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Arria® 10 Core Fabric and General

Purpose I/Os Handbook

Online Version 683461

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1. Logic Array Blocks and Adaptive Logic Modules in Arria® 10 Devices.............................. 7

1.1. LAB..................................................................................................................... 7
1.1.1. MLAB....................................................................................................... 8
1.1.2. Local and Direct Link Interconnects ............................................................. 9
1.1.3. Shared Arithmetic Chain and Carry Chain Interconnects ............................... 10
1.1.4. LAB Control Signals..................................................................................11
1.1.5. ALM Resources ....................................................................................... 12
1.1.6. ALM Output ............................................................................................13
1.2. ALM Operating Modes .......................................................................................... 14
1.2.1. Normal Mode ..........................................................................................14
1.2.2. Extended LUT Mode..................................................................................17
1.2.3. Arithmetic Mode ..................................................................................... 18
1.2.4. Shared Arithmetic Mode ...........................................................................20
1.3. LAB Power Management Techniques ...................................................................... 21
1.4. Logic Array Blocks and Adaptive Logic Modules in Arria 10 Devices Revision History...... 21
2. Embedded Memory Blocks in Arria 10 Devices.............................................................. 22
2.1. Types of Embedded Memory.................................................................................. 22
2.1.1. Embedded Memory Capacity in Arria 10 Devices.......................................... 23
2.2. Embedded Memory Design Guidelines for Arria 10 Devices........................................ 23
2.2.1. Consider the Memory Block Selection..........................................................23
2.2.2. Guideline: Implement External Conflict Resolution........................................ 24
2.2.3. Guideline: Customize Read-During-Write Behavior........................................24
2.2.4. Guideline: Consider Power-Up State and Memory Initialization....................... 27
2.2.5. Guideline: Control Clocking to Reduce Power Consumption............................ 28
2.3. Embedded Memory Features................................................................................. 28
2.4. Embedded Memory Modes.....................................................................................29
2.4.1. Embedded Memory Configurations for Single-port Mode................................ 30
2.4.2. Embedded Memory Configurations for Dual-port Modes................................. 31
2.5. Embedded Memory Clocking Modes........................................................................ 32
2.5.1. Clocking Modes for Each Memory Mode....................................................... 32
2.5.2. Asynchronous Clears in Clocking Modes...................................................... 33
2.5.3. Output Read Data in Simultaneous Read/Write.............................................33
2.5.4. Independent Clock Enables in Clocking Modes..............................................33
2.6. Parity Bit in Embedded Memory Blocks....................................................................33
2.7. Byte Enable in Embedded Memory Blocks................................................................33
2.7.1. Byte Enable Controls in Memory Blocks....................................................... 34
2.7.2. Data Byte Output.....................................................................................34
2.7.3. RAM Blocks Operations............................................................................. 34
2.8. Memory Blocks Packed Mode Support..................................................................... 35
2.9. Memory Blocks Address Clock Enable Support..........................................................35
2.10. Memory Blocks Asynchronous Clear...................................................................... 36
2.11. Memory Blocks Error Correction Code Support....................................................... 37
2.11.1. Error Correction Code Truth Table............................................................. 38
2.12. Embedded Memory Blocks in Arria 10 Devices Revision History................................ 38
3. Variable Precision DSP Blocks in Arria 10 Devices........................................................ 40
3.1. Supported Operational Modes in Arria 10 Devices.....................................................40

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3.1.1. Features................................................................................................. 42
3.2. Resources........................................................................................................... 43
3.3. Design Considerations.......................................................................................... 44
3.3.1. Operational Modes................................................................................... 45
3.3.2. Internal Coefficient and Pre-Adder for Fixed-Point Arithmetic......................... 46
3.3.3. Accumulator for Fixed-Point Arithmetic....................................................... 46
3.3.4. Chainout Adder........................................................................................46
3.3.5. DSP Block Cascade Limit in Agilex™ 7 Devices..............................................46
3.4. Block Architecture................................................................................................46
3.4.1. Input Register Bank................................................................................. 48
3.4.2. Pipeline Register...................................................................................... 51
3.4.3. Pre-Adder for Fixed-Point Arithmetic........................................................... 52
3.4.4. Internal Coefficient for Fixed-Point Arithmetic.............................................. 52
3.4.5. Multipliers............................................................................................... 52
3.4.6. Adder..................................................................................................... 52
3.4.7. Accumulator and Chainout Adder for Fixed-Point Arithmetic........................... 53
3.4.8. Systolic Registers for Fixed-Point Arithmetic................................................ 53
3.4.9. Double Accumulation Register for Fixed-Point Arithmetic............................... 54
3.4.10. Output Register Bank..............................................................................54
3.5. Operational Mode Descriptions...............................................................................54
3.5.1. Operational Modes for Fixed-Point Arithmetic............................................... 55
3.5.2. Operational Modes for Floating-Point Arithmetic........................................... 61
3.6. Variable Precision DSP Blocks in Arria 10 Devices Revision History.............................. 68
4. Clock Networks and PLLs in Arria 10 Devices................................................................ 71
4.1. Clock Networks....................................................................................................71
4.1.1. Clock Resources in Arria 10 Devices........................................................... 72
4.1.2. Hierarchical Clock Networks.......................................................................74
4.1.3. Types of Clock Networks........................................................................... 76
4.1.4. Clock Network Sources............................................................................. 79
4.1.5. Clock Control Block.................................................................................. 80
4.1.6. Clock Power Down....................................................................................83
4.1.7. Clock Enable Signals................................................................................ 83
4.2. Arria 10 PLLs.......................................................................................................84
4.2.1. PLL Usage............................................................................................... 86
4.2.2. PLL Architecture.......................................................................................86
4.2.3. PLL Control Signals.................................................................................. 87
4.2.4. Clock Feedback Modes.............................................................................. 87
4.2.5. Clock Multiplication and Division.................................................................88
4.2.6. Programmable Phase Shift........................................................................ 89
4.2.7. Programmable Duty Cycle......................................................................... 89
4.2.8. PLL Cascading......................................................................................... 90
4.2.9. Reference Clock Sources........................................................................... 90
4.2.10. Clock Switchover....................................................................................91
4.2.11. PLL Reconfiguration and Dynamic Phase Shift.............................................97
4.3. Clock Networks and PLLs in Arria 10 Devices Revision History.................................... 97
5. I/O and High Speed I/O in Arria 10 Devices............................................................... 100
5.1. I/O and Differential I/O Buffers in Arria 10 Devices................................................. 101
5.2. I/O Standards and Voltage Levels in Arria 10 Devices..............................................102
5.2.1. I/O Standards Support for FPGA I/O in Arria 10 Devices.............................. 102

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5.2.2. I/O Standards Support for HPS I/O in Arria 10 Devices................................103

5.2.3. I/O Standards Voltage Levels in Arria 10 Devices........................................103
5.3. Altera FPGA I/O IP Cores for Arria 10 Devices........................................................ 105
5.4. I/O Resources in Arria 10 Devices........................................................................ 106
5.4.1. GPIO Banks, SERDES, and DPA Locations in Arria 10 Devices....................... 106
5.4.2. GPIO Buffers and LVDS Channels in Arria 10 Devices.................................. 111
5.4.3. I/O Banks Groups in Arria 10 Devices....................................................... 114
5.4.4. I/O Vertical Migration for Arria 10 Devices................................................. 120
5.5. Architecture and General Features of I/Os in Arria 10 Devices.................................. 121
5.5.1. I/O Element Structure in Arria 10 Devices................................................. 121
5.5.2. Features of I/O Pins in Arria 10 Devices.....................................................123
5.5.3. Programmable IOE Features in Arria 10 Devices......................................... 124
5.5.4. On-Chip I/O Termination in Arria 10 Devices.............................................. 131
5.5.5. External I/O Termination for Arria 10 Devices.............................................141
5.6. High Speed Source-Synchronous SERDES and DPA in Arria 10 Devices...................... 149
5.6.1. Arria 10 LVDS SERDES Usage Modes.........................................................150
5.6.2. SERDES Circuitry................................................................................... 151
5.6.3. SERDES I/O Standards Support in Arria 10 Devices.................................... 151
5.6.4. Differential Transmitter in Arria 10 Devices................................................ 152
5.6.5. Differential Receiver in Arria 10 Devices.................................................... 154
5.6.6. PLLs and Clocking for Arria 10 Devices...................................................... 162
5.6.7. Timing and Optimization for Arria 10 Devices............................................. 174
5.7. Using the I/Os and High Speed I/Os in Arria 10 Devices.......................................... 178
5.7.1. I/O and High-Speed I/O General Guidelines for Arria 10 Devices...................178
5.7.2. Mixing Voltage-Referenced and Non-Voltage-Referenced I/O Standards......... 181
5.7.3. Guideline: Maximum Current Driving I/O Pins While Turned Off and During
Power Sequencing.................................................................................. 182
5.7.4. Guideline: Using the I/O Pins in HPS Shared I/O Banks............................... 182
5.7.5. Guideline: Maximum DC Current Restrictions............................................. 183
5.7.6. Guideline: LVDS SERDES IP Core Instantiation........................................... 183
5.7.7. Guideline: LVDS SERDES Pin Pairs for Soft-CDR Mode................................. 183
5.7.8. Guideline: Minimizing High Jitter Impact on Arria 10 GPIO Performance......... 183
5.7.9. Guideline: Usage of I/O Bank 2A for External Memory Interfaces.................. 185
5.8. I/O and High Speed I/O in Arria 10 Devices Revision History.................................... 185
6. External Memory Interfaces in Arria 10 Devices......................................................... 192
6.1. Key Features of the Arria 10 External Memory Interface Solution.............................. 192
6.2. Memory Standards Supported by Arria 10 Devices..................................................193
6.3. External Memory Interface Widths in Arria 10 Devices.............................................194
6.4. External Memory Interface I/O Pins in Arria 10 Devices........................................... 195
6.4.1. Guideline: Usage of I/O Bank 2A for External Memory Interfaces.................. 195
6.5. Memory Interfaces Support in Arria 10 Device Packages.......................................... 196
6.5.1. Arria 10 Package Support for DDR3 x40 with ECC...................................... 197
6.5.2. Arria 10 Package Support for DDR3 x72 with ECC Single and Dual-Rank........ 199
6.5.3. Arria 10 Package Support for DDR4 x40 with ECC....................................... 201
6.5.4. Arria 10 Package Support for DDR4 x72 with ECC Single-Rank..................... 203
6.5.5. Arria 10 Package Support for DDR4 x72 with ECC Dual-Rank........................205
6.5.6. HPS External Memory Interface Connections in Arria 10.............................. 206
6.6. External Memory Interface IP Support in Arria 10 Devices....................................... 210
6.6.1. Ping Pong PHY IP....................................................................................211
6.7. External Memory Interface Architecture of Arria 10 Devices..................................... 212

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6.7.1. I/O Bank...............................................................................................212

6.7.2. I/O AUX................................................................................................ 222
6.8. External Memory Interface in Arria 10 Devices Revision History................................ 224
7. Configuration, Design Security, and Remote System Upgrades in Arria 10 Devices.....226
7.1. Enhanced Configuration and Configuration via Protocol...........................................226
7.2. Configuration Schemes....................................................................................... 227
7.2.1. Active Serial Configuration.......................................................................228
7.2.2. Passive Serial Configuration..................................................................... 237
7.2.3. Fast Passive Parallel Configuration............................................................ 242
7.2.4. JTAG Configuration................................................................................. 246
7.3. Configuration Details.......................................................................................... 249
7.3.1. MSEL Pin Settings.................................................................................. 249
7.3.2. CLKUSR................................................................................................ 250
7.3.3. Configuration Sequence.......................................................................... 252
7.3.4. Configuration Timing Waveforms.............................................................. 256
7.3.5. Estimating Configuration Time................................................................. 259
7.3.6. Device Configuration Pins........................................................................ 260
7.3.7. Configuration Data Compression.............................................................. 263
7.4. Remote System Upgrades Using Active Serial Scheme.............................................264
7.4.1. Configuration Images............................................................................. 265
7.4.2. Configuration Sequence in the Remote Update Mode................................... 267
7.4.3. Remote System Upgrade Circuitry............................................................ 269
7.4.4. Enabling Remote System Upgrade Circuitry............................................... 269
7.4.5. Remote System Upgrade Registers........................................................... 270
7.4.6. Remote System Upgrade State Machine.................................................... 271
7.4.7. User Watchdog Timer..............................................................................271
7.5. Design Security................................................................................................. 272
7.5.1. Security Key Types................................................................................. 273
7.5.2. Security Modes...................................................................................... 274
7.5.3. Arria 10 Qcrypt Security Tool................................................................... 275
7.5.4. Design Security Implementation Steps...................................................... 276
7.6. Configuration, Design Security, and Remote System Upgrades in Arria 10 Devices
Revision History.............................................................................................. 277
8. SEU Mitigation for Arria 10 Devices.............................................................................280
8.1. Arria 10 SEU Mitigation Overview......................................................................... 280
8.1.1. Mitigating Single Event Upset...................................................................281
8.2. Arria 10 SEU Mitigation Techniques.......................................................................282
8.2.1. Mitigating SEU Effects in Configuration RAM............................................... 283
8.2.2. Mitigating SEU Effects in Embedded User RAM............................................292
8.2.3. Triple-Module Redundancy....................................................................... 292
8.2.4. Quartus Prime Software SEU FIT Reports...................................................293
8.3. CRAM Error Detection Settings Reference.............................................................. 297
8.4. Specifications.................................................................................................... 297
8.4.1. Error Detection Frequency....................................................................... 297
8.4.2. Error Detection Time.............................................................................. 298
8.4.3. EMR Update Interval...............................................................................298
8.4.4. Error Correction Time............................................................................. 300
8.5. SEU Mitigation for Arria 10 Devices Revision History............................................... 300

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9. JTAG Boundary-Scan Testing in Arria 10 Devices........................................................ 302

9.1. BST Operation Control ....................................................................................... 302
9.1.1. IDCODE ............................................................................................... 302
9.1.2. Supported JTAG Instruction .................................................................... 303
9.1.3. JTAG Secure Mode .................................................................................305
9.1.4. JTAG Private Instruction ......................................................................... 305
9.2. I/O Voltage for JTAG Operation ........................................................................... 306
9.3. Performing BST .................................................................................................306
9.4. Enabling and Disabling IEEE Std. 1149.1 BST Circuitry ........................................... 307
9.5. Guidelines for IEEE Std. 1149.1 Boundary-Scan Testing...........................................308
9.6. IEEE Std. 1149.1 Boundary-Scan Register ............................................................ 308
9.6.1. Boundary-Scan Cells of an Arria 10 Device I/O Pin...................................... 309
9.6.2. IEEE Std. 1149.6 Boundary-Scan Register................................................. 311
9.7. JTAG Boundary-Scan Testing in Arria 10 Devices Revision History............................. 312
10. Power Management in Arria 10 Devices.................................................................... 314
10.1. Power Consumption.......................................................................................... 314
10.1.1. Dynamic Power Equation....................................................................... 314
10.2. Power Reduction Techniques............................................................................. 315
10.2.1. SmartVID .......................................................................................... 315
10.2.2. Programmable Power Technology............................................................315
10.2.3. Low Static Power Device Grades............................................................ 317
10.2.4. SmartVID Feature Implementation..........................................................317
10.3. Power Sense Line............................................................................................ 318
10.4. Voltage Sensor.................................................................................................319
10.4.1. Input Signal Range for External Analog Signal.......................................... 320
10.4.2. Using Voltage Sensor in Arria 10 Devices................................................. 320
10.5. Temperature Sensing Diode............................................................................... 324
10.5.1. Internal Temperature Sensing Diode....................................................... 325
10.5.2. External Temperature Sensing Diode....................................................... 326
10.5.3. Design Consideration............................................................................ 327
10.6. Power-On Reset Circuitry...................................................................................328
10.6.1. Power Supplies Monitored and Not Monitored by the POR Circuitry.............. 329
10.7. Power Sequencing Considerations for Arria 10 Devices.......................................... 330
10.7.1. Power-Up Sequence Requirements for Arria 10 Devices............................. 330
10.7.2. Power-Down Sequence Recommendations and Requirements for Arria 10
10.8. Power Supply Design........................................................................................ 336
10.9. Power Management in Arria 10 Devices Revision History........................................ 337

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1. Logic Array Blocks and Adaptive Logic Modules in

Arria® 10 Devices
The logic array block (LAB) is composed of basic building blocks known as adaptive
logic modules (ALMs). You can configure the LABs to implement logic functions,
arithmetic functions, and register functions.

You can use a quarter of the available LABs in the Arria 10 devices as a memory LAB
(MLAB). Certain devices may have higher MLAB ratio.

The Quartus® Prime software and other supported third-party synthesis tools, in
conjunction with parameterized functions such as the library of parameterized
modules (LPM), automatically choose the appropriate mode for common functions
such as counters, adders, subtractors, and arithmetic functions.

This chapter contains the following sections:

• ALM Operating Modes

Related Information
Arria 10 Device Handbook: Known Issues
Lists the planned updates to the Arria 10 Device Handbook chapters.

1.1. LAB
The LABs are configurable logic blocks that consist of a group of logic resources. Each
LAB contains dedicated logic for driving control signals to its ALMs.

MLAB is a superset of the LAB and includes all the LAB features.

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make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera and Intel assume no 9001:2015
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herein except as expressly agreed to inwriting by Altera or Intel. Altera and Intel customers are advised to
obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing
orders for products or services.
*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
1. Logic Array Blocks and Adaptive Logic Modules in Arria® 10 Devices
683461 | 2024.07.08

Figure 1. LAB Structure and Interconnects Overview in Arria 10 Devices

This figure shows an overview of the Arria 10 LAB and MLAB structure with the LAB interconnects.
C4 C27 Row Interconnects of
Variable Speed and Length




Interconnect from
Direct-Link Adjacent Block
Interconnect from
Adjacent Block

Direct-Link Direct-Link
Interconnect to Interconnect to
Adjacent Block Adjacent Block


Column Interconnects of
Interconnect Local Interconnect is Driven Variable Speed and Length
from Either Side by Columns and LABs,
and from Above by Rows

1.1.1. MLAB
Each MLAB supports a maximum of 640 bits of simple dual-port SRAM.

You can configure each ALM in an MLAB as a 32 (depth) × 2 (width) memory block,
resulting in a configuration of 32 (depth) × 20 (width) simple dual-port SRAM block.

MLAB supports the following 64-deep modes in soft implementation using the Quartus
Prime software:
• 64 (depth) × 8 (width)
• 64 (depth) × 9 (width)
• 64 (depth) × 10 (width)

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1. Logic Array Blocks and Adaptive Logic Modules in Arria® 10 Devices
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Figure 2. LAB and MLAB Structure for Arria 10 Devices

LUT-Based-32 x 2 ALM
Simple Dual-Port SRAM

LUT-Based-32 x 2 ALM
Simple Dual-Port SRAM
You can use an MLAB
ALM as a regular LAB LUT-Based-32 x 2
ALM or configure it as a ALM
Simple Dual-Port SRAM
dual-port SRAM.
LUT-Based-32 x 2
Simple Dual-Port SRAM
LUT-Based-32 x 2
Simple Dual-Port SRAM

LAB Control Block LAB Control Block

LUT-Based-32 x 2
Simple Dual-Port SRAM ALM

LUT-Based-32 x 2
Simple Dual-Port SRAM ALM
You can use an MLAB
ALM as a regular LAB LUT-Based-32 x 2
ALM or configure it as a Simple Dual-Port SRAM ALM
dual-port SRAM.
LUT-Based-32 x 2 ALM
Simple Dual-Port SRAM
LUT-Based-32 x 2
Simple Dual-Port SRAM


1.1.2. Local and Direct Link Interconnects

Each LAB can drive out 40 ALM outputs. Two groups of 20 ALM outputs can drive the
adjacent LABs directly through direct-link interconnects.

The direct link connection feature minimizes the use of row and column interconnects,
providing higher performance and flexibility.

The local interconnect drives ALMs in the same LAB using column and row
interconnects, and ALM outputs in the same LAB.

Neighboring LABs, MLABs, M20K blocks, or digital signal processing (DSP) blocks from
the left or right can also drive the LAB’s local interconnect using the direct link

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1. Logic Array Blocks and Adaptive Logic Modules in Arria® 10 Devices
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Figure 3. LAB Local and Direct Link Interconnects for Arria 10 Devices
Direct-Link Interconnect from the Direct-Link Interconnect from the
Left LAB, MLAB/M20K Memory Right LAB, MLAB/M20K Memory
Block, DSP Block, or IOE Output Block, DSP Block, or IOE Output


Direct-Link Direct-Link
Interconnect Interconnect
to Left to Right


1.1.3. Shared Arithmetic Chain and Carry Chain Interconnects

There are two dedicated paths between ALMs—carry chain and shared arithmetic
chain. Arria 10 devices include an enhanced interconnect structure in LABs for routing
shared arithmetic chains and carry chains for efficient arithmetic functions. These
ALM-to-ALM connections bypass the local interconnect. The Quartus Prime Compiler
automatically takes advantage of these resources to improve utilization and

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1. Logic Array Blocks and Adaptive Logic Modules in Arria® 10 Devices
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Figure 4. Shared Arithmetic Chain and Carry Chain Interconnects

Local Interconnect
Routing among ALMs
in the LAB


ALM 2 Carry Chain and Shared

Arithmetic Chain
Local ALM 3 Routing to Adjacent ALM






ALM 10

1.1.4. LAB Control Signals

Each LAB contains dedicated logic for driving the control signals to its ALMs, and has
two unique clock sources and three clock enable signals.

The LAB control block generates up to three clocks using the two clock sources and
three clock enable signals. An inverted clock source is considered as an individual
clock source. Each clock and the clock enable signals are linked.

Deasserting the clock enable signal turns off the corresponding LAB-wide clock.

The LAB row clocks [5..0] and LAB local interconnects generate the LAB-wide control
signals. The inherent low skew of the MultiTrack interconnect allows clock and control
signal distribution in addition to data. The MultiTrack interconnect consists of
continuous, performance-optimized routing lines of different lengths and speeds used
for inter- and intra-design block connectivity.

Clear and Preset Logic Control

LAB-wide signals control the logic for the register’s clear signal. The ALM directly
supports an asynchronous clear function. The register preset is implemented as the
NOT-gate push-back logic in the Quartus Prime software. Each LAB supports up to
two clears.

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1. Logic Array Blocks and Adaptive Logic Modules in Arria® 10 Devices
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Arria 10 devices provide a device-wide reset pin (DEV_CLRn) that resets all the
registers in the device. You can enable the DEV_CLRn pin in the Quartus Prime
software before compilation. The device-wide reset signal overrides all other control

Figure 5. LAB-Wide Control Signals for Arria 10 Devices

This figure shows the clock sources and clock enable signals in a LAB.
There are two unique
clock signals per LAB.
Dedicated Row
LAB Clocks

Local Interconnect

Local Interconnect

Local Interconnect

Local Interconnect

Local Interconnect

Local Interconnect

labclk0 labclk1 labclk2 syncload labclr1

labclkena0 labclkena1 labclkena2 labclr0 synclr
or asyncload
or labpreset

1.1.5. ALM Resources

Each ALM contains a variety of LUT-based resources that can be divided between two
combinational adaptive LUTs (ALUTs) and four registers.

With up to eight inputs for the two combinational ALUTs, one ALM can implement
various combinations of two functions. This adaptability allows an ALM to be
completely backward-compatible with four-input LUT architectures. One ALM can also
implement any function with up to six inputs and certain seven-input functions.

One ALM contains four programmable registers. Each register has the following ports:
• Data
• Clock
• Synchronous and asynchronous clear
• Synchronous load

Global signals, general purpose I/O (GPIO) pins, or any internal logic can drive the
clock enable signal and the clock and clear control signals of an ALM register.

For combinational functions, the registers are bypassed and the output of the look-up
table (LUT) drives directly to the outputs of an ALM.

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1. Logic Array Blocks and Adaptive Logic Modules in Arria® 10 Devices
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Note: The Quartus Prime software automatically configures the ALMs for optimized

Figure 6. ALM High-Level Block Diagram for Arria 10 Devices

shared_arith_in carry_in
Combinational/ labclk
Memory ALUT0

6-Input LUT adder0
dataa reg0

reg1 To General Routing

datad adder1
datae1 6-Input LUT
Memory ALUT1

shared_arith_out carry_out reg3

1.1.6. ALM Output

The general routing outputs in each ALM drive the local, row, and column routing
resources. Two ALM outputs can drive column, row, or direct link routing connections.

The LUT, adder, or register output can drive the ALM outputs. The LUT or adder can
drive one output while the register drives another output.

Register packing improves device utilization by allowing unrelated register and

combinational logic to be packed into a single ALM. Another mechanism to improve
fitting is to allow the register output to feed back into the LUT of the same ALM so that
the register is packed with its own fan-out LUT. The ALM can also drive out registered
and unregistered versions of the LUT or adder output.

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1. Logic Array Blocks and Adaptive Logic Modules in Arria® 10 Devices
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Figure 7. ALM Connection Details for Arria 10 Devices

shared_arith_in labclk[2:0] synclr


dataa GND
datab 4-Input
datac LUT

D Q Row, Column
3-Input Direct Link Routing

D Q Row, Column
Direct Link Routing

4-Input 3
datad LUT

D Q Row, Column
3-Input Direct Link Routing

3-Input CLR
LUT VCC D Q Row, Column
Direct Link Routing

shared_arith_out carry_out

1.2. ALM Operating Modes

The Arria 10 ALM operates in any of the following modes:
• Normal mode
• Extended LUT mode
• Arithmetic mode
• Shared arithmetic mode

1.2.1. Normal Mode

Normal mode allows two functions to be implemented in one Arria 10 ALM, or a single
function of up to six inputs.

Up to eight data inputs from the LAB local interconnect are inputs to the combinational

The ALM can support certain combinations of completely independent functions and
various combinations of functions that have common inputs.

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1. Logic Array Blocks and Adaptive Logic Modules in Arria® 10 Devices
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The Quartus Prime Compiler automatically selects the inputs to the LUT. ALMs in
normal mode support register packing.

Figure 8. ALM in Normal Mode

Combinations of functions with fewer inputs than those shown are also supported. For example, combinations
of functions with the following number of inputs are supported: four and three, three and three, three and two,
and five and two.

dataf0 dataf0
datae0 4-Input datae0 5-Input
LUT combout0 datac combout0
datac LUT
dataa dataa
datad 4-Input
LUT combout1 5-Input
datae1 datad combout1
dataf1 datae1 LUT

datae0 5-Input
datac combout0 dataf0
dataa LUT datae0
dataa 6-Input combout0
datab datab LUT
datae1 3-Input combout1
dataf1 LUT

dataa 6-Input combout0
dataf0 datab LUT
datae0 datac
datac 5-Input combout0 datad
dataa LUT

6-Input combout1
datad 4-Input LUT
datae1 LUT combout1 datae1
dataf1 dataf1

For the packing of two five-input functions into one ALM, the functions must have at
least two common inputs. The common inputs are dataa and datab. The
combination of a four-input function with a five-input function requires one common
input (either dataa or datab).

In the case of implementing two six-input functions in one ALM, four inputs must be
shared and the combinational function must be the same. In a sparsely used device,
functions that could be placed in one ALM may be implemented in separate ALMs by
the Quartus Prime software to achieve the best possible performance. As a device
begins to fill up, the Quartus Prime software automatically uses the full potential of
the Arria 10 ALM. The Quartus Prime Compiler automatically searches for functions

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using common inputs or completely independent functions to be placed in one ALM to

make efficient use of device resources. In addition, you can manually control resource
use by setting location assignments.

Figure 9. Input Function in Normal Mode


dataa 6-Input
datab LUT
datad reg0

reg1 To General Routing

These inputs are available
for register packing.


You can implement any six-input function using the following inputs:
• dataa
• datab
• datac
• datad
• datae0 and dataf1, or datae1 and dataf0

If you use datae0 and dataf1 inputs, you can obtain the following outputs:
• Output driven to register0 or register0 is bypassed
• Output driven to register1 or register1 is bypassed

You can use the datae1 or dataf0 input, whichever is available, as the packed
register input to register2 or register3.

If you use datae1 and dataf0 inputs, you can obtain the following outputs:
• Output driven to register2 or register2 is bypassed
• Output driven to register3 or register3 is bypassed

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You can use the datae0 or dataf1 input, whichever is available, as the packed
register input to register0 or register1.

1.2.2. Extended LUT Mode

Figure 10. Template for Supported Seven-Input Functions in Extended LUT Mode for
Arria 10 Devices

dataf0 Extended
datab LUT
datac reg0

reg1 To General Routing


This input is available
for register packing.


A seven-input function can be implemented in a single ALM using the following inputs:
• dataa
• datab
• datac
• datad
• datae0
• datae1
• dataf0 or dataf1

If you use dataf0 input, you can obtain the following outputs:
• Output driven to register0 or register0 is bypassed
• Output driven to register1 or register1 is bypassed

You can use the dataf1 input as the packed register input to register2 or

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If you use dataf1 input, you can obtain the following outputs:
• Output driven to register2 or register2 is bypassed
• Output driven to register3 or register3 is bypassed

You can use the dataf0 input as the packed register input to register0 or

1.2.3. Arithmetic Mode

The ALM in arithmetic mode uses two sets of two four-input LUTs along with two
dedicated full adders.

The dedicated adders allow the LUTs to perform pre-adder logic; therefore, each adder
can add the output of two four-input functions.

The ALM supports simultaneous use of the adder’s carry output along with
combinational logic outputs. The adder output is ignored in this operation.

Using the adder with the combinational logic output provides resource savings of up to
50% for functions that can use this mode.

Arithmetic mode also offers clock enable, counter enable, synchronous up and down
control, add and subtract control, synchronous clear, and synchronous load.

The LAB local interconnect data inputs generate the clock enable, counter enable,
synchronous up/down, and add/subtract control signals. These control signals are
good candidates for the inputs that are shared between the four LUTs in the ALM.

The synchronous clear and synchronous load options are LAB-wide signals that affect
all registers in the LAB. You can individually disable or enable these signals for each
register. The Quartus Prime software automatically places any registers that are not
used by the counter into other LABs.

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Figure 11. ALM in Arithmetic Mode for Arria 10 Devices

4-Input adder0

datac 4-Input reg0
datab LUT

reg1 To General Routing

4-Input adder1
datad LUT

4-Input reg2


Carry Chain

The carry chain provides a fast carry function between the dedicated adders in
arithmetic or shared arithmetic mode.

The two-bit carry select feature in Arria 10 devices halves the propagation delay of
carry chains within the ALM. Carry chains can begin in either the first ALM or the fifth
ALM in a LAB. The final carry-out signal is routed to an ALM, where it is fed to local,
row, or column interconnects.

To avoid routing congestion in one small area of the device if a high fan-in arithmetic
function is implemented, the LAB can support carry chains that only use either the top
half or bottom half of the LAB before connecting to the next LAB. This leaves the other
half of the ALMs in the LAB available for implementing narrower fan-in functions in
normal mode. Carry chains that use the top five ALMs in the first LAB carry into the
top half of the ALMs in the next LAB in the column. Carry chains that use the bottom
five ALMs in the first LAB carry into the bottom half of the ALMs in the next LAB within
the column. You can bypass the top-half of the LAB columns and bottom-half of the
MLAB columns.

The Quartus Prime Compiler creates carry chains longer than 20 ALMs (10 ALMs in
arithmetic or shared arithmetic mode) by linking LABs together automatically. For
enhanced fitting, a long carry chain runs vertically, allowing fast horizontal connections
to the TriMatrix memory and DSP blocks. A carry chain can continue as far as a full

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1.2.4. Shared Arithmetic Mode

The ALM in shared arithmetic mode can implement a three-input add in the ALM.

This mode configures the ALM with four four-input LUTs. Each LUT either computes the
sum of three inputs or the carry of three inputs. The output of the carry computation
is fed to the next adder using a dedicated connection called the shared arithmetic

Figure 12. ALM in Shared Arithmetic Mode for Arria 10 Devices

carry_in labclk


datac 4-Input reg0
datab LUT

reg1 To General Routing

datad LUT

4-Input reg2

shared_arith_out reg3


Shared Arithmetic Chain

The shared arithmetic chain available in enhanced arithmetic mode allows the ALM to
implement a four-input adder. This significantly reduces the resources necessary to
implement large adder trees or correlator functions.

The shared arithmetic chain can begin in either the first or sixth ALM in a LAB.

Similar to carry chains, the top and bottom half of the shared arithmetic chains in
alternate LAB columns can be bypassed. This capability allows the shared arithmetic
chain to cascade through half of the ALMs in an LAB while leaving the other half
available for narrower fan-in functionality. In every LAB, the column is top-half
bypassable; while in MLAB, columns are bottom-half bypassable.

The Quartus Prime Compiler creates shared arithmetic chains longer than 20 ALMs (10
ALMs in arithmetic or shared arithmetic mode) by linking LABs together automatically.
To enhance fitting, a long shared arithmetic chain runs vertically, allowing fast
horizontal connections to the TriMatrix memory and DSP blocks. A shared arithmetic
chain can continue as far as a full column.

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1.3. LAB Power Management Techniques

Use the following techniques to manage static and dynamic power consumption within
the LAB:
• Arria 10 LABs operate in high-performance mode or low-power mode. The Quartus
Prime software automatically optimizes the LAB power consumption mode based
on your design.
• Clocks, especially LAB clocks, consumes a significant portion of dynamic power.
Each LAB's clock and clock enable signals are linked and can be controlled by a
shared, gated clock. Use the LAB-wide clock enable signal to gate the LAB-wide
clock without disabling the entire clock tree. In your HDL code for registered logic,
use a clock-enable construct.

Related Information
Power Optimization chapter, Quartus Prime Standard Edition: Power Analysis and
Provides more information about implementing static and dynamic power
consumption within the LAB.

1.4. Logic Array Blocks and Adaptive Logic Modules in Arria 10

Devices Revision History
Document Changes

2019.12.30 Updated the following signal names in ALM Connection Details for Arria 10 Devices figure:
• aclr[1:0] to labclr[1:0]
• sclr to synclr
• clk[2:0] to labclk[2:0]

Date Version Changes

March 2017 2017.03.15 Rebranded as Intel.

October 2016 2016.10.31 Added description on clock source in the LAB Control Signals section.

November 2015 2015.11.02 Changed instances of Quartus II to Quartus Prime.

December 2013 2013.12.02 Initial release.

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2. Embedded Memory Blocks in Arria 10 Devices

The embedded memory blocks in the devices are flexible and designed to provide an
optimal amount of small- and large-sized memory arrays to fit your design

Related Information
Arria 10 Device Handbook: Known Issues
Lists the planned updates to the Arria 10 Device Handbook chapters.

2.1. Types of Embedded Memory

The Arria 10 devices contain two types of memory blocks:
• 20 Kb M20K blocks—blocks of dedicated memory resources. The M20K blocks are
ideal for larger memory arrays while still providing a large number of independent
• 640 bit memory logic array blocks (MLABs)—enhanced memory blocks that are
configured from dual-purpose logic array blocks (LABs). The MLABs are ideal for
wide and shallow memory arrays. The MLABs are optimized for implementation of
shift registers for digital signal processing (DSP) applications, wide and shallow
FIFO buffers, and filter delay lines. Each MLAB is made up of ten adaptive logic
modules (ALMs). In the Arria 10 devices, you can configure these ALMs as ten
32 x 2 blocks, giving you one 32 x 20 simple dual-port SRAM block per MLAB.

Related Information
embedded cell (EC)
Provides information about embedded cell

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2.1.1. Embedded Memory Capacity in Arria 10 Devices

Table 1. Embedded Memory Capacity and Distribution in Arria 10 Devices
Product Total RAM Bit
Variant Line Block RAM Bit (Kb) Block RAM Bit (Kb) (Kb)

Arria 10 GX GX 160 440 8,800 1,680 1,050 9,850

GX 220 587 11,740 2,703 1,690 13,430

GX 270 750 15,000 3,922 2,452 17,452

GX 320 891 17,820 4,363 2,727 20,547

GX 480 1,431 28,620 6,662 4,164 32,784

GX 570 1,800 36,000 8,153 5,096 41,096

GX 660 2,131 42,620 9,260 5,788 48,408

GX 900 2,423 48,460 15,017 9,386 57,846

GX 1150 2,713 54,260 20,774 12,984 67,244

Arria 10 GT GT 900 2,423 48,460 15,017 9,386 57,846

GT 1150 2,713 54,260 20,774 12,984 67,244

Arria 10 SX SX 160 440 8,800 1,680 1,050 9,850

SX 220 587 11,740 2,703 1,690 13,430

SX 270 750 15,000 3,922 2,452 17,452

SX 320 891 17,820 4,363 2,727 20,547

SX 480 1,431 28,620 6,662 4,164 32,784

SX 570 1,800 36,000 8,153 5,096 41,096

SX 660 2,131 42,620 9,260 5,788 48,408

2.2. Embedded Memory Design Guidelines for Arria 10 Devices

There are several considerations that require your attention to ensure the success of
your designs. Unless noted otherwise, these design guidelines apply to all variants of
this device family.

2.2.1. Consider the Memory Block Selection

The Quartus Prime software automatically partitions the user-defined memory into the
memory blocks based on your design's speed and size constraints. For example, the
Quartus Prime software may spread out the memory across multiple available memory
blocks to increase the performance of the design.

To assign the memory to a specific block size manually, use the RAM IP core in the
parameter editor.

For the MLABs, you can implement single-port SRAM through emulation using the
Quartus Prime software. Emulation results in minimal additional use of logic resources.

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Because of the dual purpose architecture of the MLAB, only data input registers,
output registers, and write address registers are available in the block. The MLABs
gain read address registers from the ALMs.

Note: For Arria 10 devices, the Resource Property Editor and the Timing Analyzer report the
location of the M20K block as EC_X<number>_Y<number>_N<number>, although the
allowed assigned location is M20K_ X<number>_Y<number>_N<number>. Embedded
Cell (EC) is the sublocation of the M20K block.

2.2.2. Guideline: Implement External Conflict Resolution

In the true dual-port RAM mode, you can perform two write operations to the same
memory location. However, the memory blocks do not have internal conflict resolution
circuitry. To avoid unknown data being written to the address, implement external
conflict resolution logic to the memory block.

2.2.3. Guideline: Customize Read-During-Write Behavior

Customize the read-during-write behavior of the memory blocks to suit your design

Figure 13. Read-During-Write Data Flow

This figure shows the difference between the two types of read-during-write operations available—same port
and mixed port.

FPGA Device
Port A Port B
data in data in
data flow
data flow
Port A Port B
data out data out Same-Port Read-During-Write Mode

The same-port read-during-write mode applies to a single-port RAM or the same port
of a true dual-port RAM.

Table 2. Output Modes for Embedded Memory Blocks in Same-Port Read-During-Write

This table lists the available output modes if you select the embedded memory blocks in the same-port read-
during-write mode.

Output Mode Memory Type Description

"new data" M20K The new data is available on the rising edge of the same
(flow-through) clock cycle on which the new data is written.

"don't care" M20K, MLAB The RAM outputs "don't care" values for a read-during-
write operation.

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Figure 14. Same-Port Read-During-Write: New Data Mode

This figure shows sample functional waveforms of same-port read-during-write behavior in the “new data”


address 0A 0B



byteena 11

data_a A123 B456 C789 DDDD EEEE FFFF

q_a (asynch) A123 B456 C789 DDDD EEEE FFFF Mixed-Port Read-During-Write Mode

The mixed-port read-during-write mode applies to simple and true dual-port RAM
modes where two ports perform read and write operations on the same memory
address using the same clock—one port reading from the address, and the other port
writing to it.

Table 3. Output Modes for RAM in Mixed-Port Read-During-Write Mode

Output Mode Memory Type Description

"new data" MLAB A read-during-write operation to different ports causes the MLAB
registered output to reflect the “new data” on the next rising edge after
the data is written to the MLAB memory.
This mode is available only if the output is registered.

"old data" M20K, MLAB A read-during-write operation to different ports causes the RAM output
to reflect the “old data” value at the particular address.
For MLAB, this mode is available only if the output is registered.

"don't care" M20K, MLAB The RAM outputs “don’t care” or “unknown” value.
• For M20K memory, the Quartus Prime software does not analyze the
timing between write and read operations.
• For MLAB, the Quartus Prime software analyzes the timing between
write and read operations by default. To disable this behavior, turn on
the Do not analyze the timing between write and read
operation. Metastability issues are prevented by never writing
and reading at the same address at the same time option.

"constrained don't MLAB The RAM outputs “don’t care” or “unknown” value. The Quartus Prime
care" software analyzes the timing between write and read operations in the

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Figure 15. Mixed-Port Read-During-Write: New Data Mode

This figure shows a sample functional waveform of mixed-port read-during-write behavior for the “new data”



address_a A0 A1


byteena_a 11


address_b A0 A1

Figure 16. Mixed-Port Read-During-Write: Old Data Mode

This figure shows a sample functional waveform of mixed-port read-during-write behavior for the “old data”



address_a A0 A1


byteena_a 11


address_b A0 A1

q_b (asynch) A0 (old data) AAAA BBBB A1 (old data) DDDD EEEE

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Figure 17. Mixed-Port Read-During-Write: Don’t Care or Constrained Don’t Care Mode
This figure shows a sample functional waveform of mixed-port read-during-write behavior for the “don’t care”
or “constrained don’t care” mode.



address_a A0 A1


byteena_a 11 01 10 11


address_b A0 A1

q_b (asynch) XXXX (unknown data)

In the dual-port RAM mode, the mixed-port read-during-write operation is supported if

the input registers have the same clock.

Related Information
Embedded Memory (RAM: 1-PORT, RAM: 2-PORT, ROM: 1-PORT, and ROM: 2-PORT)
User Guide
Provides more information about the RAM IP core that controls the read-during-
write behavior.

2.2.4. Guideline: Consider Power-Up State and Memory Initialization

Consider the power up state of the different types of memory blocks if you are
designing logic that evaluates the initial power-up values, as listed in the following

Table 4. Initial Power-Up Values of Embedded Memory Blocks

Memory Type Output Registers Power Up Value

MLAB Used Zero (cleared)

Bypassed Read memory contents

M20K Used Zero (cleared)

Bypassed Zero (cleared)

By default, the Quartus Prime software initializes the RAM cells in Arria 10 devices to
zero unless you specify a .mif.

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All memory blocks support initialization with a .mif. You can create .mif files in the
Quartus Prime software and specify their use with the RAM IP core when you
instantiate a memory in your design. Even if a memory is pre-initialized (for example,
using a .mif), it still powers up with its output cleared.

Related Information
• Embedded Memory (RAM: 1-PORT, RAM: 2-PORT, ROM: 1-PORT, and ROM: 2-
PORT) User Guide
Provides more information about .mif files.
• Quartus Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Getting Started
Provides more information about .mif files.

2.2.5. Guideline: Control Clocking to Reduce Power Consumption

Reduce AC power consumption of each memory block in your design:
• Use Arria 10 memory block clock-enables to allow you to control clocking of each
memory block.
• Use the read-enable signal to ensure that read operations occur only when
necessary. If your design does not require read-during-write, you can reduce your
power consumption by deasserting the read-enable signal during write operations,
or during the period when no memory operations occur.
• Use the Quartus Prime software to automatically place any unused memory blocks
in low-power mode to reduce static power.

2.3. Embedded Memory Features

Table 5. Memory Features in Arria 10 Devices
This table summarizes the features supported by the embedded memory blocks.

Features M20K MLAB

Maximum operating frequency 730 MHz 700 MHz

Total RAM bits (including parity bits) 20,480 640

Parity bits Supported —

Byte enable Supported Supported

Packed mode Supported —

Address clock enable Supported —

Simple dual-port mixed width Supported —

True dual-port mixed width Supported —

FIFO buffer mixed width Supported —

Memory Initialization File (.mif) Supported Supported

Mixed-clock mode Supported Supported

Fully synchronous memory Supported Supported

Asynchronous memory — Only for flow-through read

memory operations.

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Features M20K MLAB

Power-up state Output ports are cleared. • Registered output ports—

• Unregistered output ports—
Read memory contents.

Asynchronous clears Output registers and output Output registers and output
latches latches

Write/read operation triggering Rising clock edges Rising clock edges

Same-port read-during-write Output ports set to "new data" or Output ports set to "don't care".
"don't care".

Mixed-port read-during-write Output ports set to "old data" or Output ports set to "old data",
"don't care". "new data", "don't care", or
"constrained don't care".

ECC support Soft IP support using the Quartus Soft IP support using the Quartus
Prime software. Prime software.
Built-in support in x32-wide
simple dual-port mode.

Related Information
Embedded Memory (RAM: 1-PORT, RAM: 2-PORT, ROM: 1-PORT, and ROM: 2-PORT)
User Guide
Provides more information about the embedded memory features.

2.4. Embedded Memory Modes

Table 6. Memory Modes Supported in the Embedded Memory Blocks
This table lists and describes the memory modes that are supported in the Arria 10 embedded memory blocks.

Memory Mode Support Support Description

Single-port RAM Yes Yes You can perform only one read or one write operation at a time.
Use the read enable port to control the RAM output ports behavior
during a write operation:
• To retain the previous values that are held during the most recent
active read enable—create a read-enable port and perform the write
operation with the read enable port deasserted.
• To show the new data being written, the old data at that address, or
a "Don't Care" value when read-during-write occurs at the same
address location—do not create a read-enable signal, or activate the
read enable during a write operation.

Simple dual-port RAM Yes Yes You can simultaneously perform one read and one write operations to
different locations where the write operation happens on port A and the
read operation happens on port B.

True dual-port RAM Yes — You can perform any combination of two port operations: two reads, two
writes, or one read and one write at two different clock frequencies.

Shift-register Yes Yes You can use the memory blocks as a shift-register block to save logic
cells and routing resources.
This is useful in DSP applications that require local data storage such as
finite impulse response (FIR) filters, pseudo-random number generators,
multi-channel filtering, and auto- and cross- correlation functions.
Traditionally, the local data storage is implemented with standard flip-
flops that exhaust many logic cells for large shift registers.

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Memory Mode Support Support Description

The input data width (w), the length of the taps (m), and the number of
taps (n) determine the size of a shift register (w × m × n). You can
cascade memory blocks to implement larger shift registers.

ROM Yes Yes You can use the memory blocks as ROM.
• Initialize the ROM contents of the memory blocks using a .mif
or .hex.
• The address lines of the ROM are registered on M20K blocks but can
be unregistered on MLABs.
• The outputs can be registered or unregistered.
• The output registers can be asynchronously cleared.
• The ROM read operation is identical to the read operation in the
single-port RAM configuration.

FIFO Yes Yes You can use the memory blocks as FIFO buffers. Use the SCFIFO and
DCFIFO megafunctions to implement single- and dual-clock
asynchronous FIFO buffers in your design.
For designs with many small and shallow FIFO buffers, the MLABs are
ideal for the FIFO mode. However, the MLABs do not support mixed-
width FIFO mode.

Caution: To avoid corrupting the memory contents, do not violate the setup or hold time on any
of the memory block input registers during read or write operations. This is applicable
if you use the memory blocks in single-port RAM, simple dual-port RAM, true dual-port
RAM, or ROM mode.

Related Information
• Embedded Memory (RAM: 1-PORT, RAM: 2-PORT, ROM: 1-PORT, and ROM: 2-
PORT) User Guide
Provides more information about memory modes.
• RAM-Based Shift Register (ALTSHIFT_TAPS) IP Core User Guide
Provides more information about implementing the shift register mode.
• SCFIFO and DCFIFO IP Cores User Guide
Provides more information about implementing FIFO buffers.

2.4.1. Embedded Memory Configurations for Single-port Mode

Table 7. Single-port Embedded Memory Configurations for Arria 10 Devices
This table lists the maximum configurations supported for single-port RAM and ROM modes.

Memory Block Depth (bits) Programmable Width

MLAB 32 x16, x18, or x20

64 (1) x8, x9, x10

M20K 512 x40, x32

1K x20, x16

2K x10, x8

(1) Supported through software emulation and consumes additional MLAB blocks.

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Memory Block Depth (bits) Programmable Width

4K x5, x4

8K x2

16K x1

2.4.2. Embedded Memory Configurations for Dual-port Modes

Table 8. Memory Configurations for Simple Dual-Port RAM Mode
This table lists the memory configurations for the simple dual-port RAM mode. Mixed-width configurations are
only supported in M20K blocks.

Read Write Port

16K×1 8K×2 4K×4 4K×5 2K×8 2K×10 1K×16 1K×20 512×32 512×40

16K×1 Yes Yes Yes — Yes — Yes — Yes —

8K×2 Yes Yes Yes — Yes — Yes — Yes —

4K×4 Yes Yes Yes — Yes — Yes — Yes —

4K×5 — — — Yes — Yes — Yes — Yes

2K×8 Yes Yes Yes — Yes — Yes — Yes —

2K×10 — — — Yes — Yes — Yes — Yes

1K×16 Yes Yes Yes — Yes — Yes — Yes —

1K×20 — — — Yes — Yes — Yes — Yes

512×32 Yes Yes Yes — Yes — Yes — Yes —

512×40 — — — Yes — Yes — Yes — Yes

Table 9. Memory Configurations for True Dual-Port Mode

This table lists the memory configurations for the true dual-port RAM mode. Mixed-width configurations are
only supported in M20K blocks.

Port A Port B

16K×1 8K×2 4K×4 4K×5 2K×8 2K×10 1K×16 1K×20

16K×1 Yes Yes Yes — Yes — Yes —

8K×2 Yes Yes Yes — Yes — Yes —

4K×4 Yes Yes Yes — Yes — Yes —

4K×5 — — — Yes — Yes — Yes

2K×8 Yes Yes Yes — Yes — Yes —

2K×10 — — — Yes — Yes — Yes

1K×16 Yes Yes Yes — Yes — Yes —

1K×20 — — — Yes — Yes — Yes

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2.5. Embedded Memory Clocking Modes

This section describes the clocking modes for the Arria 10 memory blocks.

Caution: To avoid corrupting the memory contents, do not violate the setup or hold time on any
of the memory block input registers during read or write operations.

2.5.1. Clocking Modes for Each Memory Mode

Table 10. Memory Blocks Clocking Modes Supported for Each Memory Mode
Clocking Mode Memory Mode

Single-Port Simple Dual- True Dual-Port ROM FIFO


Single clock mode Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Read/write clock mode — Yes — — Yes

Input/output clock mode Yes Yes Yes Yes —

Independent clock mode — — Yes Yes —

Note: The clock enable signals are not supported for write address, byte enable, and data
input registers on MLAB blocks. Single Clock Mode

In the single clock mode, a single clock, together with a clock enable, controls all
registers of the memory block. Read/Write Clock Mode

In the read/write clock mode, a separate clock is available for each read and write
port. A read clock controls the data-output, read-address, and read-enable registers.
A write clock controls the data-input, write-address, write-enable, and byte enable
registers. Input/Output Clock Mode

In input/output clock mode, a separate clock is available for each input and output
port. An input clock controls all registers related to the data input to the memory
block including data, address, byte enables, read enables, and write enables. An
output clock controls the data output registers. Independent Clock Mode

In the independent clock mode, a separate clock is available for each port (A and B).
Clock A controls all registers on the port A side; clock B controls all registers on the
port B side.

Note: You can create independent clock enable for different input and output registers to
control the shut down of a particular register for power saving purposes. From the
parameter editor, click More Options (beside the clock enable option) to set the
available independent clock enable that you prefer.

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2.5.2. Asynchronous Clears in Clocking Modes

In all clocking modes, asynchronous clears are available only for output latches and
output registers. For the independent clock mode, this is applicable on both ports.

2.5.3. Output Read Data in Simultaneous Read/Write

If you perform a simultaneous read/write to the same address location using the read/
write clock mode, the output read data is unknown. If you require the output read
data to be a known value, use single-clock or input/output clock mode and select the
appropriate read-during-write behavior in the IP core parameter editor.

2.5.4. Independent Clock Enables in Clocking Modes

Independent clock enables are supported in the following clocking modes:
• Read/write clock mode—supported for both the read and write clocks.
• Independent clock mode—supported for the registers of both ports.

To save power, you can control the shut down of a particular register using the clock

Related Information
Guideline: Control Clocking to Reduce Power Consumption on page 28

2.6. Parity Bit in Embedded Memory Blocks

The following describes the parity bit support for M20K blocks:
• The parity bit is the fifth bit associated with each 4 data bits in data widths of 5,
10, 20, and 40 (bits 4, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29, 34, and 39).
• In non-parity data widths, the parity bits are skipped during read or write
• Parity function is not performed on the parity bit.

2.7. Byte Enable in Embedded Memory Blocks

The embedded memory blocks support byte enable controls:
• The byte enable controls mask the input data so that only specific bytes of data
are written. The unwritten bytes retain the values written previously.
• The write enable (wren) signal, together with the byte enable (byteena) signal,
control the write operations on the RAM blocks. By default, the byteena signal is
high (enabled) and only the wren signal controls the writing.
• The byte enable registers do not have a clear port.
• If you are using parity bits, on the M20K blocks, the byte enable function controls
8 data bits and 2 parity bits; on the MLABs, the byte enable function controls all
10 bits in the widest mode.
• The LSB of the byteena signal corresponds to the LSB of the data bus.
• The byte enable signals are active high.

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2.7.1. Byte Enable Controls in Memory Blocks

Table 11. byteena Controls in x20 Data Width
byteena[1:0] Data Bits Written

11 (default) [19:10] [9:0]

10 [19:10] —

01 — [9:0]

Table 12. byteena Controls in x40 Data Width

byteena[3:0] Data Bits Written

1111 (default) [39:30] [29:20] [19:10] [9:0]

1000 [39:30] — — —

0100 — [29:20] — —

0010 — — [19:10] —

0001 — — — [9:0]

2.7.2. Data Byte Output

In M20K blocks or MLABs, when you set a byte-enable bit to 0, the embedded memory
IP sets the corresponding data byte output to a “don't care” value. You must ensure
that the option Get X's for write masked bytes instead of old data when byte
enable is always selected.

2.7.3. RAM Blocks Operations

Figure 18. Byte Enable Functional Waveform
This figure shows how the wren and byteena signals control the operations of the RAM blocks.


address an a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a0


byteena XXXX 1000 0100 0010 0001 1111 XXXX

contents at a0 FFFFFFFF ABFFFFFF

contents at a1 FFFFFFFF FFCDFFFF

contents at a2 FFFFFFFF FFFFEFFF

contents at a3 FFFFFFFF FFFFFF12

contents at a4 FFFFFFFF ABCDEF12



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2.8. Memory Blocks Packed Mode Support

The M20K memory blocks support packed mode.

The packed mode feature packs two independent single-port RAM blocks into one
memory block. The Quartus Prime software automatically implements packed mode
where appropriate by placing the physical RAM block in true dual-port mode and using
the MSB of the address to distinguish between the two logical RAM blocks. The size of
each independent single-port RAM must not exceed half of the target block size.

2.9. Memory Blocks Address Clock Enable Support

The embedded memory blocks support address clock enable, which holds the previous
address value for as long as the signal is enabled (addressstall = 1). When the
memory blocks are configured in dual-port mode, each port has its own independent
address clock enable. The default value for the address clock enable signal is low

Figure 19. Address Clock Enable

This figure shows an address clock enable block diagram. The address clock enable is referred to by the port
name addressstall.

1 address[0]
address[0] address[0]
0 register

1 address[N]
address[N] 0 register



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Figure 20. Address Clock Enable During Read Cycle Waveform

This figure shows the address clock enable waveform during the read cycle.

rdaddress a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6
latched address a1 a4 a5
an a0
(inside memory)
q (synch) doutn-1 doutn dout0 dout1 dout4
q (asynch) doutn dout0 dout1 dout4 dout5

Figure 21. Address Clock Enable During the Write Cycle Waveform
This figure shows the address clock enable waveform during the write cycle.

wraddress a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6
data 00 01 02 03 04 05 06

latched address an a0 a1 a4 a5
(inside memory)
contents at a0 XX 00
contents at a1 XX 01 02 03
contents at a2 XX
contents at a3 XX
contents at a4 XX 04
contents at a5 XX 05

2.10. Memory Blocks Asynchronous Clear

The M20K memory blocks support asynchronous clear on output latches and output
registers. If your RAM does not use output registers, clear the RAM outputs using the
output latch asynchronous clear.

The clear is an asynchronous signal and it is generated at any time. The internal logic
extends the clear pulse until the next rising edge of the output clock. When the clear
is asserted, the outputs are cleared and stay cleared until the next read cycle.

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Figure 22. Output Latch Clear in Arria 10 Devices (Non-ECC Mode)




clr at

D0 D1 D2

Figure 23. Output Latch Clear in Arria 10 Devices (ECC Mode)



clr at
out D0 D0 D1 D2

2.11. Memory Blocks Error Correction Code Support

ECC allows you to detect and correct data errors at the output of the memory. ECC
can perform single-error correction, double-adjacent-error correction, and triple-
adjacent-error detection in a 32-bit word. However, ECC cannot detect four or more

The M20K blocks have built-in support for ECC when in x32-wide simple dual-port
• The M20K runs slower than non-ECC simple-dual port mode when ECC is engaged.
However, you can enable optional ECC pipeline registers before the output decoder
to achieve higher performance compared to non-pipeline ECC mode at the
expense of one cycle of latency.
• The M20K ECC status is communicated with two ECC status flag signals—e (error)
and ue (uncorrectable error). The status flags are part of the regular output from
the memory block. When ECC is engaged, you cannot access two of the parity bits
because the ECC status flag replaces them.

Related Information
Memory Blocks Error Correction Code Support

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2.11.1. Error Correction Code Truth Table

Table 13. ECC Status Flags Truth Table
e ue Status
(error) (uncorrectable error)
eccstatus[1] eccstatus[0]

0 0 No error.

0 1 Illegal.

1 0 A correctable error occurred and the error has been

corrected at the outputs; however, the memory array has
not been updated.

1 1 An uncorrectable error occurred and uncorrectable data

appears at the outputs.

If you engage ECC:

• You cannot use the byte enable feature.
• Read-during-write old data mode is not supported.

