Dynamic Predicate Logic
Dynamic Predicate Logic
Dynamic Predicate Logic
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All content following this page was uploaded by Martin Stokhof on 06 May 2020.
We state them anew, because we want to make clear what, we feel, is the
real challenge they offer.
If we use standard first-order predicate logic (henceforth, PL) in trans-
lating a natural language sentence or discourse, anaphoric pronouns will
turn up as bound variables. In many cases, this means that in order to
arrive at formulas which are good translations, i.e., which express the
right meaning, we have to be pretty inventive, and should not pay too
much attention to the way in which the natural language sentence or
discourse is built up. Let us illustrate this with three simple examples,
which nevertheless are representative for the kind of problems we meet:
Now, notice that the translation of the first sentence in (1), which would
be 3x[man(x) A walk_in_the_park(x)], does not occur as a subformula in
(la). Apparently, we do not get from (1) to (la) in a step-by-step, i.e.,
in a compositional way. If we did, we would rather translate (1) as (lb):
But this is not a proper translation of (1), at least not in standard predicate
logic, since in (lb) the last occurrence of the variable x is not bound by
the existential quantifier, and hence the anaphoric link in (1) is not ac-
counted for. However, suppose we could interpret (lb) in such a way that
it is equivalent with (1). Evidently, (lb) would be preferred to (la) as a
translation of (1), since it could be the result of a compositional procedure.
Turning to examples (2) and (3), we observe that a proper translation
in PL for both of them is (2a):
These cases are more dramatic than the previous one. Although (2) and
(3) contain indefinite terms, which normally translate as existentially qu-
antified phrases, we need universal quantification to account for their
meaning in these kinds of examples. And notice, moreover, that the
corresponding universal quantifiers Vx and Vy have to be given wide scope
over the entire formula, whereas the indefinite terms in (2) and (3) to
which they correspond, appear inside the antecedent of an implication in
the case of (2), and way inside the relative clause attached to the subject
term e v e r y f a r m e r in the case of (3). If we use PL as our means to
represent meaning, these kinds of examples prevent us from uniformly
translating indefinite terms as existentially quantified phrases. Again, this
constitutes a breach of the principle of compositionality, a principle which
is not only intuitively appealing, but also theoretically parsimonious and
computationally plausible.
From a compositional point of view, translations like (2b) for sentence
(2), and (3b) for sentence (3), are to be preferred:
But then again, (2b) and (3b) do not have the proper meaning in PL. For
one thing the occurrences of the variable y in case of (3b), and of the
variables x and y in case of (2b), in the respective consequents, are not
bound by the existential quantifiers in the antecedents. Hence, (2b) and
(3b) are not equivalent with (2a), at least not in PL.
Examples like (1)-(3) have been treated successfully in discourse repre-
sentation theory (henceforth DRT), but at a cost: the problem of providing
a compositional translation is not really solved, and DRT uses a rather
non-orthodox logical language. In DRT, (1) would be represented as (lc),
(2) and (3) as (2c):
In the present and the next two sections, we introduce a dynamic interpret-
ation for the language of extensional first-order predicate logic in a step-
by-step fashion, deferring an explicit statement and a formal investigation
of D P L to Section 3. In the present section we introduce dynamic conjunc-
tion and existential quantification, which will enable us to deal with the
first of the three examples discussed above, which concerned cross-senten-
tial anaphora. In Section 2.4, we discuss implication and existential quanti-
fication. Their dynamic treatment will give us the means to treat simple
donkey-sentences, such as exemplified by the second example. And finally
in Section 2.5, we turn to universal quantification and negation in order
to be able to deal with the more complicated donkey-sentences as exempl-
ified by the last example.
The vocabulary of D P L consists of n-place predicates, individual con-
stants and variables. They are interpreted in the usual fashion. The models
that we use, are ordinary extensional first-order models, consisting of a
domain D of individuals and an interpretation function F, assigning indi-
viduals to the individual constants, and sets of n-tuples of individuals to
the n-place predicates. Further, we use assignments as usual, i.e., as total
functions from the set of variables to the domain. They are denoted by
'g', 'h', and so on. By "h[x]g' we mean that assignment h differs from g
at most with respect to the value it assigns to x. When in what follows we
speak of the interpretation of an expression, we mean its semantic value
in a suitable model. The function assigning semantic values is denoted by
,~ ~,.
In the standard semantics of predicate logic, the interpretation of a
formula is a set of assignments, viz., those assignments which verify the
formula. In the dynamic semantics of D P L the semantic object expressed
by a formula is a set of ordered pairs of assignments. Trading on the
analogy with programming languages, such pairs can be regarded as pos-
sible 'input-output' pairs: a pair (g, h) is in the interpretation of a formula
~b iff when ~b is evaluated with respect to g, h is a possible outcome of the
evaluation procedure. Since g and h are assignments of objects to vari-
ables, the difference between an input assignment g and an output assign-
ment h can only be that a different object is assigned to one or more
variables. This is precisely what happens when an existentially quantified
formula is interpreted dynamically. Consider the formula 3xPx. In the
standard semantics, an assignment g is in the interpretation of 3xPx iff
there is some assignment h which differs from g at most with respect to
the value it assigns to x, and which is in the interpretation of Px, i.e.,
which assigns an object h(x) to x such that h(x) E F(P). When 3xPx is
treated dynamically, all assignments h such that h[x]g & h(x) ~ F(P), are
taken to be possible outputs with respect to input g. In other words:
the possibility that the interpretation of q% too, has dynamic effects. (For
example, ¢b itself might be an existentially quantified formula.) Taking
this into account, the dynamic interpretation of 3x~b will consist of those
pairs of assignments (g, h) such that there is some assignment k which
differs from g at most in x and which together with h forms a possible
input-output pair for oh. The interpretation clause for existentially quant-
ified formulas then reads as follows:
lot more needs to be said about this, and for some of it we refer to Section
5.1.) In this respect implication is unlike conjunction: it is not externally
dynamic; like an atomic formula, an implication as a whole has the charac-
ter of a test.
What we thus end up with as the dynamic interpretation of implication,
is the following:
~[4~~ 01 = {(g, h)lh = g & Vk: (h, k) ~ ~qS~~ 3j: (k, j) E ~t)~}
3x Px --~ Qx~ --
{(g, h) lh = g & Vk: (h, k) ~ [3xPx~ ~ 3j: (k, j} ~ ~Qx~} :
{(g, g)lVk: (g, k) e ~3xPx~ ~ 3j: {k, j) e ~Qx~} =-
{{g, g)]Vk: k[x]g & k(x) E F(P) ~ k(x) ~ F(Q)}
(7) It is not the case that a man walks in the park. *He whistles.
