Assignment Letter (S Tugas)

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(Company Letterhead)


Letter Number : [Assignment Letter Number]

The undersigned:
Name :
Position :
Passport Number :
Phone Number :

Hereby assigns:

Name :
Position :
Passport Number :
Phone Number :

To perform the following tasks:

1. To meet with the authorized representatives at [Bank Name and Branch]
for the purpose of fund withdrawal;
2. To withdraw funds in the amount of Rp [amount] from the company
account numbered [company account number] under the name PT
[Company Name];
3. To sign the necessary documents and take all actions required to
complete the fund withdrawal process.

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This assignment letter is granted to enable the execution of the
withdrawal in accordance with company policies and interests.

This letter is issued and provided to the concerned individual to be

carried out with full responsibility.

[Place, Date]

PT [Company Name]

[Signature of Assignor]
(Name and Position of Assignor)

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