Q.1 Ans(b)
Hegemon means a supreme leader.
Q.2 Ans(a)
Schism means a split or division between strongly opposed sections or parties,
caused by differences in opinion or belief; division, rupture.
Q.3 Ans(c)
Overture means an introduction to something more substantial; preliminary,
prelude, introduction.
Q.4 Ans.(d)
Fleece: obtain a great deal of money from (someone), typically by overcharging or
swindling them.
Enrich: improve or enhance the quality or value of.
Q.5 Ans.(c)
Sibilate: utter with a hissing sound.
Exalt: to praise someone very highly.
Q.6 Ans.(b)
Denude: strip (something) of its covering, possessions, or assets.
Clothe: to provide or cover someone with things to wear.
Q.7 Ans(a)
Aerate means to expose to the action or effect of air or to cause air to circulate
Miasma means an unpleasant or unhealthy smell or vapour.
Effluvium means an unpleasant or harmful odour or discharge.
Q.8 Ans(d)
Q.9 Ans(b)
The alpha and the omega: the beginning and the end
Q.10 Ans(c)
Throw up the sponge: to give up a contest; to acknowledge defeat.
Q.11 Ans. 1
Penitence(n)- feeling of regret; repentance
Q.12 Ans. 3
Glorious (adj)- excellent, splendid
Q.13 Ans. 2
Implore (v)- to beg urgently, to plead
Q.14 Ans. 3
Prevent(v)- to stop, to avert
Q.15 Ans. 4
Revere(v) - to regard someone with devotion; to show respect