UNITS 2, 3,4

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UNITS 2, 3, 4 3 Match the photos with the words in the


1 Circle the correct options. cable handle lens lid plug strap
1 I’m going to … for driving lessons when I am
a sign up b end up c go through
2 We are really … starting our new school
next week.
a going through 1___________ 2_________
b turning down
c looking forward to
3 We are … of our house next week and are
going to stay with our friends for a while.
a moving to b
3___________ 4_________
moving out c
going back to
4 It’s difficult to … the internet when you
have had it all your life.
a go back b do without
c turn down 5___________ 6___________
5 I decided to … the invitation to the
party because I was busy. 4 Circle the odd one out.
a turn down 1 cover button key
b try out 2 lens display plug
c turn out 3 key strap handle
4 cable button plug
USING WORDS IN DIFFERENT 5 lid cover display
2 Circle the correct preposition for each 5 Circle the correct options.
phrasal verb. Then match the situations in
the box with the phrasal verbs. My grandmother recently told me about
the time she1signed up / ended up for
a new café a request computer lessons, 30years ago. Her first
an illness fine in a class 2turned out / went through very
new home badly. The instructor told them to type a
1 turn out / through badly /___________ letter. First, she didn’t know which 3key /
button to press to switch the computer on,
2 try on / out a new sport /____________
so the 4lens / display stayed black. She
3 settle down / on and have a family finally managed to type a paragraph, but
/_______________ then she pressed the delete 5lid / key and
4 go out / through difficulties /__________ lost it all and had to 6go back to / move to
5 turn down / out an offer /_____________ the beginning. The class was almost over
when the instructor said: ‘OK, Advanced
Computer Skills lesson two will be on
Friday.’ That was when she realised she’d
ended up / gone through in the
wrong class!

1 Circle two correct answers each time. 6 the tickets / already / sell out
1 As a child, I … in the park every When we got to the box office,
afternoon. _______________________________.
a played b used to play 7 we / never / be / there / before
c use to play We got lost because
2 We … in London before we moved here.
a would live b used to live c lived
4 Complete the text with the words in the
3 They … like vegetables when they box and the correct form of used to or the
were children. past perfect.
a wouldn’t b didn’t use to already / live be not be never / have / make move
c didn’t
My mother 1__________ an ambassador
4 My parents … get up late when I was a child.
when I was younger, so we 2__________ to
a wouldn’t bdidn’t use to a different capital city every few years. By
c didn’t used to the time I was a teenager, we __________
5 … have a phone when you were little? in six different places! I 4__________ close
to any of my
a Would you b Did you
cousins, but I 5__________ friends easily. We
c Did you use to
finally settled down in London and the first
2 Complete the sentences with the correct thing Idid was ask for a dog because I
form of used to or would. Sometimes both 6
__________ a pet and I’d always wanted
are possible. one!
1 My grandparents ____________ wash all
their clothes by hand. 5 Imagine you are talking to an older
2 This park ____________ have anywhere familymember about life when they were
to play football, but now there is a pitch. a child.Complete the questions.
3 My grandparents ____________ give me Did you use to / Would you_____________
lots of presents for my birthday. ____________________________________?
4 _____you _____ be curious about What did you use to
everything when you were young?
5 My friend says she has never liked rap Had you ever heard
music, but I’m sure she ____________ like
3 Complete the sentences using the Had they already invented
prompts and the past perfect.
1 never / meet / him / before / that night ____________________________________?
I ______________________________.
2 we / already / see / that film
When we arrived, we realised
3 you / ever / see / a 3-D printer / before
the technology festival?
5 the film / not start / yet
We thought we were late, but
VOCABULARY UNIT 3 3 Match the photos with the words in the
1 Circle the correct options. a packet / a spoonful a sprinkle
1 You … such amazing cakes! chunks pieces slices
a bake b roast 1______________ 2__________
c grill
2 … some chocolate paste over the top of
a cake to make it really special.
a Peel b Spread
c Slice 3______________ 4 __________
3 If you … meat with salt and pepper,
it’s much tastier.
a season b overcook c heat
4 A sharp knife is essential to … vegetables
a bake b spread
5______________ 6__________
c chop
5 If you … different fruits thinly and arrange
them on a dish, they look beautiful.
a slice b grate c fry
4 Correct the underlined mistakes in the
FROM VERBS 1 A splosh of milk in an omelette makes it a
2 Unscramble the words (1–5) to make food little bigger.______
adjectives. Then complete the phrases (a–
2 Try a fandhul of nuts for a
e) with the adjectives.
healthy snack.______
1 (drefi)___________
3 You only need a punch of salt to make
2 (ebkad)___________ dishes tasty.______
3 (seortda)___________
4 Two crunks of chocolate a day is
4 (liegrld)___________ plenty_____
5 (epdpoch)___________ 5 To make this cake, use two cubs of
a ______meat and vegetables for
Sunday lunch
5 Circle the correct options.
b ______cakes and biscuits for afternoon tea
My older brother is going to leave home
c ______eggs and chips for a quick meal
soon so my parents let him cook dinner last
d ______fruit and nuts in your weekend, to see if he could do it alone. He
breakfast cereal 1
started by peeling / grating the potatoes
e ______meats and vegetables on the well, but then he added a sprinkle /
barbecue handful of salt! They tasted awful. Then he
started to grill / spread the meat, but he
forgot about it and overcooked / roasted
it. He didn’t season / heat the oven before
he put the cake in, so it didn’t cook
properly. In the end, we told him to open a
slice / packet of biscuits, as we were all so
hungry! Next week he’s starting cookery
GRAMMAR UNIT 3 b I’ll have __________ a few
1 Cross out one incorrect answer in centimetres taller.
each sentence.
1 I think we might / are going to / may go out
for dinner tonight. Let’s ask mum.
2 It’s going to rain / will rain / ’s
raining tomorrow so take your
3 I am sure everyone is liking / will
like / is goingto like this cake I’ve
4 Let’s not go to the fish restaurant. Sara
is goingto / may not / might not like
5 I’m having / I’ll have / I’m going to have
a party next week. Can you come?
2 Correct the underlined mistakes in
the sentences.
1 By the time you hear this message, I’ll
have arriving at the station.
2 This time next Wednesday, we’ll be
eaten seafood on the beach in Italy.
3 You can’t leave at 8 pm because the
class won’t be finishing by then.
4 Where will you be met your friends
5 Will the meat has cooking by the time the
vegetables are ready?_____________

