Christian Lifestyle and Appearance
Christian Lifestyle and Appearance
Christian Lifestyle and Appearance
In the story "The Emperor's New Clothes," the emperor's extravagant lifestyle is compared to
vanity. In Ecclesiastes, Solomon concludes that all of luxury is vanity. Peter approves of
inward adornment, rejecting outward adornment. He believes in reverence, purity, gentleness,
submissiveness, and humility. Weaving decorative jewelry is associated with pride, but God's
judgment on the haughty daughters of Jerusalem brings about a reversal of circumstances.
Functional jewelry, worn by high priests and kings, was not forbidden. Christians pursuit
should strive for simplicity, modesty, and tastefulness, distinguishing between good and
worldly. Believers can turn to the Lord in prayer for wisdom and make decisions that honor
God and allow them to live happily.
B. Agreement
According to the article, they agreed that the inward adornment which means having a clean
soul, a clean conscience, and everything that is related in our spiritual aspects of life is more
important than outward adornment which means the physical attributes of oneself such as;
beauty, wearing extravagant clothes and jewelries together with wearing makeup is not that
important than the inward adornment.
C. Disagreement
The Disagreement in this article is other people value outward adornment the way they value
their inward adornment, but other people contradicted it because they believe that wearing
extravagant or fancy clothes and anything related to beautifying oneself is not holy and it's
not that important in following God. Others said that it is nothing but pride.
No war has ever done this to us
By: Frank M. Hasel, PhD
A. summary
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented global chaos, forcing people into social
distancing and posing significant challenges. This has led to restrictions on personal freedom,
the right to free assembly, and worship, raising questions about the power of the state and
religious freedom. People are now grounded in their homes, unable to gather in groups for
prayer meetings or enjoy fellowship with believers. This has led to the worst social
experience since World War II. The virus, which did not exist a few months ago, has infected
large numbers of people worldwide with a lethal disease. It has also instilled fear and a
feeling of angst in many, making it difficult to know if one has caught the virus. The
pandemic has made us realize the fragility of the world and the importance of compassion
and love. In these times of global health crisis and pandemic, we are called to practice
prudent physical distancing to avoid the spread of the virus while finding new ways of
increased social care. We must show the world the best we have learned from Jesus, who
casts out fear and cannot separate us from the tender love of God.
As a critic, I agree that the concept of this world is fragile, after so many changes over time
that are beyond our human control and catastrophic. I am also amazed at how quickly we
have become accustomed to discussing social distancing. Recognizing various aspects of
vulnerability in the natural environment, human societies, and global systems entails
accepting the notion that the world is fragile. This perspective can be derived from a variety
of perspectives, including environmental, social, and Christian.
As a critic, I disagree with this article because the author points out that some of the
terminology is not very helpful. I also think that readers should be able to provide their
opinion or point of view on whether or not the article was helpful or meaningful. Because I
have doubts about the article's credibility, I disagree and say that the authors shouldn't do
Uniquely His
By: Angel Manuel Rodriguez
Human life is considered valuable and mysterious due to its unique origin, unique
type of life, and purpose. Scientists continue to search for the origin of life,
suggesting it is part of a cosmic narrative. The biblical narrative of Creation explains
that God created humans differently from other life forms, forming them in His image
and likeness and breathing life into them. The human mind, a self-conscious life,
searches for ultimate meaning and explores the natural world, revealing God's
wisdom and power. Human life was created in the image of God, revealing His
character and promoting creativity and productivity. During Creation week, God
modeled human life as living creatures, being productive during six days and resting
on the seventh day to commune with the divine Mind. Human life is actualized
through creativity and productivity intended to benefit others and glorify God.
Christ's sacrifice on the cross makes our lives infinitely valuable, as He took our
unproductive lives upon Himself, making our lives infinitely valuable.
As a critic, I agree that our understanding of the world is flimsy and that it has
changed beyond human control over time. However, I'm also astounded by how
quickly we've grown accustomed to talking about social distancing. Recognizing
different facets of vulnerability in the natural environment, human societies, and
global systems is part of accepting that the world is fragile. This perspective can
originate from a variety of perspectives, such as the social, environmental, and
Christian perspectives.