Figure 24. ECC Block Diagram for M20K Memory

Status Flag


32 40 Optional 32
Input ECC Memory 40 ECC Output
Register Encoder 8 Array Pipeline Decoder Register

2.12. Embedded Memory Blocks in Arria 10 Devices Revision

Date Version Changes

December 2017 2017.12.15 • Updated the ECC Block Diagram for M20K Memory figure.
• Removed the term "one-hot" fashion for byte enables operation. The term
one-hot indicates that only one bit can be active at a time.

March 2017 2017.03.15 • Rebranded as Intel.

• Removed parity bit support for MLAB under the Error Correction Code
(ECC) support feature in the Memory Features in Arria 10 Devices table.
• Removed parity bit support for MLAB blocks in the Parity Bit topic.

October 2016 2016.10.31 • Removed Address clock enable support for MLAB block.

December 2015 2015.12.14 • Updated the number of M20K memory blocks for Arria 10 GX 660 from
2133 to 2131 and corrected the total RAM bit from 48,448 Kb to 48,408

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Date Version Changes

November 2015 2015.11.02 • Updated the following topics: Embedded Memory Configurations for
Single-port mode and Embedded Memory Configurations for Dual-port
• Updated the description in the Data Byte Output topic.
• Updated the Embedded Memory Capacity and Distribution table.
• Changed instances of Quartus II to Quartus Prime.

June 2015 2015.06.15 Updated links.

May 2015 2015.05.04 • Updated Mega Wizard Plug-In manager to IP Core parameter editor.
• Updated Megafunction to IP core.

August 2014 2014.08.18 • Added a new timing diagram for output latch clear in ECC mode.
• Added a note to clarify that for Arria 10 devices, the Resource Property
Editor and the TimeQuest Timing Analyzer report the location of the M20K
block as EC_X<number>_Y<number>_N<number>
• Updated the RAM bit value in M20K block for Arria 10 GX 660 and Arria 10
SX 660.

December 2013 2013.12.02 Initial release.

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3. Variable Precision DSP Blocks in Arria 10 Devices

This chapter describes how the variable-precision digital signal processing (DSP)
blocks in Arria 10 devices are optimized to support higher bit precision in high-
performance DSP applications.

3.1. Supported Operational Modes in Arria 10 Devices

Table 14. Supported Combinations of Operational Modes and Features for Variable
Precision DSP Block in Arria 10 Devices
Variable- Operation Mode Supported Pre-Adder Coefficient Input Chainin Chainout
Precision DSP Operation Support Support Cascade Support Support
Block Instance Support

1 variable Fixed-point 2 Yes Yes Yes (2) No No

precision DSP independent
block 18 x 19

Fixed-point 1 Yes Yes Yes (3) Yes Yes

27 x 27

Fixed-point two 1 Yes Yes Yes(2) Yes Yes

18 x 19
multiplier adder

Fixed-point 1 No No No Yes Yes

18 x 18
multiplier adder
summed with
36-bit input

Fixed-point 1 Yes Yes Yes(2) Yes Yes

18 x 19 systolic

1 variable Floating-point 1 No No No No Yes

precision DSP multiplication
block mode

Floating-point 1 No No No No Yes
adder or subtract

(2) Each of the two inputs to a pre-adder has a maximum width of 18-bit. When the input
cascade is used to feed one of the pre-adder inputs, the maximum width for the input cascade
is 18-bit.
(3) When you enable the pre-adder feature, the input cascade support is not available.
© Altera Corporation. Altera, the Altera logo, the ‘a’ logo, and other Altera marks are trademarks of Altera
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specifications in accordance with Altera’s or Intel's standard warranty as applicable, but reserves the right to ISO
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*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
3. Variable Precision DSP Blocks in Arria 10 Devices
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Variable- Operation Mode Supported Pre-Adder Coefficient Input Chainin Chainout

Precision DSP Operation Support Support Cascade Support Support
Block Instance Support

Floating-point 1 No No No Yes Yes

multiplier adder
or subtract mode

Floating-point 1 No No No No Yes

Floating-point 1 No No No Yes Yes

vector one mode

Floating-point 1 No No No Yes Yes

vector two mode

2 Variable Complex 18x19 1 No No Yes No No

precision DSP multiplication

Table 15. Supported Combinations of Operational Modes and Dynamic Control Features
for Variable Precision DSP Blocks in Arria 10 Devices
Variable- Operation Mode Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic SUB Dynamic
Block Resource

1 variable Fixed-point No No No No
precision DSP independent 18 x 19
block multiplication

Fixed-point Yes Yes No Yes

independent 27 x 27

Fixed-point two Yes Yes Yes Yes

18 x 19 multiplier
adder mode

Fixed-point 18 x 18 Yes Yes Yes Yes

multiplier adder
summed with 36-bit

Fixed-point 18 x 19 Yes Yes Yes Yes

systolic mode

Floating-point No No No No
multiplication mode

Floating-point adder No No No No
or subtract mode

Floating-point No No No No
multiplier adder or
subtract mode

Floating-point Yes No No No
multiplier accumulate

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Variable- Operation Mode Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic SUB Dynamic

Block Resource

Floating-point vector No No No No
one mode

Floating-point vector No No No No
two mode

2 variable Complex 18 x 19 No No No No
precision DSP multiplication

3.1.1. Features
The Arria 10 variable precision DSP blocks support fixed-point arithmetic and floating-
point arithmetic.

Features for fixed-point arithmetic:

• High-performance, power-optimized, and fully registered multiplication operations
• 18-bit and 27-bit word lengths
• Two 18 x 19 multipliers or one 27 x 27 multiplier per DSP block
• Built-in addition, subtraction, and 64-bit double accumulation register to combine
multiplication results
• Cascading 19-bit or 27-bit when pre-adder is disabled and cascading 18-bit when
pre-adder is used to form the tap-delay line for filtering applications
• Cascading 64-bit output bus to propagate output results from one block to the
next block without external logic support
• Hard pre-adder supported in 19-bit and 27-bit modes for symmetric filters
• Internal coefficient register bank in both 18-bit and 27-bit modes for filter
• 18-bit and 27-bit systolic finite impulse response (FIR) filters with distributed
output adder
• Biased rounding support

Features for floating-point arithmetic:

• A completely hardened architecture that supports multiplication, addition,
subtraction, multiply-add, and multiply-subtract
• Multiplication with accumulation capability and a dynamic accumulator reset
• Multiplication with cascade summation capability
• Multiplication with cascade subtraction capability
• Complex multiplication
• Direct vector dot product
• Systolic FIR filter

Related Information
• Altera FPGA Knowledge Base Page
Lists the planned updates to the Arria 10 Device Handbook chapters.

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• Arria 10 Device Overview - Variable-Precision DSP Block

Provides more information about the number of multipliers in each Arria 10
• DSP Block Cascade Limit in Agilex 7 Devices on page 46

3.2. Resources
Table 16. Resources for Fixed-Point Arithmetic in Arria 10 Devices
The table lists the variable-precision DSP resources by bit precision for each Arria 10 device.

Variant Product Line Variable- Independent Input and Output 18 x 19 18 x 18

precision Multiplications Operator Multiplier Multiplier
DSP Block Adder Sum Adder
18 x 19 27 x 27 Mode Summed with
Multiplier Multiplier 36 bit Input

AArria 10 GX GX 160 156 312 156 156 156

GX 220 192 384 192 192 192

GX 270 830 1,660 830 830 830

GX 320 984 1,968 984 984 984

GX 480 1,368 2,736 1,368 1,368 1,368

GX 570 1,523 3,046 1,523 1,523 1,523

GX 660 1,687 3,374 1,687 1,687 1,687

GX 900 1,518 3,036 1,518 1,518 1,518

GX 1150 1,518 3,036 1,518 1,518 1,518

Arria 10 GT GT 900 1,518 3,036 1,518 1,518 1,518

GT 1150 1,518 3,036 1,518 1,518 1,518

Arria 10 SX SX 160 156 312 156 156 156

SX 220 192 384 192 192 192

SX 270 830 1,660 830 830 830

SX 320 984 1,968 984 984 984

SX 480 1,368 2,736 1,368 1,368 1,368

SX 570 1,523 3,046 1,523 1,523 1,523

SX 660 1,687 3,374 1,687 1,687 1,687

Table 17. Resources for Floating-Point Arithmetic in Arria 10 Devices

The table lists the variable-precision DSP resources by bit precision for each Arria 10 device.

Variant Product Line Variable- Single Single-Precision Single- Peak

precision Precision Floating-Point Precision Giga Floating-
DSP Block Floating-Point Adder Mode Floating-Point Point
Multiplication Multiply Operations
Mode Accumulate per Second
Mode (GFLOPs)

Arria 10 GX GX 160 156 156 156 156 140

GX 220 192 192 192 192 173


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Variant Product Line Variable- Single Single-Precision Single- Peak

precision Precision Floating-Point Precision Giga Floating-
DSP Block Floating-Point Adder Mode Floating-Point Point
Multiplication Multiply Operations
Mode Accumulate per Second
Mode (GFLOPs)

GX 270 830 830 830 830 747

GX 320 984 984 984 984 886

GX 480 1,369 1,368 1,368 1,368 1,231

GX 570 1,523 1,523 1,523 1,523 1,371

GX 660 1,687 1,687 1,687 1,687 1,518

GX 900 1,518 1,518 1,518 1,518 1,366

GX 1150 1,518 1,518 1,518 1,518 1,366

Arria 10 GT GT 900 1,518 1,518 1,518 1,518 1,366

GT 1150 1,518 1,518 1,518 1,518 1,366

Arria 10 SX SX 160 156 156 156 156 140

SX 220 192 192 192 192 173

SX 270 830 830 830 830 747

SX 320 984 984 984 984 886

SX 480 1,369 1,368 1,368 1,368 1,231

SX 570 1,523 1,523 1,523 1,523 1,371

SX 660 1,687 1,687 1,687 1,687 1,518

3.3. Design Considerations

You should consider the following elements in your design:

Table 18. Design Considerations

DSP Implementation Fixed-Point Arithmetic Floating-Point Arithmetic

Design elements • Operational modes • Operational modes

• Internal coefficient and pre-adder • Chainout adder
• Accumulator
• Chainout adder

The Quartus Prime software provides the following design templates for you to
implement DSP blocks in Arria 10 devices.

Table 19. DSP Design Templates Available in Arria 10 Devices

Operational Mode Available Design Templates

18 x 18 Independent Multiplier Mode Single Multiplier with Preadder and Coefficient

27 x 27 Independent Multiplier Mode • M27x27 with Dynamic Negate

• M27x27 with Preadder and Coefficient
• M27x27 with Input Cascade, Output Chaining,
Accumulator, Double Accumulator, and Preload Constant

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Operational Mode Available Design Templates

Multiplier Adder Sum Mode • M18x19_sumof2 with Dynamic Sub and Dynamic Negate
• M18x19_sumof2 with Preadder and Coefficient
• M18x19_sumof2 with Input Cascade, Output Chaining,
Accumulator, Double Accumulator, and Preload Constant

18 x 19 Multiplication Summed with 36-Bit Input Mode • M18x19_plus36 with Dynamic Sub and Dynamic Negate
• M18x19_plus36 with Input Cascade, Output Chaining,
Accumulator, Double Accumulator, and Preload Constant

18-bit Systolic FIR Mode • M18x19_systolic with Preadder and Coefficient

• M18x19_systolic with Input Cascade, Output Chaining,
Accumulator, Double Accumulator, and Preload Constant

You can get the design templates using the following steps:
1. In Quartus Prime software, open a new Verilog HDL or VHDL file.
2. From Edit tab, click Insert Template.
3. From the Insert Template window prompt, you may select Verilog HDL or VHDL
depending on your preferred design language.
4. Click Full Designs to expand the options.
5. From the options, click Arithmetic ➤ DSP Features ➤ ➤ DSP Features for 20-
nm Device.
6. Choose the design template that match your system requirement and click Insert
to append the design template to a new .v or .vhd file.

3.3.1. Operational Modes

The Quartus Prime software includes IP cores that you can use to control the operation
mode of the multipliers. After entering the parameter settings with the IP Catalog, the
Quartus Prime software automatically configures the variable precision DSP block.

Variable-precision DSP block can also be implemented using DSP Builder for Altera
FPGAs and OpenCL™.

Table 20. Operational Modes

Fixed-Point Arithmetic Floating-Point Arithmetic

Altera provides two methods for implementing various Altera provides one method for implementing various modes
modes of the Arria 10 variable precision DSP block in a of the Arria 10 variable precision DSP block in a design—
design—using the Quartus Prime DSP IP core and HDL using the Quartus Prime DSP IP core.
inferring. The following Quartus Prime IP cores are supported for the
The following Quartus Prime IP cores are supported for the Arria 10 variable precision DSP blocks in the floating-point
Arria 10 variable precision DSP blocks in the fixed-point arithmetic implementation:
arithmetic implementation: • ALTERA_FP_FUNCTIONS
• Intel FPGA Multiply Adder • Arria 10 Native Floating Point DSP IP core
• Arria 10 Native Fixed Point DSP IP core

Related Information
• Introduction to Intel® FPGA IP Cores
• Integer Arithmetic Intel® FPGA IP Cores User Guide
• ALTERA_FP_FUNCTIONS IP Core, Floating-Point IP Cores User Guide
• Quartus Prime Software Help

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• Arria 10 Native Fixed Point DSP IP Core User Guide

• DSP Block Cascade Limit in Agilex 7 Devices on page 46

3.3.2. Internal Coefficient and Pre-Adder for Fixed-Point Arithmetic

When you enable input register for the pre-adder feature, these input registers must
have the same clock setting.

The input cascade support is only available for 18-bit mode when you enable the pre-
adder feature.

In both 18-bit and 27-bit modes, you can use the coefficient feature and pre-adder
feature independently.

When internal coefficient feature is enabled in 18-bit modes, you must enable both top
and bottom coefficient.

When pre-adder feature is enabled in 18-bit modes, you must enable both top and
bottom pre-adder.

3.3.3. Accumulator for Fixed-Point Arithmetic

The accumulator in the Arria 10 devices supports double accumulation by enabling the
64-bit double accumulation registers located between the output register bank and the

3.3.4. Chainout Adder

Table 21. Chainout Adder
Fixed-Point Arithmetic Floating-Point Arithmetic

You can use the output chaining path to add results from You can use the output chaining path to add results from
another DSP block. another DSP block.
Support for certain operation modes:
• Multiply-add or multiply-subtract mode
• Vector one mode
• Vector two mode

3.3.5. DSP Block Cascade Limit in Agilex™ 7 Devices

The spine clock region limits the number of DSP blocks cascade. For Agilex™ 7 devices,
you can cascade up to 27 DSP blocks.

3.4. Block Architecture

The Arria 10 variable precision DSP block consists of the following elements:

Table 22. Block Architecture

DSP Implementation Fixed-Point Arithmetic Floating-Point Arithmetic

Block architecture • Input register bank • Input register bank

• Pipeline register • Pipeline register
• Pre-adder • Multipliers
• Internal coefficient

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DSP Implementation Fixed-Point Arithmetic Floating-Point Arithmetic

• Multipliers • Adder
• Adder • Accumulator and chainout adder
• Accumulator and chainout adder • Output register bank
• Systolic registers
• Double accumulation register
• Output register bank

If the variable precision DSP block is not configured in fixed-point arithmetic systolic
FIR mode, both systolic registers are bypassed.

Figure 25. Variable Precision DSP Block Architecture in 18 x 19 Mode for Fixed-Point
Arithmetic in Arria 10 Devices
scanin chainin[63..0]

ACLR[1..0] When enabled, systolic registers are clocked with the

same clock source as the output register bank.




SUB Systolic Constant

Pre-Adder Multiplier Register

+/- Systolic
dataa_z0[17..0] Registers
Input Register Bank

Pipleine Register

+/- +/- +
Adder Chainout adder/
Output Register Bank

+/- Accumulation
datab_z1[17..0] x

scanout chainout[63..0]

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Figure 26. Variable Precision DSP Block Architecture in 27 x 27 Mode for Fixed-Point
Arithmetic in Arria 10 Devices

dataa_y0[26..0] Input Pipeline Pre-Adder
dataa_z0[25..0] Register Register +/- Chainout Adder/ Double
Bank Accumulator Accumulation
Multiplier Register
x +

dataa_x0[26..0] +/-

Output 64 Result[63..0]
Internal Register
Coefficients Bank


Figure 27. Variable Precision DSP Block Architecture for Floating-Point Arithmetic in
Arria 10 Devices

Pipeline Adder
Register Output
dataa_x0[31:0] Register result[31:0]
dataa_y0[31:0] Bank


3.4.1. Input Register Bank

Table 23. Input Register Bank
Fixed-Point Arithmetic Floating-Point Arithmetic

• Data • Data
• Dynamic control signals • Dynamic ACCUMULATE control signal
• Two sets of delay registers

All the registers in the DSP blocks are positive-edge triggered and cleared on power
up. Each multiplier operand can feed an input register or a multiplier directly,
bypassing the input registers.

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The following variable precision DSP block signals control the input registers within the
variable precision DSP block:
• CLK[2..0]
• ENA[2..0]
• ACLR[0]

In fixed-point arithmetic 18 x 19 mode, you can use the delay registers to balance the
latency requirements when you use both the input cascade and chainout features.

The tap-delay line feature allows you to drive the top leg of the multiplier input,
dataa_y0 and datab_y1 in fixed-point arithmetic 18 x 19 mode and dataa_y0 only in
fixed-point arithmetic 27 x 27 mode, from the general routing or cascade chain. Two Sets of Delay Registers for Fixed-Point Arithmetic

The two delay registers along with the input cascade chain that can be used in fixed-
point arithmetic 18 x 19 mode are the top delay registers and bottom delay registers.
Delay registers are not supported in 18 × 19 multiplication summed with 36-bit input
mode and 27 × 27 mode.

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Figure 28. Input Register of a Variable Precision DSP Block in Fixed-Point Arithmetic
18 x 19 Mode for Arria 10 Devices
The figures show the data registers only. Registers for the control signals are not shown.


scanin[18..0] ACLR[0]




Top delay registers




Bottom delay registers


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Figure 29. Input Register of a Variable Precision DSP Block in Fixed-Point Arithmetic
27 x 27 Mode for Arria 10 Devices
The figures show the data registers only. Registers for the control signals are not shown.



scanin[26..0] ACLR[0]





3.4.2. Pipeline Register

Pipeline register is used to get the maximum Fmax performance. Pipeline register can
be bypassed if high Fmax is not needed.

The following variable precision DSP block signals control the pipeline registers within
the variable precision DSP block:
• CLK[2..0]
• ENA[2..0]
• ACLR[1]

Floating-point arithmetic has 2 latency layers of pipeline registers where you can
perform one of the following:
• Bypass all latency layers of pipeline registers
• Use either one latency layers of pipeline registers
• Use both latency layers of pipeline registers

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3.4.3. Pre-Adder for Fixed-Point Arithmetic

Each variable precision DSP block has two 19-bit pre-adders. You can configure these
pre-adders in the following configurations:
• Two independent 19-bit pre-adders
• One 27-bit pre-adder

The pre-adder supports both addition and subtraction in the following input
• 18-bit (signed or unsigned) addition or subtraction for 18 x 19 mode
• 26-bit addition or subtraction for 27 x 27 mode

When both pre-adders within the same DSP block are used, they must share the same
operation type (either addition or subtraction).

3.4.4. Internal Coefficient for Fixed-Point Arithmetic

The Arria 10 variable precision DSP block has the flexibility of selecting the
multiplicand from either the dynamic input or the internal coefficient.

The internal coefficient can support up to eight constant coefficients for the
multiplicands in 18-bit and 27-bit modes. When you enable the internal coefficient
feature, COEFSELA/COEFSELB are used to control the selection of the coefficient

3.4.5. Multipliers
A single variable precision DSP block can perform many multiplications in parallel,
depending on the data width of the multiplier and implementation.

There are two multipliers per variable precision DSP block. You can configure these
two multipliers in several operational modes:

Table 24. Operational Modes

Fixed-Point Arithmetic Floating-Point Arithmetic

• One 27 x 27 multiplier One floating-point arithmetic single precision multiplier

• Two 18 (signed or unsigned) x 19 (signed) multipliers

Related Information
Operational Mode Descriptions on page 54
Provides more information about the operational modes of the multipliers.

3.4.6. Adder
Depending on the operational mode, you can use the adder as follows:
• One 55-bit or 38-bit adder
• One floating-point arithmetic single precision adder

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DSP Implementation Addition Using Dynamic SUB Port Subtraction Using Dynamic SUB Port

Fixed-Point Arithmetic Yes Yes

Floating-Point Arithmetic No No

3.4.7. Accumulator and Chainout Adder for Fixed-Point Arithmetic

The Arria 10 variable precision DSP block supports a 64-bit accumulator and a 64-bit
adder for fixed-point arithmetic.

The following signals can dynamically control the function of the accumulator:

The accumulator supports double accumulation by enabling the 64-bit double

accumulation registers located between the output register bank and the accumulator.

The accumulator and chainout adder features are not supported in two fixed-point
arithmetic independent 18 x 19 modes.

Table 25. Accumulator Functions and Dynamic Control Signals

This table lists the dynamic signals settings and description for each function. In this table, X denotes a "don't
care" value.


Zeroing Disables the accumulator. 0 0 0

The result is always added

to the preload value. Only
one bit of the 64-bit preload
Preload value can be “1”. It can be 0 1 0
used as rounding the DSP
result to any position of the
64-bit result.

Adds the current result to

Accumulation the previous accumulate 0 X 1

This function takes the

current result, converts it
Decimation +
into two’s complement, and 1 X 1
adds it to the previous

This function takes the

current result, converts it
Decimation +
into two’s complement, and 1 0 0
Chainout Adder
adds it to the output of
previous DSP block.

3.4.8. Systolic Registers for Fixed-Point Arithmetic

There are two systolic registers per variable precision DSP block. If the variable
precision DSP block is not configured in fixed-point arithmetic systolic FIR mode, both
systolic registers are bypassed.

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The first set of systolic registers consists of 18-bit and 19-bit registers that are used to
register the 18-bit and 19-bit inputs of the upper multiplier, respectively.

The second set of systolic registers are used to delay the chainin input from the
previous variable precision DSP block.

You must clock all the systolic registers with the same clock source as the output
register. Output registers must be turned on.

3.4.9. Double Accumulation Register for Fixed-Point Arithmetic

The double accumulation register is an extra register in the feedback path of the
accumulator. Enabling the double accumulation register causes an extra clock cycle
delay in the feedback path of the accumulator.

This register has the same CLK, ENA, and ACLR settings as the output register bank.

By enabling this register, you can have two accumulator channels using the same
number of variable precision DSP block. This is useful when processing interleaved
complex data (I, Q).

3.4.10. Output Register Bank

The positive edge of the clock signal triggers the 74-bit bypassable output register
bank and is cleared after power up.

The following variable precision DSP block signals control the output register per
variable precision DSP block:
• CLK[2..0]
• ENA[2..0]
• ACLR[1]

3.5. Operational Mode Descriptions

This section describes how you can configure an Arria 10 variable precision DSP block
to efficiently support the fixed-point arithmetic and floating-point arithmetic
operational modes.

Table 26. Operational Modes

Fixed-Point Arithmetic Floating-Point Arithmetic

• Independent multiplier mode • Multiplication mode

• Multiplier adder sum mode • Adder or subtract mode
• Independent complex multiplier • Multiply-add or multiply-subtract mode
• 18 x 18 multiplication summed with 36-Bit input mode • Multiply accumulate mode
• Systolic FIR mode • Vector one mode
• Vector two mode
• Direct vector dot product
• Complex multiplication

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3.5.1. Operational Modes for Fixed-Point Arithmetic Independent Multiplier Mode

In independent input and output multiplier mode, the variable precision DSP blocks
perform individual multiplication operations for general purpose multipliers.
Configuration Multipliers per Block

18 (signed) x 19 (signed) 2

18 (unsigned) x 18 (unsigned) 2

27 (signed or unsigned) x 27 (signed or unsigned) 1 18 x 18 or 18 x 19 Independent Multiplier

Figure 30. Two 18 x 18 or 18 x 19 Independent Multiplier per Variable Precision DSP

Block for Arria 10 Devices

In this figure, the variables are defined as follows:

• n = 19 and m = 37 for 18 x 19 operand
• n = 18 and m = 36 for 18 x 18 operand

Variable-Precision DSP Block

x [(m-1)..0]
data_a1[17..0] Output Register Bank
Input Register Bank

Pipeline Register


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683461 | 2024.07.08 27 x 27 Independent Multiplier

Figure 31. One 27 x 27 Independent Multiplier Mode per Variable Precision DSP Block
for Arria 10 Devices
In this mode, the result can be up to 64 bits when combined with a chainout adder or accumulator.

Variable-Precision DSP Block


Output Register Bank

Pipeline Register
Input Register Bank
x Result[53..0]
dataa_a0[26..0] Independent Complex Multiplier

The Arria 10 devices support the 18 x 19 complex multiplier mode using two fixed-
point arithmetic multiplier adder sum mode.

Figure 32. Sample of Complex Multiplication Equation

The imaginary part [(a × d) + (b × c)] is implemented in the first variable-precision

DSP block, while the real part [(a × c) - (b × d)] is implemented in the second
variable-precision DSP block.

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683461 | 2024.07.08 18 x 19 Complex Multiplier

Figure 33. One 18 x 19 Complex Multiplier with Two Variable Precision DSP Blocks for
Arria 10 Devices

Variable-Precision DSP Block 1


x Adder

Output Register Bank

Input Register Bank

Pipeline Register
+ Imaginary Part

18 x

Variable-Precision DSP Block 2


d[18..0] x Adder
Output Register Bank
Input Register Bank

Pipeline Register

Multiplier - Real Part


18 x

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Figure 34. One Sum of Two 18 x 19 Multipliers with One Variable Precision DSP Block for
Arria 10 Devices
Variable-Precision DSP Block



Input Register Bank


Pipeline Register

Output Register Bank

+/- Result[37..0]

datab_x1[17..0] 18 x 19 Multiplication Summed with 36-Bit Input Mode

Arria 10 variable precision DSP blocks support one 18 x 19 multiplication summed to a

36-bit input.

Use the upper multiplier to provide the input for an 18 x 19 multiplication, while the
bottom multiplier is bypassed. The datab_y1[17..0] and datab_y1[35..18]
signals are concatenated to produce a 36-bit input.

Figure 35. One 18 x 19 Multiplication Summed with 36-Bit Input Mode for Arria 10
Variable-Precision DSP Block


18 x
Input Register Bank

Pipeline Register

Output Register Bank


+/- Result[37..0]

Adder Systolic FIR Mode

The basic structure of a FIR filter consists of a series of multiplications followed by an


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Figure 36. Basic FIR Filter Equation

Depending on the number of taps and the input sizes, the delay through chaining a
high number of adders can become quite large. To overcome the delay performance
issue, the systolic form is used with additional delay elements placed per tap to
increase the performance at the cost of increased latency.

Figure 37. Systolic FIR Filter Equivalent Circuit

y [n ]

w 1[ n ] w 2[ n ] w k −1 [ n ] w k[ n ]

c1 c2 c k −1 ck

x[n ]

Arria 10 variable precision DSP blocks support the following systolic FIR structures:
• 18-bit
• 27-bit

In systolic FIR mode, the input of the multiplier can come from four different sets of
• Two dynamic inputs
• One dynamic input and one coefficient input
• One coefficient input and one pre-adder output
• One dynamic input and one pre-adder output Mapping Systolic Mode User View to Variable Precision Block Architecture View

The following figure shows that the user view of the systolic FIR filter (a) can be
implemented using the Arria 10 variable precision DSP blocks (d) by retiming the
register and restructuring the adder. Register B can be retimed into systolic registers
at the chainin, dataa_y0 and dataa_x0 input paths as shown in (b). The end result of
the register retiming is shown in (c). The summation of two multiplier results by
restructuring the inputs and location of the adder are added to the chainin input by
the chainout adder as shown in (d).

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Figure 38. Mapping Systolic Mode User View to Variable Precision Block Architecture
(a) Systolic FIR Filter (b) Variable Precision Block (c) Variable Precision Block (d) Variable Precision Block
User View Architecture View (Before Retiming) Architecture View (After Retiming) Architecture View (Adder Restructured)
x[n] w1[n] dataa_y0 x[n] w1[n] dataa_y0 x[n] w1[n] dataa_y0 x[n] w1[n]
c1 dataa_x0 c1 dataa_x0 c1 dataa_x0 c1
Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier
x[n-2] w2[n] datab_y1 x[n-2] w2[n] datab_y1 x[n-2] w2[n] datab_y1 x[n-2] w2[n]
Adder Adder Adder
c2 datab_x1 c2 datab_x1 c2 datab_x1 c2
Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier
Register A Output Output
Register A Register Register A Register Register A Register
x[n-4] w3[n] Bank Bank

c3 First DSP Block Result First DSP Block Result First DSP Block Result

Chainin from Chainin from Chainin from

Register B Previous DSP Block Previous DSP Block Previous DSP Block
Systolic Systolic
x[n-6] w4[n] dataa_y0 x[n-4] w3[n] Systolic Systolic
Chainout Registers Register B Registers Register B
Register Register
c4 dataa_x0 c3 Adder
dataa_y0 x[n-4] dataa_y0 x[n-4]
w3[n] w3[n]
Register A Chainout
Register B Adder
Retiming dataa_x0 c3 dataa_x0 c3
y[n] Chainout
datab_y1 x[n-6] w4[n] Adder
datab_y1 x[n-6] w4[n] datab_y1 x[n-6] w4[n] Adder
datab_x1 c4
Register datab_x1 c4 datab_x1 c4
Register C Output Output
Register C Register Register C Register
Result Bank Bank
y[n] Result Result
y[n] y[n]
Second DSP Block Second DSP Block Second DSP Block 18-Bit Systolic FIR Mode

In 18-bit systolic FIR mode, the adders are configured as dual 44-bit adders, thereby
giving 7 bits of overhead when using an 18 x 19 operation mode, resulting 37-bit

Figure 39. 18-Bit Systolic FIR Mode for Arria 10 Devices

When enabled, systolic registers are clocked with the
same clock source as the output register bank.

Pre-Adder Multiplier Register
+/- Systolic
18 Registers
+/- +
COEFSELA[2..0] 3
Input Register Bank

Output Register Bank

Pipeline Register

Adder Chainout adder or
datab_y1[17..0] 18

18 +/-
datab_z1[17..0] x
44 Result[43..0]
datab_x1[17..0] 18

COEFSELB[2..0] 3

Coefficient 18-bit Systolic FIR



Related Information
DSP Block Cascade Limit in Agilex 7 Devices on page 46

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3. Variable Precision DSP Blocks in Arria 10 Devices
683461 | 2024.07.08 27-Bit Systolic FIR Mode

In 27-bit systolic FIR mode, the chainout adder or accumulator is configured for a
64-bit operation, providing 10 bits of overhead when using a 27-bit data (54-bit

The 27-bit systolic FIR mode allows the implementation of one stage systolic filter per
DSP block.

Figure 40. 27-Bit Systolic FIR Mode for Arria 10 Devices



Pre-Adder Multiplier
Input Register Bank

27 x
Pipeline Register

Output Register Bank

dataa_x0[26..0] 27
+/- +
COEFSELA[2..0] 3

Adder Chainout adder or
27-bit Systolic FIR



Related Information
DSP Block Cascade Limit in Agilex 7 Devices on page 46

3.5.2. Operational Modes for Floating-Point Arithmetic Single Floating-Point Arithmetic Functions

One floating-point arithmetic DSP can perform the following:

• Multiplication mode
• Adder or subtract mode
• Multiply accumulate mode

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683461 | 2024.07.08 Multiplication Mode

This mode allows you to apply basic floating-point multiplication (y*z).

Figure 41. Multiplication Mode for Arria 10 Devices


Bank Adder
Input Register
dataa_x0[31:0] Register Bank Output
Bank Register
dataa_z0[31:0] Multiplier Bank

chainout[31:0] Adder or Subtract Mode

This mode allows you to apply basic floating-point addition (x+y) or basic floating-
point subtraction (y-x).

Figure 42. Adder or Subtract Mode for Arria 10 Devices


Register Pipeline
Bank Register Adder
dataa_x0[31:0] Register Bank Output result[31:0]
Bank Register
dataa_z0[31:0] Multiplier Bank


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683461 | 2024.07.08 Multiply Accumulate Mode

This mode performs floating-point multiplication followed by floating-point addition

with the previous multiplication result { ((y*z) + acc) or ((y*z) - acc) }

Figure 43. Multiply Accumulate Mode for Arria 10 Devices


Bank Adder
Input Register
dataa_x0[31:0] Register Bank Output result[31:0]
dataa_y0[31:0] Bank Register
Multiplier Bank

chainout[31:0] Multiple Floating-Point Arithmetic Functions

Two or more floating-point arithmetic DSP can perform the following:

• Multiply-add or multiply-subtract mode which uses single floating-point arithmetic
DSP if the chainin parameter is turn off
• Vector one mode
• Vector two mode
• Direct vector dot product
• Complex multiplication Multiply-Add or Multiply-Subtract Mode

This mode performs floating-point multiplication followed by floating-point addition or

floating-point subtraction { ((y*z) + x) or ((y*z) - x) }. The chainin parameter allows
you to enable a multiple-chain mode.

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Figure 44. Multiply-Add or Multiply-Subtract Mode for Arria 10 Devices


Bank Adder
Input Register Output
dataa_x0[31:0] Register Bank Register result[31:0]
dataa_y0[31:0] Bank Bank
dataa_z0[31:0] Multiplier Bank

chainout[31:0] Vector One Mode

This mode performs floating-point multiplication followed by floating-point addition

with the chainin input from the previous variable DSP Block. Input x is directly fed into
chainout. (result = y*z + chainin , where chainout = x)

Figure 45. Vector One Mode for Arria 10 Devices


Register Pipeline
Bank Register Adder
dataa_x0[31:0] Register Bank Output result[31:0]
Bank Register
dataa_z0[31:0] Multiplier Bank

chainout[31:0] Vector Two Mode

This mode performs floating-point multiplication where the multiplication result is

directly fed to chainout. The chainin input from the previous variable DSP Block is then
added to input x as the output result. (result = x + chainin, where chainout = y*z)

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Figure 46. Vector Two Mode for Arria 10 Devices


Bank Adder
Input Register
dataa_x0[31:0] Register Bank
Register result[31:0]
dataa_y0[31:0] Bank Bank
dataa_z0[31:0] Multiplier Bank

chainout[31:0] Direct Vector Dot Product

In the following figure, the direct vector dot product is implemented by several DSP
blocks by setting the following DSP modes:
• Multiply-add and subtract mode with chainin parameter turned on
• Vector one
• Vector two

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Figure 47. Direct Vector Dot Product


Register Pipeline
Bank Register Adder
dataa_x0[31:0] Register Bank Output result[31:0] IJ +KL
Bank Register
J dataa_y0[31:0]
I dataa_z0[31:0] Multiplier Bank

Vector One chainout[31:0]

Bank Adder
Input Register
AB + CD + EF + GH dataa_x0[31:0] Register Bank
Register result[31:0]
H dataa_y0[31:0] Bank Bank
G dataa_z0[31:0] Multiplier Bank

Vector Two chainout[31:0]

Register Pipeline
Bank Register Adder
EF + GH dataa_x0[31:0] Register Bank Output result[31:0] EF + GH
Bank Register
F dataa_y0[31:0]
E dataa_z0[31:0] Multiplier Bank

Vector One chainout[31:0]

Bank Adder
Input Register
AB + CD dataa_x0[31:0] Register Bank
Register result[31:0] AB + CD + EF + GH
D dataa_y0[31:0] Bank Bank
C dataa_z0[31:0] Multiplier Bank

Vector Two chainout[31:0]

Bank Adder
Input Register Output
dataa_x0[31:0] Register Bank Register result[31:0] AB + CD
B dataa_y0[31:0] Bank Bank
A dataa_z0[31:0] Multiplier Bank


chainout[31:0] Complex Multiplication

The Arria 10 devices support the floating-point arithmetic single precision complex
multiplier using four Arria 10 variable-precision DSP blocks.

Figure 48. Sample of Complex Multiplication Equation

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The imaginary part [(a × d) + (b × c)] is implemented in the first two variable-
precision DSP blocks, while the real part [(a × c) - (b × d)] is implemented in the
second variable-precision DSP block.

Figure 49. Complex Multiplication with Result Real


Bank Adder
Input Register
dataa_x0[31:0] Register Bank Output
Bank Register
a dataa_y0[31:0]
c dataa_z0[31:0] Multiplier Bank

Multiplication Mode


Bank Subtract
Input Register Output
dataa_x0[31:0] Register Bank Register result[31:0] Result Real
b dataa_y0[31:0] Bank Bank
d dataa_z0[31:0] Multiplier Bank

Multiply-Subtract Mode


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Figure 50. Complex Multiplication with Imaginary Result


Bank Adder
Input Register
dataa_x0[31:0] Register Bank Output
Bank Register
a dataa_y0[31:0]
d dataa_z0[31:0] Multiplier Bank

Multiplication Mode

Bank Adder
Input Register Output
dataa_x0[31:0] Register Bank Register result[31:0] Result Imaginary
b dataa_y0[31:0] Bank Bank
c dataa_z0[31:0] Multiplier Bank

Multiply-Add Mode


3.6. Variable Precision DSP Blocks in Arria 10 Devices Revision

Document Changes

2021.08.13 • Added the DSP Block Cascade Limit in Arria 10 Devices topic.
• Removed the statements about the number of DSP blocks you can cascade as systolic FIR structure
in the following topics:
— 18-bit Systolic FIR Mode
— 27-Bit Systolic FIR Mode
• In the 27-Bit Systolic FIR Mode topic, removed the "Systolic registers are not required in this mode"
statement. The registers are not available in the 27-bit systolic FIR mode.

Date Version Changes

March 2017 2017.03.15 • Rebranded as Intel.

• Changed subtraction from x-y to y-x.

December 2015 2015.11.14 • Corrected the number of DSP blocks for Arria 10 GX 660 from 1688 to
1687 in the table listing floating-point arithmetic resources.

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Date Version Changes

November 2015 2015.11.02 • Update resource count for Arria 10 GX 320, GX 480, GX 660, SX 320, SX
480, a SX 660 devices in Number of Multipliers in Arria 10 Devices
• Updated the Input Register Bank table to specify input register bank for
dynamic control signal in floating-point arithmetic is only applicable for
Dynamic ACCUMULATE control signal.
• Clarified that 18 x19 systolic FIR mode, there are 7-bits overhead and 37-
bits result.
• Updated the number of supported cascaded DSP blocks for 18-bit and 27-
bit systolic FIR modes.
• Changed instances of Quartus II to Quartus Prime

May 2015 2015.05.04 • Update Chainin and Chainout support for all Floating Point modes in
Supported Combinations of Operational Modes and Features for Variable
Precision DSP Block in Arria 10 Devices table.
• Added steps to retrieve design templates for Independent Multiplier Mode,
Multiplier Adder Sum Mode, and Systolic FIR Mode.
• Added Arria 10 Native Floating Point DSP IP core in Operational Modes

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Date Version Changes

January 2015 2015.01.23 • Added information for primitive DSP.

• Update Supported Combinations of Operational Modes and Features
for Variable Precision DSP Block in Arria 10 Devices table with the
column title Supported Operation Instance.
• Update resource for Single Precision Floating Point Adders in Number of
Multipliers in Arria 10 Devices table.
• Removed double accumulation registers are set statically in the
programming file statement in Accumulator for Fixed-Point Arithmetic
• Added ALTERA_FP_FUNCTIONS in the list of Quartus II DSP IP for floating-
point arithmetic.
• Added clarification on operational modes supported for delay registers in
fixed-point arithmetic.
• Added clarification that both top and bottom internal coefficient and pre-
adder must be enabled if these features are being used.

August 2014 2014.08.18 • Added floating-point arithmetic.

• Added Dynamic ACCUMULATE, Dynamic LOADCONST, Dynamic SUB,
Dynamic NEGATE to variable precision DSP blocks operational modes.
• Added top delay registers and bottom delay registers along the input
cascade chain.
• Added the variable precision DSP block signals that control the pipeline
registers within the variable precision DSP block.
• Added condition that when both pre-adders within the same DSP block are
used, they must share the same operation type (either addition or
• Updated 55-bit adder.
• Added 38-bit adder.
• Updated two 18 x 19 modes—where the adder is bypassed.
• Updated Decimation to Decimation + Accumulate.
• Added Decimation + Chainout Adder for accumulator functions and
dynamic control signals.
• Added 27 (signed or unsigned) x 27 (signed or unsigned) configuration
with 1 multiplier per block.
• Removed the chainout adder or accumulator from one sum of two 18 x 19
multipliers with one variable precision DSP block and one 18 x 18
multiplication summed with 36-Bit input mode block diagram.
• Updated the basic FIR filter equation.
• Added mapping systolic mode user view to variable precision block
architecture view.
• Added systolic registers are not required in 27-bit systolic FIR mode.

December 2013 2013.12.02 Initial release.

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683461 | 2024.07.08

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4. Clock Networks and PLLs in Arria 10 Devices

This chapter describes the advanced features of hierarchical clock networks and
phase-locked loops (PLLs) in Arria 10 devices. The Quartus Prime software enables the
PLLs and their features without external devices.

Related Information
Arria 10 Device Handbook: Known Issues
Lists the planned updates to the Arria 10 Device Handbook chapters.

4.1. Clock Networks

The Arria 10 devices contain the following clock networks that are organized into a
hierarchical structure:
• Global clock (GCLK) networks
• Regional clock (RCLK) networks
• Periphery clock (PCLK) networks
— Small periphery clock (SPCLK) networks
— Large periphery clock (LPCLK) networks

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4. Clock Networks and PLLs in Arria 10 Devices
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4.1.1. Clock Resources in Arria 10 Devices

Table 27. Clock Resources in Arria 10 Devices
Clock Input Pins

Device Number of Resources Source of Clock Resource


• 10AS016 • HSSI: 4 differential

• 10AS022 • I/O: 32 single-
• 10AX016 ended or 16
• 10AX022 differential

• 10AS027 • HSSI: 8 differential

• 10AS032 • I/O: 32 single-
• 10AX027 ended or 16
• 10AX032 differential

• HSSI: 12 differential For high-speed serial interface (HSSI):

• 10AS048 • I/O: 48 single- REFCLK_GXB[L,R][1:4][C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J]_CH[B,T][p,n] pins
• 10AX048 ended or 24
For I/O: CLK_[2,3][A..L]_[0,1][p,n] pins

• 10AS057 • HSSI: 16 differential

• 10AS066 • I/O: 64 single-
• 10AX057 ended or 32
• 10AX066 differential

• 10AT090 • HSSI: 32 differential

• 10AT115 • I/O: 64 single-
• 10AX090 ended or 32
• 10AX115 differential

GCLK Networks

Device Number of Resources Source of Clock Resource


• Physical medium attachment (PMA) and physical coding sublayer (PCS)

TX and RX clocks per channel
• PMA and PCS TX and RX divide clocks per channel
• Hard IP core clock output signals
• DLL clock outputs
All 32 • Fractional PLL (fPLL) and I/O PLL C counter outputs
• I/O PLL M counter outputs for feedback
• REFCLK and clock input pins
• Core signals
• Phase aligner counter outputs

RCLK Networks

Device Number of Resources Source of Clock Resource


• Physical medium attachment (PMA) and physical coding sublayer (PCS)

• 10AS016
TX and RX clocks per channel
• 10AS022
• PMA and PCS TX and RX divide clocks per channel
• 10AS027 8
• Hard IP core clock output signals
• 10AS032
• DLL clock outputs
• 10AX016
• fPLL and I/O PLL C counter outputs

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RCLK Networks

Device Number of Resources Source of Clock Resource


• 10AX022
• 10AX027
• 10AX032

• 10AS048
• 10AX048
• I/O PLL M counter outputs for feedback
• 10AS057 • REFCLK and clock input pins
• 10AS066 • Core signals
• 10AX057 • Phase aligner counter outputs
• 10AX066
• 10AT090
• 10AT115
• 10AX090
• 10AX115

SPCLK Networks

Device Number of Resources Source of Clock Resource


• 10AS016
• 10AS022
• 10AX016 For HSSI:
• 10AX022 • Physical medium attachment (PMA) and physical coding sublayer (PCS)
• 10AS027 TX and RX clocks per channel
• 10AS032 • PMA and PCS TX and RX divide clocks per channel
• 10AX027 • Hard IP core clock output signals
• 10AX032 • DLL clock outputs
• fPLL C counter outputs
• 10AS048
216 • REFCLK and clock input pins
• 10AX048
• Core signals
• 10AS057 For I/O:
• 10AS066 • DPA outputs (LVDS I/O only)
• 10AX057 • I/O PLL C and M counter outputs
• 10AX066 • Clock input pins
• 10AT090 • Core signals
• 10AT115 • Phase aligner counter outputs
• 10AX090
• 10AX115

LPCLK Networks

Device Number of Resources Source of Clock Resource


• 10AS016
• 10AS022 For HSSI:
• 10AX016 • Physical medium attachment (PMA) and physical coding sublayer (PCS)
• 10AX022 TX and RX clocks per channel
• 10AS027 • PMA and PCS TX and RX divide clocks per channel
• 10AS032 • Hard IP core clock output signals
• 10AX027 • DLL clock outputs
• 10AX032

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LPCLK Networks

Device Number of Resources Source of Clock Resource


• 10AS048
• 10AX048 • fPLL C and M counter outputs
• REFCLK and clock input pins
• 10AS057
• Core signals
• 10AS066
48 For I/O:
• 10AX057
• DPA outputs (LVDS I/O only)
• 10AX066
• I/O PLL C and M counter outputs
• 10AT090 • Clock input pins
• 10AT115 • Core signals
• 10AX090 • Phase aligner counter outputs
• 10AX115

For more information about the clock input pins connections, refer to the pin
connection guidelines.

Related Information
• Guideline: I/O Standards Supported for I/O PLL Reference Clock Input Pin on page
• Arria 10 GX, GT, and SX Device Family Pin Connection Guidelines
• Guideline: I/O Standards Supported for I/O PLL Reference Clock Input Pin on page

4.1.2. Hierarchical Clock Networks

Arria 10 devices cover 3 levels of clock networks hierarchy. The sequence of the
hierarchy is as follows:
1. GCLK, RCLK, PCLK, and GCLK and RCLK feedback clocks
2. Section clock (SCLK)
3. Row clocks

Each HSSI and I/O column contains clock drivers to drive down shared buses to the
respective GCLK, RCLK, and PCLK clock networks.

Arria 10 clock networks (GCLK, RCLK, and PCLK) are routed through SCLK before each
clock is connected to the clock routing for each HSSI or I/O bank. The settings for
SCLK are transparent. The Quartus Prime software automatically routes the SCLK
based on the GCLK, RCLK, and PCLK networks.

Each SCLK spine has a consistent height, matching that of HSSI and I/O banks. The
number of SCLK spine in a device depends on the number of HSSI and I/O banks.

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Figure 51. SCLK Spine Regions for Arria 10 Devices


SCLK Spine Region


Column Column Column Column

Arria 10 devices provide a maximum of 33 SCLK networks in the SCLK spine region.
The SCLK networks can drive six row clocks in each row clock region. The row clocks
are the clock resources to the core functional blocks, PLLs, and I/O interfaces, and
HSSI interfaces of the device. Six unique signals can be routed into each row clock
region. The connectivity pattern of the multiplexers that drive each SCLK limits the
clock sources to the SCLK spine region. Each SCLK can select the clock resources from

The following figure shows SCLKs driven by the GCLK, RCLK, PCLK, or GCLK and RCLK
feedback clock networks in each SCLK spine region. The GCLK, RCLK, PCLK, and GCLK
and RCLK feedback clocks share the same SCLK routing resources. To ensure
successful design fitting in the Quartus Prime software, the total number of clock
resources must not exceed the SCLK limits in each SCLK spine region.

Figure 52. Hierarchical Clock Networks in SCLK Spine

Feedback clock output from the First level Second level Third level
PLL that drives into the SCLKs.
GCLK/GCLK feedback
RCLK/RCLK feedback SCLK 33 6
24 Row clock
The maximum number of SPCLK
resources available for the LPCLK
clock networks that can drive
the SCLKs in each spine
region in the largest device.

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4.1.3. Types of Clock Networks Global Clock Networks

GCLK networks serve as low-skew clock sources for functional blocks, such as
adaptive logic modules (ALMs), digital signal processing (DSP), embedded memory,
and PLLs. Arria 10 I/O elements (IOEs) and internal logic can also drive GCLKs to
create internally-generated global clocks and other high fan-out control signals, such
as synchronous or asynchronous clear and clock enable signals.

Arria 10 devices provide GCLKs that can drive throughout the device. GCLKs cover
every SCLK spine region in the device. Each GCLK is accessible through the direction
as indicated in the Symbolic GCLK Networks diagram.

Figure 53. Symbolic GCLK Networks in Arria 10 Devices

This figure represents the top view of the silicon die that corresponds to a reverse view of the device package.


GCLK[11:8] GCLK[27:24]
GCLK[7:0] GCLK[23:16]
GCLK[15:12] GCLK[31:28]


Column Column Column Column Regional Clock Networks

RCLK networks provide low clock insertion delay and skew for logic contained within a
single RCLK region. The Arria 10 IOEs and internal logic within a given region can also
drive RCLKs to create internally-generated regional clocks and other high fan-out

Arria 10 devices provide RCLKs that can drive through the chip horizontally. RCLKs
cover all the SCLK spine regions in the same row of the device. The top and bottom
HSSI and I/O banks have RCLKs that cover 2 rows vertically. The other intermediate
HSSI and I/O banks have RCLKs that cover 6 rows vertically. The following figure
shows the RCLK network coverage.

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4. Clock Networks and PLLs in Arria 10 Devices
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Figure 54. RCLK Networks in Arria 10 Devices

This figure represents the top view of the silicon die that corresponds to a reverse view of the device package.


Network Coverage for RCLK[3..0]


Network Coverage for RCLK[7..4]


Network Coverage for RCLK[11..8]


Network Coverage for RCLK[15..12]



Column Column Column Column Periphery Clock Networks

PCLK networks provide the lowest insertion delay and the same skew as RCLK

Small Periphery Clock Networks

Each HSSI or I/O bank has 12 SPCLKs. SPCLKs cover one SCLK spine region in HSSI
bank and one SCLK spine region in I/O bank adjacent to each other in the same row.

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Figure 55. SPCLK Networks for Arria 10 Devices

This figure represents the top view of the silicon die that corresponds to a reverse view of the device package.




Column Column Column Column

Large Periphery Clock Networks

Each HSSI or I/O bank has 2 LPCLKs. LPCLKs have larger network coverage compared
to SPCLKs. LPCLKs cover one SCLK spine region in HSSI bank and one SCLK spine
region in I/O bank adjacent to each other in the same row. Top and bottom HSSI and
I/O banks have LPCLKs that cover 2 rows vertically. The other intermediate HSSI and
I/O banks have LPCLKs that cover 4 rows vertically.

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4. Clock Networks and PLLs in Arria 10 Devices
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Figure 56. LPCLK Networks for Arria 10 Devices

This figure represents the top view of the silicon die that corresponds to a reverse view of the device package.


2 4
2 2


Column Column Column Column

4.1.4. Clock Network Sources

This section describes the clock network sources that can drive the GCLK, RCLK, and
PCLK networks. Dedicated Clock Input Pins

The sources of dedicated clock input pins are as follows:

• fPLL—REFCLK_GXB[L,R][1:4][C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J]_CH[B,T][p,n] from
HSSI column
• I/O PLL—CLK_[2,3][A..L]_[0,1][p,n] from I/O column

You can use the dedicated clock input pins for high fan-out control signals, such as
asynchronous clears, presets, and clock enables, for protocol signals through the
GCLK or RCLK networks.

The dedicated clock input pins can be either differential clocks or single-ended clocks
for I/O PLL. For single-ended clock inputs, both the CLKp and CLKn pins have
dedicated connections to the I/O PLL. fPLLs only support differential clock inputs.

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Driving a PLL over a global or regional clock can lead to higher jitter at the PLL input,
and the PLL is not be able to fully compensate for the global or regional clock. Altera
recommends using the dedicated clock input pins for optimal performance to drive the

Related Information
Guideline: I/O Standards Supported for I/O PLL Reference Clock Input Pin on page
180 Internal Logic

You can drive each GCLK and RCLK network using core routing to enable internal logic
to drive a high fan-out, low-skew signal. DPA Outputs

Each DPA can drive the PCLK networks. HSSI Clock Outputs

HSSI clock outputs can drive the GCLK, RCLK, and PCLK networks. PLL Clock Outputs

The fPLL and I/O PLL clock outputs can drive all clock networks.

4.1.5. Clock Control Block

Every GCLK, RCLK, and PCLK network has its own clock control block. The control
block provides the following features:
• Clock source selection (dynamic selection available only for GCLKs)
• Clock power down (static or dynamic clock enable or disable available only for
GCLKs and RCLKs)

Related Information
Clock Control Block (ALTCLKCTRL) IP Core User Guide
Provides more information about ALTCLKCTRL IP core and clock multiplexing
schemes. Pin Mapping in Arria 10 Devices

Table 28. Mapping Between the Clock Input Pins, PLL Counter Outputs, and Clock
Control Block Inputs for HSSI Column
Clock Fed by

inclk[0] PLL counters C0 and C2 from adjacent fPLLs.

inclk[1] PLL counters C1 and C3 from adjacent fPLLs.

inclk[2] and inclk[3] Any of the two dedicated clock pins on the same HSSI bank.

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4. Clock Networks and PLLs in Arria 10 Devices
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Table 29. Mapping Between the Clock Input Pins, PLL Counter Outputs, and Clock
Control Block Inputs for I/O Column
One counter can only be assigned to one inclk.

Clock Fed by

inclk[0] CLK_[2,3][A..L]_0p or any counters from adjacent I/O PLLs.

inclk[1] CLK_[2,3][A..L]_0n or any counters from adjacent I/O PLLs.

inclk[2] CLK_[2,3][A..L]_1p or any counters from adjacent I/O PLLs.

inclk[3] CLK_[2,3][A..L]_1n or any counters from adjacent I/O PLLs. GCLK Control Block

You can select the clock source for the GCLK select block either statically or
dynamically using internal logic to drive the multiplexer-select inputs.

When selecting the clock source dynamically, you can select either PLL outputs (such
as C0 or C1), or a combination of clock pins or PLL outputs.

Figure 57. GCLK Control Block for Arria 10 Devices

For the corresponding CLKSELECT[1..0] The CLKn pin is not a dedicated clock
PLL Counter
of the HSSI column or I/O column, HSSI CLKn DPA input when used as a single-ended
Outputs/CLK Pins
refer to the Pin Mapping tables. Output Pin Output PLL clock input. The CLKn pin can
4 drive the PLL using the GCLK.
2 Internal
When the device is in user mode, CLKSELECT[1..0]
you can dynamically control the
clock select signals through internal
logic. Static Clock When the device is in user mode, you can only
This multiplexer Select set the clock select signals through a
supports user-controllable Enable/ configuration file (SRAM object file [.sof] or
dynamic switching Disable programmer object file [.pof]) because the
Internal signals cannot be controlled dynamically.

You can set the input clock sources and the clkena signals for the GCLK network
multiplexers through the Quartus Prime software using the ALTCLKCTRL IP core.

When selecting the clock source dynamically using the ALTCLKCTRL IP core, choose
the inputs using the CLKSELECT[0..1] signal.

Note: You can only switch dedicated clock inputs from the same I/O or HSSI bank.

Related Information
Pin Mapping in Arria 10 Devices on page 80
Provides the mapping between the clock input pins, PLL counter outputs, and clock
control block inputs for HSSI column and I/O column. RCLK Control Block

You can only control the clock source selection for the RCLK select block statically
using configuration bit settings in the configuration file (.sof or .pof) generated by
the Quartus Prime software.

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Figure 58. RCLK Control Block for Arria 10 Devices

The CLKn pin is not a dedicated
clock input when used as a
CLKp CLKn single-ended PLL clock input. The
Pin Pin CLKn pin can drive the PLL using
the RCLK.
HSSI Output DPA Output
PLL Counter Internal Logic
Static Clock Select When the device is in user mode,
you can only set the clock select
signals through a configuration file
Enable/ (.sof or .pof); they cannot be
Disable controlled dynamically.

You can set the input clock sources and the clkena signals for the RCLK networks
through the Quartus Prime software using the ALTCLKCTRL IP core. PCLK Control Block

PCLK control block drives both SPCLK and LPCLK networks.

To drive the HSSI PCLK, select the HSSI output, fPLL output, or clock input pin.

To drive the I/O PCLK, select the DPA clock output, I/O PLL output, or clock input pin.

Figure 59. PCLK Control Block for HSSI Column for Arria 10 Devices
CLKp Pin CLKn Pin
HSSI Output Fractional PLL Output

Static Clock Select

PCLK from
HSSI Column

Figure 60. PCLK Control Block for I/O Column for Arria 10 Devices
CLKp Pin CLKn Pin
DPA Output I/O PLL Output

Static Clock Select

PCLK from
I/O Column

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You can set the input clock sources and the clkena signals for the PCLK networks
through the Quartus Prime software using the ALTCLKCTRL IP core.

4.1.6. Clock Power Down

You can power down the GCLK and RCLK clock networks using both static and dynamic

When a clock network is powered down, all the logic fed by the clock network is in off-
state, reducing the overall power consumption of the device. The unused GCLK, RCLK,
and PCLK networks are automatically powered down through configuration bit settings
in the configuration file (.sof or .pof) generated by the Quartus Prime software.

The dynamic clock enable or disable feature allows the internal logic to control power-
up or power-down synchronously on the GCLK and RCLK networks. This feature is
independent of the PLL and is applied directly on the clock network.

Note: You cannot dynamically enable or disable GCLK or RCLK networks that drive PLLs.
Dynamically gating a large clock may affect the chip performance when the core
frequency is high.

4.1.7. Clock Enable Signals

You cannot use the clock enable and disable circuit of the clock control block if the
GCLK or RCLK output drives the input of a PLL.

Figure 61. clkena Implementation with Clock Enable and Disable Circuit
This figure shows the implementation of the clock enable and disable circuit of the clock control block.

The R1 and R2 bypass paths are

not available for the PLL external
clock outputs.

clkena D Q D Q GCLK/
Clock Select RCLK/
Multiplexer Output R1 R2 PLL_[2,3][A..L]_CLKOUT[0..3][p,n]
The select line is statically
controlled by a bit setting in
the .sof or .pof.