3 Match the beginnings (1–6) with the

endings (a–f) to make sentences. Then
complete the sentences with the correct
form of the verbs in the box.

be buy eat grow study win

1 I think for my 16th birthday present

2 I’m sure that when I’m living by myself
3 I hope that by next summer
4 I work hard at school because
5 I know that by the time the exams start
6 We’re practising basketball a lot so
a I’ll _____ more vegetarian dishes.
c I’ll have __________ my subjects VOCABULARY 4 Unscramble
enough to pass them all. UNIT 4 the words (1–
1 Complete 5) and match
d I’m going to _______a famous them with the
scientist one day. the
sentences photos (a–e).
e my parents might______ mea new with 1(hinsy)_________ 4 _______
phone. smells, 2 (goruh))_________ 5 (prattsa
f this time next season we’ll be looks,
3 (tinaf))_________ _
__________all our matches! feels,
sounds and
4 Complete the sentences with your plans, tastes.
intentions, predictions and hopes for the
future, like in Exercise 3. Use the future 1 It _________
perfect, future continuous, will, be going like somebody
to or may / might. dropped a can a____________
of paint. I can b____________
1 h is time next see it on the
_________________________. 2 It _________
2 I think like
_______________________________ something
3 I’m sure that cold and wet
on my feet.
3 It
4 I know _________
______________________________. like a bird
5 By next singing;
______________________________. what a
6 I hope that
4 It _________
like dark
5 Circle the correct options.
It’s clear that the restaurants of the future will 5 It _________
be / are being very different from the ones we like roses or
go to now. In only about ten years’ time, robots another
2 flower with a
will have brought / will be bringing food to our
tables. We won’t have to wait because we strong
3 perfume.
might order / will have ordered our food already
from an app at home. If we haven’t already ______
ordered, the menu shows / will show a hologram
2 s______ll: of
on the table of the food we can order. Some
5 2 Complete the flowers, of
people say there isn’t going to be / won’t have sense verbs (1– perfume, of
been enough meat for everyone, so we eat / will 5). Then add cooking,
be eating very different food from now, like one more item ____________
insects and laboratory-grown to each list from ______
meat. It might sound terrible, but did you know the box.
3 l ______ k:
an insect-based restaurant opens / is opening dangerous hot beautiful,
next month in London? I think I am trying / loud colourful, dirty,
might try it! The future is not far away! of something bad ____________
salty ______
1 t______e: sour, 4 s ______ d:
spicy,sweet, noisy, quiet,
5 f ______ l: wet,
dry, d____________

