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Introducing a short self-report for the assessment of DSM–5 level of personality functioning for personality disorders:
The Self and Interpersonal Functioning Scale. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment (Vol. 10, p. 438-447): Educational Publishing Foundation. doi:
Introducing a Short Self-Report for the Assessment of DSM-5 Level of Personality Functioning
Author note
Centre; Claudia Savard, Université Laval, and CERVO Brain Research Centre; Philippe Leclerc,
Qc, Canada, G9A 5H7. Phone: (819) 376-5011 # 3530. Fax: (819) 376-5195. E-mail:
©American Psychological Association, 2019. This paper is not the copy of record and may not exactly replicate the authoritative document published in the APA journal. Please do not copy or cite without author's permission. The final
article is available, upon publication, at:
© 2019, American Psychological Association. This paper is not the copy of record and may
not exactly replicate the final, authoritative version of the article. Please do not copy or cite
without authors' permission. The final article will be available, upon publication, via its
DOI: 10.1037/per0000335
In the present study, we report on the development and validation of the Self and Interpersonal
Functioning Scale (SIFS), a 24-item self-report questionnaire designed to assess the four core
elements of personality pathology (Identity, Self-direction, Empathy, and Intimacy) from the
DSM-5 Level of Personality Functioning (LPF) for personality disorders (PDs). Participants
from a community sample (n = 280) and patients from a specialized treatment facility for PDs (n
= 106) were included in the validation sample. Overall, the SIFS showed sound psychometric
properties. A second-order factor solution, which consisted of the four LPF elements and an
overarching personality pathology factor, showed the best fit indices. The four SIFS elements
constructs. In light of these results, the SIFS should be considered as a promising, concise
measure of Criterion A for clinical screening and research purposes. Its relative strengths and
limitations in contrast with other existing self-report measures of Criterion A are discussed.
Introducing a Short Self-Report for the Assessment of DSM-5 Level of Personality Functioning
Even without an “official” status, the Alternative Model for Personality Disorders
(AMPD), presented in Section III (Emerging Measures and Models) of the DSM-5 (American
Psychiatric Association, 2013) has generated considerable clinical and research interest over the
past few years (Waugh et al., 2017). The AMPD covers core difficulties in personality
functioning (Criterion A) in conjunction with pathological personality traits (Criterion B); it also
retains six categorical PDs, which can be diagnosed on the basis of Criteria A and B.
Bender, Morey, & Skodol, 2011), a clinician-rated tool which assesses the level of personality
pathology on a five-point scale, based on core impairments in self- and interpersonal functioning.
For pathological personality traits assessment (Criterion B), the AMPD proposes 25 traits
measure, the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 questionnaire (PID-5; Krueger, Derringer,
Markon, Watson, & Skodol, 2012), has bolstered research on Criterion B, which has generated a
large number of findings over the past few years (Al-Dajani, Gralnick, & Bagby, 2016; Waugh et
al., 2017). However, the corpus of research for Criterion A has been more modest; the lack of a
comparably detailed and validated tool has most certainly been a factor to explain the relative
paucity of findings (Morey, 2017). Available evidence on Criterion A and its operationalization,
the LPFS, has been promising for the most part. Its criterion validity has been demonstrated in
multiple studies, as Criterion A significantly predicted the presence and number of PDs in
diverse samples (Few et al., 2013; Morey, Bender, & Skodol, 2013). Morey and colleagues
(2013) reported that an LPFS score of moderate or greater severity (≥ 2) demonstrated good
sensitivity and specificity (84.6% and 72.7%, respectively) for identifying patients with at least
impairment, prognosis, and treatment intensity over the 10 categorical DSM PDs.
Self-report instruments for assessing Criterion A are needed for large-scale studies and
for screening purposes. An efficient self-report may help clinicians to systematically pay
attention to potential personality pathology, which would allow them to identify patients more
likely to require a more thorough assessment and/or subsequent treatment; it may also help
patients in self-assessing potential personality pathology and prompt them to get treatment
(Hutsebaut et al., 2016). Furthermore, considering that PD patients are often subject to lengthy
Early research on the LPFS relied on measures which antedated the DSM-5 AMPD, but
were intended to measure very similar constructs. The General Assessment of Personality
Disorder (GAPD; Berghuis, Kamphuis, Verheul, Larstone, & Livesley, 2013) posits a two-factor
structure for personality, aligned with the AMPD Criterion A’s two higher-order dimensions,
Self-pathology and Interpersonal dysfunction. It does not explicitly mention the four Criterion A
elements, which are merely considered as subscales among others. The Severity Indices of
Personality Problems (SIPP-118; Verheul et al., 2008) has yielded a five-dimension solution,
which includes Self-control, Identity integration, Relational capacities, Social concordance, and
Responsibility. While somewhat different from current AMPD conceptualization, these five
dimensions qualitatively and theoretically map onto the four Criterion A dimensions.
Since the publication of the DSM-5, a growing number of self-report measures for
Criterion A have been concurrently developed and validated by a number of research teams
worldwide. Morey (2017) reported on the Level of Personality Functioning Scale-Self Report
(LPFS-SR), an 80-item self-report questionnaire, with each item answered on a four-point scale.
