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The English language contains a rich array of slang words and phrases. This can
be particularly seen when examining the day to day language of the average Londoner.
A great many London slang terms derive from the Cockney tradition and fall into the
bracket of ‘Rhyming Slang’. Other terms have been introduced by the influx of other
cultures into the capital. The resulting mishmash has created what academics sometimes
call ‘Estuary English’ (after the area of the Thames Estuary), although this term is used
more to describe the accent used in the area. On these pages I hope to gather many of
these terms, together with a brief explanation of them. Most of the list was initially
compiled from my own and friends knowledge and I have used other written sources to
add to these. As time has gone on many of the entries have come from visitors to the
I realise that some words and phrases are perhaps a bit too ‘non pc’ for general
consumption and have omitted these. Even so, many of the following will offend some
people and I would like to state that their inclusion is to provide a realistic
representation of the language, not to be sensational or abusive. It is the nature of slang
that it is either used to replace taboo phrases or to playfully enhance them, this is
unavoidable when compiling a list of this sort.
I have not included an exhaustive list of ‘Rhyming Slang’ terms but have
focused on the specific phrases that are still widely used all around the capital. I have
also collected a number of newer phrases that are labelled ‘Modern Rhyming Slang’
which I have come across over the last few years. It remains to be seen if these terms
will be accepted as bona fide ‘Rhyming Slang’ in the future, but I feel their inclusion at
least provides an up to date picture. There are a number of pages on the ‘net’ that focus
on ‘Rhyming Slang’ in more detail, but these largly focus on the historic terms that are
only used by a very small group of people which I feel gives a rather cliched view of
Londoners. I have included links to some of these on the links page.
In reality there are very few people who use Rhyming Slang in it’s traditional form. My
intention is that the site will be used to record the terms that are used by a wide variety
of people and I feel that I should stress that a lot of the terms are used in a tongue-in-
cheek way. We do not all walk around saying “Cor blimey mate, love a duck I fell down
the apples and pears” !

London Slang - Film Slang

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Film Slang
In this section I will focus on films I have seen where there's a fair
amount of slang worth listing. If anyone has any suggestions of films to
feature or can find anything missing please drop me a mail.

The slang of

Work in progress....

behave - normally pron. 'bee-ave'. Meaning 'sort yourself out', 'stop

being silly' etc. Can be used in an agressive manner as if to say 'stop
doing that, or else'.
bent - crooked, illegal.
bet your bollocks to a barn dance - a new one to me, but as far as I can
tell it is similar to 'bet your life' or 'bet your arse'.
black stuff - the Irish stout Guinness.
blagged - to steal. Example, "Who blagged that bookie's ?" - who stole
from / robbed the bookmakers ?
bollocks - A very common swear word in the UK. It can be traced back to
the 11th century and means testicles.
bookie's - an abreviation for bookmakers (betting office).
clocked - to see / be seen. e.g. "Shit, we've been clocked !".
cunt - seen as the strongest swear word in the English language. See main
pages under 'C' for details.
disco biscuits - ecstacy (the drug).
drip dry 'em - not sure of this one but sounds like it could be either
similar to the phrase "leaving someone out to dry" or may be a reference
to cutting the throat of a victim ?
funky - smelly.
goody gumdrops - a sarcastic usage of the childish phrase which is an
expression of pleasure.
grainers - The only thing I can find is a reference to bullets on this
one, anyone got more info ?
grand - one thousand pounds.
grasses - Informers.
Jacob's - Rhyming Slang for 'Jacob's Cream Crackers' - 'knackers' which is
slang for 'testicles'.

