waste controller using smart electronic bin report
waste controller using smart electronic bin report
waste controller using smart electronic bin report
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the award of the Degree of
Bachelor of Technology
Computer Science and Engineering
APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
To be a centre of excellence for professional education and related services
creating technically competent and ethically strong innovative minds committed to
the growth of the nation and beyond.
• We are committed to provide value based education with ample
opportunities for research and industry institution interaction.
• We take every possible step to enhance the skills and bring out quality
professionals, providing a friendly and growth oriented ambience with
appropriate resources.
• We improve ourselves through continuous evaluation and updation to meet
the challenges and requirements of the modern society.
Program Outcomes (PO)
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
PSO3: Apply the fundamentals of computer science in order to evaluate potential risks and
provide creative solutions to meet the needs of society.
CO 2- Review literature to identify gaps and define objectives & formulate engineering
problems (L3).
CO 3- Generate and implement innovative ideas for social benefit, analyze and discuss the
results to draw valid conclusions (L4).
CO 4- Develop presentation skills with the ability to communicate to audience and also ethical
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CO 5- Hypothesize future scope for their present work and how to modify their work
incorporating future advancements in technology (L5-L6).
PO-CO Mapping Matrix
1 2 3
We declare that the work presented in this project titled “Waste Controller System using a Smart
Electronic Bin”, submitted to the Computer Science and Engineering, Albertian Institute of
Science And Technology AISAT, Kalamassery-Kochi, for the award of the Bachelor of
Technology degree in Computer Science and Engineering, is our original work. We have not
plagiarized or submitted the same work for the award of any other degree. In case this
undertaking is found incorrect, we accept that our degree may be unconditionally withdrawn.
Certified that the work contained in the project titled “Waste Controller System using a Smart
Electronic Bin”, by Stevin Felix (AIK17CS037), Chris Antony Correya (AIK17CS014), Dixon
Sebastian (LAIK17CS041), Vishnu Dhanapal (AIK17CS039) has been carried out under my
supervision and that this work has not been submitted elsewhere for a degree.
Evaluation Committee
1. Mrs. Divya Mohan
4. Mrs. Renjini H
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Prof. Dr. S.Jose, Principal, Albertian Institute
of Science and Technology for his support and encouragement in preparation of our project
report and for making available facilities in college needed to prepare this report. Our heartfelt
Science and Technology for giving us the permission to go forward with this report. We express
our thanks to the Head of Department, Asst. Prof Mrs. Divya Mohan. We would also like to
thank our seminar coordinator, Asst. Prof. Mr. Jeswin Roy D’couth, Dept. of CSE, AISAT.
We would also like to thank our guide Asst. Prof Mrs. Renjini H from Computer Science
Place: Kochi
Date: 17-01-2021 Signature of Student
The amount of the waste humans discards is rapidly increasing and will not be controlled without
transformational changes. Waste management companies will be hugely impacted with such
increments as they should provide resources for the collection of such waste with minimum or
even zero income. This project aims to develop smart real-time waste controller system using a
smart electronic bin by optimizing the resources and maximizing the efficiency. This is done by
designing and building the prototype of a smart waste bin that can automatically open the lid
when it detects the people who want to throw out their trash. This process is done with the help
of proximity sensors. It can also detect the level of the trash inside the waste bin. If the waste bin
is full, the lid will not open even if people want to dispose off their trash. Ultrasonic sensor gives
the percentage-level of waste inside the bin. This percentage-level data is sent to a cloud-based
monitoring and analytics IoT platform.
