Subject Unit/Title Duration Terms Month/Year Fees in
Code KES Admission/Registration January 2024 10,000 Professional UNIT 1: Child Development and Psychology 60 hours 6 terms January – April 25,000 Learning UNIT 2: Curriculum Studies 90 hours 4 terms 2024 Areas UNIT 3: Educational Resources 30 hours 3 terms UNIT 4: ICT Integration in Education 30 hours 3 terms UNIT 5: Educational Assessment 30 hours 3 terms May – August 25,000 UNIT 6: Research Skills 24 hours 3 terms 2024 UNIT 7: Inclusive Education 30 hours 2 terms UNIT 8: Educational Leadership and Management 30 hours 2 terms UNIT 9: Sociological and Philosophical Foundations of Education 30 hours 2 terms UNIT 10: Historical and Comparative Foundations of Education 30 hours 1 terms September - 25,000 UNIT 11: Micro-Teaching 30 hours 1 term December 2024 Practicum Integrated UNIT 12: English 186 hours 6 terms January – April 30,000 Content and UNIT 13: Kiswahili 180 hours 6 terms 2025 Pedagogy UNIT 14: Mathematics 180 hours 6 terms Learning UNIT 15: Social Studies 150 hours 6 terms Areas UNIT 16: Art & Craft 120 hours 6 terms UNIT 17: Physical and Health Education 120 hours 6 terms May – August 30,000 UNIT 18: Music 120 hours 6 terms 2025 UNIT 19: Religious Education (CRE|HRE|IRE) 120 hours 6 terms UNIT 20: Health & Nutrition 180 hours 6 terms UNIT 21: Kenya Sign Language 150 hours 6 terms UNIT 22: Science & Technology 150 hours 6 terms September - 30,000 UNIT 23: Agriculture 150 hours 6 terms December 2025 UNIT 24: Home Science 150 hours 6 terms UNIT 25: Indigenous language 120 hours 6 terms UNIT 26: Foreign Languages (German, French, Arabic & Mandarin (Chinese) 120 hours 6 terms Practicum Practicum 600 hours 2 terms January to 30,000 KNEC Examinations November 2026 TOTAL FEE IN KES 205,000 NOTE: Fee is payable in 7 Installments inclusive of admission, Practicum & KNEC Assessments Page 1 of 2 FULL COURSE DIPLOMA IN PRIMARY TEACHER EDUCATION (DPTE)
Introduction Mode of Study The Trainees are required to cover the recommended hours for Full-time classes coursework, and required hours for practicum and pass the assessments as directed by Kenya National Examination Council BANK PAYMENT DETAILS: (KNEC). The Teacher Trainee also undertakes a three months micro- BANK: NCBA Bank Branch: Karen Branch Account Name: The teaching course which is a prerequisite for teaching practice. Institute of Teachers Professional Development (ITPD) Account Candidates are required to produce evidence of adherence to positive Number: 2698850038 moral values and good behaviour such as Police Clearance. MPESA PAYBILL: PAYBILL 880100 ACCOUNT NUMBER Admission Requirements 2698850038 To Qualify for Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) you CONTACT: MUST have C (Plain) and above in KCSE… Training Coordinator Candidates with disabilities are admitted with C Minus (-) grade in The Institute of Teachers Professional Development (ITPD) KCSE or its equivalent. P.O. Box 1159-00502 Karen Tel: +254 710 673 108 | +254 780 673 108 Duration of Training Email: | Website: The duration for the Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) is three (3) years. The trainees also undertake a Micro Teaching course of three (3 months) which is a pre-requisite for the Teaching Practicum of two school terms.