№ 7, 2020
Scientific journal of the Lviv State University of Life Safety “Philological Periodical of Lviv”. № 7, 2020
UDC 81.111’42
DOI https://doi.org/10.32447/2663-340X-2020-7.16
Zavarynska M. S. Poetic means of revealing uncertainty in postmodern experimental texts
Науковий журнал Львівського державного університету безпеки життєдіяльності «Львівський філологічний часопис». № 7, 2020
Scientific journal of the Lviv State University of Life Safety “Philological Periodical of Lviv”. № 7, 2020
Poetics is divided into “general poetics” that constrained writing or word game consisting of
investigates author’s literary approaches to express writing paragraphs or longer works in which a
the idea in a text and rules of combination of these particular letter or group of letters is avoided [13].
approaches. Literary devices or poetic means can The plot of M. Dunn’s novel is presented through
be classified according to levels where the idea of a mail or notes sent between various characters.
text is located; “descriptive poetics”, which deals The book is called “progressively lipogrammatic”
with the description of structure of literary text which means that during the development of the
when separate levels and parts considered to be a story more and more letters of the alphabet are
single whole; “historical poetics” that examines excluded from the characters' writing. As letters
the development of literary devices and categories disappear, the novel becomes more and more
of a particular epoch. phonetically or creatively spelled. Thus, the base of
Poetics of PET is based on rhizome approach the plot of “Ella Minnow Pea” are the pangrams,
and reveals the emergence of new hybrid literary or holoalphabetic sentences (from Greek: “every
forms. That’s why the poetics of postmodern texts letter” - a sentence using every letter of a given
is connected with such metaphorical characteristics alphabet at least once): “The quick brown fox
as “disharmonious harmony”, “assymetrical jumps over the lazy dog” and “Pack my box with
symmetry”, “dualism poetics” etc. [4, 118]. five dozen liquor jugs” (4).
According to V. Ivanov [3, 936-943], in the most Postmodern authors of PET also use mondegreen
general sense poetics is a study that examines (a mishearing or misinterpretation of a phrase as a
literary text structure/formation and system of result of near-homophony, in a way that gives it a
aesthetic devices applied to it. Uncertainty, as new meaning) which can be also considered as a
plurality of meanings, or the so called “lexical device of uncertainty [2][9]. The term mondegreen
polyphony”, can be created by means of wide was created by S. Wright in 1954 who had misheard
poetic context which may cover a text passage or the lyric “laid him on the green” in the Scottish
the whole text [6, 135]. ballad “The Bonny Earl of Murray” as “Lady
The theory of J. Cazares, Y. Naida, O. Savchenko Mondegreen” [18].
claims that compatibility is the key reason why a Rhizome principle of multiplicity can be
word in each context gets different meanings. The realized with the usage of intertextuality, the
essential feature of poetic style is the compatibility notion firstly presented by J. Kristeva and signifies
of poetic means but compatibility of different the shaping of a text's meaning by another text
meanings is perceived as intentional multiplicity. [12]. As the example one can choose an absurdist
Narrow context offers one meaning while wide play “Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead” by
context produces a number of associations T. Stoppard (1966) in which the author uses two
and connotations [5, 27]. This multiplicity minor characters from W. Shakespeare's “Hamlet”
of interpretations leads to “desctruction of (1599-1601). Furthermore, “Hamlet” is based on
expected connotations”. Text formation became a legend of Amleth, what we might call “double
extraordinary to such an extent that the reader often intertextuality”.
feels cheated and confused during identifying an “CLAUDIUS: Welcome, dear Rosencrantz…
appropriate meaning of a word. (he raises a hand at GUIL while ROS bows – GUIL
As an example of an experiment with poetic bows late and hurriedly.)… and Guildenstern. (He
means let’s consider M. Kington’s bizarre raises a hand at ROS while GUIL bows to him –
holorime (from Greek: a form of rhyme where two ROS is still straightening up from his previous bow
very similar sequence of sounds can form phrases and half way up he bows down again. With his
composed of slightly or completely different words head down, he twists to look at GUIL, who is on
and with different meanings [11] “A Scottish the way up.) Moreover that we did much long to
Lowlands Holiday Ends in Enjoyable Inactivity” see you, the need we have to use you did provoke
(2003): “In Ayrshire hill areas, a cruise, eh, lass?” our hasty sanding (ROS and GUIL still adjusting
Inertia, hilarious, accrues, helas!” (1). “Helas” is their clothing for CLAUDIUS’S presence.)” (5).
