ARTS Grade 8 - Lesson 9

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School Grade Level 8

Teacher Learning Area ARTS

and Time Quarter SECOND

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of the salient features
Standards of the arts of East Asia by correlating the art elements and
processes among culturally diverse East Asian countries.

B. Performance The learner will create artworks showing the characteristic elements of
Standards the arts of East Asia

The learner will exhibit completed artworks for appreciation and

A. Learning 1. reflect on and derive the mood, idea or message from
Competencies/ selected artifacts and art objects; A8PL-IIh-1
Objectives Knowledge: Label each output in organizational structure.
( Write the LC Skills: Observe and Describe the art creation of each output.
Attitude: Work with classmates with enthusiasm and collaboration.
code for each) Values: Demonstrate conservancy, esteem, and synchronization.
2.CONTENT: Chinese, Japanese and Korean Arts
1. Attire, Fabrics and Tapestries
2. Crafts and Accessories and Body Ornamentation
3. Architectures
4. Sculptures
5. Everyday objects
A. References
Guide Pages
2.Learner’s Learners’ Module p.245-250
Material Pages
3.Textbook pages
Material from (LR)
B. Other Learning 1. Artworks, Bond Paper, Crayons, Colored Pens, Pencil
4. PROCEDURES (May vary. It depends upon the teacher. This is a flexible part. Put time allotment in each step)
Preparations Teacher’s Activity Student’s
Motivation/ Preliminaries The learners
Introductory - Short Prayer will participate
Activity (5 mins.) - Greetings on the short
- Checking of Attendance( ask only who are prayer, in
absent in the class) attendance
checking, and
- Motivation will also gaze
Using the laptop and TV for instruction, the at the
teacher will present finished artwork for the presentation
learners to work on later. shown

Activity (15 mins.) The teacher will ask the learners to prepare The learners
their materials for the coffee landscape will prepare for
painting and think about a design for their the activity and
coffee landscape painting individually. also will have
an viewpoint
The teacher will also assist the learners how for the design
to arrange sequentially. they will have
on their coffee
Analysis (10 The teacher will set rules when working for the The learners’
mins.) activity. will follow direct
1. The work area should be clean before and rules.
after using.
2. Respect other people and their property
(e.g., no hitting, no stealing).
3. Be responsible for your own learning.
4. Do the task on time.
5. Do not disturb people who are working.

Abstraction (20 Tips for nice painting: A learner will

mins.) actively share
The rule of Thirds. to the class
their answers
Only paint in good light. to the guide
Fast in the beginning, slow in the end. given.

Always paint your sky last.

The learners’
will listen to
Application (5 The teacher will ask the learners and pick a 1. The learners’
mins.) representative randomly after the activity: will answer the
1. What influenced your work? questions on
2. Say something about your art? notebooks.

The students
will contribute
their brief
ensions and/or

ASSESSMENT CATEG Excel Goo Fair Poor The learners

ORY lent d will answer a
Followin Student Stude Studen The 10 item quiz.
g the nt t student
directio follow followe did not
Directio ns ed d some follow
ns correctl most of the instruct
y. of the directio ions.
directi ns.
Creativit Student Stude Studen Studen
y and output nt t t output
is very output output is dull
Workma creativ is is fair with
nship e and good and lots of
tidy. and has errors
tidy. few
Pattern Pattern Patter Pattern There
of n of of is no
Southe South Southe visible
ast east ast pattern
Asian Asian Asian of
culture cultur culture Southe
is well- e is is ast
defined visible somew Asian
and but hat culture.
used not visible
from clearly but not
beginni define continu
ng to d. ous.

Assessment Possible
Method Activities
a) Observation
(formal and informal
observations of learners’
performance or behaviors
are recorded, based on
assessment criteria)
b) Talking to Sharing The teacher will let the The learners
Learners/Conferen learners have sharing on what will have
cing they have perceived relating sharing of
(Teachers talk to and on the discussion of the ideas and have
question learners about teacher and answer the the process of
their learning to gain question, “Does art imitate decision-
insights on their
understanding and to
life?” making.
progress and clarify their
c) Analysis of
Learners’ Products
(Teachers judge the
quality of products
produced by
learners according
to agreed criteria)
d) Tests
ASSIGNMENT Reinforcing the
day’s lesson

Enriching the day’s

Enhancing the
day’s lesson
Preparing for the The teacher will let the The learners
new lesson
learners bring art materials for will prepare of
another activity next meeting. the next
Concluding The teacher will let the The learners’
Activity: (2 mins.) learners post their output on will post their
the wall of the classroom. output on the
wall of the

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the

B. No. of learners who

require additional activities
for remediation.

C. Did the remedial lessons

work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my learning
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?

G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

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