Answer key
Answer key
Answer key
1 HJ5_5219
5. “ ” ,
Asirgarh fort located in Burhanpur is known as “Dakkhan ka Darwazza” was built by
which of the following Yaduvanshi Ahir King ?
Asa Ahir
Motilal Tejawat was a famous personality during the Indian National Movement. He
belonged to which of the following regions of India ?
7. 1892 ?
Which of the following was an extension of the 1892 reforms ?
The Council Act of the 1909
8. 1920 ?
The first Kisan March in Pratapgarh District of Uttar Pradesh in 1920 was organised by
whom ?
Jawaharlal Nehru
9. “ ” ?
“Mandi Conspiracy” took place under the leadership of which of the following ?
Ghadar Party
10. 16 , 1946 “
” ?
Who among the following had celebrated “Direct Action Day” on 16th August 1946
during the Indian National Movement ?
The Muslim League
HJ5_5219 2
11. 2021-22 1319 () , 263
There are 1319 reported mines in India as on 2021-22, out of these highest 263 mines
are located in which of the following states of India ?
Madhya Pradesh
(i) (a)
(ii) (b)
(iii) (c)
(iv) (d)
Match the following rivers with respect to the states in which they flow :
(i) Kameng (a) Odisha
(ii) Baitarani (b) Maharashtra
(iii) Girna (c) Chhattisgarh
(iv) Hasdeo (d) Assam
(i)-(d), (ii)-(a), (iii)-(b), (iv)-(c)
13. ,
, / ?
Chabimura is famous for its panels of rock carvings on the steep mountain wall on the
bank of river Gomati, is located at which of the following states/UTs of India ?
14. “ ” ,
“Lake Turkana” is the largest desert lake in the world, it is situated in which of the
following countries of the world ?
15. 1936 ?
The forest types of India were classified for the first time in 1936 by whom among the
following ?
Sir H.G. Champion
3 HJ5_5219
16. ?
The idea of nationwide GST in India was proposed by whom among the following ?
The Kelkar Task Force
17. I (1970-1980)
( )
( )
Phase I (1970-1980) of the milk revolution of India was financed by the sale of
skimmed milk powder and butter oil gifted by which of the following through the
World Food Programme ?
The European Union (then EEC)
18. “ ” ?
Which edition of Five-year plan of India was also known as “Gadgil Yojana” ?
19. 1981 ()
The creation of National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)
was approved by the Parliament through which Act of 1981 ?
Act 61
20. ?
Which bank was not nationalised during the Phase I of the Nationalisation of Banks ?
Vijaya Bank
21. ?
Which of the following features distinguishes the Rajya Sabha from the Vidhan
Parishad ?
Power of impeachment
HJ5_5219 4
22. ______ ( )
28 , 1950
The Supreme Court of India was inaugurated on the _______. The inauguration had
taken place in the Chamber of Princes in the Parliament Building (Now old).
28th January, 1950
23. 1959
Rajasthan was the first state where the Panchayati Raj System was implemented in the
year 1959. In which of the following districts of Rajasthan it was implemented first ?
The Directive Principles of State Policy are adopted in the Indian Constitution from the
Constitution of which of the following countries ?
25. -
104 , 2019
Which amendment of the Indian Constitution has abolished nomination of Anglo-
Indians to both the Lok Sabha and Legislative Assemblies ?
104th Amendment Act, 2019
26. ?
Which of the following trees provide medicine for treating malaria ?
Cinchona tree
27. ?
What is the reason behind the twinkling of stars ?
Atmospheric refraction of star light.
28. ______
___ is a process of forming a thick oxide layer of Aluminium.
5 HJ5_5219
Give name of the process in which tadpoles develop into young frogs.
30. ?
Which of the following is the most rapidly dwindling resource in the whole world ?
31. , 20 ,
25 , 7 ?
Four years ago, the average age of Dev and Dinesh was 20 years. If today average age
of Dev, Dinesh and Chintan is 25 years, what will be age of Chintan after 7 years ?
34 years
32. ?
What will be the value of following equation ?
2.4 0.72 4.5
0.18 0.06 0.9
33. 11 ?
Which of the following doesn’t express the square of 11 in terms of sum of odd
numbers ?
34. / Simplify :
{9–2 × 35 × (5–2)3} / {(3–3)4 × 54}
35. 1200 85% 800
70% (%) ,
(%) :
Darshan scored 85% in Preliminary exam with a maximum marks of 1200 and 70% in
Main exam with a maximum marks of 800. If the result is based on the combined % of
the both exams, the combined % is :
HJ5_5219 6
36. ‘’, ‘’ ‘’ ?
37. ?
= +
38. ‘ ’ ?
- ,
39. ?
40. ‘ ’ ?
