Adobe Scan 03 Dec 2024
Adobe Scan 03 Dec 2024
Adobe Scan 03 Dec 2024
me an
In this position, the displacement from the
position and restoring force are maximum
ards the Q. 14
This force no w accelerates the block tow
. The
rig ht, tow ards the equilibrium position An s
blo ck
process goes on repeating that causes the .
ilibriu m 1.
to oscillate on either side of its equ
(m ean) po sition .
.. aight pa th
xn. Su ch osc illa tor y mo tio n alo ng a str
m oti on
is cal led lin ear sim ple ha rm on ic
(S .H.M. ).
tio n.
*Q.10.Define linear simple harmon ic mo
[l M ark)
11 .
r pe rio dic
Ans: Linear S.H .M is defined as the lin ea
motion of a bo dy, in wh ich for ce
s the
acceleration) is alway s directed tow ard
ion al
mean position an d its magnitude is pr op ort . '
. l
to the displa cement fro m the mean po sition
Q.11 . What do you mean by complete oscilla
[1 Mark]
t goes
s: A complete oscillation is when the objec
s. ·4 n·"
· lu,erential Equation of S.H.M-
Q. t 4. ~btain the differential equation of linear
simple harmonic motion. [2 Marks] [Mar 17]
A ns:
In a linear S.H.M., the force is directed towards
the mean position and its magnitude is directly
proportional to the displacement of the body
from mean position.
fcx: - x
f = -kx .... (1)
where, k is force constant and x is displacement
.. from the mean position .
ll . According to Newton's second law of motion,
f = ma .... (2)
From equations (1) and (2),
... ma =-k x .... (3)
111. The velocity of the particle is given by,
v= dx
dt '
. dv d2x
Acceleration, a = - = - 2 •••• ( 4)
dt dt
IV. Substituting equation (4) in equation (3),
=-k x
d 2x k
- + -x= O
dt 2 m
( Solved Examples] - - - - - - - - - - •
L - ··-----N
»-· .,,.. ··
/Note: The solution is modijzea to get ii "'~ · : n·J
. th questzo
correct with respect to given values m e
. . tion of an
* Q.16. In SI units , the differentia l equa
d2 ncy and
S.H.M. is ~ =- 36x. Find its freque
dt ]
period. [2 MarkS
Given: - = - 36 x
dt2 + 36 x = 0
Comparing with differential equation,
dx 2
-+r ox= O
ro = 36
ro = 6 rad/s
1. For frequency,
ro = 2nn
n = ~ = _i_ =
3 ~ 0.955 Hz
2n 2n 3.142
11. For period,
(J) = -2n
T = 2n = 2n = 3.142 ~ 1.0 5 s
co 6 3
Alternate method:
Period (T) = _!_ =
~ 1.05 s
n 0.955
Ans: The frequency and period of SHM are 0.955 Hz
and 1.05 s respectively .
*Q.1 7. Using differential equation of linea r S.H.M,
obtain the expression for velocity in S.H.M.
and acceleration in S.H.M. (4 Mark s]
~ -
,"' ,--,:::-__.,.c ------
· "--:::;:,-- -::- •vc c,ql rcss ion <Jf ~ -" ,...·
f ffci· c•••i=
:1I -equ atio n ,'lcf 1
!!· v ,-tid e per t·orm •mg linear(li~~1,1at!
--- - -- . 11,c 1 1 ,,in exp ress ion f ll
, ""' "'" Ph ~v ~ ~ = = - . 11 of \\ a.! r~• ,-css iOll for disp lace S,ij _M
~'.::.':vi.H"'''' o, ,0 1 or, ••
.• f-" PJ11 d iffe rential equ .attn t in Ii
1·1 ,,m 1~,r111ul a ,' i). p/ '' f f0 cit)' is give n by , ion 11f
. ·i,ccc 1co••• 13 Ma rks\ lli'\!h ✓e\O , ~
,,c1oci tY '
✓ p.-
() L)-1
5 N/111 jj.
. . . ~~\ 1/ ()) - X
f - nccc lcra hon m hne ar S ✓
Fllll ll r,m nul:l (ii) . . ··tOII OI
out , in lin ear m otion , v ,,, ~ ··
£:\'.f'rcss .
1·1·0,rclllial c.; quat1on ,
OA1t!i r:roll 1 ( I c.; . ( dt
I' fro f11 e qL~
a. • 1) and (2) ,
Fwm forn111la (iii). I· c/ X - O di- :::::o w ✓ A2 - x2
<<> - /5 B = 5 radls dl
yo.i d2X ctJ x_
2 .. .. ( 1)
~ = <.0 dt
111 -dt·,
/x:/ - 0.01
Fron t fo nnul::t (iv). for
• . ·
J' e•1r accelera t1on .