Construction of the scale was based on items generated for each information unit from Table 2 of
the DSM-5 AMPD. Each item is weighted according to its severity within the LPFS
conceptualization for scoring. Morey reported promising preliminary validity results for the
scale, including high degrees of internal consistency and very large intercorrelations for the four
LPFS elements, and large correlations with concurrent measures of personality pathology. Of
note, however, the four LPFS elements showed indiscriminate associations with various criterion
variables, raising doubts about the utility of distinct elements. Morey contends that these results
are coherent with the assumption underlying Criterion A development that the four LPFS
components are all considered to be indicators of a single, global, core dimension of personality
pathology. Hopwood, Good, and Morey (2018) have since reported additional data from three
large community samples in support of the instrument’s reliability and validity. The LPFS-SF’s
internal structure was once again best characterized by a single factor. It was highly reliable
across a brief retest interval, and showed conceptually meaningful and often large correlations
Huprich and colleagues (2017) have recently developed and validated the DSM-5 Levels
assesses the four LPF elements (Identity, Self-direction, Empathy, and Intimacy) across two life
settings (work/school and relationships). Items are scored on a six-point scale. Initial validation
data from a sample of 140 psychiatric and medical outpatients have been promising, including
good internal consistency, along with meaningful and expected correlations with a number of
external criteria. The scale also showed incremental predictive validity over DSM-5 trait
domains for interpersonal and general functioning. The DLOPFQ scales, however, had limited
While these two scales have shown promising results, they are both relatively lengthy
instruments. Hutsebaut and colleagues (2016) have developed and validated a very concise, 12-
item self-report questionnaire to assess the LPFS, the Level of Personality Functioning Scale-
Brief Form (LPFS-BF). Items, which are scored binary in a yes/no format, were generated by a
group of PD experts, who tried to capture the basic psychological aptitude implied by the
description of each of the 12 “facets” of the LPFS (which correspond to the 12 descriptive
functioning”, of the DSM-5 AMPD; American Psychiatric Association, 2013, p.762). Hutsebaut
and colleagues (2016) reported a two-factor solution (Self and Interpersonal functioning) for
their original instrument. Because the scale showed some middling psychometric properties (e.g.,
poor association with PD pathology, low reliability, low explained variance of the factor
solution), a revised version was developed and validated: the LPFS-BF 2.0 (Bach & Hutsebaut,
2018; Weekers, Hutsebaut, & Kamphuis, 2018). Unlike the first version, the LPFS-BF 2.0 uses a
four-point Likert scale scoring format. This version represents an improvement over the original
scale, showing better internal consistency and stronger associations with PDs, along with a high
sensitivity to change. The two-factor structure of the revised instrument was demonstrated in
both Exploratory and Confirmatory factor analysis (EFA and CFA), with some noteworthy
limitations (e.g., two items from their total sample did not load on their intended factor in EFA,
and an acceptable model fit could only be obtained after performing two post hoc tests in CFA).
The LPFS-BF 2.0 showed relevant associations with various external criteria, although there
were also indiscriminate patterns of associations between its two factors and most of the SIPP
own research group was working on the development and validation of a new scale, the Self and
Interpersonal Functioning Scale (SIFS; Gamache & Savard, 2017). We wished to develop a scale
that: (a) was brief; (b) was user-friendly, with a simple scoring system; and (c) provided a
coverage of all key facets of personality functioning depicted in the LPFS. In a first step, the two
authors of the instrument, who have respectively 15 and 10 years of clinical experience with PD
patients, and both have significant experience in personality test development and validation,
generated items based on the DSM-5 AMPD definitions for the four LPFS elements (Identity,
Self-direction, Empathy, and Intimacy). This original pool of 36 items was then reviewed by a
panel of five PD experts, who share 62 years (range 3–19) of clinical experience with these
patients. They rated all items for their representativeness of the DSM-5 AMPD construct they
representative). After reviewing representativeness scores for all 36 items, 12 were deemed less
representative and dropped. All 24 remaining items were also rated by the same expert panel on
their clarity, on a scale ranging from 0 (Totally unclear) to 5 (Totally clear); items with a mean
score ≤ 4.5 were revised until a mean score > 4.5 was attained; this led to minor rewording for
six items. Thus, a total of 24 items, rated with a five-point Likert scale from 0 to 4, were
included in the scale (with items 1, 6, 8, 12, 17, 19, and 24 as reversed items); higher scores are
indicative of pathological personality functioning. The four elements each originally had six
items; however, preliminary results (Leclerc, Gamache, & Savard, 2018) showed that item 7 (“I
often feel like my life has no meaning”), initially intended to capture the absence of meaningful
life goals (Self-direction), was unequivocally more strongly associated with the Identity element;
The present study aims at exploring the psychometric properties of the newly developed
SIFS. Analyses include: (a) internal consistency and item properties based on classical test
theory (CTT); (b) differences between clinical and nonclinical participants, which are expected
to be significant and large; (c) test-retest after a two-week interval; (d) factor structure using
Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). Making hypotheses about the optimal factor structure is
hazardous at this time, as a single-factor, a two- and a four-factor solution all appear defensible
in the light of DSM-5 AMPD formulation and previous empirical results on LPFS measures
(e.g., Hopwood, Good, et al., 2018; Hutsebaut et al., 2016; Zimmerman et al., 2015). However,
we contend that the scale should have clear, discernable factors in order to fulfill its intended
goal of being a useful tool for treatment planning, and for monitoring treatment course and
outcome; and (e) articulating the SIFS’ nomological network. At this point, there are relatively
few conclusive results on which to base definitive hypotheses regarding convergent and
discriminant validity, and the present work should contribute in expanding these findings. Most
notably, the relationship between Criteria A and B remains a thorny issue, as substantial overlap
and covariation have been noted in earlier studies (e.g., Few et al., 2013; Hentschel & Pukrop,
2014). Therefore, significant correlations between the two should be expected. As for the
specific nature of the associations between the SIFS’ elements and external criteria, including
Criterion B, some hypotheses can be made, drawing on recent suggestions from Widiger et al.