Chapter Contents Page No
Figure No Figure Name Page No
2.1.1 The Proposed Smart Waste Management 4
2.1.2 Waste Management System for Smart Cities 5
2.1.3 Smart Garbage Bin 6
2.1.8 Proposed Model 9
4.1 Activity Diagram 15
4.2 Use - Case Diagram 16
4.3 Sequence Diagram 17
4.4 Class Diagram 18
5.1.1 Ultrasonic Sensor 19
5.1.2 Capacitive Sensor 19
5.1.3 Gas Sensor 20
5.1.4 Proximity Sensor 20
5.1.5 WiFi Module 21
5.1.6 Arduino Board 21
5.1.7 Buzzer Alarm 22
5.1.8 LED 22
5.1.9 Servo Motor 23
5.2.1 Arduino IDE 24
5.2.2 Cayenne IoT Platform Logo 24
6.1 Cayenne IoT Platform Overview 25
6.2 Sample Output Graph 26
Waste Controller System using a Smart Electronic Bin
The generation and disposal of wastes in large quantities has created a greater concern over time
for the world, which is adversely affecting the human lives and environmental conditions. Wastes
are the ones which increase with the growth of the country. Segregation of waste is important for
the proper disposal of vast amount of garbage the modern society produces in an environmentally
sensible mode. People became adapted to throwing things away and never realize the
consequences of their action. The common method of disposal of the industrial wastes is by
uncontrolled and unplanned, and exposed dumping at the river sites and open areas. This method
is injurious to plants, human health and animal life.
Curb side collection is the most common method of disposal in most countries, in which
waste is collected at regular intervals by specialized trucks. Waste collected is then transported to
an appropriate disposal area. Nowadays, countries with developing economies experience
exhausted waste collection services. Waste collection method in such countries is an ongoing
challenge and many struggle due to weak institutions and rapid urbanization. At present, the
volume of generation of municipal solid waste (MSW) is increasing very rapidly with the increase
of population, economic uprising, industrial development, change in consumption habit and life
style of urban population. It became a great challenge to manage MSW to the authorities in charge
for waste management. Due to the lack of proper management solution, a considerable amount of
85% of the total MSW management budget is exhausted on waste collection and transportation.
As a result, the improvement of the solid waste management system is much needed in recent
times, which requires a well-organized and proper way to monitor the status of solid waste bin in
real time whereas confirming green environment and viable advance of the society.
Smart cities have been identified as a promising potential application domain for the
Internet of Things (IoT), with a wide range of possible services that can benefit city
administration and citizens alike. One service that can be provided in a smart city is smart waste
management. Smart cities must deploy smart waste bins. Public trash cans detract from the
surrounding environment when they are full for long period of time. On the other hand, it can be
an expensive operation to send garbage truck to every trash can in the city; if cans are empty, the
journey accomplishes nothing. Cities develop rough algorithms for minimizing cost of various
municipal services such as collecting trash, but IoT sensors can improve the services by notifying
relevant public works officials when particular trash cans are full. Smart waste bin plays an
integral part in the development and conservation of environment. They have wireless ultrasonic
fill-level sensors embedded inside, which detects how full the bin is. This percentage-level data is
sent to a cloud-based monitoring and analytics IoT platform. Through this project, we aim to
design and build the prototype of a smart waste bin that can automatically open the lid when it
detects the people who want to throw out their trash. It can also detect the level of the trash inside
the waste bin. If the waste bin is full, the lid will not open even if people want to dispose off their
2.1.1. IoT-Enabled Smart Waste Bin Management System and Efficient Route
Selection [1]
2.1.3. Smart Garbage Bin for Efficient Food Waste Management [3]
• In this paper, an IoT-based smart garbage system (SGS) is proposed to reduce the amount
of food waste.
• In an SGS, battery-based smart garbage bins (SGBs) exchange information with each other
using wireless mesh networks, and a router and server collect and analyze the information
for service provisioning.
• The SGS includes various IoT techniques considering user convenience and increases the
battery lifetime through two types of energy-efficient operations of the SGBs: stand-alone
operation and cooperation-based operation.
• The proposed SGS had been operated as a pilot project in Gangnam district, Seoul,
Republic of Korea, for a one-year period. The experiment showed that the average amount
of food waste could be reduced by 33%.
• The proposed IntelliBin prototype consists of three trash bins, housed in a wooden
enclosure; red, white, and green LED strips adhered to the inner lining of the opening to
each trash receptacle, a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, and a Logitech C240 webcam. The
Raspberry Pi and Logitech webcam are used to perform the image processing required to
identify various waste objects placed in view of the camera.
