05 Pharmaceutics
05 Pharmaceutics
05 Pharmaceutics
M.S. (Pharm.) Pharmaceutics
4. Protein and tissue binding: Factors affecting protein binding, kinetics of protein
binding, determination of rate constant and different plots (direct, scatchard and
reciprocal), Implication of protein binding on pharmacokinetic parameters.
5. Bioavailability and Bioequivalence: Definitions, federal requirements, methods of
determination of bioavailability using blood and urinary excretion data. Protocol
design for bioavailability assessment. Methods for bioequivalence determination.
Protocol design for bioavailability and bioequivalence assessment. Methods
for bioequivalence determination. Regulatory perspective of design acceptance and
BE determination - BCS based approach to avoid human PK study for BE
6. Pharmacokinetic characterization of drugs: Pharmacokinetics of drugs following
one/two compartment open models with first order elimination kinetics as applied to
rapid intravenous injection, Intravenous transfusion and oral administration.
Determination of absorption rate constant using Wagner-Nelson, Loo Riegelman
methods. Flip-flop models, method of residual. Urinary excretion data and its
application in pharmacokinetic characterization of drugs. Pharmacokinetics of
multiple dosing. Pharmacokinetics of modified/sustained release dosage forms.
7. Dosage regimen: Dosage regimen adjustment in patients with renal and hepatic
diseases. Drug dosage in elderly, children, and obese patients.
8. Non-Linear Pharmacokinetics: Various causes of non-linearity, Michaelis-Menten
kinetics, In-vivo estimation of Km and Vm. Lineweaver Burk equation.
9. Physiologic pharmacokinetics models: Mean Residence Time (MRT); Statistical
moment theory; Mean absorption time (MAT); Mean dissolution time (MDT);
Lagrange and spline method Application and limitations of physiologic
pharmacokinetic models.
10. Miscellaneous Topics: Chronopharmacokinetics, Drug toxicity and forensic
pharmacokinetics, kinetics of maternal-fetal drug transfer, pharmacokinetics v/s
pharmacological/ clinical response, metabolic kinetics
Recommended Books
1. Applied biopharmaceutics pharmacokinetics. LEON SHARGEL AND ANDREW B.C. YU, 2016, 7 th
2. Foundation of Pharmacokinetics. Rescigno, A. 2003.
3. Handbook of Bioequivalence Testing. Sarfaraz K. Niazi. 2007, 1st Edition.
4. Biopharmaceutics and Relevant Pharmacokinetics. Wagner, J. G. 1970.
5. Textbook of Biopharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacokinetics. Niazi, S.K. 1980.
6. Modeling in Biopharmaceutics, Pharmacokinetics, and Pharmacodynamics: Homogeneous and
Heterogeneous Approaches. Macheras, P. and A. Iliadis, 2016, 2nd Edition.
7. Comparative Pharmacokinetics: Principles, Techniques and Applications. Riviere, J.E., 2011,
2nd Edition.
8. Introduction to Biopharmaceutics. Gibaldi, M. 1971.
9. Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics: An Introduction. Notari, R. E.2008.
10. BA/BE guidance of US FDA and EMEA, BCS waiver guidance by USFDA
4. New drug applications : stages involved in NDA, different phrases of clinical trials,
purpose of IND, types and categories of IND applications information to be given in
IND applications.
5. Chemistry, manufacturing and control (CMC) information in NDA: information
related to drug substance like manufacturing process, specifications, description of
tests methods. Information related to drug product: description of method of
manufacturing, specifications and acceptable limits. Information related to placebo.
6. Hybrid NDA: a difference from NDA, historical background, literature based hybrid
NDAs and other sources of information for hybrid NDA, examples of types of
products considered under hybrid NDA.
7. Abbreviated New Drug applications (ANDAs): historical developments leading to
creation of ANDA process, Hatch Waxman Act, patent term restoration, criteria for
patent term extension, various types of Hatch Waxman Exclusivities, concept of
therapeutic equivalence, ANDA review process.
