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ID.NO. GSR 13010



October, 2022

Woldyia, Ethiopia







ID.NO. GSR 13010



October, 2022

Woldyia, Ethiopia


This is to certify that thesis, entitled the effect of emotional intelligence on employee
performance a case study on public sector, in Woldia town submitted to the department
of MBA College of Business and Economic, Woldia University, in partial fulfillment of
the requirement for the award of the degree of master of bussiness management is a
record of original research work done by Mengesha Birhan during the period 2021/2022
under my supervision and guidance and the thesis has not formed the basis for the award
of any degree/diploma or other similar title of any candidate of any university and it
complies with the regulation and accepted standards of the university.

NAME OF ADVISOR -------------------------------

SIGNATURE ------------------------------------------

DATE ---------------------------------------------------

NAME OF ADVISOR -------------------------------

SIGNATURE -----------------------------------------

DATE --------------------------------------------------

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1 Advisor

---------------------------------- ------------------------- -----------------------

Name Signature Date

3. Internal the examiner

---------------------------------- ------------------------- -----------------------

Name Signature Date

4. External examiner

---------------------------------- ------------------------- -----------------------

Name Signature Date

5. Chairperson

---------------------------------- ------------------------- -----------------------

Name Signature Date

III | P a g e

First I declare that this thesis is my original work and all sources of materials used for this thesis
have been dully acknowledged. This thesis has been submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirements of Master of Business Administration at Woldia University and deposited at the
university library to be made available to borrowers under rules of the library. I solemnly declare
that this thesis is not submitted to any other institution anywhere for the award of any academic
degree, diploma or certificate.

Declared by:

Name____________________________ Sign_____________________________

Confirmed by Advisor

Name____________________________ Sign_____________________________

IV | P a g e

First I would like to thank the Almighty God. and I woud like to express my special appreciation
and thank to my advisor lauranc(PhD), for her guidance,encouragement,constructive comments
and feed back which were varuable to the research study. This study would have been difficult ,
with out her assistance and enthusiastic approach , specially ,her patience professional advises
were greatly appreciated.

I am grateful to woldia town public servants for their cooperation and understanding during the
administration of the questionnaires.
I am thankful to my wife, Mesert Sesay, for her patience, pray, encouragement and emotional
support and always being aside me for advice. I am grateful to my friends especially Edilu
Chekol, Mebiratu Adugnaw, Eshetu and all my friends; their contribution, to complete this

Table of Contents
Content Page

List of tables............................................................................................................................4
List of figures...........................................................................................................................6
CHAPTER ONE..........................................................................................................................9
1.0 Introduction...............................................................................................................................9
1.1 Background of the study............................................................................................................9
1.2 Overview of the Study Area.....................................................................................................11
1.3 Statement of the Problem.......................................................................................................12
1.4 Research Objectives.................................................................................................................14
1.1.1. General Objective............................................................................................................................14
1.1.2. Specific Objectives...........................................................................................................................14

1.5 Research Questions.................................................................................................................15

1.6 Hypothesis...............................................................................................................................15
1.7 Significance of the Study.........................................................................................................16
1.8 Scope of the Study...................................................................................................................16
1.9 Organization of the study........................................................................................................17
1.10 Conclusion.............................................................................................................................17

CHAPTER TWO.......................................................................................................................18
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE..........................................................................................18
2.0 Introduction........................................................................................................................18
2.1 Theoritical Review of Related Literature...................................................................................18
2.1.1 The Concepts and Definitions..........................................................................................18
2.1.2 Emotional Intelligence..........................................................................................................................18
2.1.3 Importance of Emotional Intelligence..................................................................................................19

VI | P a g e
2.1.4 Employee Performance........................................................................................................................20
2.1.5 Self-Awareness.....................................................................................................................................21
2.1.6 Self-Management....................................................................................................................................21
2.1.7 Social Awareness..................................................................................................................................21
2.1.8 Relationship Management...................................................................................................................22
2.1.9 Theoretical Review...................................................................................................................................22 Supportive Theory................................................................................................................................23 Emotional Intelligence Models..............................................................................................................24 Emotional intelligence Based Theory on Performance..........................................................................25

2.2 Empirical Reviewof Related Literature......................................................................................25

2.2.1 Effect of Self-Awareness on Employee Performance...............................................................25
2.2.2 Effect of Self-Management on Employee Performance............................................................................27
2.2.3 Effect of Social Awareness on Employee Performance.......................................................................28
2.2.4 Effect of Relationship Management on Employee Performance..........................................................29

2.3 Conceptual Framework of the Study....................................................................................30

2.4 Conclusion..........................................................................................................................31

CHAPTER THREE.....................................................................................................................32
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...................................................................................................32
3.0 Introduction........................................................................................................................32
3.1 research design........................................................................................................................32
3.2 Research Approach..................................................................................................................32
3.3 Types of Data............................................................................................................................33
3.4 Data Collection instruments................................................................................................33
3.5 Population and Sampling Design.........................................................................................33
3.5.1 Population.............................................................................................................................................. 33
3.5.2 Sampling Design.......................................................................................................................................35 Sampling Frame......................................................................................................35 Sampling Technique...............................................................................................35 Sample Size.............................................................................................................35

3.6 Measurement of Variables..................................................................................................37

3.6.1 Measurement of Independent Variables..................................................................................................38
3.6.2 Dependent Variable Measures.............................................................................................................39

3.8 Data collection Procedures.......................................................................................................39

3.8 Data Analysis Methods.............................................................................................................40
3.9 Validity and Reliability........................................................................................................40
3.9.1 Validity..................................................................................................................................................... 40

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3.9.2 Reliability..................................................................................................................................................41

3.10 Ethical Considerations.........................................................................................................41

3.11 Conclusion..............................................................................................................................42

CHAPTER FOUR......................................................................................................................43
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION..................................................................................................43
4.0 Introduction............................................................................................................................43
4.1 Response Rate.........................................................................................................................43

Table 4. 1 Response rates of respondents..............................................................................43

4.2 Demographic Characteristics of Respondents...........................................................................44
4.3.1 Self Awareness effect on employees performance.................................................................46
Table 4.3 self Awareness effect on employees performance...........................................................46
4.3.2 Self management effect on employees performance.............................................................47

Table 4.4: Self management effect on employees performance.............................................47

4.3.3 Social Awarness effect on employees performance...............................................................49
Table 4.5: Social Awarness effect on employees performance.........................................................................49

4.3.4 Relationship Management effect on employees performance................................................51

Table 4.6: Relationship Management effect on employees performance.........................................................51

I balance a focus on task with attention to relationships.................................................................52

4.3.5 Performance of Employees...................................................................................................53
I was unable to separate main issues from side issues at work.......................................................54
Collaboration with others was very productive...............................................................................54
Source: Survey data/spss, 2022.....................................................................................................54
4.3.6 Respondents opinion on the Measurement of Independent and Dependent Variables
impact. 55
4.4. Inferential Statistics.................................................................................................................57
4.4.1 Correlation Test of Emotional Intelligence and EmployeePerformance.................................................57

4.4.2 Multiple Regression Analysis..............................................................................................59 Multiple Regression Assumptions....................................................................................................59 Normality Test..........................................................................................59 Linearity Assumptions...................................................................................62

4.4. Regression Test on the effect of Emotional Intelligence on Employee performance..................63

4.5.1 Regression between Emotional Intelligence and Employee Performance..............................................63
4.5.2 ANOVA of Emotional Intelligenceand Employee Performance................................................................64

VIII | P a g e
4.5.3 Coefficient of Emotional Intelligenceon Employee Performance............................................................64

4.4 Hypothesis Testing..............................................................................................................65

4.5 Discussions..........................................................................................................................66
4.6 Conclusion..........................................................................................................................68

CHAPTER FIVE........................................................................................................................69
SUMMARY, RECOMMENDATIONS, AND CONCLUSION...........................................................69
5.0 Introduction.............................................................................................................................69
5.1 Summary of Main Findings......................................................................................................69
5.2 Conclusion...............................................................................................................................72
5.3 Recommendations...................................................................................................................74
5.4 Limitation of the Study.............................................................................................................75
5.5 Direction for Future Research..................................................................................................76

Appendix- A...................................................................................................................................84
3. I was unable to separate main issues from side issues at work....................................................88

List of tables

IX | P a g e
Table 3. 1: Total population of the study..........................................................................27

Table 3. 2: Sample size of the study.................................................................................30

Table 3.3: Cronbach alpha for each independent and dependent variable……..…………35

Table 4. 1: Response rates of respondents.........................................................................36

Table 4. 2: Background profile of the Respondents..........................................................37

Table 4. 3: selfawarness effect on employees performance..............................................37

Table 4. 4: self management effect on employees performance.......................................39

Table 4. 5: social awarness effect on employees performance..........................................40

Table 4. 6: Relationship management effect on employees performance.........................42

Table 4.7: Employees performance...................................................................................44

Table 4.8: Measurement of Independent and Dependent Variables impact...........................45

Table 4. 9: Correlation between emotional intelligence and employee performance.......47

Table 4.10: The Multi colinearity test distribution result..................................................51

Table 4.11: Regression between emotional intelligence and employee performance.......52

Table 4.12: ANOVA of Emotional Intelligence and employee performance...................53

Table 4.13: Coefficient of emotional intelligence on employee performance..................54

List of figures
Figure 2. 1: A Framework of Emotional Competencies....................................................23

Figure 4. 1: Histogram employee performance.................................................................49

Figure 4. 2: Normal P-P Plot of regression of standardized residual................................51

Figure 4. 3: Scatter plot of dependent variable employee performance............................52

XI | P a g e
ANOVA Analysis of Variance

ECGN Emotionally Competent Group Norm

ECI Emotional Competence Inventory

EI Emotional Intelligence

ESCI Emotional and Social Competency Inventory

IQ Intellectual Intelligence

IWPQ IndividualWork Performance Questionnaire

SAQ Self-Assessment Questionnaire

SPSS Statistical Packages for Social Sciences

XII | P a g e
The main purpose of this study was to examine the effect of emotional intelligence on employee’s
performance on the public sector, in woldia town. This study was executed on public sector
employees, in woldia town. The study was directed by four research objectives which pursued
answers for the effect of emotional intelligence on employee’s performance.The study employed
a correlation research design due to its intent to find the relationship between EI and employee’s
performance. Public sector population of woldia town administration was 480 employees. The
study adopted stratified simple random sampling to sample 218 respondents who represented the
total population of the study area with a 95% confidence level and 5% margin of error. A
quantitative approach was used and data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed
using SPSS after coding and cleaning to eliminate any inadequacies. Data were analyzed using
descriptive statistics, correlation, and multiple regression analysis. Pearson’s correlation
coefficient was used to analyze the data.The findings revealed that the effect of emotional
intelligence components (self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship
management) tend to contribute a strong significance positive effect in determining employee’s
performance. the refore, the study recommended that EI components need to be capitalized if
woldia town public sector was to obtain improved employee’s performance. Hence, there was a
need to focus on creating awareness in developing workers to have strong self-awareness, to
endeavor themselves to be in control of their emotions and ensure these emotions to effectively
managed their work to have strong self-management,organizations should develop training
programs and recruitment policies in order to develop the knowledge of social-awareness of
their employees, and to encourage teamwork to sharpen relationship-management skills of their
employees.Keywords: Employee Performance, Relationship-management,Self-awareness, Self-
management and Social-awareness.

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1.0 Introduction
This study was examined the effect of emotional intelligence on employee’s performance in the
public sector of woldia town administration. The relationship between the independent variable
and the dependent variables were examined in order to answer the research questions and
achieve the objectives of the research. Thus, this chapter discusses the background of the
research, research objectives and questions, hypotheses of the research, the scope of the study,
the significance of the study and organization of the study would be stated concisely.

1.1 Background of the study

Research was recommended that some people were more effective in their careers than others
even when they have had similar educational and empirical opportunities (Stuller, 1997). There
were two main concepts, intellectual intelligence, and emotional intelligence that has been
conceived to explain this inconsistency, each of them having some extent of the impact on
exactly how performing well an individual was going to be at their work and in their career.

The term Emotional Intelligence was started in the 1990s by Salovey and Mayer(1990) however
it started gaining the current attention when it was again published by (Goleman, 1998a)where
he defined emotional intelligence as the capacity to recognize one’s own feelings and then
handling and initiating those feelings accordingly. He also mentioned that emotional intelligence
also comprises the capacity to understand other’s emotions and then managing those emotions to
accomplish the job effectively. In reality, emotions handle our actions and therefore, forward our
behaviors for good or worse thus the need to handle our emotions and those of others carefully
more especially when faced with very tricky conditions hence, emotional intelligence has a
fundamental effect on our professional skills(Jonas, 2013).

It’s the most recommendable way to direct the energy in a way that yields the most appropriate
outcome and, in this pursuit, therefore, several EI research has been carried out by scholars about

skills necessary for performance and findings indicated that emotional intelligence has a big
effect on performance with a significant percentage of success in jobs of any kind(Cheok and
Eleanor, 2011).

Kulkarniet al.(2009) maintained that an organization which was a difficult condition,whether it

was public or private sector have to manage change in a successful way. Emotional intelligence
shows an important role in supporting the managers and employees to cope with this dynamic
change in the business atmosphere. Singh(2001) mentioned that the function of emotional
intelligence supports the managers and employers to know and comprehend emotions and used
emotional intelligence to succeed one self and relationship with others. According to Bracket and
Mayer (2003) studies have indicated that people who announce higher levels of emotional
intelligence also explore higher levels of appearing to health and appearance and more positive
relations with friends and family.

Recent studies have revealed great researchers’ desire in the study of the relationship between
emotional intelligence and employee’s performance that stress was seen as the destructive
physical, mental and emotional response that becomes apparent when there was a poor contest
between job requests and competencies or employee’s resources to handle with job pressure.
Stress was a condition shared by suffering the physical, mental, psychological or social problem
that comes from individual feelings that don’t be able to react due to one expected circumstance.
The major cause of stress in an organization was when employees face difficulties and changes
in his daily working situations but always evade and this circumstance creates pressure,
nervousness,terrors, tightness, etc. (Akinboye et al.,2002).

Dausand Ashkanasy(2003)social intelligence was the skills of getting along with other people
and they argued that positive relationships exist between emotional intelligence and job
performance at least for jobs with a high customer relation and emotion.Lopes et al.
(2006)proposed that individuals who have a high degree of emotional intelligence can positively
influence both team and organizational performance. Emotional intelligence was essential
personal excellence that each of us must improve and access to knowledge discovery in our
social,conceptual and technical skills (Lennick and Kiel, 2005). The study was examined on the
base of emotional intelligence dimensions such as self-awareness, social-awareness, self-

management and relationships-management in determining employee’s performance in the
organizations of woldia town public sector.

To sum up, despite tough empirical support for the effect of emotional intelligence on
employee’sperformance, corporate world candidates were generally hired on the base of their
mental ability and on cognitive-based qualification like education achievement (Sergio, 2011).
This creates a difference between mental intelligence and emotional intelligence discrepancy that
causes a various failure in employee performance which has caused in to intelligence deficit that
makes them emotionally anxious hence could not perform as expected (Koman and Wolff,
2007).This performance inconsistency makes

employees perform below the targeted standard that was reflected in the decline of the
organization’s performance losses or the fall out of most talented promising employees from the
company. Researches on this area in the Ethiopian context were inadequate. To the best of the
researcher’s knowledge, there were no researches made directly on the concept of the effect of
emotional intelligence on employee’sperformance in the governmental organizations in
Ethiopian public servants in general and woldia town administration civil servants in particular.
Moreover, it has been perceived that the awareness and applicability of the Emotional
Intelligence concept in Ethiopia were very limited. Therefore, in this paper, the researcher
attempted to better examine the effect of emotional intelligence on employee’s performance in
public sector of woldia town administration and creates awareness on the EI concept through out
governmental organizations in Ethiopia.It had on this background that this work was built on.

