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YÖKDİL Sağlık Deneme 2

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DENEME – 2 4.

---- popular belief, laboratory

experiments show that men have a
higher pain tolerance than women.
1. - 20. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan
yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi
A) Compared to
B) Contrary to
C) As regards
1. In England, the general public’s ---- of
D) Rather than
medical advice from the government
E) In case of
stems from the fact that, in the past,
such information has often proved
5. Cells convert energy from one form to
vastly inaccurate.
another and use that energy to ----
various activities, ranging from
A) approval
mechanical work to chemical synthesis.
B) inadequacy
C) mistrust
A) turn off
D) distraction
B) use up
E) preference
C) take in
D) carry out
2. Excluding minor skin cancers, breast
E) pick up
cancer is the single most common type
of cancer ---- women based ----
6. Many experts agree that preventing or
American Cancer Society data.
treating obesity in childhood will ---- the
rate of heart disease in adulthood.
A) in / from
B) with / for
A) explain
C) among / upon
B) accomplish
D) within / about
C) reduce
E) on / of
D) deliver
E) specify
3. The amount of alcoholic drinks a
person can consume safely is ----
7. Cancerous cells ---- dormant in a
individual, depending on genetics,
person’s lungs for decades, ---- to
health condition, sex, body
diversify and spread.
composition, age, and family history.
A) should lie / to wait
A) violently B) must lie / having waited
B) worthily C) can lie / waiting
C) offensively D) could lie / wait
D) highly E) may lie / to have waited
E) loudly

8. The ---- of wasting in people with AIDS 12. --- certain lifestyle changes can result in
is similar to that seen in people who die weight loss for some, many obese
from starvation. patients need more efficacious
interventions for weight reduction.
A) degree
B) solution A) Because
C) cure B) Although
D) reversal C) When
E) relief D) If
E) As long as
9. A brain abscess may be fatal ---- it is
treated with antibiotics. 13. Smoking ---- in almost all segments of
the American population, so that, in
A) but various polls, 60 to 65% of Americans --
B) whereas -- non-smokers today.
C) just as
D) unless A) declines / may have been
E) in case B) has declined / are
C) had declined / would be
10. If she ---- more pessimistic, most D) could have declined / will be
probably she ---- up, but instead, she E) declined / were
went on trying.
14. The bellies of countless African
A) were / had given children are swollen ---- severe
B) has been / has given malnutrition.
C) had been / may have given
D) is / will give A) contrary to
E) were / would have given B) besides
C) apart from
11. The part of an animal ---- gases are D) due to
exchanged with the environment is E) regardless of
called the respiratory surface.
15. Of the four cavities in the brain, two are
A) how found inside each hemisphere, ---- the
B) which third and fourth are found between
C) whatever them.
D) what
E) where A) even
B) since
C) if
D) so that
E) while

16. Certain drugs and some molecules 20. Cellulite forms where the body is least
found in dust are ---- small to be inclined to consume fat deposits, ----
antigenic, ---- they do stimulate immune reducing it takes persistent good
responses. dietary measures.

A) both / and A) whereas

B) rather / even B) as if
C) enough / thus C) so
D) neither / nor D) whether
E) too / yet E) even if

17. Some evidence suggests that weight

training can raise HDL if undertaken
regularly, but frequent and sustained
aerobic activity may be more ---- in
lowering LDL and raising HDL.

A) tentative
B) irrelevant
C) factual
D) effective
E) protective

18. The human genome project was

originally scheduled ---- 15 years, but
technological advances ---- in its early
completion in 2003.

A) to last / resulted
B) having lasted / had resulted
C) lasting / have resulted
D) to have lasted / will result
E) last / result

19. This patient is not as seriously ill as ----

I examined a little while ago.