an exclamation of woe or disappointment, related T. Stoppard creates his own W. Shakespeare's like
to alas. Backwords both lines are pronounced lines, but sometimes leaves the text directly from
almost identically ("In Ayrshire" is pronounced original version. The reading of such text requires
roughly like "iTertia"). additional knowledge of the reader who should have
The novel by M. Dunn “Ella Minnow Pea”, or read “Hamlet” before to understand the purpose of
“Ella Minnow Pea: a progressively lipogrammatic Stoppard’s commentary on it. As we can observe,
epistolary fable” (2001) impresses with its structure. such experimental intertextual insertings compose
Lipogram (from Greek: “leaving out a letter”) is a specific textual structure, style, polyphony and
Zavarynska M. S. Poetic means of revealing uncertainty in postmodern experimental texts
serve as linkers among other texts, expanding text “An outburst of anger near the road, a refusal
boarders and understanding to endlessness. to speak on the path, a silence in the pine woods,
Rhizome principle of cartography and a silence across the old railroad bridge, an
decalcomania can be realized due to the attempt to be friendly in the water, a refusal to
usage of antimyth, a belief or system that end the argument on the flat stones, a cry of anger
opposes a myth or myths [7]. There is “an on the steep bank of dirt, a weeping among the
underlying commonality” to myth and ritual of bushes” (2).
traditional societies and the antimyth of modern, “The Outing” serves as the skeleton of a story
technological society [10, 86]. in which emerges an opposition between nature
Applaying antimyth suggests the usage of a landscapes and human problems. The aim of
traditional mythologeme (a basic core element, antithesis applying here is displaying of nature
motif or theme of a myth) with “rebound effect”. superiority over a human.
For example, a postmodern American writer Conclusions. The concept of rhizome is essential
D. DeLillo’s in his novel “Cosmopolis” (2003) in PET formation where the key feature is uncertainty.
uses a mythologeme of New York city by analogy Therefore, during PET formation the author and
of J. Joice’s mythologeme of Dublin in the novel the reader enter the “bilateral negotiations” which
“Ulysses” (1922). In “Cosmopolis” New York city produce special reality with specific poetics when
is not only the place of the odyssey but also acts as the linear plot is dismissed in favor of fragmentation.
the main character. The big city determines the fate Each poetic mean can be interpreted differently due
of people who are only parts of it and transform to the context that, for its part, acquires “multiple
their personalities. The image of big city makes the shades” soaked in uncertainty. Reading of PET
impression of ominous and dark place: “The city requires skills to navigate in the text field. The sense
eats and sleeps noise. It makes noise out of every of poetic analysis lies in investigation of a text taking
century” (3, 71). Thus, we observe personification into account its literary, compositional and plot
(an anthropomorphic metaphor, occurs when a peculiarities. Poetic analysis enables to infer how
thing or abstraction is represented as a person) [15]. the combination of poetic means can influence on
Another example of an experiment with poetic the image. Uncertainty can be realized by rhizome
means is a book of very short stories called “Almost principles such as multiplicity, connection and
No Memory” (1997) by L. Davis who considered heterogeneity, “asignifying rupture”, cartography
to be a crowned master of the very short story of and decalcomania. Results of the research in the
modern times. For instance, in the very short story article represents the value in exploring of universal
“The Outing” there is an applying of antithesis methods of revealing uncertainty through poetic
(from Greek “setting opposite”, a figure of speech means in PET. Thus, the perspective of further
involving a seeming contradiction of ideas, research is to investigate different poetic means of
words, clauses, or sentences within a balanced revealing uncertainty in the context of the latest PET
grammatical structure. Parallelism of expression and work out methods which help to monitor that
serves to emphasize opposition of ideas) [8]: “desctruction of expected connotations” in PET.
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Науковий журнал Львівського державного університету безпеки життєдіяльності «Львівський філологічний часопис». № 7, 2020
Scientific journal of the Lviv State University of Life Safety “Philological Periodical of Lviv”. № 7, 2020
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Zavarynska M. S. Poetic means of revealing uncertainty in postmodern experimental texts