(8) No man walks in the park. *He whistles.
~ 3xPx A Qx~ =
{(g, h) 13k: (g, k) E ~ 3xPx~ & (k, h) • ~Qx~} =
{(g, h) 13k: (g, k) • ~-n 3xPx~ & h = k & h(x) • F(Q)} =
{(g, h) l(g, h) • ~ 3xPx~ & h(x) • F(Q)} =
{<g, h)Lh = g 8: ~ 3k: (h, k) • {(g, h)Jh[xlg
& h(x) • F(P)} & h(x) • F(Q)} =
{(g,h}lh = g & ~ 3 k : k[x]h & k(x) •
F(P) & h (x) • F(Q)} =
{(g, g) l ~ 3k: k[x]g & k(x) • F(P) & g(x) • F(Q)}
As we can see, the first conjunct, being a negation, does not change the
assignment with respect to which the second conjunct is interpreted. The
test-like character of a negation leaves the occurrence of x in the second
conjunct unbound by the existential quantifier which occurs within its
scope in the first conjunct. This means that, whereas 3xPx A Qx and
Qx /x 3xPx differ in meaning, ~ 3xPx A Qx is equivalent to Qx A -7 3xPx.
As for disjunction, it shares the feature of being externally static with
implication, negation and the universal quantifier. It, too, tests an input
D E F I N I T I O N 1 (Syntax).
D E F I N I T I O N 2 (Semantics).
Besides the clauses that were discussed in the previous section, Definition
2 also contains a clause which gives the interpretation of identity state-
ments. It will come as no surprise that such statements are interpreted as
richer scheme a similar notion can be defined. We call a formula true with
respect to an assignment g in a model M iff with g as input, it has an
Of course, if two formulas are equivalent they will also have the same
satisfaction set, i.e. they will be s-equivalent:
F A C T 1 . ~b-~O~&-~sO.
The reverse does not hold. For example, 3xPx and 3yPy have the same
satisfaction sets, G or ft, but they differ in meaning, since they produce
different output assignments, viz., {hlh(x) E F(P)} and {hlh(y) E F(P)}
respectively. The first formula has the potential to bind free occurrences
of x in formulas to come, and the second has the potential to bind occur-
rences of y. We can formulate this in terms of the notion of the production
set of a formula, the set consisting of those assignments which are its
possible outputs, which we write as '/ /M':
Whereas the satisfaction sets of 3xPx and 3yPy are the same, their produc-
tion sets are different. If two formulas always have the same production
set, we call them p-equivalent, denoted by '-~p':
F A C T 2. ch -~ 0 ~ 4~ = p ~"
So, if two formulas have the same meaning, they always have the same
satisfaction set and the same production set. However, the reverse does
not hold:
If two formulas always have the same satisfaction set and always the same
production set, this does not imply that they have the same meaning. So,
meaning can not be defined in terms of satisfaction and production sets.
Consider the following simple example. The two tautologies Px v ~ Px
and 3x[Px v - ~ P x ] both have the total set of assignments G as their
satisfaction set and as their production set. But, as we have seen above,
their meanings are different. The interpretation of the former is {(g, h)]g =
h}, and that of the latter is {(g, h)]h[x]g}.
We end this section with the definitions of two other notions that will
prove useful for what is to come.
As we have seen in the previous section, various kinds of DPL-formulas
have the characteristic that they do not pass on bindings created by ex-
pressions which occur in them. They function as a kind of 'test' in this
sense that they examine whether an input assignment meets a certain
condition, return it as output if it does, and reject it otherwise. Seman-
tically, they can be characterized as follows:
Notice that for a test q~ the definition of truth with respect to g given above
boils down to (g, g) E [[~b]]. Also, we observe that for tests equivalence, s-
equivalence and p-equivalence coincide.
D E F I N I T I O N 12 (Conditions).
1. b p ( R h . . . . . t,,) =
a q ( R h . . . . . t,,) =
f v ( R h . . . . . t,,) = {ti[ti a variable}.
2. b p ( ~ 05) = bp(05)
aq(-q 05) =
f v ( ~ 05) = fv(05).
3. bp(05 A 0) = bp(05) U bp(O) U {(3x, x)13x e aq(05) a x E fv(O)}
aq(05 A g,) = aq(O) U {3x ~ aq(05) I3x (£ aq(4,)}
fv(05 A g,) = fv(05) U {x C fv(0) 13x ~ aq(05)}.
1. s p ( R h . . . . . t,,) = ft.
2. s p ( = 4') = sp(4,).
3. sp(4, A q,) = sp(4,) U sp(~O).
4. sp(4~ v g,) = sp(O) U sp(4').
5. sp(4, -+ ~0) = sp(4,) tO sp(6).
6. sp(3x4,) = sp(4,) tO {(3x, x>lx ~ fv(~)}.
7. sp(VxqS) = sp(4') U {(Vx,x)lx ~ fv(4,)}.
W e note two things about this definition. First, if we replace the notion
fv(q~), the notion of a free variable in D P L as defined above, by the notion
fvpL(4,), the notion of a free variable in PL, we end up with the notion
of binding in PL. Secondly, concerning D P L itself again, the following
fact can be p r o v e d by simple induction:
F A C T 7. sp(4,) C_ bp(4,).
It is useful to point out the following two facts, which both can be p r o v e n
by simple induction on the complexity of 4' (by g = vv(e,) h we m e a n that
for all x E FV(4'): g(x) = h(x)):
Fact 8 says that if two assignments differ in that the one is in the satisfac-
tion set of a formula of, whereas the other is not, they should also differ
in the value they assign to at least one of the free variables of 4~. And
Fact 9 says that if two assignments which assign a different value to a
certain variable x form an input-output pair in the interpretation of a
formula ~b, then there is an active occurrence of the quantifier 3x in ~b.
Let us now turn to an exposition of some basic logical facts, which will
illustrate various properties of DPL.
We start with the interdefinablity of the logical constants. A simple
calculation with the relevant clauses of Definition 2 shows that negation,
conjunction and existential quantification can be used as our basic logical
constants, the others being definable in terms of them in the usual way:
3xd~ 4~ ~Vx-~ 4,
The reason for this is, of course, that the expressions on the right are
tests, which lack the dynamic binding properties of the expressions on the
left. In the first and in the last case, the satisfaction sets, i.e., the truth
conditions, of the expressions on the right and of those on the left indeed
are the same: they are s-equivalent. This does not hold in the second case,
because of the fact that disjunction is not only externally, but also intern-
ally static.