A) whom
B) other
C) some other
D) one another
E) the one

21. - 25. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada 23.
numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük A) should have given
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. B) could have given
C) used to give
Most scholars agree that Attention-Deficit D) may give
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is over- E) ought to give
diagnosed today. To them, such over-
diagnosis leads to relying too heavily on pills
(21) ---- skills, such as teaching children better 24.
ways of coping with stress. The American A) In addition
Psychiatric Association’s diagnostic manual of B) Therefore
the past 20 years outlines three sets of (22) ---- C) Nonetheless
for ADHD: inattention, hyperactivity and D) Otherwise
impulsivity – the child (23) ---- answers too E) Still
quickly. For accurate diagnosis, a child must
display at least six of the nine listed symptoms
for at least half a year across these categories. 25.
(24) ----, at least some problems must be A) on
present before the age of seven and produce B) in
impairment (25) ---- at least two different C) at
settings such as school or home. D) to
E) from
A) by means of
B) owing to
C) rather than
D) with regard to
E) in terms of

A) assessments
B) prescriptions
C) adoptions
D) treatments
E) indicators

26. - 30. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada 28.
numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük A) according to
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. B) ahead of
C) with a view to
All hay fever sufferers will be aware of the D) on behalf of
pollen-rain that (26) ---- them in the spring and E) in place of
summer. Pollen grains the tiny male
reproductive bodies of flowering plants have an
almost (27) ---- outer shell exine that can 29.
survive in certain sediments for tens of A) Before
thousands of years. In pollen analysis, the B) Whenever
exines are extracted from the soil, studied C) While
under a microscope, and identified (28) ---- the D) Until
distinctive exine shape and surface E) Once
ornamentation of different families and genera
of plants. (29) ---- quantified, these 30.
identifications are then plotted as curves on a A) across
pollen diagram. Fluctuations in the curve (30) - B) on
--- each plant category may then be studied for C) for
signs of climatic fluctuation, or forest clearance D) about
and crop planting by humans. E) at

A) should afflict
B) can afflict
C) had afflicted
D) would afflict
E) afflicted

A) intense
B) approachable
C) indestructible
D) abundant
E) unsteady

31. - 41. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun 33. Although stem cells are found in many
şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. tissues, ----.

31. Ever since psychologists started A) they have great potential to treat
studying intelligence, ----. diseases
B) the most promising ones seem to be
A) common measuring factors of those in bone marrow
intelligence include memory, attention C) specialists have been very
and concentration enthusiastic
B) it is meant to represent how generally D) special staining techniques revealed
intelligent you are based on your that the cells were indeed dividing
performance E) the results of that study have yet to be
C) some psychologists come up with a announced
test of mental abilities
D) they have relied heavily on 34. Whenever doctors consider prescribing
psychological tests for their concepts a drug, ----.
E) the first and most popular form of
intelligence is called the two-factor A) infrequent headaches or muscle
theory strains can be relieved with over-the-
counter drugs
32. ---- provided that they have a European B) they must weigh the possible risks
Health Insurance Card. against the expected benefits
C) infants and very young children are at
A) People who would like to try high risk special risk of adverse drug reactions
activities in Europe may need an D) it’s necessary to accept a higher risk
insurance card of a severe drug reaction to treat a
B) The United States and the European life-threatening disease
Union have mutual health E) potential benefits and risks were
arrangements with each other seldom able to be determined with
C) Full travel insurance policy is essential mathematical precision
for everybody while travelling across
Europe 35. Because adults dislike hearing babies
D) Some European countries may need cry, ----.
extra cover for medical treatments
E) British and Irish citizens are entitled to A) infants sometimes stop crying if they
medical treatments in all European have interesting things to watch
Union countries B) the infant uses basic techniques for
getting the caregiver to come closer
C) babies learn very early to control their
social environment
D) they try various techniques for
soothing them
E) the crying of healthy newborn infants
is fairly characteristic in both pitch and

36. Even if tumours grow in and disrupt the 39. Anaemia means a deficiency of red
brain, ----. blood cells, ----.

A) cancers are named according to the A) whereas the body replaces the
organ or tissue in which they originate plasma within 1 to 3 days after rapid
B) cancer cells may continue to grow haemorrhage
until they kill the organism B) but red blood cells are delivered from
C) they can often be removed completely the bone marrow into the circulatory
by surgery system
D) certain brain diseases change the C) so in sickle cell anaemia, the cells
pattern of brain waves contain an abnormal type of
E) symptoms result when brain tissue is haemoglobin called haemoglobin S
destroyed or pressure builds on the D) which can be caused by either too
brain rapid a loss or too slow a production
of red blood cells
37. Oxygen, sugars and amino acids are E) yet a person cannot absorb enough
allowed into the brain ----. iron from the intestines in chronic
blood loss
A) as toxins could severely impair the
brain‘s functioning 40. Some types of breast cancer grow very
B) which provided early evidence of the slowly and spread to other parts of the
blood-brain barrier body ----.
C) but most other substances are kept
out A) as an infected breast usually appears
D) that controls which molecules in the red and swollen
bloodstream can enter the brain B) so long as they can be detected
E) just as no other organ is equally C) only after they become very large
efficient D) so that the diseased breast may be
38. A colour-blind person cannot see any E) because recently two separate genes
difference between two colours ----. for breast cancer have been identified