1.2 Overview of the Study Area

Public sector of woldia town selected to be the subject of this study was as one of the
governmental organizations in North Wollo Amhara National Regional State. woldia town
administratione stablished since 1866 E.C which was located in the Northern part of Ethiopia.
woldia town administration reorganized as a town of administration in 2000 E.C. The total
number of employees in woldia town administration public sector was 480. It was organized
with different sectors that each of them has established with their own plans, missions, goals, and
objectives to achieve in common with similar vision. There were about 18 different sectors
offering various services to the surrounding population.

1.3 Statement of the Problem

According to Singh(2007) emotional intelligence was the ability to control emotions through
tolerance supported by the creation of a positive working environment in relation to ability to
solve problems. There was a need to find out how employees used their emotional competencies
guided by emotional intelligence in dealing with current issues and challenges and help seeking
answers to improve where they were not for better performance. Finding by Shahzed et al.(2011)
carried out an analytical study of on the impacts of emotional intelligence on employee’s
performance in Pakistan banks.The findings concluded that emotional intelligence and its
components such as self-awareness, self-management, relationship management, and social
awareness have a positive correlation with employee performance. The study revealed that self-
awareness was significantly correlated with the employee’s performance.

In a research carried out by Rexhepi and Besar (2017) on the effect of emotional intelligence in
employee performance from various private and public institutions concluded that the
performance of employees depends from the level of emotional intelligence was supported with
a significantly positive correlation between working performance and the level of emotional
intelligence of employees. In a research done by Rangarajan and Jayamala(2014) analyzed on
the impact of emotional intelligence on employee performance in different types of organizations
in Chennai, results of the study indicated that employees having higher emotional intelligence
indicate a better quality of work performance relative to their counter parts. To be more apparent,
emotional intelligence has a significantly positive impact on employee performance.

Kulkarni et al.(2009) study carried out on the relationship between emotional intelligence and
employee performance as an indicator for promotion in private organizations in India, findings
concluded that emotional intelligence has a positive relationship on employee performance.
Further, the level of emotional intelligence and performance level of the managers and
supervisors was moderate to low which shows that,low emotional intelligence of managers and
supervisors had an influence on their level of performance on the job.

According to Ngari (2014) in a research carried out on the effects of emotional intelligence in
employee performance in the hotel industry in Kenya,The study founded that self-awareness
influences employee performance to a great extent. The study also founded that self-management
and relationship-management has a significant effect on employee performance, however, the

result of this research doesn’t show the effect of social-awareness on employee performance
which was one of the major components of emotional intelligence models that was developed by
Goleman in 1998. According to Zeeshan et al. (2016)study carried out on the impact of
emotional intelligence on employee’s performance in public and private higher educational
institutions in Pakistan, and the result concluded that there was a significant relationship between
emotional intelligence and employee’s job performance.

Aresearch conducted by senay kibeneh)2019) on the effect of emotion itellignenceon

organization citizenship behahvior a case study of commercial bank of Ethiopia .found that
intelligence have positive effect employees organizational citizenship behavior. According to
tsedey ayele(2015),astudy conducted on the effect of emotional intelligence on employees
satisfaction the case of save the children,in Ethiopia ,concluded that managers emotional
intelligence hads a strong impact on employees satisfacition. Finding by Gunu and
Oladepo(2014) carried out on the impact of emotional intelligence on employee’sPerformance
and organizational commitmenta case study of Dangote flour mills workers, concluded that there
was no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and employee’s performance.

According to Rode et al.(2007), research carried out in the effect of emotional intelligence on
employee performance, founded that emotional intelligence alone was not a significantly positive
relationship with the performance of employees unless the presence of both conscientiousness
and emotional intelligence. The above-mentioned researchers such as Shahzad et al, Rexhepi and
Besar, Rangarajan and Jayamala, Kulkarni et al., Ngari and Zeeshan et al.found that there was a
significant positive relationship between emotional intelligence and employee’s
performance.However, researchers was done by Gunu and Oladepo and Rode et al. concluded
that there was no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and employee’s
performance. Therefore, this implies that there was an inconsistency of findings among the effect
of emotional intelligence on employee’s performance.Although past research has organized
associations between emotional intelligence and employee’s performance in developed countries
and some developing countries (Shahzed et al.,2011); and Kulkarni et al.,2009) however,
researches on this area in Ethiopian context were scanty. To the best of the researcher
knowledge, there was a scarcity of a study in the area of the relationship between emotional

intelligence and employee’s performance in governmental institutions of Ethiopia in general and
in woldia town administration civil servants in particular.

The public sector in Ethiopia has the mainstay of the economy as such; employees in this sector
were extremely competitive any occurrence that can contribute to the performance of employees
was very important to study at such times.Thus, this study intended to investigate the effects of
emotional intelligence on employee’s performance of public sector civil servants in woldia town
administration by incorporating the four components such as self-awareness, social-awareness,
self-management and relationship- management.Hence, this study was concerned to partially fill
these gaps and expand the limits of knowledge by examining the effects of emotional
intelligence on employee’s performance of public sector civil servants in woldia town
administration. As a result, all the above-mentioned issues motivate the researcher to conduct a
study in investigating the effect of emotional intelligence on employee’s performance of the
public sector in woldia town administration.

1.4 Research Objectives

1.1.1. General Objective

The general objective of this study was to examined the effect of emotional intelligence on
employee’s performance in the public sector of woldia town administration in Amhara National
Regional State.

1.1.2. Specific Objectives

Based on the general objective, the specific objectives of this study were the following:

1. To examine the effect of self-awareness on employee’s performance of public sector civil

servants, in woldia town.
2. To assess the effect of self-management on employee’s performance of public sector civil
servants, in woldia town.
3. To investigate the effect of social-awareness on employee’s performance of public sector
civil servants, in woldia town.
4. To examine the effect of relationship-management on employee’s performance of public
sector civil servants, in woldia town.

1.5 Research Questions

The research questions guiding this study were as follows:

1. What is the effect of self-awareness on the performance of public sector employees in

cause of woldia town?
2. What is the effect of self-management on the performance of public sector employees in
cause of woldia town?
3. What is the effect of social-awareness on the performance of public sector employees in
cause of woldia town?
4. What is the effect of relationship-management on the performance of public sector
employees in cause of woldia town?

1.6 Hypothesis

Based on the review of the theoretical and empirical literature with regard to the effect of
emotional intelligence on employee performanceas stated in chapter two, the following
hypothesis developed to guide the empirical work of the present study:

Ha:1. Self-awareness has a significant positive effect on the performance of the

employee in the public sector of woldia town.
Ha:2.Self-management has a significant positive effect on the performance of the
employee in the public sector of woldia town.
Ha:3. Social-awareness has a significant positive effect on the performance of the
employee in the public sector of woldia town,and
Ha:4.Relationship-management has a significant positive effect on the performance of
the employee in the public sector of woldia town.

1.7 Significance of the Study

Employee performance was the foundation for organizational goals achievement. Many factors
were believed to have influenced employee performance but the emotion of the employee seems
to be the major factor. Hence the study of the effect of emotional intelligence on employee
performance has it self stated significance, as it tries to find whether any significant relationship
occurs between the dependent variable (employee performance) and the independent variables
(components of emotional intelligence).

It has imperative that this study provides very useful information for employers, human resource
managers,employees,researchers, and organizations as a whole. One exceptional role of any
academic/educational research was to enlarge the limits of knowledge. It was the researcher’s
belief that the findings, results, discussions, and recommendations help to improve the available
knowledge of emotional intelligence on employee performance. Even it leads to further
investigations by other researchers on another dimension of this variable, therefore,it serves to
form a basis for reference in the future.

1.8 Scope of the Study

This study limited interims of geography, target groups, and issues. The scope of this study
delimited only to examined the effect of emotional intelligence on employee performance in the
public sector of woldia town administration in Amhara National Regional State. Accordingly, the
study specifically focused on the effect of emotional intelligence (self-awareness, social-
awareness, self-management, and relationship-management) on employee performance. The
public sector has a population of 480 employees from which the researcher selected the
necessary sample that provides with the essential information on the research questions. The
study targeted professional employees in various positions of woldia town administration civil

1.9 Organization of the study

This study was organized in to five chapters, chapter one incorporated about the introduction,
background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study,and research question,
hypothesis,the significance of the study, and scope of the study. Chapter two provides an overview
of the state-of-the-art analysis of the existing literature which includes definitions of terms,
theoretical, empirical related literature review and conceptual framework of the study. Chapter
three presents the methodology which includes the research approach as well as describes the data
collecting and analysis methods.The fourth chapter presents the findings of the study and a
discussion of the findings with in the context of previous studies and the theories that reinforce the
study. The fifth and final chapter presentsa summary of the findings, conclusions, and
recommendations arising from the study.At the end of the thesis, references and a set of
appendices including the questionnaires of the survey forms to collect primary data for the study
and other extra documents of the study woud be included.

1.10 Conclusion

As a summary, in this chapter, the general background of this study has been discussed in detail. It
included a statement of the problem, objectives of the study,and research question, hypothesis, the
significance of the study, the scope of the study, and organizations of the study was stated. The
next chapter presents a review of related literature.



This chapter was aimed to present a review of related literature that had been done by various
researchers on the effect of emotional intelligence on employee performance. Therefore, this
chapter mainly focuses on the concepts of emotional intelligence, theories of emotional
intelligence, the theoretical framework of the study, empirical studies and conceptual framework
of the study.

2.1 Theoritical Review of Related Literature

2.1.1 The Concepts and Definitions

Conceptualize means resolving what to measure in order to find out the effects of emotional
intelligence on employee’s performance in the organizations. The effects of emotional
intelligence on employee performance in the organization were be regarded by examined
variables of self-awareness, social-awareness, self-management, and relationship-management at
the workplace.

2.1.2 Emotional Intelligence

According to the literature, there were numerous definitions of what emotional intelligence was
and what the concept actually included. There were several definitions of emotional intelligence
offered by different scholars based on their researches. Goleman (2001) presented various points
and full definition of emotional intelligence by putting that emotional intelligence was the
capacity to recognize one’s own feelings and then handling and initiating those feelings
accordingly. He also mentioned that emotional intelligence also comprises the capacity to
understand other’s emotions and then managing those emotions to accomplish the job
effectively. Martinez et al. (2005) established the definition of EI to be the non-cognitive skills
and ability to influence the man’s skill to manage the demands and external pressures state by the
environment. He was of the opinion that emotional intelligence was not only the cognitive ability
but also a skill that can assist the man in his usual life and day to day activities. Based on
Salovey and Mayer (1990), illustrated that emotional intelligence has to be a social intelligence

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which incorporated the skill to understand not only one’s own emotions but also the feelings and
emotions of others. He was of the opinion that this information of emotions can support the
people in their actions and decisions.

According to Mayer et al.(2000),EI includes the ability to comprehend, appraise and show
emotion precisely and adaptively, the ability to know emotion and emotion knowledge, the
ability to accepts and generate feelings where they facilitate cognitive activities and adaptive
actions and the skill to ask emotions in one self and others. In addition, it was also considered
that EI allows the person tounder stand as compared to those who emphasized by traditional
ideas of intelligence. Thus, it was likely for the person to build up these various ways of
becoming more effective and efficient in both everyday living and in the work area(Van
Jaarsveld, 2003).

There was a scanty of research that has been performed on achievement and performance in an
organizational context, however, that which has been done thoroughly validates the impact of
emotional intelligence on achievement and performances in the organizational context. Kelley
and Caplan(1993) study at Bell Laboratories provides support for the ability of emotional
intelligence to make a distinction between high and average performers in the workplace.

2.1.3 Importance of Emotional Intelligence

Moghaddam et al.(2010)indicated that both public and private sector organizations need to take
care of the change in an imperative way and EI was an important enhancement in helping the
leaders of the organizations to have an effect on successfully with the change that takes place in
the organizational situation.Singh(2007) showed that emotional intelligence supports the
leadership of the organization in identifying their emotions as well as those of others. It does not
only recognize but also handle those emotions for the benefit of the organization. Bar-On et al.
(2000)mentioned that emotional intelligence not only embraces the identifications and
management of emotions but also incorporate the improvement of employees and for that, the
leaders of the organization need to improve the abilities of the employees to capable them to act
upontheir given tasks successfully for the achievement of the organization.

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Several researchers have written about the impact and importance of EI and many of them have
explained the emotional intelligence based on their own stand points. They developed three
models of EI such as the trait model, the mixed model, and the ability models. Mayer et al.
(2003)elaborated that EI to be the skill to identify one’s own emotionsas well as the emotions of
others and also to administer those emotions for the success of the organization. Bar-On et al.
(2000)illustrated emotional intelligence the ability to understand oneself as well as others in
order to fulfill the interest of the organizational environment effectively.

Goleman (1998a)explained EI was the capacity to distinguish the feelings in order to encourage
one’s own feelings and that of the others. All these researchers have described EI according to
their own point of views, but the basic purpose and function of the emotional intelligence
revealed by them were that the emotional intelligence skills were required by the leaders of the
organization for its achievement.

2.1.4 Employee Performance

Employee performance has basically copedup by using a formal process that was supervisor
rating, management by objectives, 360 appraisals, and peer’sassessment, etc. to confirm that
employees have been offering to wards their own and company’s progress. In view of efficient
performance relationship between feedback from supervisor, task identity and significance was
very important (Harrison, 1997).For attaining excellent performance emotional competence
which was a learned ability based on EI was equally significant(Goleman, 1998b). This confirms
that different from having technical skills and abilities employees necessarily to have tough
interpersonal and intra-personal competence to become a good performer.

According to Kahtani (2013) concluded that employee performance refers to the endless or series
of activities undergone by employees to achieve the objectives. Employee performance could
also mean the general measurement to see if employees were achieving their set targets by
accomplishing targets they have been assigned in the desired manner by the assigning authority
and this can be measured based on quality, timeliness, quantity, and efficiency with which it’s

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2.1.5 Self-Awareness

It refers to having a profound understanding of one’s own emotions as well as motives, values,
strengths, and weaknesses.According to Boyatzis (2002) self-awareness was related to the
significance of one’s own feelings and emotions. It was also aimed with the impacts it has on the
performance of the employees of the institution. Self-awareness can also be used to realize one’s
own strength and weaknesses since it was the best method of decision about internal feelings and
emotions.Great level of self-awareness was in charge of better productivity and performance of
the employees of the organization. Those people who were conscious of their own capabilities
and skills can use their abilities for making the superior level of productivity.

People who have self-awareness were much certain as they know their strong and weak ideas to
face inconvenientactions. They can set right their mistakes according to the response given by
the employees concerning the leaders. According to Holahan et al.(1995), self-awareness was the
crucial factor in inspiring self-confidence while in return self-confidence was the key to success
and superior performance in the organizations.

2.1.6 Self-Management

Self-management represents how well we conterol or forward our internal states, desires, and
resources.According to Rahim and Psenicka (1996), self-management was the way of managing
oneself. They stated that self-management was basically the critical factor which can influence
the performance of the employees and others in the organization.Boyatzis (2002)revealed in the
study that self-awareness was a tough forecaster and instrument of performance in any
organization. Barrick and Mount(1991)indicated that self-discipline was also an essential part of
the self-management which focuses on fulfilling all responsibilities that can bring a high level of
performance in return in almost all stage of the organizational hierarchy.

2.1.7 Social Awareness

It has mainly about empathy, having accepting and sympathy to the feelings, thoughts, and
conditions of others. Baloch et al.(2014)stated that social awareness means that the one who
should have the skill to recognize what was socially acceptable in the society and how a person
should perform in that way accordingly. An empathic person was the one who socially

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recognizes the emotions and anxieties of other people. In a business situation, the relationship
among the people was a good job because it needs that only those persons can interrelate well
who were concerned in interactions to attain better performance in return.

2.1.8 Relationship Management

Relationship management refers to handling people’s emotions. Goleman (1998b)mentioned in

his study that was merely socially known person can set him self or her self in the place of others
for the purpose of understanding the emotions of others and then move forward to perform
appropriate actions accordingly. According to(Spencer, 1993) product development teams
mainly focus on the other emotions as they have to satisfy their needs and demands accordingly.
So managers of the product development organizations make their products by observing the
emotions of the customers in order to improve the product demand. Creating products based on
customer’s interest were also initiate the innovations and work up the overall performance of the
employees. Based on Goleman (1998b) empathy can be an important factor to regulate the level
of social awareness of emotionally brilliant people. When we were capable of interacting with
work colleagues in a more mature manner by being responsive to their feelings then we were in
position to fit ourselves in their shoes while making decisions that were expected to influence in
one way to another affect the people we work or relate with to keep away from issues such as
conflicts and handle the change in an organization as much as possible (Karimi, 2014).