• Once a waste object has been identified, the Raspberry Pi illuminates one of the three LED
strips, directing the user to the appropriate trash bin.
• These sensors are attached to the Arduino Uno microcontroller which sends the data to a
Raspberry Pi.
• The sensor values are continuously monitored, when it reaches the threshold value, an alert
is sent to the municipality server and then a garbage clean-up is authorized for the
corresponding trashcan.
• The real-time progress of the waste collection can be examined with the help of this
• This method will enable waste collection on time and thereby ensure a safer environment.
• Discussed a solution for the problems faced by the municipal authorities in which a
microcontroller is used to take action based on the inputs provided by the output/actions of
the sensors.
• Amount of waste in the dustbins is detected with Ultrasonic sensing.
• Force sensor is used to check the weight of the dust bin.
• PIR sensor is used to open the dustbin lid automatically if the bin is empty or partially
• An Android device helps in detecting the dustbin’s location, updates the location and
informs the respective vehicle to collect the waste.
• This information with GPS location is updated directly to Amazon cloud web server
through GPRS.
2.1.7. IoT-based Smart Garbage Alert System using Arduino UNO [7]
• This paper proposes a smart alert system for garbage clearance by giving an alert signal to
the municipal web server for instant cleaning of dustbin with proper verification based on
level of garbage filling.
• This process is aided by the ultrasonic sensor which is interfaced with Arduino UNO to
check the level of garbage filled in the dustbin and sends the alert to the municipal web
server once if garbage is filled.
• After cleaning the dustbin, the driver confirms the task of emptying the garbage with the aid
of RFID Tag. RFID is a computing technology that is used for verification process and in
addition, it also enhances the smart garbage alert system by providing automatic
identification of garbage filled in the dustbin and sends the status of clean-up to the server
affirming that the work is done.
• The whole process is upheld by an embedded module integrated with RFID and IoT
• The real time status of how waste collection is being done could be monitored and followed
up by the municipality authority with the aid of this system.
• An Android application is developed and linked to a web server to intimate the alerts from
the microcontroller to the urban office and to perform the remote monitoring of the cleaning
process, done by the workers, thereby reducing the manual process of monitoring and
• The notifications are sent to the Android application using Wi-Fi module.
2.1.8. Efficient IOT Based Smart Bin for Clean Environment [8]
• Developed a Smart Bin, in which an IR sensor is used for detecting objects and an
ultrasonic sensor is used for detecting the height till which waste is filled in the bin.
• These sensors are connected to the SPI Interface of the Arduino, and a buzzer is added
with relays.
• Buzzer is used as an alarm in case people throw wastes around the bin.
• A sensor node is installed in every smart bin with a power supply unit.
• The sensor node senses the bin’s fullness, reports the readings and sensor statuses by using
Ethernet modem from Arduino UNO.
• It also has a function to lock the bin door when it is full and also at rainy period.
• HTML-based webpage is used to get the status in the office. Rain sensors are connected to
detect rainfall, to avoid the entering of rain water into the bin.
• If any object is placed closer to the bin, the buzzer will be turned ON to give an alert to the
user and update the status.
• Relays and Motors are used to close the door automatically when it receives the bin full
indication of ultrasonic sensor and rain or water detection by rain sensor.
• The abysmal state of and challenges in municipal solid waste management (MSWM) in
urban India is the motivation of the present study.
• Urbanization contributes enhanced municipal solid waste (MSW) generation an
unscientific handling of MSW degrades the urban environment and causes health hazards.
• In this paper, an attempt is made to evaluate the major parameters of MSWM, in addition
to a comprehensive review of MSW generation, its characterization, collection, and
treatment options as practiced in India.
• The current status of MSWM in Indian states and important cities of India is also reported.
• The essential conditions for harnessing optimal benefits from the possibilities for public
private partnership and challenges thereof and unnoticeable role of rag-pickers are also
• The study concludes that installation of decentralized solid waste processing units in
metropolitan cities/towns and development of formal recycling industry sector is the need
of the hour in developing countries like India.
