Evidence Tracker

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experience earth vs. space documentary

observation Philippine Statistics Authority comparison

Blackhole = whirlpool product 3.9 %

Unemployment rate storytelling endorsement

Criteria 1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points 5 points

Ideas are Ideas are

expressed clearly Ideas are mostly somewhat clear, Ideas lack
Ideas are unclear,
and effectively, clear, with minor but there are clarity and are
Clarity leaving no room instances of occasional difficult to
with frequent
for ambiguity. misunderstandings follow.
misunderstanding. .

Information Information is Information is

Information Information is
presented is mostly accurate, often
includes some largely inaccurate,
Accuracy entirely accurate, with minor
inaccuracies or
with pervasive
with no errors or inaccuracies or with significant
misinterpretations. errors.
misinterpretations. misinterpretations. errors.

Analysis is
Thorough and Analysis is
detailed and Analysis is Analysis is shallow
insightful analysis superficial and
Depth of supported by adequate but lacks or unsupported,
is provided, with minimally
Analysis evidence but detail or strong with little to no
strong evidence to supported by
lacks some insight evidence. evidence.
support points. evidence.
or thoroughness.

Ideas are well- Ideas are

Ideas are
organized and Ideas are Ideas are poorly
disorganized and
logically organized and somewhat organized, with
Organization lack logical
structured, logical, though organized, but the significant
of Ideas structure, making
enhancing there are minor structure is issues in
them hard to
understanding issues with flow. inconsistent. structure and
and flow. flow.

Total: 25 pts 5 pts 5 pts 5 pts 5 pts 5 pts

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