k - a thousand pounds.
large - a thousand pounds. e.g. "Ten large to help the situation".
many different men to see about many different dogs - comes from the
euphemism "see a man about a dog", meaning - to do something unspecified
(normally secret).
melees - ?
Mickey Mouse - fake.
minerals - testicles. This comes from the Rhyming Slang term 'Family
Jewels' (pron. "jawls") = 'balls'.
moody - stolen
mucker - ?
mustard - ?
next time I'm climbing off your mum.... - ?
pedigree chums - ?
pikey - a gypsy or vagrant. This term comes from the 'Kentish' dialect
word 'pike' meaning 'toll-gate'. Later in the 19th century 'a pike' was 'a
porky pies - lies
rascal - ?
shite - northern dialect version of 'shit'.
schtrops - (yid?)
son - a very common term of address for any male.
spurious - (not real)
taking the piss - extreemly common term for 'making fun of'.
tip-top - ?
tucked up - (we'd been tucked up)
who took the jam out of your doughnut
Yardie - ?
The slang of

Alan's - short for 'Alan Whicker's', Modern Rhyming Slang for 'knickers'.
aristotle - Rhyming Slang for bottle.
(the) arsehole - to get 'the arsehole' is to be fed up or annoyed.
battle cruiser - Rhyming Slang for 'boozer' (public house/bar).
birds nest - Rhyming Slang for 'chest'.
bubble and squeak - Rhyming Slang for Greek (person). Bubble and squeak is
a dish made from left-over greens/cabbage and potatoes.
Chevy Chase - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'face'.
chicken soup - meaning 'kosher' which is slang for 'honest' or
'legitimate'. Chicken soup is a popular kosher dish.
claret - slang for 'blood', from it's colour.
cozzers - police, from Hebrew 'chazer' meaning pig.
crystal - short for 'crystal clear'.
custard - short for 'custard and jelly, Modern Rhyming Slang for 'telly'
which is short for 'television'.
footer - football. An alternative to the popular term 'footie'.
fury muff - rude play on words for the phrase 'fair enough' also 'hairy
muff (muff is slang for vagina).
gander - to have a look, from the birds long neck.
geezer - a very common term for a man. There are many disproved origins of
the word.
iron - could be short for 'iron rusted' Rhyming Slang for 'busted'
(broken). (Not 100% sure about this one, but once again thanks to Karin).
I relise that the usual meaning of 'iron' is 'iron hoof' = poof (this
version is on the main pages).
jam rolls - Rhyming Slang for 'arseholes'.
Liza - short for Liza Minelli. Modern Rhyming Slang for 'telly'
(television). Thanks to Karin.
manor - area, turf, patch.
mincer - gay man.
monkey - £500. Possibly originates from the 500 rupee note that has (had
?) a monkey on it.
muppet - an idiot.
nicker - money.
nonce - a sex offender, but can be used as a general term of abuse.
north - short for 'north and south', Rhyming Slang for 'mouth'.
nuclear sub - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'pub' (public house/bar).
on the take - to accept bribes or take unknown money from a transaction.
ping pong - Rhyming Slang for 'strong'.
Robert's your fathers brother - humorous alternative to the phrase 'Bob's
yer uncle' (see main site for description of phrase).
Roger - short for the Modern Rhyming Slang term 'Roger Melly' (the popular
Viz cartoon character). Thanks to Karin.
sky rocket - Rhyming Slang for 'pocket'.
tiddly - short for tiddlywink, Rhyming Slang for 'drink'.
ton - a hundred pounds.
tossed up - to come up with money.

The slang of

git - popular mildly offensive word for someone you don't like. Only
really used for males.
mug - a fool or victim. Originates from the fact that drinking mug's used
to be made with ugly faces on them. Also for this reason 'mug' can mean
'face', i.e.. 'ugly mug'.
sacked - to 'get the sack' is to get dismissed from work.
shagging - very common mildly rude term for sexual intercourse.
tosser - to toss is to masturbate, so a tosser is someone who masturbates.
Used as a fairly mild form of abuse. Often preceded by 'complete'.
twat - the vagina. Used as a term of abuse.
wanker - wanker - an old English word that is a very common term of abuse.
A wanker is an idiot or an unpleasant person. From 19th century Yorkshire
dialect meaning 'idiot'.