2.1.9 Theoretical Review

Various theories have been established over the years on the subject of emotional intelligence.
This section seeks to outline the development and progress of these various theories, as well as
some of the measuring instruments that have been developed as a result of these theories. The
concept of emotional intelligence was not a new one. It has been recommended that Aristotle
was the man who first to declare the importance of emotions in human relation(Langley, 2000),
as he mentioned that those who have aslight skill to be annoyed with the right person, to the right
extent, at the correct time, for the right aim, and in the right technique were at an advantage in
any domain of life(Goleman, 1996;andLangley, 2000). However,perhaps the first tangible theory
of emotional intelligence originated from the writings of Thorndike (1920), who denied that
there were many types of intelligence. He mentioned the kind of intelligence using various tests
of abstract intelligence. The type of intelligence that has used in accepting and manipulating

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objects and shapes, he named real intelligence. The third kind of intelligence that Thorndale
acknowledged was social intelligence. He inclined of it as the ability to recognize and relate to
people. This third kind of intelligence was what was today known as emotional intelligence. Supportive Theory

There were numerous theoretical perspectives that have been offered by different researchers
which were used world wide to reinforce the studies of emotional intelligence and employee
performance such as affective event theory, the social cognitive theory that supports our model
was Goleman’s theory of EI for performance. Goleman described that affective events theory
emphasizes on the structure, causes, and consequences of affective experiences at work. As
described,performance was an evaluative judgment prepared about one's job. Affective events
theory emphasizes on affective experiences as acounterbalance to theories which absolutely
emphasizes judgment procedures.However, here affective experiences were the more core
occurrences of interest with employee performance being one result. Affective events theory
guides attention away from structures of the atmosphere and near toevents as proximal reasons of
affective reactions. Things occur to people in work situations and people frequentlyre spond
emotionally to these events. These affective experiences have a straight impact on conducts and
approaches and the nature of these effects has not been discovered(Goleman, 1998b).

Whereas, in social cognitive theory people were neither motivated by inner forces nor
automatically designed and controlled by the environment. As the theory states that these
functions were donors to their own incentive, behavior, and progress within a network of
mutually interacting impacts. Persons were characterized within this theoretical viewpoint in
terms of a number of major competencies. Goleman (1998a) stated that emotional intelligence
was the ability of a person to distinguish his inner feelings and the feeling and thoughts of the
other person and after that to direct those emotions and feelings with themselves and also with
that of other people. Salovey and Mayer (1990) explained emotional intelligence by stating the
term social intelligence that it also includes the capability to recognize one’s own and the other
person emotions as well as feelings. He also explained that the data related to the emotions can
be used to direct the people to acquire the desired goals.

15 | P a g e Emotional Intelligence Models

Among all the different theories of emotional intelligence, those projected by Mayer and
Salovey, Bar-On and Goleman have formed the most consideration based on research and
application. Each of the theoretical models intellectualizes emotional intelligence from one of
two stand points: the mixed or ability model. The model best known in the literature has the
ability model of Salovey and Sluyter(1997) and the two mixed models of Bar-On et al.(2006)
and Goleman (2000). Ability models look upon emotional intelligence as a clean form of mental
ability and thus as a sparkling intelligence. In contrast, mixed models of EI merge mental ability
with personality characteristics such as optimism and well-being (Goleman, 2001). Here these
models were elaborated in detail.

Ability Model: According to Mayer et al.(2003) projected that individuals differ in their
ability to practice information of an emotional nature and in thei r ability to share emotional
processing to a broader awareness. They the nimagine that this ability was seen to clarify It
self in definite adaptive behaviors.They describe demotiona l intelligence as the
capabilities to perceive, appraise and show emotion; to generate feelings when they make
easy thought; to comprehend emotion and emotional knowledge and to controlemotions to
endorse emotional and intellectual l growth. The definition prepares four different types of
abilities or skills that Mayer and Salovey declare with four divisions of emotional
intelligence. Mayer and Salovey’s ability model of EI encompasses four conceptually
connected abilities structured hierarchically from the more ultimate psychologically complex,
including the ability to recognize emotions;the ability to employ emotion to make easy
reasoning; the capacity to realize th e m eaning of emotions and the information they transmit;
and the ability to effectively control and organize emotion.

Bar-On Model: Reuven Bar-On improved one of the basic procedures of emotional
intelligence that used the term Emotion Quotient. Bar-On (2004)has been defined as emotional
and social intelligence as a side view of inter-connected emotional and social competencies that
conclude how effectively we realize ourselves, understand further and inter connect with them
and manage daily demands and pressures. It was confirmed that the target of EI was on the
personal, emotional and social capabilities and not on the cognitive dimensions of intelligence.

16 | P a g e Emotional intelligence Based Theory on Performance

Goleman’s theory based on performance focuses on the context which covers four areas of
emotional competencies such as Self-awareness, Social-awareness, Self-management, and
Relationship-management. According to him, self-awareness has a person’s acknowledgment of
own feelings and also another person’s feeling. It has the most significant aspects to determine
emotional intelligence. From the definition, one can surely assume that self-awareness was
linked with the productivity of employees. According to Goleman(1998a), self-management was
a person’s capability of handling the emotions of oneself. The level of emotional intelligence can
be seen in the personality of a decisive driver. So according to his definition of self-management,
has purpose full that emotional intelligence was linked with employee’s productivity. Self-
motivation was the inner force of a person that triggers the inner emotions of a human being to
continue his work without being stopped at any point in his life. He specified that self-motivation
has an important factor of emotional intelligence and that was why it has clearly supposed that
self-motivation was interrelated with the productivity of employees. He also explained that social
awareness indicates the skill of a person to be well aware of the things that were socially
acceptable and then work accordingly with the society. Thus it can be easily anticipated that
social awareness was correlated with employee’s productivity. A set of social skills was included
in relationship management. All the four attributes were linked to employee’s performance. The
theory clarifies the ways in which the performance of employee gets stimulated by emotional
intelligence, all the four factors that were clarified shows the productivity of the employees.The
study has been adopted this theory in shaping the relationship between emotional intelligence
and employee’s performance in the organization to improve a model that woud be used in
merging positive emotional competencies with the traditional intelligence or intelligence

2.2 Empirical Reviewof Related Literature

2.2.1 Effect of Self-Awareness on Employee Performance

Employee performance was dependent on self-awareness as it was on many other factors and
therefore “how” and ‟when” needs keen attention so that more effort and energy was put in to
making it part and parcel of organization’s training and development programs. But for this to

17 | P a g e
happen, sharing and discussing of feedbacks at all levels has of utmost importance to improve
both individual and group self-awareness which in turn enables employees to maintain their good
skills and strengths and improve on their weaknesses to be better employees (Dirette, 2010).
Employees from time to time make mistakes here and there in their daily work activities and
were able to recognize that they have made errors and monitor their performance and either
correct the mistakes or seek some one with better knowledge to come to their rescue and improve
their performance which was able to improve their competencies and abilities however, it should
be noted that distraction on one self-awareness component was likely to impact negatively on the
rest of the domains of self-awareness which then manifests it self by a slowed performance rate
and quality thus its but the reverse has true and effective leaders and followers were those
balanced in all the components(Ham et al.,2014).

According to Gerhardt et al.(2009) further suggested that capacity was dependent on self-
awareness. Employee’s need to be adept to change because the factors that led to high
performance at one point in time may not lead to the same performance results thus the need for
constant updating of capability, competencies, skills, and knowledge to suit the current situation
to arrive at better and improved performances and with stand completion or stay ahead of it and
continuous improvement of performance and development of one’s ability and competencies was
dependent on the previous results of our actions and therefore knowledge of our previous
estimations, decisions and interpretations was what helps us take better and improved actions to
arrive at even a much better-desired result. They further stated that to build and improve
performance, we ought to gain better self-awareness and rate it with colleagues who have stayed
longer than us in their jobs, older than us, more experiences than us and learn from their past

According to Boyatzis (2002) self-awareness was related to the significance of one’s own out
looks and emotions. It was also apprehensive with the influences it has on the performance of the
employees of the organization. Self-awareness can also use to discover one’s own strength and
weaknesses since it was the preferred mechanism of the finding of internal feelings and
emotions. High level of self-awareness was dependable for a high level of efficiency and
performance of the employees of the organization. Those people who were sensitive to their
competencies and talents can use their abilities for generatinga huge level of productivity. People

18 | P a g e
who have self-awareness were much confident as they recognize their strong and weak points to
face the annoying action. They can correct their mistakes according to the response given by the
employees concerning the leaders. According to Holahan and Sears (1995), self-awareness has
acritical factor in motivating good performancein organizations.

2.2.2 Effect of Self-Management on Employee Performance

According to Rahim and Psenicka (1996), self-management was the way of managing oneself.
They established that self-management was mainly the crucial factor which can influence the
performance of the employees and various people of organizations.According to Hoffman (2013)
persons with high conscientiousness were further possibly to have better performance by
improving their personal traits to suit the tasks at hand and choose the right moments for
handling them and it’s vital to note that job performance was great and improved in the early
stages of a job tenure due to the need to concentrate one’s focus and energy to achieve a certain
level of satisfaction however, the detrimental side has that the more time spent on achieving
tasks or at the same place of work, the less the effect of proactive personality thus care needs to
be taken by employers to ensure that this issue has a solution if they were to maintain staff
productivity and curb turnover rate we will notice that proactive people actively engage in self-
management behaviors such as setting challenging but achievable goals, time management,
environmental behaviors, and self-regulations thus as a result, these traits have buffered their job
performance to better and greater heights by making the right decisions and implementing them
at the appropriate time hence the need for managers to identify and recognize such employees
and build them by enabling and providing them with all the space they need and encouraging
them to actively participate in decision making (Hoffman, 2013).

According to Gerhardt et al. (2009) further mentions that self-management behaviors were
mostly and more often used by proactive personalities and calls for managers to treat both
similarly and direct these behaviors towards achieving organizational goals and objectives thus
Staff performance both functional and cognitive activities has constantly improved if continuous
effort was exerted towards the aim of growth performance and these could be through activities
such as functional performance activities include social activities and interaction,physical
activity, activities of daily living, target performance including work and other target related
activities where as cognitive performance contains activities like concentrating, thinking, and

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problem-solving. They further state that as management, more effort should be put on how
employees manage their functional and cognitive activities and guide them especially on aspects
they either have little or no control over and letting them continue handling aspects they have
total control over the ultimate purpose of arriving at desirable performances.

2.2.3 Effect of Social Awareness on Employee Performance

In relation to employee performance, the impact of social awareness can be determined by on the
interval of time that the people who involved have for interaction to have a better considerate of
who they were dealing with, how they ought to approach specific situations or people, trend
analysis and so on hence the more time spent on process orientation the better and improved
employee performance other wise relationship was bound to be task-oriented (Victoroff and
Boyatzis, 2012).

As Treadwayet al.(2013) it was argued that when effectively leveraged, previous performance
can indicate to a huge influence over one’s constituents and work environment thus high
performance was perceived to only exist among employees or persons with very high social
connections among the fellow employees of colleagues they work with relative to the very quiet
and the so-called anti-social groups and this was widely believed to be due to the ability for these
socially aware to seek for advice about issues concerning their jobs from knowledgeable
colleagues and were also motivated and look forward to going to work every day and socialize
with colleagues hence boosting their very own performance as paralleled to the anti-social

It’s believed that for performance enhancement among organizational employees, management
must improve their ways of dealing with feedback delivery among the different staff and factors
such as age, timing, mode of communication and then the content of feedback was paramount for
example when giving feedback supervisors don’t need to only dwell on the mistakes and gaps
but also the achievements, for mistakes people need to be called aside and considerate manner of
feedback delivery needs to be used for the older people and quality of feedback for the younger
generation needs to be considered to improve general performance within the organization
(Wanget al., 2015). They states that supervisors can improve employee performance by
encouraging moderate helping behaviors towards colleagues at work and by doing so they were

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likely to improve the working relationships amongst themselves and creating a working
environment where staff were free to discuss to each other and consult about work-related issues
amongst themselves thus boosting performance but this has to be carefully monitored to ensure
that there isn’t over-reliance by some staff on the helping staff which could kill the performance
thus working against its primary purpose.

According to Victoroff and Boyatzis (2012) states that from the very beginning of our work or
studies we spare a lot of empathy for people we deal and relate with and especially patients for
the medical field but with time this empathy begins to die down and become a normal thing in
our lives but was seen as a positive thing for performance enhancement because the less empathy
medical doctors have the better they were able to perform their duties without any hindrances
and therefore as much as social awareness has its advantages and applications must be with care
and only after thorough evaluation of situations.

2.2.4 Effect of Relationship Management on Employee Performance

As stated by Victoroff and Boyatzis (2012) people with better relationship management were
able to alter poor performance into a chosen one through their broad and positive effect on
management, followers and all stakeholders which then authorizes them to have all the necessary
resources at their removal to augment their output. They further explained that the older or more
experienced staff and coworkers were in a goodsituation to monitor, orient, lead and pull their
juniors to do the accurate activities through the huge experience and time length in a particular
fields that the new entrants were trying to follow and even teams become more functional when
its comprised of people with high relationship management because they recognize how to relate
with peers and colleagues and benefit from their different skills, competencies, and knowledge.

Based onTreadwayet al.(2013) as much as being dominant was very important to achieving
organizational goals and purposes, not each of them with great impact were have favored effects
but rather it depends on situational analysis to select the appropriate type of influence method or
strategy, in addition to the interpersonal style and know-how to deliver the influence attempt in
properly standardized ways so that the executionresults in the preferred results thatbrings the
intelligence to deliver both people and situations to analyze and understand them in order to give
us development on how to relate and stimulate people and the situations that surround us in a

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more suitable and effective way.Therefore, there was a necessity to systematically bearing,
present, and leverage performance information with effective methods that direct to interpersonal
power attainment for the purpose of evolving employee performance and realizingbetter staff
motivations. Better interaction with stakeholders,clientele, and coworkers result in better
business proceeds, employee satisfaction and joyful stakeholders which was a worthytool for the
status of the organization and competitive advantage (Agnes et al.,2013)

2.3 Conceptual Framework of the Study

Following these determinant factors forwarded by scholars that were provided and discussed in
the above review of related literature and research works, an effort has been prepared to
improvea conceptual framework for this study. All in all, the main focus and scope of this study
were summarized in the following conceptual framework.
Figure 2. 1:A Framework of Emotional Competencies

22 | P a g e

Relationship- performance


Independent variable dependent variable

Source: (Adapted from Goleman, 1998)

2.4 Conclusion

This chapter covered the literature review on the four research questions. Literature was examined
on the effect of self-awareness on employee performance, the second part looked at the effect of
self-management on employee performance, the third part reviewed the effect of social awareness
and lastly, the effect of relationship management on employee performance was also reviewed.

In this chapter of the study, conceptual facts or theories about the emotional intelligence and
employee performance, the implication of employee performance for the organization and
empirical review on the effect of emotional intelligence on employee performance has reviewed.
And the next chapter outlines the research methodology, steps that were used to gather necessary
data for this research and the data analysis tools.

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The research methodology has a term which description how we come to know in a very practical
manner, it focuses on the specific methods and means of obtaining knowledge through which we
can try to understand our world better (Trochim, 2006).In this unit, the spells out the techniques
and methods of sampling data collection processing anally was and the area in which the study
was carried out . Thus, after identifying the research problem, research objectives, and hypotheses,
and review the published and unpublished information, the researcher going to mention the
research methodology in this chapter. As a result, this chapter discusses in detail about the research
approach, research design, data type and sources of data, population and sample frame, sample
size, sampling technique, data collection tools, measurements of variables, data analysis
techniques, validity,reliability, and ethical considerations were presented in detail.