The clkena signals are supported at the clock network level instead of at the PLL
output counter level. This allows you to gate off the clock even when you are not using
a PLL. You can also use the clkena signals to control the dedicated external clocks
from the PLLs.

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Figure 62. Example of clkena Signals

This figure shows a waveform example for a clock output enable. The clkena signal is synchronous to the
falling edge of the clock output.

Clock Select
Multiplexer Output

Use the clkena signals to enable or disable the

GCLK and RCLK networks or the clkena
PLL_[2,3][A..L]_CLKOUT[0..3][p,n] pins.

AND Gate Output

with R2 Bypassed
(ena Port Registered as
Falling Edge of Input Clock)

AND Gate Output

with R2 Not Bypassed
(ena Port Registered as Double
Register with Input Clock)

Arria 10 devices have an additional metastability register that aids in asynchronous

enable and disable of the GCLK and RCLK networks. You can optionally bypass this
register in the Quartus Prime software.

The PLL can remain locked, independent of the clkena signals, because the loop-
related counters are not affected. This feature is useful for applications that require a
low-power or sleep mode. The clkena signal can also disable clock outputs if the
system is not tolerant of frequency overshoot during resynchronization.

4.2. Arria 10 PLLs

PLLs provide robust clock management and synthesis for device clock management,
external system clock management, and high-speed I/O interfaces.

The Arria 10 device family contains the following PLLs:

• fPLLs—can function as fractional PLLs or integer PLLs
• I/O PLLs—can only function as integer PLLs

The fPLLs are located adjacent to the transceiver blocks in the HSSI banks. Each HSSI
bank contains two fPLLs. You can configure each fPLL independently in conventional
integer mode or fractional mode. In fractional mode, the fPLL can operate with third-
order delta-sigma modulation. Each fPLL has four C counter outputs and one L counter

The I/O PLLs are located adjacent to the hard memory controllers and LVDS serializer/
deserializer (SERDES) blocks in the I/O banks. Each I/O bank contains one I/O PLL.
The I/O PLLs can operate in conventional integer mode. Each I/O PLL has nine C
counter outputs. In some specific device package, you can use the I/O PLLs in the I/O
banks that are not bonded out in your design. These I/O PLLs must take their
reference clock source from the FPGA core or through a dedicated cascade connection
from another I/O PLL in the same I/O column.

Arria 10 devices have up to 32 fPLLs and 16 I/O PLLs in the largest densities. Arria 10
PLLs have different core analog structure and features support.

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4. Clock Networks and PLLs in Arria 10 Devices
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Table 30. PLL Features in Arria 10 Devices

Feature Fractional PLL I/O PLL

Integer mode Yes Yes

Fractional mode Yes —

C output counters 4 9

M counter divide factors 8 to 127 4 to 160

N counter divide factors 1 to 32 1 to 80

C counter divide factors 1 to 512 1 to 512

L counter divide factors 1, 2, 4, 8 —

Dedicated external clock outputs — Yes

Dedicated clock input pins Yes Yes

External feedback input pin — Yes

Spread-spectrum input clock tracking (4) Yes Yes

Source synchronous compensation — Yes

Direct compensation Yes Yes

Normal compensation — Yes

Zero-delay buffer compensation — Yes

External feedback compensation — Yes

LVDS compensation — Yes

Feedback compensation bonding Yes —

Voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) output drives the DPA

— Yes

Phase shift resolution (5) 72 ps 78.125 ps

Programmable duty cycle Fixed 50% duty cycle Yes

Power down mode Yes Yes

(4) Provided input clock jitter is within input jitter tolerance specifications.
(5) The smallest phase shift is determined by the VCO period divided by four (for fPLL) or eight
(for I/O PLL). For degree increments, the Arria 10 device can shift all output frequencies in
increments of at least 45° (for I/O PLL) or 90° (for fPLL). Smaller degree increments are
possible depending on the frequency and divide parameters.

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4.2.1. PLL Usage

fPLLs are optimized for use as transceiver transmit PLLs and for synthesizing reference
clock frequencies. You can use the fPLLs as follows:
• Reduce the number of required oscillators on the board
• Reduce the clock pins used in the FPGA by synthesizing multiple clock frequencies
from a single reference clock source
• Compensate clock network delay
• Transmit clocking for transceivers

I/O PLLs are optimized for use with memory interfaces and LVDS SERDES. You can
use the I/O PLLs as follows:
• Reduce the number of required oscillators on the board
• Reduce the clock pins used in the FPGA by synthesizing multiple clock frequencies
from a single reference clock source
• Simplify the design of external memory interfaces and high-speed LVDS interfaces
• Ease timing closure because the I/O PLLs are tightly coupled with the I/Os
• Compensate clock network delay
• Zero delay buffering

4.2.2. PLL Architecture

Figure 63. Fractional PLL High-Level Block Diagram for Arria 10 Devices
L Counter
Dedicated Reference Clock Pin Input /1, 2, 4, 8
Reference Clock Network Reference
Clock Up Charge
Receiver Input Pin N Counter
PFD Pump and VCO M Counter
Output of Another PLL with PLL Cascading Down Loop Filter
Global Clock or Core Clock
Delta Sigma

/2 C Counter

Figure 64. I/O PLL High-Level Block Diagram for Arria 10 Devices
To DPA Block
For single-ended clock inputs, both the CLKp and CLKn pins
have dedicated connection to the PLL.
Casade Output
Lock to Adjacent I/O PLL
Circuit locked ÷C0
4 8 ÷C1 RCLKs
Dedicated Clock Inputs inclk0 ÷N 8
PLL Output Multiplexer

Clock extswitch
inclk1 Switchover clkbad0 ÷C3
GCLK/RCLK Block clkbad1 LVDS RX/TX Clock
activeclock LVDS RX/TX Load Enable
Cascade Input
from Adjacent I/O PLL FBOUT This FBOUT port is fed by
the M counter in the PLLs.
÷C8 External Memory
Interface DLL

Direct Compensation Mode

Zero Delay Buffer, External Feedback Modes FBIN
LVDS Compensation Mode LVDS Clock Network
Source Synchronous, Normal Modes GCLK/RCLK Network

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4.2.3. PLL Control Signals

You can use the reset signal to control PLL operation and resynchronization, and use
the locked signal to observe the status of the PLL. Reset

The reset signal port of the IP core for each PLL is as follows:
• fPLL—pll_powerdown
• I/O PLL—reset

The reset signal is the reset or resynchronization input for each PLL. The device input
pins or internal logic can drive these input signals.

When the reset signal is driven high, the PLL counters reset, clearing the PLL output
and placing the PLL out-of-lock. The VCO is then set back to its nominal setting. When
the reset signal is driven low again, the PLL resynchronizes to its input clock source as
it re-locks.

You must assert the reset signal every time the PLL loses lock to guarantee the correct
phase relationship between the PLL input and output clocks. You can set up the PLL to
automatically reset (self-reset) after a loss-of-lock condition using the Quartus Prime
parameter editor.

You must include the reset signal if either of the following conditions is true:
• PLL reconfiguration or clock switchover is enabled in the design
• Phase relationships between the PLL input and output clocks must be maintained
after a loss-of-lock condition

Note: • If the input clock to the PLL is not toggling or is unstable when the FPGA
transitions into user mode, reset the PLL after the input clock is stable and within
specifications, even when the self-reset feature is enabled.
• If the PLL is not able to lock to the reference clock after reconfiguring the PLL or
the external clock source, reset the PLL after the input clock is stable and within
specifications, even when the self-reset feature is enabled.
• For fPLL, after device power-up, you must reset the fPLL when the fPLL power-up
calibration process has completed (pll_cal_busy signal deasserts). Locked

The locked signal port of the IP core for each PLL is as follows:
• fPLL—pll_locked
• I/O PLL—locked

The lock detection circuit provides a signal to the core logic. The signal indicates when
the feedback clock has locked onto the reference clock both in phase and frequency.

4.2.4. Clock Feedback Modes

Clock feedback modes compensate for clock network delays to align the PLL clock
input rising edge with the rising edge of the clock output. Select the appropriate type
of compensation for the timing critical clock path in your design.

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PLL compensation is not always needed. A PLL should be configured in direct (no
compensation) mode unless a need for compensation is identified. Direct mode
provides the best PLL jitter performance and avoids expending compensation clocking
resources unnecessarily.

The default clock feedback mode is direct compensation mode.

fPLLs support the following clock feedback modes:

• Direct compensation
• Feedback compensation bonding

I/O PLLs support the following clock feedback modes:

• Direct compensation
• Normal compensation
• Source synchronous compensation
• LVDS compensation
• Zero delay buffer (ZDB) compensation
• External feedback (EFB) compensation

Related Information
• Intel FPGA I/O Phase-Locked Loop (Intel FPGA IOPLL) IP Core User Guide
Provides more information about I/O PLL operation modes.
• PLL Feedback and Cascading Clock Network, Arria 10 Transceiver PHY User Guide
Provides more information about fPLL operation modes.

4.2.5. Clock Multiplication and Division

An Arria 10 PLL output frequency is related to its input reference clock source by a
scale factor of M/(N × C) in integer mode. The input clock is divided by a pre-scale
factor, N, and is then multiplied by the M feedback factor. The control loop drives the
VCO to match fin × (M/N).

The Quartus Prime software automatically chooses the appropriate scale factors
according to the input frequency, multiplication, and division values entered into the
Altera IOPLL IP core for I/O PLL and Arria 10 FPLL IP core for fPLL.

Pre-Scale Counter, N and Multiply Counter, M

Each PLL has one pre-scale counter, N, and one multiply counter, M. The M and N
counters do not use duty-cycle control because the only purpose of these counters is
to calculate frequency division.

Post-Scale Counter, C

Each output port has a unique post-scale counter, C. For multiple C counter outputs
with different frequencies, the VCO is set to the least common multiple of the output
frequencies that meets its frequency specifications. For example, if the output
frequencies required from one I/O PLL are 55 MHz and 100 MHz, the Quartus Prime
software sets the VCO frequency to 1.1 GHz (the least common multiple of 55 MHz
and 100 MHz within the VCO operating frequency range). Then the post-scale
counters, C, scale down the VCO frequency for each output port.

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Post-Scale Counter, L

The fPLL has an additional post-scale counter, L. The L counter synthesizes the
frequency from its clock source using the M/(N × L) scale factor. The L counter
generates a differential clock pair (0 degree and 180 degree) and drives the HSSI
clock network.

Delta-Sigma Modulator

The delta-sigma modulator (DSM) is used together with the M multiply counter to
enable the fPLL to operate in fractional mode. The DSM dynamically changes the M
counter factor on a cycle-to-cycle basis. The different M counter factors allow the
"average" M counter factor to be a non-integer.

Fractional Mode

In fractional mode, the M counter value equals to the sum of the M feedback factor and
the fractional value. The fractional value is equal to K/232, where K is an integer
between 0 and (232 – 1).

Integer Mode

For a fPLL operating in integer mode, M is an integer value and DSM is disabled.

The I/O PLL can only operate in integer mode.

Related Information
• Intel FPGA I/O Phase-Locked Loop (Intel FPGA IOPLL) IP Core User Guide
Provides more information about I/O PLL software support in the Quartus
Prime software.
• PLLs and Clock Networks chapter, Arria 10 Transceiver PHY User Guide
Provides more information about fPLL software support in the Quartus Prime

4.2.6. Programmable Phase Shift

The programmable phase shift feature allows both fPLLs and I/O PLLs to generate
output clocks with a fixed phase offset.

The VCO frequency of the PLL determines the precision of the phase shift. The
minimum phase shift increment is 1/8 (for I/O PLL) or 1/4 (for fPLL) of the VCO
period. For example, if an I/O PLL operates with a VCO frequency of 1000 MHz, phase
shift steps of 125 ps are possible.

The Quartus Prime software automatically adjusts the VCO frequency according to the
user-specified phase shift values entered into the IP core.

4.2.7. Programmable Duty Cycle

The programmable duty cycle feature allows I/O PLLs to generate clock outputs with a
variable duty cycle. This feature is only supported by the I/O PLL post-scale counters,
C. fPLLs do not support the programmable duty cycle feature and only have fixed 50%
duty cycle.

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The I/O PLL C counter value determines the precision of the duty cycle. The precision
is 50% divided by the post-scale counter value. For example, if the C0 counter is 10,
steps of 5% are possible for duty-cycle options from 5% to 90%. If the I/O PLL is in
external feedback mode, set the duty cycle for the counter driving the fbin pin to

The Quartus Prime software automatically adjusts the VCO frequency according to the
required duty cycle that you enter in the IOPLL IP core parameter editor.

Combining the programmable duty cycle with programmable phase shift allows the
generation of precise non-overlapping clocks.

4.2.8. PLL Cascading

Arria 10 devices support PLL-to-PLL cascading. You can only cascade a maximum of
two PLLs. The cascaded PLLs must be adjacent PLLs. PLL cascading synthesizes more
output clock frequencies than a single PLL.

If you cascade PLLs in your design, the source (upstream) PLL must have a low-
bandwidth setting and the destination (downstream) PLL must have a high-bandwidth
setting. During cascading, the output of the source PLL serves as the reference clock
(input) of the destination PLL. The bandwidth settings of cascaded PLLs must be
different. If the bandwidth settings of the cascaded PLLs are the same, the cascaded
PLLs may amplify phase noise at certain frequencies.

Arria 10 devices only support I/O-PLL-to-I/O-PLL cascading via dedicated cascade path
for core applications. In this mode, upstream I/O PLL and downstream I/O PLL must
be located within the same I/O column.

Arria 10 fPLL does not support PLL cascading mode for core applications.

Related Information
• Intel FPGA I/O Phase-Locked Loop (Intel FPGA IOPLL) IP Core User Guide
Provides more information about I/O PLL cascading in the Quartus Prime
• Implementing PLL cascading, Arria 10 Transceiver PHY User Guide
Provides more information about fPLL cascading in the Quartus Prime software.
• KDB link: How do I compensate for the jitter of PLL cascading or non-dedicated
clock path for Arria 10 PLL reference clock?
For Quartus Prime version prior to 17.1, the I/O PLL and fPLL output may
experience additional jitter. The additional jitter occurs if you source the
reference clock from a cascaded PLL output, global clock, or core clock. To
compensate for the jitter, the designs require additional constraints. This issue
has been fixed in the Quartus Prime version 17.1.

4.2.9. Reference Clock Sources

There are three possible reference clock sources to the I/O PLL. The clock can come
from a dedicated pin, a core clock network, or the dedicated cascade network.

Altera recommends providing the I/O PLL reference clock using a dedicated pin when
possible. If you want to use a non-dedicated pin for the PLL reference clock, you have
to explicitly promote the clock to a global signal in the Quartus Prime software.

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You can provide up to two reference clocks to the I/O PLL.

• Both reference clocks can come from dedicated pins.
• Only one reference clock can come from a core clock.
• Only one reference clock can come from a dedicated cascade network.

You need to ensure that the PLL input reference clock is in the lock range as stated in
the Quartus Prime PLL Usage Summary under Fitter report. PLL loses lock if the input
reference clock exceeds the stated range value. You need to reconfigure the PLL if the
input reference clock that you are sourcing exceeds this frequency lock range.

Related Information
KDB link: How do I compensate for the jitter of PLL cascading or non-dedicated clock
path for Arria 10 PLL reference clock?
For Quartus Prime version prior to 17.1, the I/O PLL and fPLL output may
experience additional jitter. The additional jitter occurs if you source the reference
clock from a cascaded PLL output, global clock, or core clock. To compensate for
the jitter, the designs require additional constraints. This issue has been fixed in
the Quartus Prime version 17.1.

4.2.10. Clock Switchover

The clock switchover feature allows the PLL to switch between two reference input
clocks. Use this feature for clock redundancy or for a dual-clock domain application
where a system turns to the redundant clock if the previous clock stops running. The
design can perform clock switchover automatically when the clock is no longer
toggling or based on a user control signal, extswitch.

Arria 10 PLLs support the following clock switchover modes:

• Automatic switchover—The clock sense circuit monitors the current reference
clock. If the current reference clock stops toggling, the reference clock
automatically switches to inclk0 or inclk1 clock.
• Manual clock switchover—Clock switchover is controlled using the extswitch
signal. When the extswitch signal pulse stays low for at least three clock cycles
for the inclk being switched to, the reference clock to the PLL is switched from
inclk0 to inclk1, or vice-versa.
• Automatic switchover with manual override—This mode combines automatic
switchover and manual clock switchover. When the extswitch signal goes low, it
overrides the automatic clock switchover function. As long as the extswitch
signal is low, further switchover action is blocked. Automatic Switchover

Arria 10 PLLs support a fully configurable clock switchover capability.

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Figure 65. Automatic Clock Switchover Circuit Block Diagram

This figure shows a block diagram of the automatic switchover circuit built into the PLL.


Sense Switchover
State Machine

Clock Switch extswitch
Control Logic
N Counter PFD
Multiplexer refclk
Out fbclk

When the current reference clock is not present, the clock sense block automatically
switches to the backup clock for PLL reference. You can select a clock source as the
backup clock by connecting it to the inclk1 port of the PLL in your design.

The clock switchover circuit sends out three status signals—clkbad0, clkbad1, and
activeclock—from the PLL to implement a custom switchover circuit in the logic

In automatic switchover mode, the clkbad0 and clkbad1 signals indicate the status
of the two clock inputs. When they are asserted, the clock sense block detects that the
corresponding clock input has stopped toggling. These two signals are not valid if the
frequency difference between inclk0 and inclk1 is greater than 20%.

The activeclock signal indicates which of the two clock inputs (inclk0 or inclk1)
is being selected as the reference clock to the PLL. When the frequency difference
between the two clock inputs is more than 20%, the activeclock signal is the only
valid status signal.

Use the switchover circuitry to automatically switch between inclk0 and inclk1
when the current reference clock to the PLL stops toggling. You can switch back and
forth between inclk0 and inclk1 any number of times when one of the two clocks
fails and the other clock is available.

For example, in applications that require a redundant clock with the same frequency
as the reference clock, the switchover state machine generates a signal (clksw) that
controls the multiplexer select input. In this case, inclk1 becomes the reference
clock for the PLL.

When using automatic clock switchover mode, the following requirements must be
• Both clock inputs must be running when the FPGA is configured.
• The period of the two clock inputs can differ by no more than 20%.

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The input clocks must meet the input jitter specifications to ensure proper operation of
the status signals. Glitches in the input clock may be seen as a greater than 20%
difference in frequency between the input clocks.

If the current clock input stops toggling while the other clock is also not toggling,
switchover is not initiated and the clkbad[0..1] signals are not valid. If both clock
inputs are not the same frequency, but their period difference is within 20%, the clock
sense block detects when a clock stops toggling. However, the PLL may lose lock after
the switchover is completed and needs time to relock.

Note: You must reset the PLL using the reset signal to maintain the phase relationships
between the PLL input and output clocks when using clock switchover.

Figure 66. Automatic Switchover After Loss of Clock Detection

This figure shows an example waveform of the switchover feature in automatic switchover mode. In this
example, the inclk0 signal is held low. After the inclk0 signal is held low for approximately two clock cycles,
the clock sense circuitry drives the clkbad0 signal high. As the reference clock signal (inclk0) is not
toggling, the switchover state machine controls the multiplexer through the extswitch signal to switch to the
backup clock, inclk1.






Switchover is enabled on the falling
edge of inclk0 or inclk1, depending on
which clock is available. In this figure,
switchover is enabled on the falling
edge of inclk1. Automatic Switchover with Manual Override

In automatic switchover with manual override mode, you can use the extswitch
signal for user- or system-controlled switch conditions. You can use this mode for
same-frequency switchover, or to switch between inputs of different frequencies.

For example, if inclk0 is 66 MHz and inclk1 is 200 MHz, you must control
switchover using the extswitch signal. The automatic clock-sense circuitry cannot
monitor clock input (inclk0 and inclk1) frequencies with a frequency difference of
more than 100% (2×).

This feature is useful when the clock sources originate from multiple cards on the
backplane, requiring a system-controlled switchover between the frequencies of

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You must choose the backup clock frequency and set the M, N, C, L, and K counters so
that the VCO operates within the recommended operating frequency range. The
Altera IOPLL (for I/O PLL) and Arria 10 FPLL (for fPLL) parameter editors notifies you if
a given combination of inclk0 and inclk1 frequencies cannot meet this

Figure 67. Clock Switchover Using the extswitch (Manual) Control

This figure shows a clock switchover waveform controlled by the extswitch signal. In this case, both clock
sources are functional and inclk0 is selected as the reference clock. The switchover sequence starts when the
extswitch signal goes low. On the falling edge of inclk0, the counter’s reference clock, muxout, is gated off
to prevent clock glitching. On the falling edge of inclk1, the reference clock multiplexer switches from
inclk0 to inclk1 as the PLL reference. The activeclock signal changes to indicate the clock which is
currently feeding the PLL.






To initiate a manual clock switchover event,
both inclk0 and inclk1 must be running when
the extswitch signal goes low.

In automatic override with manual switchover mode, the activeclock signal inverts
after the extswitch signal transitions from logic high to logic low. Since both clocks
are still functional during the manual switch, neither clkbad signal goes high.
Because the switchover circuit is negative-edge sensitive, the rising edge of the
extswitch signal does not cause the circuit to switch back from inclk1 to inclk0.
When the extswitch signal goes low again, the process repeats.

The extswitch signal and automatic switch work only if the clock being switched to
is available. If the clock is not available, the state machine waits until the clock is

Related Information
• Intel FPGA I/O Phase-Locked Loop (Intel FPGA IOPLL) IP Core User Guide
Provides more information about I/O PLL software support in the Quartus
Prime software.
• PLLs and Clock Networks chapter, Arria 10 Transceiver PHY User Guide
Provides more information about fPLL software support in the Quartus Prime

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4. Clock Networks and PLLs in Arria 10 Devices
683461 | 2024.07.08 Manual Clock Switchover

In manual clock switchover mode, the extswitch signal controls whether inclk0 or
inclk1 is selected as the input clock to the PLL. By default, inclk0 is selected.

A clock switchover event is initiated when the extswitch signal transitions from logic
high to logic low, and being held low for at least three inclk cycles for the inclk
being switched to.

You must bring the extswitch signal back high again to perform another switchover
event. If you do not require another switchover event, you can leave the extswitch
signal in a logic low state after the initial switch.

Pulsing the extswitch signal low for at least three inclk cycles for the inclk being
switched to performs another switchover event.

If inclk0 and inclk1 are different frequencies and are always running, the
extswitch signal minimum low time must be greater than or equal to three of the
slower frequency inclk0 and inclk1 cycles.

Figure 68. Manual Clock Switchover Circuitry in Arria 10 PLLs

Clock Switch
Control Logic
N Counter PFD
muxout refclk fbclk

You can delay the clock switchover action by specifying the switchover delay in the
Altera IOPLL (for I/O PLL) and Arria 10 FPLL (for fPLL) IP cores. When you specify the
switchover delay, the extswitch signal must be held low for at least three inclk
cycles for the inclk being switched to plus the number of the delay cycles that has
been specified to initiate a clock switchover.

Related Information
• Intel FPGA I/O Phase-Locked Loop (Intel FPGA IOPLL) IP Core User Guide
Provides more information about I/O PLL software support in the Quartus
Prime software.
• PLLs and Clock Networks chapter, Arria 10 Transceiver PHY User Guide
Provides more information about fPLL software support in the Quartus Prime

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4. Clock Networks and PLLs in Arria 10 Devices
683461 | 2024.07.08 Guidelines

When implementing clock switchover in Arria 10 PLLs, use the following guidelines:
• Automatic clock switchover requires that the inclk0 and inclk1 frequencies be
within 20% of each other. Failing to meet this requirement causes the clkbad0
and clkbad1 signals to not function properly.
• When using manual clock switchover, the difference between inclk0 and inclk1
can be more than 100% (2×). However, differences in frequency, phase, or both,
of the two clock sources is likely to cause the PLL to lose lock. Resetting the PLL
ensures that you maintain the correct phase relationships between the input and
output clocks.
• Both inclk0 and inclk1 must be running when the extswitch signal goes low
to initiate the manual clock switchover event. Failing to meet this requirement
causes the clock switchover to not function properly.
• Applications that require a clock switchover feature and a small frequency drift
must use a low-bandwidth PLL. When referencing input clock changes, the low-
bandwidth PLL reacts more slowly than a high-bandwidth PLL. When switchover
happens, a low-bandwidth PLL propagates the stopping of the clock to the output
more slowly than a high-bandwidth PLL. However, be aware that the low-
bandwidth PLL also increases lock time.
• After a switchover occurs, there may be a finite resynchronization period for the
PLL to lock onto a new clock. The time it takes for the PLL to relock depends on
the PLL configuration.
• The phase relationship between the input clock to the PLL and the output clock
from the PLL is important in your design. Assert the reset signal for at least 10 ns
after performing a clock switchover. Wait for the locked signal to go high and be
stable before re-enabling the output clocks from the PLL.
• The VCO frequency gradually decreases when the current clock is lost and then
increases as the VCO locks on to the backup clock, as shown in the following

Figure 69. VCO Switchover Operating Frequency

Primary Clock Stops Running

Switchover Occurs

VCO Tracks Secondary Clock

∆ F vco

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4. Clock Networks and PLLs in Arria 10 Devices
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4.2.11. PLL Reconfiguration and Dynamic Phase Shift

fPLLs and I/O PLLs support PLL reconfiguration and dynamic phase shift with the
following features:
• PLL reconfiguration—Reconfigure the M, N, and C counters. Able to reconfigure the
fractional settings (for fPLL).
• Dynamic phase shift—Perform positive or negative phase shift. fPLLs support only
single phase step in one dynamic phase shift operation, where each phase step is
equal to 1/4 of the VCO period. I/O PLLs support multiple phase steps in one
dynamic phase shift operation, where each phase step is equal to 1/8 of the VCO

Related Information
• Arria 10 Transceiver Register Map
Provides the register address for M, N, and C counters reconfiguration in the
Extended Register Map tab.
• AN 728: I/O PLL Reconfiguration and Dynamic Phase Shift for Arria 10 Devices
Provides more information about implementing I/O PLL reconfiguration in the
PLL Reconfig IP core and implementing I/O PLL dynamic phase shift in the
IOPLL IP core.
• Reconfiguration Interface and Dynamic Reconfiguration chapter, Arria 10
Transceiver PHY User Guide
Provides more information about implementing fPLL reconfiguration in the
Quartus Prime software.

4.3. Clock Networks and PLLs in Arria 10 Devices Revision History

Document Changes

2019.06.24 • Updated the description for single-ended clock inputs in the Dedicated Clock Input Pins section.
• Added description about PLL lock range in the Reference Clock Sources section.

Date Version Changes

December 2017 2017.12.15 • Updated the notes on PLL reset in the Reset section.
• Updated the description on I/O-PLL-to-I/O-PLL cascading in the PLL
Cascading section.
• Added KDB link on PLL jitter compensation in the following sections:
— PLL Cascading
— Reference Clock Sources
• Updated the links in the PLL Reconfiguration and Dynamic Phase Shift

May 2017 2017.05.08 • Updated information on PLL cascading.

• Removed all "Preliminary" marks.

March 2017 2017.03.15 Rebranded as Intel.

October 2016 2016.10.31 • Changed clock switchover control signal from clkswitch to extswitch.
• Updated the clock switchover control signal to active low in the Manual
Clock Switchover section.

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Date Version Changes

May 2016 2016.05.02 • Updated the Clock Resources in Arria 10 Devices table.
— Updated the number of resources available for HSSI.
— Removed fPLL M counter output as the source of clock resource for
• Updated descriptions on dedicated clock input pins.
• Updated the note in Clock Power Down section.
• Updated the description on fPLL mode in Arria 10 PLLs section.
• Updated Fractional PLL High-Level Block Diagram for Arria 10 diagram.
• Removed dedicated refclk input in I/O PLL High-Level Block Diagram for
Arria 10 Devices diagram.
• Updated supported PLL cascading mode for Arria 10 devices.
• Added Reference Clock Sources section.

November 2015 2015.11.02 • Updated the description in Hierarchical Clock Networks section: Arria 10
devices provide a maximum of 33 SCLK networks in the SCLK spine
• Updated GCLK Control Block for Arria 10 Devices diagram.
• Removed the following description in the GCLK Control Block section: The
inputs from the clock pins feed the inclk[0..1] ports of the multiplexer,
and the PLL outputs feed the inclk[2..3] ports.
• Added descriptions about I/O PLL in the Arria 10 PLLs section.
• Updated PLL Features in Arria 10 Devices table.
— Updated the feature from integer and fractional PLLs to integer and
fractional modes.
— Updated M counter divide factors for fPLL from "1 to 320" to "8 to
— Updated M counter divide factors for I/O PLL from "1 to 512" to "4 to
— Updated N counter divide factors for fPLL from "1 to 512" to "1 to 80".
— Updated C counter divide factors for fPLL from "1 to 320" to "1 to
— Removed normal compensation support in fPLL.
— Changed "Fractional PLL bonding compensation" to "Feedback
compensation bonding".
— Updated phase shift resolution for fPLL from 41.667 ps to 72 ps.
• Updated compensation mode in Fractional PLL High-Level Block Diagram
for Arria 10 Devices.
• Updated clock feedback modes for fPLL.
— Removed normal compensation.
— Changed fPLL bonding compensation to feedback compensation
• Updated description for dynamic phase shift in the PLL Reconfiguration
and Dynamic Phase Shift section.
• Changed instances of Quartus II to Quartus Prime.

May 2015 2015.05.04 • Updated the number of RCLK/RCLK feedback from 12 to 8 in the
Hierarchical Clock Networks in SCLK Spine diagram.
• Added description to the Global Clock Networks section: Each GCLK is
accessible through the direction as indicated in the Symbolic GCLK
Networks diagram.
• Updated HSSI outputs to HSSI clock outputs in the Clock Network Sources
• Specified that the fPLL and I/O PLL clock outputs can drive all clock
networks in the PLL Clock Outputs section.
• Added descriptions on PLL cascading bandwidth requirements and PLL
cascading modes.
• Added a note on fPLL reset requirement in the PLL Control Signals (Reset)

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4. Clock Networks and PLLs in Arria 10 Devices
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Date Version Changes

January 2015 2015.01.23 • Updated the dedicated clock input pins that have dedicated connections to
the I/O PLL (CLK_[2,3][A..L]_[0,1][p,n]) when used as single-
ended clock inputs.
• Removed the dedicated clock input pins, CLK_[2,3][A..L]_[0,1]n,
that drive the I/O PLLs over global or regional clock networks and do not
have dedicated routing paths to the I/O PLLs.
• Removed a note to Internal Logic in the Clock Network Sources section.
Note removed: Internally-generated GCLKs or RCLKs cannot drive the
Arria 10 PLLs. The input clock to the PLL has to come from dedicated clock
input pins, PLL-fed GCLKs, or PLL-fed RCLKs.
• Added clock control block pin mapping tables for HSSI and I/O columns.
• Updated Fractional PLL High-Level Block Diagram for Arria 10 Devices.
Changed CLKp to REFCLK_GXBp and CLKn to REFCLK_GXBn in the note
for dedicated clock inputs.
• Updated the note to dedicated clock inputs in I/O PLL High-Level Block
Diagram for Arria 10 Devices because all four clock inputs can be used as
dedicated clock inputs for I/O PLL. The note was changed from "For
single-ended clock inputs, only the CLKp pin has a dedicated connection
to the PLL. If you use the CLKn pin, a global or regional clock is used." to
"For single-ended clock inputs, both the CLKp and CLKn pins have
dedicated connection to the PLL."
• Added PLL cascading information.
• Clarified that when the reset signal is driven low again, the PLL
resynchronizes to its input clock source as it re-locks.
• Added description for clock feedback mode: Clock feedback modes
compensate for clock network delays to align the PLL clock input rising
edge with the rising edge of the clock output. Select the appropriate type
of compensation for the timing critical clock path in your design. PLL
compensation is not always needed. A PLL should be configured in direct
(no compensation) mode unless a need for compensation is identified.
Direct mode provides the best PLL jitter performance and avoids
expending compensation clocking resources unnecessarily.
• Updated clock switchover clkswitch signal from positive trigger to
negative trigger.
• Added the links to the following documents:
— Altera I/O Phase-Locked Loop (Altera IOPLL) IP Core User Guide—
Provides more information about I/O PLL software support in the
Quartus Prime software.
— PLLs and Clock Networks chapter, Arria 10 Transceiver PHY User Guide
—Provides more information about fPLL software support in the
Quartus Prime software.
— I/O PLL Reconfiguration and Dynamic Phase Shift for Arria 10 Devices
—Provides more information about implementing I/O PLL
reconfiguration in Altera PLL Reconfig IP core and implementing I/O
PLL dynamic phase shift in Altera IOPLL IP core.

August 2014 2014.08.18 • Updated the dedicated clock input pins name from HSSI banks.
• Updated the description in Hierarchical Clock Networks section.
• Updated the description in Dedicated Clock Input Pins section.
• Removed PCLK network from the Internal Logic section.
• Updated the description in PCLK Control Block section.
• Updated the following diagrams:
— PCLK Control Block for HSSI Column for Arria 10 Devices
— PCLK Control Block for I/O Column for Arria 10 Devices
• Removed IQTXRXCLK compensation mode.
• Updated fractional PLL and I/O PLL high-level block diagrams.
• Updated the description for manual clock switchover.
• Updated the description for PLL reconfiguration.

December 2013 2013.12.02 Initial release.

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5. I/O and High Speed I/O in Arria 10 Devices

The Arria 10 I/Os support the following features:
• Single-ended, non-voltage-referenced, and voltage-referenced I/O standards
• Low-voltage differential signaling (LVDS), RSDS, mini-LVDS, HSTL, HSUL, SSTL,
and POD I/O standards
• Serializer/deserializer (SERDES)
• Programmable output current strength
• Programmable slew rate
• Programmable bus-hold
• Programmable weak pull-up resistor
• Programmable pre-emphasis for DDR4 and LVDS standards
• Programmable I/O delay
• Programmable differential output voltage (VOD)
• Open-drain output
• On-chip series termination (RS OCT) with and without calibration
• On-chip parallel termination (RT OCT)
• On-chip differential termination (RD OCT)
• HSTL and SSTL input buffer with dynamic power down
• Dynamic on-chip parallel termination for all I/O banks
• Internally generated VREF with DDR4 calibration

Note: The information in this chapter is applicable to all Arria 10 variants, unless noted

Related Information
Arria 10 Device Handbook: Known Issues
Lists the planned updates to the Arria 10 Device Handbook chapters.

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5. I/O and High Speed I/O in Arria 10 Devices
683461 | 2024.07.08

5.1. I/O and Differential I/O Buffers in Arria 10 Devices

The general purpose I/Os (GPIOs) consist of LVDS I/O and 3 V I/O banks:
• LVDS I/O bank—supports differential and single-ended I/O standards up to 1.8 V.
The LVDS I/O pins form pairs of true differential LVDS channels. Each pair
supports a parallel input/output termination between the two pins. You can use
each LVDS channel as transmitter only or receiver only. Each LVDS channel
supports transmit SERDES and receive SERDES with DPA circuitry. For example, if
you use 30 channels of the available 72 channels as transmitters, you can use the
remaining 42 channels as receivers.
• 3 V I/O bank—supports single-ended and differential SSTL, HSTL, and HSUL I/O
standards up to 3 V. Single-ended I/O within this I/O bank support all
programmable I/O element (IOE) features except:
— Programmable pre-emphasis
— RD on-chip termination (OCT)
— Calibrated RS and RT OCT
— Internal VREF generation

Arria 10 devices support LVDS on all LVDS I/O banks:

• All LVDS I/O banks support true LVDS input with RD OCT and true LVDS output
• The devices do not support emulated LVDS channels.
• The devices support both single-ended and differential I/O reference clock for the
I/O PLL that drives the SERDES.

Related Information
• FPGA I/O Resources in Arria 10 GX Packages on page 111
Lists the number of 3 V and LVDS I/O buffers available inArria 10 GX packages.
• FPGA I/O Resources in Arria 10 GT Packages on page 112
Lists the number of 3 V and LVDS I/O buffers available in Arria 10 GT
• FPGA I/O Resources in Arria 10 SX Packages on page 113
Lists the number of 3 V and LVDS I/O buffers available in Arria 10 SX

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5.2. I/O Standards and Voltage Levels in Arria 10 Devices

The Arria 10 device family consists of FPGA and SoC devices. The Arria 10 FPGA
devices have only FPGA I/O buffers. The Arria 10 SoC devices have FPGA I/O and HPS
I/O buffers. The HPS I/O buffers in Arria 10 SoC devices support different I/O
standards than the FPGA I/O buffers.

5.2.1. I/O Standards Support for FPGA I/O in Arria 10 Devices

Table 31. Supported I/O Standards in FPGA I/O for Arria 10 Devices
I/O Standard Device Variant I/O Buffer Type Support Application Standard
Support Support

3.0 V LVTTL/3.0 V LVCMOS Devices with No Yes General purpose JESD8-B

3 V I/O banks
only. Refer to

2.5 V LVCMOS Devices with No Yes General purpose JESD8-5

3 V I/O banks
only. Refer to

1.8 V LVCMOS All Yes Yes General purpose JESD8-7

1.5 V LVCMOS All Yes Yes General purpose JESD8-11

1.2 V LVCMOS All Yes Yes General purpose JESD8-12

SSTL-18 Class I and Class II All Yes Yes DDR2 JESD8-15

SSTL-15 Class I and Class II All Yes Yes DDR3 —

SSTL-15 All Yes Yes DDR3 JESD79-3D

SSTL-135, SSTL-135 Class I and All Yes Yes DDR3L —

Class II

SSTL-125, SSTL-125 Class I and All Yes Yes DDR3U —

Class II

SSTL-12, SSTL-12 Class I and Class All Yes Yes RLDRAM 3 —


POD12 All Yes No DDR4 JESD8-24

1.8 V HSTL Class I and Class II All Yes Yes DDR II+, QDR II+, JESD8-6
and RLDRAM 2

1.5 V HSTL Class I and Class II All Yes Yes DDR II+, QDR II+, JESD8-6
QDR II, and

1.2 V HSTL Class I and Class II All Yes Yes General purpose JESD8-16A

HSUL-12 All Yes Yes LPDDR2 —

Differential SSTL-18 Class I and All Yes Yes DDR2 JESD8-15

Class II

Differential SSTL-15 Class I and All Yes Yes DDR3 —

Class II

Differential SSTL-15 All Yes Yes DDR3 JESD79-3D


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I/O Standard Device Variant I/O Buffer Type Support Application Standard
Support Support

Differential SSTL-135, SSTL-135 All Yes Yes DDR3L —

Class I and Class II

Differential SSTL-125, SSTL-125 All Yes Yes DDR3U —

Class I and Class II

Differential SSTL-12, SSTL-12 Class All Yes No RLDRAM 3 —

I and Class II

Differential POD12 All Yes No DDR4 JESD8-24

Differential 1.8 V HSTL Class I and All Yes Yes DDR II+, QDR II+, JESD8-6
Class II and RLDRAM 2

Differential 1.5 V HSTL Class I and All Yes Yes DDR II+, QDR II+, JESD8-6
Class II QDR II, and

Differential 1.2 V HSTL Class I and All Yes Yes General purpose JESD8-16A
Class II

Differential HSUL-12 All Yes Yes LPDDR2 —



Mini-LVDS All Yes No SGMII, SFI, and SPI —

RSDS All Yes No SGMII, SFI, and SPI —


Related Information
• FPGA I/O Resources in Arria 10 GX Packages on page 111
Lists the number of 3 V and LVDS I/O buffers available inArria 10 GX packages.
• FPGA I/O Resources in Arria 10 GT Packages on page 112
Lists the number of 3 V and LVDS I/O buffers available in Arria 10 GT
• FPGA I/O Resources in Arria 10 SX Packages on page 113
Lists the number of 3 V and LVDS I/O buffers available in Arria 10 SX

5.2.2. I/O Standards Support for HPS I/O in Arria 10 Devices

Table 32. Supported I/O Standards in HPS I/O for Arria 10 SX Devices
I/O Standard Application Standard Support

3.0 V LVTTL/3.0 V LVCMOS General purpose JESD8-B

2.5 V LVCMOS General purpose JESD8-5

1.8 V LVCMOS General purpose JESD8-7

5.2.3. I/O Standards Voltage Levels in Arria 10 Devices

Arria 10 devices in all packages can interface with systems of different supply

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• The I/O buffers are powered by VCC, VCCPT and VCCIO.

• Each I/O bank has its own VCCIO supply and supports only one VCCIO voltage.
• In all I/O banks, you can use any of the listed VCCIO voltages except 2.5 V and 3.0
• The 2.5 V and 3.0 V VCCIO voltages are supported only on the 3 V I/O banks.
• For the maximum and minimum input voltages allowed, refer to the device

Table 33. Arria 10 I/O Standards Voltage Levels

This table lists the typical power supplies for each supported I/O standards in Arria 10 devices.

I/O Standard (Board
(Pre-Driver (Input Ref
Input(6) Output Termination
Voltage) Voltage)

3.0 V LVTTL/3.0 V LVCMOS 3.0/2.5(7) 3.0 1.8 — —

2.5 V LVCMOS 3.0/2.5 2.5 1.8 — —

1.8 V LVCMOS 1.8 1.8 1.8 — —

1.5 V LVCMOS 1.5 1.5 1.8 — —

1.2 V LVCMOS 1.2 1.2 1.8 — —

SSTL-18 Class I and Class II VCCPT 1.8 1.8 0.9 0.9

SSTL-15 Class I and Class II VCCPT 1.5 1.8 0.75 0.75

SSTL-15 VCCPT 1.5 1.8 0.75 0.75

SSTL-135, SSTL-135 Class I and Class

VCCPT 1.35 1.8 0.675 —

SSTL-125, SSTL-125 Class I and Class

VCCPT 1.25 1.8 0.625 —

SSTL-12, SSTL-12 Class I and Class II VCCPT 1.2 1.8 0.6 —

POD12 VCCPT 1.2 1.8 0.84 1.2

1.8 V HSTL Class I and Class II VCCPT 1.8 1.8 0.9 0.9

1.5 V HSTL Class I and Class II VCCPT 1.5 1.8 0.75 0.75

1.2 V HSTL Class I and Class II VCCPT 1.2 1.8 0.6 0.6

HSUL-12 VCCPT 1.2 1.8 0.6 —

Differential SSTL-18 Class I and Class

VCCPT 1.8 1.8 — 0.9

Differential SSTL-15 Class I and Class

VCCPT 1.5 1.8 — 0.75

Differential SSTL-15 VCCPT 1.5 1.8 — 0.75


(6) Input for the SSTL, HSTL, Differential SSTL, Differential HSTL, POD, Differential POD, LVDS,
RSDS, Mini-LVDS, LVPECL, HSUL, and Differential HSUL are powered by VCCPT
(7) When using a 3.0 V LVTTL /3.0 V LVCMOS I/O standard with a 2.5 V VCCIO voltage, input
signals that exceed 2.5 V will be clamped as the protection diode is turned on.

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I/O Standard (Board
(Pre-Driver (Input Ref
Input(6) Output Termination
Voltage) Voltage)

Differential SSTL-135, SSTL-135 Class I

VCCPT 1.35 1.8 — 0.675
and Class II

Differential SSTL-125, SSTL-125 Class I

VCCPT 1.25 1.8 — 0.625
and Class II

Differential SSTL-12, SSTL-12 Class I

VCCPT 1.2 1.8 — 0.6
and Class II

Differential POD12 VCCPT 1.2 1.8 — 1.2

Differential 1.8 V HSTL Class I and

VCCPT 1.8 1.8 — 0.9
Class II

Differential 1.5 V HSTL Class I and

VCCPT 1.5 1.8 — 0.75
Class II

Differential 1.2 V HSTL Class I and

VCCPT 1.2 1.8 — 0.6
Class II

Differential HSUL-12 VCCPT 1.2 1.8 — —

LVDS VCCPT 1.8 1.8 — —

Mini-LVDS VCCPT 1.8 1.8 — —

RSDS VCCPT 1.8 1.8 — —

LVPECL (Differential clock input only) VCCPT — 1.8 — —

Related Information
• Guideline: Observe Device Absolute Maximum Rating for 3.0 V Interfacing on page
• Guideline: VREF Sources and VREF Pins on page 179
• I/O Standard Specifications, Arria 10 Device Datasheet
Lists the maximum and minimum input voltages (VIH and VIL), output voltages
(VOH and VOL), and current drive characteristics (IOH and IOL) for various I/O
standards supported by Arria 10 devices.

5.3. Altera FPGA I/O IP Cores for Arria 10 Devices

The I/O system is supported by several Altera FPGA I/O IP cores.
• GPIO—supports operations of the GPIO components.
• LVDS SERDES—supports operations of the high-speed source-synchronous
• Intel FPGA OCT—supports the OCT calibration block.
• Intel FPGA PHY Lite for Parallel Interfaces —supports dynamic OCT and I/O delays
for strobe-based capture I/O elements. This IP core can also be used for generic
source synchronous interfaces using single ended I/O.

(6) Input for the SSTL, HSTL, Differential SSTL, Differential HSTL, POD, Differential POD, LVDS,
RSDS, Mini-LVDS, LVPECL, HSUL, and Differential HSUL are powered by VCCPT

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Related Information
• PHY Lite for Parallel Interfaces Intel FPGA IP User Guide
• GPIO Intel FPGA IP User Guide: Arria 10 and Cyclone® 10 GX Devices
• OCT Intel FPGA IP User Guide
• LVDS SERDES Intel FPGA IP User Guide: Arria 10 and Cyclone® 10 GX Devices

5.4. I/O Resources in Arria 10 Devices

GPIO Banks, SERDES, and DPA Locations in Arria 10 Devices on page 106
GPIO Buffers and LVDS Channels in Arria 10 Devices on page 111
I/O Banks Groups in Arria 10 Devices on page 114
I/O Vertical Migration for Arria 10 Devices on page 120

5.4.1. GPIO Banks, SERDES, and DPA Locations in Arria 10 Devices

The I/O banks are located in I/O columns. Each I/O bank contains its own PLL, DPA,
and SERDES circuitries.

For more details about the I/O banks available in each device package, refer to the
related information.

Figure 70. I/O Banks for Arria 10 GX 160 and GX 220 Devices


Transceiver Block

2J 3B

3 V I/O

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Figure 71. I/O Banks for Arria 10 SX 160 and SX 220 Devices



Transceiver Block
2J 3B

3 V I/O

Figure 72. I/O Banks for Arria 10 GX 270 and GX 320 Devices

2L 3D

2K 3C
Transceiver Block

2J 3B

3 V I/O

Figure 73. I/O Banks for Arria 10 SX 270 and SX 320 Devices

2L 3D

2K 3C
Transceiver Block

2J 3B

3 V I/O

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Figure 74. I/O Banks for Arria 10 GX 480 Devices


Transceiver Block 2J

3 V I/O
2A 3A

Figure 75. I/O Banks for Arria 10 SX 480 Devices


Transceiver Block


3 V I/O
2A 3A

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Figure 76. I/O Banks for Arria 10 GX 570 and GX 660 Devices

Transceiver Block


3 V I/O
2A 3A

Figure 77. I/O Banks for Arria 10 SX 570 and SX 660 Devices


Transceiver Block


3 V I/O
2A 3A

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Figure 78. I/O Banks for Arria 10 GX 900, GX 1150, GT 900, and GT 1150 Devices

2L 3H

2K 3G

2J 3F

2I 3E
Transceiver Block

Transceiver Block
2H 3D

2G 3C

2F 3B


Related Information
• Device Transceiver Layout
Provides more information about the transceiver banks in Arria 10 devices.
• I/O Banks for Arria 10 GX Devices on page 114
Lists the number of I/O pins in the available I/O banks for each Arria 10 GX
• I/O Banks for Arria 10 GT Devices on page 117
Lists the number of I/O pins in the available I/O banks for each Arria 10 GT
• I/O Banks for Arria 10 SX Devices on page 118
Lists the number of I/O pins in the available I/O banks for each Arria 10 SX
• FPGA I/O Resources in Arria 10 GX Packages on page 111
Lists the number of 3 V and LVDS I/O buffers available inArria 10 GX packages.
• FPGA I/O Resources in Arria 10 GT Packages on page 112
Lists the number of 3 V and LVDS I/O buffers available in Arria 10 GT
• FPGA I/O Resources in Arria 10 SX Packages on page 113
Lists the number of 3 V and LVDS I/O buffers available in Arria 10 SX

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• Arria 10 Device Pin-Out Files

Provides the pin-out file for each Arria 10 device. For the SoC devices, the pin-
out files also list the I/O banks that are shared by the FPGA fabric and the HPS.
• GPIO Intel FPGA IP User Guide: Arria 10 and Cyclone® 10 GX Devices
• PLLs and Clocking for Arria 10 Devices on page 162

5.4.2. GPIO Buffers and LVDS Channels in Arria 10 Devices FPGA I/O Resources in Arria 10 GX Packages

Table 34. GPIO Buffers and LVDS Channels in Arria 10 GX Devices

• The U19 package is a ball grid array with 0.8 mm pitch. All other packages are ball grid arrays with 1.0
mm pitch.
• The number of LVDS channels does not include dedicated clock pins.

Product Line Package GPIO LVDS

Code Type 3 V I/O LVDS I/O Total

GX 160 U19 484-pin UBGA 48 148 196 74

F27 672-pin FBGA 48 192 240 96

F29 780-pin FBGA 48 240 288 120

GX 220 U19 484-pin UBGA 48 148 196 74

F27 672-pin FBGA 48 192 240 96

F29 780-pin FBGA 48 240 288 120

GX 270 F27 672-pin FBGA 48 192 240 96

F29 780-pin FBGA 48 312 360 156

F34 1,152-pin FBGA 48 336 384 168

F35 1,152-pin FBGA 48 336 384 168

GX 320 F27 672-pin FBGA 48 192 240 96

F29 780-pin FBGA 48 312 360 156

F34 1,152-pin FBGA 48 336 384 168

F35 1,152-pin FBGA 48 336 384 168

GX 480 F29 780-pin FBGA 48 312 360 156

F34 1,152-pin FBGA 48 444 492 222

F35 1,152-pin FBGA 48 348 396 174

GX 570 F34 1,152-pin FBGA 48 444 492 222

F35 1,152-pin FBGA 48 348 396 174

NF40 1,517-pin FBGA 48 540 588 270

KF40 1,517-pin FBGA 96 600 696 300

GX 660 F34 1,152-pin FBGA 48 444 492 222

F35 1,152-pin FBGA 48 348 396 174

NF40 1,517-pin FBGA 48 540 588 270


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Product Line Package GPIO LVDS

Code Type 3 V I/O LVDS I/O Total

KF40 1,517-pin FBGA 96 600 696 300

GX 900 F34 1,152-pin FBGA 0 504 504 252

NF40 1,517-pin FBGA 0 600 600 300

RF40 1,517-pin FBGA 0 342 342 154

NF45 1,932-pin FBGA 0 768 768 384

SF45 1,932-pin FBGA 0 624 624 312

UF45 1,932-pin FBGA 0 480 480 240

GX 1150 F34 1,152-pin FBGA 0 504 504 252

NF40 1,517-pin FBGA 0 600 600 300

RF40 1,517-pin FBGA 0 342 342 154

NF45 1,932-pin FBGA 0 768 768 384

SF45 1,932-pin FBGA 0 624 624 312

UF45 1,932-pin FBGA 0 480 480 240

Related Information
• I/O Banks for Arria 10 GX Devices on page 114
Lists the number of I/O pins in the available I/O banks for each Arria 10 GX
• I/O Standards Support for FPGA I/O in Arria 10 Devices on page 102
• GPIO Banks, SERDES, and DPA Locations in Arria 10 Devices on page 106
• I/O and Differential I/O Buffers in Arria 10 Devices on page 101 FPGA I/O Resources in Arria 10 GT Packages

Table 35. GPIO Buffers and LVDS Channels in Arria 10 GT Devices

• The SF45 package is a ball grid array with 1.0 mm pitch.
• The number of LVDS channels does not include dedicated clock pins.

Product Line Package GPIO Buffers LVDS

Code Type 3 V I/O LVDS I/O Total

GT 900 SF45 1,932-pin FBGA 0 624 624 312

GT 1150 SF45 1,932-pin FBGA 0 624 624 312

Related Information
• I/O Banks for Arria 10 GT Devices on page 117
Lists the number of I/O pins in the available I/O banks for each Arria 10 GT
• I/O Standards Support for FPGA I/O in Arria 10 Devices on page 102
• GPIO Banks, SERDES, and DPA Locations in Arria 10 Devices on page 106
• I/O and Differential I/O Buffers in Arria 10 Devices on page 101

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Table 36. GPIO Buffers and LVDS Channels in Arria 10 SX Devices

• The U19 package is a ball grid array with 0.8 mm pitch. All other packages are ball grid arrays with 1.0
mm pitch.
• The number of LVDS channels does not include dedicated clock pins.

Product Line Package GPIO Buffers LVDS

Code Type 3 V I/O LVDS I/O Total

SX 160 U19 484-pin UBGA 48 148 196 74

F27 672-pin FBGA 48 192 240 96

F29 780-pin FBGA 48 240 288 120

SX 220 U19 484-pin UBGA 48 148 196 74

F27 672-pin FBGA 48 192 240 96

F29 780-pin FBGA 48 240 288 120

SX 270 F27 672-pin FBGA 48 192 240 96

F29 780-pin FBGA 48 312 360 156

F34 1,152-pin FBGA 48 336 384 168

F35 1,152-pin FBGA 48 336 384 168

SX 320 F27 672-pin FBGA 48 192 240 96

F29 780-pin FBGA 48 312 360 156

F34 1,152-pin FBGA 48 336 384 168

F35 1,152-pin FBGA 48 336 384 168

SX 480 F29 780-pin FBGA 48 312 360 156

F34 1,152-pin FBGA 48 444 492 222

F35 1,152-pin FBGA 48 348 396 174

SX 570 F34 1,152-pin FBGA 48 444 492 222

F35 1,152-pin FBGA 48 348 396 174

NF40 1,517-pin FBGA 48 540 588 270

KF40 1,517-pin FBGA 96 600 696 300

SX 660 F34 1,152-pin FBGA 48 444 492 222

F35 1,152-pin FBGA 48 348 396 174

NF40 1,517-pin FBGA 48 540 588 270

KF40 1,517-pin FBGA 96 600 696 300

Related Information
• I/O Banks for Arria 10 SX Devices on page 118
Lists the number of I/O pins in the available I/O banks for each Arria 10 SX
• I/O Standards Support for FPGA I/O in Arria 10 Devices on page 102
• GPIO Banks, SERDES, and DPA Locations in Arria 10 Devices on page 106

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• I/O and Differential I/O Buffers in Arria 10 Devices on page 101

5.4.3. I/O Banks Groups in Arria 10 Devices

The I/O pins in Arria 10 devices are arranged in groups called I/O banks:
• The I/O banks have independent supplies that allow each bank to support different
I/O standards.
• Each I/O bank can support multiple I/O standards that use the same voltage.

Related Information
• I/O Banks for Arria 10 GX Devices on page 114
• I/O Banks for Arria 10 GT Devices on page 117
• I/O Banks for Arria 10 SX Devices on page 118 I/O Banks for Arria 10 GX Devices

The following tables list the I/O banks available, the total number of I/O pins in each
bank, and the total number of I/O pins for each product line and device package of the
Arria 10 GX device family variant.

Table 37. I/O Banks for Arria 10 GX 160 and GX 220 Devices

Product Line GX 160 GX 220

Package U19 F27 F29 U19 F27 F29

I/O Bank 2A 48 48 48 48 48 48

2J 48 48 48 48 48 48

2K 48 48 48 48 48 48

2L 48 48 48 48 48 48

3A — 48 48 — 48 48

3B 4 — 48 4 — 48

Total 196 240 288 196 240 288

Table 38. I/O Banks for Arria 10 GX 270 and GX 320 Devices
Product Line GX 270 GX 320

Package F27 F29 F34 F35 F27 F29 F34 F35

I/O Bank 2A 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

2J 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

2K 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

2L 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

3A 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

3B — 48 48 48 — 48 48 48

3C — 48 48 48 — 48 48 48

3D — 24 48 48 — 24 48 48

Total 240 360 384 384 240 360 384 384

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Table 39. I/O Banks for Arria 10 GX 480 Devices

Product Line GX 480

Package F29 F34 F35

I/O Bank 2A 48 48 48

2I — 12 12

2J 48 48 48

2K 48 48 48

2L 48 48 48

3A 48 48 48

3B 48 48 48

3C 48 48 48

3D 24 48 48

3E — 48 —

3F — 48 —

Total 360 492 396

Table 40. I/O Banks for Arria 10 GX 570 and GX 660 Devices
Product Line GX 570 GX 660

Package F34 F35 NF40 KF40 F34 F35 NF40 KF40

I/O Bank 2A 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

2G — — — 24 — — — 24

2H — — — 48 — — — 48

2I 12 12 12 48 12 12 12 48

2J 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

2K 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

2L 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

3A 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

3B 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

3C 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

3D 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

3E 48 — 48 48 48 — 48 48

3F 48 — 48 48 48 — 48 48

3G — — 48 48 — — 48 48

3H — — 48 48 — — 48 48

Total 492 396 588 696 492 396 588 696

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Table 41. I/O Banks for Arria 10 GX 900 Devices

Product Line GX 900

Package F34 NF40 RF40 NF45 SF45 UF45

I/O Bank 2A 48 48 48 48 48 48

2F — — 48 48 — —

2G — — — 48 — —

2H — — — 48 — —

2I 24 24 — 48 48 48

2J 48 48 — 48 48 48

2K 48 48 48 48 48 48

2L 48 48 48 48 48 48

3A 48 48 28 48 48 48

3B 48 48 27 48 48 48

3C 48 48 — 48 48 48

3D 48 48 — 48 48 48

3E 48 48 — 48 48 48

3F 48 48 — 48 48 —

3G — 48 47 48 48 —

3H — 48 48 48 48 —

Total 504 600 342 768 624 480

Table 42. I/O Banks for Arria 10 GX 1150 Devices

Product Line GX 1150

Package F34 NF40 RF40 NF45 SF45 UF45

I/O Bank 2A 48 48 48 48 48 48

2F — — 48 48 — —

2G — — — 48 — —

2H — — — 48 — —

2I 24 24 — 48 48 48

2J 48 48 — 48 48 48

2K 48 48 48 48 48 48

2L 48 48 48 48 48 48

3A 48 48 28 48 48 48

3B 48 48 27 48 48 48

3C 48 48 — 48 48 48

3D 48 48 — 48 48 48

3E 48 48 — 48 48 48

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Product Line GX 1150

Package F34 NF40 RF40 NF45 SF45 UF45

3F 48 48 — 48 48 —

3G — 48 47 48 48 —

3H — 48 48 48 48 —

Total 504 600 342 768 624 480

Related Information
• GPIO Banks, SERDES, and DPA Locations in Arria 10 Devices on page 106
• FPGA I/O Resources in Arria 10 GX Packages on page 111
• I/O Banks Groups in Arria 10 Devices on page 114
• Guideline: LVDS SERDES IP Core Instantiation on page 183 I/O Banks for Arria 10 GT Devices

The following table lists the I/O banks available, the total number of I/O pins in each
bank, and the total number of I/O pins for each product line and device package of the
Arria 10 GT device family variant.