.1 ~- 5" x 0 .01 = - 0.25 111 s-
b. s ut , tn '
IS give n by inte gra ting bot .
h side s of equati
~ == a
: co nsw nt is 5 N/111 .
.... (2) ji- )~ == j w dt
peri od ofS HM is OA1t s. fdtro1i1 equations ( I) and (2),
io n a t = I cm is - 0.25 rn s-
• a == - ,,a2 X · _i( !_\ = CDt + <\>
.... (3)
rio11 is mod(fied to ger ir concepr11all)' Equatio n (3) gives acce lera tion in linea sin ( A)
' t!Cf /0 give n values in rhe
q11es rio11./ whe re, <\) is con stant of
Eipress ioll for vcl_ocity in _line ar ~-H dep end s upo n initia1 conditio
nits, the di ffe rential equ atio n of .M: ·
an ii. a. f rom differen tial equ ati on of lme
ar S 1., ,n ,M
-d x. = - 36x . Fi nd its freq uen cy
_:..==' sin (rot + ¢)
and d2x 2 ,
(2 .Marks!
- ==- 0) X
)( ==' A sin (rot + ¢)
Th is is req uire d expression
~ (~ )== - 0)2X par ticl e p erfo rmi ng linear s
dt dt
Q.19, State an expression for
~ == - olx par ticl e per for min g S.H.M
=0 dt
when particle starts frori
vi th differen tial equ ati on, dv . dx == _ cilx e:xt rem e pos itio n respecth
dx dt
Ans: Exp res sio n for displac(
v : : ~- ro'x .( ~> v] 1.
per for ming S.H .M ., x = A
a. If the particle starts
.. v dv == -cl xdx .... (4) pos itio n, x = 0 at t = o
, b. Integrating both sides of equation
(4) ~
= sm 1 (x
,+.. • -
~~ == ~~ xdx '+' \ A ) = 0 or ·
= __3 ;:::
0.955 Hz v2
-2 =
u}x 2
--2-+ C
Sub stit utin g in equa-
3.142 .. .. (5)
x = ±A sin (mt)
where, C is the con stan t of inte gration Th is is the expres:
c. At extreme position, x = ± A and v any in sta nt if the p:
== 0.
= 3.1 42 z 1.05 s SubStituting the se val ues in equation (5), the me an position.
3 b. Po siti ve sig n to be
ol A2
iod: O= - ~ + C pos itiv e and ne~
= - -1- ;::: 1.05 s ii. t ow ard s n egative .
0.955 C = u}A2
2 a. If the particle
n~ period of SHM are 0.955 H .... (6)
~t1vely. ext rem e pos ition,
z d. Substituti ng equ atio
1, Velocity (v) and
:) of S.H.M.
"i_2 =
2 -~
. n (6) in equation (5),
ffi2x 2 o} A 2
+ - --
$= sin-'l:J=
2 2 Sub stit utin g in ec
al .eq uation of 1·mea ·· V = ,.) A 2 2 2
r s HM 2 w
~sswn for velocit . . . '
in S.H M y S.H.M. m
- (J) X
V = ffi2( A2 2
- x)
- A . (
sm (m t +:n
OR · [4 Marks J :. V = ± ffi.. JA2
Th'is is the
,. - X
reauirP.rl ·w 1\\
x = A sin \ cot 1
<>V••--- M~ :,,_
A ::.:
V.\}( )
= 0 .02 1n = 2 cm
. :
~: Per iod of osci llati on is 1.57 1 s.
~- Am plit ude of oscillati on is 2 cm.
)11 are Q.27 .At wha t distance from the mean position is
the ~peed of a par ticl e per form ing S.H.M.
rtic le hal f Its max imu m speed. Given: pat h leng th
·ng th . of S.H .M. = 10 cm. [2 Ma rks ] ,11
S olu tion :
', ,
Giv en: Path leng th of SHM = l O cm v = v max
' 2
irk s]
To find : Dis tanc e (x)
v = ro .JA -x
2 2
For mul ae: 1·. Ymax = 0) A ii.