A) while to people with normal sight they 41. The prevalence of schizophrenia
are clearly different worldwide appears to be slightly less
B) as if red and green were completely than 1 per cent ----.
C) if this were the case with traffic-lights A) if schizophrenia is a relatively serious
D) since this is a potentially dangerous mental disorder
situation B) since it is regarded as a major public
E) whether the top light or the bottom health problem throughout the world
light signals ―stop C) because schizophrenia and other
delusional disorders share certain
D) although areas of higher or lower
prevalence have been identified
E) unless people with schizophrenia
occupy one fourth of all hospital beds

42. - 53. sorularda, verilen İngilizce 43. Undernutrition, a deficiency of essential
cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi, nutrients, can result from inadequate
Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce intake because of poor diet or poor
cümleyi bulunuz. absorption from the intestine.

42. The lungs are particularly prone to A) Temel besin eksikliği olan yetersiz
allergic reactions because they are beslenme, az beslenmeden veya
exposed to large quantities of airborne bağırsaktaki az emilimden dolayı
antigens, including dusts, pollens, and yeterli gıda alınmamasından
chemicals. kaynaklanabilir.
B) Az beslenme veya bağırsaktaki az
A) Akciğerler, toz, polen ve kimyasallar emilim sonucu temel besinlerin yeterli
dahil havadan gelen çeşitli antijenlere alınamaması nedeniyle, beslenme
fazlasıyla açık oldukları için alerjik yetersizliği oluşur.
reaksiyonlardan çok etkilenirler. C) Temel besin eksikliği olarak anlaşılan
B) Toz, polen ve kimyasallar gibi hava ile beslenme yetersizliği, az beslenme
gelen pek çok antijene açık olan veya bağırsakta az emilim sonucu
akciğerler, alerjik reaksiyonlara ortaya çıkmaktadır.
oldukça yatkındırlar. D) Az beslenme veya bağırsaktaki az
C) Alerjik reaksiyonlara fazlasıyla yatkın emilim nedeniyle yeterli gıda
olan akciğerler, hava ile taşınan toz, alınamaması, temel besinlerin
polen ve kimyasalların da arasında eksikliğine ve yetersiz beslenmeye yol
bulunduğu çok sayıda antijene açmaktadır.
açıktırlar. E) Temel besinlerin eksikliğine bağlı
D) Akciğerler alerjik reaksiyonlara olarak oluşan beslenme yetersizliğinin
özellikle yatkındır, çünkü toz, polen ve kaynağı, az beslenme veya
kimyasallar dahil hava ile taşınan bağırsaktan az emilim olmasıdır.
büyük miktardaki antijenlere açıktırlar.
E) Toz, polen ve kimyasallar gibi hava ile
taşınan pek çok antijen, daima
bunlara açık olan akciğerlerde alerjik
reaksiyonlara yol açar.