(2018). Based on their extensive review, which included prior factor analytic work on Criteria A
and B (e.g., Zimmermann et al., 2015), the following pattern of associations between Criterion A
elements and external criteria (including Criterion B), should be expected: Identity with
pathology; Empathy with measures of antagonism; and Intimacy with measures of detachment.
years old (Mage = 31.6; SD = 11.6) from two different subsamples were included in the study.
The first one is a community sample (n = 280, 208 women, Mage = 30.6, SD = 11.9) recruited
through social media, online message boards, and institutional e-mail from two universities in
the Province of Quebec, Canada; data were collected anonymously and computerized via an
online platform (SurveyMonkey). All community respondents were invited to participate in the
retest of the SIFS after a two-week interval; we had a return rate of 39.6% (n = 111, 80 women,
Mage = 30.7, SD = 12.0). The second subsample (n = 106, 65 women, Mage = 34.1, SD = 10.6) is a
clinical sample recruited during the intake procedure at a psychiatric outpatient clinic,
specialized in the treatment of PDs, in the Quebec City area. Provision of services is contingent
upon the presence of at least one DSM PD diagnosis established by the referring physician or
psychiatrist, and confirmed by a team of six licensed clinical psychologists. Main diagnoses
(22.7%), mixed or complex PD (i.e., three or more PDs; 18.1%), borderline PD (12.5%),
(1.1%). The majority of participants from the community sample were full-time or part-time
students (58.4%), while the majority of the clinical group (59.8%) was unemployed (Cramer’s V
= .58, p < .001). Most participants from the community sample had a university degree (55.7%),
which was the case for only 18.7% of the clinical group (Cramer’s V = .48, p < .001).
participation was offered; for the clinical group, the decision to participate or not in the study had
no impact on service provision. This study was approved by three ethics committees from the
University Health and Social Services Centre. Data were thoroughly examined by two of the
authors to rule out indiscriminate responding (i.e., selection of the same response option for
Participants from the two samples completed slightly different test batteries. In addition
to the SIFS and a short sociodemographic form, both samples completed the following
The short form of the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5-SF; Maples et al., 2015;
French validation by Roskam et al., 2015) is a 100-item self-report derived from the original
220-item PID-5 (Krueger et al., 2012) using item-response theory. Items are rated on a four-point
scale. It covers 25 pathological personality traits, which can be hierarchically organized into five
dimensions: Negative Affect (NAF; α = 0.93), Detachment (DET; α = 0.92), Antagonism (ANT;
validation by Gilet, Mella, Studer, Grühn, & Labouvie-Vief, 2013) is a 28-item self-report
questionnaire, scored on a seven-point Likert scale, which measures empathy and its
components. Two subscales assess the cognitive component of empathy: Fantasy (the propensity
to get involved in fictitious situations; α = 0.80); and Perspective Taking (the ability to adopt
others’ point of view; α = 0.82). Two other subscales focus on the affective component of
empathy: Empathic Concern (the motivation to care about others; α = 0.77); and Personal
Distress (the tendency to feel discomfort in response to others’ emotional distress; α = 0.85).
Community sample
Vallières & Vallerand, 1990) is a unidimensional measure, scored on a four-point Likert scale,
The brief 20-item version of the Inventory of Personality Organization (IPO) developed
by Verreault, Sabourin, Lussier, Normandin, and Clarkin (2013) includes three scales from the
original IPO (Kernberg & Clarkin, 1995): Identity diffusion (α = 0.66), Primitive defenses (α =
0.75), and Impaired reality testing (α = 0.77). Items are scored on a five-point rating scale and
The Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS; Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin, 1985;
French validation by Blais, Vallerand, Pelletier, & Brière, 1989), is a five-item measure
answered on a seven-point Likert scale, which asks straightforward questions about life
satisfaction (α = 0.89).
Clinical sample
The Brief Version of the Pathological Narcissism Inventory (B-PNI; Schoenleber, Roche,
Wetzel, Pincus, & Roberts, 2009; French validation by Diguer et al., 2014) was used to measure
exploitative behaviors, and fantasies of power and perfection; α = 0.84) and Vulnerability (e.g.,
The short version of the Borderline Symptom List (BSL-23; Bohus et al., 2009; French
symptomatology in accordance with DSM-5 formulation. Items are scored on a five-point scale.
