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[000:073] [2023-04-28 17:28:16 +0000.

801403][cf6] Log to
file:/storage/emulated/0/voip-data/com.miui.mediaeditor/trace.txt start time:2023-
04-28 17:28:16 +0000
[000:073] [2023-04-28 17:28:16 +0000.801569][cf6] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[000:076] [2023-04-28 17:28:16 +0000.804595][cf6] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[000:077] [2023-04-28 17:28:16 +0000.804943][cf6] set AppID=50012 old AppID=-1
[000:077] [2023-04-28 17:28:16 +0000.805015][cf6] Init the android object with
jvm:0xb40000707a621380 env:0xb40000707a6773c0 context:0x7fc83a2858

[000:077] [2023-04-28 17:28:16 +0000.805087][cf6] SetAndroidMediaCodecObjects

time:235104614 enter.

[000:077] [2023-04-28 17:28:16 +0000.805178][cf6] SetAndroidMediaCodecObjects

leave. expire time = 0 ms

[000:077] [2023-04-28 17:28:16 +0000.805235][cf6] SetAndroidMediaCodecObjects

time:235104614 enter.

[000:077] [2023-04-28 17:28:16 +0000.805285][cf6] static int

webrtc::AndroidHwAvcEncoder::SetAndroidMediaCodecObjects(void *):
SetAndroidMediaCodecObjects:: jvm :0xb40000707a621380
[000:077] [2023-04-28 17:28:16 +0000.805335][cf6] static int
webrtc::AndroidHwAvcEncoder::SetAndroidMediaCodecObjects(void *):
SetAndroidMediaCodecObjects success g_jvm_:0xb40000707a621380 address:0x6fcf907180
[000:077] [2023-04-28 17:28:16 +0000.805425][cf6] static int
webrtc::AndroidHwAvcEncoder::SetAndroidMediaCodecObjects(void *):
SetAndroidMediaCodecObjects success g_jvm_encoder_:0xb40000707a621380
[000:077] [2023-04-28 17:28:16 +0000.805477][cf6] SetAndroidMediaCodecObjects
leave. expire time = 0 ms

[000:077] [2023-04-28 17:28:16 +0000.805556][cf6] Set the android objects with

jvm:0xb40000707a621380 env:0xb40000707a6773c0 context:0x7fc83a2858

[000:077] [2023-04-28 17:28:16 +0000.805640][cf6] audio jni debug :manager

SetAndroidAudioDeviceObjects env:0xb40000707a6773c0
[000:077] [2023-04-28 17:28:16 +0000.805698][cf6] SystemUtil Init done
[000:079] [2023-04-28 17:28:16 +0000.807678][cf6] jlong
*, jobject):
[000:080] [2023-04-28 17:28:16 +0000.807827][cf6] getInstanceWrapSegment
time:235104617 enter.

[000:081] [2023-04-28 17:28:16 +0000.808792][cf6] getInstanceWrapSegment leave.

expire time = 1 ms

[000:082] [2023-04-28 17:28:16 +0000.809823][cf6] void

Java_com_xiaomi_skyprocess_WrapSegmentEngine_setGLSurfaceAvalibaleJni(JNIEnv *,
jobject, jboolean): setGLSurfaceAvalibaleJni end jni: 1
[000:697] [2023-04-28 17:28:17 +0000.425085][dba] void
Java_com_xiaomi_skyprocess_OpenGlRender_SetOpengGlRenderParamsJni(JNIEnv *,
jobject, jint, jint, jint, jint, jbyteArray, jbyteArray):
[000:697] [2023-04-28 17:28:17 +0000.425350][dba] void
Java_com_xiaomi_skyprocess_OpenGlRender_SetOpengGlRenderParamsJni(JNIEnv *,
jobject, jint, jint, jint, jint, jbyteArray, jbyteArray): program id: 3,
textureUniform RGB: 1, ATTRIB_VERTEX: 0, ATTRIB_TEXTURE: 1, vertex_vertices len:
32, texture_vertices len: 32
[000:700] [2023-04-28 17:28:17 +0000.428488][dba] void
Java_com_xiaomi_skyprocess_OpenGlRender_SetCurrentGLContextForGraphJni(JNIEnv *,
[000:700] [2023-04-28 17:28:17 +0000.428715][dba] void
Java_com_xiaomi_skyprocess_OpenGlRender_SetCurrentGLContextForGraphJni(JNIEnv *,
jobject): g_eglcontext: 0xb400006fef150d00
[000:702] [2023-04-28 17:28:17 +0000.430382][dba] SetWindowSizeJni, posX: 0, posY:
0, width: 1080, height: 1247
[000:704] [2023-04-28 17:28:17 +0000.432196][dba]
Java_com_xiaomi_skyprocess_OpenGlRender_RenderFrameJni time:235105241 enter.