Table 43. I/O Banks for Arria 10 GT 900 and GT 1150 Devices
Product Line GT 900 GT 1150

Package SF45 SF45

I/O Bank 2A 48 48

2I 48 48

2J 48 48

2K 48 48

2L 48 48

3A 48 48

3B 48 48

3C 48 48

3D 48 48

3E 48 48

3F 48 48

3G 48 48

3H 48 48

Total 624 624

Related Information
• GPIO Banks, SERDES, and DPA Locations in Arria 10 Devices on page 106
• FPGA I/O Resources in Arria 10 GT Packages on page 112
• I/O Banks Groups in Arria 10 Devices on page 114

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• Guideline: LVDS SERDES IP Core Instantiation on page 183 I/O Banks for Arria 10 SX Devices

The following tables list the I/O banks available, the total number of I/O pins in each
bank, and the total number of I/O pins for each product line and device package of the
Arria 10 SX device family variant.

Table 44. I/O Banks for Arria 10 SX 160 and SX 220 Devices
Product Line SX 160 SX 220

Package U19 F27 F29 U19 F27 F29

I/O Bank 2A 48 48 48 48 48 48

2J 48 48 48 48 48 48

2K 48 48 48 48 48 48

2L 48 48 48 48 48 48

3A — 48 48 — 48 48

3B 4 — 48 4 — 48

Total 196 240 288 196 240 288

Table 45. I/O Banks for Arria 10 SX 270 and SX 320 Devices
Product Line SX 270 SX 320

Package F27 F29 F34 F35 F27 F29 F34 F35

I/O Bank 2A 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

2J 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

2K 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

2L 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

3A 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

3B — 48 48 48 — 48 48 48

3C — 48 48 48 — 48 48 48

3D — 24 48 48 — 24 48 48

Total 240 360 384 384 240 360 384 384

Table 46. I/O Banks for Arria 10 SX 480 Devices

Product Line SX 480

Package F29 F34 F35

I/O Bank 2A 48 48 48

2I — 12 12

2J 48 48 48

2K 48 48 48

2L 48 48 48

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Product Line SX 480

Package F29 F34 F35

3A 48 48 48

3B 48 48 48

3C 48 48 48

3D 24 48 48

3E — 48 —

3F — 48 —

Total 360 492 396

Table 47. I/O Banks for Arria 10 SX 570 and SX 660 Devices
Product Line SX 570 SX 660

Package F34 F35 NF40 KF40 F34 F35 NF40 KF40

I/O Bank 2A 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

2G — — — 24 — — — 24

2H — — — 48 — — — 48

2I 12 12 12 48 12 12 12 48

2J 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

2K 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

2L 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

3A 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

3B 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

3C 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

3D 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

3E 48 — 48 48 48 — 48 48

3F 48 — 48 48 48 — 48 48

3G — — 48 48 — — 48 48

3H — — 48 48 — — 48 48

Total 492 396 588 696 492 396 588 696

Related Information
• GPIO Banks, SERDES, and DPA Locations in Arria 10 Devices on page 106
• FPGA I/O Resources in Arria 10 SX Packages on page 113
• I/O Banks Groups in Arria 10 Devices on page 114
• Guideline: LVDS SERDES IP Core Instantiation on page 183

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5.4.4. I/O Vertical Migration for Arria 10 Devices

Figure 79. Migration Capability Across Arria 10 Product Lines
• The arrows indicate the migration paths. The devices included in each vertical migration path are shaded.
Devices with fewer resources in the same path have lighter shades.
• To achieve the full I/O migration across product lines in the same migration path, restrict I/Os and
transceivers usage to match the product line with the lowest I/O and transceiver counts.
• An LVDS I/O bank in the source device may be mapped to a 3 V I/O bank in the target device. To use
memory interface clock frequency higher than 533 MHz, assign external memory interface pins only to
banks that are LVDS I/O in both devices.
• There may be nominal 0.15 mm package height difference between some product lines in the same
package type.
• Some migration paths are not shown in the Quartus Prime software Pin Migration View.

Product Package
Line U19 F27 F29 F34 F35 KF40 NF40 RF40 NF45 SF45 UF45
GX 160
GX 220
GX 270
GX 320
Arria® 10 GX GX 480
GX 570
GX 660
GX 900
GX 1150
GT 900
Arria® 10 GT
GT 1150
SX 160
SX 220
SX 270
Arria® 10 SX SX 320
SX 480
SX 570
SX 660

Note: To verify the pin migration compatibility, use the Pin Migration View window in the
Quartus Prime software Pin Planner.

Related Information
• Verifying Pin Migration Compatibility on page 120
• Migrating Assignments to Another Target Device, Quartus Prime Standard Edition
User Guide: Design Constraints
Provides more information about vertical I/O migrations. Verifying Pin Migration Compatibility

You can use the Pin Migration View window in the Quartus Prime software Pin
Planner to assist you in verifying whether your pin assignments migrate to a different
device successfully. You can vertically migrate to a device with a different density
while using the same device package, or migrate between packages with different
densities and ball counts.

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1. Open Assignments ➤ Pin Planner and create pin assignments.

2. If necessary, perform one of the following options to populate the Pin Planner with
the node names in the design:
— Analysis & Elaboration
— Analysis & Synthesis
— Fully compile the design
3. Then, on the menu, click View ➤ Pin Migration View.
4. To select or change migration devices:
a. Click Device to open the Device dialog box.
b. Under Migration compatibility click Migration Devices.
5. To show more information about the pins:
a. Right-click anywhere in the Pin Migration View window and select Show
b. Then, click the pin feature you want to display.
6. If you want to view only the pins, in at least one migration device, that have a
different feature than the corresponding pin in the migration result, turn on Show
migration differences.
7. Click Pin Finder to open the Pin Finder dialog box to find and highlight pins with
specific functionality.
If you want to view only the pins highlighted by the most recent query in the Pin
Finder dialog box, turn on Show only highlighted pins.
8. To export the pin migration information to a Comma-Separated Value file (.csv),
click Export.

Related Information
• I/O Vertical Migration for Arria 10 Devices on page 120
• Migrating Assignments to Another Target Device, Quartus Prime Standard Edition
User Guide: Design Constraints
Provides more information about vertical I/O migrations.

5.5. Architecture and General Features of I/Os in Arria 10 Devices

I/O Element Structure in Arria 10 Devices on page 121
Features of I/O Pins in Arria 10 Devices on page 123
Programmable IOE Features in Arria 10 Devices on page 124
On-Chip I/O Termination in Arria 10 Devices on page 131
External I/O Termination for Arria 10 Devices on page 141

5.5.1. I/O Element Structure in Arria 10 Devices

The I/O elements (IOEs) in Arria 10 devices contain a bidirectional I/O buffer and I/O
registers to support a complete embedded bidirectional single data rate (SDR) or
double data rate (DDR) transfer.

The IOEs are located in I/O columns within the core fabric of the Arria 10 device.

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Arria 10 SX devices also have IOEs for the HPS.

The GPIO IOE register consists of the DDR register, the half rate register, and the
transmitter delay chains for input, output, and output enable (OE) paths:
• You can take data from the combinatorial path or the registered path.
• Only the core clock clocks the data.
• The half rate clock routed from the core clocks the half rate register.
• The full rate clock from the core clocks the full rate register. I/O Bank Architecture in Arria 10 Devices

In each I/O bank, there are four I/O lanes with 12 I/O pins in each lane. Other than
the I/O lanes, each I/O bank also contains dedicated circuitries including the I/O PLL,
DPA block, SERDES, hard memory controller, and I/O sequencer.

Figure 80. I/O Bank Structure


I/O Lane
2L 3H
2K 3G I/O Lane
2J 3F
I/O Center
Transceiver Block

Transceiver Block

I/O PLL Hard Memory Controller

2H 3D and
PHY Sequencer


2G 3C
I/O Lane
2F 3B

3A LVDS I/O Buffer Pair SERDES & DPA

I/O Lane

Related Information
Guideline: VREF Sources and VREF Pins on page 179
Describes VREF restrictions related to the I/O lanes.

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683461 | 2024.07.08 I/O Buffer and Registers in Arria 10 Devices

I/O registers are composed of the input path for handling data from the pin to the
core, the output path for handling data from the core to the pin, and the output
enable (OE) path for handling the OE signal to the output buffer. These registers allow
faster source-synchronous register-to-register transfers and resynchronization. Use
the GPIO Intel FPGA IP to utilize these registers to implement DDR circuitry.

The input and output paths contain the following blocks:

• Input registers—support half or full rate data transfer from peripheral to core, and
support double or single data rate data capture from I/O buffer.
• Output registers—support half or full rate data transfer from core to peripheral,
and support double or single data rate data transfer to I/O buffer.
• OE registers—support half or full rate data transfer from core to peripheral, and
support single data rate data transfer to I/O buffer.

The input and output paths also support the following features:
• Clock enable.
• Asynchronous or synchronous reset.
• Bypass mode for input and output paths.
• Delays chains on input and output paths.

Figure 81. IOE Structure for Arria 10 Devices

This figure shows the Arria 10 FPGA IOE structure.

Core GPIO Buffer

OE from Core
Path Delay Chain
Bypass Mode from Core
Output IO_OUT
Write Data from Core
Path Delay Chain

Input IO_IN
Read Data to Core
Path Delay Chain
Bypass Mode to Core

5.5.2. Features of I/O Pins in Arria 10 Devices

Open-Drain Output on page 123
Bus-Hold Circuitry on page 124
Weak Pull-up Resistor on page 124 Open-Drain Output

The optional open-drain output for each I/O pin is equivalent to an open collector
output. If it is configured as an open drain, the logic value of the output is either high-
Z or logic low.

Use an external resistor to pull the signal to a logic high.

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Note: Do not pull the output voltage higher than the Vi (DC) level. Altera recommends that
you perform HSPICE simulation to verify the output voltage in your selected topology.
You must ensure the output voltage meets the VIH and VIL requirements of the
receiving device. Bus-Hold Circuitry

Each I/O pin provides an optional bus-hold feature that is active only after
configuration. When the device enters user mode, the bus-hold circuit captures the
value that is present on the pin by the end of the configuration.

The bus-hold circuitry uses a resistor with a nominal resistance (RBH), approximately
7 kΩ, to weakly pull the signal level to the last-driven state of the pin. The bus-hold
circuitry holds this pin state until the next input signal is present. Because of this, you
do not require an external pull-up or pull-down resistor to hold a signal level when the
bus is tri-stated.

For each I/O pin, you can individually specify that the bus-hold circuitry pulls non-
driven pins away from the input threshold voltage—where noise can cause unintended
high-frequency switching. To prevent over-driving signals, the bus-hold circuitry drives
the voltage level of the I/O pin lower than the VCCIO level.

If you enable the bus-hold feature, you cannot use the programmable pull-up option.
To configure the I/O pin for differential signals, disable the bus-hold feature. Weak Pull-up Resistor

Each I/O pin provides an optional programmable pull-up resistor during user mode.
The pull-up resistor, typically 25 kΩ, weakly holds the I/O to the VCCIO level.

The Arria 10 device supports programmable weak pull-up resistors only on user I/O
pins but not on dedicated configuration pins, dedicated clock pins, or JTAG pins .

If you enable this option, you cannot use the bus-hold feature.

5.5.3. Programmable IOE Features in Arria 10 Devices

Table 48. Arria 10 Programmable IOE Features Settings and Assignment Name
Feature Setting Condition Quartus Prime
Assignment Name

Slew Rate Control 0 (Slow), 1 (Fast). Default is Disabled if you use the RS SLEW_RATE
1. OCT feature.

I/O Delay Refer to the device — INPUT_DELAY_CHAIN


Open-Drain Output On, Off. Default is Off — AUTO_OPEN_DRAIN_PINS

Bus-Hold On, Off. Default is Off. Disabled if you use the weak ENABLE_BUS_HOLD_CIRCUI
pull-up resistor feature. TRY

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Feature Setting Condition Quartus Prime

Assignment Name

Weak Pull-up Resistor On, Off. Default is Off. Disabled if you use the bus- WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR
hold feature.

Pre-Emphasis 0 (disabled), 1 (enabled). — PROGRAMMABLE_PREEMPHAS

Default is 1. IS

Differential Output Voltage 0 (low), 1 (medium low), 2 — PROGRAMMABLE_VOD

(medium high), 3 (high).
Default is 2.

Table 49. Arria 10 Programmable IOE Features I/O Buffer Types and I/O Standards
This table lists the I/O buffer types and I/O standards that support the programmable IOE features. For
information about which I/O standards are available for each I/O buffer type, refer to the related information.

Feature I/O Buffer Type Support I/O Standards Support



Slew Rate Control Yes Yes Yes • 3.0 V LVTTL

• 1.2 V, 1.5 V, 1.8 V, and 3.0 V LVCMOS
• SSTL-18, SSTL-15, SSTL-135, SSTL-125,
and SSTL-12
• 1.2 V, 1.5 V, and 1.8 V HSTL
• HSUL-12
• POD12
• Differential SSTL-18, Differential
SSTL-15, Differential SSTL-135,
SSTL-125, and Differential SSTL-12
• Differential 1.2 V, 1.5 V, and 1.8 V HSTL
• Differential HSUL-12

I/O Delay Yes Yes — • 3.0 V LVTTL

• 1.2 V, 1.5 V, 1.8 V, and 3.0 V LVCMOS
• SSTL-18, SSTL-15, SSTL-135, SSTL-125,
and SSTL-12
• 1.2 V, 1.5 V, and 1.8 V HSTL
• HSUL-12
• POD12
• Differential SSTL-18, Differential
SSTL-15, Differential SSTL-135,
SSTL-125, and Differential SSTL-12
• Differential POD12
• Differential 1.2 V, 1.5 V, and 1.8 V HSTL
• Differential HSUL-12
• LVDS, RSDS, and mini-LVDS

Open-Drain Output Yes Yes Yes • 3.0 V LVTTL

• 1.2 V, 1.5 V, 1.8 V, and 3.0 V LVCMOS
Bus-Hold Yes Yes Yes

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Feature I/O Buffer Type Support I/O Standards Support



Weak Pull-up Resistor Yes Yes Yes

Pre-Emphasis Yes — — • LVDS

• Mini-LVDS
• Differential POD12

Differential Output Voltage Yes — — • LVDS

• Mini-LVDS

Related Information
• Programmable IOE Delay, Arria 10 Device Datasheet
• Programmable Current Strength on page 126
• Programmable Output Slew Rate Control on page 128
• Programmable IOE Delay on page 128
• Programmable Open-Drain Output on page 129
• Programmable Pre-Emphasis on page 129
• Programmable Differential Output Voltage on page 130
• I/O Standards Support for FPGA I/O in Arria 10 Devices on page 102
Lists the I/O standards supported by the LVDS I/O and 3 V I/O buffers.
• I/O Standards Support for HPS I/O in Arria 10 Devices on page 103
Lists the I/O standards supported by the HPS I/O buffers. Programmable Current Strength

You can use the programmable current strength to mitigate the effects of high signal
attenuation that is caused by a long transmission line or a legacy backplane.

Note: To use programmable current strength, you must specify the current strength
assignment in the Quartus Prime software. Without explicit assignments, the Quartus
Prime software uses these predefined default values:
• All HSTL and SSTL Class I, and all non-voltage-referenced I/O standards—50 Ω RS
OCT without calibration
• All HSTL and SSTL Class II I/O standards—25 Ω RS OCT without calibration
• POD12 I/O standard—34 Ω RS OCT without calibration

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Table 50. Programmable Current Strength Settings for Arria 10 Devices

The output buffer for each Arria 10 device I/O pin has a programmable current strength control for the I/O
standards listed in this table.

I/O Standard IOH / IOL Current Strength Setting (mA) Supported in HPS
(Default setting in bold) (SoC Devices Only)
(8) (9)

3.0 V LVTTL 24, 20, 16, 12, 8, 4 24, 20, 16, 12, 8, 4

3.0 V CMOS 16, 12, 8, 4 16, 12, 8, 4

2.5 V LVCMOS 16, 12, 8, 4 16, 12, 8, 4

1.8 V LVCMOS 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2

1.5 V LVCMOS 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2

1.2 V LVCMOS 8, 6, 4, 2 —

SSTL-18 Class I 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 12, 10, 8, 6, 4

SSTL-18 Class II 16 8, 16

SSTL-15 Class I 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 12, 10, 8, 6, 4

SSTL-15 Class II 16 8, 16

SSTL-135 Class I 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 —

SSTL-135 Class II 16 —

SSTL-125 Class I 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 —

SSTL-125 Class II 16 —

SSTL-12 Class I 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 —

SSTL-12 Class II 16 —

POD12 16, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 —

1.8 V HSTL Class I 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 12, 10, 8, 6, 4

1.8 V HSTL Class II 16 16

1.5 V HSTL Class I 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 12, 10, 8, 6, 4

1.5 V HSTL Class II 16 16

1.2 V HSTL Class I 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 —

1.2 V HSTL Class II 16 —

Differential SSTL-135 Class I 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 —

Differential SSTL-135 Class II 16 —

Differential SSTL-125 Class I 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 —

Differential SSTL-125 Class II 16 —


(8) For I/O standards with DDR3 OCT settings, refer to On-Chip I/O Termination in Arria 10
Devices on page 131.
(9) The programmable current strength information for the HPS is preliminary.

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I/O Standard IOH / IOL Current Strength Setting (mA) Supported in HPS
(Default setting in bold) (SoC Devices Only)
(8) (9)

Differential SSTL-12 Class I 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 —

Differential SSTL-12 Class II 16 —

Differential POD12 16, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 —

Note: Altera recommends that you perform IBIS or SPICE simulations to determine the best
current strength setting for your specific application. Programmable Output Slew Rate Control

The programmable output slew rate control in the output buffer of each regular- and
dual-function I/O pin allows you to configure the following:
• Fast slew rate—provides high-speed transitions for high-performance systems.
• Slow slew rate—reduces system noise and crosstalk but adds a nominal delay to
the rising and falling edges.

You can specify the slew rate on a pin-by-pin basis because each I/O pin contains a
slew rate control.

Note: Altera recommends that you perform IBIS or SPICE simulations to determine the best
slew rate setting for your specific application. Programmable IOE Delay

You can activate the programmable IOE delays to ensure zero hold time, minimize
setup time, or increase clock-to-output time. This feature helps read and write timing
margins because it minimizes the uncertainties between signals in the bus.

To ensure that the signals within a bus have the same delay going into or out of the
device, each pin can have different delay values:
• Delay from input pin to input register
• Delay from output pin to output register

The maximum IOE delays are different to devices with different speed grades. For
output path, you can adjust the Output Delay Chain Setting (IO_IN_DLY_CHN) from 0
to 15, which means 15-divided resolution. For Input path, the Input Delay Chain
Setting (IO_OUT_DLY_CHN) parameter ranges from 0 to 63.

Table 51. Incremental Delay Calculation Example

Path Formula

Output Incremental delay = Maximum delay / 15

Input Incremental delay = Maximum delay / 63

(8) For I/O standards with DDR3 OCT settings, refer to On-Chip I/O Termination in Arria 10
Devices on page 131.
(9) The programmable current strength information for the HPS is preliminary.

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Note: I/O delay chains are not PVT compensated, which means the value changes with
Process, Voltage and Temperature.

For more information about the programmable IOE delay specifications, refer to the
device datasheet.

Related Information
Programmable IOE Delay, Arria 10 Device Datasheet Programmable Open-Drain Output

The programmable open-drain output provides a high-impedance state on output
when logic to the output buffer is high. If logic to the output buffer is low, output is

You can attach several open-drain outputs to a wire. This connection type is like a
logical OR function and is commonly called an active-low wired-OR circuit. If at least
one of the outputs is in logic 0 state (active), the circuit sinks the current and brings
the line to low voltage.

You can use open-drain output if you are connecting multiple devices to a bus. For
example, you can use the open-drain output for system-level control signals that can
be asserted by any device or as an interrupt.

You can enable the open-drain output assignment using one of these methods:
• Design the tristate buffer using OPNDRN primitive.
• Turn on the Auto Open-Drain Pins option in the Quartus Prime software.
You can design open-drain output without enabling the option assignment. However,
your design will not use the I/O buffer's open-drain output feature. The open-drain
output feature of the I/O buffer provides you the best propagation delay from OE to
output. Programmable Pre-Emphasis

The VOD setting and the output impedance of the driver set the output current limit of
a high-speed transmission signal. At a high frequency, the slew rate may not be fast
enough to reach the full VOD level before the next edge, producing pattern-dependent
jitter. With pre-emphasis, the output current is boosted momentarily during switching
to increase the output slew rate.

Pre-emphasis increases the amplitude of the high-frequency component of the output

signal, and thus helps to compensate for the frequency-dependent attenuation along
the transmission line. The overshoot introduced by the extra current happens only
during a change of state switching to increase the output slew rate and does not ring,
unlike the overshoot caused by signal reflection. The amount of pre-emphasis required
depends on the attenuation of the high-frequency component along the transmission

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Figure 82. Programmable Pre-Emphasis

This figure shows the LVDS output with pre-emphasis.

Voltage boost
from pre-emphasis


Differential output

Table 52. Quartus Prime Software Assignment Editor—Programmable Pre-Emphasis

This table lists the assignment name for programmable pre-emphasis and its possible values in the Quartus
Prime software Assignment Editor.

Field Assignment

To tx_out

Assignment name Programmable Pre-emphasis

Allowed values 0 (disabled), 1 (enabled). Default is 1. Programmable Differential Output Voltage

The programmable VOD settings allow you to adjust the output eye opening to
optimize the trace length and power consumption. A higher VOD swing improves
voltage margins at the receiver end, and a smaller VOD swing reduces power
consumption. You can statically adjust the VOD of the differential signal by changing
the VOD settings in the Quartus Prime software Assignment Editor.

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Figure 83. Differential VOD

This figure shows the VOD of the differential LVDS output.

Single-Ended Waveform

Positive Channel (p)

Negative Channel (n)

Differential Waveform VOD (diff peak - peak) = 2 x VOD (single-ended)


Table 53. Quartus Prime Software Assignment Editor—Programmable VOD

This table lists the assignment name for programmable VOD and its possible values in the Quartus Prime
software Assignment Editor.

Field Assignment

To tx_out

Assignment name Programmable Differential Output Voltage (VOD)

Allowed values 0 (low), 1 (medium low), 2 (medium high), 3 (high).

Default is 2.

5.5.4. On-Chip I/O Termination in Arria 10 Devices

Serial (RS) and parallel (RT) OCT provides I/O impedance matching and termination
capabilities. OCT maintains signal quality, saves board space, and reduces external
component costs.

The Arria 10 devices support OCT in all FPGA and HPS I/O banks. For the 3 V and HPS
I/Os, the I/Os support only OCT without calibration.

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Figure 84. Single-ended Termination (RS and RT)

This figure shows the single-ended termination schemes supported in Arria 10 devices. RT1 and RT2 are
dynamic parallel terminations and are enabled only if the device is receiving. In bidirectional applications, RT1
and RT2 are automatically switched on when the device is receiving and switched off when the device is driving.

Driving Device Receiving Device


2 × R T1 2 × R T2
Z 0 = 50 Ω
2 × R T1 2 × R T2


Table 54. OCT Schemes Supported in Arria 10 Devices

Direction OCT Schemes I/O Type Support


Output RS OCT with calibration Yes — —

RS OCT without calibration Yes Yes Yes

Input RT OCT with calibration Yes — —

RD OCT (LVDS I/O standard only) Yes — —

Bidirectional Dynamic RS and RT OCT Yes — —

Related Information
• OCT Intel FPGA IP User Guide
• RS OCT without Calibration in Arria 10 Devices on page 132
• RS OCT with Calibration in Arria 10 Devices on page 134
• RT OCT with Calibration in Arria 10 Devices on page 136
• Dynamic OCT on page 138
• Differential Input RD OCT on page 139
• OCT Calibration Block in Arria 10 Devices on page 140 RS OCT without Calibration in Arria 10 Devices

The Arria 10 devices support RS OCT for single-ended and voltage-referenced I/O
standards. RS OCT without calibration is supported on output only.

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Table 55. Selectable I/O Standards for RS OCT Without Calibration

This table lists the output termination settings for uncalibrated OCT on different I/O standards.

I/O Standard Device Variant Support Uncalibrated OCT (Output)

RS (Ω)

3.0 V LVTTL/3.0 V LVCMOS GX, SX 25/50

2.5 V LVCMOS GX, SX 25/50

1.8 V LVCMOS All 25/50

1.5 V LVCMOS All 25/50

1.2 V LVCMOS All 25/50

SSTL-18 Class I All 50

SSTL-18 Class II All 25

SSTL-15 Class I All 50

SSTL-15 Class II All 25

SSTL-15 All 34, 40

SSTL-135 All 34, 40

SSTL-125 All 34, 40

SSTL-12 All 40, 60, 120, 240

POD12 All 34, 40, 48, 60

1.8 V HSTL Class I All 50

1.8 V HSTL Class II All 25

1.5 V HSTL Class I All 50

1.5 V HSTL Class II All 25

1.2 V HSTL Class I All 50

1.2 V HSTL Class II All 25

HSUL-12 All 34.3, 40, 48, 60, 80

Differential SSTL-18 Class I All 50

Differential SSTL-18 Class II All 25

Differential SSTL-15 Class I All 50

Differential SSTL-15 Class II All 25

Differential SSTL-15 All 34, 40

Differential SSTL-135 All 34, 40

Differential SSTL-125 All 34, 40

Differential SSTL-12 All 40, 60, 120, 240

Differential POD12 All 34, 40, 48, 60

Differential 1.8 V HSTL Class I All 50

Differential 1.8 V HSTL Class II All 25

Differential 1.5 V HSTL Class I All 50


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I/O Standard Device Variant Support Uncalibrated OCT (Output)

RS (Ω)

Differential 1.5 V HSTL Class II All 25

Differential 1.2 V HSTL Class I All 50

Differential 1.2 V HSTL Class II All 25

Differential HSUL-12 All 34.3, 40, 48, 60, 80

Driver-impedance matching provides the I/O driver with controlled output impedance
that closely matches the impedance of the transmission line. As a result, you can
significantly reduce signal reflections on PCB traces.

If you select matching impedance, current strength is no longer selectable.

Figure 85. RS OCT Without Calibration

This figure shows the RS as the intrinsic impedance of the output transistors.

Driver Receiving
Series Termination Device


Z 0 = 50 Ω



Related Information
On-Chip I/O Termination in Arria 10 Devices on page 131 RS OCT with Calibration in Arria 10 Devices

The Arria 10 devices support RS OCT with calibration in all LVDS I/O banks.

Table 56. Selectable I/O Standards for RS OCT With Calibration

This table lists the output termination settings for calibrated OCT on different I/O standards.

I/O Standard Device Variant Calibrated OCT (Output)

RS (Ω) RZQ (Ω)

1.8 V LVCMOS All 25, 50 100

1.5 V LVCMOS All 25, 50 100

1.2 V LVCMOS All 25, 50 100

SSTL-18 Class I All 50 100


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I/O Standard Device Variant Calibrated OCT (Output)

RS (Ω) RZQ (Ω)

SSTL-18 Class II All 25 100

SSTL-15 Class I All 50 100

SSTL-15 Class II All 25 100

SSTL-15 All 25, 50 100

34, 40 240

SSTL-135 All 34, 40 240

SSTL-125 All 34, 40 240

SSTL-12 All 40, 60, 120, 240 240

POD12 All 34, 40, 48, 60 240

1.8 V HSTL Class I All 50 100

1.8 V HSTL Class II All 25 100

1.5 V HSTL Class I All 50 100

1.5 V HSTL Class II All 25 100

1.2 V HSTL Class I All 50 100

1.2 V HSTL Class II All 25 100

HSUL-12 All 34, 40, 48, 60, 80 240

Differential SSTL-18 Class I All 50 100

Differential SSTL-18 Class II All 25 100

Differential SSTL-15 Class I All 50 100

Differential SSTL-15 Class II All 25 100

Differential SSTL-15 All 25, 50 100

34, 40 240

Differential SSTL-135 All 34, 40 240

Differential SSTL-125 All 34, 40 240

Differential SSTL-12 All 40, 60, 120, 240 240

Differential POD12 All 34, 40, 48, 60 240

Differential 1.8 V HSTL Class I All 50 100

Differential 1.8 V HSTL Class II All 25 100

Differential 1.5 V HSTL Class I All 50 100

Differential 1.5 V HSTL Class II All 25 100

Differential 1.2 V HSTL Class I All 50 100

Differential 1.2 V HSTL Class II All 25 100

Differential HSUL-12 All 34, 40, 48, 60, 80 240

The RS OCT calibration circuit compares the total impedance of the I/O buffer to the
external reference resistor connected to the RZQ pin and dynamically enables or
disables the transistors until they match.

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Calibration occurs at the end of device configuration. When the calibration circuit finds
the correct impedance, the circuit powers down and stops changing the characteristics
of the drivers.

Figure 86. RS OCT with Calibration

This figure shows the RS as the intrinsic impedance of the output transistors.

Driver Receiving
Series Termination Device


Z 0 = 50 Ω



Related Information
On-Chip I/O Termination in Arria 10 Devices on page 131 RT OCT with Calibration in Arria 10 Devices

The Arria 10 devices support RT OCT with calibration in all LVDS I/O banks but not in
the 3 V I/O banks. RT OCT with calibration is available only for configuration of input
and bidirectional pins. Output pin configurations do not support RT OCT with
calibration. If you use RT OCT, the VCCIO of the bank must match the I/O standard of
the pin where you enable the RT OCT.

Table 57. Selectable I/O Standards for RT OCT With Calibration

This table lists the input termination settings for calibrated OCT on different I/O standards.

I/O Standard Device Variant Support Calibrated OCT (Input)

RT (Ω) RZQ (Ω)

SSTL-18 Class I All 50 100

SSTL-18 Class II All 50 100

SSTL-15 Class I All 50 100

SSTL-15 Class II All 50 100

SSTL-15 All 30, 40, 60,120 240

SSTL-135 All 30, 40, 60, 120 240

SSTL-125 All 30, 40, 60, 120 240

SSTL-12 All 60, 120 240

POD12 All 34, 40, 48, 60, 80, 120, 240 240

1.8 V HSTL Class I All 50 100


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I/O Standard Device Variant Support Calibrated OCT (Input)

RT (Ω) RZQ (Ω)

1.8 V HSTL Class II All 50 100

1.5 V HSTL Class I All 50 100

1.5 V HSTL Class II All 50 100

1.2 V HSTL Class I All 50 100

1.2 V HSTL Class II All 50 100

Differential SSTL-18 Class I All 50 100

Differential SSTL-18 Class II All 50 100

Differential SSTL-15 Class I All 50 100

Differential SSTL-15 Class II All 50 100

Differential SSTL-15 All 30, 40, 60,120 240

Differential SSTL-135 All 30, 40, 60, 120 240

Differential SSTL-125 All 30, 40, 60, 120 240

Differential SSTL-12 All 60, 120 240

Differential POD12 All 34, 40, 48, 60, 80, 120, 240 240

Differential 1.8 V HSTL Class All 50 100


Differential 1.8 V HSTL Class All 50 100


Differential 1.5 V HSTL Class All 50 100


Differential 1.5 V HSTL Class All 50 100


Differential 1.2 V HSTL Class All 50 100


Differential 1.2 V HSTL Class All 50 100


The RT OCT calibration circuit compares the total impedance of the I/O buffer to the
external resistor connected to the RZQ pin. The circuit dynamically enables or disables
the transistors until the total impedance of the I/O buffer matches the external

Calibration occurs at the end of the device configuration. When the calibration circuit
finds the correct impedance, the circuit powers down and stops changing the
characteristics of the drivers.

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Figure 87. RT OCT with Calibration

Transmitter Receiving Device

2 × R T2

Z 0 = 50 Ω

2 × R T2


Related Information
On-Chip I/O Termination in Arria 10 Devices on page 131 Dynamic OCT

Dynamic OCT is useful for terminating a high-performance bidirectional path by

optimizing the signal integrity depending on the direction of the data. Dynamic OCT
also helps save power because device termination is internal. Internal termination
switches on only during input operation and thus draws less static power.

Note: If you use the SSTL-15, SSTL-135, and SSTL-125 I/O standards with the DDR3
memory interface, Altera recommends that you use OCT with these I/O standards to
save board space and cost. OCT reduces the number of external termination resistors

Table 58. Dynamic OCT Based on Bidirectional I/O

Dynamic RT OCT or RS OCT is enabled or disabled based on whether the bidirectional I/O acts as a receiver or

Dynamic OCT Bidirectional I/O State

Dynamic RT OCT Acts as a receiver Enabled

Acts as a driver Disabled

Dynamic RS OCT Acts as a receiver Disabled

Acts as a driver Enabled

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Figure 88. Dynamic RT OCT in Arria 10 Devices

Transmitter Receiver
100 Ω 100 Ω
50 Ω
Z0 = 50 Ω

100 Ω 100 Ω
50 Ω



Receiver Transmitter
100 Ω 100 Ω
50 Ω
Z0 = 50 Ω

100 Ω 100 Ω
50 Ω



Related Information
On-Chip I/O Termination in Arria 10 Devices on page 131 Differential Input RD OCT

All I/O pins and dedicated clock input pins in Arria 10 devices support on-chip
differential termination, RD OCT. The Arria 10 devices provide a 100 Ω, on-chip
differential termination option on each differential receiver channel for LVDS

You can enable on-chip termination in the Quartus Prime software Assignment Editor.

Figure 89. On-Chip Differential I/O Termination

Differential Receiver
LVDS with On-Chip 100 Ω
Transmitter Termination
Z 0 = 50 Ω


Z 0 = 50 Ω

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Table 59. Quartus Prime Software Assignment Editor—On-Chip Differential Termination

This table lists the assignment name for on-chip differential termination in the Quartus Prime software
Assignment Editor.

Field Assignment

To rx_in

Assignment name Input Termination

Value Differential

Alternatively, you can enable the on-chip differential I/O termination by adding the
following assignment in your .qsf:
set_instance_assignment -name INPUT_TERMINATION DIFFERENTIAL -to <input pin name>

Related Information
On-Chip I/O Termination in Arria 10 Devices on page 131 OCT Calibration Block in Arria 10 Devices

You can calibrate the OCT using the OCT calibration block in any I/O bank in the same
I/O column. The I/O bank that contains the OCT calibration block must have the same
VCCIO as the I/O bank of the OCT.

You can use RS and RT OCT in the same I/O bank for different I/O standards if the I/O
standards use the same VCCIO supply voltage. You cannot configure the RS OCT and
the programmable current strength for the same I/O buffer.

The OCT calibration process uses the RZQ pin that is available in every calibration
block in a given I/O bank for series- and parallel-calibrated termination:
• Each OCT calibration block has an external 240 Ω reference resistor associated
with it through the RZQ pin.
• Connect the RZQ pin to GND through an external 100 Ω or 240 Ω resistor
(depending on the RS or RT OCT value).
• The RZQ pin shares the same VCCIO supply voltage with the I/O bank where the
pin is located.
• The RZQ pin is a dual-purpose I/O pin and functions as a general purpose I/O pin
if you do not use the calibration circuit.

Arria 10 devices support calibrated RS and calibrated RT OCT on all LVDS I/O pins
except for dedicated configuration pins.

Related Information
• OCT Intel FPGA IP User Guide
• On-Chip I/O Termination in Arria 10 Devices on page 131

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5.5.5. External I/O Termination for Arria 10 Devices

Table 60. External Termination Schemes for Different I/O Standards
I/O Standard External Termination Scheme


No external termination required


SSTL-18 Class I

SSTL-18 Class II
Single-Ended SSTL I/O Standard Termination
SSTL-15 Class I

SSTL-15 Class II

SSTL-15 (10)

SSTL-135 (10)
No external termination required
SSTL-125 (10)


POD12 Single-Ended POD I/O Standard Termination

Differential SSTL-18 Class I

Differential SSTL-18 Class II

Differential SSTL I/O Standard Termination
Differential SSTL-15 Class I

Differential SSTL-15 Class II

Differential SSTL-15 (10)

Differential SSTL-135 (10)

No external termination required
Differential SSTL-125 (10)

Differential SSTL-12(10)

Differential POD12 Differential POD I/O Standard Termination

1.8 V HSTL Class I

1.8 V HSTL Class II

1.5 V HSTL Class I

Single-Ended HSTL I/O Standard Termination
1.5 V HSTL Class II

1.2 V HSTL Class I

1.2 V HSTL Class II

HSUL-12 No external termination required

Differential 1.8 V HSTL Class I

Differential HSTL I/O Standard Termination
Differential 1.8 V HSTL Class II

(10) Altera recommends that you use OCT with these I/O standards to save board space and cost.
OCT reduces the number of external termination resistors used.

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I/O Standard External Termination Scheme

Differential 1.5 V HSTL Class I

Differential 1.5 V HSTL Class II

Differential 1.2 V HSTL Class I

Differential 1.2 V HSTL Class II

Differential HSUL-12 No external termination required

LVDS LVDS I/O Standard Termination

RSDS/mini-LVDS I/O Standard Termination

LVPECL Differential LVPECL I/O Standard Termination

Note: Altera recommends that you perform IBIS or SPICE simulations to determine the best
termination scheme for your specific application. Single-Ended I/O Termination

Voltage-referenced I/O standards require an input VREF and a termination voltage

(VTT). The reference voltage of the receiving device tracks the termination voltage of
the transmitting device.

The supported I/O standards such as SSTL-12, SSTL-125, SSTL-135, and SSTL-15
typically do not require external board termination.

Altera recommends that you use OCT with these I/O standards to save board space
and cost. OCT reduces the number of external termination resistors used.

Note: You cannot use RS and RT OCT simultaneously. For more information, refer to the
related information.

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Figure 90. SSTL I/O Standard Termination

This figure shows the details of SSTL I/O termination on Arria 10 devices.
Termination SSTL Class I SSTL Class II


50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω
25 Ω
50 Ω 50 Ω
25 Ω
On-Board V REF V REF

Transmitter Receiver Transmitter Receiver

Series OCT 50 Ω Series OCT 25 Ω
50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω

OCT Transmit 50 Ω 50 Ω


Transmitter Receiver Transmitter Receiver

Parallel OCT Parallel OCT
50 Ω
100 Ω 100 Ω
25 Ω
OCT Receive 50 Ω 50 Ω
25 Ω
100 Ω 100 Ω

Transmitter GND Receiver Transmitter GND Receiver


Series V REF Series V REF
OCT 50 Ω 100 Ω 100 Ω OCT 25 Ω 100 Ω 100 Ω
50 Ω 50 Ω
OCT in
Bidirectional 100 Ω 100 Ω 100 Ω 100 Ω
Series Series

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Figure 91. HSTL I/O Standard Termination

This figure shows the details of HSTL I/O termination on the Arria 10 devices.

Termination HSTL Class I HSTL Class II


50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω
50 Ω 50 Ω

Transmitter Receiver Transmitter Receiver

Series OCT 50 Ω Series OCT 25 Ω
50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω
50 Ω 50 Ω
OCT Transmit

Transmitter Receiver Transmitter Receiver

Parallel OCT Parallel OCT
50 Ω
100 Ω 100 Ω
50 Ω 50 Ω
OCT Receive
100 Ω 100 Ω

Transmitter GND Receiver Transmitter GND Receiver


Series V REF Series V REF
OCT 50 Ω 100 Ω 100 Ω OCT 25 Ω 100 Ω 100 Ω
50 Ω 50 Ω
OCT in
Bidirectional 100 Ω 100 Ω 100 Ω 100 Ω
GND GND Series GND GND Series

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Figure 92. POD I/O Standard Termination

This figure shows the details of POD I/O termination on the Arria 10 devices.

Termination POD
Transmitter Receiver
External 40 Ω
On-Board 50 Ω

Transmitter 40 Ω Receiver
Transmit 50 Ω
Series OCT, RS

Transmitter 40 Ω
Receive 50 Ω
Parallel OCT RT

OCT in Series
OCT RS Parallel 40 Ω
Bidirectional OCT, RT
Pins 50 Ω

Series OCT RS

Related Information
Dynamic OCT on page 138 Differential I/O Termination for Arria 10 Devices

The I/O pins are organized in pairs to support differential I/O standards. Each I/O pin
pair can support differential input and output buffers.

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The supported I/O standards such as Differential SSTL-12, Differential SSTL-15,

Differential SSTL-125, and Differential SSTL-135 typically do not require external
board termination.

Altera recommends that you use OCT with these I/O standards to save board space
and cost. OCT reduces the number of external termination resistors used.

Related Information
• Differential HSTL, SSTL, HSUL, and POD Termination on page 146
• LVDS, RSDS, and Mini-LVDS Termination on page 148
• LVPECL Termination on page 148 Differential HSTL, SSTL, HSUL, and POD Termination

Differential HSTL, SSTL, HSUL, and POD inputs use LVDS differential input buffers.
However, RD support is only available if the I/O standard is LVDS.

Differential HSTL, SSTL, HSUL, and POD outputs are not true differential outputs.
These I/O standards use two single-ended outputs with the second output
programmed as inverted.

Figure 93. Differential SSTL I/O Standard Termination

This figure shows the details of Differential SSTL I/O termination on Arria 10 devices.
Termination Differential SSTL Class I Differential SSTL Class II


50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω
25 Ω
50 Ω 50 Ω
External 25 Ω

25 Ω 25 Ω
50 Ω 50 Ω

Transmitter Receiver Transmitter Receiver

Series OCT 50 Ω Series OCT 25 Ω

100 Ω 50 Ω 100 Ω

Z 0 = 50 Ω Z 0 = 50 Ω
100 Ω 100 Ω
100 Ω 50 Ω 100 Ω
Z 0 = 50 Ω Z 0 = 50 Ω
100 Ω 100 Ω

Transmitter GND Receiver Transmitter GND Receiver

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Figure 94. Differential HSTL I/O Standard Termination

This figure shows the details of Differential HSTL I/O standard termination on Arria 10 devices.

Termination Differential HSTL Class I Differential HSTL Class II


50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω

50 Ω 50 Ω

50 Ω 50 Ω

Transmitter Receiver Transmitter Receiver

Series OCT 50 Ω Series OCT 25 Ω
100 Ω 50 Ω 100 Ω
Z 0 = 50 Ω Z 0 = 50 Ω
100 Ω 100 Ω
100 Ω 50 Ω 100 Ω
Z 0 = 50 Ω Z 0 = 50 Ω
100 Ω 100 Ω

Transmitter GND Receiver Transmitter GND Receiver

Figure 95. Differential POD I/O Standard Termination

This figure shows the details of Differential POD I/O termination on the Arria 10 devices.

Termination Differential POD


40 Ω 40 Ω

50 Ω
50 Ω

Transmitter Receiver

Series OCT R S Parallel OCT, R T

Z 0 = 50 Ω

Z 0 = 50 Ω

Transmitter Receiver

Related Information
Differential I/O Termination for Arria 10 Devices on page 145

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683461 | 2024.07.08 LVDS, RSDS, and Mini-LVDS Termination

All I/O banks have dedicated circuitry to support the true LVDS, RSDS, and mini-LVDS
I/O standards by using true LVDS output buffers without resistor networks.

Figure 96. LVDS I/O Standard Termination

This figure shows the LVDS I/O standard termination. The on-chip differential resistor is available in all I/O

Termination LVDS

Differential Outputs Differential Inputs

50 Ω
External 100 Ω
On-Board 50 Ω

Differential Outputs Differential Inputs


OCT Receiver 50 Ω
(True LVDS 100 Ω
Output) 50 Ω


Related Information
• Differential I/O Standards Specifications, Arria 10 Device Datasheet
• Differential I/O Termination for Arria 10 Devices on page 145 LVPECL Termination

The Arria 10 devices support the LVPECL I/O standard on input clock pins only:
• LVPECL input operation is supported using LVDS input buffers.
• LVPECL output operation is not supported.

Use AC coupling if the LVPECL common-mode voltage of the output buffer does not
match the LVPECL input common-mode voltage.

Note: Altera recommends that you use IBIS models to verify your LVPECL AC/DC-coupled

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Figure 97. LVPECL AC-Coupled External Termination

Output Buffer Input Buffer

0.1 µF
Z 0 = 50 Ω V ICM 50 Ω
0.1 µF
Z 0 = 50 Ω 50 Ω

Support for DC-coupled LVPECL is available if the LVPECL output common mode
voltage is within the Arria 10 LVPECL input buffer specification.

Figure 98. LVPECL DC-Coupled External Termination

Output Buffer Input Buffer

Z 0 = 50 Ω
100 Ω
Z 0 = 50 Ω

For information about the VICM specification, refer to the device datasheet.

Related Information
• Differential I/O Standards Specifications, Arria 10 Device Datasheet
• Differential I/O Termination for Arria 10 Devices on page 145

5.6. High Speed Source-Synchronous SERDES and DPA in Arria 10

The high-speed differential I/O interfaces and DPA features in Arria 10 devices provide
advantages over single-ended I/Os and contribute to the achievable overall system
bandwidth. Arria 10 devices support the LVDS, mini-LVDS, and reduced swing
differential signaling (RSDS) differential I/O standards.

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Figure 99. I/O Bank Support for High-Speed Differential I/O

This figure shows the I/O bank support for high-speed differential I/O in the Arria 10 devices.


I/Os with Dedicated

SERDES Circuitry

LVDS Interface LVDS Interface

with 'Use External PLL' with 'Use External PLL'
Option Enabled Option Disabled

Related Information
• I/O Standards Support for FPGA I/O in Arria 10 Devices on page 102
Provides information about the supported differential I/O standards.
• GPIO Banks, SERDES, and DPA Locations in Arria 10 Devices on page 106
• FPGA I/O Resources in Arria 10 GX Packages on page 111
Provides the number of LVDS channels.
• FPGA I/O Resources in Arria 10 GT Packages on page 112
Provides the number of LVDS channels.
• FPGA I/O Resources in Arria 10 SX Packages on page 113
Provides the number of LVDS channels.
• LVDS SERDES Intel FPGA IP User Guide: Arria 10 and Cyclone® 10 GX Devices

5.6.1. Arria 10 LVDS SERDES Usage Modes

Table 61. Usage Modes Summary of the Arria 10 LVDS SERDES
All SERDES usage modes in this table support SERDES factors of 3 to 10.

Usage Mode Quick Guideline

Transmitter In this mode, the SERDES block acts as a serializer.

DPA Receiver • This mode is useful for source-synchronous clocking applications.

• The dynamic phase alignment block (DPA) automatically adjusts the clock phase to achieve
optimal data-to-clock skew.

Non-DPA Receiver • This mode is useful for source-synchronous clocking applications.

• You must manage the data-to-clock skew.

Soft-CDR Receiver • The soft clock data recovery (soft-CDR) mode is useful for asynchronous clocking applications.
• An asynchronous clock drives the LVDS SERDES IP core. The IP core outputs a recovered clock
from the received data.

Bypass the SERDES You can bypass the serializer to use SERDES factor of 2 by using the GPIO IP core:
• Single data rate (SDR) mode—you do not require clocks.
• Double data rate (DDR) mode—useful for slow source-synchronous clocking applications.

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5.6.2. SERDES Circuitry

Each LVDS I/O channel in Arria 10 devices has built-in serializer/deserializer (SERDES)
circuitry that supports high-speed LVDS interfaces. You can configure the SERDES
circuitry to support source-synchronous communication protocols such as RapidIO®,
XSBI, serial peripheral interface (SPI), and asynchronous protocols.

Figure 100. SERDES

This figure shows a transmitter and receiver block diagram for the LVDS SERDES circuitry with the interface
signals of the transmitter and receiver data paths. The figure shows a shared PLL between the transmitter and
receiver. If the transmitter and receiver do not share the same PLL, you require two I/O PLLs. In single data
rate (SDR) and double data rate (DDR) modes, the data widths are 1 and 2 bits, respectively.

IOE IOE supports SDR, DDR, or non-registered datapath

10 + tx_out
tx_in DIN DOUT –

10 bits tx_coreclock LVDS Transmitter

maximum 3 (load_enable, fast_clock, tx_coreclock)
data width
IOE supports SDR, DDR, or non-registered datapath LVDS Receiver
IOE + rx_in
rx_out –
Deserializer Bit Slip
Synchronizer DPA Circuitry
Fabric DPA Clock
2 fast_clock

(load_enable, fast_clock
fast_clock) Clock Mux
rx_coreclock 3
dpa_fast_clock, rx_divfwdclk)
3 (load_enable,
8 Serial LVDS
fast_clock, rx_coreclock)
Clock Phases
DPA Clock Domain I/O PLL
LVDS Clock Domain rx_inclock / tx_inclock

The LVDS SERDES Intel FPGA IP transmitter and receiver require various clock and
load enable signals from an I/O PLL. The Quartus Prime software configures the PLL
settings automatically. The software is also responsible for generating the various
clock and load enable signals based on the input reference clock and selected data

Note: For the maximum data rate supported by the Arria 10 devices, refer to the device

Related Information
• Summary of Features, Arria 10 Device Overview
• Guideline: Use PLLs in Integer PLL Mode for LVDS on page 164

5.6.3. SERDES I/O Standards Support in Arria 10 Devices

These tables list the I/O standards supported by the SERDES receiver and transmitter,
and the respective Quartus Prime software assignment values.

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Table 62. SERDES Receiver I/O Standards Support

I/O Standard Quartus Prime Software Assignment Value


Differential 1.2 V HSTL Class I Differential 1.2-V HSTL Class I

Differential 1.2 V HSTL Class II Differential 1.2-V HSTL Class II

Differential HSUL-12 Differential 1.2-V HSUL

Differential SSTL-12 Differential 1.2-V SSTL

Differential SSTL-125 Differential 1.25-V SSTL

Differential SSTL-135 Differential 1.35-V SSTL

Differential 1.5 V HSTL Class I Differential 1.5-V HSTL Class I

Differential 1.5 V HSTL Class II Differential 1.5-V HSTL Class II

Differential SSTL-15 Differential 1.5-V SSTL

Differential SSTL-15 Class I Differential 1.5-V SSTL Class I

Differential SSTL-15 Class II Differential 1.5-V SSTL Class II

Differential 1.8 V HSTL Class I Differential 1.8-V HSTL Class I

Differential 1.8 V HSTL Class II Differential 1.8-V HSTL Class II

Differential SSTL-18 Class I Differential 1.8-V SSTL Class I

Differential SSTL-18 Class II Differential 1.8-V SSTL Class II

Differential POD12 Differential 1.2-V POD

Table 63. SERDES Transmitter I/O Standards Support

I/O Standard Quartus Prime Software Assignment Value


mini-LVDS mini-LVDS


5.6.4. Differential Transmitter in Arria 10 Devices

The Arria 10 transmitter contains dedicated circuitry to support high-speed differential
signaling. The differential transmitter buffers support the following features:
• LVDS signaling that can drive out LVDS, mini-LVDS, and RSDS signals
• Programmable VOD and programmable pre-emphasis

Table 64. Dedicated Circuitries and Features of the Differential Transmitter

Dedicated Circuitry / Feature Description

Differential I/O buffer Supports LVDS, mini-LVDS, and RSDS

SERDES Up to 10-bit wide serializer


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Dedicated Circuitry / Feature Description

Phase-locked loops (PLLs) Clocks the load and shift registers

Programmable VOD Static

Programmable pre-emphasis Boosts output current

Related Information
Guideline: Use PLLs in Integer PLL Mode for LVDS on page 164 Transmitter Blocks in Arria 10 Devices

The dedicated circuitry consists of a true differential buffer, a serializer, and I/O PLLs
that you can share between the transmitter and receiver. The serializer takes up to
10-bit wide parallel data from the FPGA fabric and clocks the data into the load
registers. Then, the serializer serializes the data using shift registers that are clocked
by the I/O PLL. After serializing the data, the serializer sends the data to the
differential buffer. The MSB of the parallel data is transmitted first.

Note: The PLL that drives the LVDS SERDES channel must operate in integer PLL mode. You
do not need a PLL if you bypass the serializer.

Figure 101. LVDS Transmitter

This figure shows a block diagram of the transmitter. In SDR and DDR modes, the data width is 1 and 2 bits,

FPGA IOE IOE supports SDR, DDR, or non-registered datapath
10 bits 10 + tx_out
maximum tx_in DIN DOUT –
data width
tx_coreclock LVDS Transmitter
3 (load_enable, fast_clock, tx_coreclock)
LVDS Clock Domain
I/O PLL tx_inclock

Related Information
Guideline: Use PLLs in Integer PLL Mode for LVDS on page 164 Serializer Bypass for DDR and SDR Operations

The I/O element (IOE) contains two data output registers that can each operate in
either DDR or SDR mode.

You can bypass the serializer to support DDR (x2) and SDR (x1) operations to achieve
a serialization factor of 2 and 1, respectively. The deserializer bypass is supported
through the GPIO Intel FPGA IP.

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Figure 102. Serializer Bypass

This figure shows the serializer bypass path.
FPGA IOE IOE supports SDR, DDR, or non-registered datapath
2 + tx_out
tx_in DIN DOUT -

tx_coreclock LVDS Transmitter

3 (load_enable, fast_clock, tx_coreclock)

I/O PLL Note: Disabled blocks and signals are grayed out

• In SDR mode:
— The IOE data width is 1 bit.
— Registered output path requires a clock.
— Data is passed directly through the IOE.
• In DDR mode:
— The IOE data width is 2 bits.
— The GPIO IP core requires a clock.
— tx_inclock clocks the IOE register.

5.6.5. Differential Receiver in Arria 10 Devices

The receiver has a differential buffer and I/O PLLs that you can share among the
transmitter and receiver, a DPA block, a synchronizer, a data realignment block, and a
deserializer. The differential buffer can receive LVDS, mini-LVDS, and RSDS signal
levels. You can statically set the I/O standard of the receiver pins to LVDS, mini-LVDS,
or RSDS in the Quartus Prime software Assignment Editor.

Note: The PLL that drives the LVDS SERDES channel must operate in integer PLL mode. You
do not need a PLL if you bypass the deserializer

Table 65. Dedicated Circuitries and Features of the Differential Receiver

Dedicated Circuitry / Feature Description

Differential I/O buffer Supports LVDS, mini-LVDS, and RSDS

SERDES Up to 10-bit wide deserializer

Phase-locked loops (PLLs) Generates different phases of a clock for data synchronizer

Data realignment (Bit slip) Inserts bit latencies into serial data

DPA Chooses a phase closest to the phase of the serial data

Synchronizer (FIFO buffer) Compensate for phase differences between the data and the receiver’s input
reference clock

Skew adjustment Manual

On-chip termination (OCT) 100 Ω in LVDS I/O standards

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Related Information
Guideline: Use PLLs in Integer PLL Mode for LVDS on page 164 Receiver Blocks in Arria 10 Devices

The Arria 10 differential receiver has the following hardware blocks:

• DPA block
• Synchronizer
• Data realignment block (bit slip)
• Deserializer

Figure 103. Receiver Block Diagram

This figure shows the hardware blocks of the receiver. In SDR and DDR modes, the data width from the IOE is
1 and 2 bits, respectively. The deserializer includes shift registers and parallel load registers, and sends a
maximum of 10 bits to the internal logic.

IOE supports SDR, DDR, or non-registered datapath LVDS Receiver

10 bits 2 + rx_in
10 IOE
maximum rx_out –
data width Deserializer Bit Slip
Synchronizer DPA Circuitry

Fabric DPA Clock

2 fast_clock

fast_clock) Clock Mux
rx_coreclock 3
dpa_fast_clock, rx_divfwdclk)
3 (load_enable,
fast_clock, rx_coreclock) 8 Serial LVDS
Clock Phases
DPA Clock Domain I/O PLL
LVDS Clock Domain rx_inclock DPA Block

The DPA block takes in high-speed serial data from the differential input buffer and
selects one of the eight phases that the I/O PLLs generate to sample the data. The
DPA chooses a phase closest to the phase of the serial data. The maximum phase
offset between the received data and the selected phase is 1/8 unit interval (UI)(11),
which is the maximum quantization error of the DPA. The eight phases of the clock are
equally divided, offering a 45° resolution.

(11) The unit interval is the period of the clock running at the serial data rate (fast clock).

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Figure 104. DPA Clock Phase to Serial Data Timing Relationship

This figure shows the possible phase relationships between the DPA clocks and the incoming serial data.

rx_in D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 Dn

0.125Tvco TVCO = PLL serial clock period

The DPA block continuously monitors the phase of the incoming serial data and selects
a new clock phase if it is required. You can prevent the DPA from selecting a new clock
phase by asserting the optional rx_dpa_hold port, which is available for each

DPA circuitry does not require a fixed training pattern to lock to the optimum phase
out of the eight phases. After reset or power up, the DPA circuitry requires transitions
on the received data to lock to the optimum phase. An optional output port,
rx_dpa_locked, is available to indicate an initial DPA lock condition to the optimum
phase after power up or reset. Use data checkers such as a cyclic redundancy check
(CRC) or diagonal interleaved parity (DIP-4) to validate the data.

An independent reset port, rx_dpa_reset, is available to reset the DPA circuitry. You
must retrain the DPA circuitry after reset.

Note: The DPA block is bypassed in non-DPA mode.