The BSL-23 assesses BPD symptom severity on a dimensional continuum. We only used the
The 12-item version of the Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire (BPAQ; Buss & Perry,
1992; French validation by Genoud & Zimmerman, 2009) covers four forms of aggression:
Verbal (α = 0.66), Physical (α = 0.88), Anger (α = 0.83), and Hostility (α = 0.75). It also yields a
global trait aggression score (α = 0.89). Items are scored on a seven-point scale.
The 36-item Medical Outcomes Study Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36; Ware &
quality of life. It includes 36 items with scores that are transformed into a 0–100 scale, and then
averaged into eight subscales: Physical Functioning (α = 0.88), Role limitations due to physical
problems (α = 0.82), Bodily Pain (α = 0.70), General Health (α = 0.83), Vitality (α = 0.71),
Social Functioning (α = 0.63), Role limitations due to emotional problems (α = 0.83), and Mental
Statistical analyses
Cronbach alphas were used to assess internal consistency, while bivariate zero-order
correlations were computed to assess test-retest reliability of the SIFS scores after a two-week
interval. T-tests and bivariate zero-order correlations were computed to explore item properties
based on CTT. T-tests were also used to examine differences between the clinical and the
nonclinical groups on SIFS scores. These analyses were carried out using the Statistical Package
In line with DSM-5 AMPD theoretical formulations and previous studies on LPFS
measures (e.g., Hutsebaut et al., 2016; Morey, 2017), various factor analytic models were tested.
Five models were computed using Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA): a basic one-factor model
(Model 1); a two-factor correlated solution with Self and Interpersonal functioning as factors
(Model 2); a four-factor correlated solution with the theoretical elements of Identity, Self-
direction, Empathy, and Intimacy as factors (Model 3); a second-order orthogonal solution with
the four factors loading on a general personality pathology factor (Model 4); and a bi-factor four-
factor model, with all items loading both on the four elements and on an overarching general
personality pathology factor, consistent with recent studies (e.g., Sharp et al., 2015) investigating
the presence of a general personality pathology factor (Model 5). These analyses were performed
using Mplus version 8.0 (L. K. Muthén & B. O. Muthén, 2017), with data treated as categorical.
As suggested by Beauducel and Herzberg (2006), the robust weighted least square estimator
(WLSMV) was used. Adequate model fit was determined using the χ2 goodness-of-fit index,
alongside with sample-size independent fit indexes (e.g., Hu & Bentler, 1999): the comparative
fit index (CFI; > .90), the Tucker-Lewis index (TLI; > .90), and the root mean square error of
approximation (RMSEA; < .08). Nested model comparisons of fit improvement were evaluated
using the Mplus DIFFTEST function (MDΔχ2; Asparouhov & Muthén, 2009).
The SIFS’ nomological network was assessed, first, through bivariate zero-order
correlations between SIFS scores and external criteria. Unique contribution of each element,
after partialing out shared variance with the other three elements, was also computed. In order to
do so, we created residualized scores for each SIFS element by computing a regression for each
element, with the three other elements as predictors. These residualized scores, which represent
the unique, unshared variance of each element, were then correlated with external criteria.
Item properties results based on CTT are presented in Table 1. For the Global scale,
internal consistency was excellent, and was good for the four personality functioning elements.
Items 6 and 16 appeared problematic based on CTT; the first one was associated with low item-
scale correlations (ISC) figures (< .30), while the second had low variance and did not
Test-retest figures after a two-week interval (n = 111) were as follows: Global scale: r =
For all CFA models, modification indices were consulted to determine whether
correlations between item residuals would improve model fits; only theoretically defensible
modifications for item pairs within a same element were considered. Three were eventually
implemented (item pairs 13–15, 19–24, and 22–23). Examination of fit indices (see Table 2)
revealed that the CFA two-factor (Model 2; MD∆χ2 = 65.241; df = 1; p < .001; ∆CFI = .018,
∆TLI = .019, ∆RMSEA = .011) and four-factor (Model 3; MD∆χ2 = 149.507; df = 6; p < .001;
∆CFI = .025, ∆TLI = .026, ∆RMSEA = .009 and nonoverlapping RMSEA 90% confidence
interval) models had significantly improved fit coefficients compared to the single-factor model
(Model 1), with the four-factor model fitting the data better than Model 2 (MD∆χ2 = 59.396; df =
5; p < .001; ∆CFI = .007, ∆TLI = .007, ∆RMSEA = .005). The second-order CFA model, nested
within the correlated four-factor model, did not significantly decrease model fit, and thus can be
accepted as the more parsimonious alternative, especially considering its close alignment with
the Criterion A AMPD conceptualization, which posits that the four LPFS elements are all
indicators of an overarching global dimension of personality pathology (Morey, 2017). The bi-
factor solution (Model 5) had practically identical fits in comparison with Model 4; given that
the comparison of bi-factor and higher-order models is known to be biased in favor of the former
when there is unmodelled complexity (Murray & Johnson, 2013), the higher-order model was
preferred. Item loadings of the second-order CFA model solution are presented in Figure 1.
