On the Intersection of Computational Geometry Algorithms
with Mobile Robot Path Planning
Ehsan Latif and Ramviyas Parasuraman *
1. Introduction
Computing geometric (CG) attributes of groups of geometric objects in space, such as
the straightforward above/below connection of a given point concerning a particular line,
is the focus of CG. CG is more broadly concerned with creating and evaluating geometric
Citation: Latif, E.; Parasuraman, R.
problem-solving algorithms. In the mathematical discipline of CG [1], practical algorithms
On the Intersection of Computational
for resolving geometric input and output issues are designed, analyzed, and put into
Geometry Algorithms with Mobile
practice. It can also refer to the solid modeling methods used to control surfaces, curves, and
Robot Path Planning. Algorithms 2023,
pattern recognition. The late 1970s saw the creation of this field, which quickly advanced
16, 498. https://doi.org/10.3390/
through the 1990s to reach its current state. The study of sorting and searching algorithms
employed in one-dimensional spaces to address problems involving multi-dimensional
Academic Editor: Michele Scquizzato inputs led to the development of computation-based geometry. Its story also influenced
and Gopal Pandurangan insights from computational graph theories used in natural geometric settings. Problems
Received: 27 September 2023 in two-dimensional and, rarely, three-dimensional space were the primary emphasis of this
Revised: 23 October 2023 field in the beginning [2].
Accepted: 25 October 2023 Most researchers assume that the space’s dimension is a tiny constant when consid-
Published: 27 October 2023 ering mathematical issues within multi-dimensional environments. However, scholars
who concentrated on discrete algorithms rather than numerical analysis were the ones
who founded this field. They also focused on the characteristics of geometric problems
rather than conventional continuous questions. As a result, most of the objects in this field
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
are flat and straight, including lines, polygons, planes, and line segments. It occasionally
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
employs curved things like circles, but avoids solid modeling issues with intricate curves
This article is an open access article
and surfaces [3].
distributed under the terms and
Robotics is the study of the creation and application of robots. Robots are geometric
conditions of the Creative Commons
items that function in a three-dimensional space or the actual world; therefore, it stands to
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
reason that geometry issues emerge frequently. The design of robots and the work cells
in which they must function present additional geometric challenges. The majority of
industrial robots are fixed-base robot arms. The parts that the robot arm manipulates must
be provided in a way that makes it simple for the robot to grip them. It might be necessary
to paralyze some components for the robot to work on them. Before the robot can work on
them, they might need to be turned toward a known orientation. All of these issues are
geometric, occasionally with a kinematic element.
The path planning issue, in which a robot must discover a path across an environment
with obstacles, is discussed in detail in a later section of this review. We examine simple,
complex path-planning problems in this article. The broader issue of task planning has
several sub-problems, one of which is motion planning. Giving a robot high-level tasks,
such as “vacuuming the room”, and then letting the robot decide how to carry them out is
desirable. Planning motions, the sequence in which to complete sub-tasks, and other things
fall within this category.
Methodology: This is a brief review of the intersection of CG and mobile robot
path planning. To provide a structured overview, this paper adopts a systematic review
methodology as discussed below:
1. First, the scope of path planning is clearly demarcated into two primary areas: single-
robot and multi-robot systems;
2. The review predominantly focuses on the literature published between 2016 and 2023,
considering papers using CG in mobile robots, ensuring relevance and incorporation
of the latest advancements in the field; however, to discuss the foundational work on
computational geometry, we have considered pioneering works from the years 1969
to 2008;
3. We also have taken articles from the winners of CG-SHOP 2021, as they are the most
relevant and recent works on the discussed topic;
4. During the literature search, keywords such as “computational geometry in robot
path planning”, “single-robot path planning”, “multi-robot coordination”, and “kino-
dynamic path planning” were employed. These were searched across renowned
databases like IEEE Xplore, Google Scholar, and ScienceDirect;
5. Subsequently, the selected literature was examined based on specific criteria such as
relevance to the topic, citation count, and the novelty of the proposed solutions;
6. The extracted information was then organized and synthesized to offer a comparative
analysis, using features such as algorithmic complexity, optimality, scalability, and real-
world applicability for comparing various solutions.
Through this methodical approach, this review aims not only to present a thorough
understanding of existing solutions, but also to highlight the gaps and potential avenues
for future research, underscoring the authors’ contributions to this evolving domain.