Cal cula tion : I
2 2 A2
A - x = -
ting 4
x _ !J._ xA
ks] = !J_x5
:::: 0.866 X 5
=== 4.33 cm
The distance at which speed of particle is hal f of
An s :
its maxim um value of 4.33 cm .
i ~
~,....-- b ~ •p ~ b ~
I + Jog (J .732)} I t2
-------i \
v--- ~ _ - -n t
,c ~ ~ -
, - - -
- o
- f a
-n o sc il la ti n g P
~✓...l-0~-~ - -
From the above diag
~ cos0 and ~ b . . 0
✓ a -r v ✓a +b
2 2 ==sm
Displacement of partic
le performing oscillat
x = a sin rot + b cos ro ion,
-- v~a b2[
✓ a
a2+b 2 smcot+ ✓a2b+ cosrot
0 •p --1
Q.33. Answer the fc
M series combinat
i. What is meant b
S.H.M. of a particle ii. Derive an ex1
1g oscillation
' b. The displacement of the particle is given by, constant when
x = A sin ( wt + ~) series.
cCOSOl! ] The particle will have its maximum iii. State an expres 5
if number of sp1
displa cement when sin (rot+ ~)=± 1 iv. State an exp
OS rot) i.e. , when x = + A. constant if 'n' i
This distance A is called the amplitude of in series .
.ation of SHM S.H.M. Ans:
IL Definition: Th e time taken by the pa~·ticl_e I. When all the sp
performing SH M to complete one oscillation zs other fonnin g a
series combinat
a particle called the perio d of S.H.M a. Consider :
·ts Explanation: . I at time t is springs of
econ d, if 1 partic e
a. Displacement of the shown in fi
I ( ; ) 01•
given by x = A sin (rot+ ~)
b . , ( ~) the displacement
ark] [Feb 23] · After a time t = t + ro
Will be
x) e. B ut, w2 = !-
_ force pe r un it di sp la
ce m en t
m ass
= acceleration pe r un it di sp la ce
m en t
T= ~ac=ce= 2n
ler = = =======
ation per unit displacem
111. Defin ition: Th e number o
performed by a particle pe f oscillations
rforming S.H. M per
unit time is called th e freque
nc y o f S.H. M
Explanation :
a. In time T, the particle
performs one
oscillation. Hence in unit tim
e it performs T ~
oscilla ns.
b. Hence tio
, frequenc y n of S.H.M- is given by
_ , _ ro _ l {k
n- T - ~ - ~~;
Q.33 - Answer the follow
ing questions regarding
series combination of spri
What is meant by series co ngs.
mbination of springs?
i. Derive an expression
.. constant
for effective spring
when two springs are co
nnected in
e above diagram ,
fro t11 tb b =sm. 0
~ : : cos0 an ✓ a2+bz
f p
e perfo rm ing oscjlJ .
· '
){ "' a sin OJ a b
sinrot+ ~ cosmt
~ ~
"' ✓ a- -r u ✓ a2 +b 2 ..; a +b 2
Given that, x = 5 sin ( ; ) m
performing S.H.M. is
~ elocity of a particle
=;x(s)2 -(5x~ J
.... (Substituting value oft== 1 si n equation of x)
3 42 3 42
= · ~ X 25 - ( 25 X :) = ·~ X ( 25 X~)
3· 142 x ~ == 2. 62 mls
3 2
·.- . . :->-:-:•:-·,· ·, ' ' •·,:, ·' .·,
pringis r.~ ➔
Let r = OP be the pos ition vector of this
~ firstbO~:ii 111. par ticl e. At t = 0, let the particle be at Po with
tbe ref ere nce ang le ~- During time t, it has angular
dis pla cem ent rot. Thus, the referen ce angle at
(112 --➔
tim e 't' is 0 =(w t+~ ).
Let us cho ose the diameter FH along Y-axis as
the ref ere nce diameter and label OM as the
ro11ect1·on of ; = OP on th is. 11. If the rod is ii
P jec tio n of dis
V. placement : either side by
At tim e t, . e
. ,. ,,r :;;::::: 0 psin as shown in tl
d •·11 0 f th
the pos itio n vect or 0 in :;;::::: y :; : : : r sin (rot ~
---- - -- -- _ _ __·_e~ ~~-_
Chapter 5: Oscillat ions
Figure (b)
tio n of ve lo ci ty : In st antaneous velo ci ty
VI. Projec
circular m otion is th e
of the particle P in the
en tia l ve lo ci ty of m agnitu de 'rco'. Its
nce diam et er will be as
pr oj ec tion on the refere
sh ow n in fig ure (b),
Vy = rro co s0 = rro co
s (rot + ~).
is is th e ex pr es si on for the velocity of a
ear S.H.M.
particle perform ing a lin
oj ec tio n of ac ce le ration: Inst an ta ne ou s
Vl l.
tio n of th e pa rti cl e P in circ ul ar m ot io n
accele ra
rip etal acce le ra tio n of
is the radial 2or cent
de rro , di re ct ed to w ards 0. Its
m ag ni tu
rence diam et er w ill be
projection on the refe 2
sin (ro t + ~) = -r o y.
