S NO. ITEMS QTY RATE AMOUNT (in Rs) 1 Front side pipe fixing one job 5550 5550 2 Kitchen side pipe fixing and repairing of jaal. one job 6900 6900 3 Remove old damage pipe and fiber labour one job 1860 1860 4 Black paint on the jaal and pipe Labour+Material one job 2400 2400 5 Fixing the accrylic sheet on the pipe 140- sqft 25-PSqft 3500 6 payment of two pipe at the site one job 2050 2050 7 pipe purchase for accrylic sheet fixing at the site 6 Nos one job 6150 6150 8 screw for accrylic sheet fixing 1.5" long one job - 200 nos 960 960 9 first submit ek parchi . Fixing pillar plate, chemical, bolts one job 12900 12900 glass frame angular bolt + labour TOTAL 42270