2.1.10. Smart Garbage Monitoring and Clearance System using IoT [10]
• In the proposed system, the level of waste in the dustbins is detected with the help of
ultrasonic sensor.
• Force sensor is used to measure the weight of the dust bin. When the measured value of
sensors exceeds a certain threshold value, then red led becomes ON (i.e.it indicates dustbin
is filled, else green led is ON).
• This information with GPS location where the dust bin is located is communicated to
android device through GSM system.
• Android device will detects, in which area dustbin is located, by comparing coordinates
and updates the location and inform the respective vehicle to collect the waste.
• Microcontroller is used to interface the sensor system with GSM system. This will help in
managing the garbage collection efficiently.
• RFID is used to provide a specific identity to the bins. Each house bins have been assigned
with a unique RFID, using which the administrator of the municipal area can detect the
amount of waste generated from the particular house.
• The RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) along with cell sensor technology is mitigated
waste management costs and facilitated smart waste management systems.
• Waste management administrators can assign an RFID waste tag to take away from bin
and this is totally password protected which ensure data security.
• The administrator is able to search for a particular client or house number or write the
aadhaar card number to the waste tag using the “Write to Waste Tag” button.
• This system monitors the garbage bins and informs about the level of garbage collected in
the garbage bins via a web page.
• For this, the system uses ultrasonic sensors placed over the bins to detect the garbage level
and compare it with the garbage bins depth.
• The system makes use of Arduino family microcontroller to control every process and Wi-
Fi modem for sending data to server.
• Dustbins are provided with low cost embedded device which helps in tracking the level of
the garbage bins and an unique ID will be provided for every dustbin so that it is easy to
identify which garbage bin is full.
• When the level reaches the threshold limit, the device will transmit the level along with the
unique ID provided.
• These details can be accessed by the concern authorities from their place with the help of
Internet and an immediate action can be made to clean the dustbins.
• The design framework comprises of three main parts: Solar Power System, Smart Waste
Bin and Control Station with SMS notification system and real-time monitoring system.
• Smart waste bin uses WSNs to collect waste bin status and transmit waste bin information
wirelessly to the control station.
• Control station receives the waste bin information and stores it in the database.
• SMS notification system is a daemon program to automatically identify the filled waste
bin and help to send alert notification to garbage collector in real-time, then updates the
waste bin status.
• After the waste bin has been emptied, the smart waste bin will update the waste bin status
and transmit the information again to the control station.
• A web-based application is developed to monitor the waste bin status and collection
• This proposed system will be able to reduce the development cost since the components
used are cheap.
• The GSM module will give the message signal when the dustbin is 90% filled. This will
save time, money, fuel and also reduces exhaust gas emissions and noise levels for the
local residents.
• The proposed system would be able to monitor the solid waste collection process and
manage the overall collection process.
• To make the cities greener, safer, and more efficient, Internet of Things (IoT) can play an
important role.
• Improvement in safety and quality of life can be achieved by connecting devices, vehicles
and infrastructure all around in a city.
• Best technological solutions can be achieved in smart cities by making different
stakeholders to work together.
• System integrators, network operators and technology providers have a role to play in
working with governments to enable smart solutions.
• But, building such solutions on an open, standards-based communications platform that
can be continuously used is a challenge.
• We present a waste collection management solution based on providing intelligence to
waste bins, using an IoT prototype with sensors.
• It can read, collect, and transmit huge volume of data over the Internet. Such data, when
put into a context and processed by intelligent and optimized algorithms, can be used to
dynamically manage waste collection mechanism.
• Simulations for several cases are carried out to investigate the benefits of such system over
a traditional system.
• We try to replicate the scenario using Open Data from the city of Pune, India stressing on
the opportunities created by this type of initiatives for several parties to innovate and
contribute to the development of Smart waste management solutions.
• Here we are using an automatic technique to detect garbage level in garbage can. Each
garbage can is given a number ID which is stored in the database with its location. A
camera is placed at each garbage can.