44. A striking feature of pregnancy is that 46. Many social psychologists have turned
blood pressure and peripheral vascular their attention to promoting health
resistance fall soon after conception. practices such as avoiding the abuse of
alcohol, tobacco and other substances.
A) Döllenme sonrası kan basıncının ve
periferal vasküler direncin düşmesi, A) Günümüz sosyal psikologları aşırı
gebeliğin diğer bir çarpıcı özelliğidir. alkol, tütün ve diğer maddelerden
B) Döllenmeyi takiben, kan basıncı ve kaçınma gibi sağlık uygulamalarını
periferal vasküler direncin düşmesi, ilerletmeye çabalıyor.
gebelikle ilgili önemli bir özelliktir. B) Birçok sosyal psikolog ilgisini aşırı
C) Gebeliğin bir diğer önemli özelliği, alkol, tütün ve diğer maddelerden
döllenme sonucunda, kan basıncının kaçınma gibi sağlık uygulamalarını
ve periferal vasküler direncin ilerletmeye yöneltti.
düşmesidir. C) Günümüzde, sosyal psikologların
D) Gebeliğin çarpıcı bir özelliği, kan çoğu alkol, tütün ve diğer
basıncı ve periferal vasküler direncin, maddelerden kaçınma gibi sağlık
döllenmeden hemen sonra uygulamalarını ilerletmeyle
düşmesidir. ilgilenmeye başladılar.
E) Gebeliğin bir başka çarpıcı belirtisi, D) Aşırı alkol, tütün ve diğer
döllenme olur olmaz, kan basıncının maddelerden kaçınma gibi sağlık
ve periferal vasküler direncin uygulamalarını ilerletmeyle ilgilenen
düşmeye başlamasıdır. birçok sosyal psikolog var.
E) Aşırı alkol, tütün ve diğer
maddelerden kaçınma gibi sağlık
45. Recent studies found no link between uygulamalarını ilerletmekle ilgilenen
the risk of developing brain tumour and sosyal psikolog sayısı artıyor.
the amount of time one has spent using
a mobile phone.
47. Owing to infertility treatments, the
A) Son çalışmalarda bir kişide beyin percentage of twin births in the US has
tümörü gelişmesi riskiyle, cep telefonu nearly doubled in the past 20 years.
kullanma süresi arasındaki ilişki
kanıtlanamadı. A) Son 20 yılda sayısı ikiye katlanan
B) Beyin tümörü gelişmesiyle ilgili son kısırlık tedavileri nedeniyle, ABD’de
çalışmalarda kişilerin cep telefonu ikiz doğum oranı çok arttı.
kullanması riskli bulunmadı. B) ABD’de kısırlık tedavisinde son 20
C) Son çalışmalar beyin tümörü yılda görülen artış, ikiz doğum oranını
gelişmesi riskiyle, kişinin cep telefonu iki kattan fazla yükseltti.
kullanarak geçirdiği zaman arasında C) Kısırlık tedavilerindeki hemen hemen
bir ilişki bulmadı. 20 yıl süren artış, ABD’de ikiz doğum
D) Son araştırmalar cep telefonu oranının ikiye katlanmasına neden
kullanılarak geçirilen zamanın beyin oldu.
tümörü gelişimine katkısı olmadığı D) Kısırlık tedavilerinden dolayı, ABD’de
sonucunu buldu. ikiz doğum oranı son 20 yılda hemen
E) Kişinin beyin tümörü geliştirme riskiyle hemen ikiye katlandı.
cep telefonu kullanarak geçirdiği E) ABD’de giderek yaygınlaşan kısırlık
zaman arasındaki ilişki, son araştırma tedavileri, son 20 yılda ikiz doğum
sonuçlarına göre oldukça zayıftır. oranının ikiye katlanmasına neden

48. Çevredeki değişikliklerin,beyinlerimizde 50. Enzim bozukluklarını içeren yüzlerce
zamanın öznel biçimde algılanmasına insan hastalığına gen değişimlerinin
nasıl yol açtığı sorusu, ruhbilimcileri ve neden olduğu anlaşılmıştır.
beyin araştırmacılarını düşündürmeye
devam etmektedir A) Hundreds of human diseases
involving enzyme defects have been
A) Psychologists and brain researchers found to be caused by genetic
have recently started to wonder how mutations.
changes in the environment cause the B) It has been established that genetic
brain to experience time subjectively. mutations have caused hundreds of
B) The question of how changes in the human diseases including enzyme
environment give rise to the defects.
subjective experience of time in our C) Genetic mutations have been found to
brains continues to preoccupy be the cause of hundreds of human
psychologists and brain researchers diseases as well as enzyme defects.
C) How changes in the environment can D) Hundred of human diseases have
lead to the subjective experience of been found to result from genetic
time in our brains is a matter of mutations and enzyme defects.
discussion among psychologists and E) As it is known, hundreds of human
brain researchers. diseases have been caused by
D) The subjective time experience of our genetic mutations involving enzyme
brains resulting from environmental defects.
changes has long been a
controversial issue among 51. Kan basıncı ölçümleri gebelik boyunca
psychologists and brain researchers normal tutulması koşuluyla, yüksek
E) The reasons behind the subjective tansiyonlu kadınlar, artmış pre-
perception of time by the brain have eklampsi riski taşımazlar.
not yet been explained by
psychologists or brain researchers. A) A proper control of blood pressure
during pregnancy enables women
49. Her ne kadar hücreler çok farklı gibi with hypertension to resist any
görünse de temel özellikleri dikkate increased risk of pre-eclampsia.
değer şekilde benzerdir. B) So long as blood pressure is kept
within normal limits during pregnancy,
A) Cells seem to be extremely diverse, women suffering from hypertension
but they all have similar features. are immune from the high risk of pre-
B) Although cells may appear to be very eclampsia.
diverse, the fundamental features are C) Women, who have hypertension, can
remarkably similar. overcome the increased risk of pre-
C) Even though cells display a great deal eclampsia so long as their blood
of variety, fundamentally, they have pressure measurements remain
certain similarities. stable.
D) Cells appear to have much diversity D) Women whose blood pressure is
even if fundamentally they are the properly controlled during pregnancy,
same. do not suffer from hypertension and
E) Despite their great variety, cells do have no risk of pre-eclampsia.
have fundamentally similar features. E) Provided blood pressure
measurements are within normal
limits throughout pregnancy, women
with hypertension do not have the
increased risk of pre-eclampsia.

