Variables Blocks & Examples in Block Coding & PictoBlox
Variables Blocks & Examples in Block Coding & PictoBlox
Variables Blocks & Examples in Block Coding & PictoBlox
Extension Description
Variables blocks are related to storing and accessing data with Variables and Lists.
Variables is one of the ten categories of default Scratch blocks. The variable blocks are color-coded
orange, and the list blocks are color-coded dark red.
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PictoBlox Blocks
The block will set the specified variable to the given value: a string or number.
The block simply reports the items of its list as a string. Whenever a list is created, a version of the block
appears with the list’s name on it; this results in a version of this block for every list.
The block adds an item onto the end of the specified list, the item containing the given text.
The block can delete the item inputted from the specified list.
The block can delete all the items from the specified list.
The block can delete all the items from the specified list.
The block inserts an item containing the given text into the list, at the given position. All values below
the inserted item are passed onto the item beneath them; the last item’s value is placed in a new item at
the end of the list.
The block replaces the specified item; in other words, it changes the item’s content to the given text.
The block reports the value of the specified entry in a specified list.
The block checks if any items in the specified list are equal to the given text—if at least one of them is,
the block returns true; if none of them are, it returns false. The item must contain the exact text; for
example, “abc” would not work if the item contained “abcde”. This block is case-sensitive.
Bouncing Ball with Gravity
The example demonstrates how to add gravity into the
project on a bouncing ball.
3 Reciting Table
The example demonstrates how to use a repeat block to
recite a table in PictoBlox.
Shooting Bullets with Physics
In this example, we are making a rocket shoot bullets to the
mouse pointer when the space key is pressed.
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