3.1 research design

The research design used for this study were both survey and explanatory research design. Survey
design used to find the current practical and theoretical truths. As the purpose of this study was to
assess the effect of emotional intelligence on employees performance in public sector civil servant
organization in woldia town, the survey design help to identify and explain the different factors
that affect the performance of employyees. In addition to this explanatory research design was
used to determine, connect ideas and understanad the cause and effect relation of the variables

3.2 Research Approach

This study has adopted the quantitative research approach to examin the data gathered and
determine the results. As quantitative research provides precise, numerical data and since it
intensely rooted in numbers and statistics, and it has the capability to successfully interpret data
in to simply quantifiable charts and graphs, the researcher used quantitative approach.

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Moreover, the researcher used the approach since it enables to collect objective and numerical
data to apply statistical tools and establish relationship and causation between variables.

3.3 Types of Data

The primary source of information for this study was professional employees who were working
in public sector of woldia town. Accordingly, the primary data was collected from the target
population sampled through questionnaires designed for the aim of the study. Secondary source
of information for this study was collected from journals; articles; book; magazines of the
other related literatures through document review.

3.4 Data Collection instruments

For the purpose of this study, the primary data collection technique was utilized through
structured questionnaire which consiste of three main sections. part one contain information
regarding the respondent demographic features which include genger, age, education,
qualification, work experience and marital status.part 2 of the quationery consists of structured
five point likert scale questions related with four dimensions of meajuring level of emional
intelligence on employees. Part 3 also consist of differet statmenet with five point likert scale
question statement wich were related for meajure organizational employee performace.level
employee emotional intelligence on each dimension of employee emotional intelligence were
calculated by assigning a score of 1 to 5 to the liker scale of strongly disagree to strong agree as
indicat in this appendix and as of organization employee perforemance calculated by assigning
ascore of 1to5 to the likert scale of never to every day .

3.5 Population and Sampling Design

3.5.1 Population

The target population in this research was the employees of woldia town public servants who had
the necessary information required for the research questions. The populations of woldia town
public servants were 480 employees with 18 different sectors. With this kind of population,
therefore, it’s impractical to do a census survey but rather a sample was used.Therefore the total
population of this study was 480 professional employees and it was depicted in table 3.1below.

25 | P a g e
Table 3. 1:Total population of the study

No Name of the office Number of employees Remark

1 Finance and Economic Development Office 17 12 29
2 Municipal 34 14 48
3 Trade and Industry Development Office 17 13 30
4 Agriculture and land adiminsteration office 28 17 45
5 Civil Service 10 11 21
6 Culture and Tourism Office 11 4 15

7 Technical and Vocational Development 30 13 43

8 Revenue Office 20 8 28
9 Health Office 41 19 60
10 Council - 2 2
11 Mayor’s Office 25 12 37
12 Women and Youth Affairs Office 15 5 20
13 Security and Administration Office 4 1 5
14 Education Office 15 12 27
15 Industry development office 11 7 18
16 Communication and information office 11 4 15

17 Transport office 10 7 17

18 Justice office 11 9 20

Total 310 170 480

Source: woldia town human resource department, 2022

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3.5.2 Sampling Design Sampling Frame
Sampling frame in this study consisted of a number of elements in the general population from
which the researcher selected subjects to represent the general population of woldia town public
servants. The sample units were the different departments with the employees being the
elements. Thus the target population defined those units for which the findings of the survey
were meant to generalize. In this study, the sampling frame consisted of all professional
employees who had working at woldia town public service. Sampling Technique

To get a special knowledge of the public organization because of its large and complex nature,
the researcher employed stratified and simple random sampling techniques. Using stratified
sampling techniques, employees were grouped based on the similarity of the the sectors they
employ and selected proportionally. Thus, employees working in 18 various public sectors were
selected in this study proportionally. Moreover, to select representatives from each sector and to
made inferences from the selected samples about the population the researcher used probability
sampling technique. Hence, probability sampling was used to identify, decide, select and check
the sample. It was believed that samples comprise of total representatives of the organization
population. Sample Size

Gill and Johnson (2010) stated that we try as much as possible to avoid or at worst minimize
sampling errors or biases by keeping the sample size to an adequate size after considering
issues such as population, sampling error, non-response bias and the extent to which sub groups
in the sample was analyzed. The sample size was the subset or sub group of the population from
which the researcher intended to generalize about the entire population. According to Sekaran
and Bougie (2013), it’s nearly impossible to be a 100% perfect in surveys so errors were always
occur but what needs to be curbed was the level of error in data collection which in most cases
was referred to as the margin of errors. Researchers mostly work with a plus or minus 3-5% of
the true value of the population characteristic. Therefore, for this study, the researcher adopted
the 95% level of certainty to produce results among variables that were significantly different

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and it broadened the range of possible data and formed a better picture for analysis. To determine
the sample size and representative of the target population, the study used statistical instrument
formula. The mathematical formula adopted from Yamane (1997 ) cited in Israel(2003).

n= 2
1+ N (e)

Where N=is the population size i.e. 480

n = is the sample size to be calculated
e= is the margin of error i.e. 5% (0.05)

N 480 480
n¿ , n= , n¿ = 218
1+ N ( e ) 2 1+ 480(0.05)2 2.2

Applying a 5% error margin, the sample size of employees for the study were 218 members of
the target population. Therefore, the study’s sample size of 218 was fair enough to represent the
target population of the study area.Using the above statistical formula, the sample size of the
study was determined as follows.

Table 3. 2:Sample size of the study

No Name of the sector Number of Proportion of sample Sample size

in the sector
1 Finance and Economic 29 29/480*218 13
Development Office
2 Municipal 48 48/480*218 21
3 Trade and Industry 30 30/480*218 13
Development Office
4 Agriculture and land 45 45/480*218 20
adiminstration office
5 Civil Service 21 21/480*218 9
6 Culture and Tourism 15 15/480*218 7

28 | P a g e
7 Technical and 43 43/480*218 19
Vocational Development
8 Revenue Office 28 28/480*218 13
9 Health Office 60 60/480*218 27
10 Council 2 2/480*218 2
11 Mayor’s Office 37 37/480*218 16
12 Women and Youth 20 20/480*218 9
Affairs Office
13 Security and 5 5/480*218 5
Administration Office
14 Education Office 27 27/480*218 12
15 Industry development 18 18/480*218 8
16 Communication and 15 15/480*218 7
information office
17 Transport office 17 17/480*218 8
18 Justice office 20 20/480*218 9
Total 480 218
Source: researcher’s, 2022

3.6 Measurement of Variables

In the questionnaire provided to the employees, both variables (emotional intelligence and
employee performance) were treated. The questionnaire includes two parts. In Part I personal data
was obtained; Part II contains scales to measure the variables of the study namely, emotional
intelligence and employee’s performance. Goleman established a measure called Emotional
Competence Inventory (ECI)based on emotional competencies recognized by Goleman (1998b) in
functioning with emotional intelligence and on competencies From Hay/McBers generic
competency dictionary (1996)along with Richard Boyatzis Self-Assessment Questionnaire
(SAQ).The questions linked to emotional intelligence were identified by Boyatzis - Goleman
mixed model of EI and has both a self-report and multi-rater instrument of how individuals express
their supervision of emotions in life and work situations (Boyatzis and Sala, 2004).In line with the
above review, the researcher adopted in this study the ECI model which was based on Goleman's
four quadrants Emotional Intelligence Competency Model (2002): Self Awareness, Self-
Management, Social Awareness, and Relationship Management.
29 | P a g e
According to Team (2014), mixed model of EI was most notably described by Daniel Goleman
and was today the most widely accepted model for EI. The assessment measures personal
competence (how people manage them selves) and social competence (how people manage
relationships). It composed of four domains, each of which has associated competencies. The
questionnaire contained 24 questions related to EI, for professional employees. The other 7
questions were related to the employee’s performance.Respondents were required to tick
appropriate classification data and rate their level of agreement with the statement using 31
questions of nominal scaled nature on EI domain using the five-point Likert scale rated using 1-
strongly disagree to 5- strongly agree.

3.6.1 Measurement of Independent Variables

In this study, the independent variable was emotional intelligence. The independent variable
comprises of four dimensions of emotional intelligence that were developed by Boyatzis et al.
(2000) this measure was intended to judge competencies from four quadrants. These include:

Self-awareness which includes accurate self-assessment,emotional self-awareness, and Self-

confidence.Thus, to measure self-awareness six questions were adopted.

Self-management that includes adaptability, self-control, initiative, conscientiousness

trustworthiness, and achievement orientation.To measure self-management six questions were
adopted. Social–awareness which includes service orientation, empathy, and organizational
awareness. To measure social-awareness six questions were adopted. Relationship-
management/social-skills which includes communication, leadership, influence, developing
others,change catalyst, conflict management, building bonds, teamwork, and
collaboration.Therefore, to measure the relationship-management six questions were prepared by
adopting the entire variables.

This study adopted Goleman's modified four quadrants Emotional Competency Inventory Model
(2002).Goleman opinions on the emotional intelligence consider as a set of competencies which
was measured by his Emotional Competency Inventory (ECI). The ECI model has altered from
the new model published in Daniel Goleman's book in working with emotional
intelligence.Therefore, as long as its administration was simple and it was specifically designed

30 | P a g e
to evaluate emotional competence in the workplace, the ECI was the instrument of choice for this
study. This model was well-known and most researchers used to assess emotional intelligence.

3.6.2 Dependent Variable Measures

The dependent variable for this study was employee’sperformance and to measure general
employee performance the researcher adopted Koopmans et al.(2012) the Individual Work
Performance Questionnaire (IWPQ) aiming of the IWPQ scales by including more items which
the scales indicated good model appropriate and dependability, and were scrutinized for a critical
measurement requirements (e.g.,category,ordering, and differential item functioning).
Finally,calculation and interpretability of scores were addressed. Consequently, it can be more
trustworthy measures for workers at all levels of ability. The scale had seven questions and
respondents had to respond on 5 pointsLikert scale ranging from strongly disagree (1) to strongly
agree (5).

3.8 Data collection Procedures

Research questions were constructed to formulate the questionnaire. Before this questionnaire
could be used to collected the required data from the field, a pre-test of the questionnaire was
done to make sure that respondents understood the questions and there were no issues with
wording and then the questionnaires were edited to rectify issues such as either including more
questions or taking out some and any other inadequacies basing on the feedback and reactions
we get from the pre-testing of the questionnaires. It was paramount importance to the study that
the response rate was high and timely and this ensures by putting in place measures such as; 1)
carefully designing individual questions, 2) clear layout of questionnaire forms, 3) Clearly
stating the purpose of the questionnaire, 4) Pilot testing, 5) Planning and executing
implementation, 6) keeping the wording basic and simple for all respondents to understand and
lastly short questions and short length of questionnaire. Once all the above was done, the final
edited questionnaire was printed after the approval for its clarity and then used as instrument for
data collection in a timely fashion.

31 | P a g e
3.8 Data Analysis Methods

The researecher has used SPSS for the analysis of the data collected. As the study focuses on
the effect of independent variable (emotional intellignce) on dependant variable ( employee’s
performance) different statistical analysis that could show the effect between the two have been
used. Data was analzed quanitatively by statistical techniques descriptive and inferential
stasitices. Descriptive analysis such as, mean; frequency, percent and standarad deviation were
used to describe the profile of respondents; employees emotional inellignce on employees
performance. The descriptive statistical analysis enabled the researcher to understand what the
findings from the data collected meant. In addition, correlation and multiple regressions were
used to trace out the significant differences between emotional intelligence and employee
performance. Pearson correlation was used to determine the degree of association and direction
of relationship between variables. While a multiple regression model was applied to determine
the effect of independent variable (emotional intelligence) on dependent variable (employee
performance). Finally, the response on the effects of emotional intelligence on employee’s
performance was measured by computing indices based on the information derived from the
Likert scale. The relationship of the equation was a linear equation as shown below;

Y = B0 + B1x + B2x + B3x+ B4x + e.

Where Y = Employee Performance, B0= Constant (Regression coefficient), B1x = Self-
awareness, B2x = self-management, B3x = social awareness,B4x = Relationship management and
e = the margin of error Data of the emotional intelligence score was analyzed based on each EI
competencies (self-awareness, self-management, socialawareness and relationship management).
The mean of the results was indicated in a table and describes in a text under each EI

3.9 Validity and Reliability

3.9.1 Validity
In the quantitative research, reliability and validity of the tool were very essential for decreasing
faults that might arise from measurement difficulties in the research study.With regard to the
validity of the items, the questionnaire was established in order to make sure that the items were
reflected the content of the concepts (or components of emotional intelligence and employee
performance). First, the researcher has gone by comparing it with the set objectives and ensure

32 | P a g e
that the items contained all the information that addressed the objectives. The study also ensured
construct validity by constructing the questionnaire based on prior studies and a logical
conceptual framework. the researcher contacted and communicated respondents on how to fill
the questionnaire and allow them to call the researcher for any difficulty by giving contacts of
the researcher. This study conducted a pilot test to make the questionnaire more accurate and to
get feedback before distributing it to all respondents.

3.9.2 Reliability
The reliability indicates how free it was from random errors. The research was reliable in that
The reliability of the questionnaire was tested using Cronbach‘s Alpha. Cronbach's Alpha was
clearly indicated in the table below. By convention, an Alpha of 0.70 or higher was generally
considered acceptable for a reliable measurement tool.

Table 3. 3: Cronbach alpha for each independent and dependent variable.

Reliability Statistics N Cronbach’s Alpha No of items

Self-awareness 205 0.787 6
Self-management 205 0.767 6
Social-awareness 205 0.804 6
Relationship-management 205 0.741 6
Employee Performance 205 0.710 7
Source: survey data/SPSS 2022

3.10 Ethical Considerations

The research was conducted based on the ethical considerations of not to plagiarize, not to
construct or falsify data, research techniques, or data analysis, keep the rights of research
subjects, mainly their rights to information confidentiality, and to being learned about the nature
of the research and the kinds of actions in which they were requested to involve, and not to use

33 | P a g e
or take published data of others deprived of acknowledgment, or unpublished data without both
consent and acknowledgment. Prior to the distribution of the questionnaire, the researcher was
given briefings to the sample participants in regards to the research and was received their

3.11 Conclusion

This chapter has presented the over all research methodology of this study which comprised of
the research approach, research design, the population of the study, source of data, data
collection methods, and sample size to gather with sampling technique, measurement variables,
and methods of data collection,data analysis, reliability and validity of data collection tools and
ethical considerations were briefly stated.

34 | P a g e


4.0 Introduction

This study examined the effect of emotional intelligence on employee’s performance of civil
servants in woldia town administration. This chapter presents both descriptive statistics and
inferential statistical analysis. It has three sections: The first section was the descriptive statistics
which summarizes the main features of the study variable such as mean, frequency, and
percentage. The second section was the correlation analysis which shows the degree of relation
ship between the study variable. The third section of the chapter presents the out put of the
regression models.

4.1 Response Rate

A total 218 questionnaires were distributed,out of which 205 (94%) were returned on time and
research used their questionnaires in the analyises process. Finally, in table 4.1 showed that out
of 218 distributed questionnaires 205(94%) were collected while 13(5.96%) of the questionnaire
remained uncollected.

Table 4.1 summarized the response rate from the data collection exercise.
Table 4. 1 Response rates of respondents
Item Response Rate
No Percent
Sample size 218 100%
Collected 205 94%
Remain uncollected 13 5.96%
Source: own survey 2022

35 | P a g e
4.2 Demographic Characteristics of Respondents

For this study, the following table concludes the demographic data of the respondents.The
demographic characteristics of the respondents such as sex, age, level of education, year of
experience and marital status of the respondents were presented and discussed in the following

Table 4.2: Background profile of the Respondents

Items Options Frequency Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Sex Male 133 64.6 64.6
Female 72 35.4 100
Total 205 100
Age 20-30 79 38.3 38.3
31-40 76 36.9 75.2
41-50 44 21.4 96.6
Above 51 6 3.4 100
Total 205 100
Educational Diploma 35 17.0 17.0
level Degree 145 70.9 83.0
Masters 24 11.7 100
PhD 1 0.48
205 100
Work Less than 5 49 23.8 23.8
5-10 68 33.0 56.8
11-15 62 30.1 86.9
Above 16 26 13.1 100
205 100
Marital status Single 81 39.3 39.3
Married 119 57.8 97.1
Divorced 5 2.6 100
Other - -
Total 205 100
Source: survey data/spss, 2022

Sex of Respondents: There was a need to analyze the demographic charactorstics for the sex of
respondents involved in the research study. Frthe findings shown in Table 4.2 above, the male
comprised 64.6% of the respondents as opposed to the 35.4% which was the percentage for the

36 | P a g e
female respondents. As a result of the analysis, the results conclude that the significant portion of
the respondents that participated in the research study were male.