Results pertaining to the SIFS’ nomological network are presented in Table 3. SIFS-ID
showed the strongest unique associations with poor self-esteem (RSES), identity diffusion (IPO),
negative emotions (PID-5), and with subjective impression of mental health impairment and
limitations due to emotional distress (SF-36); it also showed a positive association with IRI
Personal distress. SIFS-SD showed the strongest unique associations with disinhibition (PID-5),
vulnerable narcissism (B-PNI), and with anger and hostility (BPAQ). SIFS-EMP showed the
strongest unique associations with antagonism (PID-5), with impaired perspective-taking and
empathic concern (IRI), and with trait, verbal, and physical aggression (BPAQ). Finally, SIFS-
The main purpose of the study was to report on the development and psychometric
properties of a new self-report measure of DSM-5 AMPD Criterion A, the Self and Interpersonal
Functioning Scale (SIFS). Overall, the scale has shown promising reliability and validity,
Internal consistency was excellent for the Global scale, and was good for the four
elements. Based on CTT, two items seemed fairly problematic. Item 6 (“I recognize myself in
how others describe me”) was associated with low ISC figures (< .30), calling into question
whether it should be retained in future iterations of the SIFS. We opted to keep it for now, as it is
the SIFS-ID item which taps most directly onto the facet “accuracy of self-appraisal”. Item 16 (“I
have little interest for other people’s feelings or problems”) was the only SIFS item that did not
discriminate between the clinical and nonclinical groups. It was weakly endorsed in both
subsamples, possibly because of its blunt formulation. However, we do not recommend its
deletion at this point, because of its potential value in contexts (e.g., forensic) where
psychopathic traits are likely to be high. All other items showed significant differences for the
clinical and the nonclinical groups, with large effect sizes for the four elements and the global
score, providing a first indication of the scale’s criterion validity. Items 3 (inner emptiness) and 7
(meaninglessness), which are central to the notion of identity diffusion (e.g., Kernberg, 1984),
were the most discriminant. Test-retest figures were substantial for most elements, which is
consistent with the short-term stability expected for core personality elements. Results were
moderate, however, for SIFS-SD, suggesting that this element may tap onto more fluctuating and
the substantial test-retest coefficient (.88) for the SD element of the LPFS-SR reported by
Factor analysis results revealed that the best fit was obtained with a second-order four-
factor CFA model, with a general personality pathology factor as a second-order overarching
construct. The model obtained acceptable fits, with only one item (Item 6) having a questionable
loading (< .40) on its factor. The retained model is coherent with the DSM-5 AMPD
conceptualization that the four LPFS elements are all indicators of a global personality pathology
dimension; at the same time, it also suggests that it would also be justified to consider elements
as distinct, core features of personality pathology. Our results are in contrast with those reported
for both versions of the LPFS-BF (Bach & Hutsebaut, 2018; Hutsebaut et al., 2016; Weekers et
al., 2018), for which a two-factor solution (reflecting the Self and Interpersonal elements) was
found. Zimmermann et al. (2015) had also found support for a two-factor solution for the LPFS,
using other-ratings by laypersons and therapists, and did not find support for the four elements.
Authors of the LPFS-SR (Hopwood et al., 2018; Morey, 2017) have argued in favor of a single-
factor model based on their results, which relied on intercorrelations and PCA; however, they did
not use CFA, and therefore did not test for a second-order or a bi-factor model. Huprich et al.
The underlying structure of Criterion A remains a contentious issue. The LPFS has been
described by its developers as a single dimension that should be represented by a single score
(see, e.g., Morey, 2017), which could arguably represent the general personality disorder factor
(e.g., Sharp et al., 2015) uncovered in recent investigations. However, a strong case could be
made that a clear and distinct factor structure for Criterion A is warranted, based on clinical and
patients. It seems highly unlikely that a one-factor solution, or even a two-factor solution, will be
able to accomplish the four objectives stated by the Criterion A authors of “(a) identifying the
presence and extent of personality psychopathology, (b) planning treatment, (c) building the
therapeutic alliance, and (d) studying treatment course and outcome” (Bender et al., 2011, pp.
340–341). Having distinct and robust factors will also enable to yield more reliable diagnoses for
the six specific DSM-5 AMPD PDs; their description, albeit indirectly, acknowledges the
usefulness of distinct scores for the four elements, as the first criterion states that the presence of
more Criterion A elements, is required. In sum, we contend that having a clear factor structure
for Criterion A, and a measure which allows for a valid assessment of these factors, is important.
This makes a case for the SIFS, which has shown the potential to distinguish “significant” levels
of impairment empirically, which has yet to be done by any other available Criterion A tool, to
our best knowledge. A second-order factor solution, which is consistent with our data, might
arguably be the best way to reconcile recent findings about a general personality disorder factor
Associations with external criteria showed distinct patterns for the four SIFS elements.