2 2
ay = - rro si n0 = -r ro
is is th e c0 1T es po nd ing acceleration fo r th
lin ea r S.H.M.
th is an al og y it is cl ear th at proj ectio n of
Fr om s
Vl l l.
rm circ ul ar m ot ion gi ve
an y quantity for a unifo
e co rr es po nd in g qu an tity of lin ea r S.H .M .
us th
ied for an y di am et er as
Th is analogy can be verif
fe re nc e di am et er . Th us , the pr oj ec tio n of a
the re
an S.H.M.
U.C.M. on any diameter is
m ethod. [2 Marks]
F:xo lain re fe rence ci rcle
( , • ··• Of s l:l--- ··~uat .. .. .__ jJV:O, lllOll , <j> . .:._
I} -- 2
~·, --:,w
/ l 01 '
grap hs of
· ·1\1. DispJ acement ..
'x .. A s m(cnt
I· rr./2) = Ace
;vl , .,cceleratwn agains t ent, Vel .
VeJocity , v "" ~ == d(Acosw t) .
I indica tes ~i1rticl e pe•·~o~•ming lin:ahase ang1~c1ty and A dt dt = - A{J) sir:
t11at e mean positio n t S.1-f,l\1 f , for a cceleration ,
the I
ti . · · 1·011}
lePosit • ..
c positive extrem e po s1ti a == ~ == d[- Awsi n( wt)]
Jon d . t lt 00
ond oscj1Ja . llr1l). ii• peduce you r conclu sions f · dt ~ = - A ro 2 cos ( w
toni th
~ )'.]
tioh", It~ e graph, Table:
2 ¾d so 4 I {t) .. I_O_- ·-
Ot1 _111s: r ~,rticle execu ting S.lJ.h . [ Marks] I . - 1 T/4 T/2 :3T/4 T
. •
position .
. nt. start 1
Ilg frorn I (8) ! ~ : ·7t '. 31t
2 27t
I Sn
--. !
• _ I
I. (x) t &
Equations: As the particl
- --- ......... .• e starts fr
orn the mean
·_ , · 0 l -A O :
pos1 t1on, r (~) -l O ·- A-u> o
0 A(J) I 0
~ ~
>n if the '- ~) ~- ~u>2-r O Awi t- Aw2
Phase Displacement, x = A sinffit 0
J. 118) Veloci ty,v = dx = ~ -
dt dt - A(O COS(Ot .....
[2 Mai-ksJ (1.)
Acceleration, a = dv = d(Au>cosu>t) E
dt ~ dt == - A(0 2 sin
· (Ot
or 1 Mark in
rite the state
e 0 ,__... __--4 ~-.......- - Tir
g it.] ..,
C: u
ation during V --< - Au/ .............. .......:...... · ......:............... .
'. , headi ng to
O r-------- --ttr-i -___..-
Tr,:,·4 T 5T/4
Time (t) or rot
(a) Variati on of displac ement with ti1
(b) Variati on of velocity with time
1ase angle. 0 : : (c) Variati on of acceler ation with tin
- A . . . ...... 1............. .......... . ......... '. ......... ; ....................... .
18) .'
[2 Marks] Conclusions from the graphs:
:' '
' ---
+Aro -----.. r--·
.' ' I. Displacement, velocity and a
0 S.H.M. are periodi c functions oft
or rot
0 I--L_ ~---7 Time (t)
i 5T/4
/ J_;~ ~ +--t-=
11. Displacement-time curve and ac
T/4/ , (b) curves are sine curves and veloci'
a cosine curve.
-Aco ······t··· ·· :
'' There is phase difference of rc/2
'' iii.
' ''
c:+A (0 2 : : •
~------:-- ··
----------· displacement and velocity.
0 ...... ...... ~............. .........
There is phase difference of rc/2
-~ l , 1 () rot iv.
velocity and acceleration.
~ 0
L~:'L L.:?Ji!.:!..-+~~,-"7 Time t or
There is phase difference of re
u ~ V.
. to the displacement and acceleration.
d mg _ }le ~ - Aco 2 . ............ ·
Shapes of all the curves get r1
~ is in t t with time VI.
radian or after a time T.
(a) Variation of dispI~ cem~; time
(b) Varia tion of velocity wi · ·th tim
( I atioD WI
~_'Ya riation of a c e ~
. . completing the third oscil!· t'
. 11 1s ,, 'J '" + 0 a ion,
lr Chapter 5: oscillations
.1rting front the
.\! _, 0 "' - X-" I ii. Particle performing S.H.M., 51•
hi' ' ' TT ) positive extreme position: from the
-1-(211 -- = 6TT -~ = (17n)r Equations: As the particle Slarts
~ ~/! 3 3 3 11
0 -A r 0 A1 > (b)
(1) -- ~
- Aw ....