Age of Respondents: The research results presented in table 4.2 above concluded that 79 of the
respondent equivalent to 38.3% of the respondents that participated were between the age of 20
to 30 years old, 76 of the respondents equivalent to 36.9% of the total respondents were between
the ages of 31 to 40 years, 44 of the respondents equivalent to 21.4% of the total respondents
were 41 to 50 years of age and 6 of the respondents which were equivalent to 3.4% of the total
respondents were above the aged of 51 years. Hence, the findings indicated that the majority of
the respondents were between the ages of 20 to 30 years of age.

The educational level of Respondents: From the findings indicated in table 4.2 above that 35
of the respondents had only completed that diploma equivalent to 16.99%, had of the
respondents that 145 participated were between had completed a degree 70.9%, of the
respondents of that 24 as master graduate level 11.7% and only 0.48% of the 1 respondents had
a doctorate education. Therefore, the findings concluded that the majority of the respondents
were well educated.

Work Experience of Respondents: This study also interested in finding out the duration
employees has worked with the organization. Table 4.2 indicated that, 49 of the respondents
equivalent to 23.8% of the respondents have been in the organization for less than 5 years, 68 of
the respondents equivalent to 33.0% of this have spent between 5-10 years in the organization,
62 of the respondents equivalent to 30.1% of the respondents have spent between 10 to 15 years
working for the organization and 26 of the respondents equivalent to 13.1% of the respondents
have worked for more than 15 years for the organization. The result indicated that the majority of
the employees were in the range of 5 to 10 years’ experience.

Marital Status of Respondents: In addition to the above descriptions, the other classification of
sample respondents was their marital status. Tables 4.2 above showed that 81 of the respondents’
equivalent to 39.3% of the respondents was single, 119 of the respondent’s equivalent to 57.8%
of the respondents were married and 5 of the respondents’ equivalent to 2.6% of the respondents
were divorced. Therefore, the findings concluded that majority of the respondents were married.

37 | P a g e
4.3 Descriptive Statistics for the Measurement of Independent and Dependent

4.3.1 Self Awareness effect on employees performance

This section aims at meeting the second objective of the research study. In particular, this section
aims at finding out the effect of self Awareness on employees performance. The respondents
were needed to state the degree (based on a scale of one to five) the effect of self Awareness
onemployees performance from various perspectives including, their over all view.

Table 4.3 self Awareness effect on employees performance

Items SD DA Neu A SA Mean Deviatio
It difficult to me to realize the Fre 4 26 10 63 102 4.14 1.103
links between my feelings and q 12.6 0
what I think, do, and say % 1.9 4.8 30.4 49.3
Knowing what I feel and why I Fre 6 71 128
am feeling is always difficult to q 0.899
% 2.9 34.6 61.8 4.60
I don’t understand how my Fre 3 15 35 152
4.62 0.476
feelings affect my performance q% 1.4 7.2 16.9 73.4
I am reluctant in applying honest Fre 4 9 61 131
feedback, new perspectives, 4.56
enthusiastic for continuous
% 1.9 4.3 29.5 63.3
learning, and self-development
I lack to make sound decisions Fre 2 24 179
in uncertainties and pressures. q 1 11.6 86.5 4.85
% 0.429
I am unable to show a sense of Fre 16 18 30 14 127
good feeling and perspective q 4.06 1.35
% 7.7 8.8 14.5 6.8 61.4
about my self
Source: survey data/spss, 2022

Table 4.3 above shows the responses of the respondents in detail. Accordingly, regarding the
question how difficult was realizing the link between respondents feelings and what they think,
do, and say, most respondents 165 (79.7%) agree. This was an average (M=4.14, SD=1.103this
result shows that most employees do not know the link between their feeling and what they

38 | P a g e
As has been seen from the above table regarding question for ‘Knowing what I feel and why I
am feeling was always difficult to me’. Most respondents:71 (34.6%) agree and 128(61.8%)
strongly agrees. With The mean value of 4.6 and SD= 0.899 they do not know which emotion
they feel and why.As it wa seen in table 4.3 under item No3 respondents were questioned that
whether they were poor in recognizing how their feelings affect their performance or not,
187(90.3%) agree that they don’t understand how their feelings affect their performance. This
was justified by the average (M =4.62, SD =..0.476).
Under item No4, respondents were asked to answer the question whether they were reluctant in
applying honest feedback, new perspectives, enthusiastic for continuous learning, and self-
development or ready. Most respondents: 138(92.8%) perceived that they were not rerady to
apply honest feedback, new perspectives, enthusiastic for continuous learning, and self-
development. This was justified by the average mean M= 4.56, SD= .0.674.
Under item No5, respondents were also asked to answer the question “I lack to to make sound
decisions in uncertainties and pressures”:24 (11.6%) agree and 179(86.5%)strongly agree. This
implies that (M= 4.85, SD= .0.67) respondents were not certain in providing decisive
Under Item No 6, respondents were also asked to answer the question of “I am unable to show a
sense of good feeling and perspective about my self”. Accordingly, the majority respondents
141 (69.3%) agree. this was an average of (M=4.088, SD= 1.35).this result shows that they can’t
showa sense of good feeling about themselves In general, results in the above table reflect that
public servants in Woldia town lack self awareness.

4.3.2 Self management effect on employees performance

This section aims at meeting the second objective of the research study. In particular, this section
aims at assesasing the effect of Self management on employees performance in public sectors of
Woldia town. The respondents were requested to state the extent to which they agree with
parameters testing provided in the questionnaire with in a scale of one to five the results in terms
of descriptive statistics show table 4.4.

Table 4.4: Self management effect on employees performance

Items Mea
SD DA Neu A SA n

39 | P a g e
Managing my quick feelings and Frq 11 32 88 54 20
distressing emotions is so difficult % 5.3 15.5 42.5 26.1 19.6
I deny my own mistakes and can’t Frq 1 14 153 16
confront unethical actions in % .5 6.8 11.1 73.4 7.7 3.82 .668
Disorganized and carelessness are Frq 1 13 21 137 33
my weaknesses in my work % .5 6.3 10.1 66.2 15.9 3.92 0.746

I don’t make my self accountable Frq 1 40 114 50

for not meeting my objectives 4.19 2.13
% .5 19.3 55.1 24.2
Iam poor to smoothly handle Frq 1 1 31 172
multiple demands, shifting % .5 .5 15.1 83.1 4.82 .466
priorities, and rapid change
I build trust by being reliable and Frq 3 9 35 129 29
authentic % 1.4 4.4 16.9 62.3 14 3.84 .772

Source: Survey data/spss, 2022

Item No 1, to answer the question of Managing my quick feelings and distressing emotions was
so difficult.45.7 % respondents agree. this was an average of (M=3.20, SD= .996).this result
shows that the employees of the public sectors in the study area were not able to manage their
quick feelings and distresses.Item No 2, to answer the question of whether they deny their own
mistakes and can’t confront unethical actions in others. Most respondents: 169% agree. This was
an average (M=3.82 , SD= 0.668).this result shows that most employees do not admite their own
mistakes and can’t confront unethical actions in others.

Respondents were asked to answer the question of Disorganized and carelessness were their
weaknesses in my work area. Accordingly, more than 137 (66.2℅) respondents agree and 33
(15.9%)strongly agree. The mean value M= 3.92, SD= 0.746 shows that disorganized and
carelessness of employees in the organization affect their performance.
In relation to item No4, respondents were asked to answer the question of I don’t make my self
accountable for not meeting my objectives. 164 (79.3%) respondents agree. This was an average
(M= 4.19, SD= 2.13). This result shows that the employees do not trigger to attain their
objectives and they were not accountable for not meeting their objectives.

40 | P a g e
Under question No5, respondents were asked whether they were poor to smoothly handle
multiple demands, shifting priorities, and rapid change. Accordingly, most respondents:
31(15.1℅) agree and 172(83.1%) strongly agree. This was an average (M= 4.82, SD= 0.466).
Regarding item no.6,:15(66.3℅) respondents agree on the statement I build trust by being
reliable and authentic. this was an average (M= 3.84, SD=.77).

4.3.3 Social Awarness effect on employees performance

Th third objective was to determine the challenges of social awarness that affects the
performance of public employees performance related with social awareness. It was measured
using six variables.

Table 4.5: Social Awarness effect on employees performance

Items Mea
SD DA Neu A SA n
I have weakness to understand and Frq 4 3 75 123 4.55 .629
support others based on their needs % 1.9 59.4
and feeling 1.4 36.2
I have limitation to grasp Frq 5 2 41 157 4.67 .758

41 | P a g e
customer’s perspective, acting as a % 2.4 1 19.8 72.9

have advisor
problem to acknowledge frq 5 4 6 37 153 4.69 .610
people based on their strength, % 2.4 1.9 2.9 17.9 73.9
achievement and development
I am poor in understanding forces frq 63 142 4.60 .843
that shape the views and actions of % 30.4 68.6
clients/ customers.
I respect and relate well to people frq 2 4 48 151 4.69 .463
from varied backgrounds % 1 1.9 23.2 72.9
understanding customers’ needs frq 13 13 23 34 122 4.17 1.229
and matching them to services is % 6.3 6.3 11.1 16.4 58.9
my weakness
Source: survey data/spss, 2022
Regarding the question I have weakness to understand and support others based on their needs
and feeling 198 respondents that account( 95.6) agree that they have weaknes to support and
understand others need and feeling. This was an average (M=4.55, SD=.629) and this result
shows that most employees do not know how to support others needs and feelings.

As has been seen from the above table regarding question for I have limitation to grasp
customer’s perspective, acting as a trusted advisor Most respondents: 41(19.8%) agree, and
157(72.9%) strongly agrees. With The mean value of 4.67and SD= .758 implies the majority
respondents have limitation how to grasp customers perspective and acting.

As it was seen in table 4.5 under item No3 respondents were questioned I have problem to
acknowledge people based on their strength, achievement and development; 37(17.9%) agree,
153 (73.9%). strongly agree. This was an average (M =4.69, SD =.61). the result depicts that
most respondents believe they have weakness to acknowledge people based on their strength
achievement and development

Under item No4, respondents were asked to answer the question of whether they I have a good
understanding of the forces that shape the views and actions of clients or customers or not. Most
respondents: 142(68.6%) perceive they were poor in understanding forces that shape the views
and actions of clients/ customers and the M= 4.6, SD= .843 reflects that most respondents decide
they haven’t good understanding of the force that shape the views and actions of client.

42 | P a g e
Under item No5 and item 6, respondents were questioned to answer the question of “I respect
and relate well to people from varied backgrounds and understanding customers’ needs and
matching them to services was my limitation: with the mean value (M= 4.69, SD= .463)
199(96.1%) respondents agree and strongly agree that they were good in respecting and relate
with people from varied backgrounds. Wheras, for question item number six 122 (58.9%)
strongly agree that they have limitation to understand customer needs and maching them to
service. This was justified by average of (M=4.17, SD= 1.229).

4.3.4 Relationship Management effect on employees performance

This section aims at meeting the fourth objective of the research study. The respondents were
requested to state the extent to which they agree with parameters testing provided in the
Questionnaire within a scale of one to five. descriptive statistics show table 4.6.

Table 4.6: Relationship Management effect on employees performance

Items Mea SD
SD DA Neu A SA n
Handling difficult people and Frq 4 4 79 118 4.52 .639
confusing situations with
diplomacy and tact is my weakness % 1.9 1.9 38.2 57

43 | P a g e
Making and maintaining personal Frq 9 9 12 108 67 4.05 .997
friendships among workassociates % 4.3 4.3 5.8 52.2 32.4
is my weakness
I have limitation to balance a focus Frq 3 2 8 92 100 4.39 .743
on task with attention to % 1.4 1 3.9 44.4 48.3

I am poor to collaborate, share Frq 16 13 64 112 4.19 1.215
plans, information, and resources % 7.7 6.3 30.9 54.1

I keep the coworker's reputation Frq 3 10 3 104 85 4.26 .832

and share credit with them
% 1.4 4.8 1.4 50.2 41.1

I am poor in listening well, seeking Frq 10 11 12 63 108 4.22 1.097

mutual understanding, and fully
welcome sharing of information % 4.8 5.3 5.8 30.4 52.2
Source: Survey data /spss, 2022

Based on the result of Table 4.6 the majority respondents that account 79 (38.2℅) agree and
118(57%) strongly agree. With the mean value of= 4.52,SD=.639 believe Handling difficult
people and confusing situations with diplomacy and tact was one of their weaknesses.On the
other hand, the respondents 108(52.2℅) believe that they maintaining personal friendships
among work associates was the challenge they face in the work environment. While, 67(32.4%)
perceive they can make and maintain personal friendships among work associates. The average
score M=4.05, SD =.997 reflects that the majority were negligent in making and maintaining
friendship among coworkers.

Regarding to question item item3, 192(92.7%) respondents agreeand strongjy agree that they
have limitation to balance a focus on task with attention to relationships. With (M=4.39,
SD=0.743). this result shows that the majority employees agree with the statement.This
respondents that account of 176(85%) the total respondents with the mean value 4.19 of and
standard deviation 1.215 perceive there no collaboration, sharing plans, information, and
resources among employees of public sectors. This implies that many of the staffs of public
sectors prefer to do their individual responsibility rather than doing things in collaboration.
Likewise, the majority respondents 104 (50.2%) agree while and 85(41.1%) respondents were
strongly agree with M =4.26,SD=0.823 the statement that I keep the coworker's reputation and share

44 | P a g e
credit with them. this result shows that the majority employees in public sectors tried to keep their
coworkers reputation and share credit with them.
Under item No.6, respondents were to answer the question of listening well, seeking mutual
understanding, and fully welcome sharing of information are my limitations: 171 (82.6) agree.
The average score (M 4.22, SD=1.097) implies that more than half of public sector employees
have weakness with sharing information, listening others well and seeking mutual understanding.
Generally Based on these data employees in Woldia town public sectors have low relationship
Management skill and it has critical effect on employees’ performance.

4.3.5 Performance of Employees

The mean and standard deviation of these responses were calculated to judge the mean level of
the variables and its variability . it was descriptive statistics show table 4.7.

Table 4.7: Performance of Employees


I have limitation of guiding my Fr 1 6 5 95 98 4.38 0.72

works with plan, so works are not %
q .5 2.9 2.4 45.9 47.3
done on time
while doing my works, I do not Fr 2 4 5 107 87 4.33 0.712
take into consideration the results % 1 1.9 2.4 51.7 42
to be achaived.

45 | P a g e
Fr 2 13 97 93 4.36 .69
I was unable to separate main
issues from side issues at work. q% 1 6.3 46.9 44.9

I have limitation in doing works Fr 1 4 6 97 97 4.39 .689

with a minimum time duration q
% .5 1.9 2.9 46.9 46.9
and efficient cost with effort
Fr 1 5 2 82 115 4.49 .69
Collaboration with others was % .5 2.4 1 39.6 55.6
very productive. q
Fr 3 1 64 137 4.61 .66
I have limitation to comeup with
q% 1.5 .5 30.9 66.2
creative solution to new
I have weakness how to set the Fr 2 1 8 43 151 4.66 0.87
right priorities % 1 .5 3.9 20.8 72.9

Source: Survey data/spss, 2022

As has been seen from the above table regarding question for “I have limitation of guiding my
works with plan, and not done on time”. Accordingly, among the total respondents 95(45.9%)
agree and 98(47.3%) strongly agrees. With The mean value of 4.38 and SD= .0.72 most
respondents were agree with the statement. It implies public servants in the study did not plan
their works and they did not do works on time. Regarding the question while doing my works, “I
do not take into consideration the results to be achaived”. 194 respondents that accoutnt 78.2%
agree. With the mean value (M=3.97, SD=0.65) indicate the majority respondents in public
sectors do their routine works without thinking what they were going to achieve. Whereas,
11(3.5%) and 8(3.8%) were undecided and believe they do their work and know what will its
result respectively. Respondents were asked to rate their agreement on the statement “I was
unable to separate main issues from side issues at work.”. As it indicated in table 4.7 item 3
among the total 205 respondents 97 that share (46.9%) agree, while 13(6.3%) neutral with the
statement. The average (M =4.36, SD =0.69) shows the majority of respondents of the study
reflects that they agree on the issue.