[000:704] [2023-04-28 17:28:17 +0000.432392][dba]

(1/29)OpenGlRender_RenderFrameJni, sourcetype: 0, output_texture: 0, pkt_pts: -
[000:716] [2023-04-28 17:28:17 +0000.444803][dba]
Java_com_xiaomi_skyprocess_OpenGlRender_RenderFrameJni leave. expire time = 13 ms

[000:720] [2023-04-28 17:28:17 +0000.448339][dba] SetWindowSizeJni, posX: 0, posY:

0, width: 1080, height: 741
[000:720] [2023-04-28 17:28:17 +0000.448506][dba]
Java_com_xiaomi_skyprocess_OpenGlRender_RenderFrameJni time:23510525[000:055]
[2023-05-23 21:12:24 +0000.653533][7fcf] Log to file:/storage/emulated/0/voip-
data/com.miui.mediaeditor/trace.txt start time:2023-05-23 21:12:24 +0000
[000:056] [2023-05-23 21:12:24 +0000.653651][7fcf] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[000:058] [2023-05-23 21:12:24 +0000.655525][7fcf] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[000:058] [2023-05-23 21:12:24 +0000.655909][7fcf] set AppID=50012 old AppID=-1
[000:058] [2023-05-23 21:12:24 +0000.655959][7fcf] Init the android object with
jvm:0xb40000701f96b380 env:0xb40000701f9db280 context:0x7feea22af8

[000:058] [2023-05-23 21:12:24 +0000.656008][7fcf] SetAndroidMediaCodecObjects

time:26317078 enter.

[000:058] [2023-05-23 21:12:24 +0000.656047][7fcf] SetAndroidMediaCodecObjects

leave. expire time = 0 ms

[000:058] [2023-05-23 21:12:24 +0000.656082][7fcf] SetAndroidMediaCodecObjects

time:26317078 enter.

[000:058] [2023-05-23 21:12:24 +0000.656113][7fcf] static int

webrtc::AndroidHwAvcEncoder::SetAndroidMediaCodecObjects(void *):
SetAndroidMediaCodecObjects:: jvm :0xb40000701f96b380
[000:058] [2023-05-23 21:12:24 +0000.656145][7fcf] static int
webrtc::AndroidHwAvcEncoder::SetAndroidMediaCodecObjects(void *):
SetAndroidMediaCodecObjects success g_jvm_:0xb40000701f96b380 address:0x6ea0ae8180
[000:058] [2023-05-23 21:12:24 +0000.656187][7fcf] static int
webrtc::AndroidHwAvcEncoder::SetAndroidMediaCodecObjects(void *):
SetAndroidMediaCodecObjects success g_jvm_encoder_:0xb40000701f96b380
[000:058] [2023-05-23 21:12:24 +0000.656220][7fcf] SetAndroidMediaCodecObjects
leave. expire time = 0 ms

[000:058] [2023-05-23 21:12:24 +0000.656274][7fcf] Set the android objects with

jvm:0xb40000701f96b380 env:0xb40000701f9db280 context:0x7feea22af8

[000:058] [2023-05-23 21:12:24 +0000.656331][7fcf] audio jni debug :manager

SetAndroidAudioDeviceObjects env:0xb40000701f9db280
[000:058] [2023-05-23 21:12:24 +0000.656371][7fcf] SystemUtil Init done
[000:060] [2023-05-23 21:12:24 +0000.658330][7fcf] jlong
*, jobject):
[000:060] [2023-05-23 21:12:24 +0000.658514][7fcf] getInstanceWrapSegment
time:26317080 enter.