I intend to constantly update these pages with new slang terms that I come
across. If you know of any slang that you feel falls into the category of ‘London
Slang’ (or ‘Estuary English’) then please fill in the survey form on these pages (by
choosing the ‘Suggest Slang’ button from the me London Slang - Just Heard

Just Heard
In this section I will list some of the new slang terms that I have heard once or
twice that may or may not catch on eventually. Some of these are favourites of mine
that I think deserve a wider audience. If the term has been suggested by a visitor to
my site I have included their name or username.
I am always interested in hearing any phrase or saying that you may think is only
used amongst your friends so please sent them in and they may appear here. From time
to time I may move entries from this page into the main alphabetical listing if I am
convinced they are fairly widespread (although I never seem to get the time at the
moment !). aeroplane blond - one who has dyed her hair but still has a ‘black box”!
aeroplane skirt - a skirt with a very long slit up it that goes all the way up to the
‘cockpit’. Suggested by Matthew Harris. April in Paris - a bit of a weird one this. This
is taking well-known complex bit of Rhyming Slang to the next level! ‘April in Paris’ =
‘Aris’ = ‘Aristotle’ = ‘bottle’ = ‘bottle and glass’ = ‘arse’ ! Suggested by Alec Sterling.
back wheels - balls, testicles. An example of this excellent suggestion from James Muir
would be “Cor, I got a great blowjob last night, she even got me back wheels in!”. You
could also use vulgar terms like “Right up to the back wheels” etc. badger scratching -
to feel a woman’s vagina. i.e. “Wouldn’t mind doin’ a bit of badger scratching with
her”. Suggested by Simon Dodson. badly packed kebab - a vulgar (but still excellent)
term for the ‘vagina’. Suggested by Catherine Schrier (which makes it more OK to put
on the site!). This one will do the rounds I’m sure.
Barry White - Modern Rhyming Slang for ‘shite’ (northern sounding version of
shit). e.g. “Just nipping out for a Barry!”. Suggested by Matt Rodway. Basil Boli
(footballer) - Modern Rhyming Slang for ‘tolli/toley/toly’ which apparently is Scottish
slang for ‘turd’?? e.g. “I’m just nipping out for a Basil”. Suggested by Derek Dunbar.
Bazil Brush - Modern Rhyming Slang for ‘thrush’ (the condition). Suggested
by Lee McCloud. Also ‘dust pan and brush’.
Battle of Hastings - meaning ‘history’. A term I heard on the TV show ‘Game
On’. It was used in the context of a relationship - “No mate, she’s Battle of Hastings”.
Anyone know of this one?
Beatrix Potter - Modern Rhyming Slang for ‘rotter’ (ugly ‘bird’), e.g.
“Blimey, will you look at that bird Tim’s with. A bit of a Beatrix!”. Suggested
by Tim Green. beer scooter - the ability to get home after a night out on the booze and
not remember it, i.e. “I don’t even remember getting home last night, I must have got
the beer scooter”.
Billy Bunter’s - Modern (?) Rhyming Slang for ‘punters’ (customers), e.g.
“Oi John, there’s some Billys on the forecourt”. Suggested by Gary Foster.
Billy-two-sheds - an excellent one on the same lines as ‘Billy-no-mates’. The
sort of bloke who, no matter what you have, always has one more or does one better.
Suggested by Chris Donnelly. bitch piss - ‘girlie’ drinks, i.e. vodka coolers and other
alcopops. Suggested by Mark Nolan and already used by me and my mates! “What’s
that bitch piss you’re drinking, get a pint dahn yer”. blob hammock - original
suggestion for sanitary towel by Glenn Atkins. Bob Marley - another Modern Rhyming
Slang term for ‘charlie’ (cocaine). If used in it’s short form (i.e. ‘Bob’) it could be
confused with the older term ‘Bob Hope’ (dope).
Brad Pitt - Modern Rhyming Slang for ‘shit’. This seems to be a relatively
popular one at the moment.
Britney Spears - Modern Rhyming Slang for ‘beers’, e.g. “Give us a couple of
Britneys will ya Doreen”. Suggested by Max Barber as seen on ‘The Big Breakfast’ TV
Bruce Lees - erect nipples (as in a pair of hard ‘nips’). Suggested by Helen
Shemilt. budgie’s tongue - clitoris, e.g. “You know how it is mate, you find the
budgie’s tongue and bingo!”. Suggested by Neville Ackerman. Bum Gravy - This one
speaks for itself ! You may get this after a dodgy ruby. Suggested by Keith Giles.
bunny boiler - an unhinged and overly possessive woman. From the rabbit boiling scene