41. Which of the following is not an antonym of ‘Rabid’ ?
Read the following paragraph and answer the following questions (Q. 44 and 45)
The self-portrait is nothing new. Painters and photographers have always used
themselves as subjects. Today, however, almost everyone walks around with a camera in his
or her pocket. This is because most cell phones have cameras on them. The fact that most
people have cell phone cameras with them all the time has led to the rise of the selfie. A
selfie is a self-portrait usually taken with a cell phone.
Since the pictures are usually taken on a cell phone, many people tend to share these
photographs with friends and even strangers on different social networking websites. Some
of the popular social networking platforms people use to share selfies include Instagram,
Snapchat and Facebook. People usually take selfies when they are engaged in normal day-to-
day activities. They take selfies of their commutes to work or school. People take selfies of
themselves eating. Other people take selfies to show what they are wearing or whom they are
hanging out with.
7 HJ5_5219
45. Which social networking platform is not mentioned in the passage ?
HJ5_5219 8
50. , A B
A : ,
B :
In this question, two statements A and B are given. These statements may be either
independent causes or may be effects of independent cause or a common cause. One of
these statements may be the effect of the other statement. Read both the statements and
decide which of the following answer choice correctly depicts the relationship between
these two statements.
A : Budgetary allocation for building a better railway network, e.g., constructing new
railway lines, has increased.
B : There has been a substantial drop in the number of passengers opting for air travel.
If both the statements A and B are independent causes.
51. ()
/ ?
The First Permanent Aadhaar Enrolment Centre (PAEC) for Indian Army has been
inaugurated in which of the following States/UTs of India ?
New Delhi
52. “
” ?
Which of the following Union Ministry has recently launched the “Scheme for
Expansion and Modernization of Fire Services in the States” ?
Ministry of Home Affairs
Which edition of Rashtriya Poshan Maah has been proposed by Ministry of Women
and Child in order to foster nutritional understanding across India ?
9 HJ5_5219
54. “SaNGRAH - : ”
“SaNGRAH – Safe food for Nations : Global food Regulatory Authorities Handbook”
is a comprehensive database of Food Regulatory Authorities from 76 countries
worldwide. SaNGRAH is available not only in Hindi and English but also in six Indian
languages. It is not available in which of the following languages ?
55. () 2020
What is the tagline for Nav Bharat Saksharata Karyakram launched during the
celebration of 3rd anniversary of National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 ?
Jan Jan Sakshar
56. IBSA ?
Who among the following has recently won the gold medal at the IBSA World
Games ?
Indian Women’s Blind Cricket Team
57. 2023 78
Name the theme of 78th United Nations General Assembly for year 2023.
Rebuilding trust and reigniting global solidarity.
58. ,
Recently, the European Commission adopted its adequacy decision for the Data
Privacy Framework. On the basis of the adequacy decision, personal data can flow
freely from the EU to companies of which of the following countries ?
HJ5_5219 10
59. , (WMC 2023) ?
Recently, Australia has hosted which edition of World Mining Congress (WMC 2023) ?
60. 26 , 2023 , 59
( - )
Jim Skea has been elected for IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)
Chair for the seventh assessment cycle on 26 July, 2023 at the 59th Session of the IPCC
held in Nairobi, Kenya. He belongs to which of the following countries ?
United Kingdom
61. ()
The National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem (NMSHE) is the
mission under the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC). In total how
many missions were launched under NAPCC ?
62. (IISc) 1909 ,
The Indian Institute of Science (IISc) was established in 1909 by a visionary
partnership between the Mysore Royal Family, the Government of India and which of
the following industrialist ?
Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata
63. ?
The National Energy Conservation Day is celebrated on which of the following day in
India every year ?
14th December
64. / ?
Satmalia Deer Sanctuary is located in which of the following States/UTs of India ?
Dadra & Nagar Haveli
11 HJ5_5219
65. ?
Which one of the following does not constitute the electoral college for electing the
President of India ?
Elected members of the Legislative Council
66. “ ” / ?
“Pangi Valley” is situated at which of the following States/UTs of India ?
Himachal Pradesh
67. ?
The Pat Williamson Ground situated in Kolkata is associated with which of the
following sports ?
68. ?
Which of the following is the capital city of the Union of Comoros ?
69. “ - - , -
” ?
Who among the following had written a book named “Nirukta – the oldest Indian
Treatise on Etymology, Philology and Semantics” ?
Sri Yaskacarya
70. , ?
( )
Which of the following international organisations is having their headquarters at
London, United Kingdom ?
International Maritime Organisation
HJ5_5219 12
: (. 71-75)
, , ,
- ,
, ,
, -
, ,
, ,
, ? ,
71. ?
72. ?
73. - ?
74. ‘’ ‘’ ?
75. “”, “” “”
13 HJ5_5219
: (.76 – 80)
- - ‘’
, ,
- () -
76. - ?
77. ?
78. ?