These results, along with results from factor analyses, suggest that it is justifiable to consider
SIFS element scores separately. This is a considerable strength, as the capacity to obtain a
personalized profile for each patient is one of the main anticipated advantages of evaluating
personality on a dimensional basis (e.g., a specific score for each element can help to document
treatment prognosis and to identify priority clinical targets for intervention). In contrast, the
LPFS-SR and the DLOPFQ showed mostly indiscriminate associations with external measures
for the four elements (Huprich et al., 2017; Morey, 2017). Of note, however, the external criteria
variables chosen for the present study (e.g., specific measures of identity diffusion, self-esteem,
or empathy) may have mapped more specifically onto LPFS constructs than the general
personality pathology measures used by Morey (2017) and Huprich and colleagues (2017).
Associations with external criteria were remarkably in line with hypotheses drawn from
Widiger et al. (2018). SIFS-ID showed theoretically meaningful and unique associations with
measures of negative affectivity, poor self-esteem, identity diffusion, and personal distress. Thus,
supported by the negative associations with antagonism and various forms of aggression. SIFS-
SD showed associations with indices of disinhibition and externalization, in line with LPF
formulation of poor planning, compromised goal-setting abilities, and lack of prosocial internal
standards. Its associations with vulnerable narcissism and anger-hostility are intriguing and
warrant further studies. It may reflect, for both construct, an inhibition of the capacity to reach
gratifying and satisfying personal goals; in vulnerable narcissism, this may be due to impaired
self-evaluation (which may be secretly grandiose, or severely debased), and may entail enraged
reactions in the face of this failure (e.g., Pincus et al., 2009). The SIFS-EMP element showed
associations with antagonism and aggression. Finally, the SIFS-INT element showed unique
associations with interpersonal detachment, and was also associated (though not specifically)
with other indicators of interpersonal problems (antagonism, low empathy), in line with the
These patterns of associations do not solve the redundancy problem pertaining to the
overlaps between Criteria A and B (e.g., Zimmermann et al., 2015), also noted by Hopwood et
al. (2018) for the LPFS-SR. Correlations between the SIFS global score and PID-5 trait domains
were in the high-very high range, from .49 (Antagonism) to .81 (Detachment). The SIFS-INT
element mapped to a significant degree onto the pathological trait domain of detachment. SIFS-
ID, SD, and EMP appear to have somewhat broader nomological networks, but remain closely
tied with negative affectivity, disinhibition, and antagonism, respectively. Solving the overlap
issues between Criteria A and B remains an important objective in demonstrating the clinical and
scientific utility of the AMPD, and research geared toward that goal needs solid, theory-driven,
The main limitation of the present study is that validation data, at this time, are limited to
needed. Test-retest, which could only be assessed for the community sample and for which we
had only a modest level of participation (39.6%), was assessed at only one point in time, and at a
brief interval (two weeks). PD diagnoses in the clinical sample, even though they were revised
by a team of licensed clinical psychologists, were not confirmed by a formal assessment using
model between groups, as well as between women and men, could not be performed due to the
relatively small clinical sample size and number of male participants. Results for convergent-
discriminant validity cannot be readily compared with those reported for other Criterion A self-
report measures, as our choice of external criteria comparators was restricted to those that are
well validated in the French language. The present study provided little information on the
incremental validity of the SIFS elements over the PID-5-SF traits; correlational results using
residualized scores showed an overlap between SIFS elements and pathological traits, suggesting
that a fine-tuned discrimination between LPFS and pathological traits is likely to remain
challenging (Hopwood, Good, et al., 2018). The use of a self-report to study personality
al., 2008; Oltmanns & Turkheimer, 2009) have suggested that the use of informant reports, in
addition to self-reports, can provide more accurate information and data in the context of
evaluating personality and PDs. Thus, the possibility of developing an informant report version
of the SIFS should be strongly considered. Finally, we did not assess the disorder-specific
impairments expected for the six specific PDs proposed in DSM-5 Section III.
Despite some limitations, the present investigation suggests that the SIFS possesses
sound psychometric properties, and should be seen as a valid, concise alternative for assessment
measures of Criterion A, its main strength relative to other measures is the presence of well-
differentiated factors, which we believe is important in order for a Criterion A measure to fulfill
its intended objectives (e.g., treatment planning and monitoring). Its psychometric properties,
overall, seem generally more robust in comparison with the original LPFS-BF (Hutsebaut et al.,
2016); a direct comparison with the 2.0 iteration of the LPFS-BF, which has also shown mostly
solid psychometric properties, should be tested in future studies. The rigorous strategy behind the
development of the LPFS-SR (Morey, 2017), for which each information unit from Table 2 of
the DSM-5 AMPD was turned into an item (up to a total of 80), makes it more closely aligned
with DSM LPF formulation in contrast with the SIFS; the added number of items also provides a
broader coverage of all 12 personality pathology facets. The DLOPFQ is considerably longer
than the SIFS (132 items), but in addition to a broader facet coverage and a better demonstration
of its incremental validity over Criterion B pathological traits, it also has the unique advantage of
assessing personality pathology manifestations across two meaningful life contexts (work/school
and relationships). Future comparison studies of Criterion A measures could also include semi-
structured interview schedules assessing the LPFS such as the Semi-Structured Interview for
Personality Functioning DSM-5 (Hutsebaut, Kamphuis, Feenstra, Weekers, & De Saeger, 2017).