Under item No4, respondents were asked to rate their level of agreement on the statement “I
have limitation in doing works with a minimum time duration and efficient cost with effort”.
accordingly, the majority respondents that account 194(93.8 %) of the total respondents reflect

46 | P a g e
that they do not work well with minimum time and effort. The mean value (M= 4.39, SD= 0.689)
reflects that most respondents of public sectors in the study area do not do works with minimum
effort, time and cost.

Regarding the question Collaboration with others was very productive; 197 (%95.2) of the total
respondents reflect there was no good collaboration among employees of the public sector.
While, 1 and 5 were undecided and believe there was collaboration with others. The mean result
(M=4.49, SD=.69) indicates the majority respondents agree with the statement.

Under Item No 6, respondents were asked to answer the question whether they have limitation to
comeup with creative solution to new problems or not. Thus, among the total respondents
137(66.2%) reflect they lack creativity for new problems. The mean result (M=4.61, SD=.66)
also indicates the majority respondents were agree on the idea..

Under item No7, respondents were asked to rate their level of agreement on the statement ‘ I
have weakness how to set the right priorities.’The majority respondents with the mean value of
4.66 and standard deviation 0.87 reflect their agreement on the statement. This result shows that
the performance of employees of public sectors in the study area have low performance in
relation to emotional intelligence.

4.3.6 Respondents opinion on the Measurement of Independent and Dependent Variables

Table 4.8: Descriptive statistics of EI and EP

N Mean Std. Deviation Maximum Minimum

Statistic Statistic
Self-awareness 205 4.47 .615 5 1
Self-management 205 3.96 .843 5 1
Social awareness 205 4.56 .672 5 1
Relationship 205 4.26 .739 5 1
Employee Performance 205 4.46 .843 5 1

47 | P a g e
Source: survey data/spss, 2022
Table 4.3 above, indicated that self-awareness has a mean distribution of 4.47 and SD= 0.615
and the second emotional intelligence components self-management has a mean distribution of
3.96 and SD= 0.843 and the third component was social awareness which has a mean
distribution of 4.56 and SD= 0.672 which was relatively the highest among emotional
intelligence components as shown in the table and the last componentis relationship management
which has a mean distribution of 4.26 and SD= 0.739 while the dependent variable which was
employee performance has a mean distribution of 4.46 and SD=0.843as shown in the table.

According to Zaidatol and Bagheri(2009), considering a mean value below 3.39 was low,
between 3.4 and 3.79 were moderate and above 3.79 was considered high. Based on the above
table, social-awareness has the highest mean score of 4.56, which was the highest among the
emotional intelligence components. This result indicated that most respondents perceived their
understanding and sensitivity to the feelings, thoughts, and situations of others.The second most
popular emotional intelligence components perceived by the respondents was self awareness
which has a mean score of 4.47. This result indicated that the next most respondents perceived to
manage other people’s emotions.The third most popular emotional intelligence components
perceived by the respondents was self-awareness which has a mean score of 4.47. This result
indicated that the third most respondents perceived to control or redirect the internal states,
impulses, and resources.Lastly, the last popular emotional intelligence components perceived by
the respondents was employees performance which has the moderate mean score of 4.46 as
shown in the above table. The dependent variable which was relation ship management has the
mean score of 4.26 the last respondenstself management 3.96 . This result indicated that most of
the respondents perceived by the respondent has all was highly imperative. From the data
collected, most respondents from the public sector in woldia town perceived by the respondent
was the highest that showed most employees feeling result was approaching to agreed that
showed moderate among emotional intelligence components.

48 | P a g e
4.4. Inferential Statistics
4.4.1 Correlation Test of Emotional Intelligence and EmployeePerformance

According to Field (2005) advocated that correlations were possibly the most vital and most
essential measure of association between two or more variables which stated in a single number
called a correlation coefficient (r), correlations deliver evidence about the direction of the
relationship (either positive or negative) and the strength of the association (–1.0 to +1.0). The
mark of the coefficient represents the direction of the relationship. To successfully measure the
association between emotional intelligence and employee’s performance, Pearson correlation
analysis at both 0.05 and 0.01 levels was used on both variables and an overall summary of
correlation tests was given in table 4.4 below.

Table 4.9: Correlation summary between emotional intelligence and employee performance

Self Self Social Relation

Variables Awarness Management Awarness Management EP
Self Awarness 1 .288 .377 .217

49 | P a g e
Self Management .228** 1 .439
.000 .510

Social Awarness .377** .439** 1 .413

.000 .000

Relation Management .217** .510** .413** 1

.000 .000 .000

EP .393** .658** .522** .475** 1

.000 .000 .000 .000

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Listwise N = 205
Where, EP= Employee Performance

As indicated in the above table 4.9, the correlation of self-awareness and

employee’sPerformance variables indicating an(r=0.3930, p<0.01), that represented a strong and
positive linear relationship between self-awareness and employee’s Performance.Therefore,
when self-awareness increase, employee’s performance increases and when self-awareness
decreases employee’s performance decreases. The correlation between self-management and
employee’s performance indicating an(r=0.6580, p<0.01) that represented a strong and positive
linear relationship between self-management and employee’s performance. Therefore, when self-
management increase, employee’s performance increases and when self-management
decreases,employee’s performance decreases. The correlation of social-awareness and
employee’s performance variables indicatingan(r=0.522, p<0.01) that represented a strong and
positive linear relationship between social-awareness and employee’sperformance. Therefore,
when the social-awareness increase, employee’s Performance increases and when social-
awareness decreases employee’sperformance decreases. The correlation of relationship-
management and employee’sperformance variables indicating the moderat ecorrelation
comparing from others with an(r=0.475, p<0.01), that represented a strong and positive linear
relationship between relationship-management and employee’sperformance. Therefore, when
relationship-management increase, employee’sperformance increases, and vice versa.

50 | P a g e
As per Marczyk, Dematteo and Festinger, (2005)tests of correlations woud afford information on
whether the correlation was statistically significant as stated correlations of 0.01 to 0.30 were
considered weak, correlations of 0.30 to 0.70 were considered moderate, correlations of 0.70 to
0.90 were considered strong, and correlations of 0.90 to 1.00 were considered very
strong.Consequently, the above results implied that emotional intelligence components havea
positive and moderate relationship with employee’sperformance with high Pearson correlation
coefficients and this means that changes in one variable were correlated with changes in the
second variable as it was close to one. For this reason, it was possible to accomplish that there
was a positive and moderat association between emotional intelligence components and
employee’sperformance moderate significance a if emotional intelligence component increases,
employee’sperformancealso rises and vice versa.

However, correlation analysis shows only the strength and direction of one independent and
dependent variables and it doesn’t make analysis of more than one independent and dependent
variables. Hence, to analyze the effect of emotional intelligence on employee’s performance the
study uses regression analysis that over comes the short comings of correlation analysis.

4.4.2 Multiple Regression Analysis

Regression analysis was a statistical technique that examines the effects of emotional intelligence
on employee performance. When matching with assumptions in the form of a statistical model, a
regression can be used for prediction, inference, and hypothesis testing, and modeling of causal
relations(Aron, 1994).Multiple regression analysis employed to examine the effects of emotional
intelligenceon employee’s performance on public sector civil servants in woldia town. Before
going to analyze multiple regressions test results, the assumptions of multiple regression analysis
were presented as follows. Multiple Regression Assumptions Normality Test

Regression considers that variables have normal distributions and they do not describe which
variables, in particular, they were talking about but the inference seems to be that multiple
regressions need that the predictor or feedback variables be normally distributed. In certainty,
merely the assumption of normally distributed errors was pertinent to multiple regressions. When

51 | P a g e
histograms were close to zero it was assumed that the data was normally distributed for the
dependent variable. However, when skewness and kurtosis were not close to zero and the
histogram does not appear to have a normal distribution.According to the information in figure
4.1 below indicated that the skewness and kurtosis were not far from zero or between them the
zero value was indicated. Thus, the result assured that the distribution was normal for this study.

Figure 4. 1 Histogram regression of standardized residual of emotional intelligence and

employee performance
This can be tested by looking at the Histogram and P-P plot for the model. To say the Normality
assumption of this study was met, the Histogram should be symmetric along the center 0 and the
dots at the P-P Plot should be closer to the diagonal line; Normal P-P plot –points shouldlie in a
reasonably straight diagonal line from bottom left to top right. When we look at the above
histogram and p-p plot, Histogram was symmetric and the P-P plot of the dots were drawn closer
to the diagonal line, indicating that the assumption of normality was met.

52 | P a g e
Figure 4. 2: Normal P-P Plot of dependent variable employee performance Multi-Co linearity Test

The presence of correlations between the predictors was termed as colinearity (for a relationship
between two predictor variables) or multi-colinearity (for relationships between more than two
predictors). In severe cases (such as a perfect correlation between two or more predictors), multi-
colinearity can indicate that no unique least squares solution to a regression analysis can be
computed and the variance inflation factor was one-known measure of multi-colinearity,
although numerous ther measures were available(Belsley et al., 1980).For multiple regressions,
the researcher has checked the colinearity problem with the assumption of tolerance and VIF
statistics. Itseems from these values that there was not an issue of multi-colinearity problem
between the predictor variables.Thus, the multi-colinearity result of this study as indicated in
table 4.10 below confirmed that there was no problem of multi-colinearity since the value
indicates between one and ten.

Table 4.10: The Multi colinearity test distribution result

Model Colinearity statistics

Tolerance VIF
1 Constant
Self-awareness .839 1.191
Self-management .666 1.501
Social awareness .699 1.430

53 | P a g e
Relationship management .696 1.437
Source = survey data /SPSS of, 2022 Linearity Assumptions

The model that shares the response Y to the predictors X1, X2, X3... XNwas assumed to be linear
in the regression parameters (Chatterjee and Hadi, 2012). This means that standard multiple
regression can only precisely estimate the relationship between dependent and independent
variables if the relationships were linear in nature. As in the equation: Y=B 0 + B1X + B2X +B3X
+ B4X. This regression equation was still a linear regression equation because Y was modeled as
a linear function of the parameters. According to the information in figure 4.3 below indicated
Normal P-P Plots show that this assumption had been met for this study.

Figure 4. 3 Scatter Plot of regression of standardized residual of emotional intelligence and

employee performance,In conclusion, all of the assumptions were necessary for regression

54 | P a g e
4.4. Regression Test on the effect of Emotional Intelligence on Employee performance

The regression analysis was used to measure the effects of emotional intelligence on employee
performance. Regression test was used to recognize the ability of each individual independent
variables (self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management) to
predict the dependent variable (employee performance), where each of the individual emotional
intelligence componentsis examined and clarified.

4.5.1 Regression between Emotional Intelligence and Employee Performance

Model Summary
Table 4.11: Regression between emotional intelligence and employee performance

Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Square Estimate Durbin-Watson
.728a .531 .521 .19713 1.075

a. Predictors: (Constant),relationship management , Self-awareness, Social-

awareness,self management
b. Dependent Variable: Employee Performance

As indicated in table 4.11 above, the adjusted R Square value represents the regression model
present how much of the variance between the dependent variable (employee performance) and
the independent variable (self-awareness, relationship management, social awareness, and self-
management) also known as emotional intelligence components was explained. The regression
effect between the dependent variable and the four independent variables together were the
strong one in this study, and have a positive regression. From the model summary,the adjusted R
square from the table above showed 0.521 which means that the independent variables (self-
awareness, relationship management, social awareness, and self-management) which was also
termed as the emotional intelligence components,can explain the dependent variable(employee
performance) by 52.1%.However, there were 47.9 % of the variance remained unexplained in
this study.

As we saw from the model summary box. The Durbin Watson (DW) statistic was 1.075, which
shows a good autocorrelation in the residuals from a statistical regression analysis table. The
55 | P a g e
Durbin-Watson statistic woud permanently have a value between 0 and 4. The value of 2.0
means there was no autocorrelation detected in the sample. Values from 0 to less than 2 shows
positive autocorrelation and values from 2 to 4 designate negative autocorrelation (James and
Geoffrey,1950).In this case, the value was 1.075, confirmed that there was a positive
autocorrelation hence we can conclude this analysis was valid.

4.5.2 ANOVA of Emotional Intelligenceand Employee Performance


Table 4. 12: ANOVA of Emotional Intelligence and employee performance

Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 76.938 4 19.235 56.541 .000b
Residual 68.038 200 .039
Total 144.976 204
a. Dependent Variable: Employee Performance
b. Predictors: (Constant), relationship management, Self-awareness, Social-awareness,

In line with table 4.7 above, indicated that ANOVA of the results from the data gathered from
the respondents showed a strong positive significant regression for the reason that p=0.000 which
was <0.05. This meant that the independent variables (self-awareness, relationship management,
social awareness, and self-management) which wa termed as the emotional intelligence
components, have a strong significant influence on employee’s performance in the organization.

4.5.3 Coefficient of Emotional Intelligenceon Employee Performance

Coefficients a

Table 4. 13:Coefficient of emotional intelligence on employee performance

Unstandardized Standardized Colinearity

Coefficients Coefficients Statistics
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Tolerance VIF
1(Constant) -.114 .368 -310 .001

56 | P a g e
Self-awareness .212 .073 .155 2.924 .004 .839 1.191
Self-management .459 .058 .456 7.739 .000 .666 1.501
Social-awareness .267 .073 .213 3.675 .000 .699 1.430
.136 .066 .119 2.054 .041 .696 1.437
a. Dependent Variable: Employee Performance

Table 4.13 above was a coefficient table that showed the degree of relationship between each
independent variable under emotional intelligence components with the constant at (-0.114)
while self-awareness(0.212), self-management (0.459), social awareness(0.267) and relationship
management (0.136) were statistically significant since all of them had (p<0.05). In the
regression analysis using the coefficient of determination (Y= B o+B1x+B2x +B3x +B4x), the
researcher arrived at the following conclusions; B o = -0.114, B1= 0.212, B2= 0.459, B3= 0.267
and B4= 0.136. Therefore, Y= -0.114+ 0.212x + 0.459x + 0.267x + 0.136x meaning the constant
(-0.114) refers to the intercept in “Y”axis were the regression line cross the axis. Whereas,when
the employee performance increase by one unit each of the aspect under the independent
variables do affect dependent varible by one times each predicator values of 0.212, 0.459, 0.267
and 0.136 changes respectively.

From the table 4.13 above relationship management was the predictor variable contributes the
moderate to the variation of the dependent variable (employee performance) because the Beta
value for this predictor variable was the highest (0.459) if compared to (self-awareness, social
awareness, and relationship-management). This implies that self- managementcreates the
strongest distinct contribution to clarify the variation of the independent variable (employee
performance) when the variance explained by all other predictor variables in the model was

4.4 Hypothesis Testing

According to the standardized coefficient of beta and p-value, the hypotheses of the study were
tested and the results of the study presented below.

Hypothesis One

57 | P a g e
 Self-awareness has a significant positive effect on the performance of the employee in the
public sector of woldia town.

The findings of this study confirmed that,the effectof self-awareness on employee’s

performance. Self-awareness has a positive and significant effect on employee’sperformance
(β=0.155, p= 0.004). Hence, the hypothesis was fully supported.

Hypothesis Two

 Self-management has a significant positive effect on the performance of the employee in the
public sector of woldia town.