Aw 0 - Aw 0 Aw 0
1v) 2
, A 2 0 Aw 0 - Ao/ c +Aw2......
(a) 0 - w j
Graph: b o ~~~~-~+~➔ TimeOOoc~
] i (c)
~ - Aw2 ....J...... .......i...... i ......!................
~ +A ..... ,
t: :
ii : (a) Variation of displacement with time
E or-....·~1,--....--- -+--'---
Time (t) or wt (b) Variation of velocity with time
~ T74 iT 5Tl4 (a)
(c) Variation of acceleration with time
c : i !
-A --····t···· ····T····' ·············· Conclusions from the graphs:
,A ......l...... I. Displacement, velocity and acceleration of
~ S. H.M. are periodic functions of time.
" Time (t) or wt Displacement-time curve and acceleration-time
{ 0 II.
(b) curves are sine curves and velocity-time curve is
-Aw ..... a cosine curve.
Il l. There is phase difference of nl2 radian between
-Aul" ..... -r········-·••"' displacement and velocity.
There is phase difference of TTl2 radian between
01--~...J,....:.~::.,_.~~-, --~ Time
(t) or wt IV.
velocity and acceleration.
(c) There is phase difference of TT radian between
-Au/ ..... ,............ ...... ... .. ....... displacement and acceleration.
(a) Variation of displacement with time VI. Shapes of all the curves get repeated after 2TT
(b) Variation of velocity with time radian or after a time T.
(c) Variation of acceleration with time_ _
R :::::: 22 3 .. ' vv -t- 4UO >< 0
F . 6 Clll
ro111 f orn 1ul a ( .. )
Pha se f 11 ,
o res ultant SH M . . ··'
. . is giv en by '
o : : : ta - 1 20 sin 0 + l 0si n n:
n - I'
2 0 cos O+ 10 cos 1t
2 O
::::: t an- 1 [ 0 x + 10 x 1]
. 20 x 1+ 1o x o
.. 6 ==== tan- t ( 0 .5) \, '
.. 6 ::::: 26 °34 ' ,' l\11 I
A .
ns : Th e res ult an t the
\ \{1
res ult an t of the amplitude and phase of and "; '1\\
26 0 34 ,. . two S.H .M .s are 22. 36 cm
1 esp ect ive ly.
* 5
.11 En er gy of a P~i-ticii'~,ffl~t:!JS~'a:j[
etic energy
Q .4 7. De du ce th e expressions for the kin \
and po ten tia l energy of a particle executing \
S.H.M. He nc e obtain the expression for total
en er gy of a particle performing S.H.M
sh ow th at th e total energy is conserved. State
th e fac tor s on wh ich total energy depend
[4 Marks1
S d, XII Sci.: Precise Physics (Vol. I)
. n for total energy: '·:s
Ans: iii . E pressto ~
x Tl e total energy of the particle is lh ~
Expression for kinetic energy: a. . 11d. etic energy and potential e ' t s~1
,ts n nergy ni
a. Consider a particle of mass m, perfonning a E = fa+ Er .
linear S.H.M. along the path MN about th e . equation ( I ) and equati on (
mean position O as shown in figure. b. Using 2) \~
- I mcfl( A 2 - x2) + _!_ mcilx2 ' tg
0 p E - 2
N M - t mo/A2= _!_kA2 == ~rn(v )l
I- x-j E- -
2 2 max
·· •,(3
Energy in an S.H.M.
This expression gives the total ener '
b. At a given instant, let the particle be at P, at . tp
particle at pom gyOf
· t1.•
a distance x from O. and A are constant , the total
iv. As m, w · . .
c. Velocity of the particle in S.H.M. is given icle at any point P 18 ener~.,
the Part
asv == w ✓A 2 - x 2 == Awcos(wt + ~) . dependent of x an d t·) . 1n other Word
d ' SHM s' l;,,
where x is the displacement of the particle energy 1·s conserve 111. • · ·
performing S.H.M. and A is the amplitude V.
If n is the frequenc~ m S.H.M., w == 2rrn.
ofS .H.M. Using this in equat10n (3), we get
d. Thus, the kinetic energy, I
E = _!_kA z = - m(2rm) A-
2 ,?