This review primarily focuses on CG-based complex optimization solutions for path-
planning problems in single- and multi-robot systems.
that gave rise to the field of computational geometry, which is frequently referred to
as a new one in the area of computing science;
• Others would argue that it started 10 years earlier with Robin Forrest’s Ph.D. thesis at
Cambridge University in 1968 [10], or possibly with his later papers on computational
geometry [4];
• Finally, others would argue that the formal examination of Minsky and Papert [11]
into which geometric properties of a figure can and cannot be identified (computed)
using different neural network models of computation is where it all started.
Fundamental theories and algorithms mentioned in the Handbook on Computational
Geometry [2] are convex hull computations, Voronoi diagrams, Delaunay triangulation,
arrangements, triangulation and mesh generation, polygons, shortest paths, proximity
algorithms, visibility graphs, geometric reconstruction, curve and surface reconstruction,
computational convexity, and computational and quantitative real algebraic geometry.
Here, we demonstrate the application of computational geometry in robotics to solve
specific path-planning problems for single- and multi-robotic systems.
To solve a problem using computational geometry, the following components are re-
• Size of input to the algorithm;
• Dimension of the problem;
• Properly defined constraints;
• Objective functions;
• Modality of the algorithm.
Figure 1 depicts the overview of CG-based problem-solving specific to robotics and
path-planning problems. The CG-based solutions can be extended to a path-planning
problem for multiple robots by considering a distributed algorithm running on each robot
for achieving common objectives.
Single robot system Path planning Sampling based
Multi-robot system Obstacle Avoidance planners
Formulate Desgin
Problem in Specific geometric Algorithms to solve
application domain problem geometric problem
1.2. Robotics
Creating autonomous robots—robots that can be instructed on what to do without
being trained on how to do it—is one of robotics’ ultimate objectives. This necessitates a
robot having the ability to arrange its movements.
A robot needs to have some understanding of the environment through which it is
passing to be able to plan its motion. A mobile robot moving around in a plant, for instance,
needs to be aware of where impediments are. A floor plan can provide information, such as
where walls and equipment are situated. The robot will have to rely on its sensors for more
details. It should recognize barriers that are not shown on the floor plan, such as humans.
The robot must move to its objective position using the environment’s information without
encountering any obstacles.
Whenever a robot of any kind wishes to move to a physical location, this path-planning
problem must be resolved. The explanation above presupposes that we have an au-
tonomous robot roaming a manufacturing setting.
Algorithms 2023, 16, 498 4 of 15
2. Path Planning
Mobile robots, unmanned aircraft, and autonomous vehicles use path-planning algo-
rithms to find the safest, most effective, collision-free, and most minor expensive routes
between two points. Point-to-point navigation can be made safe and efficient by se-
lecting the correct path-planning algorithm. However, the best algorithm depends on
the robot geometry and computing constraints, including statically/holonomically and
dynamically/non-holonomically constrained systems, and it necessitates a thorough un-
derstanding of current solutions.
A continuous path connecting a robot from an initial to a final goal configuration must
be found in path planning, a non-deterministic polynomial-time (“NP”) hard problem [12].
As the robot’s degrees of freedom rise, the problem becomes more difficult. Then, the best
course of action (the optimal path) will be chosen based on restrictions and requirements,
such as the shortest distance between two points or the shortest time to travel without
colliding. Sometimes, goals and limits coexist, such as when attempting to reduce energy
use without increasing journey time past a certain point. Figure 2 delineates the path
planning with obstacle avoidance along with the computational geometric planners.
CG Guided Path
Obstacle Goal
(xob,yob) (xg,yg)
Direct Path
Computational Geometric Path Planners
A* re-
Centralized Decentralized
labeled unlabeled
Figure 3. Taxonomy of robotic algorithms using computational geometry for path planning.
the integral 0 ||π 0 (t)||dt, where ||π 0 (t)|| signifies the velocity or rate of change of the
robot’s configuration.
Optimal Planners: The shortest path evaluation for the known static environment is a
two-level problem that entails the selection of feasible node pairs. The most straightforward
path evaluation is based on the obtained possible node pairs [14]. Therefore, A* and re-
planner are used for shortest path evaluation based on the information regarding the
obstacles present in the environment. However, the approach is ineffective and unworkable
in dynamic contexts since neither of the above conditions exists. The algorithm uses a
heuristic to estimate the cost from the current node to the goal. Let G = (V, E) be a graph
where V is the set of vertices and E is the edges. For a given node n, let g(n) denote the
cost of the shortest path from the start node to n and h(n) be the heuristic estimate of the
cost from node n to the goal. The A* algorithm evaluates nodes by combining g(n) and
h(n) to form f (n), defined as
f ( n ) = g ( n ) + h ( n ). (1)
The objective of the A* algorithm is to minimize f (n), ensuring that the algorithm is
both complete (it will find a solution if one exists) and optimal (it will find the shortest
possible path), provided that the heuristic h(n) is admissible (never overestimates the
actual cost to reach the goal) and consistent (satisfies the triangle inequality).