[000:062] [2023-05-23 21:12:24 +0000.659864][7fcf] getInstanceWrapSegment leave.

expire time = 2 ms

[000:063] [2023-05-23 21:12:24 +0000.660790][7fcf] void

Java_com_xiaomi_skyprocess_WrapSegmentEngine_setGLSurfaceAvalibaleJni(JNIEnv *,
jobject, jboolean): setGLSurfaceAvalibaleJni end jni: 1
[000:524] [2023-05-23 21:12:25 +0000.122100][595] void
Java_com_xiaomi_skyprocess_OpenGlRender_SetOpengGlRenderParamsJni(JNIEnv *,
jobject, jint, jint, jint, jint, jbyteArray, jbyteArray):
[000:524] [2023-05-23 21:12:25 +0000.122374][595] void
Java_com_xiaomi_skyprocess_OpenGlRender_SetOpengGlRenderParamsJni(JNIEnv *,
jobject, jint, jint, jint, jint, jbyteArray, jbyteArray): program id: 3,
textureUniform RGB: 1, ATTRIB_VERTEX: 0, ATTRIB_TEXTURE: 1, vertex_vertices len:
32, texture_vertices len: 32
[000:526] [2023-05-23 21:12:25 +0000.123946][595] void
Java_com_xiaomi_skyprocess_OpenGlRender_SetCurrentGLContextForGraphJni(JNIEnv *,
[000:526] [2023-05-23 21:12:25 +0000.124118][595] void
Java_com_xiaomi_skyprocess_OpenGlRender_SetCurrentGLContextForGraphJni(JNIEnv *,
jobject): g_eglcontext: 0xb400006ed8ee0b80
[000:527] [2023-05-23 21:12:25 +0000.125068][595] SetWindowSizeJni, posX: 0, posY:
0, width: 1080, height: 1247
[000:528] [2023-05-23 21:12:25 +0000.126016][595]
Java_com_xiaomi_skyprocess_OpenGlRender_RenderFrameJni time:26317548 enter.

[000:528] [2023-05-23 21:12:25 +0000.126153][595]

(1/29)OpenGlRender_RenderFrameJni, sourcetype: 0, output_texture: 0, pkt_pts: -
[000:545] [2023-05-23 21:12:25 +0000.142645][595]
Java_com_xiaomi_skyprocess_OpenGlRender_RenderFrameJni leave. expire time = 17 ms

[000:546] [2023-05-23 21:12:25 +0000.143798][595] SetWindowSizeJni, posX: 0, posY:

0, width: 1080, height: 1049
[000:546] [2023-05-23 21:12:25 +0000.143897][595]
Java_com_xiaomi_skyprocess_OpenGlRender_RenderFrameJni time:26317566 enter.

[000:553] [2023-05-23 21:12:25 +0000.151187][595]

Java_com_xiaomi_skyprocess_OpenGlRender_RenderFrameJni leave. expire time = 7 ms

[000:555] [2023-05-23 21:12:25 +0000.153255][595]

Java_com_xiaomi_skyprocess_OpenGlRender_RenderFrameJni time:26317575 enter.

[000:560] [2023-05-23 21:12:25 +0000.158276][595]

