Kaviya Adult F 15
" The seat(s) booked under this ticket is/are not transferable
*dMle Tinket Pasenaersmst carry aprinted/Soft cooy of the ticket at the time of journey It is
pasengers responsibility to keep the Printout/Softcopy of the ticket tl end of the journey.
" if the passenger is traveling with'e-Ticket / Mobile Ticket, he will have to produce the Otiginal ldentity Card
.Departure time, Runing time and Artval time metoned nthe webste is subject to standard operatingcondion.
These timings may get varied due to Road block, Traffic condition Natural calamity and unavoidable circumstances
" The Bus/Seat No. May be subject to change due to curtailimen/clubbing of other services and unavoidable
Please keen the ticket safeiy till the end of the journey
" Please show the ticket at the time of checking
Corporationreserves the nghts to charnge cancel the class of service
" Haif ticketeligibie for children between 5to 12 years Childen above 130cms height wil be charged ful fare unless
original age pYoof certificate is produced at time of journey
FUre, e t in alewed nriy up to One (1) bour before the scheduled departure of the bus
service from the Origin Point. After that cancellation wllnot be allowed. Further, cancellation can be done only
before 9 PM for the curent date journey after 10 PM and next day journey before 7 AM.
Eor Pefund Statusplease contact to TNSTdc Tol Free Number 9513948001 or can contact for Bank Queries-Blldesk
/Helpdesk: 044-49076316 /49076326
The seat(s) booked under this ticket is/are not transferable.
This e-ticket is valid only for the seat number and bus service specified herein.
eTicket and Mobile Ticket Passengers must carry a printed/Soft copy of the ticket at the time of journey. It is
passengers responsibility to keep the Printou/Softcopy of the ticket tillend of the journey.
If the passenger is traveling with'eTicket / Mobile Ticket, he will have to produce the Original ldentity Card
mentioned in the e-Ticket / Mobile TicKeT ar e me v shbcite is
subiect to standard operating condition.
These timings may get varied due to Road block, Traffic condition, Natural calamity and unavoidable circumstances.
The Bus/Seat No. May be subject to change due to curtailment/clubbing of other services and unavoidable
"Please keep the ticket safely till the end of the journey.
" Please show the ticket at the time of checkingncel the class of service.
" Time is in 24 hour Railways time format(24HH MM).
Half ticket eligible for children between 5 to 12 years. Children above 130cms height will be charged full fare unless
original age proof certificate is produced at time of journey
Further, Full ticket fare will be charged for Sleeper Births for children
. Cancellation of e-ticket / Mobile tickets is allowed only up to One (1) hour before the scheduled departure of the bus
lation c done only
before 9 PM for the current date journeyafter10PM and next day journey before 7 AM.
For more detail please see the rules &Regulations in www.tnstcin website.
For Refund Status please contact to TNSTC Toll Free Number 9513948001 or can contact for Bank Querles-Bilidesk
/Helpdesk: 044-49076316 / 49076326.
Booked By: 0 Printed On :18/12/2024 At :21:35:26
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