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Figure 1
Second-order four-factor confirmatory factor analysis of the Self and Interpersonal Functioning
Scale (SIFS)
Note. All coefficients are significant at p < .001. R2 of Identity, Self-direction, Empathy, and
Intimacy were respectively at .771, .830, .839, and .745. Item 16 was excluded from the analysis.
Table 1
Descriptive Statistics (Global, Nonclinical, and Clinical Samples) and Inter-item Correlations for the Self and Interpersonal
Identity 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 1.80 1.17 .61 1.43 .97 .55 2.71 1.15 .29 10.04*** 1.20 .50*** .55*** .34*** .51*** .25*** .50***
2 2.46 1.25 .63 2.11 1.15 .55 3.33 1.08 .40 9.49*** 1.09 .59*** .41*** .57*** .17** .52***
3 1.56 1.43 .83 .98 1.06 .72 2.95 1.23 .69 15.32*** 1.72 .45*** .74*** .28*** .82***
4 1.09 1.11 .49 .84 .94 .38 1.70 1.70 .37 7.12*** 0.63 .47*** .11* .41***
5 1.42 1.41 .78 .97 1.14 .71 2.52 1.39 .68 10.93*** 1.22 .27*** .73***
6 1.87 1.05 .28 1.73 .98 .24 2.22 1.14 .10 4.21*** 0.46 .24***
7 1.51 1.46 .77 .93 1.14 .64 2.92 1.20 .59 14.61*** 1.70
9 10 11 12
8 1.65 1.11 .47 1.35 .91 .29 2.39 1.19 .42 8.72*** 0.98 .31*** .33*** .35*** .37***
9 1.57 1.23 .55 1.27 1.06 .45 2.29 1.32 .47 7.78*** 0.85 .46*** .42*** .36***
10 1.14 1.10 .53 .91 .89 .37 1.69 1.34 .54 6.50*** 0.69 .44*** .25***
11 1.32 1.21 .52 1.09 1.06 .39 1.90 1.36 .52 6.05*** 0.66 .25***
12 1.11 .98 .42 .90 .76 .26 1.60 1.23 .37 6.76*** 0.69
14 15 16 17 18
13 .91 1.12 .62 .64 .89 .55 1.53 1.36 .55 7.38*** 0.77 .42*** .63*** .20*** .28*** .36***
14 .53 .95 .46 .42 .76 .46 .80 1.25 .40 3.51** 0.37 .24*** .45*** .24*** .17**
15 1.22 1.23 .49 .94 1.04 .41 1.90 1.39 .43 7.16*** 0.78 .15** .24*** .30***
16 .60 1.00 .33 .56 .96 .32 .72 1.09 .35 1.53 0.16 .20*** .15**
17 1.01 .98 .38 .83 .80 .18 1.46 1.21 .42 5.97*** 0.61 .29***
18 1.02 1.10 .39 .83 .90 .14 1.48 1.38 .52 5.37*** 0.56
20 21 22 23 24
19 1.64 1.29 .65 1.26 1.07 .63 2.57 1.31 .46 10.03*** 1.10 .45*** .19*** .46*** .45*** .71***
20 .87 1.16 .58 .55 .84 .55 1.66 1.45 .41 9.29*** 0.94 .33*** .40*** .42*** .47***
21 .93 1.04 .32 .84 .89 .23 1.16 1.32 .38 2.75** 0.28 .28*** .25*** .19***
22 .79 1.08 .60 .63 .96 .59 1.17 1.25 .55 4.44*** 0.49 .54*** .46***
23 1.24 1.24 .57 1.01 1.09 .54 1.82 1.38 .47 5.97*** 0.65 .40***
24 1.32 1.29 .64 1.00 1.11 .62 2.10 1.38 .47 8.13*** 0.88
Global scale
Note. d = Cohen’s d; ISC = Item-scale correlations (corrected). A five-point Likert scale (0 = This does not describe me at all; 4 = This
Table 2.
Goodness-of-fit statistics for the models estimated on the Self and Interpersonal Functioning
Scale (SIFS)
1. CFA 1 factor 859.145* (227) .926 . 918 0.087 [.081 - .093] <.001
2. CFA 2 factors correlated 706.100* (226) .944 .937 0.076 [.069 - .082] <.001
3. CFA 4 factors correlated 637.270* (221) . 951 .944 0.071 [.065 - .078] <.001
4. Second-order CFA 663.354* (223) .949 .942 0.073 [.067 - .080] <.001
5. Bi-factor CFA 4 factors 668.565* (212) .947 .936 0.076 [.070 - .083] <.001
Note. WLSMV: Robust weighted least square estimator; χ2= WLSMV chi square; df = degrees of
freedom; CFI = comparative fit index; TLI = Tucker-Lewis index; RMSEA = root mean square
error of approximation; 90% CI = confidence interval. All models have been tested without item
16, and including correlations between error terms for items 19 and 24, 22 and 23, and 13 and
* p < .001.