Related Information
Guideline: Use PLLs in Integer PLL Mode for LVDS on page 164 Synchronizer

The synchronizer is a one-bit wide and six-bit deep FIFO buffer that compensates for
the phase difference between dpa_fast_clock—the optimal clock that the DPA block
selects—and the fast_clock that the I/O PLLs produce. The synchronizer can only
compensate for phase differences, not frequency differences, between the data and
the receiver’s input reference clock.

An optional port, rx_fifo_reset, is available to the internal logic to reset the

synchronizer. The synchronizer is automatically reset when the DPA first locks to the
incoming data. Altera recommends that you use rx_fifo_reset to reset the
synchronizer when the data checker indicates that the received data is corrupted.

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Note: The synchronizer circuit is bypassed in non-DPA and soft-CDR mode.

Related Information
Guideline: Use PLLs in Integer PLL Mode for LVDS on page 164 Data Realignment Block (Bit Slip)

Skew in transmitted data and skew added by the link cause channel-to-channel skew
on the received serial data streams. If you enable the DPA, the received data is
captured with different clock phases on each channel. This difference may cause
misalignment of the received data from channel to channel. To compensate for this
channel-to-channel skew and establish the correct received word boundary at each
channel, each receiver channel has a dedicated data realignment circuit that realigns
the data by inserting bit latencies into the serial stream.

An optional rx_bitslip_ctrl port controls the bit insertion of each receiver

independently controlled from the internal logic. The data slips one bit on the rising
edge of rx_bitslip_ctrl. The requirements for the rx_bitslip_ctrl signal
include the following items:
• The minimum pulse width is one period of the parallel clock in the logic array.
• The minimum low time between pulses is one period of the parallel clock.
• The signal is an edge-triggered signal.
• The valid data is available four parallel clock cycles after the rising edge of

Figure 105. Data Realignment Timing

This figure shows receiver output (rx_out) after one bit slip pulse with the deserialization factor set to 4.

rx_in 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0
rx_out 3210 321x 32x1 3x21 x321 0321

The data realignment circuit has a bit slip rollover value set to the deserialization
factor. An optional status port, rx_bitslip_max, is available to the FPGA fabric from
each channel to indicate the reaching of the preset rollover point.

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Figure 106. Receiver Data Realignment Rollover

This figure shows a preset value of four bit cycles before rollover occurs. The rx_bitslip_max signal pulses
for one rx_coreclock cycle to indicate that rollover has occurred.




rx_bitslip_max Deserializer
You can statically set the deserialization factor to x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, or x10 by
using the Quartus Prime software.

The IOE contains two data input registers that can operate in DDR or SDR mode. You
can bypass the deserializer to support DDR (x2) and SDR (x1) operations. The
deserializer bypass is supported through the GPIO IP core.

Figure 107. Deserializer Bypass

This figure shows the deserializer bypass path.

IOE supports SDR, DDR, or non-registered datapath LVDS Receiver

2 IOE + rx_in
rx_out –
Deserializer Bit Slip
Synchronizer DPA Circuitry

Fabric DPA Clock

2 fast_clock

fast_clock) Clock Mux
rx_coreclock 3
dpa_fast_clock, rx_divfwdclk)
3 (load_enable,
fast_clock, rx_coreclock) 8 Serial LVDS
Clock Phases
Note: Disabled blocks and signals are grayed out

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• If you bypass the deserializer in SDR mode:

— The IOE data width is 1 bit.
— Registered input path requires a clock.
— Data is passed directly through the IOE.
• If you bypass the deserializer in DDR mode:
— The IOE data width is 2 bits.
— The GPIO IP core requires a clock.
— rx_inclock clocks the IOE register. The clock must be synchronous to
— You must control the data-to-clock skew.

You cannot use the DPA and data realignment circuit when you bypass the deserializer. Receiver Modes in Arria 10 Devices

The Arria 10 devices support the following receiver modes:

• Non-DPA mode
• DPA mode
• Soft-CDR mode

Note: If you use DPA mode, follow the recommended initialization and reset flow. The
recommended flow ensures that the DPA circuit can detect the optimum phase tap
from the PLL to capture data on the receiver.

Related Information
Recommended Initialization and Reset Flow, LVDS SERDES Intel FPGA IP User Guide:
Arria 10 and Cyclone® 10 GX Devices
Provides the recommended procedure to initialize and reset the LVDS SERDES IP
core. Non-DPA Mode

The non-DPA mode disables the DPA and synchronizer blocks. Input serial data is
registered at the rising edge of the serial fast_clock clock that is produced by the

The fast_clock clock that is generated by the I/O PLLs clocks the data realignment
and deserializer blocks.

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Figure 108. Receiver Datapath in Non-DPA Mode

This figure shows the non-DPA datapath block diagram.

IOE supports SDR, DDR, or non-registered datapath LVDS Receiver

10 bits 10
2 IOE + rx_in
maximum rx_out –
Deserializer Bit Slip
data width Synchronizer DPA Circuitry

Fabric DPA Clock

2 fast_clock

fast_clock) Clock Mux
rx_coreclock 3
dpa_fast_clock, rx_divfwdclk)
3 (load_enable,
fast_clock, rx_coreclock) 8 Serial LVDS
Clock Phases
LVDS Clock Domain I/O PLL
Note: Disabled blocks and signals are grayed out DPA Mode

The DPA block chooses the best possible clock (dpa_fast_clock) from the eight fast
clocks that the I/O PLL sent. This serial dpa_fast_clock clock is used for writing the
serial data into the synchronizer. A serial fast_clock clock is used for reading the
serial data from the synchronizer. The same fast_clock clock is used in data
realignment and deserializer blocks.

Figure 109. Receiver Datapath in DPA Mode

This figure shows the DPA mode datapath. In the figure, all the receiver hardware blocks are active.

IOE supports SDR, DDR, or non-registered datapath LVDS Receiver

10 bits 10
2 IOE + rx_in
maximum rx_out –
Deserializer Bit Slip
data width Synchronizer DPA Circuitry

Fabric DPA Clock

2 fast_clock

fast_clock) Clock Mux
rx_coreclock 3
dpa_fast_clock, rx_divfwdclk)
3 (load_enable,
fast_clock, rx_coreclock) 8 Serial LVDS
Clock Phases
DPA Clock Domain I/O PLL
LVDS Clock Domain rx_inclock
Note: Disabled blocks and signals are grayed out

Note: In DPA mode, you must place all receiver channels of an LVDS instance in one I/O
bank. Because each I/O bank has a maximum of 24 LVDS I/O buffer pairs, each LVDS
instance can support a maximum of 24 DPA channels.

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Related Information
• Guideline: Use PLLs in Integer PLL Mode for LVDS on page 164
• Receiver Blocks in Arria 10 Devices on page 155
Lists and describes the receiver hardware blocks. Soft-CDR Mode

The Arria 10 LVDS channel offers the soft-CDR mode to support the GbE and SGMII
protocols. A receiver PLL uses the local clock source for reference.

Figure 110. Receiver Datapath in Soft-CDR Mode

This figure shows the soft-CDR mode datapath.

IOE supports SDR, DDR, or non-registered datapath LVDS Receiver

10 bits 10
2 IOE + rx_in
maximum rx_out –
Deserializer Bit Slip
data width Synchronizer DPA Circuitry

Fabric DPA Clock

2 fast_clock

fast_clock) Clock Mux
rx_coreclock 3
dpa_fast_clock, rx_divfwdclk)
3 (load_enable,
fast_clock, rx_coreclock) 8 Serial LVDS
Clock Phases
DPA Clock Domain I/O PLL
LVDS Clock Domain rx_inclock
Note: Disabled blocks and signals are grayed out

In soft-CDR mode, the synchronizer block is inactive. The DPA circuitry selects an
optimal DPA clock phase to sample the data. This clock is used for bit slip operation
and deserialization. The DPA block also forwards the selected DPA clock, divided by
the deserialization factor called rx_divfwdclk, to the FPGA fabric, along with the
deserialized data. This clock signal is put on the periphery clock (PCLK) network.

If you use the soft-CDR mode, do not assert the rx_dpa_reset port after the DPA
has trained. The DPA continuously chooses new phase taps from the PLL to track parts
per million (PPM) differences between the reference clock and incoming data.

You can use every LVDS channel in soft-CDR mode and drive the FPGA fabric using the
PCLK network in the Arria 10 device family. In soft-CDR mode, the rx_dpa_locked
signal is not valid because the DPA continuously changes its phase to track PPM
differences between the upstream transmitter and the local receiver input reference
clocks. However, you can use the rx_dpa_locked signal to determine the initial DPA
locking conditions that indicate the DPA has selected the optimal phase tap to capture
the data. The rx_dpa_locked signal is expected to deassert when operating in soft-
CDR mode. The parallel clock, rx_coreclock, generated by the I/O PLLs, is also
forwarded to the FPGA fabric.

Note: In soft-CDR mode, you must place all receiver channels of an LVDS instance in one
I/O bank. Because each I/O bank has a maximum of 12 PCLK resources, each LVDS
instance can support a maximum of 12 soft-CDR channels.

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Related Information
• Guideline: LVDS SERDES Pin Pairs for Soft-CDR Mode on page 183
• Periphery Clock Networks on page 77
Provides more information about PCLK networks.

5.6.6. PLLs and Clocking for Arria 10 Devices

To generate the parallel clocks (rx_coreclock and tx_coreclock) and high-speed
clocks (fast_clock), the Arria 10 devices provide I/O PLLs in the high-speed
differential I/O receiver and transmitter channels.

Related Information
• GPIO Banks, SERDES, and DPA Locations in Arria 10 Devices on page 106
• Clocking Differential Transmitters on page 162
• Clocking Differential Receivers on page 163
• Guideline: Use PLLs in Integer PLL Mode for LVDS on page 164
• Guideline: Use High-Speed Clock from PLL to Clock LVDS SERDES Only on page
• Guideline: Pin Placement for Differential Channels on page 165
• LVDS Interface with External PLL Mode on page 168
• Guideline: I/O Standards Supported for I/O PLL Reference Clock Input Pin on page
180 Clocking Differential Transmitters

The I/O PLL generates the load enable (load_enable) signal and the fast_clock
signal (the clock running at serial data rate) that clocks the load and shift registers.
You can statically set the serialization factor to x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, or x10 using
the Quartus Prime software. The load enable signal is derived from the serialization
factor setting.

You can configure any Arria 10 transmitter data channel to generate a source-
synchronous transmitter clock output. This flexibility allows the placement of the
output clock near the data outputs to simplify board layout and reduce clock-to-data

Different applications often require specific clock-to-data alignments or specific data-

rate-to-clock-rate factors. You can specify these settings statically in the Quartus
Prime parameter editor:
• The transmitter can output a clock signal at the same rate as the data with a
maximum output clock frequency that each speed grade of the device supports.
• You can divide the output clock by a factor of 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, or 10, depending on
the serialization factor.
• You can set the phase of the clock in relation to the data at 0° or 180° (edge- or
center-aligned). The I/O PLLs provide additional support for other phase shifts in
45° increments.

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Figure 111. Transmitter in Clock Output Mode

This figure shows the transmitter in clock output mode. In clock output mode, you can use an LVDS channel as
a clock output channel.

Transmitter Circuit
Parallel Series

I/O fast_clock

Related Information
• Guideline: Use PLLs in Integer PLL Mode for LVDS on page 164
• PLLs and Clocking for Arria 10 Devices on page 162 Clocking Differential Receivers

The I/O PLL receives the external clock input and generates different phases of the
same clock. The DPA block automatically chooses one of the clocks from the I/O PLL
and aligns the incoming data on each channel.

The synchronizer circuit is a 1-bit wide by 6-bit deep FIFO buffer that compensates for
any phase difference between the DPA clock and the data realignment block. If
necessary, the user-controlled data realignment circuitry inserts a single bit of latency
in the serial bit stream to align to the word boundary. The deserializer includes shift
registers and parallel load registers, and sends a maximum of 10 bits to the internal

The physical medium connecting the transmitter and receiver LVDS channels may
introduce skew between the serial data and the source-synchronous clock. The
instantaneous skew between each LVDS channel and the clock also varies with the
jitter on the data and clock signals as seen by the receiver. The three different modes
—non-DPA, DPA, and soft-CDR—provide different options to overcome skew between
the source synchronous clock (non-DPA, DPA) /reference clock (soft-CDR) and the
serial data.

Non-DPA mode allows you to statically select the optimal phase between the source
synchronous clock and the received serial data to compensate skew. In DPA mode, the
DPA circuitry automatically chooses the best phase to compensate for the skew
between the source synchronous clock and the received serial data. Soft-CDR mode
provides opportunities for synchronous and asynchronous applications for chip-to-chip
and short reach board-to-board applications for SGMII protocols.

Note: Only the non-DPA mode requires manual skew adjustment.

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Related Information
• Guideline: Use PLLs in Integer PLL Mode for LVDS on page 164
• PLLs and Clocking for Arria 10 Devices on page 162 Guideline: Clocking DPA Interfaces Spanning Multiple I/O Banks

DPA interfaces that use more than 24 channels span multiple I/O banks. Altera
recommends that you feed the I/O PLL in each I/O bank of the DPA interface with its
own dedicated refclk pin. Follow this recommendation to achieve the maximum DPA
LVDS specifications listed in the device datasheet.

Related Information
High-Speed I/O Specifications, Arria 10 Device Datasheet Guideline: I/O PLL Reference Clock Source for DPA or Non-DPA Receiver
The reference clock to the I/O PLL for the DPA or non-DPA LVDS receiver must come
from the dedicated reference clock pin within the I/O bank.

Note: This requirement is not applicable to LVDS transmitters. Guideline: LVDS Reference Clock Source

The LVDS SERDES IP core accepts two reference clock input sources. Whichever
reference clock source you select, you must ensure timing closure.

Table 66. LVDS Reference Clock Source

Reference Clock Input Source Description Reference Clock Promotion

Dedicated reference clock input This reference clock input source is the best choice Do not manually promote the
within the same I/O bank. to avoid performance and timing closure issues. reference clock.

Reference clock input from other This source must come from another I/O bank and You must manually promote the
I/O banks. not from other sources such as the hard processor reference clock.
system (HPS), IOPLL IP, or other IPs.

To manually promote the reference clock, include this statement in your Quartus Prime
settings file (.qsf):
set_instance_assignment -name GLOBAL_SIGNAL GLOBAL_CLOCK -to <name of top-level
reference clock input port> Guideline: Use PLLs in Integer PLL Mode for LVDS

Each I/O bank has its own PLL (I/O PLL) to drive the LVDS channels. These I/O PLLs
operate in integer mode only.

Related Information
PLLs and Clocking for Arria 10 Devices on page 162 Guideline: Use High-Speed Clock from PLL to Clock LVDS SERDES Only

The high-speed clock generated from the PLL is intended to clock the LVDS SERDES
circuitry only. Do not use the high-speed clock to drive other logic because the allowed
frequency to drive the core logic is restricted by the PLL FOUT specification.

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For more information about the FOUT specification, refer to the device datasheet.

Related Information
• PLL Specifications, Arria 10 Device Datasheet
• PLLs and Clocking for Arria 10 Devices on page 162 Guideline: Pin Placement for Differential Channels

Each I/O bank contains its own PLL. The I/O bank PLL can drive all receiver and
transmitter channels in the same bank, and transmitter channels in adjacent I/O
banks. However, the I/O bank PLL cannot drive receiver channels in another I/O bank
or transmitter channels in non-adjacent I/O banks.

PLLs Driving Differential Transmitter Channels

For differential transmitters, the PLL can drive the differential transmitter channels in
its own I/O bank and adjacent I/O banks. However, the PLL cannot drive the channels
in a non-adjacent I/O bank.

The I/O bank PLL can drive the differential transmitter channels in an adjacent I/O
bank only in the following conditions:
• The interface is a wide LVDS SERDES Intel FPGA IP transmitter interface that
spans multiple I/O banks
— With tx_outclock enabled—the transmitter has more than 22 channels
— With tx_outclock disabled—the transmitter has more than 23 channels
• The PLL also drives at least one transmitter channel in its own I/O bank

For an LVDS SERDES Intel FPGA IP transmitter interface contained within a single I/O
bank, drive the transmitter using the PLL in the same I/O bank.

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Figure 112. PLLs Driving Differential Transmitter Channels

Valid: PLL driving transmitter channels in Invalid: PLL driving transmitter channels
adjacent banks in non-adjacent banks
Diff TX Diff TX

Diff TX Diff TX
Diff TX Diff TX
PLL Bank A PLL Bank A
Diff TX Diff TX
Diff TX Diff TX

Diff TX Diff TX

Diff TX Diff Channel

Diff TX Diff Channel

Diff TX Diff Channel
PLL Bank B PLL Bank B
Diff TX Diff Channel
Diff TX Diff Channel

Diff TX Diff Channel

Diff TX Diff TX

Diff TX Diff TX
Diff TX Diff TX
PLL Bank C PLL Bank C
Diff TX Diff TX
Diff TX Diff TX

Diff TX Diff TX

PLLs Driving DPA-Enabled Differential Receiver Channels

For differential receivers, the PLL can drive only the channels within the same I/O

Each differential receiver in an I/O bank has a dedicated DPA circuit to align the phase
of the clock to the data phase of its associated channel. If you enable a DPA channel
in a bank, you can assign the unused I/O pins in the bank to single-ended or
differential I/O standards that has the same VCCIO voltage level used by the bank.

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DPA usage adds some constraints to the placement of high-speed differential receiver
channels. The Quartus Prime compiler automatically checks the design and issues
error messages if there are placement guidelines violations. Adhere to the guidelines
to ensure proper high-speed I/O operation.

Figure 113. PLLs Driving DPA-Enabled Differential Receiver Channels

DPA-enabled Diff RX

DPA-enabled Diff RX
DPA-enabled Diff RX
DPA-enabled Diff RX
PLL Bank A
DPA-enabled Diff RX
DPA-enabled Diff RX
DPA-enabled Diff RX

DPA-enabled Diff RX

DPA-enabled Diff RX

DPA-enabled Diff RX
DPA-enabled Diff RX
DPA-enabled Diff RX
PLL Bank B
DPA-enabled Diff RX
DPA-enabled Diff RX
DPA-enabled Diff RX

DPA-enabled Diff RX

PLLs Driving DPA-Enabled Differential Receiver and Transmitter Channels in

LVDS Interface Spanning Multiple I/O Banks

If you use both differential transmitter and DPA-enabled receiver channels in a bank,
the PLL can drive the transmitters spanning multiple adjacent I/O banks, but only the
receivers in its own I/O bank.

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Figure 114. PLLs Driving DPA-Enabled Differential Receiver and Transmitter Channels
Across I/O Banks

Diff TX

Diff TX
Diff TX
PLL Bank A
Diff TX
Diff TX

Diff TX

DPA-enabled Diff RX Diff TX

DPA-enabled Diff RX Diff TX

DPA-enabled Diff RX Diff TX
PLL Bank B
DPA-enabled Diff RX Diff TX
DPA-enabled Diff RX Diff TX

DPA-enabled Diff RX Diff TX

Related Information
PLLs and Clocking for Arria 10 Devices on page 162 LVDS Interface with External PLL Mode

The LVDS SERDES IP parameter editor provides an option to implement the LVDS
interface with the Use External PLL option. With this option turned on you can
control the PLL settings, such as dynamically reconfiguring the PLL to support different
data rates, dynamic phase shift, and other settings.

If you enable the Use External PLL option with the LVDS SERDES IP core transmitter
and receiver, the following signals are required from the IOPLL Intel FPGA IP:
• Serial clock (fast clock) input to the SERDES of the LVDS SERDES IP transmitter
and receiver
• Load enable to the SERDES of the LVDS SERDES IP transmitter and receiver
• Parallel clock (core clock) used to clock the transmitter FPGA fabric logic and
parallel clock used for the receiver
• Asynchronous PLL reset port of the LVDS SERDES IP receiver
• PLL VCO signal for the DPA and soft-CDR modes of the LVDS SERDES IP receiver

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The Clock Resource Summary tab in the LVDS SERDES IP parameter editor
provides the details for the signals in the preceding list.

You must instantiate an IOPLL IP to generate the various clocks and load enable
signals. Configure these settings in the IOPLL IP parameter editor:
• In the Settings tab, specify the LVDS External PLL settings.
• In the PLL tab:
— Set the Output Clocks settings.
— Select the Compensation Mode according to the following table.

Table 67. Compensation Mode Setting to Generate IOPLL IP

When you generate the IOPLL IP, use the PLL compensation mode in this table for the corresponding LVDS
functional mode.

LVDS Functional Mode IOPLL IP Compensation Mode

TX, RX DPA, RX Soft-CDR direct

RX non-DPA lvds

Related Information
• LVDS SERDES Intel FPGA IP User Guide: Arria 10 and Cyclone® 10 GX Devices
• PLLs and Clocking for Arria 10 Devices on page 162
• IOPLL IP Signal Interface with LVDS SERDES IP on page 169
• IOPLL Parameter Values for External PLL Mode on page 170
• Connection between IOPLL and LVDS SERDES in External PLL Mode on page 173 IOPLL IP Signal Interface with LVDS SERDES IP

Table 68. Signal Interface between IOPLL and LVDS SERDES IPs
This table lists the signal interface between the output ports of the IOPLL IP and the input ports of the LVDS
SERDES IP transmitter and receiver.

From the IOPLL IP To the LVDS SERDES IP Transmitter To the LVDS SERDES IP Receiver

lvds_clk[0] (serial clock output ext_fclk (serial clock input to the ext_fclk (serial clock input to the
signal) transmitter) receiver)
• Configure this signal using
outclk0 in the PLL.
• Select Enable LVDS_CLK/
LOADEN 0 or Enable LVDS_CLK/
LOADEN 0 & 1 option for the
Access to PLL LVDS_CLK/
LOADEN output port setting. In
most cases, select Enable
The serial clock output can only drive
ext_fclk on the LVDS SERDES IP
transmitter and receiver. This clock
cannot drive the core logic.

loaden[0] (load enable output) ext_loaden (load enable to the ext_loaden (load enable for the
transmitter) deserializer)
This signal is not required for LVDS
receiver in soft-CDR mode.

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From the IOPLL IP To the LVDS SERDES IP Transmitter To the LVDS SERDES IP Receiver

• Configure this signal using

outclk1 in the PLL.
• Select Enable LVDS_CLK/
LOADEN 0 or Enable LVDS_CLK/
LOADEN 0 & 1 option for the
Access to PLL LVDS_CLK/
LOADEN output port setting. In
most cases, select Enable

outclk2 (parallel clock output) ext_coreclock (parallel core clock) ext_coreclock (parallel core clock)

locked — pll_areset (asynchronous PLL reset


phout[7:0] — ext_vcoph
• This signal is required only for LVDS This signal is required only for LVDS
receiver in DPA or soft-CDR mode. receiver in DPA or soft-CDR mode.
• Configure this signal by turning on
Specify VCO frequency in the PLL
and specifying the VCO frequency
• Turn on Enable access to PLL
DPA output port.

Related Information
• LVDS SERDES Intel FPGA IP User Guide: Arria 10 and Cyclone® 10 GX Devices
Provides more information about the different clocking requirement for soft
• LVDS Interface with External PLL Mode on page 168 IOPLL Parameter Values for External PLL Mode

These examples show the clocking requirements to generate output clocks for LVDS
SERDES IP using the IOPLL IP. The examples set the phase shift with the assumption
that the clock and data are edge-aligned at the pins of the device.

Note: For other clock and data phase relationships, Altera recommends that you first
instantiate your LVDS SERDES IP interface without using the external PLL mode
option. Compile the IPs in the Quartus Prime software and take note of the frequency,
phase shift, and duty cycle settings for each clock output. Enter these settings in the
IOPLL IP parameter editor and then connect the appropriate output to the LVDS

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Table 69. Example: Generating Output Clocks Using an IOPLL IP (Receiver in Non-DPA
This table lists the parameter values that you can set in the IOPLL IP parameter editor to generate three output
clocks using an IOPLL IP if you are using the non-DPA receiver.

Parameter outclk0 outclk1 outclk2

(Connects as lvds_clk[0] to (Connects as loaden[0] to the (Used as the core clock for the
the ext_fclk port of LVDS ext_loaden port of LVDS parallel data registers for both
SERDES IP transmitter or SERDES IP transmitter or transmitter and receiver, and
receiver) receiver) connects to the
ext_coreclock port of LVDS

Frequency data rate data rate/serialization factor data rate/serialization factor

Phase shift 180° [(deserialization factor – 1)/ 0°

deserialization factor] × 360°

Duty cycle 50% 100/serialization factor 50%

The calculations for phase shift, using the RSKM equation, assume that the input clock
and serial data are edge aligned. Introducing a phase shift of 180° to sampling clock
(outclk0) ensures that the input data is center-aligned with respect to the outclk0,
as shown in the following figure.

Figure 115. Phase Relationship for External PLL Interface Signals


VCO clk
(internal PLL clk)
(180° phase shift)
(324° phase shift)
(18° phase shift)

RX serial data D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10


TX serial data D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10

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Table 70. Example: Generating Output Clocks Using an IOPLL IP (Receiver in DPA or
Soft-CDR Mode)
This table lists the parameter values that you can set in the IOPLL IP parameter editor to generate four output
clocks using an IOPLL IP if you are using the DPA or soft-CDR receiver. The locked output port of IOPLL IP
must be inverted and connected to the pll_areset port of the LVDS SERDES IP if you are using the DPA or
soft-CDR receiver.

Parameter outclk0 outclk1 outclk2 VCO Frequency

(Connects as (Connects as (Used as the core clock (Connects as
lvds_clk[0] to the loaden[0] to the for the parallel data phout[7:0] to the
ext_fclk port of LVDS ext_loaden port of registers for both ext_vcoph[7:0] port
SERDES IP transmitter LVDS SERDES IP transmitter and of LVDS SERDES IP)
or receiver) transmitter or receiver, and connects
receiver) to the ext_coreclock
Not required for the port of LVDS SERDES
soft-CDR receiver. IP)

Frequency data rate data rate/serialization data rate/serialization data rate

factor factor

Phase shift 180° [(deserialization factor – 0° —

1)/deserialization factor]
× 360°

Duty cycle 50% 100/serialization factor 50% —

Table 71. Example: Generating Output Clocks Using a Shared IOPLL IP for Transmitter
Spanning Multiple Banks Shared with Receiver Channels (Receiver in DPA or
Soft-CDR Mode)
This table lists the parameter values that you can set in the IOPLL IP parameter editor to generate six output
clocks using an IOPLL IP. Use these settings if you use transmitter channels that span multiple banks shared
with receiver channels in DPA or soft-CDR mode. The locked output port of IOPLL IP must be inverted and
connected to the pll_areset port of the LVDS SERDES IP if you are using the DPA or soft-CDR mode.

Parameter outclk0 outclk1 outclk4 VCO Frequency

(Connects as (Connects as (Used as the core clock (Connects as
lvds_clk[0] to the loaden[0] to the for the parallel data phout[7:0] to the
ext_fclk port of LVDS ext_loaden port of registers for both ext_vcoph[7:0] ports
SERDES IP receiver) LVDS SERDES IP transmitter and of LVDS SERDES IP)
receiver) receiver, and connects
Not required for the to the ext_coreclock
soft-CDR receiver. port of LVDS SERDES
outclk2 outclk3
(Connects as (Connects as
lvds_clk[1] to the loaden[1] to the
ext_fclk port of LVDS ext_loaden port of
transmitter) transmitter)

Frequency data rate data rate/serialization data rate/serialization data rate

factor factor

Phase shift 180° [(deserialization factor – 0° —

1)/deserialization factor]
× 360°

Duty cycle 50% 100/serialization factor 50% —

Related Information
• Receiver Skew Margin for Non-DPA Mode on page 176
RSKM equation used for the phase shift calculations.
• LVDS Interface with External PLL Mode on page 168

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Figure 116. Non-DPA LVDS Receiver Interface with IOPLL IP Core in External PLL Mode

FPGA Fabric

rx_coreclk LVDS Receiver IOPLL Intel® FPGA IP

Receiver ext_fclk lvds_clk[0]
rx_out refclk
Core Logic ext_loaden loaden[0]
ext_coreclock outclk2 reset
pll_areset locked

Figure 117. DPA LVDS Receiver Interface with the IOPLL IP Core in External PLL Mode
Invert the locked output port and connect it to the pll_areset port.

FPGA Fabric

rx_coreclk LVDS Receiver IOPLL Intel® FPGA IP

Q D ext_fclk lvds_clk[0]
Receiver ext_vcoph[7..0] phout[7..0]
Core Logic rx_out ext_loaden loaden[0] refclk
ext_coreclock outclk2 reset
pll_areset locked

Figure 118. Soft-CDR LVDS Receiver Interface with the IOPLL IP Core in External PLL
Invert the locked output port and connect it to the pll_areset port.

FPGA Fabric

rx_coreclk LVDS Receiver IOPLL Intel® FPGA IP

Q D ext_fclk lvds_clk[0]
Receiver ext_vcoph[7..0] phout[7..0]
rx_out refclk
Core Logic rx_divfwdclk
ext_coreclock outclk2 reset
pll_areset locked

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Figure 119. LVDS Transmitter Interface with the IOPLL IP Core in External PLL Mode
Connect the I/O PLL lvds_clk[1] and loaden[1] ports to the ext_fclk and ext_loaden ports of the
LVDS transmitter.

FPGA Fabric
LVDS Transmitter IOPLL Intel® FPGA IP
tx_in ext_fclk lvds_clk[1] refclk
Core Logic ext_loaden loaden[1]
ext_coreclock outclk4 reset
tx_coreclk lvds_clk[0]

The ext_coreclock port is automatically enabled in the LVDS IP core in external PLL
mode. The Quartus Prime compiler outputs error messages if this port is not
connected as shown in the preceding figures.

Related Information
LVDS Interface with External PLL Mode on page 168

5.6.7. Timing and Optimization for Arria 10 Devices Source-Synchronous Timing Budget

The topics in this section describe the timing budget, waveforms, and specifications for
source-synchronous signaling in the Arria 10 device family.

The LVDS I/O standard enables high-speed transmission of data, resulting in better
overall system performance. To take advantage of fast system performance, you must
analyze the timing for these high-speed signals. Timing analysis for the differential
block is different from traditional synchronous timing analysis techniques.

The basis of the source synchronous timing analysis is the skew between the data and
the clock signals instead of the clock-to-output setup times. High-speed differential
data transmission requires the use of timing parameters provided by IC vendors and is
strongly influenced by board skew, cable skew, and clock jitter.

This section defines the source-synchronous differential data orientation timing

parameters, the timing budget definitions for the Arria 10 device family, and how to
use these timing parameters to determine the maximum performance of a design. Differential Data Orientation

There is a set relationship between an external clock and the incoming data. For
operations at 1 Gbps and a serialization factor of 10, the external clock is multiplied by
10. You can set phase-alignment in the PLL to coincide with the sampling window of
each data bit. The data is sampled on the falling edge of the multiplied clock.

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Figure 120. Bit Orientation in the Quartus Prime Software

This figure shows the data bit orientation of the x10 mode.

incloc k/outcloc k


data in 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Differential I/O Bit Position

Data synchronization is necessary for successful data transmission at high

Figure 121. Bit-Order and Word Boundary for One Differential Channel

This figure shows the data bit orientation for a channel operation and is based on the following conditions:
• The serialization factor is equal to the clock multiplication factor.
• The phase alignment uses edge alignment.
• The operation is implemented in hard SERDES.
Transmitter Channel Operation (x8 Mode)

Previous Cycle Current Cycle Next Cycle
tx_out X X X X X X X X 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 X X X X X X X X
Receiver Channel Operation (x8 Mode)
rx_in 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

rx_out [7..0] XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX7654 3210XXXX

Note: These waveforms are only functional waveforms and do not convey timing information

For other serialization factors, use the Quartus Prime software tools to find the bit
position within the word.

Differential Bit Naming Conventions

Table 72. Differential Bit Naming

This table lists the conventions for differential bit naming for 18 differential channels. The MSB and LSB
positions increase with the number of channels used in a system.

Receiver Channel Data Number Internal 8-Bit Parallel Data

MSB Position LSB Position

1 7 0

2 15 8

3 23 16

4 31 24

5 39 32

6 47 40

7 55 48

8 63 56

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Receiver Channel Data Number Internal 8-Bit Parallel Data

MSB Position LSB Position

9 71 64

10 79 72

11 87 80

12 95 88

13 103 96

14 111 104

15 119 112

16 127 120

17 135 128

18 143 136 Transmitter Channel-to-Channel Skew

The receiver skew margin calculation uses the transmitter channel-to-channel skew
(TCCS)—an important parameter based on the FPGA transmitter in a source-
synchronous differential interface:
• TCCS is the difference between the fastest and slowest data output transitions,
including the TCO variation and clock skew.
• For LVDS transmitters, the Timing Analyzer provides the TCCS value in the TCCS
report (report_TCCS) in the Quartus Prime compilation report. The TCCS report
lists the TCCS values for serial output ports.
• You can also get the TCCS value from the device datasheet.

Perform PCB trace compensation to adjust the trace length of each LVDS channel to
improve channel-to-channel skew when interfacing with non-DPA receivers at data
rate above 840 Mbps.

The Quartus Prime Fitter report lists the amount of delay you must add to each trace.

The LVDS Transmitter/Receiver Package Skew Compensation report lists the

recommended trace delay numbers. Using these numbers, you can manually
compensate the skew on the PCB board trace to reduce the channel-to-channel skew
and meet the timing budget between the LVDS channels.

Related Information
• High-Speed I/O Specifications, Arria 10 Device Datasheet
• LVDS SERDES Intel FPGA IP User Guide: Arria 10 and Cyclone® 10 GX Devices
Provides more information about the LVDS Transmitter/Receiver Package Skew
Compensation report panel. Receiver Skew Margin for Non-DPA Mode

Different modes of LVDS receivers use different specifications, which can help in
deciding the ability to sample the received serial data correctly.

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• In DPA mode, use DPA jitter tolerance instead of the receiver skew margin
• In non-DPA mode, use RSKM, TCCS, and sampling window (SW) specifications for
high-speed source-synchronous differential signals in the receiver data path.

Related Information
• LVDS SERDES Intel FPGA IP User Guide: Arria 10 and Cyclone® 10 GX Devices
Provides more information about the LVDS Transmitter/Receiver Package Skew
Compensation report panel.
• The Quartus Prime Timing Analyzer, Quartus Prime Standard Edition User Guide:
Timing Analyzer
Provides more information about .sdc commands and the Timing Analyzer.
• I/O Timing Analysis
• Obtaining RSKM Report
• Obtaining TCCS Report

RSKM Equation
The RSKM equation expresses the relationship between RSKM, TCCS, and SW.

Figure 122. RSKM Equation

Conventions used for the equation:

• RSKM—the timing margin between the clock input of the receiver and the data
input sampling window, and the jitter induced from core noise and I/O switching
• Time unit interval (TUI)—time period of the serial data.
• SW—the period of time that the input data must be stable to ensure that the LVDS
receiver samples the data successfully. The SW is a device property and varies
according to device speed grade.
• TCCS—the timing difference between the fastest and the slowest output edges
across channels driven by the same PLL. The TCCS measurement includes the tCO
variation, clock, and clock skew.

Note: If there is additional board channel-to-channel skew, consider the total receiver
channel-to-channel skew (RCCS) instead of TCCS.
Total RCCS = TCCS+board channel‐to‐channel skew.

You must calculate the RSKM value, based on the data rate and device, to determine if
the LVDS receiver can sample the data:
• A positive RSKM value, after deducting transmitter jitter, indicates that the LVDS
receiver can sample the data properly.
• A negative RSKM value, after deducting transmitter jitter, indicates that the LVDS
receiver cannot sample the data properly.

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Figure 123. Differential High-Speed Timing Diagram and Timing Budget for Non-DPA
This figure shows the relationship between the RSKM, TCCS, and the SW of the receiver.
Timing Diagram

Input Clock
Time Unit Interval (TUI)

tSW (min) Internal tSW (max)

Bit n Clock Bit n
Timing Budget Falling Edge
Clock Placement
Output Data
Input Data


Example: RSKM Calculation

This example shows the RSKM calculation for FPGA devices at 1 Gbps data rate with a
200 ps board channel-to-channel skew.
• TCCS = 150 ps
• SW = 300 ps
• TUI = 1000 ps
• Total RCCS = TCCS + Board channel-to-channel skew = 150 ps + 200 ps = 350 ps
• RSKM = (TUI – SW – RCCS) / 2 = (1000 ps – 300 ps – 350 ps) / 2 = 175 ps

If the RSKM is greater than 0 ps after deducting transmitter jitter, the non-DPA
receiver can work correctly.

5.7. Using the I/Os and High Speed I/Os in Arria 10 Devices

5.7.1. I/O and High-Speed I/O General Guidelines for Arria 10 Devices
There are several considerations that require your attention to ensure the success of
your designs. Unless noted otherwise, these design guidelines apply to all variants of
this device family.

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Guideline: VREF Sources and VREF Pins on page 179

Guideline: Observe Device Absolute Maximum Rating for 3.0 V Interfacing on page
Guideline: I/O Standards Supported for I/O PLL Reference Clock Input Pin on page
180 Guideline: VREF Sources and VREF Pins

For Arria 10 devices, consider the following VREF pins guidelines:

• Arria 10 devices support internal and external VREF sources.
— There is an external VREF pin for every I/O bank, providing one external VREF
source for all I/Os in the same bank.
— Each I/O lane in the bank also has its own internal VREF generator. You can
configure each I/O lane independently to use its internal VREF or the I/O bank's
external VREF source. All I/O pins in the same I/O lane use the same VREF
• The internal VREF is supported only for external memory interfaces.
• You can use the internal VREF with calibration to support DDR4 using the POD12
I/O standard. The internal VREF is supported only for the POD12 I/O standard.
• You can place any combination of input, output, or bidirectional pins near VREF
pins. There is no VREF pin placement restriction.
• The VREF pins are dedicated for voltage-referenced single-ended I/O standards.
You cannot use the VREF pins as user I/Os.

For more information about pin capacitance of the VREF pins, refer to the device

Related Information
• I/O Standards Voltage Levels in Arria 10 Devices on page 103
• I/O Standard Specifications, Arria 10 Device Datasheet
Lists the maximum and minimum input voltages (VIH and VIL), output voltages
(VOH and VOL), and current drive characteristics (IOH and IOL) for various I/O
standards supported by Arria 10 devices.
• Pin Capacitance, Arria 10 Device Datasheet
• Single-Ended I/O Standards Specifications, Arria 10 Device Datasheet
• Single-Ended SSTL, HSTL, and HSUL I/O Reference Voltage Specifications, Arria
10 Device Datasheet
• Single-Ended SSTL, HSTL, and HSUL I/O Standards Signal Specifications, Arria 10
Device Datasheet
• Input Buffer Reference Voltage (VREF), PHY Lite for Parallel Interfaces Intel FPGA
IP User Guide
Provides more information about VREF settings.
• I/O Bank Architecture in Arria 10 Devices on page 122

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To ensure device reliability and proper operation when you use the device for 3.0 V
I/O interfacing, do not violate the absolute maximum ratings of the device. For more
information about absolute maximum rating and maximum allowed overshoot during
transitions, refer to the device datasheet.

Tip: Perform IBIS or SPICE simulations to make sure the overshoot and undershoot
voltages are within the specifications.

Single-Ended Transmitter Application

If you use the Arria 10 device as a transmitter, use slow slew rate and series
termination to limit the overshoot and undershoot at the I/O pins. Transmission line
effects that cause large voltage deviations at the receiver are associated with an
impedance mismatch between the driver and the transmission lines. By matching the
impedance of the driver to the characteristic impedance of the transmission line, you
can significantly reduce overshoot voltage. You can use a series termination resistor
placed physically close to the driver to match the total driver impedance to the
transmission line impedance.

Single-Ended Receiver Application

If you use the Arria 10 device as a receiver, use an external clamping diode to limit
the overshoot and undershoot voltage at the I/O pins.

The 3.0 V I/O standard is supported using the bank supply voltage (VCCIO) at 3.0 V
and a VCCPT voltage of 1.8 V. In this method, the clamping diode can sufficiently clamp
overshoot voltage to within the DC and AC input voltage specifications. The clamped
voltage is expressed as the sum of the VCCIO and the diode forward voltage.

Related Information
• I/O Standards Voltage Levels in Arria 10 Devices on page 103
• I/O Standard Specifications, Arria 10 Device Datasheet
Lists the maximum and minimum input voltages (VIH and VIL), output voltages
(VOH and VOL), and current drive characteristics (IOH and IOL) for various I/O
standards supported by Arria 10 devices.
• Absolute Maximum Ratings, Arria 10 Device Datasheet
• Maximum Allowed Overshoot and Undershoot Voltage, Arria 10 Device Datasheet Guideline: I/O Standards Supported for I/O PLL Reference Clock Input

The I/O PLL reference clock (REFCLK) input pin supports the following I/O standards
• Single-ended I/O standards

Arria 10 devices support Differential HSTL and Differential SSTL input operation using
LVDS input buffers. To support the electrical specifications of Differential HSTL or
Differential SSTL signaling, assign the LVDS I/O standard to the REFCLK pin in the
Quartus Prime software.

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5.7.2. Mixing Voltage-Referenced and Non-Voltage-Referenced I/O

Each I/O bank can simultaneously support multiple I/O standards. The following
sections provide guidelines for mixing non-voltage-referenced and voltage-referenced
I/O standards in the devices. Non-Voltage-Referenced I/O Standards

An I/O bank can simultaneously support any number of input signals with different I/O
standard assignments if the I/O standards support the VCCIO level of the I/O bank.

For output signals, a single I/O bank supports non-voltage-referenced output signals
that drive at the same voltage as VCCIO. Because an I/O bank can only have one VCCIO
value, it can only drive out the value for non-voltage-referenced signals.

For example, an I/O bank with a 2.5 V VCCIO setting can support 2.5 V standard inputs
and outputs, and 3.0 V LVCMOS inputs only. Voltage-Referenced I/O Standards

To accommodate voltage-referenced I/O standards:

• Each Arria 10 FPGA I/O bank contains a dedicated VREF pin.
• Each bank can have only a single VCCIO voltage level and a single voltage
reference (VREF) level.

The voltage-referenced input buffer is powered by VCCPT. Therefore, an I/O bank

featuring single-ended or differential standards can support different voltage-
referenced standards under the following conditions:
• The VREF are the same levels.
• On-chip parallel termination (RT OCT) is disabled.

If you enable RT OCT, the voltage for the input standard and the VCCIO of the bank
must match.

This feature allows you to place voltage-referenced input signals in an I/O bank with a
VCCIO of 2.5 V or below. For example, you can place HSTL-15 input pins in an I/O bank
with 2.5 V VCCIO. However, the voltage-referenced input with RT OCT enabled requires
the VCCIO of the I/O bank to match the voltage of the input standard. RT OCT cannot
be supported for the HSTL-15 I/O standard when VCCIO is 2.5 V. Mixing Voltage-Referenced and Non-Voltage Referenced I/O Standards

An I/O bank can support voltage-referenced and non-voltage-referenced pins by

applying each of the rule sets individually.

• An I/O bank can support SSTL-18 inputs and outputs, and 1.8 V inputs and
outputs with a 1.8 V VCCIO and a 0.9 V VREF.
• An I/O bank can support 1.5 V standards, 1.8 V inputs (but not outputs), and
1.5 V HSTL I/O standards with a 1.5 V VCCIO and 0.75 V VREF.

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5.7.3. Guideline: Maximum Current Driving I/O Pins While Turned Off and
During Power Sequencing
The following guideline applies to all I/O standards supported by the LVDS I/O banks,
including single-ended and differential I/Os. This guideline is not applicable to the
3 V I/O and transceiver pins.

While the device is turned off, or during power up and power down conditions:
• Keep the maximum current driving through any I/O pin at 10 mA or less.
• Keep the total current driving through an I/O bank at no more than 100 mA.
• Ensure that the voltage level does not exceed 1.89 V.

Related Information
LVDS I/O Pin Guidance for Unpowered FPGA, Power Sequencing Considerations for
Cyclone® 10 GX, Arria 10, Stratix® 10, and Agilex 7 Devices

5.7.4. Guideline: Using the I/O Pins in HPS Shared I/O Banks
In Arria 10 SX devices, I/O banks 2K, 2J, and 2I connect the HPS to an SDRAM device
through a dedicated HPS external memory interface.

Each of the I/O bank has four lanes:

• Lane 3—IO[47..36]
• Lane 2—IO[35..24]
• Lane 1—IO[23..12]
• Lane 0—IO[11..0]

If you do not include any HPS external memory interface in your system, you can use
banks 2K, 2J, and 2I in the Arria 10 SX device as FPGA GPIOs.

If you include an HPS external memory interface in your system, adhere to these
guidelines if you want to use the unused pins in banks 2K, 2J, and 2I for FPGA GPIOs:
• Bank 2K is used for SDRAM ECC, and address and command signals:
— Lane 3 is used for SDRAM ECC signals. You can use the remaining pins in this
lane for FPGA inputs only.
— Lanes 2, 1, and 0 are used for SDRAM address and command signals. You can
use the remaining pins in these lanes for FPGA inputs and outputs.
• Bank 2J is used for SDRAM data signals [31..0] and bank 2I is used for SDRAM
data signals [63..32].
— 16 bits data width—two lanes of bank 2J is used for data. You can use the
remaining pins in these two data lanes as FPGA inputs only. You can use the
pins in the other two lanes of bank 2J, and all lanes of bank 2I as FPGA inputs
or outputs.
— 32 bits data width—you can use the remaining pins in all lanes of bank 2J as
FPGA inputs only. You can use the pins in all lanes of bank 2I as FPGA inputs
and outputs.
— 64 bits data width—you can use the remaining pins in all lanes of banks 2J and
2I as FPGA inputs only.

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5.7.5. Guideline: Maximum DC Current Restrictions

There are no restrictions on the maximum DC current for any number of consecutive
I/O pins for Arria 10 devices.

Arria 10 devices conform to the VCCIO Electro-Migration (EM) rule and IR drop targets
for all I/O standard drive strength settings—ensuring reliability over the lifetime of the

5.7.6. Guideline: LVDS SERDES IP Core Instantiation

In DPA or soft-CDR mode, you can instantiate only one LVDS SERDES IP core instance
for each I/O bank.

Related Information
• I/O Banks for Arria 10 GX Devices on page 114
• I/O Banks for Arria 10 GT Devices on page 117
• I/O Banks for Arria 10 SX Devices on page 118

5.7.7. Guideline: LVDS SERDES Pin Pairs for Soft-CDR Mode

You can use only specific LVDS pin pairs in soft-CDR mode. Refer to the pinout file of
each device to determine the LVDS pin pairs that support the soft-CDR mode.

Related Information
• Arria 10 Device Pin-Out Files
Provides the pin-out file for each Arria 10 device. For the SoC devices, the pin-
out files also list the I/O banks that are shared by the FPGA fabric and the HPS.
• Soft-CDR Mode on page 161
• Periphery Clock Networks on page 77
Provides more information about PCLK networks.

5.7.8. Guideline: Minimizing High Jitter Impact on Arria 10 GPIO

In your Arria 10 design flow, follow these guidelines to minimize undesired jitter
impact on the GPIO performance.

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• Perform power delivery network analysis using Altera PDN tool 2.0. This analysis
helps you to design a robust and efficient power delivery networks with the
necessary decoupling capacitors. Use the Arria 10 Early Power Estimator (EPE) to
determine the current requirements for VCC and other power supplies. Perform the
PDN analysis based on the current requirements of all the power supply rails
especially the VCC power rail.
• Use voltage regulator with remote sensor pins to compensate for the DC IR drop
associated with the PCB and device package from the VCC power supply while
maintaining the core performance. For more details about the connection guideline
for the differential remote sensor pins for VCC power, refer to the pin connection
• The input clock jitter must comply with the Arria 10 PLL input clock cycle-to-cycle
jitter specification to produce low PLL output clock jitter. You must supply a clean
clock source with jitter of less than 120 ps. For details about the recommended
operating conditions, refer to the PLL specifications in the device datasheet.
• Use dedicated PLL clock output pin to transmit clock signals for better jitter
performance. The I/O PLL in each I/O bank supports two dedicated clock output
pins. You can use the PLL dedicated clock output pin as a reference clock source
for the FPGA. For optimum jitter performance, supply an external clean clock
source. For details about the jitter specifications for the PLL dedicated clock output
pin, refer to the device datasheet.
• If the GPIO is operating at a frequency higher than 250 MHz, use terminated I/O
standards. SSTL, HSTL, POD and HSUL I/O standards are terminated I/O
standards. Altera recommends that you use the HSUL I/O standard for shorter
trace or interconnect with a reference length of less than two inches.
• Implement the GPIO or source synchronous I/O interface using the Altera PHY Lite
for Parallel Interfaces IP core. Altera recommends that you use the Altera PHYLite
for Parallel Interfaces IP core if you cannot close the timing for the GPIO or
source-synchronous I/O interface for data rates of more than 200 Mbps. For
guidelines to migrate your design from the PHY Lite for Parallel Interfaces GPIO IP
core to the PHY Lite for Parallel Interfaces PHY Lite for Parallel Interfaces IP core,
refer to the related information.
• Use the small periphery clock (SPCLK) network. The SPCLK network is designed
for high speed I/O interfaces and provides the smallest insertion delay. The
following list ranks the clock insertion delays for the clock networks, from the
largest to the smallest:
— Global clock network (GCLK)
— Regional clock network (RCLK)
— Large periphery clock network (LPCLK)

Related Information
• Arria 10 GX, GT, and SX Device Family Pin Connection Guidelines
• Arria 10 Device Datasheet
• Altera GPIO to Altera PHYLite Design Implementation Guidelines

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5.7.9. Guideline: Usage of I/O Bank 2A for External Memory Interfaces

Other than for general purpose I/O usages, Arria 10 devices also use I/O bank 2A for
operations related to device configuration. Because of the configuration-related usage,
there are several guidelines that you must follow to use I/O bank 2A for external
memory interfaces.
• Do not use I/O bank 2A's pins that are required for configuration-related
operations as external memory interface pins, even after configuration is
complete. For example:
— Pins that are used for the Fast Passive Parallel (FPP) configuration bus
— Pins that are used for Partial Reconfiguration control signals
• Ensure that the external memory interface I/O voltage is compatible with the
configuration I/O voltage.
• Run the Quartus Prime Fitter to determine if the placement of pins for external
memory interfaces in your device is valid.

For more information about the configuration pins, refer to the "Configuration
Function" column in the pin-out file for your device.

Related Information
• Arria 10 Device Pin-Out Files
Provides the pin-out file for each Arria 10 device. For the SoC devices, the pin-
out files also list the I/O banks that are shared by the FPGA fabric and the HPS.
• Configuration Schemes on page 227
• Device Configuration Pins on page 260
• I/O Standards and Drive Strength for Configuration Pins on page 261
• Memory Interfaces Support in Arria 10 Device Packages on page 196

5.8. I/O and High Speed I/O in Arria 10 Devices Revision History
Document Changes

2024.07.08 • Updated the footnote about using a 3.0 V LVTTL /3.0 V LVCMOS I/O standard with a 2.5 V VCCIO
voltage to clarify that the input signals that exceed 2.5 V will be clamped as the protection diode is
turned on.
• Added information about the maximum IOE delays in Programmable IOE Delay.

2023.10.25 • Clarified in the Supported I/O Standards in FPGA I/O for Arria 10 Devices that SSTL- 12, SSTL -12
Class I and Class II are supportable for 3V I/O buffer type.
• Updated the Guideline: Pin Placement for Differential Channels chapter for better clarity.
• Added the Guideline: LVDS Reference Clock Source topic.
• Removed the RSKM Report for LVDS Receiver topic.

2023.01.18 Added LVDS, RSDS, mini-LVDS, Differential POD12, and LVPECL to the list of I/O standards that
support programmable I/O delay.

2022.09.29 • Updated the outclk2 and outclk4 phase shift values in the topic listing the IOPLL parameter
values for external PLL mode.
• Added .qsf assignment information for on-chip differential I/O termination.
• In the guideline for VREF sources and VREF pins, clarified that the internal VREF is supported only
for external memory interfaces.

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Document Changes

2021.08.13 Updated the table that lists the SERDES transmitter I/O standards support to remove all previously
listed I/O standards except True LVDS, mini-LVDS, and RSDS.

2020.11.05 Updated the pin placement guidelines for differential channels to clarify that the I/O bank PLL can drive
transmitter channels in an adjacent I/O bank only in a wide transmitter interface that spans multiple
I/O banks.

2020.06.30 Added a footnote to table Intel Arria 10 I/O Standards Voltage Levels in section I/O Standards Voltage
Levels in Arria 10 Devices.

2019.12.30 Updated the programmable pre-emphasis diagram to remove the word "peak-peak".

2019.05.06 Added a topic that provides a usage modes summary of the Arria 10 LVDS SERDES.

2019.01.11 • Removed statement that says that the programmable VOD value of "0" is not available for the LVDS
I/O standard.
• Removed ext_loaden signal in figures showing the LVDS receiver in soft-CDR mode.
• Specified that connecting the IOPLL loaden signal to the LVDS receiver ext_loaden signal is not
required for LVDS receivers in soft-CDR mode.
• Updated the VREF sources and pins guideline to specify that the internal VREF is supported only for
the POD12 I/O standard.

2018.08.28 • Removed the MultiVolt I/O Interface in Intel Arria 10 Devices topic.
• Updated the I/O Standards Voltage Levels in Intel Arria 10 Devices topic to add information about
interfacing with systems of different voltages.

2018.04.17 Updated the table listing the OCT schemes supported in Arria 10 devices to specify that 3 V I/O and
HPS I/O do not support bidirectional OCT.

2018.03.09 • Changed "logic-to-pin" to "logic to the output buffer" in the topic about programmable open-drain
• In the guideline topic about pin placement for differential channels, clarified that in an I/O bank
where a DPA channel is enabled, you can assign unused pins an I/O standard that has the same
VCCIO as the I/O bank.
• Added link to the Intel FPGA PHYLite for Parallel Interfaces IP Core User Guide for more information
about using internal VREF for the POD 12 I/O standards.
• Removed the guideline topic about not driving I/O pins during power sequencing.
• Added guideline topic about maximum currents driving through I/O pins on LVDS I/O banks while
turned off and during power sequencing.
• Changed the term "modular I/O bank" to "I/O bank". In Arria 10 devices, all I/O banks are modular.

Date Version Changes

December 2017 2017.12.15 • Added SSTL-12, SSTL-125, SSTL135, Differential SSTL-12, Differential
SSTL-125, and Differential SSTL-135 I/O standards into Supported I/O
Standards in FPGA I/O for Arria 10 Devices and Arria 10 I/O Standards
Voltage Levels tables.
• Removed DDR3 OCT Setting from Programmable Current Strength
Settings for Arria 10 Devices table and added a note to refer to On-Chip
I/O Termination in Cyclone® 10 GX Devices section for I/O standards with
DDR3 OCT Setting.
• Added a note to the topic about the open-drain output to specify that you
must not pull the output voltage higher than the Vi (DC) level.
• Updated the table listing the programmable current strength to update the
3.0 V LVTTL current strength settings—added 24 mA and 20 mA, and
specified 16 mA as the default setting.
• Updated the note about driving LVDS channels with the PLL in integer PLL
mode to clarify that you do not need a PLL if you bypass the SERDES.
• Updated the topic about the serializer bypass for DDR and SDR operation
to add more information about clocks to the IOE.
• Updated the topic about the deserializer to add more information about
bypassing the deserializer.

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Date Version Changes

• Removed the statement about SDR and DDR data width from the figures
that show the receiver datapath in non-DPA, DPA, and soft-CDR modes.
• Corrected typographical error in the example showing the parameter
values to generate output clock in external PLL mode by updating "c0" to
• Updated the figure titles in the topic about LVPECL termination to clarify
that the figures refer to external termination. There is no OCT support for
LVPECL I/O standard.
• Updated the RSKM calculation example.
• Updated several links and link titles.
• Clarified that I/O banks used for differential receiver, the PLL can drive
only the channels within the same I/O bank in Guideline: Pin Placement
for Differential Channels.
• Added Intel FPGA PHYLite for Parallel Interfaces IP core description in
FPGA I/O IP Cores for Arria 10 Devices.
• Clarified that to utilize the I/O registers when implementing DDR circuitry,
use the Intel FPGA GPIO IP core in I/O Buffer and Registers in Arria 10
• Clarified that 3 V I/O bank supports single-ended and differential SSTL,
HSTL, and HSUL I/O standards.
• Clarified that all singled-ended I/O configured to 3 V I/O bank supports all
programmable I/O elements except programmable pre-emphasis, RD on-
chip termination (OCT), calibrated RS and RT OCT, and internal VREF
• Updated I/O and Differential I/O Buffers in Arria 10 Devices topic that
differential reference clock is supported for the I/O PLL that drives the
• Specified that VREF pins are dedicated for voltage-reference signal-ended
I/O standards in Guideline: VREF Sources and VREF Pins.
• Clarified the type of I/O buffers available in Arria 10 FPGA devices and
Arria 10 SoC devices in I/O Standards and Voltage Levels in Arria 10

May 2017 2017.05.08 • Updated the vertical migration table to remove vertical migration between
Arria 10 GX and Arria 10 SX device variants.
• Updated the topic about the LVDS interface with external PLL mode to
clarify that the Clock Resource Summary tab in the LVDS SERDES IP
core parameter editor provides the details for the signals required from
the GPIO IP core.
• Updated the table that lists the programmable IOE features supported by
the I/O buffer types and I/O standards.
• Removed all "Preliminary" marks.

March 2017 2017.03.15 Rebranded as Intel.

October 2016 2016.10.31 • Added information about the default predefined current strength if you do
not specifically assign a current strength in the Quartus Prime software.
• Updated the topic about OCT calibration block to verify that you can
calibrate the OCT using OCT calibration block in any I/O bank of the same
I/O column.
• Removed the F36 package from the Arria 10 GX device family variant.
• Updated the topic about receiver skew margin for non-DPA mode to clarify
TCCS and RCCS usage in calculating the RSKM value.
• Updated the guideline about not driving the I/O pins during power
sequencing to stress that excess I/O pin current can affect device
reliability and damage the device.