Java_com_xiaomi_skyprocess_OpenGlRender_RenderFrameJni leave. expire time = 5 ms

[005:064] [2023-05-23 21:12:29 +0000.661702][590] Error( Open the file

failed. error:2
[005:075] [2023-05-23 21:12:29 +0000.672991][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[010:080] [2023-05-23 21:12:34 +0000.677795][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[010:086] [2023-05-23 21:12:34 +0000.684350][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[015:088] [2023-05-23 21:12:39 +0000.685713][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[015:093] [2023-05-23 21:12:39 +0000.691077][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[020:099] [2023-05-23 21:12:44 +0000.696966][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[020:110] [2023-05-23 21:12:44 +0000.707558][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[023:619] [2023-05-23 21:12:48 +0000.216724][7fcf] void
Java_com_xiaomi_skyprocess_WrapSegmentEngine_setGLSurfaceAvalibaleJni(JNIEnv *,
jobject, jboolean): setGLSurfaceAvalibaleJni end jni: 0
[025:116] [2023-05-23 21:12:49 +0000.714202][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[025:133] [2023-05-23 21:12:49 +0000.731217][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[030:139] [2023-05-23 21:12:54 +0000.737344][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[030:156] [2023-05-23 21:12:54 +0000.754167][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[035:162] [2023-05-23 21:12:59 +0000.759881][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[035:166] [2023-05-23 21:12:59 +0000.764298][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[040:172] [2023-05-23 21:13:04 +0000.770155][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[040:186] [2023-05-23 21:13:04 +0000.784097][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[045:192] [2023-05-23 21:13:09 +0000.790024][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[045:205] [2023-05-23 21:13:09 +0000.802567][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[050:211] [2023-05-23 21:13:14 +0000.808630][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[050:221] [2023-05-23 21:13:14 +0000.818958][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[055:227] [2023-05-23 21:13:19 +0000.824574][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[055:237] [2023-05-23 21:13:19 +0000.835133][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[060:243] [2023-05-23 21:13:24 +0000.840839][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[060:252] [2023-05-23 21:13:24 +0000.850063][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[065:258] [2023-05-23 21:13:29 +0000.855755][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[065:263] [2023-05-23 21:13:29 +0000.861146][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[070:269] [2023-05-23 21:13:34 +0000.866852][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[070:275] [2023-05-23 21:13:34 +0000.872519][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[075:282] [2023-05-23 21:13:39 +0000.880537][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[075:297] [2023-05-23 21:13:39 +0000.894735][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[080:303] [2023-05-23 21:13:44 +0000.900541][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[080:305] [2023-05-23 21:13:44 +0000.903089][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[085:312] [2023-05-23 21:13:49 +0000.909839][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[085:324] [2023-05-23 21:13:49 +0000.922260][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[090:330] [2023-05-23 21:13:54 +0000.928131][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[090:333] [2023-05-23 21:13:54 +0000.930859][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[095:340] [2023-05-23 21:13:59 +0000.937856][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[095:356] [2023-05-23 21:13:59 +0000.954520][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[100:360] [2023-05-23 21:14:04 +0000.958070][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[100:372] [2023-05-23 21:14:04 +0000.969849][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[105:378] [2023-05-23 21:14:09 +0000.975725][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[105:389] [2023-05-23 21:14:09 +0000.987188][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[110:394] [2023-05-23 21:14:14 +0000.991732][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[110:398] [2023-05-23 21:14:14 +0000.995590][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[115:403] [2023-05-23 21:14:20 +0000.956][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[115:408] [2023-05-23 21:14:20 +0000.5904][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[120:414] [2023-05-23 21:14:25 +0000.11879][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[120:422] [2023-05-23 21:14:25 +0000.20358][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[125:430] [2023-05-23 21:14:30 +0000.28462][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[125:446] [2023-05-23 21:14:30 +0000.43635][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[130:450] [2023-05-23 21:14:35 +0000.47674][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[130:454] [2023-05-23 21:14:35 +0000.52189][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[135:460] [2023-05-23 21:14:40 +0000.57877][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[135:469] [2023-05-23 21:14:40 +0000.66882][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[140:474] [2023-05-23 21:14:45 +0000.72489][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[140:486] [2023-05-23 21:14:45 +0000.83872][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[145:488] [2023-05-23 21:14:50 +0000.85834][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[145:495] [2023-05-23 21:14:50 +0000.93068][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[150:500] [2023-05-23 21:14:55 +0000.97875][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[150:510] [2023-05-23 