52. Tek bir sperm yumurtaya girer girmez, 54. - 59. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere,
ikinci bir spermin girmesini engelleyen parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için
iki tepki oluşur. getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

A) When a sperm gets into the egg, the

entry of a second sperm should be 54. The importance of diet in cancer
prevented through two reactions. prevention is pointed out in many
B) As soon as one sperm enters the egg, reports. Soya is an important
two reactions occur that prevent a component of a diet to prevent breast
second sperm from entering. cancer. Certain components in soya,
C) Upon the entry of one sperm into the the isoflavones, may affect the
egg, two reactions take place so that hormone receptors in a way that
the entry of a second sperm may be prevents cancer. ----. It has long been
recognized, for example, that Japanese
women have a very low breast cancer
D) Just as a sperm enters an egg, two
reactions usually occur which aim at
preventing a second sperm from
A) Soya can be consumed as soya milk,
entering. soya sauce, or processed into
E) It is known that two reactions occur textured vegetable protein.
for the prevention of a second B) Isoflavones act through these
sperm’s entry. receptors.
C) There is much lower breast cancer
rate in those cultures eating a diet
53. Pek çok insan, egzersiz yapmanın daha high in soya protein.
çok yemelerine neden olacağını sanır, D) Our diet should be full of whole
oysa bu, tümüyle doğru değildir. grains, fruits and vegetables.
E) Soya bean, originally grown as a food
A) Most people are convinced that, crop for animals, is increasingly used
should they exercise, they will eat for human consumption.
more, but this is not true at all.
B) Many people think that exercising will
make them eat more, but this is not
entirely true.
C) A lot of people are of the opinion that,
through exercising, they will start to
eat much more even though this is not
absolutely correct.
D) A number of people claim that
exercising will make them eat more
although this is not the case.
E) Several people imagine that too much
exercising will lead to too much
eating, but this is not quite correct.

55. The age at which puberty starts is 56. Infertility is a problem that is affecting
something that many children worry more couples than ever before, as
about. The onset of puberty varies from people wait longer and longer to have
child to child and is influenced by a children. One in ten couples older than
number of factors, including heredity, 30 has trouble conceiving. After age 35,
but it generally begins between the the ratio is one in five. ---- Some women
ages of eight and thirteen in a girl, and reportedly get pregnant even in their
between ten and fifteen in a boy. One of 50s. But face it: Spontaneous
the factors that influences the onset of pregnancy in a woman’s late 40s and
puberty is nutrition. ---- Thus, the 50s is rare.
average age when puberty started went
down by well over a year. In today’s A) Also, some had many serious
developed world, malnutrition is rare miscarriages.
and as a result, over the last 50 years or B) Reproductive technologies will
so, there seems to be a continuing become more sophisticated
trend toward an even lower average age C) Of course, age isn’t a problem for
of puberty. everyone.
D) The number of women that have
A) There has probably been a reduction abortion is increasing day by day.
of 6 months or so in the average age E) In fact, many women follow a similar
of puberty in the last few decades. pattern.
B) Puberty is a time of enormous
change, both physical and emotional.
C) In some countries, the changes have
become less marked according to the
reports by the WHO.
D) Nutrition improved in the developed
world between the late 19th century
and the mid-20th century.
E) Puberty is considered to be premature
if it starts before the age of eight.