::[X¢~ = s - q V X q ¢~
4 ) ~ # , ~ ~4) v 0
Disjunctions and implications are both tests, they are externally static.
However, an implication is internally dynamic, i.e., an existential quan-
tifier in the antecedent can bind variables in the consequent. But no such
binding relations are possible between the disjuncts of a disjunction, the
latter being also internally static. This is also the reason why in the last
case not even the truth conditions of the expressions on the right and on
the left are the same: no s-equivalence obtains in this case:
4)~ ~4~,74) v 0
7 :Ix4) -~ Vx -7 4)
Of course, this follows from the fact that negation turns anything into a
From the latter observation, we may conclude that the law of double
negation will not hold unconditionally. Consider a formula 4) that is not
a test. Negating 4) results in the test ~ 4), and a second negation, which
gives -7-7 4), does not reverse this effect. And this seems correct, since a
doubly negated sentence in general does not allow subsequent pronouns
to refer back to elements in the scope of the negations. (But see Section
5.1 for some further discussion.) Precisely in this respect, 4) and -7~4)
may differ in meaning. However, as far as their truth conditions are
concerned, the two coincide, so 4) and -7 ~ 4) are s-equivalent. We can
formulate the following restricted versions of the law of double negation:
- 1 7 4) = 4) iff 4) is a test
Hence, double negation is not in general eliminable. The effect of applying
double negation is that the meaning of a formula is restricted, so to speak,
~b -~ 7 -7 q5 ~- 4, i f f ~b is a test
In terms of the operator ~ we can also state the restricted versions of the
interdefinability of the logical constants discussed above:
O3xq~ -~ - T V x 7 4~
4~A 04~ 0 A 4,
,b4~ 6 A 4,
o 4 A 04' = 04' A O 4
O 6 --~ O4) A O4'
That 4 is a test is not a necessary condition for idempotency of conjunction
to hold. It is sufficient that active occurrences of a quantifier in 4 are
unable to bind flee variables in 4:
This condition isn't a necessary one either, e.g. Px/x 3xPx~-
[Px A 3xPx] A [Px A 3xPx].
Similarly, 4 and 4' need not necessarily be both tests for commutativity
of conjunction to hold. An example of a conjunction which does not
consist of tests, but which nevertheless is commutative is BxPx A Qy,
which has the same meaning as Qy A 3xPx. Commuting this conjunction
does not interfere with its binding pattern. In general, if commuting the
conjuncts does not change the binding pairs, nor the active occurrences
of quantifiers in the conjunction, commutativity holds:
AQV(4) 71FV(4') = 0 ]
AQV(4')r~FV(4)=0 I~&A 4'--~4'/X4
AQV(4) 71AQV(4') = 0
In this case, too, the conditions are sufficient but not necessary. A case
in point is the contradiction [Px/x --nPx]/x 3xQx.
As is to be expected, disjunction, being both internally and externally
static, is unconditionally idempotent, commutative and associative:
4v 4'=4'v4
4 v [4' v x]--- [4 v 4'] v x
Idempotency and commutativity of disjunction reflect that there cannot
be any anaphoric relations across disjuncts. (But see Sections 4.3 and 5.1
for some discussion.)
As for the classical de Morgan laws, DPL validates the following:
4,-,,[4,~x1 - [4, A ~ , ] ~ x
Finally, we notice some facts concerning the interplay of quantifiers and
The first fact illustrates the dynamics of the existential quantifier: its
binding power extends indefinitely to the right. This is what makes D P L
a suitable instrument for the representation of antecendent-anaphor re-
lations across sentence boundaries. The second fact states under which
condition the scope of an existential quantifier may be extended to the
left in a conjunction: under the usual condition that the left conjunct has
no free occurrences of x, and further that the active occurrence of 3x is
not 'de-activated' by an occurrence of that same quantifier in the first
The following equivalence is important for the analysis of 'donkey'-like
cases of anaphora:
3xq5 4~ 3y[y/x]ch
Here, [y/x]ch denotes, as usual, the result of replacing all free occurrences
o f x in q5by y. This non-equivalence illustrates the fact that bound variables
in D P L are 'more meaningful' expressions than in PL. Notice that 3x4~
and 3y[y/x]O are s-equivalent if no occurrence of y that is free in 3xq5 is
bound in 3y[y/x] c~:
3.5. Entailment
In standard logic, 4~ entails 0 iff whenever 4~ is true, 0 is true as well.
Since we have defined a notion of truth in DPL, we can also define an
analogue of this notion of entailment for DPL. We will refer to it as
s-entailment, and write it as '~s':
F A C T 10. qS~ 0 ~ q S ~ , 0 .
that the notion of s-entailment does not correspond in the usual way to
implication. For example, although it holds that G 3 x P x - + Px, we have
3xPx ~s Px. Whereas in an implication an existential quantifier in the
antecedent can bind variables in the consequent, the notion of s-entailment
does not account for similar binding relations between premiss and con-
clusion. However, in natural language, such relations do occur. From A
man came in wearing a hat, we may conclude So, he wore a hat, where
the pronoun in the conclusion is anaphorically linked to the indefinite
term in the premiss. As we have just seen, if we want to account for this,
the notion of s-entailment is not the one we are after. For similar reasons,
meaning inclusion is not what we are looking for either. It is too strict:
3 x P x 4~ Px. And it is also not strict enough. For <~ is reflexive, but, as is
argued below, dynamic entailment is not: Px A 3 x Q x does not entail
Px A 3xQx.
Hence, we have to find another, an inherently dynamic notion of entail-
ment. Taking up our processing metaphor once more, which means look-
ing at sentences as a kind of programs, a reasonably intuitive notion is
the following. We say that 05 entails 0 if every successful execution of 05
guarantees a succesful execution of ~. Or, to put it slightly differently, 05
entails 0 iff every assignment that is a possible output of 05 is a possible
input for 0. This is captured in the following definition of dynamic entail-
D E F I N I T I O N 20 (Entailment).
We note further that mutual entailment of 05 and ~ does not mean that
05 and ~ are equivalent. For example, 3xPx and Px do entail each other,
but they are not equivalent. The same pair of formulas illustrates that
entailment does not imply meaning inclusion. And the reverse does not
hold in general either. For example, the meaning of Qx/x 3xPx includes
the meaning of Qx/~ 3xPx, but the latter does not entail the former.
