: here in price parameter change price to anything like form 29 to
9 and the changed price i.e 9 will be deducted from our account As you can see in the picture we get $99 as a credit on new account registration and I purchase a phone by price manipulation for $1 only 2. Business Logic Error on http://foophones.securitybrigade.com/buy.php? id=1
: here change price to -ve i.e from 29 to -29 and the
amount which has to deduct for our account will be credited in our account As you can see in the picture our balance was $98 in the previous screenshot as I again buy a phone for $29 as the amount that should deduct for our account is credit by just giving a (-)ve amount 3. Weak Credentials on http://foophones.securitybrigade.com/login.php