in the film “Fatal Attraction”, e.g. “I don’t like the look of her mate, could be a bunny
boiler”. Suggested by Paul Webb and also by Tristian Paramor. busted sofa - an
excellent term for an overweight woman wearing a tight dress/trousers. Suggested by
Ray Connor.
Cecil (Gee) - a new slang term for a thousand pounds (a ‘G’ is an old term for a
‘grand’ which is a thousand). Used by Johhny Vaughn and heard by Matt Helm. cheesy
quaver - Modern Rhyming Slang for ‘raver’. Suggested by Philipp Thuering who says
he saw this one in a book. Chevy Chase - Modern Rhyming Slang for ‘face’, e.g. “Nice
Mystics shame about the Chevy”. chicken jalfrezi - Modern Rhyming Slang for ‘crazy’.
Chris Kelly suggested this one. chubby chaser - a person attracted to fat people (usually
after much beer). Suggested by Paula. council gritter - Modern Rhyming Slang for
‘shitter’, e.g. “Does she take it up the council?”. Suggested by Sean Perry. cup fart - the
funny sound made when you don’t quite slurp your tea. Suggested by Smitty. custard
pie - meaning: turned down by a girl, i.e. “I got the custard pie from that bird over
there”. (Suggested by Tamir Young.) Danny La Rue - Modern Rhyming Slang for
‘clue’, i.e. “I haven’t a Danny mate!”. Suggested by Andy Lock.
David Gower - Modern Rhyming Slang for ‘shower’, e.g. “Give us half an hour
mate, I’ve gotta go for a David”.
Donald Trump - Modern Rhyming Slang for ‘dump’ (defecate), e.g. “I’m just
nipping out for a Donald”. drink-link - a modern term for a cashpoint machine (ATM).
Named so because it is common to visit one before going out on the booze! Suggested
by Allan.
drop the kids off at the pool - to defecate. This seems like a popular one at the
moment and has been suggested by many. Maybe originates from the comic Viz,
although Gregg from the USA reports that this was popular there in the early 80s. drum
and bass - Modern Rhyming Slang for ‘face’, i.e. “Nice body, shame about the drum”.
Suggested by John Mortimer. Easy Rider - Modern Rhyming Slang for ‘cider’, i.e.
“Give us a pinta Easy mate”. Suggested by Brian MacDonald.
Edinburgh Fringe - Modern Rhyming Slang for ‘minge’ (vagina). Suggested by
Elephant and Castle - Modern Rhyming Slang for ‘arsehole’. From the well-
known area in London. I have heard this before but am not sure how widespread it is.
Suggested by Malcolm Kinsley. Euaned - to get very drunk. A reference to Tony
Blair’s son’s drunken antics reported in the press. e.g. “I got completely Euaned last
night !”. Thanks to Sam Sharp. feeding the pony - to arouse a woman using one’s
digits ! Suggested by Nicola Fleet. Also see ‘badger scratching’.
(to) figure of eight it - to suggest a girl has a slack vagina, i.e.
“Blimey, you’d’ av to figure of eight it to get any pleasure from it!”. Suggested
by Jon Krinks. fish licker - lesbian. Suggested by Glenn Atkins. fishmonger - slang
term for ‘lesbian’. Anyone else use this? Suggested by Jon Krinks.
Flight Lieutenant Biggles - Modern Rhyming Slang for ‘giggles’, e.g. “I had a
bad case of the Flight Lieutenants”. Suggested by Jon Macfarlane who saw this in an
Irvine Welsh book. float a sausage to the seaside - to have a shit. A term that has been
suggested by a few people. This one is one of many similar phrases (see ‘see a brown
friend off to the coast’, ‘drop the kids off at the pool’) which may originate from the
comic Viz.
Frank and Pat - Modern Rhyming Slang for ‘chat’, e.g. “Do you ever stop your
Frank and Pat!”. After the well-known couple in Eastenders, the UK soap. front/four
wheel skid - Modern Rhyming Slang for ‘Yid’ (Jew). Suggested by Simon. furry
monkey - slang term for vagina. As used by Daisy Donovan on Channel 4’s ‘Eleven
O’Clock Show’. gentleman’s relish - spunk/sperm. Another great suggestion from Jon
George and Zippy - Modern Rhyming Slang for ‘nippy’ (cold). After the bizarre
puppet duo from the children’s TV series ‘Rainbow’. Suggested by Matt Wrixon.
Gianluca Vialli - Modern Rhyming Slang for ‘Charlie’ (cocaine). Suggested
by a few people.
glazey dougnut - a gross term describing what you get round your mouth after a
woman has finished sitting on your face. Suggested by Steve. Gorillas in the Mist -
Modern Rhyming Slang for ‘pissed’ (drunk). Not sure if this is widespread or not.
Suggested by John-T. greyhound - a very short skirt. From the fact that a greyhound