June 13 2016.06.13 • Updated the I/O vertical migration figure to add the KF40 package for the
SX 570 and SX 660 devices.
• Updated the table listing the I/O standards voltage levels to add 2.5 V
input to 3.0 V LVTTL/3.0 V LVCMOS, and 3.0 V input to 2.5 V LVCMOS.

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Date Version Changes

May 2016 2016.05.02 • Removed the NF40 and UF45 packages from the Arria 10 GT device family
• Corrected the modular I/O banks information for the Arria 10 GT 1150
device by updating the package from NF45 to SF45.
• Updated the tables listing the I/O standards to clarify Class I and Class II
support for SSTL-12, SSTL-125, SSTL-135, Differential SSTL-12,
Differential SSTL-125, and Differential SSTL-135 I/O standards.
• Corrected the table listing programmable IOE features to remove
differential output voltage support for 3 V I/O banks.
• Updated the list of programmable current strengths to add support for
SSTL-135, SSTL-125, SSTL-12, POD-12, Differential SSTL-135, Differential
SSTL-125, Differential SSTL-12, and Differential POD12 I/O standards.
• Added 120 Ω OCT option for SSTL-12 and Differential SSTL-12 I/O
• Added guideline about clocking DPA interfaces that use more than 24
• Added guideline about the I/O PLL reference clock source.
• Added guideline about the I/O standards supported for the I/O PLL
reference clock input pin.
• Added guideline about using I/O pins in the HPS shared I/O banks.
• Updated the maximum DC current restrictions guideline topic to specify
that there are no restrictions for any number of consecutive I/O pins.
• Updated the topics about using the LVDS interface with external PLL
mode. The update adds examples and connection diagrams for using
transmitter channels that span multiple banks and shared with receiver
channels in DPA and soft-CDR modes.
• Removed the restriction of using I/O bank 2A for external memory
interfaces and added guidelines for using I/O bank 2A for external
memory interfaces.

December 2015 2015.12.14 • Updated the table listing the I/O standards voltage support to remove
3.0 V VCCIO input from the 2.5 V I/O standard.
• Updated the topic about MultiVolt I/O interface to update VCCP to VCC.
• Corrected the I/O standards supported for the open-drain output, bus-
hold, and weak pull-up resistor features in the table summarizing the
programmable IOE features.
• Updated the topic about the data realignment block (bit slip) to specify
that valid data is available four parallel clock cycles after the rising edge of
rx_bitslip_ctrl. Previously, valid data is available after two parallel
clock cycles.
• Updated the topic about external I/O termination for devices to add
footnotes about using OCT for SSTL-12 and Differential SSTL-12 I/O
standards, and note about recommendation to perform IBIS or SPICE
• Updated the topic about uncalibrated RS OCT:
— Updated the RS values of SSTL-15 to remove 25 Ω and 50 Ω.
— Added the Differential SSTL-15, Differential SSTL-135, Differential
SSTL-125, Differential SSTL-12, Differential POD12, and Differential
HSUL-12 I/O standards.
• Updated the topic about calibrated RS OCT to add the Differential POD12
I/O standard.
• Updated the topic about calibrated RT OCT to remove 20 Ω RT OCT
support and to add the Differential POD12 I/O standard.
• Removed the Differential SSTL-2 Class I and Class II I/O standards from
the tables listing the SERDES receiver and transmitter I/O standards

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Date Version Changes

• Updated the topic about the voltage-referenced I/O standard under the
guideline for mixing voltage-referenced and non-voltage-referenced I/O
• Added design guideline for minimizing high jitter impact on the GPIO
• Updated the following signal names:
— dpa_diffioclk to dpa_fast_clock
— dpa_load_en to dpa_load_enable

November 2015 2015.11.02 • Updated the topic about serializer bypass for SDR and DDR operations to
specify that the serializer bypass is supported through the GPIO IP core.
• Added a footnote with the definition of unit interval (UI) in the topic about
the DPA block.
• Updated the topic about the data realignment block (bit slip). The bit slip
rollover value is now automatically set to the deserialization factor.
• Updated the topic about the deserializer to specify that the deserializer
bypass is supported through the GPIO IP core.
• Updated the topic about PLLs and clocking to correct the parallel clock
names from rx_outclock and tx_outclock to rx_coreclock and
• Updated the topic about using the PLLs in integer mode for LVDS to clarify
that the I/O PLLs operate in integer mode only.
• Updated the following port/signal names:
— rx_dpll_hold to rx_dpa_hold
— rx_reset to rx_dpa_reset
— rx_channel_data_align to rx_bitslip_ctrl
— rx_cda_max to rx_bitslip_max
— rx_outclock to rx_coreclock
— lvds_diffioclk and diffioclk to fast_clock
— lvds_load_en and load_en to load_enable
• Updated the topic about pin placement for differential channels:
— Improved clarity about PLLs driving interleaved differential transmitter
and DPA-enabled receiver channels
— Removed the note about bank placement DDIO and SDR I/Os
• Updated the topic about the signal interface between IOPLL and the LVDS
SERDES IP core in external PLL mode.
• Updated the topic about IOPLL IP core parameter values for external PLL
— Phase shift of outclk0 from -180° to 180°
— Phase shift of outclk2 from -180/serialization factor to 180/serialization
factor (-18° to 18°)
• Updated the definition of RSKM for the RSKM equation in the topic about
the receiver skew margin in non-DPA mode.
• Changed instances of Quartus II to Quartus Prime.

June 2015 2015.06.15 Corrected label for Arria 10 GT product lines in the vertical migration figure.

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Date Version Changes

May 2015 2015.05.04 • Updated the statements in the topic about the I/O and differential I/O
buffers to improve clarity.
• Updated the I/O resources information for the U19 package of the Arria 10
GX 160, GX 220, SX 160, and SX 220 devices:
— Updated LVDS I/O count from 144 to 148
— Updated total GPIO from 192 to 196
— Updated number of LVDS channels from 72 to 74
— Added bank 3A and removed bank 3C in the figures and related
modular I/O banks tables
• Updated the figure showing the IOE structure to clarify that the delay
chains are separate.
• Updated the modular I/Os for banks 3A (from null to 48) and 3B (from 48
to null) for the F27 package of the Arria 10 GX 270, GX 320, SX 270, and
SX 320 devices.

January 2015 2014.01.23 • Added topic about programmable open-drain output.

• Restructured the topic about pin placement for differential channels to
enhance clarity.
• Corrected contents that specified DPA-enabled transmitter channels. There
is no DPA for transmitter channels.
• Added guideline about instantiating only one Altera LVDS SERDES IP core
instance for each I/O bank.
• Added guideline about using only specific LVDS pin pairs in soft-CDR
• Updated the section that describes usage of the LVDS interface with
external PLL:
— Updated information about the required signals in Altera IOPLL and
Altera LVDS SERDES IP cores.
— Updated the examples of parameter values to generate output clocks
using Altera IOPLL IP core.
— Updated the LVDS clock phase relationship diagram for external PLL
interface signals.
— Updated the diagrams that show the connections between Altera IOPLL
and Altera LVDS SERDES IP cores.
• Added footnote to clarify that you can use pre-emphasis for LVDS and
POD12 I/O standards. The POD12 I/O standard supports DDR4.

August 2014 2014.08.18 • Updated description of the 3 V I/O bank regarding support for
programmable IOE features.
• Added statement to clarify that apart from FPGA I/O buffers, the Arria 10
SoC devices also contains HPS I/O buffers with different I/O standards
• Separated I/O bank 2A in each I/O banks location figures to signify that it
is not consecutive with other I/O banks.
• Updated LVDS I/O and SERDES circuitry descriptions to clarify that each
LVDS channel have built-in transmit SERDES and receive SERDES.
• Removed reference to on-chip clamping diode. Arria 10 devices do not
have on-chip clamping diode. Use an external clamping diode where
• Added a related information link to the Arria 10 Transceiver PHY User
Guide that describes the transceiver I/O banks locations.
• Updated the I/O vertical migration figure to show vertical migration
between Arria 10 GX and Arria 10 SX devices.
• Updated all references to "megafunction" to "IP core".

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Date Version Changes

• Updated all references to "MegaWizard Plug-in Manager" to "parameter

• Updated all references to Altera PLL IP core to Altera IOPLL IP core.
• Updated the signal names for using the LVDS interface with the External
PLL mode:
— tx_inclock and rx_inclock to ext_fclk
— tx_enable rx_enable to ext_loaden
— rx_dpaclock to ext_vcoph[7..0]
— rx_synclock to ext_coreclock

December 2013 2013.12.02 Initial release.

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6. External Memory Interfaces in Arria 10 Devices

The efficient architecture of the Arria 10 external memory interface allows you to fit
wide external memory interfaces within the small modular I/O banks structure. This
capability enables you to support a high level of system bandwidth.

Compared to previous generation Arria devices, the new architecture and solution
provide the following advantages:
• Pre-closed timing in the controller and from the controller to the PHY.
• Easier pin placement.

For maximum performance and flexibility, the architecture offers hard memory
controller and hard PHY for key interfaces.

Related Information
• Arria 10 Device Handbook: Known Issues
Lists the planned updates to the Arria 10 Device Handbook chapters.
• Arria 10 FPGA and SoC External Memory Resources
Provides more resources about the Arria 10 external memory solution.
• External Memory Interface (EMIF) Spec Estimator
Provides a parametric tool that allows you to find and compare the
performance of the supported external memory interfaces in Altera FPGAs.

6.1. Key Features of the Arria 10 External Memory Interface

• The solution offers completely hardened external memory interfaces for several
• The devices feature columns of I/Os that are mixed within the core logic fabric
instead of I/O banks on the device periphery.
• A single hard Nios® II block calibrates all the memory interfaces in an I/O column.
• The I/O columns are composed of groups of I/O modules called I/O banks.
• Each I/O bank contains a dedicated integer PLL (IO_PLL), hard memory controller,
and delay-locked loop.
• The PHY clock tree is shorter compared to previous generation Arria devices and
only spans one I/O bank.
• Interfaces spanning multiple I/O banks require multiple PLLs using a balanced
reference clock network.

Related Information
External Memory Interface Architecture of Arria 10 Devices on page 212
Provides more information about the I/O columns and I/O banks architecture.
© Altera Corporation. Altera, the Altera logo, the ‘a’ logo, and other Altera marks are trademarks of Altera
Corporation. Altera and Intel warrant performance of its FPGA and semiconductor products to current
specifications in accordance with Altera’s or Intel's standard warranty as applicable, but reserves the right to ISO
make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera and Intel assume no 9001:2015
responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described Registered
herein except as expressly agreed to inwriting by Altera or Intel. Altera and Intel customers are advised to
obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing
orders for products or services.
*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
6. External Memory Interfaces in Arria 10 Devices
683461 | 2024.07.08

6.2. Memory Standards Supported by Arria 10 Devices

The I/Os are designed to provide high performance support for existing and emerging
external memory standards.

Table 73. Memory Standards Supported by the Hard Memory Controller

This table lists the overall capability of the hard memory controller. For specific details, refer to the External
Memory Interface Spec Estimator and Arria 10 Device Datasheet.

Memory Standard Rate Support Ping Pong PHY Support Maximum Frequency

DDR4 SDRAM Quarter rate Yes 1,067

— 1,200

DDR3 SDRAM Half rate Yes 533

— 667

Quarter rate Yes 1,067

— 1,067

DDR3L SDRAM Half rate Yes 533

— 667

Quarter rate Yes 933

— 933

LPDDR3 SDRAM Half rate — 533

Quarter rate — 800

Table 74. Memory Standards Supported by the Soft Memory Controller

Memory Standard Rate Support Maximum Frequency

RLDRAM 3 (12) Quarter rate 1,200

QDR IV SRAM(12) Quarter rate 1,067

QDR II SRAM Full rate 333

Half rate 633

QDR II+ SRAM Full rate 333

Half rate 633

QDR II+ Xtreme SRAM Full rate 333

Half rate 633

(12) Arria 10 devices support this external memory interface using hard PHY with soft memory

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Table 75. Memory Standards Supported by the HPS Hard Memory Controller
The hard processor system (HPS) is available in Arria 10 SoC devices only.

Memory Standard Rate Support Maximum Frequency


DDR4 SDRAM Half rate 1,200

DDR3 SDRAM Half rate 1,067

DDR3L SDRAM Half rate 933

Related Information
• External Memory Interface (EMIF) Spec Estimator
Provides a parametric tool that allows you to find and compare the
performance of the supported external memory interfaces in Altera FPGAs.
• Ping Pong PHY IP on page 211
Provides a brief description of the Ping Pong PHY.
• Arria 10 Device Datasheet - Memory Standards Supported by the Hard Memory
Provides information on supported memory interface clock frequency per
device speed grade.
• Arria 10 Device Datasheet - Memory Standards Supported by the Soft Memory
Provides information on supported memory interface clock frequency per
device speed grade.

6.3. External Memory Interface Widths in Arria 10 Devices

The Arria 10 devices can support the following external memory interface widths:
• Up to x144 interfaces for DDR4 and DDR3
• Up to x72 for RLDRAM 3 and QDR II+ Xtreme

Table 76. Required I/O Banks for Interface Widths

This table lists the number of I/O banks required to support different external memory interface widths. You
must implement each single memory interface using the I/O banks in the same I/O column.

This table is a guideline and represents the worst-case scenario for these interface widths. Certain interfaces
can be implemented using fewer I/Os and does not take up the full I/O bank.

Except for DDR4 interfaces, if the total number of address/command pins exceeds 36, you require one more
I/O bank than the number listed in this table. For DDR4 interfaces, the additional I/O bank is required if the
number of address/command pins exceeds 37.

Interface Width Required Number of I/O Banks

x8 1

x16, x24, x32, x40 2

x48, x56, x64, x72 3

x80, x88, x96, x104 4

x112, x120, x128, x136 5

x144 6

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6.4. External Memory Interface I/O Pins in Arria 10 Devices

The memory interface circuitry is available in every I/O bank. The Arria 10 devices
feature differential input buffers for differential read-data strobe and clock operations.

The controller and sequencer in an I/O bank can drive address command (A/C) pins
only to fixed I/O lanes location in the same I/O bank. The minimum requirement for
the A/C pins are three lanes. However, the controller and sequencer of an I/O bank
can drive data groups to I/O lanes in adjacent I/O banks (above and below).

Pins that are not used for memory interfacing functions are available as general
purpose I/O (GPIO) pins.

Figure 124. I/O Banks Interface Sharing

This figure shows an example of two x16 interfaces shared by three I/O banks.

I/O Bank I/O Lane

Controller I/O Lane

Memory 1
Sequencer I/O Lane
I/O Lane
I/O Bank I/O Lane
NIOS II Controller I/O Lane
processor Sequencer I/O Lane
I/O Lane

Memory 2
I/O Bank I/O Lane
Data pins Controller I/O Lane
Address command pins (fixed) Sequencer I/O Lane
Unused (available as GPIO) I/O Lane

Related Information
External Memory Interface Architecture of Arria 10 Devices on page 212
Provides more information about the I/O columns and I/O banks architecture.

6.4.1. Guideline: Usage of I/O Bank 2A for External Memory Interfaces

Other than for general purpose I/O usages, Arria 10 devices also use I/O bank 2A for
operations related to device configuration. Because of the configuration-related usage,
there are several guidelines that you must follow to use I/O bank 2A for external
memory interfaces.
• Do not use I/O bank 2A's pins that are required for configuration-related
operations as external memory interface pins, even after configuration is
complete. For example:
— Pins that are used for the Fast Passive Parallel (FPP) configuration bus
— Pins that are used for Partial Reconfiguration control signals
• Ensure that the external memory interface I/O voltage is compatible with the
configuration I/O voltage.
• Run the Quartus Prime Fitter to determine if the placement of pins for external
memory interfaces in your device is valid.

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For more information about the configuration pins, refer to the "Configuration
Function" column in the pin-out file for your device.

Related Information
• Arria 10 Device Pin-Out Files
Provides the pin-out file for each Arria 10 device. For the SoC devices, the pin-
out files also list the I/O banks that are shared by the FPGA fabric and the HPS.
• Configuration Schemes on page 227
• Device Configuration Pins on page 260
• I/O Standards and Drive Strength for Configuration Pins on page 261
• Memory Interfaces Support in Arria 10 Device Packages on page 196

6.5. Memory Interfaces Support in Arria 10 Device Packages

Note: The number of I/O pins in an I/O bank and the availability of I/O banks vary across
device packages. Each memory interface requires at least one I/O bank with 48 I/O
pins for the A/C pins. I/O banks with less than 48 I/O pins can support data pins only.
For details about the I/O banks available for each device package and the locations of
consecutive I/O banks, refer to the related information.

Arria 10 Package Support for DDR3 x40 with ECC on page 197
Arria 10 Package Support for DDR3 x72 with ECC Single and Dual-Rank on page 199
Arria 10 Package Support for DDR4 x40 with ECC on page 201
Arria 10 Package Support for DDR4 x72 with ECC Single-Rank on page 203
Arria 10 Package Support for DDR4 x72 with ECC Dual-Rank on page 205
HPS External Memory Interface Connections in Arria 10 on page 206

Related Information
• GPIO Banks, SERDES, and DPA Locations in Arria 10 Devices on page 106
• I/O Banks for Arria 10 GX Devices on page 114
• I/O Banks for Arria 10 GT Devices on page 117
• I/O Banks for Arria 10 SX Devices on page 118
• Guideline: Usage of I/O Bank 2A for External Memory Interfaces on page 185

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6.5.1. Arria 10 Package Support for DDR3 x40 with ECC

To support one DDR3 x40 interface with ECC (32 bits data + 8 bits ECC), you require
two I/O banks.

Table 77. Number of DDR3 x40 Interfaces (with ECC) Supported Per Device Package
(without HPS Instance)

Note: For some device packages, you can also use the 3 V I/O banks for external memory
interfaces. However, the maximum memory interface clock frequency is capped at 533 MHz.
To use higher memory clock frequencies, exclude the 3 V I/O bank from external memory

Product Package
U19 F27 F29 F34 F35 NF40 KF40 RF40 NF45 SF45 UF45

GX 160 1 1 2 — — — — — — — —

GX 220 1 1 2 — — — — — — — —

GX 270 — 1 2 3 3 — — — — — —

GX 320 — 1 2 3 3 — — — — — —

GX 480 — — 2 4 3 — — — — — —

GX 570 — — — 4 3 5 6(13) — — — —

GX 660 — — — 4 3 5 6(13) — — — —

GX 900 — — — 4 — 5 — 1 7 6 4

GX 1150 — — — 4 — 5 — 1 7 6 4

GT 900 — — — — — — — — — 6 —

GT 1150 — — — — — — — — — 6 —

SX 160 1 (14) 1(14) 2(14) — — — — — — — —

SX 220 1(14) 1(14) 2 (14) — — — — — — — —

SX 270 — 1 (14) 2 (14) 3 (14) 3 (14) — — — — — —

SX 320 — 1 (14) 2 (14) 3 (14) 3 (14) — — — — — —

SX 480 — — 2 (14) 4 (14) 3 (14) — — — — — —

SX 570 — — — 4 (14) 3 (14) 5 (14) 6(13) — — — —


SX 660 — — — 4 (14) 3 (14) 5 (14) 6(13) — — — —


(13) This number includes using the 3 V I/O bank for external memory interfaces. Otherwise, the
number of external memory interfaces possible is reduced by one.
(14) This number includes HPS shared I/O banks to implement core EMIF configurations.

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Table 78. Number of DDR3 x40 Interfaces (with ECC) Supported Per Device Package
(with HPS Instance)
The number of supported interfaces shown in this table excludes the interface used to connect the HPS to
external SDRAM. Masters in the FPGA core can access the HPS-connected external memory interface via FPGA-
to-SDRAM bridge ports configurable in the HPS.

Note: For some device packages, you can also use the 3 V I/O banks for external memory
interfaces. However, the maximum memory interface clock frequency is capped at 533 MHz.
To use higher memory clock frequencies, exclude the 3 V I/O bank from external memory

Product Package
U19 F27 F29 F34 F35 NF40 KF40 RF40 NF45 SF45 UF45

SX 160 0 0 1 — — — — — — — —

SX 220 0 0 1 — — — — — — — —

SX 270 — 0 1 2 2 — — — — — —

SX 320 — 0 1 2 2 — — — — — —

SX 480 — — 1 3 2 — — — — — —

SX 570 — — — 3 2 4 4(15) — — — —

SX 660 — — — 3 2 4 4 (15) — — — —

Related Information
• Device Variants and Packages
Provides more information about the device packages such as the types, sizes,
and number of pins.
• Arria 10 Device Datasheet - Memory Standards Supported by the Hard Memory
Provides information on supported memory interface clock frequency per
device speed grade.
• Arria 10 Device Datasheet - Memory Standards Supported by the Soft Memory
Provides information on supported memory interface clock frequency per
device speed grade.

(15) This number includes using the 3 V I/O bank for external memory interfaces. Otherwise, the
number of external memory interfaces possible is reduced by one.

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6.5.2. Arria 10 Package Support for DDR3 x72 with ECC Single and Dual-
To support one DDR3 x72 interface with ECC (64 bits data + 8 bits ECC)
single and dual-rank, you require three I/O banks.

Table 79. Number of DDR3 x72 Interfaces (with ECC) Single and Dual-rank Supported
Per Device Package (without HPS Instance)

Note: For some device packages, you can also use the 3 V I/O banks for external memory
interfaces. However, the maximum memory interface clock frequency is capped at 533 MHz.
To use higher memory clock frequencies, exclude the 3 V I/O bank from external memory

Product Package
U19 F27 F29 F34 F35 NF40 KF40 RF40 NF45 SF45 UF45

GX 160 1(16) 1(16) 1(16) — — — — — — — —

GX 220 1(16) 1(16) 1(16) — — — — — — — —

GX 270 — 1(16) 2(16) 2(16) 2(16) — — — — — —

GX 320 — 1(16) 2(16) 2(16) 2(16) — — — — — —

GX 480 — — 2(16) 3(16) 2(16) — — — — — —

GX 570 — — — 3(16) 2(16) 3(16) 3 — — — —

GX 660 — — — 3(16) 2(16) 3(16) 3 — — — —

GX 900 — — — 3 — 3 — 0 4 3 2

GX 1150 — — — 3 — 3 — 0 4 3 2

GT 900 — — — — — — — — — 3 —

GT 1150 — — — — — — — — — 3 —

SX 160 1(16)(17) 1(16) 1(16) — — — — — — — —

(17) (17)

SX 220 1(16)(17) 1(16) 1(16) — — — — — — — —

(17) (17)

SX 270 — 1(16) 2(16) 2(16) 2(16) — — — — — —

(17) (17) (17) (17)

SX 320 — 1(16) 2(16) 2(16) 2(16) — — — — — —

(17) (17) (17) (17)

SX 480 — — 2(16) 3(16) 2(16) — — — — — —

(17) (17) (17)

SX 570 — — — 3(16) 2(16) 3(16) 3 (17) — — — —

(17) (17) (17)

SX 660 — — — 3(16) 2(16) 3(16) 3 (17) — — — —

(17) (17) (17)

(16) This number includes using the 3 V I/O bank for external memory interfaces. Otherwise, the
number of external memory interfaces possible is reduced by one.
(17) This number includes HPS shared I/O banks to implement core EMIF configurations.

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Table 80. Number of DDR3 x72 Interfaces (with ECC) Single and Dual-rank Supported
Per Device Package (with HPS Instance)
The number of supported interfaces shown in this table excludes the interface used to connect the HPS to
external SDRAM. Masters in the FPGA core can access the HPS-connected external memory interface via FPGA-
to-SDRAM bridge ports configurable in the HPS.

Note: For some device packages, you can also use the 3 V I/O banks for external memory
interfaces. However, the maximum memory interface clock frequency is capped at 533 MHz.
To use higher memory clock frequencies, exclude the 3 V I/O bank from external memory

Product Package
U19 F27 F29 F34 F35 NF40 KF40 RF40 NF45 SF45 UF45

SX 160 0 0 0 — — — — — — — —

SX 220 0 0 0 — — — — — — — —

SX 270 — 0 1 (18) 1(18) 1(18) — — — — — —

SX 320 — 0 1 (18) 1(18) 1 (18) — — — — — —

SX 480 — — 1 (18) 2 (18) 1 (18) — — — — — —

SX 570 — — — 2 (18) 1 (18) 2 (18) 2 — — — —

SX 660 — — — 2 (18) 1 (18) 2 (18) 2 — — — —

Related Information
• Device Variants and Packages
Provides more information about the device packages such as the types, sizes,
and number of pins.
• Arria 10 Device Datasheet - Memory Standards Supported by the Hard Memory
Provides information on supported memory interface clock frequency per
device speed grade.
• Arria 10 Device Datasheet - Memory Standards Supported by the Soft Memory
Provides information on supported memory interface clock frequency per
device speed grade.

(18) This number includes using the 3 V I/O bank for external memory interfaces. Otherwise, the
number of external memory interfaces possible is reduced by one.

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6.5.3. Arria 10 Package Support for DDR4 x40 with ECC

To support one DDR4 x40 interface with ECC (32 bits data + 8 bits ECC), you require
two I/O banks.

Table 81. Number of DDR4 x40 Interfaces (with ECC) Supported Per Device Package
(without HPS Instance)
Product Package
U19 F27 F29 F34 F35 NF40 KF40 RF40 NF45 SF45 UF45

GX 160 1 1 2 — — — — — — — —

GX 220 1 1 2 — — — — — — — —

GX 270 — 1 2 3 3 — — — — — —

GX 320 — 1 2 3 3 — — — — — —

GX 480 — — 2 4 3 — — — — — —

GX 570 — — — 4 3 5 5 — — — —

GX 660 — — — 4 3 5 5 — — — —

GX 900 — — — 4 — 5 — 1 7 6 4

GX 1150 — — — 4 — 5 — 1 7 6 4

GT 900 — — — — — — — — — 6 —

GT 1150 — — — — — — — — 7 6 —

SX 160 1 (19) 1 (19) 2 (19) — — — — — — — —

SX 220 1 (19) 1 (19) 2 (19) — — — — — — — —

SX 270 — 1 (19) 2 (19) 3 (19) 3 — — — — — —

SX 320 — 1 (19) 2 (19) 3 (19) 3 (19) — — — — — —

SX 480 — — 2 4(19) 3 (19) — — — — — —

SX 570 — — — 4 (19) 3 (19) 5 (19) 6(20)(19) — — — —

SX 660 — — — 4 (19) 3 (19) 5 (19) 6(20)(19) — — — —

(19) This number includes HPS shared I/O banks to implement core EMIF configurations.
(20) This number includes using the 3 V I/O bank for external memory interfaces. Otherwise, the
number of external memory interfaces possible is reduced by one.

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Table 82. Number of DDR4 x40 Interfaces (with ECC) Supported Per Device Package
(with HPS Instance)
The number of supported interfaces shown in this table excludes the interface used to connect the HPS to
external SDRAM. Masters in the FPGA core can access the HPS-connected external memory interface via FPGA-
to-SDRAM bridge ports configurable in the HPS.

Product Package
U19 F27 F29 F34 F35 NF40 KF40 RF40 NF45 SF45 UF45

SX 160 0 0 1 — — — — — — — —

SX 220 0 0 1 — — — — — — — —

SX 270 — 0 1 2 2 — — — — — —

SX 320 — 0 1 2 2 — — — — — —

SX 480 — — 1 3 2 — — — — — —

SX 570 — — — 3 2 4 4 — — — —

SX 660 — — — 3 2 4 4 — — — —

Related Information
• Device Variants and Packages
Provides more information about the device packages such as the types, sizes,
and number of pins.
• Examples of External Memory Interface Implementations for DDR4
• Arria 10 Device Datasheet - Memory Standards Supported by the Hard Memory
Provides information on supported memory interface clock frequency per
device speed grade.
• Arria 10 Device Datasheet - Memory Standards Supported by the Soft Memory
Provides information on supported memory interface clock frequency per
device speed grade.

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6.5.4. Arria 10 Package Support for DDR4 x72 with ECC Single-Rank
To support one DDR4 x72 interface (64 bits data + 8 bits ECC) single-rank, you
require three I/O banks.

Table 83. Number of DDR4 x72 Interfaces (with ECC) Single-Rank Supported Per
Device Package (without HPS Instance)

Product Package
U19 F27 F29 F34 F35 NF40 KF40 RF40 NF45 SF45 UF45

GX 160 0 0 0 — — — — — — — —

GX 220 0 0 0 — — — — — — — —

GX 270 — 0 1 1 1 — — — — — —

GX 320 — 0 1 1 1 — — — — — —

GX 480 — — 1 2 1 — — — — — —

GX 570 — — — 2 1 2 3 — — — —

GX 660 — — — 2 1 2 3 — — — —

GX 900 — — — 3 — 3 — 0 4 3 2

GX 1150 — — — 3 — 3 — 0 4 3 2

GT 900 — — — — — — — — — 3 —

GT 1150 — — — — — — — — — 3 —

SX 160 0 0 0 — — — — — — — —

SX 220 0 0 0 — — — — — — — —

SX 270 — 0 1 (21) 1 (21) 1 (21) — — — — — —

SX 320 — 0 1 (21) 1 (21) 1 (21) — — — — — —

SX 480 — — 1 (21) 2 (21) 1 (21) — — — — — —

SX 570 — — — 2 (21) 1 (21) 2 (21) 3 (21) — — — —

SX 660 — — — 2 (21) 1 (21) 2 (21) 3 (21) — — — —

(21) This number includes HPS shared I/O banks to implement core EMIF configurations.

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Table 84. Number of DDR4 x72 Interfaces (with ECC) Single-Rank Supported Per
Device Package (with HPS Instance)
The number of supported interfaces shown in this table excludes the interface used to connect the HPS to
external SDRAM. Masters in the FPGA core can access the HPS-connected external memory interface via FPGA-
to-SDRAM bridge ports configurable in the HPS.

Product Package
U19 F27 F29 F34 F35 NF40 KF40 RF40 NF45 SF45 UF45

SX 160 0 0 0 — — — — — — — —

SX 220 0 0 0 — — — — — — — —

SX 270 — 0 1 1 1 — — — — — —

SX 320 — 0 1 1 1 — — — — — —

SX 480 — — 1 2 1 — — — — — —

SX 570 — — — 2 1 2 2 — — — —

SX 660 — — — 2 1 2 2 — — — —

Related Information
• Device Variants and Packages
Provides more information about the device packages such as the types, sizes,
and number of pins.
• Examples of External Memory Interface Implementations for DDR4
• Arria 10 Device Datasheet - Memory Standards Supported by the Hard Memory
Provides information on supported memory interface clock frequency per
device speed grade.
• Arria 10 Device Datasheet - Memory Standards Supported by the Soft Memory
Provides information on supported memory interface clock frequency per
device speed grade.

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6.5.5. Arria 10 Package Support for DDR4 x72 with ECC Dual-Rank
To support one DDR4 x72 interface with ECC (64 bits data + 8 bits ECC) dual-rank,
you require 3.25 I/O banks (three I/O banks and one I/O lane in an adjacent I/O

Table 85. Number of DDR4 x72 Interfaces (with ECC) Dual-Rank Supported Per Device
Package (without HPS Instance)

Product Package
U19 F27 F29 F34 F35 NF40 KF40 RF40 NF45 SF45 UF45

GX 160 0 0 0 — — — — — — — —

GX 220 0 0 0 — — — — — — — —

GX 270 — 0 1 1 1 — — — — — —

GX 320 — 0 1 1 1 — — — — — —

GX 480 — — 1 1 1 — — — — — —

GX 570 — — — 1 1 2 2 — — — —

GX 660 — — — 1 1 2 2 — — — —

GX 900 — — — 2 — 3 — 0 4 3 2

GX 1150 — — — 2 — 3 — 0 4 3 2

GT 900 — — — — — — — — — 3 —

GT 1150 — — — — — — — — — 3 —

SX 160 0 0 0 — — — — — — — —

SX 220 0 0 0 — — — — — — — —

SX 270 — 0 1 (22) 1 (22) 1 (22) — — — — — —

SX 320 — 0 1 (22) 1 (22) 1 (22) — — — — — —

SX 480 — — 1 (22) 1 (22) 1 (22) — — — — — —

SX 570 — — — 1 (22) 1 (22) 2 (22) 2 (22) — — — —

SX 660 — — — 1 (22) 1 (22) 2 (22) 2 (22) — — — —

(22) This number includes HPS shared I/O banks to implement core EMIF configurations.

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Table 86. Number of DDR4 x72 Interfaces (with ECC) Dual-Rank Supported Per Device
Package (with HPS Instance)
The number of supported interfaces shown in this table excludes the interface used to connect the HPS to
external SDRAM. Masters in the FPGA core can access the HPS-connected external memory interface via FPGA-
to-SDRAM bridge ports configurable in the HPS.

Product Package
U19 F27 F29 F34 F35 NF40 KF40 RF40 NF45 SF45 UF45

SX 160 0 0 0 — — — — — — — —

SX 220 0 0 0 — — — — — — — —

SX 270 — 0 1 1 1 — — — — — —

SX 320 — 0 1 1 1 — — — — — —

SX 480 — — 1 1 1 — — — — — —

SX 570 — — — 1 1 2 2 — — — —

SX 660 — — — 1 1 2 2 — — — —

Related Information
• Device Variants and Packages
Provides more information about the device packages such as the types, sizes,
and number of pins.
• Examples of External Memory Interface Implementations for DDR4
• Arria 10 Device Datasheet - Memory Standards Supported by the Hard Memory
Provides information on supported memory interface clock frequency per
device speed grade.
• Arria 10 Device Datasheet - Memory Standards Supported by the Soft Memory
Provides information on supported memory interface clock frequency per
device speed grade.

6.5.6. HPS External Memory Interface Connections in Arria 10

You must use the Arria 10 External Memory Interfaces for HPS Platform Designer
(Standard) IP component to connect external SDRAM to the HPS. You can instantiate
the Arria 10 External Memory Interfaces for HPS component in your Platform Designer
(Standard) subsystem in addition to the HPS Platform Designer (Standard)
component. You must connect the HPS component's EMIF conduit to the Arria 10
External Memory Interfaces for HPS's EMIF conduit to connect the HPS to external
SDRAM memory.

The HPS memory interface is fixed to I/O Banks 2Kand 2J for x40 widths and 2K, 2J,
and 2I for x64/x72 widths. When an external SDRAM memory is connected to the
HPS, there are restrictions on the availability of unused I/O to the FPGA core in the
I/O banks (2K, 2J, 2I) utilized for the HPS memory interface.
When the HPS is connected to external SDRAM memory, no other Arria 10 External
Memory Interface IP instances can be placed in the same I/O column.

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Related Information
External Memory Interface Handbook Volume 3: Reference Material - Functional
Description - HPS Memory Controller
More detail regarding Arria 10 EMIF Hard Processor Subsystem restrictions and
placement information. Arria 10 Package Support for DDR3 x40 with ECC for HPS

To support one DDR3 x40 interface with ECC (32 bits data + 8 bits ECC) for HPS, you
are required to use two I/O banks below the top 3 V I/O bank in the DDR column.

Table 87. Number of DDR3 x40 Interfaces (with ECC) for HPS Supported Per Device
This table lists the number of external memory interfaces supported for HPS only.

Product Line Package

U19 F27 F29 F34 F35 NF40 KF40

SX 160 1 1 1 — — — —

SX 220 1 1 1 — — — —

SX 270 — 1 1 1 1 — —

SX 320 — 1 1 1 1 — —

SX 480 — — 1 1 1 — —

SX 570 — — — 1 1 1 1

SX 660 — — — 1 1 1 1

Related Information
• Device Variants and Packages
Provides more information about the device packages such as the types, sizes,
and number of pins.
• Arria 10 Device Datasheet - Memory Standards Supported by the Hard Memory
Provides information on supported memory interface clock frequency per
device speed grade.
• Arria 10 Device Datasheet - Memory Standards Supported by the Soft Memory
Provides information on supported memory interface clock frequency per
device speed grade.

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683461 | 2024.07.08 Arria 10 Package Support for DDR3 x72 with ECC Single and Dual-Rank
for HPS

To support one DDR3 x72 interface with ECC (64 bits data + 8 bits ECC)
single and dual-rank for HPS, you are required to use three I/O banks below the top
3 V I/O bank in the DDR column.

Table 88. Number of DDR3 x72 Interfaces (with ECC) Single and Dual-Rank for HPS
Supported Per Device Package
This table lists the number of external memory interfaces supported for HPS only.

Product Line Package

U19 F27 F29 F34 F35 NF40 KF40

SX 160 0 0 0 — — — —

SX 220 0 0 0 — — — —

SX 270 — 0 0 0 0 — —

SX 320 — 0 0 0 0 — —

SX 480 — — 0 0 0 — —

SX 570 — — — 0 0 0 1

SX 660 — — — 0 0 0 1

Related Information
• Device Variants and Packages
Provides more information about the device packages such as the types, sizes,
and number of pins.
• Arria 10 Device Datasheet - Memory Standards Supported by the Hard Memory
Provides information on supported memory interface clock frequency per
device speed grade.
• Arria 10 Device Datasheet - Memory Standards Supported by the Soft Memory
Provides information on supported memory interface clock frequency per
device speed grade. Arria 10 Package Support for DDR4 x40 with ECC for HPS

To support one DDR4 x40 interface with ECC (32 bits data + 8 bits ECC) for HPS, you
are required to use two I/O banks below the top 3 V I/O bank in the DDR column.

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Table 89. Number of DDR4 x40 Interfaces (with ECC) Supported Per Device Package for
This table lists the number of external memory interfaces supported for HPS only.

Product Line Package

U19 F27 F29 F34 F35 NF40 KF40

SX 160 1 1 1 — — — —

SX 220 1 1 1 — — — —

SX 270 — 1 1 1 1 — —

SX 320 — 1 1 1 1 — —

SX 480 — — 1 1 1 — —

SX 570 — — — 1 1 1 1

SX 660 — — — 1 1 1 1

Related Information
• Device Variants and Packages
Provides more information about the device packages such as the types, sizes,
and number of pins.
• Arria 10 Device Datasheet - Memory Standards Supported by the Hard Memory
Provides information on supported memory interface clock frequency per
device speed grade.
• Arria 10 Device Datasheet - Memory Standards Supported by the Soft Memory
Provides information on supported memory interface clock frequency per
device speed grade.

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683461 | 2024.07.08 Arria 10 Package Support for DDR4 x72 with ECC Single-Rank for HPS

To support one DDR4 x72 interface with ECC (64 bits data + 8 bits ECC) single-rank
for HPS, you are required to use three I/O banks below the top 3 V I/O bank in the
DDR column.

Table 90. Number of DDR4 x72 Interfaces (with ECC) Single-Rank for HPS Supported
Per Device Package
This table lists the number of external memory interfaces supported for HPS only.

Product Line Package

U19 F27 F29 F34 F35 NF40 KF40

SX 160 0 0 0 — — — —

SX 220 0 0 0 — — — —

SX 270 — 0 0 0 0 — —

SX 320 — 0 0 0 0 — —

SX 480 — — 0 0 0 — —

SX 570 — — — 0 0 0 1

SX 660 — — — 0 0 0 1

Related Information
• Device Variants and Packages
Provides more information about the device packages such as the types, sizes,
and number of pins.
• Arria 10 Device Datasheet - Memory Standards Supported by the Hard Memory
Provides information on supported memory interface clock frequency per
device speed grade.
• Arria 10 Device Datasheet - Memory Standards Supported by the Soft Memory
Provides information on supported memory interface clock frequency per
device speed grade.

6.6. External Memory Interface IP Support in Arria 10 Devices

Table 91. Types of Altera FPGA IP Support for Each Memory Standard
This table lists the memory controller IP provided by Altera. You can also use your own soft memory controller
for all memory standards supported by Arria 10 devices.

Memory Standard Controller Hard Sequencer

Hard Soft

DDR4 SDRAM(23) Yes — Yes

DDR3 SDRAM (24) Yes — Yes


(23) x4/x8 DQ group, POD12 I/O standard, and burst lengths BL8.
(24) x4/x8 DQ group and burst lengths BL8.

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Memory Standard Controller Hard Sequencer

Hard Soft

DDR3L SDRAM (24) Yes — Yes

LPDDR3 SDRAM(25) Yes — Yes

RLDRAM 3(26) — Yes Yes

QDR IV SRAM(26) — Yes Yes

QDR II/II+/II+ Xtreme SRAM — Yes Yes

Related Information
Memory Standards Supported by Arria 10 Devices on page 193
Lists all memory standards that the Arria 10 devices support.

6.6.1. Ping Pong PHY IP

The Ping Pong PHY IP allows two memory interfaces to share address/command buses
using time multiplexing. The Ping Pong PHY IP gives you the advantage of using less
pins compared to two independent interfaces, without any impact on throughput.

Figure 125. Ping Pong PHY 1T Timing

With the Ping Pong PHY, address and command signals from two independent controllers are multiplexed onto
shared buses by delaying one of the controller outputs by one full-rate clock cycle. The result is 1T timing, with
a new command being issued on each full-rate clock cycle.




Addr, ba

Cmd Cmd
Dev1 Dev0

Related Information
• Memory Standards Supported by Arria 10 Devices on page 193
• Hard Memory Controller Features on page 214

(25) Arria 10 devices support single component x32 data using x8 DQ group.
(26) Arria 10 devices support this external memory interface using hard PHY with soft memory

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6.7. External Memory Interface Architecture of Arria 10 Devices

The Arria 10 external memory interface solution is designed to provide a high
performance, rapid, and robust implementation of external memory interfacing.
Instead of periphery I/Os like in the previous generation Arria devices, Arria 10
devices feature columns of I/Os.

Figure 126. I/O Column Architecture

The I/O column consists of the I/O banks and an I/O-AUX block.

I/O Bank I/O Lane
Controller I/O Lane
Sequencer I/O Lane
I/O Lane
I/O Bank I/O Lane
Controller I/O Lane
Sequencer I/O Lane
I/O Lane
I/O Bank I/O Lane
Controller I/O Lane
Sequencer I/O Lane
I/O Lane
I/O Bank I/O Lane
Controller I/O Lane
Sequencer I/O Lane
I/O Lane
I/O Bank I/O Lane
Controller I/O Lane
Sequencer I/O Lane
I/O Lane
I/O Bank I/O Lane
Controller I/O Lane
Sequencer I/O Lane
I/O Lane

Related Information
• Key Features of the Arria 10 External Memory Interface Solution on page 192
• External Memory Interface I/O Pins in Arria 10 Devices on page 195

6.7.1. I/O Bank

The hard IP is organized into vertical I/O banks. These modular I/O banks can be
stitched together to form large interfaces.

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Each I/O bank consists of the following blocks:

• Embedded hard controller
• Hard sequencer
• Dedicated DLL
• Integer PLL
• OCT calibration block
• PHY clock network
• Four I/O lanes Hard Memory Controller

The Arria 10 hard memory controller is designed for high speed, high performance,
high flexibility, and area efficiency. The hard memory controller supports all the
popular and emerging memory standards including DDR4, DDR3, and LPDDR3.

The high performance is achieved by implementing advanced dynamic command and

data reordering algorithms. In addition, efficient pipelining techniques are also applied
to the design to improve the memory bandwidth usage and reduce the latency while
keeping the speed high. The hard solution offers the best availability and shorter
time-to-market. The timing inside the controller and from the controller to the PHY
have been pre-closed by Altera—simplifying timing closure.

The controller architecture is a modular design and fits in a single I/O bank. This
structure offers you the best flexibility from the hard solution:
• You can configure each I/O bank as either one of the following paths:
— A control path that drives all the address/command pins for the memory
— A data path that drives up to 32 data pins for DDR-type interfaces.
• You can place your memory controller in any location.
• You can pack up multiple banks together to form memory interfaces of different
widths up to 144 bits.

For more flexibility, you can bypass the hard memory controller and use your custom
IP if required.

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Figure 127. Hard Memory Controller Architecture

Global Timer

Input Interface / AMM Adapter Command Burst Timing

Arbiter Burst_gen
Generator Adapter Bank Pool

AFI Interface
ECC / RMW Data Buffer
Controller Control

Control MMR
Read / Write Data Buffer

The hard memory controller consists of the following logic blocks:

• Core and PHY interfaces
• Main control path
• Data buffer controller
• Read and write data buffers

The core interface supports the Avalon® Memory-Mapped (Avalon-MM) interface

protocol. The interface communicating to the PHY follows the Altera PHY Interface
(AFI) protocol. The whole control path is split into the main control path and the data
buffer controller. Hard Memory Controller Features

Table 92. Features of the Arria 10 Hard Memory Controller

Feature Description

Memory devices support Supports the following memory devices:

• LPDDR3 for low power

Memory controller support • Custom controller support—configurable bypass mode that allows you to
bypass the hard memory controller and use custom controller.
• Ping Pong controller—allows two instances of the hard memory controller to
time-share the same set of address/command pins.

Interface protocols support • Supports Avalon-MM and Avalon-ST interfaces.

• The PHY interface adheres to the AFI protocol.

Rate support You can configure the controller to run at half rate or quarter rate.

Configurable memory interface width Supports widths from 8 to 144 bits, in 8 bits increments.

Multiple ranks support Supports up to 4 ranks.


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Feature Description

Burst adaptor Able to accept bursts of any size up to a maximum burst length of 127 on the
local interface of the controller and map the bursts to efficient memory
Note: For applications that must strictly adhere to the Avalon-MM specification,
the maximum burst length is 64.

Efficiency optimization features • Open-page policy—by default, data traffic is closed-page on every access.
However, the controller intelligently keep a row open based on incoming
traffic, which can improve the efficiency of the controller especially for
random traffic.
• Pre-emptive bank management—the controller is able to issue bank
management commands early, which ensure that the required row is open
when the read or write occurs.
• Data reordering—the controller reorders read/write commands.
• Additive latency—the controller can issue a READ/WRITE command after the
ACTIVATE command to the memory bank prior to tRCD, which increases the
command efficiency.

User requested priority You can assign priority to commands. This feature allows you to specify that
higher priority commands get issued earlier to reduce latency.

Starvation counter Ensures all requests are served after a predefined time out period, which ensures
that low priority access are not left behind while reordering data for efficiency.

Timing for address/command bus To maximize command bandwidth, you can double the number of memory
commands in one controller clock cycle:
• Quasi-1T addressing for half-rate address/command bus.
• Quasi-2T addressing for quarter-rate address/command bus.

Bank interleaving Able to issue read or write commands continuously to "random" addresses. You
must correctly cycle the bank addresses.

On-die termination The controller controls the on-die termination signal for the memory. This feature
improves signal integrity and simplifies your board design.

Refresh features • User-controlled refresh timing—optionally, you can control when refreshes
occur and this allows you to prevent important read or write operations from
clashing with the refresh lock-out time.
• Per-rank refresh—allows refresh for each individual rank.
• Controller-controlled refresh.

ECC support • 8 bit ECC code; single error correction, double error detection (SECDED).
• User ECC supporting pass through user ECC bits as part of data bits.

Power saving features • Low power modes (power down and self-refresh)—optionally, you can request
the controller to put the memory into one of the two low power states.
• Automatic power down—puts the memory device in power down mode when
the controller is idle. You can configure the idle waiting time.
• Memory clock gating.

Mode register set Access the memory mode register.

DDR4 features • Bank group support—supports different timing parameters for between bank
• Data Bus CRC—data bus encoding and decoding.
• Command/Address parity—command and address bus parity check.
• Alert reporting—responds to the error alert flag.
• Multipurpose register access— supports multipurpose register access in serial
readout mode.
• Fine granularity refresh—supports 1x, 2x, and 4x fixed refresh rates.

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Feature Description

• Temperature controlled refresh—adjust refresh rate according to temperature

• Low power auto self refresh— operating temperature triggered auto
adjustment to self refresh rate.
• Maximum power saving.

LPDDR3 feature • Deep power down mode—achieves maximum power reduction by eliminating
power to memory array. Data is not retained when the device enters the deep
power down mode.
• Partial array self refresh.
• Per bank refresh.

ZQ calibration command Support long or short ZQ calibration command for DDR3 or DDR4.

Related Information
Ping Pong PHY IP on page 211
Provides a brief description of the Ping Pong PHY. Main Control Path

The main control path performs the following functions:

• Contains the command processing pipeline.
• Monitors all the timing parameters.
• Keeps track of memory access commands dependencies.
• Guards against memory access hazards.

Table 93. Main Control Path Components

Component Description

Input interface • Accepts memory access commands from the core logic at half or quarter rate.
• Uses the Avalon-MM or Avalon-ST protocol. The default protocol is Avalon-ST. You can
enable a hard adapter through a configuration register to make the input interface
Avalon-MM compatible.
• The hard memory controller has a native Avalon-ST interface. You can instantiate a
standard soft adaptor to bridge the Avalon-ST interface to AMBA AXI.
• To support all bypass modes and keep the port count minimum, the super set of all port
lists is used as the physical width. Ports are shared among the bypass modes.

Command generator and • Drains your commands from the input interface and feeds them to the timing bank pool.
burst adapter • If read-modify-write is required, inserts the necessary read-modify-write read and write
commands into the stream.
• The burst adapter chops your arbitrary burst length to the number specified by the
memory types.

Timing Bank Pool • Key component in the memory controller.

• Sets parallel queues to track command dependencies.
• Signals the ready status of each command being tracked to the arbiter for the final
• Big scoreboard structure. The number of entries is currently sized to 8 where it monitors
up to 8 commands at the same time.
• Handles the memory access hazards (RAW, WAR and WAW) while part of the timing
constraints are being tracked.
• High responsibility to assist the arbiter in implementing reordering:
— Row command reordering (activate and pre-charge).
— Column command reordering (read and write).
• When the pool is full, a flow control signal is sent back upstream to stall the traffic.

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Component Description

Arbiter • Enforces the arbitration rules.

• Performs the final arbitration to select a command from all ready commands, and issues
the selected command to the memory.
• Supports quasi-1T mode for half rate and quasi-2T mode for quarter rate.
• For the quasi modes, a row command must be paired with a column command.

Global Timer Tracks the global timing constraints including:

• tFAW—the Four Activates Window parameter that specifies the time period in which only
four activate commands are allowed.
• tRRD—the delay between back-to-back activate commands to different banks.
• Some of the bus turnaround time parameters.

MMR/IOCSR • The host of all the configuration registers.

• Uses Avalon-MM bus to talk to the core.
• Core logic can read and write all the configuration bits.
• The debug bus is routed to the core through this block.

Sideband Executes the refresh and power down features.

ECC controller Although ECC encoding and decoding is performed in soft logic(27), the ECC controller
maintains the read-modify-write state machine in the hard solution.

AFI interface The memory controller communicates to the PHY using this interface. Data Buffer Controller

The data buffer controller has the following main responsibilities:

• Manages the read and write access to the data buffers:
— Provides the data storing pointers to the buffers when the write data is
accepted or the read return data arrives.
— Provides the draining pointer when the write data is dispatched to memory or
the read data is read out of the buffer and sent back to users.
• Satisfies the required write latency.
• If ECC support is enabled, assists the main control path to perform

Data reordering is performed with the data buffer controller and the data buffers.

Each I/O bank contains two data buffer controller blocks for the data buffer lanes that
are split within each bank. To improve your timing, place the data buffer controller
physically close to the I/O lanes. Delay-Locked Loop

The delay-locked loop (DLL) finds the delay setting for 9 bits delay chain so that the
delay of the chain is equivalent to one clock cycle.

Each I/O bank has one delay-locked loop (DLL) located in the center that supports a
frequency range of 600 MHz to 1.3 GHz.

(27) ECC encoding and decoding is performed in soft logic to exempt the hard connection from
routing data bits to a central ECC calculation location. Routing data to a central location
removes the modular design benefits and reduces flexibility.

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The reference clock for the DLL comes from the output of the PLL in the same I/O
bank. The DLL divides the reference clock by eight and creates two clock pulses—
launch and measure. The phase difference between launch and measure is one
reference clock cycle. The clock pulse launch is routed through the delay setting
controlled by the delay chain. The delayed launch is then compared to measure.

The setting for the DLL delay chains is from a 9 bit counter, which moves up or down
to alter the delay time until the delayed launch and measure are aligned in the same
phase. Once the DLL is locked, the delay through the delay chain is equivalent to one
reference clock cycle, and the delay setting is sent out to the DQS delay block. Sequencer
The sequencer enables high-frequency memory interface operation by calibrating the
interface to compensate for variations in setup and hold requirements caused by
transmission delays.

The sequencer implements a calibration algorithm to determine the combination of

delay and phase settings that are necessary to maintain center-alignment of data and
clock signals, even in the presence of significant delay variations. Programmable delay
chains in the FPGA I/Os then implement the calculated delays to ensure that data
remains centered.

A sequencer is embedded in every I/O bank. The sequencer is comprised of the

following components:
• A read-write manager.
• An address/command set or instruction ROM.
• Helper modules such as PHY manager, data manager, and tracking manager.
• Data pattern and data out buffers on a per-pin basis that are managed by the
read-write manager.

All major components of the sequencer are connected on the Avalon bus, providing
controllability, visibility, and flexibility to the Nios II subsystem.

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Figure 128. Sequencer

Avalon Bus
Bridge Write, Read, Clock, Address[19:0], Write_Data[31:0], Read_Data[31:0]

dqs_en_delay dq_out_delay
IO48 Sequencer
LFIFO dqs_out_delay
IO48 Sequencer VFIFO dq_in_delay
Postamble_tracking dqs_in_delay
IO48 Sequencer Cmd_decoder
x12_checker x1_checker
Inst_ROM (128)
IO48 Sequencer AC DO ROM (64)
AC ROM (512)
rd pattern RAM (64)
IO48 Sequencer PHY Manager
x4 write decoder
IO48 Sequencer



External Memory
Interface Microcontroller Per bank control Per lane control Per I/O control
IO AUX Clock Tree

The Arria 10 external memory interface PHY clock network is designed to support the
1.2 GHz DDR4 memory standard.

Compared to previous generation devices, the PHY clock network has a shorter clock
tree that generates less jitter and less duty cycle distortion.

The PHY clock network consists of these clock trees:

• Reference clock tree
• PHY clock tree
• DQS clock tree

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Figure 129. Clock Network Diagram

The reference clock tree adopts a modular design to facilitate easy integration.

I/O Bank
GPIO register clocks
from core clock network
2 6
x8/x9 DQS/DQSB 2
13 6
48 6
6 Recovered clock to
x16/x18 DQS/DQSB 6
2 6
x8/x9 DQS/DQSB 13 6
LVDS/DPA Only half of the
2 LVDS/DPA recovered clock
I/O Lane 48
2 6 connect to PCLK
x32/x36 DQS/DQSB 6
GPIO register clocks
I/O Center from core clock network
Hard Memory
Controller and
cascad_out pll ccnt out pllcout[8:0] To core clock network
cascad_in pll mcnt out pllmout To core fb clock network
2 coreclk Core reference clock

Clock out pins 2

2 ext_clk dll clk
core fb fbclk_in
4 clkpin_in lvds fb
Clock in pins ioclkin[3:0]
4 lvds fb 13
6 Phase Align core fb 2
phy_clk[1:0] 2
pa_clkout 2 core_clk_out[1:0]
DQS clock tree

Reference CLK

GPIO register clocks
from core clock network
2 13 6
x8/x9 DQS/DQSB 6
48 6
Recovered clock to
2 6 PCLK network
LVDS/DPA Only half of the
2 LVDS/DPA recovered clock
I/O Lane 48
x8/x9 DQS/DQSB 6 connect to PCLK
GPIO register clocks
from core clock network

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683461 | 2024.07.08 I/O Lane

There are four I/O lanes in each I/O bank. Each I/O lane contains 12 I/O pins with
identical read and write data paths and buffers.

Figure 130. I/O Lane Architecture

I/O Lane


To IO_AUX Avalon bus Avalon-MM
OCT Control

Read DQ Delay
To hard logic and core Read DDIO
Data To buffers
Buffer DQS Delay


Per bit logic
FIFO Per lane logic
Control Per bank logic

Data Path Component Description

Input path Contains capture registers and read FIFO.

Output or output enable (oe) path Consists of:

• Write FIFO
• Clock mux
• Phase interpolater— supports around 5 to 10 ps resolution based on
• Double data rate control

Input delay chain Supports around 5 ps resolution with a delay range of 0 to 625 ps.

Read/write buffer The write data buffer has built in options to take data from the core or from the
hard memory controller.

Related Information
General Pin-Out Guidelines for Arria 10 EMIF IP DQS Logic Block

The DQS logic block contains:

• Post-amble register
• DQS delay chain
• FIFO control
• Multi-rank switch control block

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DQS Delay Chain

The DQS delay chain provides variable delay to the DQS signal, allowing you to adjust
the DQS signal timing during calibration to maximize the tsetup and thold for DQ

To keep the delay value constant, the DQS delay chain also contains:
• Logic to track temperature and low frequency voltage variation
• Shadow registers to hold calibrated delay settings for multi-rank interfaces, and
switch the DQS delay chain setting to one of up to four different settings.

6.7.2. I/O AUX

There is one I/O AUX block in each I/O column:
• Contains a hard Nios II processor and supporting embedded memory block
• Handles the calibration algorithm for the entire I/O column
• Communicates to the sequencer in each I/O bank through a dedicated Avalon

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Figure 131. IO AUX Block Diagram


JTAG Interrupt RAM

Debug Hard Timer
Avalon Address Wrapper
Avalon Decoder Decoder to use ECC bit for data

Avalon Configuration
Decoder Data Wrapper

Master 1 Slave 2 Slave 1

Avalon Interconnect
Slave 5 Master 2 Slave 4 Slave 3

Calibration bus
to I/O banks
Avalon Avalon Avalon Avalon Decoder
Decoder Decoder Decoder
Async. Async. Sequencer
Debug Clock Clock Bridge
Registers Crossing Crossing
FIFO FIFO Generates wait
for NIOS

CORE SLD node To

Signal Tap

To Debug Console

The hard Nios II processor performs the following operations:

• Configures and starts calibration tasks on the sequencers
• Collects and processes data
• Uses the final results to configure the I/Os

A combination of both Nios II code and the sequencers, the algorithm implementation
supports calibration for the following memory interface standards:
• DDR2, DDR3, and DDR4 SDRAM

Note: Altera recommends that you use the Nios subsystem for memory interface calibration.

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6.8. External Memory Interface in Arria 10 Devices Revision History

Date Version Changes

December 2017 2017.12.15 • Updated Delay-Locked Loop frequency range to 600MHz - 1.3GHz.
• Updated maximum burst length for burst adaptor in the Features of the
Arria 10 Hard Memory Controller table.