21:14:55 +0000.108324][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[155:516] [2023-05-23 21:15:00 +0000.114012][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[155:530] [2023-05-23 21:15:00 +0000.128313][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[160:537] [2023-05-23 21:15:05 +0000.134628][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[160:545] [2023-05-23 21:15:05 +0000.143079][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[165:548] [2023-05-23 21:15:10 +0000.145882][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[165:558] [2023-05-23 21:15:10 +0000.156286][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[170:564] [2023-05-23 21:15:15 +0000.161795][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[170:573] [2023-05-23 21:15:15 +0000.170712][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[175:578] [2023-05-23 21:15:20 +0000.176394][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[175:581] [2023-05-23 21:15:20 +0000.178947][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[180:586] [2023-05-23 21:15:25 +0000.184535][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[180:596] [2023-05-23 21:15:25 +0000.194134][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[185:600] [2023-05-23 21:15:30 +0000.197878][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[185:610] [2023-05-23 21:15:30 +0000.208135][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[190:616] [2023-05-23 21:15:35 +0000.213990][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[190:630] [2023-05-23 21:15:35 +0000.228272][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[195:637] [2023-05-23 21:15:40 +0000.234693][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[195:652] [2023-05-23 21:15:40 +0000.250315][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[200:658] [2023-05-23 21:15:45 +0000.256212][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[200:672] [2023-05-23 21:15:45 +0000.270068][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[205:674] [2023-05-23 21:15:50 +0000.272463][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[205:683] [2023-05-23 21:15:50 +0000.281201][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[210:689] [2023-05-23 21:15:55 +0000.286953][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[210:696] [2023-05-23 21:15:55 +0000.294374][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[215:701] [2023-05-23 21:16:00 +0000.299478][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[215:719] [2023-05-23 21:16:00 +0000.316957][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[220:722] [2023-05-23 21:16:05 +0000.320221][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[220:726] [2023-05-23 21:16:05 +0000.324469][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[225:732] [2023-05-23 21:16:10 +0000.330494][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[225:746] [2023-05-23 21:16:10 +0000.344378][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[230:752] [2023-05-23 21:16:15 +0000.349904][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[230:756] [2023-05-23 21:16:15 +0000.353896][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[235:761] [2023-05-23 21:16:20 +0000.359241][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[235:765] [2023-05-23 21:16:20 +0000.363160][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[240:771] [2023-05-23 21:16:25 +0000.368557][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[240:775] [2023-05-23 21:16:25 +0000.373142][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[245:781] [2023-05-23 21:16:30 +0000.378850][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[245:791] [2023-05-23 21:16:30 +0000.389212][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[250:791] [2023-05-23 21:16:35 +0000.389440][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[250:794] [2023-05-23 21:16:35 +0000.391891][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[255:799] [2023-05-23 21:16:40 +0000.397149][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[255:803] [2023-05-23 21:16:40 +0000.400644][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[260:810] [2023-05-23 21:16:45 +0000.407904][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[260:824] [2023-05-23 21:16:45 +0000.422307][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[265:828] [2023-05-23 21:16:50 +0000.425683][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[265:831] [2023-05-23 21:16:50 +0000.428819][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[270:836] [2023-05-23 21:16:55 +0000.434352][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[270:841] [2023-05-23 21:16:55 +0000.439009][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[275:847] [2023-05-23 21:17:00 +0000.445050][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[275:855] [2023-05-23 21:17:00 +0000.452818][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[280:861] [2023-05-23 21:17:05 +0000.459109][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[280:875] [2023-05-23 21:17:05 +0000.473073][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[285:881] [2023-05-23 21:17:10 +0000.478874][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[285:886] [2023-05-23 21:17:10 +0000.483880][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[290:891] [2023-05-23 21:17:15 +0000.488762][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[290:895] [2023-05-23 21:17:15 +0000.493003][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[295:901] [2023-05-23 21:17:20 +0000.498601][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[295:909] [2023-05-23 21:17:20 +0000.507480][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[300:912] [2023-05-23 21:17:25 +0000.509867][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[300:926] [2023-05-23 21:17:25 +0000.524002][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[305:931] [2023-05-23 