As a critic, one could disagree with Angel Manuel Rodriguez's "Uniquely His" due to
divergent doctrinal interpretations, pragmatic lifestyle decisions, and philosophical
viewpoints on Christian identity and freedom. Theological Explanation: different
interpretations of the ideas and texts found in the Bible. disagreement regarding the
essentiality of particular Adventist doctrines. A Realistic Way of Living: Feeling that
food and attire regulations are excessively restrictive. Preference for expressing
Christian faith with greater cultural adaptability. Philosophical and Moral
Perspectives: emphasis on personal interpretation and individual liberty. support for a
broader definition of Christian identity. These differences serve as a reminder of the
diversity found within Christianity and the range of perspectives and practices among
What Christians should do before and after casting their ballot
– Biblical Perspective
By: Chad Stuart
A. Summary
The recent election has caused anxiety among many people, but biblical principles
can help alleviate this anxiety. First, remember 1 Chronicles 29:10-12, which states
that all that is in the heavens and earth belongs to God. This truth is important to hold
in our hearts before casting our votes and find comfort afterwards. No vote is truly
righteous, and none of the candidates are righteous per se. Sin is sin to God, and we
should not consider our votes or candidates to be spiritually right or wrong. Scripture
instructs us on our moral responsibility toward political leaders after they have been
appointed: no matter who wins, we are to pray for their success and well-being. We
must remember that our moral commitment to Christ is higher than our allegiance to
any human being, and we are to follow God's counsel to pray for all men and for all
leaders. God wants us to pray for our leaders so that we may have peace and because
He desires the salvation of all. Jesus loves Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Gary
Johnson, and Jill Stein every bit as much as He loves you. The sins of Donald Trump
and Hilary Clinton are no more responsible for hanging Jesus on the cross than your
sin or mine. Lastly, remember that our vote should not compromise our positive
influence and mission as Christians. Our mission as Christians does not change or
should change because of elections
B. Agreement
According to the article, Christians should pray for their leaders, specifically the
President. They should do it not because it's their duty as a Christian, but because
they love God and they should love other people as well. They agreed on it for they
know that the Politicians needs help in prayer and they do not know the future and
they should rule their Nations with the fear of God.
C. Disagreement
They have disagreement on the thought that it is not right to vote because it is not
righteous, but other people contradicted it because of their political views in life. Not
all Christians are political, but other people are political because they believe that it is
their duty and rights as a citizen in their respective Nation.
Where is God
By: Angel Manuel Rodriguez
B. Agreement
As a critic, accepting the viewpoint that regards God as all-pervasive, all-powerful,
and deeply engaged in the lives of believers entails agreeing with Angel Manuel
Rodríguez's article "Where Is God?" It comprises: Believing that God is always
present and ever-present in our lives; affirming God's omnipresence. Believing in
God's Sovereignty: Believing that God is ultimately in charge of everything and has a
purpose for everything. Building a Personal Relationship: Seeking God's presence
through routines like scripture reading and prayer. Believing that God provides
consolation and hope during difficult times is known as "finding God in suffering."
Living by Faith: Behaving in a way that acknowledges and expresses God's influence
and presence in one's life. By adhering to these guidelines, believers rely on God's
omnipresence to provide them with strength, consolation, and direction in their day-
to-day lives.
C. Disagreement
Even though the article claims that Satan is the source of evil, some people may find
this to be an inadequate or unduly simplistic explanation. Some who disagree with
this viewpoint contend that it underrepresents the complexity of illnesses and natural
disasters, which can happen even in the absence of moral evil. Dismissing secular
methods for containing the pandemic could be viewed as unfair. Regardless of one's
religious beliefs, many think that human ingenuity and scientific discoveries are
critical to solving the world's health issues. A more balanced perspective might be
presented by appreciating the contributions made by both secular and religious
sources. It might be controversial to assert that God has a direct impact on political
and scientific advancement.