57. A Belgian doctor, who gave a man a 58. Embarrassment seems likely to serve
new life after he was wrongly believed three basic functions. First, it serves as
to be in a coma for 23 years, has begun a pacification gesture to others by
to re-examine dozens of other cases. signalling that the violation was
He reports that he has discovered some unintended and that it will not likely be
degree of consciousness in other repeated. Second, the intense dread of
patients but will not say how many. ---- experiencing this emotion probably
'It is unbelievably difficult to tell the deters us from repeating whatever
difference, ' he says. behaviours triggered the state. ----. Just
as physical pain alerts us to threats to
A) Not wanting to believe the Belgian our physical well-being, embarrassment
doctors, the coma patient’s mother alerts us to threats to our social well-
had taken him on five separate trips to being. Third, embarrassment motivates
the US for neurological testing. us to undo the social damage and
B) In the case of the coma patient, the restore the esteem of others.
man was put through a PET scan,
which revealed his fully conscious A) Therefore, our social well-being relies
mental state. greatly on how we fit into the society
C) Long before his intervention in the and how the society responds to us
case three years ago, his patient had B) Naturally, we try to avoid socially
been declared by other doctors to be unacceptable situations that might
in a vegetative state following a car result in rejection
crash. C) Such a dread is the outcome of an
D) He sees around 50 cases a year, unintentional violation of social rules
most of which focus on identifying the and manners of conduct
fine distinction between a vegetative D) Repetition of such behaviours in
state and minimal consciousness. various instances may be either
E) Since what he describes as his deliberate or unintended
“rebirth” three years ago, the coma E) In this sense, embarrassment can be
patient has been able to visit his regarded as a social counterpart to
father’s grave to witness the planting physical pain
of a tree.

59. Mothers around the world are getting 60. - 65. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla
older. In the UK, the mean age for okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü
having a first child is 27.3, compared bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
with 23.7 in 1970. Mean age at first birth
in the US has also increased, rising 60. (I) Dyslexia is a reading disorder that
from21.4 in 1970 to 24.9 in 2000. ----.
persists despite good schooling and
Studies by the US National Heart, Lung
normal or even above-average
and Blood Institute found that the risk
intelligence. (II) The more severely
of a child being obese increases by
about 14% for every five extra years of dyslexic Chinese do encounter trouble
the mother’s age. comprehending and writing characters. (III)
The exact nature of the disease has
A) In the US, in 2004, the percentage of puzzled doctors, teachers, parents and
women in their 40s who had one child dyslexics themselves since it was first
was 17.4 described more than a century ago. (IV)
B) Researchers also found that first-born Evidence suggests that there is a flaw in
offspring have more fat than their the neurological wiring of dyslexics that
younger siblings makes reading extremely difficult for them.
C) In 1964, the British woman gave birth (V) Studies suggest that the right kinds of
to an average of 2.95 children instruction provided early enough could
D) According to recent studies, having an rewire the brain so that the neurological
older mother seems to be an flaw disappears entirely.
independent risk factor for obesity
E) This combination of older mothers
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
and more single children could be
contributing to the obesity epidemic
61. (I) Though it is generally believed that
coffee is bad for the teeth it may in fact do
some good. (II) It is also on the black list
because it contains the stimulant caffeine.
(III) New research indicates that coffee
made from roasted coffee beans might
help prevent cavities. (IV) This is due to
their antibacterial elements that work
against certain micro-organisms. (V)
Among these is Streptococcus mutants, a
major cause of dental caries.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

62. (I) The role of the upper leg is minimal 64. (I) All children are naturally active. (II) If a
when walking on level ground. (II) Slowing child is inactive for a long period of time,
down gradually at the end of exercise he or she must be checked by a doctor to
helps prevent dizziness. (III) When the determine whether there is a problem. (III)
legs relax, blood pools in the veins near However, many become overly active
them. (IV) To return the blood towards the when, for instance, they are anticipating a
heart, the leg muscles must contract. (V) birthday party. (IV) Still, such behaviour is
When exercise is suddenly stopped, blood markedly different from true hyperactivity.
pools in the legs and not enough blood (V) Hyperactive children have trouble
goes to the brain, causing dizziness. sleeping, they cannot sit still and they act
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
63. (I) Allergic rhinitis or hay fever plagues
some 35 million Americans. (II) Until 65. (I) During each heartbeat, both sides of
recently it was regarded as a trivial your heart relax to draw in blood and then
problem with minimal consequences. (III) It contract to squeeze blood either to the
is now known to have a strong link with a lungs or the rest of the body. (II) Today,
variety of other respiratory disorders. (IV) heart transplants are quite routine and can
There have been similar disturbing give people with serious heart disease a
increases in the prevalence of asthma. (V) new lease on life. (III) This operation was
Of these, it is the relationship it has with first pioneered in 1967 by South African
asthma which is of greatest concern to the surgeon Christiaan Barnard. (IV) He took
medical community. the heart from a young woman who had
just died in a car crash and used it to
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V replace the heart of a man in his 50s who
was dying from heart disease. (V)
Unfortunately, the man lived for just 18
days, but Dr. Barnard showed that a heart
transplant was possible.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