8. Paragraph IV certification ANDAs : different ANDA Patent certification options,
Medicare Modernization Act, implications of this act on 30 month stay period and
180 day exclusivity, triggering and forfeiture of 180 day exclusivity, shared
9. ANDA with suitability petition: case studies of drug products considered
appropriate for filing under suitability petition.
10. Case studies related to above mentioned topics
Recommended Books/ Literature:
1. Javed Ali, Sanjula Baboota. Regulatory Affairs in the Pharmaceutical Industry, 2021, 1st Edition,
Elsevier, ISBN: 9780128222119.
2. Sandy Weinberg. Guidebook for Drug Regulatory Submissions, Wiley, ISBN: 978-0-470-37138-1.
3. David Mantus, Douglas J. Pisano. FDA Regulatory Affairs: Third Edition, CRC Press; 3rd edition,
ISBN: 978-1841849195.
Recommended Books/Literature:
1. Controlled and Novel Drug Delivery, Jain, N.K. 1997.
2. Advances in Novel and Controlled Drug Delivery, Jain, N.K., CBS publisher.
3. Novel Drug Delivery Systems Chien, Y.W, Taylor & Francis, Second Edition.
4. Controlled and Novel Drug Delivery, Robinson, J.R. & Lee, V.H.I. Taylor & Francis, 2nd edition.
5. Targeted & Controlled Drug Delivery, Vyas S.P. & Khar R.K, CBS Publisher.
6. Applied Biopharmaceutics& Pharmacokinetics, by Shargel, L., S. Wu-Pong.
7. Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics: An Introduction by Notari, R. E.
8. Introduction to Biopharmaceutics, by Gibaldi, M.
PE-650 :- Drug Delivery -II (Targeted Drug Delivery and Novel Carrier Systems)
(2 Credits)
1. Fundamentals of targeted drug delivery: Need of targeted drug delivery, ligand-
receptor interaction, levels of targeting, active and passive targeting, EPR effects,
receptor-mediated endocytosis, multifunctional approach in targeted drug delivery.
2. Chemical drug delivery systems: Prodrug concept for drug design, drug targeting
and antibody-directed enzyme prodrug therapy (ADEPT), soft drug design, Lipid-
drug/ polymer-drug conjugate.
3. Targeted brain delivery: Overview of brain, specific targets for brain delivery,
concept of nose to brain delivery, types and key elements: Ideal carrier system and
approach with case studies depicting utility in various brain diseases.
4. Targeted Tumor Delivery: Structural features of tumor vasculature, levels of tumor
targeting, tumor ligands for targeted drug delivery, biopharmaceutical characteristics
of delivery systems for tumor-specific delivery.
5. Colloidal and Supramolecular drug delivery systems: Preparation and
characterization, biopharmaceutical considerations, evaluation, and applications in
drug delivery of the following delivery vectors: a) Liposomes and niosomes b) Solid
lipid nanoparticles and nanostructured lipid carriers c) Polymeric nanoparticles –
PLGA, chitosan, albumin, gelatin, alginate etc. d) Carbon nanotubes, (e)
microspheres (f) microemulsions (g) SEDDS and SNEDDS.
6. Overview of Specialized drug delivery systems: Transfersomes, Ethosomes,
Layersomes, Bilosomes, Emulsomes, Virosomes, Cubosomes, Aquasomes,
Pharmacosomes. Dendrimers, Polymeric micelles and Resealed Erythrocytes.
7. Stimuli-responsive drug delivery systems: Magnetically, thermal and pH-assisted
drug delivery systems.
8. Miscellaneous targeting approaches: Fundamentals of gene delivery, Overview of
colon, liver, macrophage, mitochondrial and M cells targeting.
Recommended Books/Literature:
1. Controlled and Novel Drug Delivery, Jain, N.K. 1997.
2. Advances in Novel and Controlled Drug Delivery, Jain, N.K., CBS publisher.
3. Novel Drug Delivery Systems Chien, Y.W, Taylor & Francis, Second Edition.
4. Controlled and Novel Drug Delivery, Robinson, J.R. & Lee, V.H.I. Taylor & Francis, 2nd edition.
5. Targeted & Controlled Drug Delivery, Vyas S.P. & Khar R.K, CBS Publisher.