Meaning inclusion does imply entailment if there are no binding relations
between premiss and conclusion:
In the proof of this fact, the two Facts 8 and 9 stated in Section 3.3 play
a central role. Suppose AQV(05) n FV(0) = ~ and 05 ~< 0. Let h ~/05/m,
that is 3g: (g, h) E ~05~M. Since, if (g, h) E [[05~M, then h[AQV(05)]g (Fact
9), and AQV(05) n FV(0) = 0, it holds for all x E FV(~) that g(x) = h(x).
Since 05~< 0, it also holds that (g, h ) E ~O~M, and hence that g ~ \~\M.
From g(x) = h(x) for all x ~ FV(¢)), and g E \0\M, we may conclude on
the basis of Fact 8 that h E \¢)\ M as well.
Precisely because the notion of entailment is truly dynamic in the sense
that it allows active quantiflers in a premiss to bind variables in the
conclusion, it lacks some properties which more orthodox notions, such as
s-entailment, do have, notably the properties of reflexivity and transitivity.
We already encountered a typical counterexample to reflexivity of dy-
namic entailment in the formula Px/x 3xQx, which does not entail itself.
The reason is that in the occurrence of this formula as a conclusion, the
variable x in the first conjunct gets bound by the quantifier in the occur-
rence of the formula as a premiss, whereas in the occurrence of the
formula as a premiss it is free. The following restricted fact about reflexiv-
ity, however, does hold as an immediate consequence of Fact 14 and the
reflexivity of 4 :
D E F I N I T I O N 21 (xi •. • xn-Entailment).
F A C T 16 (Transitivity). ~b )AQV(O)NFV(x) ~J • ~t ) X ~ (} ~ X.
3h: {g, h) ~ [[O~M, and for all x E A Q V ( x ) rq FV(~), it holds that g(x) =
h(x). Since 0 k X, it holds that h ~ \X\M. For any variable x E FV(x), if
x ~ AQV(40 then g(x) = h(x) by assumption; but if x ~ AQV(O), then
also g(x) = h(x), since (g, h} E I[0I]M (use Fact 9). Hence, we have g(x) =
h(x) for all variables x E FV(x), and hence g ~ \X\M (Fact 8).
The above shows that there are some complications inherent in the
notion of dynamic entailment. These do pay off, however. We can trans-
late 'natural language' reasonings in which pronouns are introduced in
intermediary steps, directly into DPL. Consider the following, admittedly
stylized, example and its translation into DPL:
1. It is not the case that nobody walks and talks ( ~ 3x[Px a Qx]).
2. So, somebody walks and talks (3x[Px A Qx]).
3. So, he walks (Px).
4. So, somebody walks (3xPx).
5. So, it is not the case that nobody walks ( 7 -q 3xPx).
X may interfere with bindings between ~b and ~, for example, it does hold
that 3xPx ~ Px, but we have 3xPx, 3xQx ¢:Px.
Again, for practical purposes these complications can be evaded by a
suitable choice of active quantifiers and free variables. For example, in
adding a premiss which contains an active quantifier, we better choose
one which does not already occur actively in one of the other premisses.
Such practical considerations are particularly important in designing a
proof system. In cooperation with Roel de Vrijer, a sound and complete
system of natural deduction for D P L is being developed, which we hope
to present in a separate paper.
D E F I N I T I O N 23 (PL-semantics).
1. b R h . . . tn = Rtt . . . t,.
2. b ( h = t.) = (tl = tn).
3. b - 7 ~ ' = T b O.
4. b[01 v 02] = [bO, v b~2].
5. b 3 x ~ = 3 x b ~ .
6. b V x O = V x b ~ .
7. b [ + t A ~2] =
(a) b[xt A [X2 A $2]] if qJl = [X~ A X2].
Clauses 1-6 are simple. For 7(a) we only need to remark that
bp([x1/x X2]/x ~2) = bp(x1/x [X2 A ~2]), as can be seen from Definition
13. Similar observations can be made for 7(b), 8(a) and 8(b).
The crucial clauses are 7(c) and 8(c). Consider Case 7(c); i.e.
q~ = I/t1 A ~t2 and b~b = b O l A b 0 2 . We have bp(bOl A b 0 2 ) =
b p ( b O 0 U bp(b~2) U {(3x, x)] 3x ¢ aq(bOx) & x ¢ fv(bO2)}. Since in this
case b0~ can not be a conjunction or an existentially quantified formula,
it holds that aq(b~0,) = 0. This means that in this case bp(b01 A bO2) =
bp(bO 0 U bp(b~02). By induction, b p ( b O 0 = sp(bg, l) and bp(bO2) =
sp(bO2). Hence, bp(bO~/x bO2) = sp(bOl) U sp(bO2). And according to
the definition of sp, the latter is the same as sp(b~0t A btP2). For 8(c) a
similar reasoning can be given.
Now we show that for any formula in which all variables which are
bound by a quantifier are inside its scope, it holds that its satisfaction set
and its PL-interpretation coincide:
~3x01] PL
these variables do not occur freely in ~v, whence it follows by Fact 8 that
if h C \X\, then g E \X\.
The above, in its turn, is equal to:
which equals:
~4, - , x~ PL
We end the proof by noting that for the remaining case of 4) = O/~ X, the
proof proceeds in a similar fashion.
From Facts 18 and 19 it now follows that:
F A C T 21. For any formula 4) there is a formula 4)' such that VM: ~4)~4 =
~4)']]M, and \4)'\M = [[4),]]PL.
1. There is a formula 4)' such that )DPL 4) iff ~DPL 4)' iff ~PL 4)"
2. There is a formula 4)" such that ~PL 4) iff ~PL 4)" iff ~DPL 4)"-
4.2. D P L a n d D R T
D E F I N I T I O N 25 (DRT-syntax).
Models for the DRS-language are the same as those for DPL, as are
assignments and the interpretation of terms. Parallel to the syntactic dis-
tinction between conditions and DRS's, the semantics defines two notions
of interpretation. First of all, we define an interpretation function
[[ ~ t Rs C_ G x G, for DRS's. Here, '(g, h) ~ [[05]]DRS, corresponds to the
DRT-notion 'h is a verifying embedding of 05 with respect to g'. Since
DRS's are built up from conditions, we also need to define a notion of
interpretation of conditions: ~ ]]Cone
~ C_ G, where ,g E ~05~Cond, corresponds
to the DRT-notion '05 is true with respect to g'. So, DRS's receive the
same type of interpretation as DPL-formulas. In one respect our definition
of these notions differs from the one given in DRT: we prefer assignments
to be total functions rather than partial ones. This is no matter of principle.