D* [15] and its variants are suggested practical tools for speedy re-planning in con-
gested contexts to facilitate path planning in dynamic environments.
Randomized Planners: Rapidly exploring random trees (RRTs) [16], and a hybrid
strategy that combines Relaxed A* (RA*) [17] with one meta-heuristic algorithm as D*, and
its variations do not guarantee solution quality in significant dynamic contexts. In RRT,
given a configuration space C, the algorithm iteratively builds a tree T rooted at the starting
configuration qstart . For each iteration, a random sample qrand is drawn from C, and the
nearest node qnear from the tree T to qrand is determined. A new node qnew is then added
to the tree T by moving from qnear towards qrand by a specified distance. The process is
repeated until a termination condition is met, e.g., reaching qgoal or after a certain number
of iterations.
The hybrid technique consists of two phases: an initialization phase where the al-
gorithm is initialized using RA* and a post-optimization degree where the quality of the
solution identified in the earlier stage is improved using one heuristic method. Like A*,
RA* maintains a heuristic function h(n) for estimating the cost from node n to the goal.
The function f (n) in RA* is defined similarly as in A*:
However, RA* can operate in two phases: the search phase and the repair phase. In the
search phase, RA* behaves like A*, finding an initial path. During the repair phase,
if the costs of edges change, RA* updates the costs in its open list and re-plans, repairing
the path without re-exploring the entire space. The Genetic, Ant colony, and Firefly
algorithms—three meta-heuristic algorithms—are also counted as randomized planners.
These seek to offer valuable features in support of a hybrid approach to path planning.
Sampling-based Planners: A sampling-based method of path planning [18] elimi-
nates non-free configurations from a set of randomly chosen configurations. The edges
are utilized to represent edges and are placed on the roadmap as collision-free paths.
The sampling density can be increased in certain areas to hasten the roadmap connection.
For instance, the oft-employed RRT generates a random configuration at each step and
identifies the configuration most similar to the sample in the current tree. Other sampling
techniques, such as expansive-space trees (EST) [19] and rapidly exploring random trees
(RRTs) [16], presuppose that the initial and target configurations are known. EST evenly
distributes samples in the undiscovered regions of the configuration space and then at-
tempts to connect them to the tree, in contrast to RRTs’ quick exploration of the space by
extending from a tree towards random samples.
Algorithms 2023, 16, 498 7 of 15
The EST algorithm aims to grow a tree in the configuration space C by placing more
samples in less-explored regions. Let T be a tree rooted at the starting configuration qstart .
The algorithm proceeds with the following general steps:
1. Select a random sample qrand from C;
2. Determine a region R in C such that the probability of selecting a sample from R is
inversely proportional to the volume of C already explored by T in R;
3. If qrand lies in R, attempt to connect qrand to the nearest node qnear in the tree T;
4. Add qrand to T if a valid connection is established.
Mathematically, the probability P( R) of selecting a sample in region R can be repre-
sented as
Vunexplored ( R)
P( R) = (3)
Vtotal ( R)
where Vunexplored ( R) denotes the volume of the region R that remains unexplored by T and
Vtotal ( R) is the total volume of R.
Conventional sampling-based planners cannot determine the absence of a solution to
a given problem. Disconnection proofs, which can establish that two given configurations
dwell in two different free-space components in specific circumstances, are the subject of
several works [20].
Optimal Sampling-based Planners: Probabilistic Roadmap (PRM) and RRT*, varia-
tions of PRM, are discussed, demonstrating their asymptotical optimality, in [21]. Addi-
tional neighbors for connection and a rewiring strategy are needed for RRT to be converted
into an optimal planner. This guarantees that the resulting roadmap has a tree structure.
A general paradigm for the asymptotic analysis of sampling-based planners is described in
a recent paper [22].
PRM constructs a roadmap in the configuration space C by randomly sampling con-
figurations and attempting to connect them. Let G = (V, E) be a graph where V is the set
of vertices (sampled configurations) and E is the set of edges (valid paths).
1. For i = 1 to n, sample a configuration qrand from C;
2. If qrand is collision-free, add it to V;
3. For each q ∈ V, attempt to connect q to k nearest neighbors in V that are collision-free;
4. Add valid connections to E.
After constructing the roadmap, search algorithms like A* can be used to find a path
from qstart to qgoal .