(on a race track) is close to the hare (hair), i.e. “Blimey, look at the greyhound on that
bird!”. Suggested by Tim Golding. hanging bacon - womens ‘bits’. Bit of a rude one
suggested by Tania Baird.
Hale and Pace - Modern Rhyming Slangfor ‘face’. Named after the comedy duo, e.g.
"When you're stoking the fire you don't worry about the Hale!". Suggested by Nick
Rogers. Harry-big-button - One of my favourites, this comes from a friend of mine and
is used to describe cheap-looking electrical goods with big buttons and naff design. An
example would be "I've got a new car, it's alright but the stereo's a bit Harry-big-button'.
This one tends to catch on with others and I would be very interested if anyone else had
heard it. (Suggested by R. Bushby.) I've had one email on this saying from a Brian
Jones who uses the term "Harry-clunk-buttons" after those cheap Harry Moss car
stereos. I think these car stereos are probably the origin of Harry-big-button. Hattie
Jacques - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'shakes', i.e. "After that booze up I 'ad a bad case
of the Hatties". Suggested by Christine Cusick. have a tower! - slang for 'have an
eyeful', i.e. 'Eiffel'. Suggested by Al. huger than soup - something that is a big deal or a
big event. Suggested by Kel. Anyone else use this one? Jackson Pollock(s) - Modern
Rhyming Slang for 'bollocks' (testicles). e.g. "He needs a good kick in the Jacksons".
Janet Street-Porter - Modern Rhyming Slang for a 'quarter' (of hashish). Jean-Michel
Jarre - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'bar', e.g. "Oi, Simon, get up to the Jean Michel, will
ya!?". Suggested by Simon Scott. jockeys' whips - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'trips'
(LSD). Suggested by Keith Giles. Johnny-no-stars - a young man of substandard
intelligence, i.e. the typical adolescent who works in a burger restaurant. The 'no-stars'
bit comes from the badges displaying stars that staff at fast-food restaurants often wear
which show their level of training. Johnny Vaughn - it's only right that the man from
'The Big Breakfast' who as popularised many slang terms should have one using his
moniker. This one is Modern Rhyming Slang for 'porn' (pornography). Heard and
suggested by Matt Helm. kryptonite - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'web site'. One of the
few terms I've heard for this. Suggested by Chris Lambeth. kung fu fighter - Modern
Rhyming Slang for 'lighter'. Suggested by Toby Stokes. Leo Sayer - an 'all-dayer'
(drinking or a rave etc). Lou Reed - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'speed' (the drug).
Suggested by Ken Anderson. Melvyn Bragg - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'fag'
(cigarette), e.g. "Oi mate, can I scrounge a Melvyn off you?". Millenium Dome -
Modern Rhyming Slang for ''phone' (a modern replacement for 'dog and bone' perhaps),
e.g. "Yeah, she gave me a tinkle on the Millenium Dome last night". Suggested by
James Kicul. Milton Keynes - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'jeans'. Suggested by Lee
Murthwaite. Mork and Mindy - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'windy', i.e. "It's a little bit
Mork and Mindy today, innit?". Suggested by Barbara Andruccioli. mumblers - used
when you spot an attractive girl in tight shorts or similar clothes, i.e. you can see the
'lips' moving but can't quite make out what they're saying. Suggested by Andy
Beamish. Nelson Mandela - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'Stella' (the lager). Suggested
by Mark Hayward. Niki Lauda - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'powder' (cocaine). e.g.
"It's at times like this I could really handle a bit of Niki". Suggested by Tim Manning.
Norris McWhirter - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'squirts' (what you get after a bad
curry!). Suggested by Jon Macfarlane. one in the departure lounge - to need to defecate
imminently. Suggested by Sharon Cooper. panty hamster - original slang term for the
vagina. Suggested by Dan Sparrow. Pat Cash - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'slash' (to
urinate). A modern version of 'Jack/Frasier Nash'. Suggested by Jason Bicknell. Paul
Weller - another bit of Modern Rhyming Slang for 'Stella' (the beer Stella Artois).
Suggested by Tom Willis.
Pearl Harbour - cold (weather). This is one I have heard from a fair few