3 Circle the correct

options. e____________

1 I can’t read 5 Circle the correct

what is printed options.
here, the letters
are too … . Whenever I go on
holiday abroad, I love
a faint b rough to visit
c transparent
the local food market.
2 My skin feels It’s such a feast for
so … after I the senses! All the
used that fruit and vegetables
cream on it. 1
look/ look like so
a smooth b colourful together,
transparent c colourful and I love to feel like
3 Please wash / touch the smooth /
your football sharp skin of the
socks! They are fruits and vegetables.
so I am adventurous
food and I often try
a sour b spicy new dishes, even
+ though a lot of them
c smelly 4
taste / feel too
4 I don’t like spicy / rough for
… food me! It’s great to hear
because I what the local
feel like my 6
language sounds /
tongue is on sounds like, too.
a spicy b Sharp
c rough
5 I put some
sugar in
so it
wasn’t too
a faint b sour
c spicy
GRAMMAR UNIT 4 you. You 6___ at school with
people who have the same
1 Circle the correct options. interests as you. Other people 7___,
1 My alarm is ringing so it must / so just smile and relax.
could / might be time to get up. a must stay true
2 This perfume smells really nice. I think b What should I do
it might / can’t / must be too expensive
c need to join some clubs
for me.
d have to change
3 Turn the music down. The
neighbours can’t / could / must be e can’t be easy feeling like that
sleeping. f might be feeling the same as you
4 Are you wearing those shoes to g should always act naturally
the party?
4 In your notebook, write a question for a
You may / can’t / must be serious!
problem page and exchange it with your
5 Matt must / may / can’t not be at school partner. Then write an answer to your
today as he looked ill last night. partner’s question. Use some of these
6 That boy might / must / can’t have phrases.
rich parents! He’s always got the latest It must / might / can’t be
phone! You must / mustn’t / don’t have to
You need to / should / shouldn’t
2 Match sentences 1–5 with meanings a–e.
5 Complete the text with the verbs in the
1 You don’t have to pay for a ticket.
2 You ought to eat vegetables every day.
3 You mustn’t eat on the train. can’t / could / don’t need to / had to / must
mustn’t / need to / should
4 You must pass the exams to get a place
at university.
Last weekend my friends and I went to the
5 You shouldn’t leave plastic on funfair. We decided we 1____________
the beach. try the Haunted
a It’s a good idea. House, and we all said, ‘It 2____________ be
b It’s not a good idea. that scary, it’s for little children!’ I
c It’s not necessary. ________ go in first, as everyone said
was the bravest. It was really
d It’s not allowed.
dark. My friends were pushing, and I said,
e It’s necessary.
3 Complete the text with the phrases (a–g). ‘You 4_______ push, I’m going as fast as I
can.’ Suddenly, we heard a noise. It was
getting closer,
Dear Maria,
and I said to myself, ‘It 5_______ be a person
I hope you can help me. I am a teenager
dressed up, ghosts don’t exist.’ Then I realised
without many friends. I don’t know how
I had lost my friends. I started screaming,
to change to make people like me.
1 ‘I 6_________ get out!’ Suddenly the lights
Teenage blue all came on and the doors opened. I ran
outside and shouted to my friends, ‘You
Dear teenage blue, 7
_________ leave me like that again’.
First, let me say I understand. It 2___. But I’m not sure, but I think it 8__________ be a
the first thing to remember is you don’t real haunted house!
___. People will like you for who you are,
so you 4___to yourself. Don’t try too hard
to make people like you. You
___so that people get to know the real

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