On the other hand, RRT* is an optimization over the traditional RRT to ensure asymp-
totic optimality. Given a tree T rooted at qstart :
1. Sample a random configuration qrand from C;
2. Find the nearest node qnear in T to qrand ;
3. Attempt to connect qrand to T through qnear , resulting in qnew ;
4. If the connection is valid, look for nodes in T within a radius r of qnew and attempt to
rewire the tree to minimize the path cost.
The rewiring ensures that T not only spans the configuration space, but also converges
to an optimal solution as the number of samples increases.
The framework takes advantage of a connection between such planners and conven-
tional models of random geometric graphs, which have been thoroughly studied for many
years and have many of their characteristics figured out by this point. Asymptotic features,
or those with a high probability as the number of samples goes to infinity, are the focus
of most analyses for sampling-based algorithms. For example, recent research [23] offers
bounds on the likelihood of obtaining a PRM* solution that is close to optimal after a
finite number of iterations. Additionally, we point out that the Fast Marching Technique
(FMT*) [24] examines a setup comparable to this one for the algorithm, albeit for a specific
situation of an obstacle-free workspace.
Algorithms 2023, 16, 498 8 of 15
Centralized Planner (labeled/colored): The robots are divided into k groups (colors),
with each group having replaceable robots, and a centralized algorithm for k-color multi-
robot motion planning is given in [30]. Each robot must go to one of the target positions
designated for its group, ensuring that, after the motion, precisely one robot occupies each
target position. The continuous multi-robot issue and a discrete variation of it known as
pebble motion on graphs are related in this study.
Consider that the robots are partitioned into k groups or colors. Robots within each
group are interchangeable. The motion-planning problem for these k-colored robots is
Algorithms 2023, 16, 498 10 of 15
presented in [30]. Each robot aims to move to one of the target positions designated for its
group, ensuring that
Algorithm Category Best Case Worst Case Average Case Optimality Update Cost Abbreviations
b—no. of obstacles,
Labeled [30] Centralized O(n × m) O(2n × m) O(b × n × m) complete low m—no. of robots,
n—no. of cells
Unlabeled [32] Centralized O(logn) O ( n3 ) O(n2/3 ) complete low n—number of cells
Reciprocal [33] Decentralized O(µ × n × m) O(µ × n × m) - sub high µ—makespan factor
Game-theoretic [34] Decentralized O(e × n) O(e × n) - sub high e—depth factor
w—number of
Shadok [35] Distributed O ( w2 ) O ( w2 ) - sub high
labeled units
w—maximum space
UNIST [28] Distributed O ( w3 ) O ( w3 ) - sub high
k—number of
robots and
Gitastrophe k-opt [29] Distributed O(k × w) O(k × w) - complete moderate
w—number of
| R| = | P| (5)
strategies. Most recent approaches use CG for multi-robot path planning while considering
kino-dynamic constraints. For instance, Agarwal et al. [39] introduced a novel approach to
multi-robot motion planning for unit discs utilizing revolving areas. Leveraging computa-
tional geometry, their strategy effectively handles robots as moving discs, focusing on the
dynamic rearrangement of space while avoiding collisions. Although the approach excels
in handling dynamic obstacles, its complexity tends to grow rapidly with the number of
robots, posing scalability challenges.
On the other hand, Şenbaşlar and Sukhatme [40] proposed an asynchronous real-
time decentralized planner that emphasizes the real-time nature of multi-robot systems.
By avoiding central synchronization, their approach offers significant speedups, but at the
potential cost of suboptimal paths. Choi et al. [41] explored parabolic relaxation techniques
for motion planning, providing a unique intersection between computational geometry and
optimization. However, the method may struggle with environments having numerous
narrow passages due to its relaxed nature. Wang et al. [42] presented a coordination-free
approach that integrates topological reasoning. By focusing on congestion reduction, their
strategy ensures smoother navigation even in crowded scenarios, though it may sometimes
lead to longer paths. Lastly, Zhang et al. [43] delved into an MIP-based approach for both
geometric tasks and motion planning, offering a comprehensive solution. While their
method stands out for addressing both task allocation and motion planning, it demands
high computational resources, especially for larger teams of robots. These approaches are
considered geometric as well as physical constraints of the multi-robot systems and are
applicable under certain conditions. The following are the distributed approaches used in
CG-SHOP 2021 for multi-robot path planning.