Ek == ~mv 2 2 2
2 = 2rc2n 2A 2m
== ½mw 2 (A 2 - x2 ) 2
• • •• (])
== 2n m T 2
== ½k(A 2 -x 2 ) Thus, the total energy m S.H.M. is direci:i
This is the kinetic energy at displacement x. proportional to .
e. Also, at time t, kinetic energy is, a. the mass of the particle
b. the square of the amplitude
Ek -_ -l mv 2 = -I mA 2w2 cos 2 (wt + ~) c. the square of the frequency
2 2
I 2
d. the force constant and
== - kA cos 2 (wt + $)
2 inversely propo1tional to square of the period
Thus, with time, it varies as cos2 0.
II. Q.48. What are the values of kinetic energy ani
Expression for potential energy:
potential energy at
a. The restoring force acting on the particle at
i. mean position?
point Pis given by, f == - kx
ii. extreme position?
where k is the force constant.
b. Suppose that the particle is displaced further What can be concluded about total ener~
from it?
by an infinitesimal displacement 'dx' [2 Mark.lj
against the restoring force 'f .
a. At the mean position, x == 0and velocity is maximL-
c. The external work done (dW) during this
displacement is Kinetic energy, (Ek)max == ..!_mw 2 A2
dW == f(-dx) == - kx(-dx) == kxdx 2
d. The total work done on the particle to Potential energy, (Ep)min == 0
displace it from Oto Pis given by, b. At the extreme positions, the velocity of the
particle is zero and x == ± A
W = dW = fkxdx= -kx -
X I '
Kinetic energy, (Ek)min == 0
o O
e. This work done is stored as the potential Potential energy, (Ep)max == _!_mw 2 A'
energy (P.E.) EP of the particle at C. 2
displacement x. As the particle oscillates the energy change\
be~~en kinetic an~ pot~ntial.. At_ the me~
Ep -_ -l kx 2 = -mm
I 2 2
2 2 .... (2) position , the energy rs entirely kmet1c; while
f. At time t, e extreme positions it is entirely potential. Al
othe r position
· · s the energy
' · 11·c an°..
is partly kine
Ep = .!_kx 2 =.!_kA 2 si n2 (wt + $) partly potential. However the total energy 1
2 2 )
part1c e
Kinetic energy, (Ek)min - 0
(E ) x -- 1 mw,-A ,-
Potential energy, p ma 2
As the particle. oscil lates th e energy cl1anoe
C. d . the O
betw een kineti c an po tential. At a
.. . . 1 . . ; whrne . 11
, , , ,,:-;}~J
g yo a f
l e n e r
n , the tota u rely
o s i t i o H.M . i s p
, h p linear S.
C ex ec u ting
,M lt'blJe p a r t i cle
r dc o f the d
ptJ1et"iC"(be position kinetic energy an
s . H . M ., i f r e eq u al.
i n g oin t a
f ;11d m g y a t th e p [ 3 M a r ks]
r f
0 ~ a l e ner
;Ji, pe
potel1 r g y of a
o tal e n e
, t h e t e n t i al.
i t i o n p o t
trern e p
os . i s p urely
n e a r S . H . M 1 e r g y o f a
e : c u t i n g li . th t ota e n ·c.
t b e
_l _Aicle ex ean pos1t1
,M . o n , e 1 k i n e t i
H M . 1·s p u r e y
1· pw~>
m 1 · a r S. . S
th c u t ·
i n g 1 n e
. . a r . H . M.
.• /'A}artJ.C1e
e ex e
f o r m i n g 11n e
ff, a rti cl e p er
P p
. . for a=== Ep, 1 2 2
ff/, If E
k 2 2 m ro x
2 (A - x )
Im O J 2
x = ± r:::
Thus at v2 '
Ek== Ep
= E
n tial
2 p o t e
k i .
n e r g y and wh n
re t h e e t i c e S H M e f a .n
per f o r m i n g
• " •
ene p a r t i c l e
[ 2 M arks]
. = ± : .
a f x
Particle is t d is ta n c e o
-· "" Sci..• prec,s
. Ph
*Q,60 e Ysics (Vol. I) '
-Ocd11cc ti
le c~l>rcss·1011
. . . , for period of sim1>le
· Ll
l1c11cc VII. Thus fo r small displaccmc
111 11
Ans: •ts Pcrioct d,
cpcnds St1tc the factors on which ' .
is directly proportional to the 1(:
' r ', .
I' e~llir " "
Let •111 , b · 14 Marksl is oppositely directed . Henc~1sPlall~'1!·1,:
t . e th e Illas f I simple pendulum performs Ii 1he h t1111."
ens1011 in ti , . " s O t 1c bob and T' be the small amplitudes.
