-resistant TB, and
170,000 people died from it. Genetic mutation that helps a bacterium beat a drug. It
gets ‘selected’ and spreads throughout the bacterial, but the cells without the
mutation die off. Doctors are left with fewer treatment options and the patients take
longer to recover or are less likely to survive the sickness. (Picture, 2014: 3) Other
people get resistant by taking prescribed medicine for common cold and flu. This is
overuse of antibiotics that cause major resistance.
I conclude this essay with the following: Healthy food supplements are the source of
important physiological and functional components in the human body. Improving
memory or prevent cancer is a lot easier with healthy food than experiencing the
negative impact of harsh treatment. 370 BC is proof that people used the purest
forms of plants and seeds to cure the sick. It is then useful to say that the
pharmaceutical industry will never tell us about the proven apricot seeds, because
they will lose their power, money and their uninformed customers.
Consumers, D. M. D. f. H., 2007. The Free Dictionary By Farlex. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 5 MAY 2018].
Ghosh, A. K., 2012. Journal Of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research. Dietary-induced
cancer prevention: An expanding research arena of emerging diet related to healthcare system, I(8),
pp. 8-10, 71-79.
Petrovska, B. B., 2012. Historical review of medicinal plants’ usage. Pharmacognosy Review, 6(6): 1-
Picture Big 2014, England Wales, case study, viewed 9 May 2018. [online]