• A database is created in PC of different set levels which is used to compare with the
images that are taken previously by camera. This is done with image processing. This is
interfaced with microcontroller.
• Simultaneously, weighing sensor is used. It senses the weight of garbage can. It is
interfaced with microcontroller through ADC.
• The microcontroller compares the set limit with input data.
• The microcontroller which is interfaced with GSM module sends a message to the server.
The sent messages contain the slave ID of the garbage can.
• The server compares the slave ID with its database which contains record of slave ID and
location of each garbage can located in city. Then it gives exact location of the garbage
can which is full or over weighted to the driver of waste disposal vehicle.
• After receiving the message by the server, the waste disposal vehicle reaches to the desired
location. Then the driver enters set password with help of keypad in microcontroller.
• When the set password matches, robot mechanism is activated. This robot mechanism is
nothing but a machine capable of physical motion.
• We use DC motor which is fixed on plate on which garbage can is mounted .This plate is
used for tilting the garbage can by which garbage is transferred into garbage collecting
In the existing system, ultrasonic sensors are used, which gives us information about percentage
of trash in the dustbins. Ultrasonic sensors are highly advantageous over weight sensors, as
weight sensors only tells us about the weight of the garbage, and not about the level of garbage
in the bins.
Along with ultrasonic sensors, we will have a proximity sensor for automatic detection and
opening of waste bin. To monitor the waste bin surroundings, we will be using proximity sensor
and buzzer alarms. If a person disposes off the garbage near the waste bin and not in the waste
bin, the sensor will detect such malpractices and the buzzer alarm gets activated, alerting the
authorities regarding the malpractice occurred. Smell detection sensors are also installed to
detect bad odour. As segregation of plastic and non-plastic wastes are necessary, that feature is
also added with the help of capacitive sensors. This project is being developed in such a way that
it can be implemented in the campus premises. Further development will be made so that it will
be made to operate in a much larger area like a city.
• Intelligent Monitoring.
• Collection operations become more efficient and smarter.
• It will stop the overflowing of dustbins along roadsides and campus localities.
• We will be able to know the fill level of garbage bin.
• Greater traceability.
• Lower Carbon Footprint.
• Once we put the waste in the bin, the process which happens next will be the segregation of
plastic and non-plastic wastes. Plastic wastes will go to one section in the waste bin and
• The objects participating in the interaction are Admin, Sensors, Arduino, WiFi Module,
Cloud and Concerned Authority.
• Admin initiates the interaction moving on to sensors and so on. The object lifeline is added
that shows the existence of object over a period of time.
• Initially, the Admin provides the whole system with the power to run the entire system. The
sensors pulls up the data and gets transferred to the Arduino, which in turn transmits the
data to the Cloud, which stores the entire information.
• The Cloud is the collection and the storing point of all the information, so that the
concerned authority can go through the entire system for maintenance.
An ultrasonic sensor is an electronic device that measures the distance of a target object by
emitting ultrasonic sound waves, and converts the reflected sound into an electrical signal.
Ultrasonic waves travel faster than the speed of audible sound. In order to calculate the
distance between the sensor and the object, the sensor measures the time it takes between
the emission of the sound by the transmitter to its contact with the receiver. The formula for
this calculation is D = ½ T x C.
A capacitive sensor uses the characteristics of a capacitor and its electrical field to form a
sensor. Capacitive sensors work by detecting any change in the electric field the sensor can
register either touch or proximity, displacement, as well as the level detection of humidity
and fluids.
Gas sensors are electronic devices that detect and identify different types of gasses. They
are commonly used to detect toxic or explosive gasses and measure gas concentration. Gas
sensors are employed in factories and manufacturing facilities to identify gas leaks, and to
detect smoke and carbon monoxide in homes. They are normally connected to an audible
alarm or interface.
There are many types of proximity sensors, and they each sense targets in distinct ways.
The two most commonly used proximity sensors are the inductive proximity sensor and the
capacitive proximity sensor.