21:17:30 +0000.529560][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[305:937] [2023-05-23 21:17:30 +0000.534588][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[310:940] [2023-05-23 21:17:35 +0000.537755][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[310:945] [2023-05-23 21:17:35 +0000.543219][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[315:951] [2023-05-23 21:17:40 +0000.548624][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[315:956] [2023-05-23 21:17:40 +0000.554490][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[320:962] [2023-05-23 21:17:45 +0000.560236][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[320:966] [2023-05-23 21:17:45 +0000.564367][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[325:974] [2023-05-23 21:17:50 +0000.571983][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[325:989] [2023-05-23 21:17:50 +0000.586751][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[330:992] [2023-05-23 21:17:55 +0000.589668][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[330:996] [2023-05-23 21:17:55 +0000.594160][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[336:001] [2023-05-23 21:18:00 +0000.599056][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[336:014] [2023-05-23 21:18:00 +0000.612156][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[341:020] [2023-05-23 21:18:05 +0000.617850][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[341:029] [2023-05-23 21:18:05 +0000.627099][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[346:035] [2023-05-23 21:18:10 +0000.633398][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[346:045] [2023-05-23 21:18:10 +0000.643478][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[351:052] [2023-05-23 21:18:15 +0000.649893][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[351:062] [2023-05-23 21:18:15 +0000.660144][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[356:064] [2023-05-23 21:18:20 +0000.661773][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[356:076] [2023-05-23 21:18:20 +0000.673879][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[361:083] [2023-05-23 21:18:25 +0000.680575][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[361:096] [2023-05-23 21:18:25 +0000.694227][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[366:100] [2023-05-23 21:18:30 +0000.697969][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[366:110] [2023-05-23 21:18:30 +0000.708414][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[371:113] [2023-05-23 21:18:35 +0000.711519][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[371:129] [2023-05-23 21:18:35 +0000.727136][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[376:132] [2023-05-23 21:18:40 +0000.729916][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[376:142] [2023-05-23 21:18:40 +0000.740447][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[381:149] [2023-05-23 21:18:45 +0000.746910][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[381:161] [2023-05-23 21:18:45 +0000.758578][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[386:163] [2023-05-23 21:18:50 +0000.761102][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[386:171] [2023-05-23 21:18:50 +0000.769149][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[391:177] [2023-05-23 21:18:55 +0000.774763][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[391:181] [2023-05-23 21:18:55 +0000.779384][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[396:187] [2023-05-23 21:19:00 +0000.784778][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[396:193] [2023-05-23 21:19:00 +0000.791270][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[401:196] [2023-05-23 21:19:05 +0000.794174][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[401:208] [2023-05-23 21:19:05 +0000.806356][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[406:215] [2023-05-23 21:19:10 +0000.812591][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[406:229] [2023-05-23 21:19:10 +0000.826926][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[411:232] [2023-05-23 21:19:15 +0000.830061][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[411:247] [2023-05-23 21:19:15 +0000.845344][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[416:252] [2023-05-23 21:19:20 +0000.849758][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[416:257] [2023-05-23 21:19:20 +0000.854738][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[421:257] [2023-05-23 21:19:25 +0000.855441][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[421:263] [2023-05-23 21:19:25 +0000.860547][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[426:268] [2023-05-23 21:19:30 +0000.865657][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[426:272] [2023-05-23 21:19:30 +0000.870378][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[431:275] [2023-05-23 21:19:35 +0000.872684][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[431:285] [2023-05-23 21:19:35 +0000.882773][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[436:291] [2023-05-23 21:19:40 +0000.889440][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[436:302] [2023-05-23 21:19:40 +0000.900359][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[441:309] [2023-05-23 21:19:45 +0000.906862][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[441:318] [2023-05-23 21:19:45 +0000.915830][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[446:324] [2023-05-23 21:19:50 +0000.921759][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[446:340] [2023-05-23 21:19:50 +0000.937792][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[451:345] [2023-05-23 21:19:55 +0000.943508][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[451:348] [2023-05-23 21:19:55 +0000.946459][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[456:352] [2023-05-23 21:20:00 +0000.949957][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[456:363] [2023-05-23 21:20:00 +0000.961367][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[461:368] [2023-05-23 21:20:05 +0000.965646][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[461:371] [2023-05-23 21:20:05 +0000.969039][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[466:376] [2023-05-23 21:20:10 +0000.973654][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[466:379] [2023-05-23 21:20:10 +0000.977023][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[471:386] [2023-05-23 21:20:15 +0000.983749][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[471:400] [2023-05-23 21:20:15 +0000.998373][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[476:404] [2023-05-23 21:20:21 +0000.1852][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[476:413] [2023-05-23 21:20:21 +0000.11349][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[481:416] [2023-05-23 21:20:26 +0000.13860][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[481:423] [2023-05-23 21:20:26 +0000.21386][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[486:425] [2023-05-23 21:20:31 +0000.23010][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[486:430] [2023-05-23 21:20:31 +0000.28028][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[491:436] [2023-05-23 21:20:36 +0000.34091][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[491:441] [2023-05-23 21:20:36 +0000.39373][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[496:441] [2023-05-23 21:20:41 +0000.38772][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[496:452] [2023-05-23 21:20:41 +0000.50383][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[501:456] [2023-05-23 21:20:46 +0000.53793][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[501:464] [2023-05-23 21:20:46 +0000.61726][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[506:468] [2023-05-23 21:20:51 +0000.65711][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[506:473] [2023-05-23 21:20:51 +0000.70865][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[511:480] [2023-05-23 21:20:56 +0000.78359][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[511:494] [2023-05-23 21:20:56 +0000.92300][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[516:500] [2023-05-23 21:21:01 +0000.98149][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[516:515] [2023-05-23 21:21:01 +0000.113433][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[521:522] [2023-05-23 21:21:06 +0000.119700][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[521:530] [2023-05-23 21:21:06 +0000.128529][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[526:536] [2023-05-23 21:21:11 +0000.133816][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[526:545] [2023-05-23 21:21:11 +0000.143251][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[531:546] [2023-05-23 21:21:16 +0000.144144][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[531:557] [2023-05-23 21:21:16 +0000.154587][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[536:563] [2023-05-23 21:21:21 +0000.160590][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[536:577] [2023-05-23 21:21:21 +0000.175419][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[541:585] [2023-05-23 21:21:26 +0000.182847][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[541:601] [2023-05-23 21:21:26 +0000.198814][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[546:604] [2023-05-23 21:21:31 +0000.201720][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[546:608] [2023-05-23 21:21:31 +0000.205560][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[551:616] [2023-05-23 21:21:36 +0000.213984][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[551:629] [2023-05-23 21:21:36 +0000.226880][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[556:635] [2023-05-23 21:21:41 +0000.232600][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[556:649] [2023-05-23 21:21:41 +0000.247163][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[561:652] [2023-05-23 21:21:46 +0000.249786][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[561:663] [2023-05-23 21:21:46 +0000.261248][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[566:668] [2023-05-23 21:21:51 +0000.266066][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[566:677] [2023-05-23 21:21:51 +0000.275206][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[571:680] [2023-05-23 21:21:56 +0000.278215][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[571:685] [2023-05-23 21:21:56 +0000.282764][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[576:690] [2023-05-23 21:22:01 +0000.288155][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[576:696] [2023-05-23 21:22:01 +0000.294447][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[581:702] [2023-05-23 21:22:06 +0000.300512][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[581:707] [2023-05-23 21:22:06 +0000.305369][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[586:712] [2023-05-23 21:22:11 +0000.309748][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[586:716] [2023-05-23 21:22:11 +0000.313557][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[591:721] [2023-05-23 21:22:16 +0000.318843][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[591:724] [2023-05-23 21:22:16 +0000.322325][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[596:730] [2023-05-23 21:22:21 +0000.327748][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[596:736] [2023-05-23 21:22:21 +0000.333629][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[601:741] [2023-05-23 21:22:26 +0000.338722][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[601:743] [2023-05-23 21:22:26 +0000.341427][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[606:749] [2023-05-23 21:22:31 +0000.347082][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[606:754] [2023-05-23 21:22:31 +0000.351651][590] Error( Open the file
failed. error:2
[611:756] [2023-05-23 21:22:36 +0000.35360

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