79. “ ” ?
HJ5_5219 14
(. 81-85) : 10 A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J Alpha, Beta
(Q. 81-85) : The given graph represents the number of users of three Telecom services
Alpha, Beta and Gamma across 10 cities A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J.
81. Beta Gamma ?
What is the total number of users of Beta and Gamma across all ten cities together ?
82. ‘A’ Alpha Beta , ‘E’ Beta Gamma
The number of users of Alpha and Beta together in city ‘A’ is what percent of the
number of users of Beta and Gamma together in ‘E’ ?
83. Alpha Gamma ?
What is the average number of users of Alpha and Gamma across all ten cities
together ?
84. ‘B’ Alpha, Beta Gamma , ‘H’
Alpha, Beta Gamma
What approximate percent less are the total number of users of Alpha, Beta and
Gamma together in city ‘B’ compared to the total number of users of Alpha, Beta and
Gamma together in city ‘H’ ?
85. ‘D’ Alpha, Beta Gamma ‘I’
Beta Gamma ?
What is the ratio of the number of users of Alpha, Beta and Gamma together in city
‘D’ to the number of users of Beta and Gamma together in city ‘I’ ?
21 : 11
15 HJ5_5219
(. 86-90) : :
2023 6 10
(Q. 86-90) : Study the following line graph carefully and answer the questions given below :
The following line graph shows the percentage breakup of students studying in school from
Standard 6 to 10 in the year 2023.
86. 6 9 , 10
The total number of students in Std. 6 and Std. 9 together is approximately what
percentage more than that of the total number of students in Std. 10 ?
87. 6 , 6 : 5 6 7
50 , 6 7
If in Std. 6, the ratio of boys to girls is
6 : 5 and the total number of girls in Std. 6 is
50 less than that of the total number of girls in Std. 7, then find the ratio of the total
number of boys in Std. 6 to Std. 7.
88. 2024 , 6 7 10%
10 20% , 2023 6 7
2024 10 ?
If in 2024, the total number of students in Std. 6 and Std. 7 is increased by 10% each
and the total number of students in Std. 10 is decreased by 20%, then what is the
difference between the total number of students in Std. 6 and 7 together in 2023 to that
of the total number of students in Std. 10 in 2024 ?
HJ5_5219 16
89. 8 “x” 9 “x + 40”
8 9 120 , “x”
The total number of boys in Std. 8 is “x” and the total number of boys in Std. 9 is “x +
40”. If the total number of girls in Std. 8 and Std. 9 together is 120, then find the
value of “x”.
90. 7 8 9 10
What is the difference between the total number of students in Std. 7 and Std. 8
together to that of the total number of students in Std. 9 and Std. 10 together ?
(. 91-95) : :
(Q. 91-95) : Study the table carefully and answer the questions given below it :
(` )
Centre’s gross fiscal deficit and its financing (in
/ /
Years / Market / /
Fiscal Borrowings Other Budget
deficit Liabilities Deficit
2015-16 68800 31440 43940 1075
2016-17 71350 44200 28155 10925
2017-18 77845 31110 41660 24315
2018-19 99050 43500 67360 1025
2019-20 114850 75030 45755 4345
2020-21 80065 68570 32750 –––
91. ?
The average of market borrowings is approximately what percent of the total fiscal
deficit over the years ?
92. 2015-16 2019-20 ( ) ?
` 8,337
What is the average budget deficit from the 2015-16 to 2019-20 (in crore) ?
` 8,337 crore
17 HJ5_5219
93. ?
In which year the fiscal deficit increases by the maximum amount from previous year ?
94. ?
In which year is the percent of other liabilities are the highest with respect to fiscal
deficit ?
95. 2 ?
For how many years the ratio of fiscal deficit to market borrowing is more than 2 ?
(. 96-100) : :
(Marked Price) (Cost Price)
(Q. 96-100) : Study the following table chart carefully and answer the questions given
below :
This following table is related to profit and loss and some values are missing. All the
discounts are on the Marked Price and the profit are on Cost Price.
/Shirt – 30% – – –
96. % % ,
If the discount % and profit % of the Suit is same, find out the approximate Marked
Price of Suit.
` 3,478
HJ5_5219 18
97. ` 420
` 750 ,
If the Marked Price of Jeans is ` 420 more than the Cost Price of Shirt and the
difference between Marked Price and Selling Price of Shirt is ` 750, find the discount
% of Shirt.
98. ?
Cost Price of Suit is how much percentage less than the Marked Price of Jeans ?
99. - % % 7 : 5 -
The ratio of discount % and profit % of the T-shirt is 7 : 5. Find the approximate Cost
Price of T-shirt.
` 2,248
100. 4 : 5 , %
If the ratio of the Cost Price of the Jeans and Saree is 4 : 5, find out the approximate
discount % of Saree.
19 HJ5_5219