Just as is usually done in D R T , we could rephrase the semantics of D P L
in terms of partial assignments.
The simultaneous recursive definition of the notions [[ ~C/ond and
] ] ~ s runs as follows (where we drop subscripts again, whenever this
does not lead to confusion):
D E F I N I T I O N 26 (DRT-semantics).
l. [ R h . . . tn~C°nd = {gl @ l ~ g . . . ~tn~g) ~ F(R)}.
2. ~t~ = t2]]c°"° = {gl ~tt~g = [t2~g}.
3. [[--'1(]~Cond = {gi 7 3h: <g, h) ~ ~o~DRS}.
4. ~05 v t/t~C°nd = {gl 3h: <g, h) e [[6] DRS v (g, h) e [[[]/~DRS}.
5. ~05--+ O]]c°nd = {gl Vh: (g, h) ¢ ~05~DRS~ 3k: (h, k) ~ ~o~DRS}.
6. [[[Xl. . . X k ] [ 0 5 1 . . . 05n]~ DRS =
{ ( g , h)[ h [ x l . . . x k ] g • h ~ ~051~C°nd ~ . . . ~ h ~ ~05n~C°nd}.
So, the notion of truth for DRS's is the same as the notion of truth in
DPL. And from Definition 27 we see that the variable set in a DRS
behaves like existential quantification over these variables. A simple DRS
like [x][Px, Qx] has the same truth conditions as the formula 3x[Px A Qx]
in PL and DPL. Moreover, the interpretations of this DRS and of the
DPL-formula are also the same. To give another example, the DRS
[x,y][Px, Qy, Rxy] has the same meaning as the DPL-formula
3x3y[Px A Qy A Rxy].
Notice that DRS's can also be built from conditions by means of empty
DRS-quantification. For example, [ ][Px] is a DRS, and its interpretation
according to Definition 26, is {(g, h)l h[ ]g & h(x)~ F(P)}. Now, h[ ]g
means the same as h = g, so the 'atomic DRS' [ ][Px] and the atomic
DPL-formula Px have the same interpretation. In fact, this procedure can
be applied to turn any DRT-condition into a DRS, giving it structurally
the same interpretation as the corresponding DPL-condition.
The interpretation of a DRS, being the same kind of object as the
interpretation of formulas in DPL, is of a dynamic nature. The dynamics
of DRS's is put to use in the interpretation of implications (and nowhere
else, by the way). For example, the DRT-condition [x] [Px] ~ [ ][Qx] has
the same truth conditions as the DPL-formula 3xPx--~ Qx. This, of
course, is the key to D R T ' s successful treatment of donkey-sentences.
Having made these observations, we now turn to the definition of a
translation from the DRS-language into that of DPL. We translate both
DRS's and DRT-conditions into DPL-formulas. Blurring the syntactic and
semantic distinction between DRS's and conditions in this way is justified,
since DRT-conditions will translate into DPL-conditions, and the latter
are tests, i.e., their meaning and truth conditions in D P L are one-to-one
related. The translation t05 of a DRS or a condition 05 is defined as follows:
D E F I N I T I O N 28 ( D R T - t o - D P L translation).
1. t R h . . . t , = R h . . . t , .
2. t(tl = t.) = (h = t.).
3. t ~ @ = ~ t O .
4. t[Ot v ~21 = [t@~ v t02].
5. t[@l --> @21 -- [t@~ ~ ]'@21.
6. t [ x l . . , x~][@, . . . 0~] ----3 X l . . . 3xk[t@, A . . . A t@.].
F A C T 25
Examples such as those in (9) are taken to support the view that what
appears to be the quantificational force of an indefinite term, is in fact
either due to a different expression, a so-called 'adverb of quantification',
as in (9), or is implicit in the construction, as for example in the original
donkey-sentence (2). Following Lewis (1975), it is assumed that the sen-
tences in (9) are to be analyzed along the following lines. The main
operator is the adverb of quantification, which takes two arguments, the
antecedent and the consequent. The indefinite terms are treated as free
variables, which are unselectively bound by the main operator, which
determines the quantificational force. The antecedent serves as a restric-
tion on the unselective quantification. For the original donkey-sentence,
which lacks an overt adverb of quantification, i t is assumed that the
construction itself acts as a universal adverb of quantification.
At first sight, this argument seems not to be restricted to the traditional,
static quantificational analysis, but seems to apply to any quantificational
approach which associates a specific quantificational force with indefinite
terms. However, in view of our observations concerning the relationship
between D P L and D R T , this can not really be correct. In fact, it is not
difficult to incorporate the 'adverbs-of-quantification' analysis of sentences
such as (9) in DPL, thus showing its compatibility with a quantificational
treatment of indefinites.
Recall that in the interpretation clause of implication, there is universal
quantification over the output assignments of the antecedent:
[{05---~o ~0~ = {(g, h) l h = g & for Qk: (h, k) ~ ~05~,3j: (k, j) C ~t~}
Notice that this analysis works precisely because indefinite terms are ana-
lyzed as dynamically existentially quantified expressions. For this has the
effect that the quantification in the general scheme is restricted to the
variables which correspond to indefinite terms.
We do not intend this as a final analysis of adverbs of quantification,
since, for one thing, such an analysis has to be higher-order and inten-
sional, and D P L is only first-order and extensional. But we do take the
above to show that an 'adverbs-of-quantification' analysis is perfectly com-
patible with a quantificational analysis of indefinite terms, provided this
is a dynamic one.
After this intermezzo, we return to the formal comparison of D P L and
DRT. As we already remarked above, the formulation of a translation
from the DPL-language to the DRS-language, is more difficult than the
other way around. In fact, no strict interpretation-preserving translation
is possible, though one which preserves truth conditions is. We point out
the main features of such a translation, written as '§', without, however,
going into details.
Notice that the fact that D R T distinguishes between conditions and
DRS's, presents no problem. Defining a translation from DPL-formulas
into DRS's is sufficient, for as we saw above, any DRT-condition can
easily be turned into a DRS by means of empty DRT-quantification.
Now, there are three complications. The first concerns universal quanti-
fication, which is lacking in D R T . We can either use the definition of Vx05
in terms of ~ 3 x ~ 05, or turn §Vx05 directly into the condition [x][ ] --+ §05.
The remaining two complications, not surprisingly, stem from the two
essential differences between D R T and D P L which we noticed above.