June 2017 2017.06.21 Updated the note about the memory interfaces support to clarify that I/O
banks with less than 48 pins can be used for data pins only. Therefore, all
external memory interfaces require at least one 48-pins I/O bank to place the
A/C pins.

March 2017 2017.03.15 • Removed Avalon Streaming (Avalon ST) interface protocol support for
hard memory controller.
• Rebranded as Intel.

October 2016 2016.10.31 Removed the F36 package from the Arria 10 GX device family variant.

May 2016 2016.05.02 • Updated maximum frequency for QDR II, QDR II+ and QDR II+ Xtreme
• Updated maximum supported frequency for DDR4 SDRAM.
• Removed NF40 and UF45 packages support for Arria 10 GT devices.
• Added Guideline: Usage of I/O Bank 2A for External Memory Interfaces
section in External Memory Interface I/O Pins in Arria 10 Devices chapter.
• Removed LPDDR3 support in HPS Hard Memory Controller.
• Added HPS External Memory Interface Connections in Arria 10 chapter to
explain the restriction for using HPS EMIF with non-HPS EMIF within the
same the device.
• Updated number of interfaces supported for DDR4 x40 with ECC in F36
and KF40 packages (GX 570 and GX 660 devices).
• Removed note and footnote about using 3 V I/O bank to support DDR4
x40 with ECC interfaces.
• Added tables to show numbers of supported memory interfaces for Arria
10 SX device packages when HPS EMIF instances are used within the
same device.
• Removed burst chop feature for DDR3 and DDR4 in Table Main Control
Path Components.
• Removed DDR4 gear down mode feature in Table Hard Memory Controller
• Removed DQS tracking feature in Hard Memory Controller in Table Hard
Memory Controller Features.

November 2015 2015.11.02 • Removed BC4 and On-the-fly supports for DDR4, DDR3 and DDR3L
SDRAM in Table Types of Altera IP Support for Each Memory Standard.
• Change supported DQ Group for DDR4, DDR3, and DDR3L SDRAM to
x4/x8 in Table Types of Altera IP Support for Each Memory Standard.
• Added LPDDR3 SDRAM in hard memory controller and IP support.
• Added link to Arria 10 Device Datasheet - Memory Standards Supported
by the Hard Memory Controller and Arria 10 Device Datasheet - Memory
Standards Supported by the Soft Memory Controller.
• Added Arria 10 package support for DDR3 x32 with ECC for HPS, DDR3 x
72 Single and Dual-Rank for HPS, DDR4 x32 with ECC for HPS, and DDR3
x72 Single-Rank tables.
• Changed instances of Quartus II to Quartus Prime.

June 2015 2015.06.15 Removed the DFI label on the figure showing the hard memory controller
architecture. Arria 10 devices do not support DFI.

May 2015 2015.05.15 Corrected the DDR3 half rate and quarter rate maximum frequencies in the
table that lists the memory standards supported by the Arria 10 hard memory

May 2015 2015.05.04 Updated the table that lists the memory standards supported by the hard
memory controller in Arria 10 devices.

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Date Version Changes

January 2015 2015.01.23 • Updated the table that lists the memory standards supported by Arria 10
• Removed hard memory controller and IP support for LPDDR3 SDRAM.
• Removed support for RLDRAM 2.
• Updated support for QDR II+/II+ Xtreme SRAM to also include QDR II
• Added soft memory controller support for QDR IV.
• Added footnote to clarify that the number of DDR4 x32 interfaces support
for the F34 package of the Arria 10 SX 480 device includes using I/O bank
2K. If you use I/O bank 2K in a DDR4 x32 interface for the FPGA, the HPS
will not have access to a DDR4 x32 interface.
• Added information to clarify that the DDR3 and DDR4 x32 interface with
ECC includes 32 bits data and 8 bits ECC.
• Removed information about hard and soft portions of the Nios subsytem.
The hard memory controller IP for Arria 10 calibrates the external memory
interface using the hard Nios II processor only.

August 2014 2014.08.18 • Removed hard memory controller half rate support for DDR4 SDRAM.
• Removed hard memory controller and IP support for DDR3U SDRAM.
• Added soft memory controller full rate support for QDR II+ SRAM and
QDR II+ Xtreme SRAM.
• Updated the list of external memory standards supported by the HPS.
• Updated the number of DDR3 x72 (single-rank) memory interfaces
supported for the U19 package.
• Removed the note about using 3 V I/O banks for the HPS. For the HPS,
the 3 V I/O bank is not used for external memory interfaces.
• Updated the number of DDR3 x72 (dual-rank) memory interfaces
supported for the Arria 10 SX devices.
• Updated the number of DDR4 x32 (with ECC) memory interfaces
supported for the NF45 package of the Arria 10 GT 1150 device.
• Added soft memory controller IP support for QDR II+ SRAM.
• Added information to clarify that RLDRAM3 support uses hard PHY with
soft memory controller.
• Updated the table that lists the features of the hard memory controller to
improve accuracy and add missing information.
• Added a note before the topics listing external memory interface package
support to clarify that not all I/O banks are available for external memory
• Moved the external memory interface pins guidelines and the examples of
external memory interface implementations for DDR4 to the External
Memory Interface Handbook.

December 2013 2013.12.10 Updated the HPS memory standards support from LPDDR2 to LPDDR3.

December 2013 2013.12.02 Initial release.

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7. Configuration, Design Security, and Remote System

Upgrades in Arria 10 Devices

This chapter describes the configuration schemes, design security, and remote system
upgrade that are supported by the Arria 10 devices.

Related Information
• Arria 10 Device Handbook: Known Issues
Lists the planned updates to the Arria 10 Device Handbook chapters.
• Arria 10 Device Datasheet
Provides more information about the estimated uncompressed .rbf file sizes,
FPP DCLK-to-DATA[] ratio, and timing parameters for all supported
configuration schemes.
• PLLs and Clock Networks Chapter of the Arria 10 Transceiver PHY User Guide
For more details about the need to configure unused transceiver channels when
Arria 10 devices are powered up to normal operating conditions.

7.1. Enhanced Configuration and Configuration via Protocol

Table 94. Configuration Schemes and Features of Arria 10 Devices
Arria 10 devices support 1.8 V programming voltage and several configuration schemes.

Scheme Data Max Clock Max Data Decompression Design Partial Remote
Width Rate Rate Security ( Reconfiguration System
29) (30) Update
(MHz) (Mbps)

JTAG 1 bit 33 33 — — Yes (31) —

Active Serial (AS) 1 bit, 100 400 Yes Yes Yes (31) Yes
through the 4 bits

(28) Enabling either compression or design security features affects the maximum data rate. Refer
to the Arria 10 Device Datasheet for more information.
(29) Encryption and compression cannot be used simultaneously.
(30) Partial reconfiguration is an advanced feature of the device family. If you are interested in
using partial reconfiguration, contact Altera for support.
(31) Partial configuration can be performed only when it is configured as internal host.
© Altera Corporation. Altera, the Altera logo, the ‘a’ logo, and other Altera marks are trademarks of Altera
Corporation. Altera and Intel warrant performance of its FPGA and semiconductor products to current
specifications in accordance with Altera’s or Intel's standard warranty as applicable, but reserves the right to ISO
make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera and Intel assume no 9001:2015
responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described Registered
herein except as expressly agreed to inwriting by Altera or Intel. Altera and Intel customers are advised to
obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing
orders for products or services.
*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
7. Configuration, Design Security, and Remote System Upgrades in Arria 10 Devices
683461 | 2024.07.08

Scheme Data Max Clock Max Data Decompression Design Partial Remote
Width Rate Rate Security ( Reconfiguration System
29) (30) Update
(MHz) (Mbps)

Passive serial (PS) 1 bit 100 100 Yes Yes Yes (31) Parallel
through CPLD or Flash
external Loader
microcontroller (PFL)

Fast passive 8 bits 100 3200 Yes Yes Yes (32) PFL Intel
parallel (FPP) FPGA IP
through CPLD or 16 bits Yes Yes core
microcontroller 32 bits Yes Yes

Configuration via 16 bits 100 3200 Yes Yes Yes (32) —

32 bits Yes Yes

Configuration via x1, x2, — 8000 Yes Yes Yes (31) —

Protocol [CvP x4, x8
(PCIe*)] lanes

You can configure Arria 10 devices through PCIe using Configuration via Protocol
(CvP). The Arria 10 CvP implementation conforms to the PCIe 100 ms
power-up-to-active time requirement.

Related Information
Configuration via Protocol (CvP) Implementation in Arria 10
Provides more information about the CvP configuration scheme.

7.2. Configuration Schemes

This section describes the AS, PS, FPP, and JTAG configuration schemes.

Related Information
• Design Planning for Partial Reconfiguration
Provides more information about partial reconfiguration.
• Configuration via Protocol (CvP) Implementation in Intel FPGAs User Guide
Provides more information about the CvP configuration scheme.

(28) Enabling either compression or design security features affects the maximum data rate. Refer
to the Arria 10 Device Datasheet for more information.
(29) Encryption and compression cannot be used simultaneously.
(30) Partial reconfiguration is an advanced feature of the device family. If you are interested in
using partial reconfiguration, contact Altera for support.
(32) Supported at a maximum clock rate of 100 MHz.

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7.2.1. Active Serial Configuration

Figure 132. High-Level Overview of EPCQ-L Programming for the AS Configuration

Quartus® Prime FPGA

Software EPCQ-L
Configuration Data
using JTAG SFL

In the AS configuration scheme, configuration data is stored in the EPCQ-L

configuration device. You can program the EPCQ-L device in-system using the JTAG
interface with the Serial Flash Loader (SFL) IP core. The SFL acts as a bridge in the
FPGA between the JTAG interface and the EPCQ-L device. The AS memory interface
block in the Arria 10 device controls the configuration process.

The AS configuration scheme supports AS x1 (1-bit data width) and AS x4 (4-bit data
width) modes. The AS x4 mode provides four times faster configuration time than the
AS x1 mode. In the AS configuration scheme, the Arria 10 device controls the
configuration interface.

Note: For Active Serial programming using SFL, the MSEL pins must be set to Active Serial
setting to allow the programmer to read the EPCQ-L ID.

Related Information
• Arria 10 Device Datasheet
Provides more information about the AS configuration timing.
• AN 370: Using the Serial Flash Loader with the Quartus Prime Software
• Nios II Flash Programmer User Guide
• Device Configuration - Support Center
Provides a list of Altera supported third party configuration devices, and a link
to a list of Altera FPGA configuration devices and supported third party flash
• EPCQ-L Serial Configuration Devices Datasheet
• EPCQ-L Device Package Information
Provides more information about EPCQ-L packaging specifications, thermal
resistance and dimensions. DATA Clock (DCLK)

Arria 10 devices generate the serial clock, DCLK, that provides timing to the serial
interface. In the AS configuration scheme, Arria 10 devices drive control signals on the
falling edge of DCLK and latch the configuration data on the following falling edge of
this clock pin.

The maximum DCLK frequency supported by the AS configuration scheme is 100 MHz.
You can source DCLK using CLKUSR or the internal oscillator. If you use the internal
oscillator, you can choose a 12.5, 25, 50, or 100 MHz clock under the Device and Pin
Options dialog box, in the Configuration page of the Quartus Prime software.

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After power-up, DCLK is driven by a 12.5 MHz internal oscillator by default. The Arria
10 device determines the clock source and frequency to use by reading the option bit
in the programming file.

Related Information
Arria 10 Device Datasheet
Provides more information about the DCLK frequency specification in the AS
configuration scheme. Active Serial Single-Device Configuration

To configure Arria 10 device, connect the device to a quad-serial configuration (EPCQ-

L) device, as shown in the following figures.

Figure 133. Single Device AS x1 Mode Configuration

Connect the pull-up resistors to
V CCPGM at 1.8-V power supply.


10 kΩ 10 kΩ 10 kΩ

EPCQ-L Device FPGA Device

nCE For more information,
refer to the MSEL pin
GND MSEL[2..0] settings.
nCS nCSO[0] You can use CLKUSR pin to
ASDI ASDO supply the external clock
source to drive DCLK
during configuration.

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Figure 134. Single Device AS x4 Mode Configuration

Connect the pull-up resistors to
V CCPGM at 1.8-V power supply.


10 kΩ 10 kΩ 10 kΩ

EPCQ-L Device FPGA Device

nCONFIG For more information,
nCE refer to the MSEL pin
DATA3 AS_DATA3 You can use CLKUSR pin to
supply the external clock
DCLK DCLK source to drive DCLK
nCS nCSO[0] during configuration. Active Serial Multi-Device Configuration

You can configure multiple devices that are connected in a chain. Only AS x1 mode
supports multi-device configuration.

The first device in the chain is the configuration master. Subsequent devices in the
chain are configuration slaves.

When the active serial multi-device configuration scheme is used in Arria 10 devices,
the DCLK frequency for slave devices are determined as follows:
• When the configuration clock source is set to Internal Oscillator, the DCLK
frequency for slave device is at the range for 12.5 MHz setting regardless of the
setting of active serial clock source.
• When the configuration clock source is set to CLKUSR, the DCLK frequency for
slave device follows CLKUSR clock frequency.

The Configuration clock source setting menu is located at Assignments > Device
> Device and Pin Options > General.

The Active serial clock source setting menu is located at Assignments > Device >
Device and Pin Options > Configuration.

For 12.5 MHz frequency range setting, refer to the DCLK Frequency Specification in
the AS Configuration Scheme section in the Arria 10 Device Datasheet.

Related Information
Arria 10 Device Datasheet

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7. Configuration, Design Security, and Remote System Upgrades in Arria 10 Devices
683461 | 2024.07.08 Pin Connections and Guidelines

Observe the following pin connections and guidelines for this configuration setup:
• Hardwire the MSEL pins of the first device in the chain to select the AS
configuration scheme. For subsequent devices in the chain, hardwire their MSEL
pins to select the PS configuration scheme. Any other Altera FPGAs that support
the PS configuration can also be part of the chain as a configuration slave.
• Tie the following pins of all devices in the chain together:
— DATA[]
By tying the CONF_DONE, nSTATUS, and nCONFIG pins together, the devices
initialize and enter user mode at the same time. If any device in the chain detects
an error, configuration stops for the entire chain and you must reconfigure all the
devices. For example, if the first device in the chain flags an error on the nSTATUS
pin, it resets the chain by pulling its nSTATUS pin low.
• Ensure that DCLK and DATA[] are buffered every fourth device to prevent signal
integrity and clock skew problems. Using Multiple Configuration Data

To configure multiple Arria 10 devices in a chain using multiple configuration data,

connect the devices to an EPCQ-L device, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 135. Multiple Device AS Configuration When Both Devices in the Chain Receive
Different Sets of Configuration Data
Connect the pull-up resistors to
V CCPGM at a 1.8-V power


10 kΩ 10 kΩ 10 kΩ

10 kΩ

EPCQ-L Device FPGA Device Master FPGA Device Slave

You can leave the nCEO pin
unconnected or use it as a user I/O
GND pin when it does not feed another
DATA AS_DATA1 device’s nCE pin.
ASDI CLKUSR DCLK For the appropriate MSEL settings
ASDO MSEL [2..0]
based on POR delay settings, set the
slave device MSEL setting to the PS
For more information, refer to the
Buffers MSEL pin settings.
You can use the CLKUSR pin to
Connect the repeater buffers between the supply the external clock source to
FPGA master and slave device for AS_DATA1 drive DCLK during configuration.
or DATA0 and DCLK for every fourth device.

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When a master device completes configuration, its nCEO pin is released low to activate
the nCE pin of the next device (for example, a slave device) in the chain.
Configuration automatically begins for the slave device in one clock cycle.

Set the master device MSEL pin setting to AS scheme and the slave device MSEL pin
setting to PS scheme. If your slave device (for example, 28 nm devices such as
Stratix® V, Arria V, and Cyclone V) supports configuration voltage (VCCPGM) up to 3.0
V, Altera recommends that you send the VCCPGM at 1.8 V so that a voltage translator is
not needed. Active Serial Configuration with Multiple EPCQ-L Devices

Arria 10 devices support up to three EPCQ-L devices for configuration and remote
system upgrade.

You can use up to three EPCQ-L devices per Arria 10 device. Each EPCQ-L device gets
a dedicated nCSO pin, but shares other pins, as shown in the following figure.

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Figure 136. AS Configuration with Multiple EPCQ-L Devices


10 KΩ 10 KΩ


10 KΩ

nCS nCS[0]
EPCQ-L 1 nCS[2]


You can choose the number of EPCQ-L devices using the Quartus Prime software. Using EPCQ-L Devices

EPCQ-L devices support AS x1 and AS x4 modes.

Note: Arria 10 devices support EPCQ-L devices only.

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Each Arria 10 device has three nCSO pins—nCSO[2..0]. This allows Arria 10 device
to connect up to three EPCQ-L devices.

The advantages of connecting up to three EPCQ-L devices:

• Ability to store multiple design files for remote system upgrade.
• Increase storage beyond the largest single EPCQ-L device available.

Related Information
• EPCQ-L Serial Configuration Devices Datasheet
• EPCQ-L Device Package Information
Provides more information about EPCQ-L packaging specifications, thermal
resistance and dimensions. Controlling EPCQ-L Devices

During configuration, Arria 10 devices enable the EPCQ-L device by driving its nCSO
output pin low, which connects to the chip select (nCS) pin of the EPCQ-L device. Arria
10 devices use the DCLK and ASDO pins to send operation commands and read
address signals to the EPCQ-L device. The EPCQ-L device provides data on its serial
data output (DATA[]) pin, which connects to the AS_DATA[] input of the Arria 10

Note: If you wish to gain control of the EPCQ-L pins, hold the nCONFIG pin low and pull the
nCE pin high. This causes the device to reset and tri-state the AS configuration pins. Trace Length Guideline

The maximum trace length apply to both single- and multi-device AS configuration
setups as listed in the following table. The trace length is the length from the Arria 10
device to the EPCQ-L device.

Note: To evaluate the data setup (tSU) and data hold time (tDH) slack on your board in
order to ensure that you are meeting the tSU and tDH requirements, Altera
recommends that you follow the guideline in the Evaluating Data Setup and Hold
Timing Slack section of the AN 822: Intel FPGA Configuration Device Migration

Table 95. Maximum Trace Length for AS x1 and x4 Configurations for Arria 10 Devices
Arria 10 Device AS Pins Maximum Board Trace Length (Inches)

12.5/ 25/ 50 MHz 100 MHz

DCLK 10 6

AS_DATA[3..0] 10 6

nCSO[2..0] 10 6

Related Information
• AS Timing Parameters in Arria 10 Device Datasheet
Provides more information about data setup time and hold time requirement.
• AN 822: Intel FPGA Configuration Device Migration Guideline

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7. Configuration, Design Security, and Remote System Upgrades in Arria 10 Devices
683461 | 2024.07.08 Programming EPCQ-L Devices

You can program EPCQ-L devices in-system using an Intel FPGA download cable.
Alternatively, you can program the EPCQ-L using a microprocessor with the SRunner
software driver.

In-system programming (ISP) offers you the option to program the EPCQ-L either
using an AS programming interface or a JTAG interface. Using the AS programming
interface, the configuration data is programmed into the EPCQ-L by the Quartus Prime
software or any supported third-party software. Using the JTAG interface, an Altera
FPGA IP called the SFL IP core must be downloaded into the Arria 10 device to form a
bridge between the JTAG interface and the EPCQ-L. This allows the EPCQ-L to be
programmed directly using the JTAG interface.

Related Information
• AN 370: Using the Serial Flash Loader with the Quartus Prime Software
• AN 418: SRunner: An Embedded Solution for Serial Configuration Device
• Nios II Flash Programmer User Guide

Programming EPCQ-L Using the JTAG Interface

To program an EPCQ-L device using the JTAG interface, connect the device as shown
in the following figure.

Figure 137. Connection Setup for Programming the EPCQ-L Using the JTAG Interface
Connect the pull-up resistors to
V CCPGM at a 1.8-V
10 kΩ 10 kΩ 10 kΩ power supply.

The resistor value can vary

EPCQ-L Device FPGA Device from 1 k Ω to 10 kΩ. Perform
nSTATUS TCK signal integrity analysis to
CONF_DONE TDO V CCPGM select the resistor value for your
nCONFIG setup.
GND Pin 1
Loader 1 kΩ
nCS nCSO[0] MSEL[2..0]
CLKUSR Download Cable
GND 10-Pin Male Header GND
Instantiate SFL in your (JTAG Mode) (Top View)
design to form a bridge For more information, refer to
between the EPCQ-L and the MSEL pin settings.
the 10-pin header.
Use the CLKUSR pin to supply the external clock
source to drive DCLK during configuration.

Programming EPCQ-L Using the Active Serial Interface

To program an EPCQ-L device using the AS interface, connect the device as shown in
the following figure.

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Figure 138. Connection Setup for Programming the EPCQ-L Using the AS Interface
Using the AS header, the programmer serially transmits the operation commands and configuration bits to the

Connect the pull-up resistors to V CCPGM

at a 1.8-V power supply.

10 kΩ 10 kΩ 10 kΩ
FPGA Device
EPCQ-L Device
10 kΩ

DATA1 AS_DATA1 For more information, refer to
the MSEL pin settings.
Use the CLKUSR pin to supply
Pin 1 V CCPGM the external clock source to
drive DCLK during

Power up the download cable’s


Download Cable
(AS Mode) GND
10-Pin Male Header

When programming the EPCQ-L devices, the download cable disables access to the AS
interface by driving the nCE pin high. The nCONFIG line is also pulled low to hold the
Arria 10 device in the reset stage. After programming completes, the download cable
releases nCE and nCONFIG, allowing the pull-down and pull-up resistors to drive the
pin to GND and VCCPGM, respectively.

During the EPCQ-L programming using the download cable, DATA0 transfers the
programming data, operation command, and address information from the download
cable into the EPCQ-L. During the EPCQ-L verification using the download cable,
DATA1 transfers the programming data back to the download cable.

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Multiple Configuration Devices Support

You are unable to select the number of configuration devices. Based on the
configuration device you selected in Convert Programming File tool, the Quartus Prime
software indicates the number of configuration devices required to fit the configuration
file generated. The following examples explain the multiple flash support:

Table 96. Example of Multiple Configuration Devices Requirements

• Only identical configuration devices are supported for the multiple configuration devices feature.
• Multiple configuration device feature supports up to 3 devices only.

Configuration Device Selected Configuration Data Size Configuration Device Required

EPCQ-L256 Larger than 256 Mbit and smaller than 512 MBit 2

EPCQ-L256 Larger than 512 Mbit and smaller than 768 MBit 3

Note: The Quartus Prime Convert Programming File tool creates a .jic file based on the
setting you set. Configuration will fail if the wrong configuration device type selected
in the Convert Programming File tool. However, configuration will work if the
configuration devices on your board are more than to the configuration devices
required by the generated configuration file.

The Quartus Prime programmer sees multiple configuration devices as a big storage
unit. It spans across the flash boundary automatically when the content to be stored
exceeds a particular flash capacity.

For example, in Table 96 on page 237, only a single JIC file will be generated. For RPD
file generation, multiple RPD files will be generated because the RPD files is
programmed directly to the flash with other tools, such as third-party programmer.
You must manage the RPD files and determine the right RPD to be programmed into
each flash.

7.2.2. Passive Serial Configuration

Figure 139. High-Level Overview of Flash Programming for PS Configuration Scheme

Quartus® Prime CPLD

Software FPGA
Configuration Data PFL
using JTAG

Common FPGA Not Used for

Flash Flash Programming

CFI Flash

The PS configuration scheme uses an external host. You can use a microprocessor,
MAX II device, MAX V device, or a host PC as the external host.

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You can use an external host to control the transfer of configuration data from an
external storage such as flash memory to the FPGA. The design that controls the
configuration process resides in the external host.

You can store the configuration data in Programmer Object File (.pof), .rbf, .hex,
or .ttf. If you are using configuration data in .rbf, .hex, or .ttf, send the LSB of
each data byte first. For example, if the .rbf contains the byte sequence
02 1B EE 01 FA, the serial data transmitted to the device must be 0100-0000
1101-1000 0111-0111 1000-0000 0101-1111.

You can use the PFL IP core with a MAX® II or MAX V device to read configuration data
from the flash memory device and configure the Arria 10 device.

For a PC host, connect the PC to the device using an Intel FPGA download cable.

The configuration data is shifted serially into the DATA0 pin of the device.

If you are using the Quartus Prime programmer and the CLKUSR pin is enabled, you
do not need to provide a clock source for the pin to initialize your device.

Related Information
• Arria 10 Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual
Provides more information about the configuration via HPS.
• Parallel Flash Loader Intel FPGA IP User Guide Passive Serial Single-Device Configuration Using an External Host

To configure Arria 10 device, connect the device to an external host, as shown in the
following figure.

Figure 140. Single Device PS Configuration Using an External Host

Connect the resistor to a power supply that provides an acceptable
input signal for the FPGA device. VCCPGM must be high enough to
meet the VIH specification of the I/O on the device and the external
Memory host. Altera recommends powering up all the configuration system
10 kΩ 10 kΩ FPGA Device

You can leave the nCEO pin
nSTATUS unconnected or use it as a user
External Host nCE
(MAX® II Device, nCEO N.C. I/O pin when it does not feed
MAX® V Device, or GND another device’s nCE pin.
Microprocessor DATA0

For more information, refer to

the MSEL pin settings. Passive Serial Single-Device Configuration Using an Intel FPGA

Download Cable

To configure Arria 10 device, connect the device to a download cable, as shown in the
following figure.

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Figure 141. Single Device PS Configuration Using an Intel FPGA Download Cable
Connect the pull-up resistor to the
same supply voltage (VCCIO ) as the
10 kΩ 10 kΩ 10 kΩ FPGA Device 10 kΩ 10 kΩ


nCE nCEO N.C. Download Cable

10-Pin Male Header


You only need the pull-up resistors on For more information,

DATA0 and DCLK if the download refer to the MSEL pin
cable is the only configuration scheme settings. GND
used on your board. This ensures that
DATA0 and DCLK are not left floating
after configuration. For example, if you
are also using a MAX II device, MAX V
device, or microprocessor, you do not
need the pull-up resistors on DATA0
and DCLK. Passive Serial Multi-Device Configuration

You can configure multiple Arria 10 devices that are connected in a chain. Pin Connections and Guidelines

Observe the following pin connections and guidelines for this configuration setup:
• Tie the following pins of all devices in the chain together:
By tying the CONF_DONE and nSTATUS pins together, the devices initialize and
enter user mode at the same time. If any device in the chain detects an error,
configuration stops for the entire chain and you must reconfigure all the devices.
For example, if the first device in the chain flags an error on the nSTATUS pin, it
resets the chain by pulling its nSTATUS pin low.
• If you are configuring the devices in the chain using the same configuration data,
the devices must be of the same package and density. Using Multiple Configuration Data

To configure multiple Arria 10 devices in a chain using multiple configuration data,

connect the devices to the external host as shown in the following figure.

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Note: By default, the nCEO pin is disabled in the Quartus Prime software. For the multi-
device configuration chain, you must enable the nCEO pin in the Quartus Prime
software. Otherwise, device configuration could fail.

Figure 142. Multiple Device PS Configuration when Both Devices Receive Different Sets of
Configuration Data
Connect the resistor to a power supply that provides an acceptable input signal for
the FPGA device. VCCPGM must be high enough to meet the VIH specification of the
I/O on the device and the external host. Altera recommends powering up all the
configuration system I/Os with VCCPGM .
Memory V CCPGM
10 kΩ 10 kΩ FPGA Device 1 FPGA Device 2
You can leave the nCEO pin
CONF_DONE CONF_DONE unconnected or use it as a
nSTATUS nSTATUS user I/O pin when it does not
External Host nCE nCEO nCE feed another device’s nCE
(MAX® II Device, nCEO N.C. pin.
MAX® V Device, or GND
Microprocessor DATA0 DATA0
For more information, refer
to the MSEL pin settings.

After a device completes configuration, its nCEO pin is released low to activate the
nCE pin of the next device in the chain. Configuration automatically begins for the
second device in one clock cycle. Using One Configuration Data

To configure multiple Arria 10 devices in a chain using one configuration data, connect
the devices to an external host, as shown in the following figure.

Note: By default, the nCEO pin is disabled in the Quartus Prime software. For the multi-
device configuration chain, you must enable the nCEO pin in the Quartus Prime
software. Otherwise, device configuration could fail.

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Figure 143. Multiple Device PS Configuration When Both Devices Receive the Same Set of
Configuration Data
Connect the resistor to a power supply that provides an acceptable input
signal for the FPGA device. VCCPGM must be high enough to meet the VIH
specification of the I/O on the device and the external host. Altera
recommends powering up all the configuration system I/Os with VCCPGM .
10 kΩ 10 kΩ FPGA Device 1 FPGA Device 2

External Host nCE nCEO N.C. nCE
(MAX® II Device, nCEO N.C.
MAX® V Device, or GND GND
Microprocessor DATA0 DATA0

For more information,

refer to the MSEL pin
You can leave the nCEO
pin unconnected or use it
as a user I/O pin.

The nCE pins of the devices in the chain are connected to GND, allowing configuration
for these devices to begin and end at the same time. Using PC Host and Download Cable

To configure multiple Arria 10 devices, connect the devices to a download cable, as

shown in the following figure.

Note: By default, the nCEO pin is disabled in the Quartus Prime software. For the multi-
device configuration chain, you must enable the nCEO pin in the Quartus Prime
software. Otherwise, device configuration could fail.

Figure 144. Multiple Device PS Configuration Using an Intel FPGA Download Cable
Connect the pull-up resistor to the
same supply voltage (VCCIO) as the
V CCPGM download cable.
V CCPGM Download Cable
10 kΩ 10-Pin Male Header
FPGA Device 1 10 kΩ
10 kΩ MSEL[2..0] DCLK
10 kΩ
You only need the pull-up resistors on GND
DATA0 and DCLK if the download cable DATA0
is the only configuration scheme used nCONFIG
on your board. This ensures that GND
DATA0 and DCLK are not left floating
after configuration. For example, if you
FPGA Device 2
are also using a configuration device,
you do not need the pull-up resistors on CONF_DONE
For more information, refer to
the MSEL pin settings.


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When a device completes configuration, its nCEO pin is released low to activate the
nCE pin of the next device. Configuration automatically begins for the second device.

7.2.3. Fast Passive Parallel Configuration

Figure 145. High-Level Overview of Flash Programming for FPP Configuration Scheme

Quartus® Prime CPLD

Software FPGA
Configuration Data PFL
using JTAG

Common FPGA Not Used for

Flash Flash Programming

CFI Flash

The FPP configuration scheme uses an external host, such as a microprocessor, MAX II
device, or MAX V device. This scheme is the fastest method to configure Arria 10
devices. The FPP configuration scheme supports 8-, 16-, and 32-bits data width.

You can use an external host to control the transfer of configuration data from an
external storage such as flash memory to the FPGA. The design that controls the
configuration process resides in the external host. You can store the configuration data
in Raw Binary File (.rbf), Hexadecimal (Altera-Format) File (.hex), or Tabular Text
File (.ttf) formats.

You can use the PFL IP core with a MAX II or MAX V device to read configuration data
from the flash memory device and configure the Arria 10 device.

Note: Two DCLK falling edges are required after the CONF_DONE pin goes high to begin the
initialization of the device for both uncompressed and compressed configuration data
in an FPP configuration.

Related Information
• Parallel Flash Loader Intel FPGA IP Core User Guide
• Arria 10 Device Datasheet
Provides more information about the FPP configuration timing. Fast Passive Parallel Single-Device Configuration

To configure an Arria 10 device, connect the device to an external host as shown in

the following figure.

Note: If you are using the FPP x8 configuration mode, use DATA[7..0] pins. If you are
using FPP x16 configuration mode, use DATA[15..0] pins. If you are using FPP x32
configuration mode, use DATA[31..0] pins.

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Figure 146. Single Device FPP Configuration Using an External Host

Connect the resistor to a supply that
provides an acceptable input signal
for the FPGA device. V CCPGM must be
high enough to meet the V IH
specification of the I/O on the device
and the external host. Altera
recommends powering up all
configuration system I/Os with VCCPGM .
10 kΩ 10 kΩ FPGA Device For more information, refer to
MSEL[2..0] the MSEL pin settings.
External Host nCE nCEO N.C.
(MAX® II Device,
MAX® V Device, or GND You can leave the nCEO pin
Microprocessor) DATA[]
unconnected or use it as a user
nCONFIG I/O pin when it does not feed
DCLK another device’s nCE pin.

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You can configure multiple Arria 10 devices that are connected in a chain. Pin Connections and Guidelines

Observe the following pin connections and guidelines for this configuration setup:
• Tie the following pins of all devices in the chain together:
— DATA[]
By tying the CONF_DONE and nSTATUS pins together, the devices initialize and
enter user mode at the same time. If any device in the chain detects an error,
configuration stops for the entire chain and you must reconfigure all the devices.
For example, if the first device in the chain flags an error on the nSTATUS pin, it
resets the chain by pulling its nSTATUS pin low.
• Ensure that DCLK and DATA[] are buffered for every fourth device to prevent
signal integrity and clock skew problems.
• All devices in the chain must use the same data width.
• If you are configuring the devices in the chain using the same configuration data,
the devices must be of the same package and density. Using Multiple Configuration Data

To configure multiple Arria 10 devices in a chain using multiple configuration data,

connect the devices to an external host as shown in the following figure.

Note: If you are using the FPP x8 configuration mode, use DATA[7..0] pins. If you are
using FPP x16 configuration mode, use DATA[15..0] pins. If you are using FPP x32
configuration mode, use DATA[31..0] pins.

Note: By default, the nCEO pin is disabled in the Quartus Prime software. For multi-device
configuration chain, you must enable the nCEO pin in the Quartus Prime software.
Otherwise, device configuration could fail.

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Figure 147. Multiple Device FPP Configuration Using an External Host When Both Devices
Receive a Different Set of Configuration Data
Connect the resistor to a supply
that provides an acceptable input
signal for the FPGA device.
V CCPGM must be high enough to
meet the V IH specification of the
I/O on the device and the external
host. Altera recommends
powering up all configuration
system I/Os with V CCPGM .
Memory For more information, refer to
V CCPGM V CCPGM the MSEL pin settings.
10 kΩ 10 kΩ FPGA Device Master FPGA Device Slave
MSEL[2..0] MSEL[2..0]
10 kΩ
External Host
(MAX® II Device, nCE nCEO nCE nCEO N.C.
MAX® V Device, or GND
Microprocessor) DATA[] DATA[] You can leave the nCEO pin
unconnected or use it as a user
nCONFIG nCONFIG I/O pin when it does not feed
DCLK DCLK another device’s nCE pin.

Connect the repeater buffers between the
FPGA master and slave device for DATA[]
and DCLK for every fourth device.

When a master device completes configuration, its nCEO pin is released low to activate
the nCE pin of the next device (for example, a slave device) in the chain.
Configuration automatically begins for the slave device in one clock cycle.

Note that after the master device receives the configuration bitstream and asserts its
nCEO pin low, it can no longer read data even when DCLK is toggling. Once the slave
device has received the complete configuration data from the host controller, the
master device will enter user mode. Using One Configuration Data

To configure multiple Arria 10 devices in a chain using one configuration data, connect
the devices to an external host as shown in the following figure.

Note: If you are using the FPP x8 configuration mode, use DATA[7..0] pins. If you are
using FPP x16 configuration mode, use DATA[15..0] pins. If you are using FPP x32
configuration mode, use DATA[31..0] pins.

Note: By default, the nCEO pin is disabled in the Quartus Prime software. For multi-device
configuration chain, you must enable the nCEO pin in the Quartus Prime software.
Otherwise, device configuration could fail.

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Figure 148. Multiple Device FPP Configuration Using an External Host When Both Devices
Receive the Same Data
Connect the resistor to a supply that
provides an acceptable input signal for the
FPGA device. VCCPGM must be high
enough to meet the V IH specification of
the I/O on the device and the external
host. Altera recommends powering up all
configuration system I/Os with V CCPGM . For more information, refer to
the MSEL pin settings.
10 kΩ 10 kΩ FPGA Device Master FPGA Device Slave
MSEL[2..0] MSEL[2..0]
External Host nCE nCE
(MAX® II Device,
MAX® V Device, or GND GND You can leave the nCEO pin
Microprocessor) DATA[] DATA[] unconnected or use it as a user
nCONFIG nCONFIG I/O pin when it does not feed
DCLK DCLK another device’s nCE pin.

Connect the repeater buffers between the
FPGA master and slave device for DATA[]
and DCLK for every fourth device.

The nCE pins of the device in the chain are connected to GND, allowing configuration
for these devices to begin and end at the same time.

7.2.4. JTAG Configuration

In Arria 10 devices, JTAG instructions take precedence over other configuration

The Quartus Prime software generates an SRAM Object File (.sof) that you can use for
JTAG configuration using a download cable in the Quartus Prime software programmer.
Alternatively, you can use the JRunner software with .rbf or a JAM™ Standard Test and
Programming Language (STAPL) Format File (.jam) or JAM Byte Code File (.jbc) with
other third-party programmer tools.

Note: You cannot use the Arria 10 decompression or design security features if you are
configuring your Arria 10 device using JTAG-based configuration.

The chip-wide reset (DEV_CLRn) and chip-wide output enable (DEV_OE) pins on Arria
10 devices do not affect JTAG boundary-scan or programming operations.

The Intel FPGA download cable can support VCCPGM supply at 1.5 V or 1.8 V; it does
not support a target supply voltage of 1.2 V.

Related Information
• Device Configuration Pins on page 260
Provides more information about JTAG configuration pins.
• JTAG Secure Mode on page 275
• Arria 10 Device Datasheet
Provides more information about the JTAG configuration timing.
• Programming Support for Jam STAPL Language
• Intel FPGA Download Cable User Guide
• ByteBlaster II Download Cable User Guide

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• EthernetBlaster Communications Cable User Guide

• EthernetBlaster II Communications Cable User Guide JTAG Single-Device Configuration

To configure a single device in a JTAG chain, the programming software sets the other
devices to bypass mode. A device in a bypass mode transfers the programming data
from the TDI pin to the TDO pin through a single bypass register. The configuration
data is available on the TDO pin one clock cycle later.

The Quartus Prime software can use the CONF_DONE pin to verify the completion of
the configuration process through the JTAG port:
• CONF_DONE pin is low—indicates that configuration has failed.
• CONF_DONE pin is high—indicates that configuration was successful.

After the configuration data is transmitted serially using the JTAG TDI port, the TCK
port is clocked an additional 1,222 cycles to perform device initialization.

To configure Arria 10 device using a download cable, connect the device as shown in
the following figure.

Figure 149. JTAG Configuration of a Single Device Using a Download Cable

The resistor value can vary from
1 kΩ to 10 kΩ. Perform signal
integrity analysis to select the V CCPGM
resistor value for your setup. Connect the pull-up
resistor V CCPGM.
10 kΩ 10 kΩ FPGA Device
You must connect
nCE to GND or drive
it low for successful TMS
JTAG configuration. nSTATUS
CONF_DONE V CCPGM Download Cable
nCONFIG 10-Pin Male Header
TRST (JTAG Mode) (Top View)

If you only use the JTAG configuration, connect

nCONFIG to VCCPGM and MSEL[2..0] to GND. Pull GND
DCLK either high or low, whichever is convenient
on your board. If you are using JTAG in
conjunction with another configuration scheme, 1 kΩ
connect MSEL[2..0], nCONFIG, and DCLK based
on the selected configuration scheme.

To configure Arria 10 device using a microprocessor, connect the device as shown in

the following figure. You can use JRunner as your software driver.

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Figure 150. JTAG Configuration of a Single Device Using a Microprocessor

Memory Connect the pull-up resistor to a

V CCPGM V CCPGM supply that provides an
ADDR DATA acceptable input signal for all
10 kΩ 10 kΩ FPGA devices in the chain.
FPGA Device V CCPGM must be high enough to
V CCPGM meet the VIH specification of the
nSTATUS I/O on the device.
TCK DCLK If you only use the JTAG configuration, connect
Microprocessor nCONFIG nCONFIG to VCCPGM and MSEL[2..0] to GND. Pull
TDO MSEL[2..0] DCLK high or low. If you are using JTAG in
nCEO N.C. conjunction with another configuration scheme, set
nCE the MSEL[2..0] pins and tie nCONFIG and DCLK
GND based on the selected configuration scheme.

The microprocessor must use Connect nCE to GND or

the same I/O standard as drive it low.
V CCPGM to drive the JTAG pins.

Related Information
AN 414: The JRunner Software Driver: An Embedded Solution for PLD JTAG
Configuration JTAG Multi-Device Configuration

You can configure multiple devices in a JTAG chain. Pin Connections and Guidelines

Observe the following pin connections and guidelines for this configuration setup:
• Isolate the CONF_DONE and nSTATUS pins to allow each device to enter user
mode independently.
• One JTAG-compatible header is connected to several devices in a JTAG chain. The
number of devices in the chain is limited only by the drive capability of the
download cable.
• If you have four or more devices in a JTAG chain, buffer the TCK, TDI, and TMS
pins with an on-board buffer. You can also connect other Altera FPGAs with JTAG
support to the chain.
• JTAG-chain device programming is ideal when the system contains multiple
devices or when testing your system using the JTAG boundary-scan testing (BST)

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The following figure shows a multi-device JTAG configuration.

Figure 151. JTAG Configuration of Multiple Devices Using a Download Cable

If you only use the JTAG configuration, connect nCONFIG to V CCPGM and MSEL[2..0]
to GND. Pull DCLK either high or low, whichever is convenient on your board. If you are
using JTAG in conjunction with another configuration scheme, connect MSEL[2..0],
Connect the pull-up nCONFIG, and DCLK based on the selected configuration scheme.
resistor V CCPGM .

Download Cable FPGA Device FPGA Device FPGA Device

10-Pin Male Header
(JTAG Mode) 10 kΩ 10 kΩ 10 kΩ 10 kΩ 10 kΩ 10 kΩ
MSEL[2..0] MSEL[2..0] MSEL[2..0]

1 kΩ The resistor value can vary from 1 kΩ to 10

kΩ. Perform signal integrity analysis to
select the resistor value for your setup.

Related Information
AN 656: Combining Multiple Configuration Schemes
Provides more information about combining JTAG configuration with other
configuration schemes.

7.3. Configuration Details

This section describes the MSEL pin settings, configuration sequence, device
configuration pins, configuration pin options, and configuration data compression.

7.3.1. MSEL Pin Settings

To select a configuration scheme, hardwire the MSEL pins to VCCPGM or GND without
pull-up or pull-down resistors.


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Table 97. MSEL Pin Settings for Each Configuration Scheme of Arria 10 Devices
• Do not drive the MSEL pins with a microprocessor or another device.
• Use PS or FPP MSEL pin setting for configuration via HPS.

Configuration Scheme VCCPGM (V) Power-On Reset (POR) Valid MSEL[2..0]


JTAG-based configuration — — Use any valid MSEL pin

settings below

AS (x1 and x4) 1.8 Fast 010

Standard 011

PS and 1.2/1.5/1.8 Fast 000

FPP (x8, x16, and x32)
Standard 001

Note: You must also select the configuration scheme in the Configuration page of the
Device and Pin Options dialog box in the Quartus Prime software. Based on your
selection, the option bit in the programming file is set accordingly.

Related Information
• Arria 10 Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual
Provides more information about the configuration via HPS.
• Arria 10 GX, GT, and SX Device Family Pin Connection Guidelines
Provides more information about JTAG pins voltage-level connection.

7.3.2. CLKUSR
You can use CLKUSR pin as the clock source for Arria 10 device configuration and
initialization. CLKUSR pin can also be used for configuration and transceiver calibration

For transceiver calibration, CLKUSR must be a free-running clock running between 100
MHz to 125 MHz at power-up depending on the device’s configuration scheme as
shown in the following table. Transceiver calibration starts utilizing the CLKUSR during
device configuration and may continue to use it even when the device enters user

Note: CLKUSR cannot be used as the reference clock for PLL.

Table 98. Available Configuration Clock Source and Transceiver Calibration CLKUSR
Frequency for Arria 10 Devices
Configuration Supported Clock Source for Supported Clock Source for Supported CLKUSR
Scheme Device Configuration Device Initialization Frequency for Transceiver

AS Internal Oscillator Internal Oscillator 100 to 125 MHz


PS DCLK only Internal Oscillator, CLKUSR, 100 to 125 MHz

FPP (x8, x16, x32)

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Related Information
Arria 10 GX, GT, and SX Device Family Pin Connection Guidelines
Provides more information about CLKUSR pin.

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7.3.3. Configuration Sequence

Describes the configuration sequence and each configuration stage.

Figure 152. Configuration Sequence for Arria 10 Devices

Power Up
driven low
• All I/Os pins are tied to an
internal weak pull-up
• Clears configuration RAM bits
Power supplies including VCCPGM reach
recommended operating voltage

remain low
• All I/Os pins are tied to an
internal weak pull-up
• Samples MSEL pins
nSTATUS and nCONFIG released high
CONF_DONE pulled low

Configuration Error Handling Configuration

• nSTATUS pulled low Writes configuration data to

• CONF_DONE remains low FPGA
• Restarts configuration if option

CONF_DONE released high


• Initializes internal logic and

• Enables I/O buffers
INIT_DONE released high
(if option enabled)

User Mode

Executes your design

You can initiate reconfiguration by pulling the nCONFIG pin low to at least the
minimum tCFG low-pulse width except for configuration using the partial
reconfiguration operation. When this pin is pulled low, the nSTATUS and CONF_DONE
pins are pulled low and all I/O pins are tied to an internal weak pull-up.

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Power up all the power supplies that are monitored by the POR circuitry. All power
supplies, including VCCPGM, must ramp up from 0 V to the recommended operating
voltage level within the ramp-up time specification. Otherwise, hold the nCONFIG pin
low until all the power supplies reach the recommended voltage level.


The configuration input buffers do not have to share power lines with the regular I/O
buffers in Arria 10 devices. Connect VCCPGM to 1.8 V.

The operating voltage for the configuration input pin is independent of the I/O banks
power supply, VCCIO, during configuration. Therefore, Arria 10 devices do not require
configuration voltage constraints on VCCIO.

Altera recommends connecting the I/O banks power supply, VCCIO, of the dual-purpose
configuration pins for FPP x8, x16, and x32 to VCCPGM.

Related Information
• Arria 10 Device Datasheet
Provides more information about the ramp-up time specifications.
• Arria 10 GX, GT, and SX Device Family Pin Connection Guidelines
Provides more information about configuration pin connections.
• Device Configuration Pins on page 260
Provides more information about configuration pins. Reset

POR delay is the time frame between the time when all the power supplies monitored
by the POR circuitry reach the recommended operating voltage and when nSTATUS is
released high and the Arria 10 device is ready to begin configuration.

Set the POR delay using the MSEL pins.

The user I/O pins are tied to an internal weak pull-up until the device is configured.

Related Information
• MSEL Pin Settings on page 249
• Arria 10 Device Datasheet
Provides more information about the POR delay specification. Configuration

For more information about the DATA[] pins for each configuration scheme, refer to
the appropriate configuration scheme. Configuration Error Detection

When the Quartus Prime software generates the configuration bitstream, the software
also computes a 32-bit CRC value for each CRAM frame. A configuration bitstream
contains one CRC value for each data frames. The length of the data frame can vary
for each device.

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As each data frame is loaded into the FPGA during configuration, the precomputed
CRC value shifts into the CRC circuitry. At the same time, the CRC engine in the FPGA
computes the CRC value for the data frame and compares it against the precomputed
CRC value. If both CRC values do not match, the nSTATUS pin is set to low to indicate
a configuration error. Configuration Error Handling

To restart configuration automatically, turn on the Auto-restart configuration after

error option in the General page of the Device and Pin Options dialog box in the
Quartus Prime software.

If you do not turn on this option, you can monitor the nSTATUS pin to detect errors.
To restart configuration, pull the nCONFIG pin low for at least the duration of tCFG.

Related Information
Arria 10 Device Datasheet
Provides more information about t STATUS and t CFG timing parameters. Initialization

The initialization clock source is from the internal oscillator, CLKUSR pin, or DCLK pin.
By default, the internal oscillator is the clock source for initialization. If you use the
internal oscillator, the Arria 10 device provides enough clock cycles for proper

Note: If you use the optional CLKUSR pin as the initialization clock source and the nCONFIG
pin is pulled low to restart configuration during device initialization, ensure that the
CLKUSR or DCLK pin continues toggling until the nSTATUS pin goes low and then goes
high again.

The CLKUSR pin provides you with the flexibility to synchronize initialization of
multiple devices or to delay initialization. Supplying a clock on the CLKUSR pin during
initialization does not affect configuration. After the CONF_DONE pin goes high, the
CLKUSR or DCLK pin is enabled after the time specified by tCD2CU. When this time
period elapses, Arria 10 devices require a minimum number of clock cycles as
specified by Tinit to initialize properly and enter user mode as specified by the tCD2UMC

Related Information
Arria 10 Device Datasheet
Provides more information about t CD2CU ,t init , and t CD2UMC timing parameters,
and initialization clock source. User Mode

You can enable the optional INIT_DONE pin to monitor the initialization stage. After
the INIT_DONE pin is pulled high, initialization completes and your design starts
executing. The user I/O pins then function as specified by your design.

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During device initialization stage, the FPGA registers, core logic, and I/O are not
released from reset at the same time. The increase in clock frequency, device size,
and design complexity require a reset strategy that considers the differences in the
release from reset. Altera recommends that you use the following implementations to
reset your design properly and until the device has fully entered user mode:
• Hold the entire design in reset for a period of time by following the CONF_DONE
high to user mode (tCD2UM) or CONF_DONE high to user mode with CLKUSR option
turned on (tCD2UMC) specifications as defined in the Arria 10 Device Datasheet
before starting any operation after the device enters into user mode. For example,
the tCD2UM range for Arria 10 device is between 175 us to 830 us.
• Use an internal init_done signal to hold the reset of your core registers, core
logic, and I/O registers until the device has fully entered user mode. The internal
init_done signal is high (enabled) until the entire device enters user mode.

twentynm_controller u1 (



• If you have an external device that reacts based on an Altera FPGA output pin,
perform the following steps to avoid false reaction:
— Ensure that the external device ignores the state of the FPGA output pin until
the external INIT_DONE pin goes high. Refer to the tCD2UM or tCD2UMC
specifications in the Arria 10 Device Datasheet for more information.
— Keep the input state to the external device constant by using the external
logic until the external INIT_DONE pin goes high.

Related Information
Arria 10 Device Datasheet
Provides more information about t CD2UM and t CD2UMC specifications.

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7.3.4. Configuration Timing Waveforms FPP Configuration Timing

Figure 153. FPP Configuration Timing Waveform When the DCLK-to-DATA[] Ratio is 1
In user mode, nCONFIG, nSTATUS, and CONF_DONE are at logic high levels. When nCONFIG is pulled low, a
reconfiguration cycle begins.
Reconfiguration triggered
t CF2ST0 tCF2ST1
DCLK (7) (3)
DATA[31..0] (4) Word 0 Word 1 Word 2 Word 3 Word n-1 User Mode Word 0 Word 1
User I/O High-Z User Mode High-Z

STATE Power-up & Reset Configuration Initialization User Mode Reset Configuration

(1) After power-up, the device holds nSTATUS low for the time of the POR delay.
(2) After power-up, before and during configuration, CONF_DONE is low.
(3) Do not leave DCLK floating after configuration. DCLK is ignored after configuration is complete. It can toggle high or low if required.
(4) For FPP ×16, use DATA[15..0]. For FPP ×8, use DATA[7..0]. DATA[31..0] are available as a user I/O pin after configuration. The state of this pin depends on
the dual-purpose pin settings.
(5) To ensure a successful configuration, send the entire configuration data to the device. CONF_DONE is released high when the device receives all the
configuration data successfully. After CONF_DONE goes high, send two additional falling edges on DCLK to begin initialization and enter user mode.
(6) After the option bit to enable the INIT_DONE pin is configured into the device, the INIT_DONE goes low.
(7) Do not toggle the DCLK high before nSTATUS is pulled high.

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Figure 154. FPP Configuration Timing Waveform When the DCLK-to-DATA[] Ratio is >1
In user mode, nCONFIG, nSTATUS, and CONF_DONE are at logic high levels. When nCONFIG is pulled low, a
reconfiguration cycle begins.
Reconfiguration triggered
t CF2ST0 tCF2ST1

DCLK (4) (8) 1 2 r (5) 1 2 r r 1 (3)

DATA[31..0] (6) Word 0 Word 2 Word (n-1) User Mode Word 0
User I/O High-Z User Mode High-Z


STATE Power-up & Reset Configuration Initialization User Mode Reset Configuration

(1) After power-up, the device holds nSTATUS low for the time as specified by the POR delay.
(2) After power-up, before and during configuration, CONF_DONE is low.
(3) Do not leave DCLK floating after configuration. You can drive it high or low, whichever is more convenient.
(4) “r” denotes the DCLK-to-DATA[] ratio. For the DCLK-to-DATA[] ratio based on the decompression and the design security feature enable settings.
(5) If needed, pause DCLK by holding it low. When DCLK restarts, the external host must provide data on the DATA[31..0] pins prior to sending the first DCLK rising edge.
(6) To ensure a successful configuration, send the entire configuration data to the device. CONF_DONE is released high after the device receives all the configuration data successfully.
After CONF_DONE goes high, send two additional falling edges on DCLK to begin initialization and enter user mode.
(7) After the option bit to enable the INIT_DONE pin is configured into the device, the INIT_DONE goes low.
(8) Do not toggle the DCLK high before nSTATUS is pulled high.

Related Information
DCLK-to-DATA[] Ratio (r) for FPP Configuration

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Figure 155. AS Configuration Timing Waveform

tCF2ST1 triggered



nCSO (4)


AS_DATA0/ASDO Read Address


AS_DATA1 (1) bit 0 bit 1 bit(n-2) bit(n-1)

User I/O High-Z User Mode High-Z

tCD2UM (2)


STATE Power-up & Reset Configuration Initialization User Mode Reset Configuration

(1) If you are using AS ×4 mode, this signal represents the AS_DATA[3..0] and EPCQ-L sends in 4-bits of data for each DCLK cycle.
(2) The initialization clock can be from internal oscillator or CLKUSR pin.
(3) After the option bit to enable the INIT_DONE pin is configured into the device, the INIT_DONE goes low.
(4) The time between the falling edge of nCSO to the first toggling of DCLK is more than 15ns.

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Figure 156. PS Configuration Timing Waveform

In user mode, nCONFIG, nSTATUS, and CONF_DONE are at logic high levels. When nCONFIG is pulled low, a
reconfiguration cycle begins.
Reconfiguration triggered
DCLK (7) (3)
DATA0 Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit (n-1) Bit 0
User I/O High-Z User Mode High-Z

STATE Power-up & Reset Configuration Initialization User Mode Reset Configuration

(1) After power-up, the device holds nSTATUS low for the time of the POR delay.
(2) After power-up, before and during configuration, CONF_DONE is low.
(3) Do not leave DCLK floating after configuration. You can drive it high or low, whichever is more convenient.
(4) DATA0 is available as a user I/O pin after configuration. The state of this pin depends on the dual-purpose pin settings in the Device and Pins Option.
(5) To ensure a successful configuration, send the entire configuration data to the device. CONF_DONE is released high after the device receives all the
configuration data successfully. After CONF_DONE goes high, send two additional falling edges on DCLK to begin initialization and enter user mode.
(6) After the option bit to enable the INIT_DONE pin is configured into the device, the INIT_DONE goes low.
(7) Do not toggle the DCLK high before nSTATUS is pulled high.

7.3.5. Estimating Configuration Time

The configuration time is mostly the time it takes to transfer the configuration data
from a CFI flash memory or an EPCQ-L device to the Arria 10 device.

Use the following equations to estimate the configuration time:

AS Configuration

By default, the AS x1 mode is used. The Arria 10 device determines the AS mode by
reading the option bit in the programming file.
• AS x1 mode
Estimated minimum configuration time=
.rbf size x (minimum DCLK period / 1 bit per DCLK cycle)
• AS x4 mode
Estimated minimum configuration time
= .rbf size x (minimum DCLK period / 4 bits per DCLK cycle)

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PS Configuration

Estimated minimum configuration time = .rbf size x (minimum DCLK period / 1 bit per
DCLK cycle)

FPP Configuration

Estimated minimum configuration time = .rbf size/FPP data width x r x minimum

DCLK period

where r is the DCLK-to-DATA[] ratio.

Note: Compressing the configuration data decreases the configuration time. The amount of
time increased varies depending on the configuration method and corresponding DCLK

Related Information
DCLK-to-DATA[] Ratio (r) for FPP Configuration

7.3.6. Device Configuration Pins

Configuration Pins Summary

The following table lists the Arria 10 configuration pins and their power supply.

Note: 1. The TDI, TMS, TCK, TDO, and TRST pins are powered by VCCPGM.
2. The CLKUSR, DEV_OE, DEV_CLRn, DATA[31..1], and DATA0 pins are powered by
VCCPGM during configuration and by VCCIO of the bank in which the pin resides if
you use it as a user I/O pin.