people recently. An example of it would be "It's a bit Pearl Harbour out
there!". Meaning - there's a nasty 'nip' in the air! This comes from the
well-known surprise attack by Japanese planes on the American port in
Hawaii in 1941 (history lesson over). Suggested by Lawrence Gore and by
Matt Grimshaw.
pictures of the queen - paper money, notes. e.g. "How do you want payin'?"
"Pictures of the queen mate !" Suggested by Dan Adams.
polo mint - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'skint', e.g. "I can't afford those
shoes, I'm a bit polo this week". Suggested by David Webb.
porridge wog - a rather un-PC term for a Scottish person.
puppy rubbing - to stroke a woman's breasts. Suggested by Simon Dodson.
ragman's coat - untidy and very hairy vagina, e.g. "Yeah, she looks quite
fit but I bet she's got one like a ragman's coat!"
rat with a wig on - slang for an ugly woman.
release a chocolate hostage - to defecate. Have heard this one from a few
people, e.g. " I'm just nipping out to release a chocolate hostage".
ricockulous - a more extreme version of the word 'ridiculous'. Good for
when you want to add more emphasis. Suggested by Adam Pyne.
salad dodger - an excellent phrase for an overweight person. Suggested by
a few people.
Samantha Janus - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'anus'. After the popular bit of
British totty. Suggested by Ian Atkinson.
Schindler's List - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'pissed' (drunk). Suggested by
Kevin Joslin.
scope - a replacement for the un-pc term 'spastic' used by many a school
child to ridicule someone inept or stupid. I think this was at least part
of the reason the charity 'The Spastic Society' changed their name to
'SCOPE'. Trust slang terms to update with it! Suggested by Vincent
see a brown friend out to the coast - have a shit. One of many new phrases
for going to the toilet. Suggested by Trevor Burton.
(to) shake hot white coconuts from the veiny love tree - to masturbate.
Humorous phrase heard by Jon Krinks on the UK TV show 'The League of
skin chimney - excellent (but disgusting of course) term for vagina.
Suggested by Lee Murthwaite.
spam fritter - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'shitter' (anus). Similar to
'Garry Glitter'. Suggested by Ken Anderson.
spit roast - for a woman to be penetrated by two men from both ends at the
same time. A phrase I have heard on many occasions but am not sure how
well-known it is. Suggested by Nicholas Barr.
steak drapes - an alternate version of the popular phrase 'beef curtains',
a vulgar description of the vagina. Suggested by Mark James.
Steve McQueens - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'jeans'. Suggested by Steve
swamp donkey - an unattractive woman, e.g. "Blimey, have you seen those
swamp donkeys sitting in the corner!".
swede - 'head'. As in "you're doin' me swede in mate, shut it will ya!".
From the vegetable.
sword fighting - a term for when a woman performs oral sex on two men at
the same time.
Tarka (the otter) - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'dot her. A bit of an odd one
this, but to 'dot' someone is to perform anal intercourse on them (because
the anus resembles a full stop), e.g. "Oi mate, did you Tarka?". Suggested
by Stuboy.
tart fuel - similar to 'bitch piss', bottled alcopops regularly drunk by
young women. Suggested by Paul McCloskey.
tea towel holder - the anus. Derived from the fact that those round
plastic holders that you push tea towels into resemble the anus. Suggested
by Andrew Riley.
TFTF - Too fat to fuck. Typically after a curry, meal out or similar,
something your wife/girlfriend can whisper to you on the way home from an
evening out. Suggested by Big Gay Al.
Thora Hird - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'turd', e.g. "Just nipping out for a
Thora". I've heard this one before but I'm not sure how popular it is.
Suggested by Jason Bicknell.
TMT - meaning 'That's mine tonight'. When pointing out to your mates a
girl to be retained in memory in order to masturbate once home. A rather
sad, but excellent term suggested by R Ashworth.
Tony (Blair) - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'hair', i.e. "I'm off to get my
Tony cut". Suggested by Adrian Lord.
toothless gibbon - inventive term for the vagina. Suggested by Jon Krinks.