Because D R T lacks a notion of DRS-conjunction, we cannot composi-
tionally translate a DPL-conjunction. Something like §[~bA 0] =
[ ][§qS, §to] would work only if both conjuncts are DPL-conditions, which,
of course, they need not be.
Similarly, no compositional translation of existentially quantified for-
mulas is possible either. Again, §3xq5 = [x]§q5 works only if q5 is a DPL-
condition. Suppose that ~b in its turn is 3yRxy. Then the resulting transl-
ation would be [x][y]Rxy. But this is not a well-formed DRS, since [y]Rxy
is not a DRT-condition.
To get things to work, we first need to define a special format for DPL-
formulas which enables us to translate them in a non-compositional, global
manner into DRS's. In order to arrive at the required format, any DPL-
formula q5 should be turned into a formula q~', such that any subformula
of ~b' is of the form 3xl . . . 3x,,to (n ~> 0), where tO is a DPL-condition.
It is possible to give an algorithm that has the required effect, but it is
not strictly meaning-preserving. The following two examples may serve to
illustrate this. Consider the formula Px A 3xQx. In order to give it the
right format, the existential quantifier in the second conjunct has to be
moved outside of the conjunction. But this can't be done, since there is
a free occurrence of x in the first conjunct. So, we have to resort to an
alphabetic variant: 3y[PxA Qy]. As a second example, consider
3xPx/x 3xQx. In this case, too, both quantifiers have to be moved outside
the conjunction, and then again, we need an alphabetic variant:
3x3y[Px A Qy]. The use of alphabetic variants implies that the algorithm
is not meaning preserving, for in D P L such variants have different mean-
ings: 3xq5 4~ 3y[y/x]ch.
These features of DPL-to-DRT-translation illustrate once more, we
think, what exactly makes D P L a more suitable instrument for semantic
analysis. Its dynamic notion of conjunction, and its dynamic and iterative
concept of existential quantification allow us to deal with various phenom-
ena in a simple, intuitive and compositional manner.
DEFINITION 29 (Syntax of Q D L ) .
1. T is a formula.
2. If t l . . . t, are individual constants or variables, R is an n-place
predicate, then R t l . . . tn is a formula.
3. If h and t2 are individual constants or variables, then t~ = t2 is a
4. If 05 is a f o r m u l a , then -7 05 is a formula.
5. If & and 0 are formulas, then [ & - + ~], [&/x 0] and [& v 0] are
6. If 05 is a f o r m u l a , then 3x05 is a formula.
7. If 05 is a f o r m u l a , then Vx05 is a formula.
8. If 05 is a f o r m u l a , then ?05 is a p r o g r a m .
9. If x is a variable, then x := r a n d o m is a p r o g r a m .
D E F I N I T I O N 30 (Semantics of QDL).
1. [[TI° D E = G.
2. ~ R t l . . , tn~QDL = {gl ( ~ f l ~ g . ' ' ~tn~g) • F ( R ) } .
3. [[tl = t2~QDL = {gl ~tl~g = ~t2~g}.
4. [[~ 05~ODL= {gig q~ [[05~ODL}.
5. ~05~ @~QDL= {g]g • I[05~QDL~ g • [[0~ODL}, and similarly for A, v.
6. [[3xO~°De = {g[ 3k: k[x]g & k • I[&~ODL}.
7. [[VX05~°DL = {gl Vk: k [ x ] g ~ k e [&~ODL}.
8. [[?05~Prog= {(g, h) I h = g a h • ~&~ODL}.
9. IX := random~ er°g = {(g, h)l h[x]g}.
10. b n ; ~-2~Pr°g -- {(g, h)l ?k: (g, k) • ~,B-I~Pr°g ~ (k, h) • ~3T2~Pr°g}.
11. I(~-)05~ODE = {gl 3h: (g, h> • [[Tr]]Pr°g & h • ~05~QDL},
12. [[[7r]05~QDL = {g] Vh: (g, h) • ~T~ er°g ~ h • I05~QDL},
First, we note that the language defined above can be economized rather
drastically. Of course, the interdefinability of the connectives and quanti-
tiers in PL carries over to QDL. But, moreover, as appears from the
following two equivalences, we can conclude that all that is characteristic
of PL can be eliminated altogether:
0 5 ~ 0 = [70510
3x05 -~ (x := random)05
So, in terms of negation, the test-operator, random assignments and one
of the two modal operators, all other logical constants can be defined.
As we noted above, DPL-formulas can be conceived of as a kind of
programs. The following definition presents a translation '~>' of DPL-
formulas into QDL-programs:
2. {>~05= ?-~(~>05)T.
The last but one of these clauses illustrates that in D P L we need not
introduce the existential quantifier syncategorematically: we could take
3x itself to be a formula of DPL, with the same interpretation as a random
assignment statement, and we could write 3x/x 6 instead of 3x6.
The following fact can be proven by induction on the complexity of 05:
D E F I N I T I O N 32 ( Q D L - t o - D P L translation).
1. <~T = T.
2. <~Rt, . . . & = Rtz . . . tn.
3. q~4=~<4.
4. q [ 4 - + ~] = [ q 4 - - + <~4,], and similarly for v and A.
5. q 3 X 4 = O3X<14.
6. < V x 4 = V x q 4.
7. q?4 = q4.
8. <~x := random = 3xT.
9. <[~ri; ~'2] = [<~vr~ A qvr~ I.
10. < < ~ ) 4 = o [ < , ~ A <4,1.
11. <~[rr]4= [ q r r - + < l ~ ] .
F A C T 29.
1. VM: [[4~ Q D L = \<~4\M ,
2. VM: ~ 4 ~ ; °g = ~<4~M.
[ uo] A x =
[ d , u e] = A
D E F I N I T I O N 34 (Program repetition).
Notice first of all, that unlike a DRT/DPL-analysis would have it, one
who utters (14), probably does not intend to spend all the quarters in his
pocket on the parking meter. Now, notice that a procedural meaning of
(14) could informally be paraphrased as " R e p e a t getting coins out of your
pocket until it is a quarter; then put it in the parking meter". So maybe
after all, adding repetition to D P L could add to its use as a tool in natural
language semantics.
As one of the referees pointed out, the Schubert and Pelletier analysis
can be dealt with in D P L in a more straightforward way, too. It would
suffice to define another notion of implication as follows:
~l---"> ~ : d e f ~ l (D V I l i A ~]]
See also Chierchia (1988, 1990), where this conservative notion of impli-
cation is argued for.
the predictions that D R T and DPL make here, are not borne out by the
facts. (See e.g. Roberts (1987, 1989), Kadmon (1987).) Consider the
following examples (which are (variants of) examples that can be found
in the literature):
(15) If a client turns up, you treat him politely. You offer him a
cup of coffee and ask him to wait
(16) Every player chooses a pawn. He puts it on square one.