• 11 1!ar Ob '
~-li 11
e ·1· le stnng Tl
f 1briu111 in · .
t11e p · · le
pendulum remains in viii . The peno · d T of osc1·11 atio of
·,~ 1:·
gravity f osition
0f o tIle bob v . OA, I
with the centre .
given by, a P~'1 rj~I
II . suspension O ' ert1ca ly below the point
If now th . T =~ = 2n ~II
e Pendulu 111 · • w acceleration per uni ~ ~
sn1a1J angle 0 is displaced tluough a isplacc; .
released it b '. called angular amplit11de and Using equation (I), t i11
the l11e~11 ( egi~~ t? oscillate on either side of X
. equ11tbnum) •. . . F=-mg L
vertical plane. position 111 a smgle
ma = - mg -X
---..";::t.;_f.L_L.LL.1.iL Rigid support L
a = - gi"
~ = _! =! (in magnitllde)
Substituting in the expression for T,
T = 2ni
This gives the expression for the tirn
C a simple pendulum . ePeriou L
A ix. Period of simple pendulum depends
length of the pendulum and accelerat· 0n ~1
gravity. iondue1
mg --·· mgcos0
II I. Simple pendulum
th *Q.61.0btain the expression for the period
In e displac~d position (extreme position), two
forces are acting on the bob. simple pendulum performing S,Jf.M. of 1
a. Force T' due to tension in the string, directed (3 Marks]IJuiyiJ
along the string, towards the support. Ans: Refer Q. 60. (i to viii)
b. Weight mg, in the vertically downward
direction . Q.62. State the expression for frequency
IV .
At the extreme positions, there should not be oscillation of the simple pendulum. 11 Mar:
any net force along the string. Ans: Frequency of oscillation 'n' of the simpl;
V. pendulum is given by,
The component of mg can only balance the
force due to tension.
Thus, weight mg is resolved into two components; n = + == 21n~
a. The component mg cos0 along the string,
which is balanced by the tension T' . *Q.63.State the laws of simple pendulum.12 Marks!
b. The component mg sine perpendicular to the Ans: Laws of simple pendulum:
string is the restoring force acting on mass m 1. The period of a simple pendulum is direcll:
tending to return it to the equilibrium position. proportional to the square root of its length.
Restoring force, F = - mg sine
vi. T oc ✓L .... (when g =constant)
As 0 is very small (0 <10°),
sine::::: ec 11 . The period of a simple pendulum is invers,h
F ;::;-mg0 proportional to the square root of accelerall0
due to gravity.
From the figure, I
For small angle,0 = L
X T oc fg .... (when L = constant)
F =-mg -X The period of a simple pendulum dOes• ni"
.. .. (I)
L depend on its mass. ,.
As m, g and L are constant, F ~-~ __ The period of a simple pendultun d0t'S . kl.JI
- - ·-- -~- - depend o_n its amp litude (for small amplill}l
p"i I ' feral J(J fl uvuy at - ue Jou ., LI
.,.. . \~ "'-' 5' I
,ere i ength o1 second ,s p that I hd, if I
I , v,1, . b enduz p ace . I
is given y,
, ,
10 u,n on zs 1
'"race 9 8
I earth 's I
I ~I . - I
I ~ }42)2 - 0.9927 m ~ l
f ---( I
I I :;::: 2 3• 111 ~ I
yS 1C
\ r.,,,,,,,,.,
- - - - - - -
- - - --., ......., .._
------ I
v -
--- I
Trajectof~h an~- th~ I Trajectory~ ~~ the,
~ :e~i::~Lc;s
i 0
v. t--:-·---------- - - ------------------ - · r -·-·--
I :::;)1____
_~-- . l e amplitude,
: String always makes a : W1th ~g be
; fixed angle with the I the stri ng tcansorne
lh • : · tal a
: onzontal and can : honzon .....
' never b h · t 1 : insta1:1.. ~-
~ ~ . . ... ...... ·........ ··· .. . .
•..... .... · · e... .....onzon a. .,.......... ..... .,
·· .. · · ·· ... ·· ··· · ·· ··· · ..... · · ;ff, rences1
f 01!_!Y!!- --- --
,, 11 \..- ll' v. \
l\ F . ' (,. ts t te angular acceleration.
t 0111 equations ( l) and (2),
la ~ ·- cO ...(3)
~ + c0 ~ 0 d0j
. . . . ( ·: a = -
dt 2
Tl11· ·
s ts the differential equation for ang
S.H .M. ular
~ro~n equati on (3) , the angul ar accelerat ion
'a '
is given by ,
a=== _ c0
Since c and I are con stants, the ang
~cc ele ration a is dir ectly proportional to 0
its dir ection is opposite to that of the ang
displacement. Hence , this oscillatory motio
n is
ang ular S.H.M .