66. - 68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 67. The author points out that the kinds of
cevaplayınız. vegetable at our disposal ----.

If the key to good nutrition is consuming a A) are constantly increasing as new

variety of foods, then vegetables can truly kinds are frequently being bred
stand as the cornerstone of a healthy diet. Of B) are deceptive as the nutrient content
all foods, they offer the most diversity. There is invariably the same
are literally hundreds of varieties available to C) are unfortunately inadequate in most
us, and because of careful plant breeding, parts of the world
today’s vegetable harvest is continually being D) are not sufficient to keep anyone in
expanded and improved. In addition, really good health
vegetables are replete with nutrients. They E) have a dangerously high cholesterol
supply nearly all of the vitamins and minerals content
required for good health, many of them –
especially starchy vegetables like potatoes and 68. We can understand from the passage
winter squash - contain complex that ----.
carbohydrates, which furnish us with energy.
Most also provide dietary fibre, and a few, such A) vegetables must be eaten in
as lima beans and potatoes, can contribute conjunction with foods rich in fats and
significantly to our protein intake. At the same minerals
time, vegetables contain no cholesterol, have B) only a limited range of vitamins are to
little or no fat, and are low in calories. In be found in vegetables
nutritional parlance, vegetables are 'nutrient C) potatoes are among the least valuable
dense' – that is, their store of nutrients is of the vegetables
relatively high for the number of calories they D) the starchy vegetables are a good
supply. source of energy
E) only a small fraction of the nutrients
66. It is emphasised in the passage that we need for health can be derived
vegetables ----. from vegetables

A) provide us with vitamins and minerals

but not carbohydrates or proteins
B) are a pleasant but unessential part of
most people's diet
C) are highly nutritious and at the same
time low in calories
D) have a surprisingly high calorie
E) cannot take the place of meat in our

69. - 71. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 71. The writer uses the car comparison to
cevaplayınız. emphasise that most people ----.

Much in medicine which is now taken for A) tend to have a mechanical view of the
granted was undreamed of even as recently as human body
50 years ago. Progress in diagnosis, in B) have great confidence in the medical
preventive medicine and in treatment, both profession
medical and surgical, has been so rapid as to C) have the right attitude towards
be almost breath taking. Today a doctor medical progress
retiring from active practice will among other D) regard surgery as an indispensable
things have seen smallpox completely part of medicine
eradicated, tuberculosis become curable, E) think some body parts cannot be
coronary artery disease relievable surgically. replaced at all
One aspect of medicine still resistant to
progress in understanding is the effect of mind
on body. Many of us still like to think that our
bodies are just something we have got into,
like cars, that ill health is simply something that
has 'gone wrong' in one system or another and
that therefore provided we find the appropriate
expert to correct the fault, we will recover.

69. It is pointed out in the passage that

there is a close relationship between
the workings of mind and the body ----.

A) which is of little importance in the

treatment of illness
B) but this has yet to be properly
C) which most doctors tend to overlook
D) and medical research has made great
progress in this field
E) but research into this area is not likely
to prove useful

70. According to the passage, the rate at

which medical advances have taken
place during the recent decades ----.

A) was previously envisaged

B) has been underestimated
C) is quite startling
D) cannot be accounted for
E) has been subject to a great deal of

72. - 74. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 74. The passage makes it quite clear that,
cevaplayınız. in the light of modern research, our
traditional assumptions about animal
Since early times it has been assumed that the behaviour ----.
actions of animals are unconscious. Behaviour,
in this view, stems almost exclusively from A) have been totally disproved
instinct. If animals behave in ways that seem B) have been confirmed
pretty clever, they do so without thinking about C) have to be reconsidered
it. Animals may know things, the argument D) were indeed based on scientific fact
goes, but they don't know that they know. Or E) should never have been questioned
do they know? Recent research reports
suggest a startling depth of intelligence among
animals. Although no one can yet 'prove' the
existence of animal consciousness, the data
offered make a compelling case for at least
considering it.