(17) It is not true that John doesn't own a car. It is red, and it is
parked in front of his house
(18) Either there is no bathroom here, or it is in a funny place. In
any case, it is not on the first floor
So, on this approach, Vxq5 A 4, turns out to be equivalent with Vx[~b A 4,].
And if this is combined with a dynamic interpretation of implication,
Vx[~b -~ 4,] A X will be equivalent with Vx[q5 --+ [4, A/"]].
In a similar fashion, the third example may be taken to indicate that a
dynamic version of negation is needed for which the law of double ne-
gation holds.
The last example indicates that disjunction, too, can sometimes be
interpreted dynamically. This interpretation should make [q5 v 4,] A X
equivalent with ~b v [4' A 1"]. Notice that the dynamic interpretation of
disjunction that is at stake here, differs from the one discussed in Section
4.3. The latter, as we have seen, is essentially internally static, and only
externally dynamic, whereas the present notion is both internally and
externally dynamic. Also, their external dynamic behaviour is different:
[q5 U 4,] A X is equivalent with [4) A X] U [4, A 1'].
These observations characterize one way of dealing with such examples
as (15)-(18). We end our discussion of them with three remarks. First of
all, saying what the desired effect of the dynamic interpretations of the
logical constants involved are, is, of course, not the same as actually giving
the interpretations themselves. And secondly, the availability of suitable
dynamic interpretations would leave unanswered the question why it is
that the logical constants involved act dynamically in certain contexts, but
not in others. Finally, in view of the latter fact, one would not want to
postulate two independent interpretations. Rather, the static interpret-
ation should be available from the dynamic one by a general operation of
The first and the last issue are discussed at length in Groenendijk and
Stokhof (1990). There it is shown that using the richer framework of
DMG, the required dynamic interpretations can indeed be obtained, and
in such a fashion that the static interpretations are the closures of the
dynamic ones. As for the second point, this seems to be more an empirical
than a formal question, to which D M G as such does not provide an
From this, we conclude that the kind of dynamic approach to natural
language meaning that is advocated in this paper, is not restricted to the
particular form it has taken here, i.e., that of the DPL-system, but is
sufficiently rich to allow for alternative analyses and extensions (see, e.g.,
Chierchia (1988, 1990), Dekker (1990), van den Berg (1990)).
The primary motivation for the DPL-undertaking was that we were inter-
ested in the development of a compositional and non-representational
theory of meaning for discourses. Compositionality is the corner-stone of
all semantic theories in the logical tradition. As a consequence, it has
also been of prime importance in those approaches to natural language
semantics which use tools developed in the logical paradigm. However,
compositionality has been challenged as a property of natural language
semantics. Especially when dealing with the meaning of discourses people
have felt, and sometimes argued, that a compositional approach fails.
In the context of natural language semantics, we interpret composi-
tionality as primarily a methodological principle, which gets empirical,
computational, or philosophical import only when additional, and inde-
pendently motivated constraints are put on the syntactic or the semantic
part of the grammar that one uses. In other words, it being a methodolog-
ical starting point it is always possible to satisfy compositionality by simply
adjusting the syntactic and/or semantic tools one uses, unless that is, the
latter are constrained on independent grounds. In view of this interpret-
ation of compositionality, our interest in the possibility of a compositional
semantics of discourse is also primarily of a methodological nature. Faced
with non-compositional theories that give an account of interesting phe-
nomena in the semantics of natural language discourses, we wanted to
investigate the properties of a theory that is compositional and accounts
for the same facts. We knew in advance that such a theory should exist,
what we wanted to know is what it would look like: it might have been
that being compositional was the only thing that speaks in favour of such
a theory, in which case there would have been good reasons to abandon
As we already remarked in the introduction, beside these methodolog-
ical considerations, there may also be practical reasons to be interested
in trying to keep to compositionality. One such reason can be found in
computational requirements on the semantics of discourses, or texts. For
example, in a translation program one would like to be able to interpret
a text in an on-line manner, i.e., incrementally, processing and interpret-
ing each basic unit as it comes along, in the context created by the
interpretation of the text solar. Although certainly not the only way to
meet this requirement, compositionality is a most intuitive way to do so.
As such, on-line interpretation does not preclude that in the interpretation
of a unit of text, other things than the interpretation of the text sofar play
a role. But it does require that at any point in the processing of a text we
are able to say what the interpretation thus far is. In other words, it does
rule out approaches (such as DRT) in which the interpretation of a text
is a two-stage process, in which we first build a representation, which only
afterwards, i.e., at the end of the text, or a certain segment of it, mediates
interpretation of the text as such. So, from the viewpoint of a compu-
tational semantics, there is ample reason to try and keep to compositional-
Yet another reason is provided by certain philosophical considerations.
These concern the fact that non-compositional semantic theories usually
postulate a level of semantic representation, or 'logical form', in between
syntactic form and meaning proper, which is supposed to be a necessary
ingredient of a descriptively and explanatorily adequate theory. Consider
the following two sequences of sentences (the examples are due to Partee,
they are cited from Heim (1982)):
(25) I dropped ten marbles and found all of them, except for one.
It is probably under the sofa.
(26) I dropped ten marbles and found only nine of them. It is
probably under the sofa.
There is a marked contrast between these two sequences of sentences.
The first one is all right, and the pronoun it refers to the missing marble.
The second sequence, however, is out. Even though it may be perfectly
clear to us that the speaker is trying to refer to the missing marble with
the pronoun it, evidently, this is not the way to do this. Like most authors,
we start from the assumption that co-reference and anaphora are, by and
large semantic phenomena. ('By and large' in view of the fact that some-
times certain syntactic features are involved in pronoun resolution as well.
A case in point is syntactic gender in languages like German and Dutch.)
Therefore, we may take the following for granted: the contrast between
(23) and (24) marks a difference between the respective opening sen-
tences, and this difference is one of meaning, in the broad, intuitive sense
of the word. But what does this difference consist in? For notice that the
first sentences of (23) and (24) do characterize the same situation. There
is no difference in their truth conditions, therefore it seems that they
are semantically equivalent. Indeed, they are equivalent in any standard
semantic system that explicates meaning solely in terms of truth (or more
generally, denotation) conditions. And we speculate that it is for this
reason that many semanticists have taken the view that the difference in
question is one of (logical) form, of (semantic) representation, rather than
one of content.