Q.74 . Defin e angular S.H.M.
[1 Mark]
An s: An gu lar S.H .M is defined as the
osc illa tory
mo tio n of a bo dy ·in which the torque
an gu lar acceleration is directly proportiona
l to
the an gular displacement an d its dir ection
op po site to tha t of an gular displacem ent.
Q. 75. State the ex pression of time period
of angular
S.H .M . (1 Ma rk]
Ans: The tim e period T of angular S.H.M . is giv
en by,
T == 2rc
--- ;:: ::: == == === = == == = ==
✓ angular acceleration per unit angular displace
- ✓a/0
~ --==--=--··-·
= = =:!St~d!;,·!X~ll~S~c~i-~:P~r~e~c!;is~eJP~h~y~s•~ ~•)~=====J~:;::;=;:;t~h:at
f *Q.77.P~o"et· g ·1 0
under certa in
unifor m ma1
* Q.76.0btain the expression for the period a
vi bra m
magnet vibrating in a uniform magnetic field a ngul ar S .H.M - ,
and performing S.H .M. [3 Marks) A ns : Refer Q.76. (i t ~ -~
If a bar magnet is freely suspended in the ~l_a n~ of ~ dEx;:r;;~ -
a uni fonn magnetic field, it remains in eqmhbnum L-~ e t of mass
.•" ,
with its axis parallel to the direction of the fi eld . +Q. 7\ectangular parallelepi
,,. 11.
If it is given a small angular displacement 0 l == 40 mm , b == 10 mm
about an axis passing through its centre, the dimension. 'h' . '
r .
perpendicular to itself and to the field and orms angular oscd
per f ·t
released, it performs angular oscillations. magnetic field w1
a . 3
Let µ be the magneti c dipol e moment and B the netic moment 1s
11 1. ma g . fi
magnetic field . influencing magnetic I
IV . In the deflected position, a restoring torque acts (Example 5. J 2 oJ Textb c
on the magnet that tends to bring it back to its
equilibrium position._, Solution :
m == l20g = 0 .12
B Given:
l = 40 mm = 4 x
b == l O mm = lo-
h = 80 mm = ?
µ = 3.4 Am-
To find: Magnetic field (
( [2-,-t
Formulae: 1. I = m ~12
, . ' . - "' . - qm B
From formula (i),
I = O_12 (1600 + 1oo ,
. ' . ~~.;i<:
' ~
B =-- -- -
4 X 1.7 X 10-S
. ~ ~-~j V II. Since µ , B and I are constants, equation (1 ) 3.4
shows that angular acceleration is directly Ans: The inDuencing 1
, proportional to the angular displacement and 2 x 10-:,Wb m~ <
directed opposite to the angular displacement.
Hence the magnet performs angular S.H.M.
+Q.79.Two magnets w '
mass, but of ma c
Vlll. The period of vibrations of the magnet is given by,
and µ2 = 50 Am~
T= 2n earth's magnet
✓ angular acceleration per unit angular displacement angular oscillat
. : •. • '., ' . .-:-::4 2n When their like
. ,.
,. = period of their 2
' .
• .
....~ .. Thus, by considering magnitude of angular period of angul
; ..
,. '
' ·
_., .
. ,
~.., •
T - 2n ~
(Example 5. J 3 0
Given: µ1 ==100
[Note: The symbol µ is used for magnetic dipole To fin d:
' , , , .__ __~_, r_~-~~--,.- ' Time nt' r
*Q.77.Prove that under certain conditio
. . ·~ ns a th
vibratmg m un1iorm magnetic field ·••agQ
angular S.H.M. Petf0t~11
Ans: Refer Q. 76. (i to vii) (3 ~atl\si'
(_ - - - - - .......... ,
+Q. 78. A bar magnet of mass 120 g, in the f
rectangular parallelepiped, has di' orrn of a
I = 40 mm, b = 10 mm and h == 80 Illtnen81·0Q1
the dimension 'h' vertical, the Ill. Wit\
performs angular oscillations in the pfagQe1
a magnetic field with period n s alnfe .0r
magnetic· momen t·1s 34A
. m2, deterrnin • thIts
influencing magnetic field. (2 Marks][Fe: ]
(Example 5.12 of Textbook page no. 126) 23
Given: m = 120 g = 0.12 kg
l. == 40 mm == 4 x 21o-2m,
b == I0mm== I0- m,
h == 80 mm == 8 X 10-2 m, T = 7t s,
µ == 3.4 Am2
To find: Magnetic field (B)