The findings of the analysis stated that, the results of the effect of self-management on
employee’s performance. Self-management has a positive and strong significant effect on
employee’sperformance (β=0.459 p= 0.000).There fore,the hypothesis was fully supported.

Hypothesis Three

 Social-awareness has a significant positive effect on the performance of the employee in the
public sector of woldia town

The findings of this study approved that,the effect of social awareness on employee’s
performance. Social awareness has a positive and strong significant effect on
employee’sperformance (β=0.213, p= 0.000). Therefore, the hypothesis was fully supported.

Hypothesis Four

 Relationship-management has a significant positive effect on the performance of the

employee in the public sector of woldia town.

The obtained result indicated the findings of the effect of relationship management on
employee’s performance. Relationship management has a positive and strong significant effect
on employee’sperformance (β=0.119, p= 0.041). There fore, this hypothesis was fully supported.

4.5 Discussions

The aim of this study was to examine the effect of emotional intelligence on employee’s
performance in the public sector of woldia town. Here the major findings in line with other
researchers were stated as follows.Emotional intelligence played a vital role to make people

58 | P a g e
understand the importance of emotions in every day dealings. Employees were the main
participants of the organization with out their dedication no organization can progress. This
study confirmed that the effect of self-awareness on employee’s performance has a positive and
moderately significant effect on employee’s performance. Self-awareness enhanced employee’s
role to the organizational set goals and generally the achievement of its vision. A major portion
of the respondents confirmed the theory that self-awareness affects employee’s performance. The
positive relationship between self-awareness and employee’s performance among employees
means that as values on self-awareness increases, values on employee performance increases and
vice versa. The results of this study agree with that of Shahzed et al. (2011) whose study
explained that self-awareness was significantly correlated with employee’s performance.

The regression findings of the analysis stated that self-management has a positive and strong
significant effect on employee’s performance. The study discovered that the majority of the
respondents certified the theory that self-managed employees have better performance as
compared to their counterparts with self-management deficit. The findings of the study agree
with that of Ngari (2014)whose study revealed that self-management was significantly correlated
with employees performance.

The findings of this study also approved that, social-awareness has a positive and strong
significant effect on employee’s performance. A significant portion of the respondents coincided
that social awareness supports the improvement of the performance of employees. This study
findings significantly agreed with Victoroff and Boyatzis (2012) who founded that when
employees devote more time with work colleagues and others through persistent relations, they
then get to know and understand well the persons they were dealing with, how they have to
approach specific situations or people, trend analysis and so on hence more time spent on process
orientation which in turn leads to improved employee performance.

Finally, the findings of the regression analysis concluded that relationship management has a
positive and strong significant effect on employee’s performance. The outcomes from the study
established the research theory that relationship-management has a significant effect on
employee’s performance. Relationship-management showed a positive correlation with
performance.Also, this result was in agreement with the findings of Zeeshan et al. (2016) who
founded that relationship-management has a significant effect on employee performance.

59 | P a g e
However, the findings of Gunu and Oladepo(2014) was inconsistency with this study, which
concluded that there was no significant relationship between relationship-management and
employee’s performance.When the employees were satisfied with the organization environment,
their performance becomes more result oriented the results were positive of the entire
hypothesis. The data collected from the public sectors showed the result emotional intelligence
has a positive effect on employee performance.Results showeda positive and significant
correlation between the studied emotional intelligence components i.e. self-awareness, self-
management, social awareness, relationship management, and employee’s performance. This
implies that there was a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and
employee’sperformance in the public sector of woldia town.

In general, as the study implied organizational productivity and its success were mainly depends
and directly related to managing employee’s performance. On one hand, emotional intelligence
was a now being identified as a good predictor of employee’s work performance. Organizations
require interpersonal interactions to achieve the goals and it has been seen as most of the jobs
were related to emotions and require the ability to manage emotions. Consequently, the findings
that emotional intelligence and its components such as self-awareness, self-management,
relationship-management, and social-awareness have a positive and significant relationship
between emotional intelligence and its component mean employee performance regulation. That
was, the study findings can increase employee performance level.According to the results of this
study, employees who have a higher level of emotional intelligence were more successful in their
work and have higher working performance. Hence, the study generalizes that emotional
intelligence was significantly correlated with employee’s work performance.

4.6 Conclusion

The main purpose of this study was to find the effect of emotional intelligence on employee’s
performance of the public sector in woldia town administration. According to the analysis of the
data collected with regard to the demographic characteristics, the respondents indicated 64.6% of
the respondents were male, majority of the respondents were between 18-30 years of age and the
majority of the respondents have education level of undergraduate degree (70.9%), most of the
respondents have had years of experience with organization ranging between 5-10 years (33%)
and the majority of the respondents were married (57.8%).

60 | P a g e
According to the research objectives, the analysis revealed a significant effect between self-
awareness and employee performance.The findings also discovered that there was a positive
correlation between self-management and employee’s performance. The study confirmed that
social awareness has a positive effect on employee performance. And finally, the study
concluded that there was a positive effect between relationship management and employee’s
performance.Chapter five presents the summary of the main findings, key conclusions and the
recommendationsfor further consideration of future research on this study area.



5.0 Introduction

The major objective of this study was to examine the effect of emotional intelligence on employ
yee’s performance in the public sector of woldia town administration. This chapter summarized
and discussed the main findings obtained from each of the four research questions. It also dealt
with the conclusions that were derived from the analysis, as well as recommendations that can be
implemented or used for future research, for each of the main research objectives.

5.1 Summary of Main Findings

The centralize of this study was to examine the effect of emotional intelligence on employee’s
performance in public sector of woldia town administration. The study had the following as
research objectives:

61 | P a g e
1. To examine the effect of self-awareness on employee’s performance of public sector civil
servants, in woldia town.
2. To investigate the effect of self-management on employee’s performance of public sector
civil servants, in woldia town.
3. To examine the effect of social awareness on employee’s performance of public sector
civil servants, in woldia town.
4. To examine the effect of relationship- management on employee’s performance of public
sector civil servants, in woldia town.

This research study used the quantitative research method and descriptive design in particular.
The study adopted a quantitative approach to the effects of emotional intelligence on employee’s
performance. The variables for the research study included self-awareness, self-management,
social awareness, and relationship management as independent variables while the employee’s
performance was the dependent variable. The target population comprised of 218 employees of
public sector located in woldia town, in Amhara National Regional State. Stratified random
sampling used to divide the population. Research findings were analyzed to enable the researcher
to understand what the findings from the data collected meant and this was done with the help of
the statistical packages for social sciences. The demographic profiles of the respondents were
analyzed using percentages and frequencies. As for inferential statistics, tools such as
correlation, regression, coefficient, and ANOVA were used to analyze and study the nature of
effects between independent and dependent variables.

After analyzing the gathered information, the following major findings were identified: The
results of the demographic characteristics of the employees indicated that the majority of the
total respondents were male (64.6%), aged in the range of 18-30 years (38.3%) almost similar
with the age in the range of 30-40 years (36.9%), with educational level of undergraduate
degrees (70.9%), with working experience ranging between 5 to 10 years (33%) and with marital
status of married (57.8).

In addition to the above background information assessment, the study attempted to identify
major factors affecting the performance of employees in the study area. Accordingly, the
descriptive analysis result shows that 165 respondents have difficulty to realize the links between
their feelings and what they think, do, and say, 199 respondents have difficulty to Know what

62 | P a g e
they feel and why they were feeling was always, 187 respondents don’t understand how their
feelings affect their performance, 192 respondents were reluctant in applying honest feedback,
new perspectives, enthusiastic for continuous learning, and self-development, 203 lack to make
sound decisions in uncertainties and pressures and 141 respondents unable to show a sense of
good feeling and perspective about themselves. This result implies that self awareness level of
employees was low.
Regarding to self management factors, 74 respondents have difficulty in managing their quick
feelings and distressing emotions, 169 respondents lack courage to accept their own mistakes and
confront unethical actions in others, 170 respondents were disorganized and careless, 164
respondents were not accountable for not meeting their objectives, 203 respondents have
weakness to smoothly handle multiple demands, shifting priorities, and rapid change, and 158
respondents could build trust by being reliable and authentic. This result implies that self
management level of employees was low.
Regarding to the effect of social awareness factors, 197 respondents lacks to understand and
support others based on their needs and feeling, 198 respondents have limitation to grasp
customer’s perspective, acting as a trusted advisor, 190 respondents have problem to
acknowledge people based on their strength, achievement and development , 205 respondents
were poor in understanding forces that shape the views and actions of clients/ customers, 156
respondents were poor to understand customers’ needs and matching them to services.

Regarding to the effect of relationship management factors, 197 respondents Handling difficult
people and confusing situations with diplomacy and tact was their weakness, 175 Making and
maintaining personal friendships among work associates was their weakness, 192 respondents
have limitation to balance a focus on task with attention to relationships, 176 respondents were
poor to collaborate, share plans, information, and resources, 189 respondents keep the coworker's
reputation and share credit with them, 171 respondents were poor in listening well, seeking
mutual understanding, and fully welcome sharing of information. This implies that relationship
management among employees was very poor.

The major findings with regard to the correlation result of this study presented that, the
correlation result on the effect of emotional intelligence on employee’s performance;self-
awareness has a positive and significant relationship with employee’s performance with having

63 | P a g e
r=0.393 and p= 0.000. Whereas, self-management has also a positive and strong significant
relationship with employee’s performance that indicates the value of r= 0.658 and p= 0.000. The
other important component which was social awareness indicated that it has a positive and
strong significant relationship with employee’sperformance with the value of r=0.522 and p=
0.000.Lastly,relationship management has also a positive and moderate significant relationship
with employee’sperformance with having the value of r=0.475 and p=0.000.

With regard to the regression result, this study manifested that,the regression effect between
emotional intelligence components and employee’s performance was better and has a positive
regression. The regression effect between emotional intelligenceand employee’s performance
concluded, as it has moderate effect in this study and has a positive regression. Emotional
intelligence caused 52.1% variation in employee performance however; the remaining 47.9%
variation was caused by other performance factors that had not been considered in this study.

In general, the regression effect of emotional intelligence components on employee performance

confirmed that almost all independent variables (self-awareness, self-management, social
awareness, and relationship management)have a moderate significant positive effect on the
dependent variable (employee performance).

5.2 Conclusion

This study sought to investigate the effect of emotional intelligence on employee’s performance
in public sectors. From the findings of the study, it was established that emotional intelligence
has significant positive influence on employees’ performance. The study therefore concluded
that emotional intelligence was a significant determinant of effective’s employee performance.
From the findings of the study, it was established that self awareness has significant positive
influence on employees’ performance. The study therefore concluded that self awareness was a
significant determinant of employees’ performance. However, the study has shown the majority
employees have difficulty to realize the links between their feelings and what they think, do, and
say; they have difficulty to Know what they feel and why they were feeling was always, they
don’t understand how their feelings affect their performance; they were reluctant in applying
honest feedback, new perspectives, enthusiastic for continuous learning, and self-development;
they lack to make sound decisions in uncertainties and pressures and they have limitation to

64 | P a g e
show a sense of good feeling and perspective about themselves. This result implies that self
awareness level of employees in the study area was to low.
It was also concluded that social awareness has significant positive influence on employees’
performance. However employees social awareness level was very low as they lack to
understand and support others based on their needs and feeling; to grasp customer’s perspective,
acting as a trusted advisor; to acknowledge people based on their strength, achievement and
development; in understanding forces that shape the views and actions of clients/ customers; to
understand customers’ needs and matching them to services.

The study investigated the influence of relationship management on employees’ performance.

From the findings of the study it was concluded that relationship management was significant
determinant of employees performance. Based on the study findings, the main problem
encounter in public sectors was low skill of employees to Handle difficult people and confusing
situations with diplomacy and tact; poor ability in making and maintaining personal friendships
among work associates; limitation to balance a focus on task with attention to relationships;
poor to collaboration, share plans, information, and resources; poor in listening well, seeking
mutual understanding, and fully welcome sharing of information. This implies that relationship
management among employees was very poor.

As seen from the finding of the study, it was clear that improving the social awareness of
employees in the organization would result in improved employee’s performance and in general
improved organizational performance. From the correlation analysis, it can be concluded that
social awareness was positively and significantly related to employee’s performance. Finally, the
findings supported the theory that relationship management results in improved employee
performance. From the correlation analysis, it can be concluded that relationship management
was positively and significantly related to the employee’s performance. The study indicated that
any expense the organization incurs to improve the relationship management abilities of
employees woud definitely result in improved employee’s performance and overall organization
achievement of its goals and objectives.

With regard to the regression analysis, this study concluded that emotional intelligence caused
52.1% variation in employee performance, however, the remaining 47.9% variation was caused
by other performance factors that have not been considered in this study.To sum up, based on the

65 | P a g e
major findings, it was possible to conclude that the effects of emotional intelligence on
employee’s performance in the public sector of woldia town administration, the results indicated
that each independent variable (self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and
relationship management) has a strong significant positive effect on employee’s performance.

5.3 Recommendations

In line with the above results mentioned, the study recommended that woldia town public sector
needs to help its employees to improve on their self-awareness if they need to improve
employee’s performance as long as self-awareness has a positive and significant effect on
employees performance,organizations need to focus on creating awareness in developing
workers to have strong self-awareness so that they can be realistic in what ever choices they
make and in doing their work. Self-awareness needs to be encouraged and promoted so that the
employees were in a better position to evaluate their actions and make well-informed decisions.

In addition to this, the study recommended that woldia town public sector should optimize self-
management abilities if they were to improve employee’s performance which woud then lead to
the attainment of overall organizational performance since self-management has a positive and
strong significant effect on employees performance,self-management needs to be managed by
employee’s to endeavor them selves to be in control of their emotions and ensure these emotions
were effectively managed to their work and persons they relate and work with daily to ensure
improved output and healthy work environment. The organization needs to develop and
recognize employees who constantly struggle to achieve something and ensure high standards at
the workplace through proper self-management abilities.

Moreover, the study also recommended that woldia town public sector has to take the social-
awareness aspect of employees in the organization seriously because it leads to improved
employee’s performance. As long as social-awareness had a great effect on employee’s
performance, it was recommended that organizations should develop training programs and
recruitment policies in order to develop the knowledge of social-awareness of their employees.
While recruiting, emphasis should not be placed on IQ alone; effort should also be made to
ascertain the Emotional Intelligence level of these employees for organizational harmony. Since
social and emotional learning was more complex than cognitive learning, training in emotional
competencies for the successful development of emotional intelligence in organizations should
66 | P a g e
be undertaken. Social-awareness makes it possible for employees to be in a better position to
understand customer’s or client’s needs and strive to wards satisfying these needs through
continuous interaction with these beneficiaries.

Finally, the study recommended that woldia town public sector needs to encourage team work to
sharpen relationship-management skills of their employees which was a key to employee
performance because relationship-management abilities of employees result in agreat effect on
employee’s performance and organization achievement, goals, and objectives. The study noted
that employees who were able to manage emotional intelligence effectively were able to avoid
unnecessary explosion of problems at work places through out the organization and thus
employees initiatives were directed towards improving performance for both individuals and
general organizational performance thus good emotional intelligence management skills and
practices needs to be recognized and rewarded to promote a sound work environment.

In general, the low level of emotional intelligence exhibited employee’s performance means that
employees were neither exposed for the opportunity of clarifying objectives, method of work and
schedule nor enjoy the privilege of using their creativity to approach their work flexibly. Hence,
to be more apparent, emotional intelligence has a significantly positive and strong effect on
employee performance in the public sector of woldia town administration. High emotional
intelligence employees performed at a higher level than low emotional intelligence employees.
Generally speaking, people having high emotional intelligence become more successful, create
better interpersonal relation, work more effectively and spend a good life than those people
having low emotional intelligence. Therefore, there was a need for management officials to
create awareness on the importance of emotional intelligence.