Therein, p(0) and p(k) are the first and last positions of the path P, and δr ( p) is the obstacle-
avoiding distance from a point p to the target of the robot r. We can always swap start-target
positions and reverse the pathways, preserving the best solution identified, because the
problem is symmetric over time. Their strategy begins with transforming path planning
into SAT problems to make it tractable, then applying A* for trivial optimization along
with the cross, Cotty catcher, dichotomy, and escape strategies. Later, they improved their
solution by using feasible and conflict optimizers. All the strategies work in parallel; overall
computation complexity is polynomial.
Algorithms 2023, 16, 498 12 of 15
UNIST Simulated Annealing Approach: The UNIST method [28] consists of three
components. A feasible solution is first calculated to move each robot from its beginning
to its goal point through a middle point. This is performed by setting intermediate points
outside the minimum bounding box created by the input positions of the robots and
obstacles. The second uses a straightforward local search strategy that involves regularly
deleting and inserting a random robot along an ideal path. As a result of the robots no
longer having to pass through the midway locations, the quality of the solution is improved.
Finally, simulated annealing is used to enhance this workable solution further. To improve
the feasible solution, UNIST has picked a robot i, deleted it from G, and inserted it again
using the feasible solution. It may greatly improve this robot, as it no longer has to go
through its middle-point mi . UNIST calls this operation a tightening move (see Figure 4).
UNIST used two alternative types of moves: either tightening the robot’s whole trajectory
or stretching it between two places by having the robot pass through a third intermediate
point that was randomly created. They have run the deletion and insertion procedures
2w times and obtained a feasible solution in O(w3 ) time, where w is the maximum-sized
dimension of world space.
3. Future Directions
CG has excellent potential for optimally solving robotic path-planning problems,
as evidenced by the approaches above. However, there is still space to work on exploiting
CG for multi-robotic systems. Future studies should concentrate on the following areas:
Optimality and time complexity tradeoff: Optimal methods, such as DFS, A*, and D*,
have a high computational cost in achieving optimal answers; randomized and sampling-
based algorithms, on the other hand, produce sub-optimal and approximation solutions
in less time. To achieve overall path-planning efficiency, the correct balance between
optimality and execution time is essential;
Robot adaptability and cost efficiency: The dynamic environmental parameters of
the robot may impact its movements and cause unwanted performance reduction. Robots
may lack adaptability and become stuck in classic deadlock scenarios. To seek a collision-
free path in an unknown environment with uncertain obstacles, a robot with the ability
to change operating behavior over time is required. In addition to increasing the number
of onboard sensors when dealing with complicated surroundings, the computation cost
may be considerable, due to their high memory needs and processing expense. As a
result, the computation cost considerations must be addressed when creating a proper
CPP environment model. The hybrid algorithm is an intriguing invention for managing
environmental change at the lowest possible cost;
Path Smoothness: In networked multi-robotic systems, communication dependability
and connectivity coverage are critical. Because of its limited communication and sensory
capabilities, the robot cannot regenerate the optimum path if the unexpected occurs, low-
ering the effective planning ratio. One of the issues that must be handled is a kinematic
constraint of the robot, such as path curvature. Trajectory smoothing on a quick turn
enables fast-moving robots such as drones to deliver an effective inertia motion transfer
to decrease power consumption and prevent premature mechanical damage. As a result,
a smooth path must be projected while adhering to the planned route;
Open Questions: There are open questions that can be addressed through the ex-
ploitation of CG in robotics. For example, we can use CG to determine if it is appropriate
to employ an optimizing sampling-based planner or a non-optimizing sampling-based
planner. Further, CG-based optimization techniques can be applied to optimize the re-
sulting path for low computationally powered robots. We can also analyze convergence
rates for sampling-based algorithms and give a defined length of time. Finally, CG can be
helpful in solving the problems related to path planning for controlling non-holonomic and
under-controlled robots.
4. Conclusions
Practical algorithms for addressing geometric input and output problems are devised,
examined, and applied in the mathematical field of CG. It can also describe the solid
modeling techniques for modifying surfaces and curves and allude to pattern recognition.
CG is a broad field that includes ideas to address challenging optimization issues like path
planning for robotic systems. The foundations of CG are discussed, along with how it
can be used to solve well-known automated path-planning problems in both single-robot
and multi-robot systems. We also go over three CG-SHOP 2021 competition winners’
algorithms to demonstrate the applicability of CG in multi-robotic systems and highlight
open CG-/robotics-related problems.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, E.L.; writing—draft, review, and editing, E.L. and R.P.;
supervision, R.P. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Algorithms 2023, 16, 498 14 of 15
The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:
CG Computational Geometry
PRM Probabilistic Road Map
DFS Depth First Search
RRT Rapidly-exploring Random Tree
EST Expansive-Space Tree
FM Fast Marching
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