72. It is pointed out in the passage that

traditionally, animals are believed to ----

A) behave not instinctively but logical

B) have an intelligence comparable with
C) imitate man in many ways
D) act on instinct
E) know exactly what they are doing

73. It is pointed out in the passage that

modern research forces one to
consider ----.

A) why animals behave differently under

different circumstances
B) the possibility of intelligence in
C) the means by which animal behaviour
can be improved
D) how animals can be made to acquire
new skills
E) animals to be the equal of man in

75. - 77. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 77. During the last two decades there has
cevaplayınız. been a great deal of scientific effort
made to ----.
Ever since Nobel prize-winner Linus Pauling
first advocated vitamin C as a common-cold A) convince the public of the dangers of
war weapon more than 20 years ago, vitamin C
researchers have been busy trying to verify B) prove that the common cold can be
that claim. But so far, they've found little prevented by vitamin C
evidence that vitamin C prevents colds - in C) establish a connection between
fact, there are more studies that say it doesn't. coughing and bronchitis
But there is evidence that it can keep coughing D) study the adverse effects of vitamin C
and sneezing to a minimum, and that low E) demonstrate how the body reacts to
levels of vitamin C in the body may be related low levels of vitamin C
to bronchitis.

75. The passage makes the point that Dr

Pauling’s view as regards vitamin C ----.

A) has greatly improved the treatment of

B) has caused a revolution in medical
C) aroused very little interest among
medical experts
D) was based on the results of years of
E) has not been verified scientifically

76. According to the passage, coughing

and sneezing ----.

A) should be taken seriously and treated

B) are the early symptoms of bronchitis
C) are now being effectively treated
without vitamin C
D) can be reduced with the help of
vitamin C
E) do not respond to any treatment

78. - 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 80. The author emphasizes ----.
A) that certain people should be
Studies show that more than two cups of particularly careful about their daily
coffee a day can cause unpleasant symptoms caffeine intake
such as nervousness, irritability, stomach pain B) how useful coffee is in our everyday
and insomnia. Thus, although many people life
build up a certain tolerance for the stimulant C) the need for many people to watch
experiments indicate that caffeine users take their health in old age
longer to fall asleep than non-users and they D) how serious some bodily disorders
also wake up more often. The effects of are
caffeine are similar in persons of all ages, but E) the need to determine an individual's
certain groups are particularly sensitive to the tolerance to various drugs
drug, including the elderly, children, pregnant
women, and those suffering from heart
disease, hypertension, and emotional illness.

78. We learn from the passage that ----.

A) children are particularly sensitive to all

types of drugs
B) the effects of caffeine are deadly for
all age groups
C) coffee drinkers must sleep less
D) caffeine is only cause of nervousness
E) most people can tolerate a moderate
amount of coffee each day

79. It is stated in the passage that ----.

A) caffeine help us to sleep better

B) the elderly are more sensitive to
caffeine than any other age group
C) caffeine in more than moderate
quantities has a harmful effect on our
D) heart patients can tolerate fairly large
amounts of caffeine
E) the more caffeine one takes, the
earlier one gets up

Sağlık Deneme - 2 Cevap Anahtarı
1 C 11 E 21 C 31 D 41 D 51 E 61 B 71 A
2 C 12 B 22 E 32 E 42 D 52 B 62 A 72 B
3 D 13 B 23 D 33 B 43 A 53 B 63 D 73 B
4 B 14 D 24 A 34 B 44 D 54 C 64 B 74 C
5 D 15 E 25 B 35 D 45 C 55 C 65 A 75 E
6 C 16 E 26 B 36 C 46 B 56 C 66 D 76 D
7 D 17 D 27 C 37 C 47 D 57 D 67 B 77 B
8 A 18 A 28 A 38 A 48 B 58 E 68 C 78 E
9 D 19 E 29 E 39 D 49 B 59 D 69 B 79 C
10 E 20 C 30 C 40 C 50 A 60 B 70 C 80 A


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