5.4 Limitation of the Study

The limitation of the study was , there were likely to be othere factors contributing to
organizational employees performance would not be investigated in this study. Despite the
contribution of the present study, its limitations must be noted. The study was limited by the
study focused only professional employee’s of public sector in woldia town. In order to get a
stronger picture of the issues in different organizations,The study covers only public sector
employees in woldia town administration. Further more, the other limitation of the study was the
heavy reliance on the respondents’ information. The entire study was based on perception, which
67 | P a g e
might change from time to time; also employees might not be frank while providing information
on their competence and therefore the generalization of this study has based on the sampled

5.5 Direction for Future Research

This research tried to examine the effect of emotional intelligence on employee’s performance.
The study only focused on public sector employees in woldia town administration which was
inadequate to make inference about the effect of emotional intelligence on employee’s
performance in the public sector in Ethiopia. Hence, further research needs to be carried out on
the effect of emotional intelligence on employee’s performance in other public sectors and non-
governmental organizations.In addition, the research approach that applied for this research was
mostly quantitative type. Future researches should incorporate both quantitative and qualitative
data in order toexploremoreabouttheeffects of emotional intelligence on employee’sperformance.

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Appendix- A


Dear Sir/Madam

I am a Master’s student in woldia University, college of business and economics, currently; I am

conducting a research study entitled as “The Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Employee’s
Performance in public sector of woldia town.” I have designed this questionnaire to collect data
from employees working woldia town public sector civil servants, in woldia town .

The questionnaire was used to collect the primary data needed for a research study. Therefore, I
need your assistance to be as open, fair, and honest in terms of responding to your response to
each question as much as possible you can. The researcher assures you that no individuals will
be identified from their responses and there were no requests for confidential information
included in the questionnaire. The results of the analysis woud be strictly used by the researchers
for study purposes only.

The questionnaire comprises three parts:

 Part one: General information questionnaire

 Part two: Emotional Intelligence questionnaire and
 Part three: Employee performance questionnaire
 No need for writing your name in this questionnaire
 Read each statement carefully and give the corresponding answer correctly.

76 | P a g e
 Please Tick in one box for part 1 questionnaire. For general information questions circle in
line with the selected number in the table from 1 to 5 for part 2 and part 3 questionnaire i.e.
for Emotional Intelligence and Employee performance questioner.
“True information is crucial to the correct outcome”

Part one: General information questionnaire

Instructions: Make a "√" in the appropriate box.

1. Sex

Male Female

2. Age

18 to 30 years 31 to 40 years 41 to 50 years above51

3. Educational Level

Diploma Degree Master PhD

4. Work experience

Less than 5 years 5-10 years 11-15 years above 16 years

5. Marital status

Single Married Divorced Others

77 | P a g e
Part two: EmotionalIntelligence questionnaire

Indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements by using a scale of 1 to 5
where: 1= StronglyDisagree (SD), 2=Disagree (D), 3=Neutral (N), 4= Agree (A), And, 5 =
Strongly Agree (SA). Circle the number in a box which best describes your opinion of the state
Self-Awareness SD D N A SA
1 It difficult to me to realize the li between my 1 2 3 4 5
feelings and what I think, do, and say

2.Knowing what I feel and why I am feeling is 1 2 3 4 5

always difficult to me.
3.I don’t understand how my feelings affect my 1 2 3 4 5
4. am reluctant in applying honest feedback, new 1 2 3 4 5
perspectives, enthusiastic for continuous learning,
and self-development
5 I lack to make sound decisions in uncertainties 1 2 3 4 5
and pressures.
6.I am unable to show a sense of good feeling and 1 2 3 4 5
perspective about my self

Self-Management SD D N A SA
1.I Managing my quick feelings and distressing 1 2 3 4 5
emotions is so difficult

2. deny my own mistakes and can’t confront 1 2 3 4 5

unethical actions in others

78 | P a g e
3..Disorganized and carelessness are my 1 2 3 4 5
weaknesses in my work

4. I don’t make my self accountable for not meeting 1 2 3 4 5

my objectives
5. I am poor to smoothly handle multiple demands,
shifting priorities, and rapid change
1 2 3 4 5
6. I build trust by being reliable and authentic 1 2 3 4 5

Social-Awareness SD D N A SA

1. I have weakness to understand and support others based on

their needs and feeling
1 2 3 4 5
2. I have limitation to grasp customer’s perspective acting as 1 2 3 4 5
a trusted advisor
3. I have problem to acknowledge people based on their 1 2 3 4 5
strength, achievement and development
4 .I am poor in understanding forces that shape the views and 1 2 3 4 5
actions of clients/ customers.
5 .I respect and relate well to people from varied backgrounds 1 2 3 4 5
6 Understanding customers’ needs and matching them to 1 2 3 4 5
services is my weakness

Relationship Management SD D ND A SA
1. Handling difficult people and confusing situations with
diplomacy and tact is my weakness
1 2 3 4 5

2. Making and maintaining personal friendships among 1 2 3 4 5

work associates is my weakness

3. I have limitation to balance a focus on task with attention 1 2 3 4 5

to relationships
4. I am poor to collaborate, share plans, information, and 1 2 3 4 5

79 | P a g e
5. I keep the coworker's reputation and share credit with them 1 2 3 4 5

6. I am poor in listening well, seeking mutual understanding, 1 2 3 4 5

and fully welcome sharing of information

Part three: Employee performance questionnaire

Employee’s performance D D N A SA
1. I have limitation of guiding my works with plan, so works 1 2 3 4 5
are not done on time

2. while doing my works, I do not take into consideration the 1 2 3 4 5

results to be achaived.

1 2 3 4 5
3. I was unable to separate main issues from side issues at

4. I have limitation in doing works with a minimum time 1 2 3 4 5

duration and efficient cost with effort

5. Collaboration with others was very productive. 1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5
6. .I have limitation to comeup with creative solution to new

7. I have weakness how to set the right priorities 1 2 3 4 5

“Thank you for devoting your precious time to fill this questionnaire’

80 | P a g e

በወልድያ ዪኒቨርሲቲ ቢዝነስና ኢኮኖሚክስ ኮሌጅ

የስራ አመራር ትምህርት ክፍል

የድህረ ምረቃ የንግድ ስራ አስተዳደር ፕሮግራም

በሰራተኞች የሚሞላ መጠይቅ፡-

ውድ ተሳታፊዎች በመጀመሪያ ውድ ጊዜያችሁን በመሰዋት እና በመጠቀም መልስ በመስጠታችሁ ከልብ የመነጨ ምስጋናየን
እኔ የወልድያ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የቢዝነስና ኢኮኖሚክስ ኮሌጅ የስራ አመራር ትምህርት ክፍል የድህረ ምረቃ የንግድ ስራ
የሁለተኛ ዲግሪ ተማሪ ስሆን ባሁኑ ጊዜ የመመረቂያ ጥናቴን በወልድያ ከተማ አስተዳደር የመንግስት ሰራተኞች ላይ
‹‹የሰራተኞችን ስሜትማ ወቅና መረዳት በስራ አፈፃፀም ላይ የሚያስከትለው ውጤት›› ነው፡፡ በመሆኑም እርሰዎ በዚህ
ጥናት በመሳተፍ የሚሰጡት መረጃ ለጥናቱ እጅግ በጣም አስፈላጊስ ለሆነ መጠይቁን በመመሪያው መሰረት በመሙላት
ትብብር እንዲደርጉልኝ ስል በአክብሮት እጠይቃለሁ፡፡ የሚሰጡት መረጃ በሚስጥር የሚያዝ እና ለዚህ ጥናት ብቻ
የሚውል ነው፡፡
የዚህ ፅሁፍ መጠይቅ ሶስት ክፍሎችን ይ ይዛል፡፡

 ክፍልአንድ፡- ስለ ግለሰብ አጠቃላይ መረጃ

 ክፍልሁለት፡- ስለ ስሜትን መረዳትና ማወቅ
 ክፍልሶስት፡- ስለ ሰራተኞች አፈፃፀም
 ስም መጻፍ አያስፈልግም፡፡
 እያንዳንዱን ዓረፍተ ነገር በአግባቡ በማንበብ መልስ ይስጡ፡፡
 ለግለሰቡ ጠቅላላ መረጃ መልስን ከባዶ ቦታው ላይ‹‹√››በመጠቀምይ ሙሉ፡፡ ለክፍል ሁለት እና ለክፍል ሶስት
ጥያቄዎች ከ 1-5 ካሉትምርጫዎች አንዱን በማክበብ መልስ ይስጡ፡፡
ለሚያደርጉ ትትብብር ከወዲሁ ከልብ አመሰግናለሁ፡፡

እውነተኛ መረጃ ለትክክለኛ ውጤት ወሳኝ ነው፡፡ሥልክቁጥር

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ክፍልአንድ ፡- የግለሰብ ጠቅላላ መረጃ

መመሪያ፡-በተገቢው ሳጥን ወስጥ የ‹‹√››ምልክትያድርጉ፡፡

1. ጾታ

ወንድ ሴት

2. ዕድሜ

ከ 18 እስከ 30 አመትከ 31 እስከ 40 አመት

ከ 41 እስከ 50 አመትከ 51 አመትበላይ

3. የትምህርትደረጃ

ዲፕሎም የመጀመሪያዲግሪ ሁለተኛዲግሪ ፒኤችዲ

4. የአገልግሎትዘመን

ከ 5 ዓመትያነሰ ከ 5-10 ዓመት

ከ 11-15 ዓመት ከ 16 ዓመትበላይ

5. የጋብቻሁኔታ

ያላገባ/ች ያገባ/ች የፈታ/ች

ክፍልሁለት፡- ስሜትንማወቅናመረዳት

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ከዚህ በታች የተዘረዘሩት ጥያቄዎች ሰራተኞች ስሜታቸውን ማወቅና መረዳት ባህርይ በትክክል ይግልፃሉ፡፡ከ 1-5
ካሉት አማራጮች አንዱን በማክበብ መልስ ስጡ፡፡ ከ 1-5 ባሉ አማራጮች ውስጥ

1. በጣም አልስማማም 2. አልስማማም 3. መወሰን አልችልም 4. እስማማለሁ 5. በጣም እስማማለሁ በሚል


ሀ. እራስን ማወቅ







1. በስሜት,በማስበው ነገር አና በምናገረው መካከል ያለውን
ግንኙነት መገንዘብ ይከብደኛል፡፡ 1 2 3 4 5
2. እኔ ሁልጊዜም ምን እንደሚሰማኝና ለምን እንደሚሰማኝ ማዎቅ
ሁልጊዜ ለእኔ ከባድ ነዉ፡፡ 1 2 3 4 5
3. ስሜቴ በአፈፃጸሜ ላይ ምን ያህል ተፅዕን እንደሚያሳድር
አልገባኝም፡፡ 1 2 3 4 5
4. ለቀጣይ ትምህርትና እራስን ለማዳበር ቀጥተኛ የሆኑ አዳድስ
አመለካከቶችን በመመለስ ሀቀኛ ምላሽን ለመተግበር ፈቃደኛ
አይደለሁም፡፡ 1 2 3 4 5
5. እርግጠኛ ባልሆኑ ሁኔታዎችና ግፊቶች ዉስጥ ትክክለኛ
ዉሳኔዎችን ማድረግ ይከብደኛል፡፡ 1 2 3 4 5
6. ስለ ራሴ ጥሩ ስሜትና አመለካከት ማሳየት አልችልም፡፡
1 2 3 4 5

ለ. ራስንመቆጣጠር







1. ፈጣን ስሜቴንና አስጨናቂ ስሜቴን መቆጣጠር በታም

ይከብደኛል፡፡ 1 2 3 4 5

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2. የራሴን ስሜቶች መካድና በሌሎች ላይ ኢ ምግባር የጎደለዉ
ድርጊት ማፅናናት አልችልም፡፡ 1 2 3 4 5
3. አለመደራጀትና ግደለሸነት በስራዮ ዉስጥ የእኔ ድክመት
ናቸዉ፡፡ 1 2 3 4 5
4. አላማዎቼን ባለማሳካቴ ረገድ እራሴን ተጠያቂ አላደርግም፡፡

1 2 3 4 5
5. ቅድሚያ የሚሰጧቸዉንና ፈጣን ለዉጦችን በተቀላጠፈ ሁኔታ
ለማስተናገድ ብቁ አይደለሁም፡፡ 1 2 3 4 5
6. ታማኝ እና ትክክለኛ በመሆን እምነትን እገነባለሁ፡፡ 1 2 3 4 5

ሐ. ማህበራዊግንዛቤ







1. ሌሎችን በፍላጎታቸዉና በስሜታቸዉ መሰረት ለመርዳትና
ለመደገፍ ድክመት አለብኝ፡፡ 1 2 3 4 5
2. እንደታማኝ አማካሪ በመሆን ደንበኞችን የመመልከት ገደብ
አለብኝ፡፡ 1 2 3 4 5
3. ሰዎች በጥንካሬያቸዉ÷በእድገታቸዉና በእድገታቸዉ መሰረት
እዉቅና የመስጠት እጥረት አለብኝ፡፡ 1 2 3 4 5
4. የደንበኞችን እና የደንበኞችን መሸፈኛ ተግባር የሚቀርፁ
ሀይሎች ግንዛቤ ደካማ ነኝ፡፡ 1 2 3 4 5
5. ከተለያዩ አስተዳደግ የመጡ ሰዎች ጋር የተሻለ ግንኙነት
እና ክብር እንዲኖረኝ አደርጋለሁ፡፡ 1 2 3 4 5
6. የደንበኞችን ፍላጎት ከአገልግሎቶች ጋር ማጣጣም
እንዳለብኝ እረዳለሁ፡፡ 1 2 3 4 5

መ. ግንኙነትንመቆጣጠር







1. አስቸጋሪ የሆኑ ሰዎችን ማስተናገድና ግራ የሚያጋባ ሁኔታን

በድፕሎማሲ የመፍታት ድክመት አለብኝ፡፡ 1 2 3 4 5
2. በሥራ ባልደረቦቼ መካከል የግል ግንኙነት እንዲ ፈጠር እና
እንዲቀጥል ችግር አለብኝ፡፡ 1 2 3 4 5
3. ለግንኙነት መርከቦች ትኩረት በመስጥ ተግባር ላይ ማትኮርና
ሚዛናዊ ማድረግ እጥረት አለብኝ፡፡ 1 2 3 4 5

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4. የጋራ እቅዶችን መረጃዎችንና ሃብቶችን ለመተግብር ድክመት
አለብኝ፡፡ 1 2 3 4 5
5. የስራ ባልደረቦቼን ዝና እና ክብር በመጠበቅ ሃላፊነትን
እጋራለሁ፡፡ 1 2 3 4 5
6. በትክክል በማዳመጥ የጋራ መግባባትና የመረጃ ልውውጥ
እንዲኖር ሙሉ በሙሉ ችግር አለብኝ፡፡ 1 2 3 4 5

ክፍልሶስት፡- የሰራተኞች አፈፃፀም በተመለከተ

መመሪያ፡-ከዚህ በታች የተዘረዘሩት ጥያቄዎች የሰራተኞችን አፈፃፀም በትክክል ይገልፃሉ፡፡ በመሆኑም ከላ

ይበተገለፀው መሰረት ከ 1-5 ካሉት አማራጮች አንዱን በማክበብ መልስ ስጡ፡፡







1. ሥራዬን በእቅድ መምራት ዉስንነት ስላለኝ ስራዎችን

በስዓቱ አላከናዉንም፡፡ 1 2 3 4 5
2. ስራዮን በምሰራበት ጊዜ ዉጤቱን ከግምት ዉስጥ አላስገባም፡፡
1 2 3 4 5
3. በስራ ቦታ ላይ ያሉ ችግሮችን ከዋና ጉዳዮች መለየት

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አልቻልኩም፡፡ 1 2 3 4 5
4. ሥራዬን በአነስተኛ ጊዜ እና በብቃት ከጥራት ጋር ስራዎችን
ለመስራት ገደብ አለብኝ፡፡ 1 2 3 4 5
5. ከሌሎች ጋር መስራት ውጤታማ ያደርጋል፡፡
1 2 3 4 5
6. አዲስ ለተፈጠሩ ችግሮች መፍትሔ የማምጣት ዉስንነት
አለብኝ፡፡ 1 2 3 4 5
7. ሰ
1 2 3 4 5

እውነተኛ መረጃ በትክክል ስለሞሉልኝ ከልብ አመሰግናለሁ!!!

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