For various reasons, we think that one should not adopt this point of
view too hastily. For, it means that one has to postulate an intermediate
level of representation in between natural language and its interpretation.
True, most semantic frameworks interpret natural language via translation
into a logical language, but the general methodological strategy here has
always been to make sure that the translation procedure is compositional,
and hence, in view of the compositional nature of the interpretation of the
logical language, in principle dispensable. The logical translation serves
practical purposes only, in principle it can be discarded. But notice that
the level of representation that is assumed if one views the difference
between (23) and (24) as one of form, is not of this (optional) nature.
The two sentences involved will be mapped onto different logical forms,
or semantic representations, which in their turn will receive an equivalent
interpretation. Accounting for the difference between (23) and (24) in this
way, makes the existence of this level of representation imperative, rather
than useful. It would be a necessary go-between natural language and its
meaning. So it seems that, perhaps without being aware of it, many have
put a constraint on the semantics: meaning is truth (denotation) con-
ditions. Then, indeed, compositionality becomes a contentfull, rather than
a methodological principle, and one which is falsified: the facts force the
existence of a level of semantic representation on us.
There are several reasons why we think that the move to a semantic
theory which assumes such an independent level of semantic representa-
tion, distinct both from syntactic structure and from meaning proper,
should be looked upon with reserve. First of all, there is the familiar,
almost commonplace reason of theoretical parsimony. Levels of represen-
tation, too, should not be multiplied beyond necessity, and although this
is perhaps not too exciting a comment to make, we feel that from a
methodological point of view it is still a sound one. Of course, its relevance
in the present context does presuppose that we are not really forced to
introduce such a level of semantic representation, that we can do without
it. Such a claim can not be substantiated in general, but it can be shown
to be correct in particular cases. And the development of the DPL-system
shows that, in the case at hand, the principle of compositionality has not
only negative implications, but also points positively towards a satisfactory
treatment of the issues involved. For the phenomena in question, no level
of representation is needed, for compositionality clearly guides towards a
notion of meaning which allows us to do without.
Be that as it may, our appeal to this methodological principle will be
waved by those who claim that there is empirical evidence for the existence
of a level of semantic representation. In fact, quite often when such a
mind and its operations that it stems from, when taken literally is, of
course, not philosophically neutral. Those who really subscribe to it face
the burden of showing that there are such things as 'mental' representa-
tions and the like, a task which is not without philosophical pitfalls.
Notoriously, these issues are as interesting as they are undecidable. Our
own opinion, for whatever it is worth, is that the calculating mind is a
m e t a p h o r rather than a model. It is a powerful metaphor, no doubt, on
which m a n y branches of 'cognitive' science are based, and sometimes it
can be helpful, even insightful. But it remains a way of speaking, rather
than a true description of the way we are. However, whatever stand one
would like to take here, it does not affect the point we want to make,
which is that it is better to try to keep ones semantic theory, like every
theory, as ontologically parsimonious and as philosophically neutral as
possible. The stronger claim goes against this, and hence has to be re-
jected, unless, somehow, proven.
As for the weaker claim, subscribing to it or not makes no real differ-
ence, but one has to be careful not to let it interfere with the way one
sets up ones semantic framework. The best way to go about, then, is to
carry on semantics as really a discipline of its own, not to consider it a
priori a branch of cognitive science, and to enter into the discussion of
the reality of mental representations in a 'modular' flame of mind.
It may be the case, though, that for some the acceptance of a level of
logical representation springs forth from a positive philosophical convic-
tion, viz., a belief in the deficiencies of natural language as a means to
convey meaning. Now such there may be (or not) when we consider
very specialized kinds of theoretical discourse, such as mathematics, or
philosophy, or particle physics. A n d again, natural language may be de-
ficient (or not) when we consider a special task that we want to be
performed in a certain way, such as running a theorem prover based on
natural deduction on natural language sentences, or such a thing. In such
cases, clearly there is r o o m for extension and revision, for regimentation
and confinement. But that is not what is at stake here. H e r e , it turns
on the question whether natural language structures themselves, as we
encounter them in spoken and written language, then and there are in
need of further clarification in order to convey what they are meant to
convey. In this matter, semantics, we feel, should start from the premiss
that natural language is all right. If anything is a perfect means to express
natural language meaning, natural language is. It can very well take care
of itself and is in no need of (psycho)logical reconstruction and improve-
ment in this respect. To be sure, that means taking a philosophical stand,
too, but one that is neutral with respect to the question whether there is
such a thing as an indispensable level of logical representation in seman-
tics. As we said above, if such there is, this has to be shown, not taken
for granted.
Our ideological point of view concerning the status of mental represen-
tations is in line with the methodological interpretation of the principle of
compositionality. As was already remarked above, this interpretation not
only forces us to reject certain approaches to the problems we started out
with, it also positively suggests us a proper solution. Compositionality
dictates that the meanings of (23) and (24) should be functions of the
meanings of their parts. We take it to be an obvious fact that the immedi-
ate components of the sequences of sentences (23) and (24) are the two
sentences of which they consist. Because of the difference in acceptability
we cannot but conclude that the first sentence of (23) and the first sentence
of (24) differ in meaning. Accepting the fact that their truth conditions
are the same, this leads to the inevitable conclusion that truth conditions
do not exhaust meaning. ('Do not exhaust m e a n i n g . . ,', because we do
want to stick to the idea that truth conditions are an essential ingredient
of meaning.) What compositionality strongly suggests, then, is that we
look for an essentially richer notion of meaning of which the truth con-
ditional one is a special case. Our claim is that the kind of dynamic
semantics that D P L is an instance of, naturally suggests itself as a first
step on the right track.
The first version of this paper was presented in June, 1987 at the
ASL/LSA-meeting in Stanford, and on several other occasions. A pre-final
version was prepared for the First European Summerschool on Natural
Language Processing, Logic and Knowledge Representation, held in
Groningen in July 1989.
At these and other meetings, and in correspondence, many friends and
colleagues have prompted even more questions and comments, which
have helped and stimulated us. We thank them, and the two anonynous
referees of Linguistics and Philosophy.
Since the summer of 1988, our ITLI-colleague Roel de Vrijer has joined
in with our work on DPL. More in particular, he has dedicated himself
to the development of a complete and sound proof theory for DPL. We
hope to report on the results in a separate, joined paper. Some of the
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University of Amsterdam
Department of Philosophy
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NL-IOI2 CP Amsterdam