tromboning - this disgusting term describes a sexual act where someone has
their face in a bloke's arse (probably felching), whilst giving them a
hand job. The action appears similar to that of someone playing the
trombone. Suggested by Sam Sharp.
tropical fish - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'piss', pron. 'pish' (in a
Scottish way). An example of an abbreviated way of using it would be to
say "I'm off for a tropie". Suggested by Michael Rees.
Turkish bath - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'laugh', e.g. "You're 'avin a
Turkish mate!". Suggested by W Sparks.
Turkish delight - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'shite'. Suggested by Skip.
up on blocks - having a period (menstruating), i.e. out of action, a bit
like a car in a garage, e.g. "I don't think I'll be in luck tonight lads,
the missus is up on blocks".
vertical bacon sandwich - vulgar term for the vagina.
Vincent Van Gogh - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'cough'. As in "That's a nasty
Vincent you've got there". Suggested by Paul.
Wallace and Gromit - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'vomit'. Suggested by Bob
wigger - a white man who is trying to act like a black man. Especially
applied to a white rapper, i.e. Vanilla Ice. Suggested by Tony Beadle.
wind and kite - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'web site'. Suggested by Abbie
wizard's sleeve - a large (cavernous) vagina. I've had this suggested from
a number of people and think it may be a creation of the 'Viz' comic
(popular in the UK).
wunch - Spoonerism - collective noun used exclusively for members of the
Banking profession, as in "A Wunch of Bankers" (think about it!).
Suggested by Smitty.
Wyatt Earp - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'burp'. Suggested by Jonn-T.
Wynona Ryder - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'cider'. Suggested by James
Mellor, e.g. "Can I have a pinta Wynona and half a Nelson".
zart - A fart like sound emitted from the vagina, often after roudy sex.
Suggested by Smitty.

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