The ESP8266 WiFi Module is a self contained SOC with integrated TCP/IP protocol stack
that can give any microcontroller access to your WiFi network. It is capable of either
hosting an application or offloading all Wi-Fi networking functions from another
application processor.
Arduino boards are able to read analog or digital input signals from different sensors and
turn it into an output such as activating a motor, turning LED on/off, connect to the cloud
and many other actions.
5.1.8. LED
• The open-source Arduino Software (IDE) makes it easy to write code and upload it to
the board. This software can be used with any Arduino board.
• Arduino Software (IDE) contains a text editor for writing code, a message area, a text
console, a toolbar with buttons for common functions and a series of menus.
• It connects to the Arduino and Genuino hardware to upload programs and communicate
with them.
• Programs written using Arduino Software (IDE) are called sketches. These sketches are
written in the text editor and are saved with the file extension .ino.
• The editor has features for cutting/pasting and for searching/replacing text. The message
area gives feedback while saving and exporting and also displays errors.
• Cayenne is the world’s first drag and drop IoT project builder that empowers
developers, designers and engineers to quickly prototype and share their connected
device projects.
• Cayenne was designed to help users create Internet of Things prototypes and then bring
them to production.
• Cayenne was designed to work from iOS and Android smartphones and popular
• There are several major components in the platform: Cayenne Mobile Apps – Remotely
monitor and control your IoT projects from the Android or iOS Apps.
• The Cayenne Library is a collection of code, known as sketch files, that makes it easy
for you to connect and send data to and from sensors, actuators and devices connected
to Arduino boards.
• Cayenne sketch files can be combined with other sketch files for your IoT projects.
• The system is built using a dustbin, ultrasonic sensor, proximity sensor, capacitive sensor,
gas sensor, servo motor and buzzer alarm.
• Proximity sensor detects the user and opens the lid. Opening of the lid is done using a servo
motor interfaced with the proximity sensor.
• Once the lid is opened, the segregation lid will separate plastic and non-plastic waste. This
is done with the help of a capacitive sensor. Plastic waste is dumped towards the right side
and non-plastic is dumped towards the left side of the bin.
• Once the waste bin is full, the lid will not open. If a person tries to dump the waste near the
waste in such a case, the proximity sensor will detect this malpractice and the buzzer alarm
gets activated.
• The gas sensor will detect any harmful gases or bad odour, and when the gas level reaches
the threshold level, buzzer alarm gets activated, thereby alerting the authorities regarding
the scenario.
• The sensor data taken by the ultrasonic sensor will be sent to the Arduino board, from
where it goes to the Cayenne Cloud Platform.
• The status of the bin is shown on the Cayenne Platform. Cayenne was designed to work
from iOS and Android smartphones and popular browsers.
• We will get a graph as shown in the figure, which denotes the level of the waste bin at each
time interval.
• When the bin is full on either side, the corresponding LED will blink. The authority
(Admin) can see the status of the bin and give instructions to the cleaner.
• Thus, the authority can take quick actions by cleaning the bin as soon as possible.
This project has implemented a real time waste management system using a smart electronic
dustbin that detects the fill level of the dustbin to check if it is full or not. The waste bin has been
built using various sensors and an open source platform. The IoT platform that has been used is
Cayenne. Monitoring waste bins for collection management aspect is still improving and the
development of this project will focus on optimizing resource allocation and data analysis for
decision support system users.
The main aim of this project is to reduce human resources and efforts along with the enhancement
of a smart city vision. We have often seen garbage spilling over from dustbins onto the streets and
this was an issue that required immediate attention. The proverb “Cleanliness is next to god and
clean city is next to heaven” inspired us to do this project. Our project’s aim was to develop a smart
waste management system near the campus premises. Further developments in the project will
expand the system to a wider area like a city. To make it more eco-friendly, we are also planning to
establish solar panels. We are also planning to test the bins with different types of waste materials
which includes the factory waste also. Furthermore, we are planning to put a screen in the waste
bin which will show the current status of the bin from the cloud.
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