Table 3
SIFS (n = 369)
Empathy .65***
RSES (n = 258)a -.69*** -.74*** -.44*** -.63*** -.48*** -.01 -.11* -.31*** .10 .03 -.42*** -.05 -.11
SWLS (n = 255)a -.68*** -.63*** -.27*** -.41*** -.47*** -.03 -.17** -.36*** .10 .05 -.54*** -.22*** -.32***
IPO (n = 257)a
Id. diffusion .56*** .57*** .33*** .45*** .41*** .03 .11 .33*** .05 .12 .29*** -.06 -.02
Pr. defenses .56*** .44*** .10 .19** .47*** .14* .26*** .41*** .09 .18* .37*** .05 .10
Reality testing .34*** .26*** .06 .14 .25*** .04 .10 .26*** .05 .13 .26*** .08 .08
PID-5 (n = 345)
Negative affect .76*** .80*** .46*** .68*** .62*** .09 .13** .50*** .05 .08 .52*** -.01 -.02
Detachment .81*** .71*** .24*** .36*** .52*** -.05 -.09 .63*** .09 .14*** .81*** .38*** .54***
Antagonism .49*** .31*** -.11* -.17* .44*** .17** .24*** .54*** .26*** .37*** .44*** .11* .18**
Disinhibition .58*** .47*** .03 .04 .64*** .37*** .54*** .45*** .06 .09 .41*** .03 .05
Psychoticism .64*** .57*** .22*** .32*** .48*** .02 .02 .56*** .21*** .30*** .52*** .08 .11
IRI (n = 357)
Fantasy -.07 .06 .27** .37*** -.11* -.13* -.20** -.14* -.03 -.07 -.18** -.20*** -.22**
Pers. distress .37*** .41*** .29*** .42*** .32*** .05 .07 .25*** .08 .10 .17** -.14** -.17*
Pers.-taking -.51*** -.32*** .12* .17 -.46*** -.18** -.26*** -.59*** -.32*** -.46*** -.46*** -.10 -.11
Emp. concern -.17** .05 .31*** .49*** -.01 -.00 -.01 -.36*** -.28*** -.39*** -.30*** -.22*** -.37***
B-PNI (n = 106)b
Grandiose .50*** .36*** -.10 .15 .42*** .19 .21 .41*** .20* .19 .35*** .02 .08
Vulnerable .68*** .53*** -.12 .24** .62*** .34** .39*** .46*** .11 .05 .47*** .11 .17
BSL (n = 106)b .54*** .63*** .26** .58*** .38*** .02 .03 .40*** .22* .17 .28*** -.15 -.08
BPAQ (n = 106)b .63*** .37*** -.25* -.01 .56*** .29** .30** .61*** .35*** .41*** .44*** .01 .08
Verbal .40*** .20* -.19 -.05 .34*** .15 .15 .45*** .33*** .41** .26** -.05 -.01
Physical .47*** .20* -.26** -.12 .36*** .13 .10 .54*** .37*** .46*** .40*** .06 .14
Anger .52*** .32** -.25* -.04 .55*** .35*** .40*** .48*** .24* .26* .35*** -.01 .03
Hostility .61*** .48*** -.10 .19* .55*** .28** .32** .48*** .20* .18 .40*** .00 .07
SF-36 (n = 106)b
Ph. Function. .14 .09 -.00 --- .05 -.05 --- .16 .13 --- .12 .01 ---
Role-Physical -.15 -.20* -.12 --- -.06 .05 --- -.08 -.02 --- -.11 -.01 ---
Bodily Pain -.01 -.11 -.16 --- .03 .08 --- .01 -.02 --- .05 .09 ---
General Health -.31** -.34*** -.09 -.28* -.25** -.08 -.09 -.19* -.05 .00 -.20* .01 -.03
Vitality -.29** -.30** -.07 -.27* -.15 .02 .05 -.14 .04 .11 -.31** -.18 -.27*
Soc. Function -.29** -.33** -.11 -.32** -.22* -.03 -.06 -.23* -.12 -.08 -.16 .07 .05
Role-Emotional -.16 -.31** -.24* -.43*** -.08 .05 .03 -.01 .07 .18 -.11 .01 -.00
Mental Health -.31** -.47*** -.30** -.54*** -.18 .08 .07 -.22* -.15 -.09 -.12 .17 .15
RSES = Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. SWLS = Satisfaction With Life Scale. IPO = brief 20-item version of the Inventory of Personality
Organization. Id. diffusion = Identity diffusion. Pr. Defenses = Primitive defenses. PID-5-SF = Short form (100 items) of the Personality Inventory
for DSM-5. IRI-F = Interpersonal Reactivity Index-French Version. Pers. Distress = Personal distress. Pers.-taking = Perspective-taking. Emp.
Concern = Empathic concern. B-PNI = Brief Version of the Pathological Narcissism Inventory. BSL = 23-item Borderline Symptoms List. BPAQ
= 12-item version of the Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire. SF-36 = 36-item Medical Outcomes Study Short-Form Health Survey. Ph.
Function. = Physical Functioning. Soc. Function = Social Functioning. All instruments in their validated French versions.
Note. a Data only available for the nonclinical subsample. b Data only available for the clinical subsample. c Standardized beta coefficients from
multiple regression analyses (controlling for age) using the four SIFS elements as statistical predictors and each external criterion as the predicted
variable. Coefficients not shown in the absence of a statistically significant regression result. Res r = bivariate correlations using the unique
contribution of each element, after partialing out shared variance with the other three elements.