Table 99. Configuration Pin Summary for Arria 10 Devices

Configuration Pin Configuration Scheme Input/Output User Mode Powered By






Optional, All schemes Input I/O VCCPGM/VCCIO (34)


CRC_ERROR Optional, all schemes Output I/O VCCPGM /Pull-up

CONF_DONE All schemes Bidirectional — VCCPGM/Pull-up


AS Output — VCCPGM

Optional, all schemes Input I/O VCCPGM/VCCIO (34)


Optional, all schemes Input I/O VCCPGM/VCCIO (34)


INIT_DONE Optional, all schemes Output I/O Pull-up


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Configuration Pin Configuration Scheme Input/Output User Mode Powered By

MSEL[2..0] All schemes Input — VCCPGM

nSTATUS All schemes Bidirectional — VCCPGM/Pull-up

nCE All schemes Input — VCCPGM

nCEO Optional, All schemes Output I/O Pull-up

nCONFIG All schemes Input — VCCPGM



FPP and PS Input I/O VCCPGM/VCCIO (34)


nCSO[2..0] AS Output — VCCPGM

nIO_PULLUP (33) All schemes Input — VCC

AS_DATA[3..1] AS Bidirectional — VCCPGM

AS_DATA0/ASDO AS Bidirectional — VCCPGM

Partial Reconfiguration Input I/O VCCPGM/VCCIO (34)


Partial Reconfiguration Output I/O VCCPGM/VCCIO (34)


Partial Reconfiguration Output I/O VCCPGM/VCCIO (34)


Partial Reconfiguration Output I/O VCCPGM/VCCIO (34)


Related Information
Arria 10 GX, GT, and SX Device Family Pin Connection Guidelines
Provides more information about each configuration pin. I/O Standards and Drive Strength for Configuration Pins

The standard I/O voltage for Arria 10 devices is 1.8 V. The drive strength setting for
dedicated configuration I/O are hardwired. The default drive strength for dual function
configuration I/O pins during configuration is 1.8V at 50 Ω. When you enable the
configuration pins, the Quartus Prime software sets the CVP_CONF_DONE pin to a
drive strength of 1.8 V CMOS 4 mA, and the INIT_DONE and CRC_ERROR pins to a
drive strength of 1.8 V CMOS 8 mA.

Table 100. I/O Standards and Drive Strength for Configuration Pins
Configuration Pin Input/Output/ Drive Strength Slew Rate I/O Standard
Bidir (mA) (Fast/Slow)

TDI Input — — 1.8V schmitt trigger

TCK Input — — 1.8V schmitt trigger


If you tie nIO_PULLUP pin to VCC, ensure that all user I/O pins and dual-purpose I/O pins are
at valid logic (0 or 1) after all the power supplies have reached full nominal voltage, before
and during configuration.
(34) This pin is powered by VCCPGM before and during configuration and is powered by VCCIO if used
as a user I/O pin during user mode.

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Configuration Pin Input/Output/ Drive Strength Slew Rate I/O Standard

Bidir (mA) (Fast/Slow)

TMS Input — — 1.8V schmitt trigger

TRST Input — — 1.8V schmitt trigger

TDO Output 12 1.8V LVCMOS

AS_DATA[0]/ASDO Bidir 24(35) 1 (Fast) 1.8V LVCMOS

AS_DATA[3:1] Bidir 24(35) 1 (Fast) 1.8V LVCMOS

DCLK Bidir 24(35) 1 (Fast) 1.8V LVCMOS

MSEL[2:0] Input — — 1.8V schmitt trigger

nCE Input — — 1.8V schmitt trigger

nCONFIG Input — — 1.8V schmitt trigger

nIO_PULLUP Input — — 1.8V schmitt trigger

nSTATUS Bidir 4 1 (Fast) 1.8V LVCMOS

CONF_DONE Bidir 4 1 (Fast) 1.8V LVCMOS

INIT_DONE Bidir 8 1 (Fast) 1.8V LVCMOS

nCSO[2:0] Output 12 1 (Fast) 1.8V LVCMOS

DATA[31:0] Input — — 1.8V LVCMOS

CRC_ERROR Bidir 8 1 (Fast) 1.8V LVCMOS

CvP_CONFDONE Bidir 4 1 (Fast) 1.8V LVCMOS Configuration Pin Options in the Quartus Prime Software

The following table lists the dual-purpose configuration pins available in the Device
and Pin Options dialog box in the Quartus Prime software.

Table 101. Configuration Pin Options

Configuration Pin Category Page Option

CLKUSR General Enable user-supplied start-up clock


DEV_CLRn General Enable device-wide reset (DEV_CLRn)

DEV_OE General Enable device-wide output enable


INIT_DONE General Enable INIT_DONE output

nCEO General Enable nCEO pin

CRC_ERROR Error Detection CRC Enable Error Detection CRC_ERROR pin

Enable open drain on CRC_ERROR pin

Enable internal scrubbing


(35) 24 mA drive strength IBIS model is not available for I/O simulation. Altera recommends to
use 12 mA drive strength IBIS model as a replacement.

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Configuration Pin Category Page Option

PR_REQUEST General Enable PR pin




Related Information
Reviewing Printed Circuit Board Schematics with the Quartus Prime Software
Provides more information about the device and pin options dialog box setting.

7.3.7. Configuration Data Compression

Arria 10 devices can receive compressed configuration bitstream and decompress the
data in real-time during configuration. Preliminary data indicates that compression
typically reduces the configuration file size by 30% to 55% depending on the design.

Decompression is supported in all configuration schemes except the JTAG

configuration scheme.

You can enable compression before or after design compilation.

Note: You cannot enable encryption and compression at the same time for all configuration
scheme. Enabling Compression Before Design Compilation

To enable compression before design compilation, follow these steps:

1. On the Assignment Menu, click Device.

2. Select your Arria 10 device and then click Device and Pin Options.
3. In the Device and Pin Options window, select Configuration under the
Category list and turn on Generate compressed bitstreams. Enabling Compression After Design Compilation

To enable compression after design compilation, follow these steps:

1. On the File menu, click Convert Programming Files.

2. Select the programming file type (.pof, .sof, .hex, .hexout, .rbf, or .ttf). For
POF output files, select a configuration device.
3. Under the Input files to convert list, select SOF Data.
4. Click Add File and select an Arria 10 device .sof.
5. Select the name of the file you added to the SOF Data area and click Properties.
6. Turn on the Compression check box.

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683461 | 2024.07.08 Using Compression in Multi-Device Configuration

The following figure shows a chain of two Arria 10 devices. Compression is only
enabled for the first device.

This setup is supported by the AS or PS multi-device configuration only.

Figure 157. Compressed and Uncompressed Serial Configuration Data in the Same
Configuration File
Serial Configuration Data

External Host
Compressed Uncompressed
Configuration Configuration
Data Data
Device 1 Device 2

For the FPP configuration scheme, a combination of compressed and uncompressed

configuration in the same multi-device configuration chain is not allowed because of
the difference on the DCLK-to-DATA[] ratio.

7.4. Remote System Upgrades Using Active Serial Scheme

Arria 10 devices contain dedicated remote system upgrade circuitry. You can use this
feature to upgrade your system from a remote location.

Figure 158. Arria 10 Remote System Upgrade Block Diagram


Development Configuration
Data Remote System Memory
Location Upgrade Circuitry

FPGA Configuration

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You can design your system to manage remote upgrades of the application
configuration images in the configuration device. The following list is the sequence of
the remote system upgrade:
1. The logic (embedded processor or user logic) in the Arria 10 device receives a
configuration image from a remote location. You can connect the device to the
remote source using communication protocols such as TCP/IP, PCI, user datagram
protocol (UDP), UART, or a proprietary interface.
2. The logic stores the configuration image in non-volatile configuration memory.
3. The logic starts reconfiguration cycle using the newly received configuration

When an error occurs, the circuitry detects the error, reverts to a safe configuration
image, and provides error status to your design.

7.4.1. Configuration Images

Arria 10 devices offer a new remote system upgrade feature which provides direct-to-
application and application-to-application updates. When the Arria 10 device is
powered up in the remote update programming mode, the Arria 10 device loads the
factory or application configuration image as indicated by the start address pointer at
32'd0 address of the EPCQ-L device.

Each Arria 10 device in your system requires one factory image. The factory image is
a user-defined configuration image that contains logic to perform the following:
• Processes errors based on the status provided by the dedicated remote system
upgrade circuitry.
• Communicates with the remote host, receives new application images, and stores
the images in the local non-volatile memory device.
• Determines the application image to load into the Arria 10 device.
• Enables or disables the user watchdog timer and loads its time-out value.
• Instructs the dedicated remote system upgrade circuitry to start a reconfiguration

You can also create one or more application images for the device. An application
image contains selected functionalities to be implemented in the target device.

Store the images at the following locations in the EPCQ-L devices:

• Factory configuration image—PGM[31..0] = 32'h00000020 start address on the
EPCQ-L device.
• Application configuration image—any sector boundary. Altera recommends that
you store only one image at one sector boundary.
• Start address (0x00 to 0x1F)—storing the 32-bit address pointer to load the
application configuration image upon power up.

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Figure 159. Start Address and Factory Address Location

The following diagram illustrates factory, user data, application 1, and application 2 sections. Each section
starts at a new sector boundary.

Application 2

Application 1

User Data

Factory Programmed by
Quartus® Prime Software
Factory Address 32’d32
Address Pointer
Start Address 32’d0

Note: Altera recommends that you set a fixed start address and never update the start
address during user mode. You should only overwrite an existing application
configuration image when you have a new application image. This is to avoid the
factory configuration image to be erased unintentionally every time you update the
start address.

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7.4.2. Configuration Sequence in the Remote Update Mode

Figure 160. Transitions Between Factory and Application Configurations in Remote
Update Mode
Trigger reconfiguration & Start Address = 0 After POR or Trigger reconfiguration & Start Address = 0
or externaly pulse nCONFIG nCONFIG Assertion or externaly pulse nCONFIG

Read Start Address Error Count <= 3

from Flash

Factory Configuration Application Configuration

Error Count > 3 Load Application

Load Factory POF
Number POF
Reconfiguration &
Reconfiguration & Start Address > 0
Start Address = 32 and not 32
Watchdog No Error
Enter Factory Enter Application
User Mode User Mode
Reconfiguration & Reconfiguration &
Start Address > 0 and not 32 Start Address = 32*

* The start address for the factory image must be 32 (in hex is 0x20).

Upon power up or reconfiguration triggered using nCONFIG, the AS controller reads

the start address from the EPCQ-L device and loads the initial configuration image,
either the factory or application configuration image. If the initial image is an
application configuration image and an error occurs, the controller tries to load the
same initial application configuration image for three times before loading the factory
configuration image. If the initial application configuration image encounters a user
watchdog timeout error, the controller loads the factory configuration image. You can
load a new application configuration image during factory user mode or application
user mode. If an error is encountered, the controller loads the factory configuration

Note: When error occurs, the AS controller loads the same application configuration image
for three times before reverting to factory configuration image. By that time, the total
time taken exceeds 100 ms and violates the PCIe boot-up time when using CvP. If
your design is sensitive to the PCIe boot-up requirement, Altera recommends that you
do not use the direct-to-application feature.

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Related Information
Remote System Upgrade State Machine on page 271
A detailed description of the configuration sequence in the remote update mode.

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7.4.3. Remote System Upgrade Circuitry

The remote system upgrade circuitry contains the remote system upgrade registers,
watchdog timer, and a state machine that controls these components.

Note: If you are using the Altera Remote Update IP core, the IP core controls the RU_DOUT,
RU_CTL[1:0], RU_CLK, RU_DIN, RU_nCONFIG, and RU_nRSTIMER signals internally
to perform all the related remote system upgrade operations.

Figure 161. Remote System Upgrade Circuitry

Internal Oscillator

Status Register (SR) Control Register

[4..0] [45..0]

Logic Array

Update Register
[45..0] update

Shift Register
System User
dout din dout din Upgrade Timeout Watchdog
Bit [4..0] Bit [45..0]
capture capture State Timer

clkout capture update

Logic Array clkin


Logic Array

Related Information
Arria 10 Device Datasheet
Provides more information about remote system upgrade circuitry timing

7.4.4. Enabling Remote System Upgrade Circuitry

To enable the remote system upgrade feature, select Active Serial or Configuration
Device from the Configuration scheme list in the Configuration page of the Device
and Pin Options dialog box in the Quartus Prime software.

Altera-provided Remote Update Intel FPGA IP core provides a memory-like interface to

the remote system upgrade circuitry and handles the shift register read and write
protocol in the Arria 10 device logic.

Related Information
Remote Update Intel FPGA IP User Guide

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7.4.5. Remote System Upgrade Registers

Table 102. Remote System Upgrade Registers
Register Description

Shift This register is accessible by the core logic and allows the update, status, and control registers to
be written and sampled by user logic.

Control This register contains the current page address, watchdog timer settings, and one bit specifying
the current configuration image—factory configuration or application configuration image. This
register is used by the AS controller to load the configuration image from the EPCQ-L device
during remote system upgrade.

Update This register contains similar data as the control register, but this register is updated by the
factory configuration or application configuration image by shifting data into the shift register,
followed by an update. The soft IP core of the remote system upgrade updates this register with
the values to be used in the control register during the next reconfiguration cycle.

Status This register is written by the remote update block during every reconfiguration cycle to record
the trigger of a reconfiguration. This information is used by the soft IP core of the remote system
upgrade to determine the appropriate action following a reconfiguration cycle.

Related Information
• Control Register on page 270
• Status Register on page 271 Control Register

Table 103. Control Register Bits

Bit Name Reset Description

0 AnF 1'b0 Application not Factory bit. Indicates the configuration

image type currently loaded in the device; 0 for factory
image and 1 for application image. When this bit is 1,
the access to the control register is limited to read only
and the watchdog timer is enabled.
Factory configuration design must set this bit to 1 before
triggering reconfiguration using an application
configuration image.

1..32 PGM[0..31] 32'h00000000 AS configuration start address.

33 Wd_en 1'b0 User watchdog timer enable bit. Set this bit to 1 to
enable the watchdog timer.

34..45 Wd_timer[11..0] 12'h000 User watchdog time-out value.

(36) This is the default value after the device exits POR and during reconfiguration back to the
factory configuration image.

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Table 104. Status Register Bits

Bit Name Reset Description

0 CRC 1'b0 When set to 1, indicates CRC error during application


1 nSTATUS 1'b0 When set to 1, indicates that nSTATUS is asserted by an external

device due to error.

2 Core_nCONFIG 1'b0 When set to 1, indicates that reconfiguration has been triggered
by the logic array of the device.

3 nCONFIG 1'b0 When set to 1, indicates that nCONFIG is asserted.

4 Wd 1'b0 When set to 1, indicates that the user watchdog time-out.

7.4.6. Remote System Upgrade State Machine

The operation of the remote system upgrade state machine is as follows:

1. After power-up, the remote system upgrade registers are reset to 0 and the
factory or application configuration image is loaded based on the start address
stored at 0x00 to 0x1F in the EPCQ-L device.
2. In factory configuration image, the user logic sets the AnF bit to 1 and the start
address of the application image to be loaded. The user logic also writes the
watchdog timer settings.
3. When the configuration reset (RU_CONFIG) goes low, the state machine updates
the control register with the contents of the update register, and triggers
reconfiguration using the application configuration image.
4. If error occurs, the state machine falls back to the factory image. The control and
update registers are reset to 0, and the status register is updated with the error
5. After successful reconfiguration, the system stays in the application configuration.

7.4.7. User Watchdog Timer

The user watchdog timer prevents a faulty application configuration from stalling the
device indefinitely. You can use the timer to detect functional errors when an
application configuration is successfully loaded into the device. The timer is
automatically disabled in the factory configuration; enabled in the application

Note: If you do not want this feature in the application configuration, you need to turn off
this feature by setting the Wd_en bit to 1'b0 in the update register during factory
configuration user mode operation. You cannot disable this feature in the application

(37) After the device exits POR and power-up, the status register content is 5'b00000.

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The counter is 29 bits wide and has a maximum count value of 229. When specifying
the user watchdog timer value, specify only the most significant 12 bits. The
granularity of the timer setting is 217 cycles. The cycle time is based on the frequency
of the user watchdog timer internal oscillator.

The timer begins counting as soon as the application configuration enters user mode.
When the timer expires, the remote system upgrade circuitry generates a time-out
signal, updates the status register, and triggers the loading of the factory
configuration image. To reset the time, assert RU_nRSTIMER.

Related Information
Arria 10 Device Datasheet
Provides more information about the operating range of the user watchdog internal
oscillator's frequency.

7.5. Design Security

The Arria 10 design security feature supports the following capabilities:
• Enhanced built-in advanced encryption standard (AES) decryption block to support
256-bit key industry-standard design security algorithm (FIPS-197 Certified)
• Volatile and non-volatile key programming support
• Secure operation mode for both volatile and non-volatile key through tamper
protection mode
• Limited accessible JTAG instruction during power-up in the JTAG Secure mode
• Supports POF authentication and protection against Side-Channel Attack
• Provides JTAG access control and security key control through fuse bit or option
• Disables all JTAG instructions from power-up until the device is initialized
• Supports board-level testing
• Supports off-board key programming for non-volatile key
• Stand-alone Qcrypt tool to encrypt and decrypt with other security settings to
configuration bit stream.
• Available in all configuration schemes except JTAG
• Supports remote system upgrades feature

Table 105. Design Security Approach for Arria 10 FPGAs

Design Security Description

Non-Volatile key The non-volatile key is securely stored in fuses within the device. Proprietary security features
make it difficult to determine this key.

Volatile Key The volatile key is securely stored in battery-backed RAM within the device. Proprietary security
features make it difficult to determine this key.

Key Generation A user provided 256-bit key is processed by a one-way function before being programmed into
the device.

Key Choice Both volatile and non-volatile key can exist in a device. User can choose which key to use by
setting the option bits in encrypted configuration file through the Convert Programming File tool
or the Qcrypt tool.

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Design Security Description


Tamper Protection Tamper protection mode prevents the FPGA from being loaded with an unencrypted configuration
Mode file. When you enable this mode, the FPGA can only be loaded with a configuration that has been
encrypted with your key. Unencrypted configurations and configurations encrypted with the wrong
key results in a configuration failure. You can enable this mode by setting a fuse within the

Configuration These devices do not support a configuration readback feature. From a security perspective, this
Readback makes readback of your unencrypted configuration data infeasible.

Security Key Control By using different JTAG instructions and the security option in the Qcrypt tool, you have the
flexibility to permanently or temporarily disable the use of the non-volatile or volatile key. You can
also choose to lock the volatile key to prevent it from being overwritten or reprogrammed.

JTAG Access Control You can enable various levels of JTAG access control by setting the OTP fuses or option bits in the
configuration file using the Qcrypt tool:
1. Force full configuration or partial configuration to be done through HPS only.
2. Bypass external JTAG pin or HPS JTAG. This feature disables external JTAG or HPS JTAG
access, but can be unlocked through internal core access.
3. Disable all AES key related JTAG instructions from external JTAG pins.
4. Allows only a limited set of mandatory JTAG instruction to be accessed through external JTAG,
similar to JTAG Secure mode.

Note: • You cannot enable encryption and compression at the same time for all
configuration scheme.
• When you use design security with Arria 10 devices in an FPP configuration
scheme, it requires a different DCLK-to-DATA[] ratio.

Related Information
AN 556: Using the Design Security Features in Intel FPGAs
Provides more information about applying design security features in Arria 10

7.5.1. Security Key Types

Arria 10 devices offer two types of keys—volatile and non-volatile. The following table
lists the differences between the volatile key and non-volatile keys.

Table 106. Security Key Types

Key Types Key Programmability Power Supply for Key Storage Programming Method

Volatile • Reprogrammable Required external battery, VCCBAT (38) On-board

• Erasable

Non-volatile One-time Does not require an external battery On-board and in-socket programming
programming (39)

Both non-volatile and volatile key programming offers protection from reverse
engineering and copying. If you set the tamper-protection mode, the design is also
protected from tampering.

(38) VCCBAT is a dedicated power supply for volatile key storage. VCCBAT continuously supplies
power to the volatile register regardless of the on-chip supply condition.
(39) Third-party vendors offer in-socket programming.

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Related Information
• AN 556: Using the Design Security Features in Intel FPGAs
Provides more information about programming volatile and non-volatile key
into the FPGA.
• Arria 10 GX, GT, and SX Device Family Pin Connection Guidelines
Provides more information about the V CCBAT pin connection recommendations.
• Arria 10 Device Datasheet
Provides more information about battery specifications.
• Supported JTAG Instruction on page 303

7.5.2. Security Modes

Table 107. Security Modes Available in Arria 10 Devices

Note: For additional details on these instructions or how to burn the fuse for each mode, contact
your Altera technical support. Alternatively, you can use the Qcrypt tool to enable all of these
design security modes. The Qcrypt tool provides an impermanent solution compared to the
burning the fuse which has the one-time programming limitation.

Security Mode JTAG Instruction Security Feature

JTAG Secure(40) EXT_JTAG_SECURE Allows only mandatory IEEE Std. 1149.1 BST JTAG instructions. See
the Mandatory and Non-Mandatory IEEE Standard 1149.1 BST JTAG
Instructions table.

Tamper Protection OTP_VOLKEY_SECURE Allows only configuration file encrypted with the correct key to be
loaded into the Arria 10 device. Unencrypted or wrong encryption key
results in configuration failure.

JTAG Bypass EXTERNAL_JTAG_BYPASS Disables all the direct control from external JTAG pins or HPS JTAG.
Compared to the JTAG Secure mode, devices in JTAG Bypass mode
allow access to external JTAG pins or HPS JTAG interface through
internal JTAG core.

Key Related KEY_EXT_JTAG_DISABLE Disables all JTAG instructions related to AES key issued from the
Instruction Disable external JTAG pins.

HPS Configuration FORCE_HPS_CONFIG Disables the external JTAG pins from configuring or partially
Only reconfiguring the device. Only HPS controls the configuration pins and
the MSEL pins will be in passive mode.

HPS JTAG Bypass EXTERNAL_JTAG_BYPASS Bypasses the HPS JTAG controller and disables the HPS internal
master control.

PR and Scrubbing PR_SCRUBBING_DISABLE Disables partial reconfiguration and external scrubbing from external
Disable pins and HPS. Only the FPGA core can perform partial reconfiguration.

Volatile Key Lock VOLKEY_LOCK Locks the volatile key being zeroed-out or reprogrammed. However,
you can erase the volatile key using KEY_CLR_VREG instruction. You
can issue the VOLKEY_LOCK instruction only after volatile key is
programmed into the device.

(40) Enabling the JTAG Secure or Test Disable mode disables the test mode in Arria 10 devices and
disables programming through the JTAG interface. This process is irreversible and prevents
Altera from carrying out failure analysis.

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Security Mode JTAG Instruction Security Feature

Volatile Key Disable VOLKEY_DISABLE Disables any future volatile key programming. If there is an existing
volatile key programmed into the device, it will not be used to decrypt
the configuration file.

Non-Volatile Key OTP_DISABLE Disables any future non-volatile key programming. If there is an
Disable existing non-volatile key programmed into the device, it will not be
used to decrypt the configuration file.

Test Disable Mode TEST_DISABLE Disables all test modes and all test-related JTAG instructions. This
process is irreversible and prevents Altera from carrying out failure

Related Information
SoC Security of the Arria 10 Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual
Provides more information about HPS Configuration Only and HPS JTAG Bypass
security modes. JTAG Secure Mode

When the Arria 10 device is in the JTAG Secure mode, all JTAG instructions except for
the mandatory IEEE Standard JTAG 1149.1 BST JTAG instructions are disabled.

Table 108. Mandatory and Non-Mandatory IEEE Standard 1149.1 BST JTAG Instructions
Mandatory IEEE Standard 1149.1 BST JTAG Non-Mandatory IEEE Standard 1149.1 BST JTAG
Instructions Instructions


Note: After you issue the EXT_JTAG_SECURE instruction, the Arria 10 device cannot be

Related Information
Supported JTAG Instruction on page 303

7.5.3. Arria 10 Qcrypt Security Tool

The Qcrypt tool is a stand-alone encryption tool for encrypting and decrypting Arria 10
FPGA configuration bit-stream files. The Qcrypt tool can also be used to encrypt HPS
boot images through a script. Different kinds of security settings that are currently not
accessible from the Quartus Prime graphical user interface can be set through the
Qcrypt tool.

(41) You can execute these JTAG instructions during JTAG Secure mode.

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The Qcrypt tool encrypts and decrypts raw binary files (.rbf) only and not other
configuration files, such as .sof and .pof files. Throughout the encryption flow, the
Qcrypt tool generates an authentication tag while encrypting the .rbf file. The
authentication tag prevents any modification or tampering of the configuration bit-
stream. Besides encryption and decryption, the Qcrypt tool allows you to enable and
set various security features and settings. By incorporating security features and
settings into the .rbf file, you have the flexibility to use different kinds of security
features on Arria 10 devices without permanently burning the security fuses. To
generate the .ekp file or encrypted configuration file other than .rbf, you have to
use the Quartus Prime Convert Programming File tool.

Note: The Qcrypt tool is not license-protected and can be used by all Quartus Prime software

Related Information
• Qcypt Tool Options of the AN 556: Using the Design Security Features in Intel
Provides more information about Qcrypt tool features.
• AN 759: Arria 10 SoC Secure Boot User Guide
Provides more information about encrypting HPS boot images.
• AN 556: Using the Design Security Features in Intel FPGAs
Provides more information about applying design security features in Arria 10

7.5.4. Design Security Implementation Steps

Figure 162. Design Security Implementation Steps

Step 3 FPGA Device

Programming File Key Storage

Step 1 AES Decryption

256-bit User-Defined Quartus® Prime Software

AES Encryptor

Step 1 Step 4

Encrypted Step 2 Memory or

Configuration Configuration
File Device

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To carry out secure configuration, follow these steps:

1. The Quartus Prime software generates the design security key programming file
and encrypts the configuration data using the user-defined 256-bit security key.
2. Store the encrypted configuration file in the external memory.
3. Program the AES key programming file into the Arria 10 device through a JTAG
4. Configure the Arria 10 device. At the system power-up, the external memory
device sends the encrypted configuration file to the Arria 10 device.

Related Information
AN 556: Using the Design Security Features in Intel FPGAs
Provides more information about applying design security features in Arria 10

7.6. Configuration, Design Security, and Remote System Upgrades

in Arria 10 Devices Revision History
Document Changes

2024.07.08 • Updated the description for the following timing diagrams.

— FPP Configuration Timing Waveform When the DCLK-to-DATA[] Ratio is 1
— FPP Configuration Timing Waveform When the DCLK-to-DATA[] Ratio is >1
— PS Configuration Timing Waveform
• Updated the AS Configuration Timing Waveform timing diagram.

2020.09.25 Updated Table: Available Configuration Clock Source and Transceiver Calibration CLKUSR Frequency for
Arria 10 Devices to update the supported clock sources and transceiver calibration CLKUSR frequency
for AS.

2020.06.30 Updated the Active Serial Multi-Device Configuration section on determining the DCLK frequency for
slave devices.

2020.03.31 Updated the User Mode topic.

2019.12.30 Added note to clarify users should use 12 mA drive strength IBIS model when simulating the
AS_DATA[0]/ASDO, AS_DATA[3:1], and DCLK configuration pins for 1.8V LVCMOS I/O standard in
the I/O Standards and Drive Strength for Configuration Pins table.

2019.03.28 Updated the note in the Trace Length Guideline topic.

2019.01.23 Added a link to the Intel Supported Configuration Devices section of the Device Configuration - Support
Center page on the Intel website.

2019.01.11 • Added a note in CLKUSR to state that CLKUSR cannot be used as the reference clock for PLL.
• Updated Table: Configuration Pin Summary for Arria 10 Devices to update the note for

2018.08.28 • Added Multiple Configuration Devices Support section.

• Updated the description in the Using Multiple Configuration Data section for active serial multi-
device configuration.
• Updated the description in the Using Multiple Configuration Data section for fast passive parallel
multi-device configuration.
• Updated Table: I/O Standards and Drive Strength for Configuration Pins.

2018.03.09 Updated Configuration Pin Summary for Arria 10 Devices table to indicate CLKUSR and nCEO pins are

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683461 | 2024.07.08

Date Version Changes

December 2017 2017.12.15 • Removed LOCK and UNLOCK instructions from Mandatory IEEE Standard
1149.1 BST JTAG Instructions.
• Updated Single Device FPP Configuration Using an External Host, Multiple
Device FPP Configuration Using an External Host When Both Devices
Receive a Different Set of Configuration Data, and Multiple Device FPP
Configuration Using an External Host When Both Devices Receive the
Same Data figures.

March 2017 2017.03.15 • Rebranded as Intel.

• Added note to nIO_PULLUP pin in Configuration Pin Summary for Arria 10
Devices table.
• Added pull-up resistor between nCEO and nCE in Multiple Device FPP
Configuration Using an External Host When Both Devices Receive a
Different Set of Configuration Data figure.
• Added pull-up resistor between nCEO and nCE in Multiple Device AS
Configuration When Both Devices in the Chain Receive Different Sets of
Configuration Data figure.
• Added pull-up resistor between nCEO and nCE in Multiple Device PS
Configuration when Both Devices Receive Different Sets of Configuration
Data figure.

October 2016 2016.10.31 • Updated the drive strength for configuration pins:
— DCLK—from 1.8 V CMOS 12 mA to 1.8 V CMOS 24 mA.
— NCSO[2..0]—from 1.8 V CMOS 8 mA to 1.8 V CMOS 12 mA.
— AS_DATA0/ASD0, AS_DATA1, AS_DATA2, and AS_DATA3—from 1.8 V
CMOS 8 mA to 1.8 V CMOS 24 mA.

June 2016 2016.05.13 • Updated design security features and approaches.

• Updated instances of EX_JTAG_SECURE to EXT_JTAG_SECURE
• Added list of mandatory and non-mandatory IEEE Standard 1149.1 JTAG
BST instructions.
• Updated security modes available in Arria 10 devices and instructions to
enable them.
• Added the Qrypt security tool information.

May 2016 2016.05.02 • Added FPP and PS configuration time estimation to Estimating
Configuration Time and moved subsection under Configuration Details
• Added note on possible PCIe timing violation when using direct-to-
• Added note on recommending user to set a fixed configuration image start
• Added I/O Standards and Drive Strength for Configuration Pins section.
• Updated AS configuration timing waveform to include nCSO.
• Updated TSU and TDH in AS configuration timing waveform.

December 2015 2015.12.14 • Updated CLKUSR information.

• Moved CLKUSR subsection from Active Serial Configuration to
Configuration Details.

November 2015 2015.11.02 • Updated the term configuration mode to configuration scheme for
• Added link at MSEL pin setting to Arria 10 Hard Processor System
Technical Reference Manual.
• Combined PS and FPP row in MSEL pin settings table. Both schemes have
the same MSEL pin setting.
• Added description to MSEL pin setting table for configuration via HPS to
use PS or FPP MSEL pin setting.
• Updated configuration modes and features table to include Yes for partial
reconfiguration in JTAG, AS and PS configuration mode together with a
footnote mentioning only if partial reconfiguration is configured as internal

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7. Configuration, Design Security, and Remote System Upgrades in Arria 10 Devices
683461 | 2024.07.08

Date Version Changes

• Updated note about compression and encryption cannot be used a the

same time for all configuration scheme.
• Updated timing waveforms FPP, AS and PS to include pre power-up state.
• Removed step to select Remote from the Configuration mode list in the
Configuration page of the Device and Pin Options dialog box in the
Quartus II software.
• Added note about setting the MSEL pin to active serial to prevent EPCQ-L
ID read failure during SFL programming.
• Changed instances of Quartus II to Quartus Prime.

May 2015 2015.05.04 • Added Timing waveforms for FPP, AS and PS configuration.
• Updated 'Trace Length and Loading' to 'Trace Length Guideline' and
remove loading contents.
• Added link to Arria 10 Device Datasheet for loading information.
• Update FPP to support 8 and 32 bits in 'Configuration Modes and Features
of Arria 10 Devices'.
• Added note in 'Design Security' and 'Configuration Data Compression'
about compression and encryption cannot be used a the same time.

January 2015 2015.01.23 • Updated CLKUSR pin usage during AS configuration at 100 MHz.
• Updated Max clock rate of PS, FPP x8, FPP x16 and Configuration via HPS
from 125 MHz to 100 MHz.
• Updated Remote System Upgrade Circuitry diagram by replacing
• Updated ALTREMOTE_UPDATE megafunction to Altera remote Update IP
• Updated user watchdog time-out value from 34..46 to 34..45.
• Updated nIO_PULLUP to be powered by VCC.
• Added note to Max Data Rate in Configuration Modes and Features of Arria
10 Devices table.

August 2014 2014.08.18 • Added the Active Serial Configuration with Multiple EPCQ-L Devices
• Removed the Unique Chip ID section.
• Updated the JTAG Configuration section to include details on the USB-
Blaster download cable support.
• Updated the Power Up section.
• Updated Configuration Images section to include start address.
• Updated the Configuration Sequence in the Remote Update Mode section.
• Updated the Remote System Upgrade State Machine section.
• Updated Figure 7-18: JTAG Configuration of a Single Device Using a
Microprocessor to update the power reference of the JTAG pins.
• Updated Figure 7-20: Configuration Sequence for Arria 10 Devices.
• Updated Figure 7-22: Arria 10 Remote System Upgrade Block Diagram.
• Updated Table 7-1: Configuration Modes and Features of Arria 10 Devices
to update the supported clock rate for Partial Reconfiguration.
• Updated Table 7-3: MSEL Pin Settings for Each Configuration Scheme of
Arria 10 Devices to include the supported VCCPGM voltages for the FPP and
PS configuration schemes.
• Updated Table 7-6: Remote System Upgrade Registers to update the
description for the shift, control, update, and status registers.
• Updated Table 7-7: Control Register Bits.
• Removed the Unique Chip ID section.

December 2013 2013.12.02 Initial release.

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8. SEU Mitigation for Arria 10 Devices

8.1. Arria 10 SEU Mitigation Overview

Single event upsets (SEUs) are rare, unintended changes in the state of an FPGA's
internal memory elements caused by cosmic radiation effects.

The change in state is a soft error and the FPGA incurs no permanent damage.
Because of the unintended memory state, the FPGA may operate erroneously until
background scrubbing fixes the upset.

The Quartus Prime software offers several features to detect and correct the effects of
SEU, or soft errors, as well as to characterize the effects of SEU on your designs.
Additionally, some Altera FPGAs contain dedicated circuitry to help detect and correct

Figure 163. Tools, IP, and Circuitry for Detecting and Correcting SEU
Classifies each block in your design based on its
sensitivity to SEU. During FPGA operation, the
Advanced SEU Detection IP core reads the physical
location of the upset in the FPGA and looks up Detects and corrects soft
the sensitivity classification in the .smh ifle. errors in CRAM.

Quartus® Prime Altera® FPGA

Hierarchy Tagging Advanced SEU EMR Unloader
(Design Partitions) Detection IP Core IP Core

Fault Injection Sensitivity Map Fault Injection Error Detection
Debugger Header File (.smh) IP Core

SEU FIT Embedded Memory ECC Circuitry

Report (Dedicated or Soft)

The Projected SEU FIT by Component Usage Simulate SEU in your design using Use hard or soft ECC circuitry
report provides the projected design-specific the Fault Injection Debugger and to correct errors in the FPGA’s
SEU FIT for your chosen device. the Fault Injection IP core. embedded memory.

Altera FPGAs have memory in user logic (block memory and registers) and in
Configuration Random Access Memory (CRAM). The Quartus Prime Programmer loads
the CRAM with a .sof file. Then, the CRAM configures all FPGA logic and routing. If an
SEU strikes a CRAM bit, the effect can be harmless if the device does not use the
CRAM bit. However, the effect can be severe if the SEU affects critical logic or internal
signal routing.

© Altera Corporation. Altera, the Altera logo, the ‘a’ logo, and other Altera marks are trademarks of Altera
Corporation. Altera and Intel warrant performance of its FPGA and semiconductor products to current
specifications in accordance with Altera’s or Intel's standard warranty as applicable, but reserves the right to ISO
make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera and Intel assume no 9001:2015
responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described Registered
herein except as expressly agreed to inwriting by Altera or Intel. Altera and Intel customers are advised to
obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing
orders for products or services.
*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
8. SEU Mitigation for Arria 10 Devices
683461 | 2024.07.08

Often, a design does not require SEU mitigation because of the low chance of
occurrence. However, for highly complex systems, such as systems with multiple high-
density components, the error rate may be a significant system design factor. If your
system includes multiple FPGAs and requires very high reliability and availability, you
should consider the implications of soft errors. Use the techniques in this chapter to
detect and recover from these types of errors.

Related Information
• Introduction to Single-Event Upsets
• Understanding Single Event Functional Interrupts in FPGA Designs
• Arria 10 Device Handbook: Known Issues
Lists the planned updates to the Arria 10 Device Handbook chapters.
• AN 737: SEU Detection and Recovery in Arria 10 Devices
Describes the implementation of Arria 10 SEU detection and recovery with a
reference design.

8.1.1. Mitigating Single Event Upset Configuration RAM

FPGAs use memory both in user logic (bulk memory and registers) and in
Configuration RAM (CRAM). CRAM is the memory loaded with the user's design. The
CRAM configures all logic and routing in the device. If an SEU strikes a CRAM bit, the
effect can be harmless if the CRAM bit is not in use. However, a functional error is
possible if it affects critical internal signal routing or critical lookup table logic bits as
part of the user's design. Embedded Memory

The Arria 10 devices contain two types of memory blocks:

• 20 Kb M20K blocks—blocks of dedicated memory resources. The M20K blocks are
ideal for larger memory arrays while still providing a large number of independent
• 640 bit memory logic array blocks (MLABs)—enhanced memory blocks that are
configured from dual-purpose logic array blocks (LABs). The MLABs are ideal for
wide and shallow memory arrays. The MLABs are optimized for implementation of
shift registers for digital signal processing (DSP) applications, wide and shallow
FIFO buffers, and filter delay lines. Each MLAB is made up of ten adaptive logic
modules (ALMs). In the Arria 10 devices, you can configure these ALMs as ten
32 x 2 blocks, giving you one 32 x 20 simple dual-port SRAM block per MLAB.

Embedded memory is susceptible to SEU, Altera implement interleaving and special

layout techniques to minimize the FIT rate, and added Error Correction Code (ECC)
feature to reduce SEU FIT rate to close to zero.

Related Information
Embedded Memory Blocks in Arria 10 Devices

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8. SEU Mitigation for Arria 10 Devices
683461 | 2024.07.08 Failure Rates

The Soft Error Rate (SER) or SEU reliability is expressed in Failure in Time (FIT) units.
One FIT unit is one soft error occurrence per billion hours of operation.
• For example, a design with 5,000 FIT experiences a mean of 5,000 SEU events in
one billion hours (or 114,155.25 years). Because SEU events are statistically
independent, FIT is additive. If a single FPGA has 5,000 FIT, then ten FPGAs have
50,000 FIT (or 50K failures in 114,155.25 years).

Another reliability measurement is the mean time to failure (MTTF), which is the
reciprocal of the FIT or 1/FIT.
• For a FIT of 5,000 in standard units of failures per billion hours, MTTF is:
1 ÷ (5,000 ÷ 1 Bh)=1 billion ÷ 5,000 = 200,000 hours = 22.83 years

SEU events follow a Poisson distribution and the cumulative distribution function (CDF)
for mean time between failures (MTBF) is an exponential distribution. For more
information about failure rate calculation, refer to the Altera FPGA Reliability Report.

Neutron SEU incidence varies by altitude, latitude, and other environmental factors.
The Quartus Prime software provides SEU FIT reports based on compiles for sea level
in Manhattan, New York. The JESD89A specification defines the test parameters.

Tip: You can convert the data to other locations and altitudes using calculators, such as
those at www.seutest.com. Additionally, you can adjust the SEU rates in your project
by including the relative neutron flux (calculated at www.seutest.com) in your
project's .qsf file.

8.2. Arria 10 SEU Mitigation Techniques

Arria 10 devices feature various single-event upset (SEU) mitigation approaches for
different application areas.

Table 109. SEU Mitigation Areas and Approaches for Arria 10 Devices
Area SEU Mitigation Approach

Silicon design: CRAM/SRAMs/flip flops Altera uses various design techniques to reduce upsets or limit to correctable
double-bit errors.

Error Detection Cyclic redundancy You can enable the EDCRC feature for detecting CRAM SEU events and automatic
check (EDCRC)/Scrubbing correction of CRAM contents.

M20K SRAM block Altera FPGA implements interleaving, special layout techniques, and Error
Correction Code (ECC) to reduce SEU FIT rate to almost zero.

Sensitivity processing You can use sensitivity processing to identify if the SEU in CRAM bit is a used or
unused bit.

Fault injection You can use fault injection feature to validate the system response to the SEU
event by changing the CRAM state to trigger an error.

Hierarchical tagging A complementary capability to sensitivity processing and fault injection for
reporting SEU and constraining injection to specific portions of design logic.

Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) You can implement TMR technique on critical logic such as state machines.

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8. SEU Mitigation for Arria 10 Devices
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8.2.1. Mitigating SEU Effects in Configuration RAM

Arria 10 devices contain error detect CRC (EDCRC) hard blocks. These blocks detect
and correct soft errors in CRAM, and are similar to those that protect internal user

Altera FPGAs contain frames of CRAM. The size and number of frames is device
specific. The device continually checks the CRAM frames for errors by loading each
frame into a data register. The EDCRC block checks the frame for errors.

When the FPGA finds a soft error, the FPGA asserts its CRC_ERROR pin. You can
monitor this pin in your system. When your system detects that the FPGA asserted
this pin during operation, indicating the FPGA detected a soft error in the configuration
RAM, the system can take action to recover from the error. For example, the system
can perform a soft reset (after waiting for background scrubbing), reprogram the
FPGA, or classify the error as benign and ignore it.

Figure 164. CRAM Frame


CRC Engine Steps
Through Frame by Frame
CRC Error


To enable error detection, point to Assignments ➤ Device ➤ Device and Pin

Options ➤ Error Detection CRC, and turn on error detection settings. Error Detection Cyclic Redundancy Check

In user mode, the contents of the configured configuration RAM (CRAM) bits can be
affected by soft errors. These soft errors, which are caused by an ionizing particle, are
not common in Altera FPGA devices. However, high-reliability applications that require
error-free device operation may require your design to consider these errors.

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The hardened on-chip EDCRC circuitry allows you to perform the following operations
without any impact on the fitting or performance of the device:
• Auto-detection of cyclic redundancy check (CRC) errors during configuration.
• Optional soft errors (SEU and multiple bit upset) detection and identification in
user mode.
• Fast soft error detection. The error detection speed is improved.
• Two types of check-bits:
— Frame-based check-bits—stored in CRAM and used to verify the integrity of
the frame.
— Column-based check-bits—stored in registers and used to protect integrity of
all frames.

During error detection in user mode, a number of EDCRC engines run in parallel for
Arria 10 devices. The number of error detection CRC engines depends on the frame
length—total bits in a frame.

Each column-based error detection CRC engine reads 128 bits from each frame and
processes within four cycles. To detect errors, the error detection CRC engine needs to
read back all frames.

Figure 165. Block Diagram for Error Detection in User Mode

The block diagram shows the registers and data flow in user mode.

CRC Syndrome Error Detection Pattern Write Back to
Readback Calculation Search Engine
Bitstream CRAM for Correction


Error Message Register

JTAG Update User Update HPS Update

Register Register Register

JTAG Shift User Shift HPS Shift

Register Register Register
JTAG General HPS
TDO Routing Output

Table 110. Error Detection Registers

Name Description

Error message registers (EMR) Contains error details for single-bit and double-adjacent errors. The error detection
circuitry updates this register each time the circuitry detects an error.

User update register This register is automatically updated with the contents of the EMR one clock cycle
after the contents of this register are validated. The user update register includes a
clock enable, which must be asserted before its contents are written to the user shift
register. This requirement ensures that the user update register is not overwritten
when its contents are being read by the user shift register.

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8. SEU Mitigation for Arria 10 Devices
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Name Description

User shift register This register allows user logic to access the contents of the user update register via the
core interface.
You can use the Error Message Register Unloader Intel FPGA IP core to shift-out the
EMR information through user shift register. For more information, refer to related

JTAG update register This register is automatically updated with the contents of the EMR one clock cycle
after the content of this register is validated. The JTAG update register includes a clock
enable, which must be asserted before its contents are written to the JTAG shift
register. This requirement ensures that the JTAG update register is not overwritten
when its contents are being read by the JTAG shift register.

JTAG shift register This register allows you to access the contents of the JTAG update register via the
JTAG interface using the SHIFT_EDERROR_REG JTAG instruction.

Hard Processor System (HPS) This register is automatically updated with the contents of the EMR one clock cycle
update register after the content of this register is validated. The (HPS) update register includes a
clock enable, which must be asserted before its contents are written to the HPS shift
register. This requirement ensures that the HPS update register is not overwritten
when its contents are being read by the HPS shift register.

HPS shift register This register allows you to access the contents of the HPS update register via the HPS

Related Information
• Error Message Register Unloader Intel FPGA IP Core User Guide
Provides more information about using the user shift register to shift-out the
• FPGA Manager Address Map and Register Definitions in Arria 10 Hard Processor
System Technical Reference Manual
Provides more information about using hard processor system to read the error
detection registers. Column-Based and Frame-Based Check-Bits

Figure 166. Column-Based and Frame-Based Check-Bits

128-Bits 128-Bits 32-Bits Frame-Based
Frame 0
Data Data Check-Bits
128-Bits 128-Bits 32-Bits Frame-Based
Frame 1
Data Data Check-Bits
32-Bits Frame-Based Frame 2

128-Bits 32-Bits Frame-Based

Last Frame
Data Check-Bits
32-Bits Column-Based 32-Bits Column-Based
Check-Bits Check-Bits
Column 0 Column 1 Last Column

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EDCRC Check-Bits Updates

Frame-based check-bits are calculated on-chip during configuration. Column-based

check-bits are updated after configuration.

When you enable the EDCRC feature, after the device enters user mode, the EDCRC
function starts reading CRAM frames. The data collected from the read-back frame is
validated against the frame-based check-bits.

After the initial frame-based verification is completed, the column-based check-bits is

calculated based on the respective column CRAM. The EDCRC hard block recalculates
the column-based check-bits in one of the following scenarios:
• FPGA re-configuration
• After successful partial reconfiguration (PR) session
• After configuration via protocol (CvP) session Error Message Register

The EMR contains information on the error type, the location of the error, and the
actual syndrome. This register is 78 bits wide in Arria 10 devices. The EMR does not
identify the location bits for uncorrectable errors. The location of the errors consists of
the frame number, double word location and bit location within the frame and column.

You can shift out the contents of the register through the following:
• EMR Unloader IP core—core interface
• SHIFT_EDERROR_REG JTAG instruction—JTAG interface
• HPS Shift register—HPS interface

Figure 167. Error Message Register Map

Frame-Based Frame-Based
Frame Address Column-Based Column-Based Column-Based Frame-Based Frame-Based Reserved Column-Check-
Double Word Bit Type Syndrome Double Word Bit Type Bit Update

16 bits 2 bits 5 bits 3 bits 32 bits 10 bits 5 bits 3 bits 1 bit 1 bit

Column-Based Fields

Frame-Based Fields

Table 111. Error Message Register Width and Description

Note: Refer to the Correctable and Uncorrectable Error Cases table in AN 737: SEU Detection and
Recovery in Arria 10 Devices to determine whether the error is correctable or uncorrectable.

Name Width (Bits) Description

Frame Address 16 Frame Number of the error location

Column-Based Double Word 2 There are 4 double words per frame in a column. It indicates the
double word location of the error

Column-Based Bits 5 Error location within 32-bit double word

Column-Based Type 3 Types of error shown in the Error Type in EMR table.

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8. SEU Mitigation for Arria 10 Devices
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Name Width (Bits) Description

Frame-Based syndrome register 32 Contains the 32-bit CRC signature calculated for the current frame. If
the CRC value is 0, the CRC_ERROR pin is driven low to indicate no
error. Otherwise, the pin is pulled high.

Frame-Based Double Word 10 Double word location within the CRAM frame.

Frame-Based Bit 5 Error location within 32-bit double word

Frame-Based Type 3 Types of error shown in the Error Type in EMR table.

Reserved 1 Reserved bit

Column-Based Check-Bits Update 1 Logic high if there is error encountered during the column check-bits
update stage. The CRC_ERROR pin will be asserted and stay high
until the FPGA is reconfigured.

Related Information
Correctable and Uncorrectable Error, AN 737: SEU Detection and Recovery in Arria 10
More information about the correctable and uncorrectable error cases.

Retrieving Error Information

You can retrieve the EMR contents via the core interface or the JTAG interface using
the SHIFT_EDERROR_REG JTAG instruction. Altera provides the Error Message
Register Unloader Intel FPGA IP core that unload EMR content via core interface and
allows it to be shared between several design component.

Related Information
Error Message Register Unloader Intel FPGA IP Core User Guide
Provides more information about using the user shift register to shift-out the EMR.

Error Type in EMR

Table 112. Error Type in EMR

The following table lists the possible error types reported in the error type field in the EMR.

Note: Refer to the Correctable and Uncorrectable Error Cases table in AN 737: SEU Detection and
Recovery in Arria 10 Devices to determine whether the error is correctable or uncorrectable.

Error Types Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Description

Frame-based 0 0 0 No error

0 0 1 Single-bit error

0 1 X Double-adjacent error

1 1 1 Uncorrectable error

Column-Based 0 0 0 No error

0 0 1 Single bit error

0 1 X Double-adjacent error in a same frame

1 0 X Double-adjacent error in a different frame

1 1 0 Double-adjacent error in a different frame

1 1 1 Uncorrectable error

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Related Information
Correctable and Uncorrectable Error, AN 737: SEU Detection and Recovery in Arria 10
More information about the correctable and uncorrectable error cases. CRC_ERROR Pin Behavior

The Arria 10 fast EDCRC feature runs all the column-based check-bits engine in
parallel. When an SEU is detected, the column-based check-bits asserts the
CRC_ERROR, the detected frame location is then passed to the frame-based check-bits
to further localize the affected bit. This process causes the CRC_ERROR pin to assert
twice. Column-based check-bits assert the first CRC_ERROR pulse and followed by the
frame-based check-bits asserting the second pulse.

In Arria 10, as soon as an SEU is detected, the CRC_ERROR is asserted high and
remains high until the EMR is ready to be read. You can unload the EMR data as soon
as the CRC_ERROR pin goes low. Once EMR data is unloaded, can determine the error
type and the affected location. With these information you can decide how your
system should respond to the specific SEU event.

Figure 168. Fast EDCRC Process Flow Chart

EDCRC Running

Start EDCRC Column-

Based Error Scan Start EDCRC Frame-
Based Error Scan

NO Error
Detected? Find Error Bit Location
in Detected Frame

Find Frame Address Update EMR Frame-

Based Fields
CRC_ERROR Deasserted

Update EMR Column- Error

Based Fields Correctable?
CRC_ERROR Deasserted
Error YES
Correctable? Error Correction


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Figure 169. Timing Diagram for Column-Based Check-Bits

If the error is correctable, in most cases, there is a second pulse in a single SEU event .There are cases where
the error is uncorrectable when the CRC_ERROR pin asserts 2 pulses, refer to Correctable and Uncorrectable
Error for complete correctable and uncorrectable error cases. The complete EMR is only available at the falling
edge of the second pulse.
One SEU Event EMR for the Second Frame (1)

Duration to expect 2nd Frame-Based

pulse triggered by Check-Bits
Column-Based Check-Bits Frame-Based Assertion Time
Assertion Time Check-Bits


Column-Based Column-Based EMR Complete EMR is Available

Error Detected is Available
Unload EMR Starts Unload EMR Ends

(1) In a rare event of correctable double-adjacent error located in different frames.

In the rare event of an uncorrectable and un-locatable error, the CRC_ERROR signal is
asserted only once. There is no second pulse assertion by frame-based check-bits due
to the uncorrectable error location cannot be located. The statistical likelihood of
uncorrectable multi-bit SEU is less than one in 10,000 years for a device in typical
environmental conditions.

Figure 170. Timing Diagram for Column-Based or Frame-Based Check-Bits

Example of CRC_ERROR pin behavior for column-based/frame-based check-bits with a single pulse observed in
one SEU event.
Column-Based/Frame-Based Check-Bits
Assertion Time


Column-Based/Frame-Based Unload EMR

Error Detected Starts

Related Information
Arria 10 GX, GT, and SX Device Family Pin Connection Guidelines
Provides more information about CRC_ERROR connection guidelines. SEU Sensitivity Processing

Reconfiguring a running FPGA has a significant impact on the system using the FPGA.
When planning for SEU recovery, account for the time required to bring the FPGA to a
state consistent with the current state of the system. For example, if an internal state
machine is in an illegal state, it may require reset. In addition, the surrounding logic
may need to account for this unexpected operation.

Often an SEU impacts CRAM bits not used by the implemented design. Many
configuration bits are not used because they control logic and routing wires that are
not used in a design. Depending on the implementation, 40% of all CRAM bits can be

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used even in the most heavily utilized devices. This means that only 40% of SEU
events require intervention, and you can ignore 60% of SEU events. The utilized bits
are considered as critical bits while the non-utilized bits are considered as non-critical

You can determine that portions of the implemented design are not utilized in the
FPGA’s function. Examples may include test circuitry implemented but not important to
the operation of the device, or other non-critical functions that may be logged but do
not need to be reprogrammed or reset.

Figure 171. Sensitivity Processing Flow

Normal Operation



Notify System

Look Up Sensitivity
of CRAM Bit

Critical Bit?

Take Corrective
Action Hierarchy Tagging

Hierarchy tagging is the process of classifying the sensitivity of the portions of your

You can perform hierarchy tagging using the Quartus Prime software by creating a
design partition, and then assigning the parameter Advanced SEU Detection (ASD)
Region to that partition. The parameter can assume a value from 0 to 15, so there are
16 different classifications of system responses to the portions of your design.

The design hierarchy sensitivity processing depends on the contents of the Sensitivity
Map Header file (.smh). This file determines which portion of the FPGA's logic design
is sensitive to a CRAM bit flip. You can use sensitivity information from the .smh file to
determine the correct (least disruptive) recovery sequence.

To generate the functionally valid .smh, you must designate the sensitivity of the
design from a functional logic view, using the hierarchy tagging procedure.

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Related Information
Advanced SEU Detection Intel FPGA IP Core User Guide
Provides more information about hierarchy tagging using Advanced SEU Detection
Intel FPGA IP core. Evaluating Your System’s Response to Functional Upsets

The ratio of SEU strikes versus functional interrupts is the Single Event Functional
Interrupt (SEFI) ratio. Minimizing this ratio improves SEU mitigation. SEUs can
randomly strike any memory element, system testing is important to ensure a
comprehensive recovery response.

You can use fault injection to aid in SEU recovery response. The fault injection feature
allows you to operate the FPGA in your system and inject random CRAM bit flips to
test the ability of the FPGA and the system to detect and recover fully from an SEU.
You should be able to observe your FPGA and your system recover from these
simulated SEU strikes. You can then refine your FPGA and system recovery sequence
by observing these strikes. You can determine the SEFI rate of your design by using
the fault injection feature.

Related Information
Fault Injection Intel FPGA IP Core User Guide
Provides more information about injecting soft error to simulate SEU using Fault
Injection Intel FPGA IP Core. Recovering from CRC Errors

Arria 10 devices support the internal scrubbing capability. The internal scrubbing
feature corrects correctable CRAM upsets automatically when an upset is detected.
However, internal scrubbing can not fix the FPGA to a known good state. The time
between the error and completion of scrubbing can be tens of millisecond. This
duration represents thousands of clock cycles in which the corrupted data was written
to memory or status registers. It is a good practice to always follow any SEU event
with a soft-reset to bring the FPGA operation to a known good state.

If a soft-reset is unable to bring the FPGA to a known good state, you can reconfigure
the device to rewrite the CRAM and reinitialize the design registers. The system that
hosts the Arria 10 device must control the device reconfiguration. When
reconfiguration completes successfully, the Arria 10 device operates as intended.

Related Information
Configuration, Design Security, and Remote System Upgrades for Arria 10 Devices
Provides more information about configuration sequence. Enabling Error Correction (Internal Scrubbing)

Arria 10 supports the internal scrubbing feature to automatically scrub away the
flipped bit induced by the SEU. To enable the internal scrubbing feature, follow these

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1. On the Assignments menu, click Device.

2. Click Device and Pin Options and select the Error Detection CRC tab.
3. Turn on Enable internal scrubbing.
4. Click OK.

8.2.2. Mitigating SEU Effects in Embedded User RAM

You can reduce the FIT rate for these memories to near zero by enabling the ECC
encode/decode blocks. On ingress, the ECC encoder adds 8 bits of redundancy to a 32
bit word. On egress, the decoder converts the 40 bit word back to 32 bits. You use the
redundant bits to detect and correct errors in the data resulting from SEU.

The existence of hard ECC and the strength of the ECC code (number of corrected and
detected bits) varies by device family. Refer to the device handbook for details. If a
device does not have a hard ECC block you can add ECC parity or use an ECC IP core.

The SRAM memories associated with processor subsystems, such as for SoC devices,
contain dedicated hard ECC. You do not need to take action to protect these
memories. Configuring RAM to Enable ECC

To enable ECC, configure the RAM as a 2-port RAM with independent read and write
addresses. Using this feature does not reduce the available logic.

Although the ECC checking function results in some additional output delay, the hard
ECC has a much higher fMAX compared with an equivalent soft ECC block implemented
in general logic. Additionally, you can pipeline the hard IP in the M20K block by
configuring the ECC-enabled RAM to use an output register at the corrected data
output port. This implementation increases performance and adds latency.

For devices without dedicated circuitry, you can implement ECC by instantiating the
ALTECC IP core, which performs ECC generation and checking functions.

Figure 172. Memory Storage and ECC

Memory Storage
Data Output Word

Corrected Data output

Data Input Word

Error Detection
and Correction


Encode Values

8.2.3. Triple-Module Redundancy

Use Triple-Module Redundancy (TMR) if your system cannot suffer downtime due to
SEU. TMR is an established SEU mitigation technique for improving hardware fault
tolerance. A TMR design has three identical instances of hardware with voting
hardware at the output. If an SEU affects one of the hardware instances, the voting
logic notes the majority output. This operation masks malfunctioning hardware.

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With TMR, your design does not suffer downtime in the case of a single SEU; if the
system detects a faulty module, the system can scrub the error by reprogramming the
module. The error detection and correction time is many orders of magnitude less
than the MTBF of SEU events. Therefore, the system can repair a soft interrupt before
another SEU affects another instance in the TMR application.

The disadvantage of TMR is its hardware resource cost: it requires three times as
much hardware in addition to voting logic. You can minimize this hardware cost by
implementing TMR for only the most critical parts of your design.

There are several automated ways to generate TMR designs by automatically

replicating designated functions and synthesizing the required voting logic. Synopsys
offers automated TMR synthesis.

8.2.4. Quartus Prime Software SEU FIT Reports

The Quartus Prime software generates reports that contain the parameters involved in
SEU FIT calculations and the result of these calculations for each component. These
reports are available only for licensed users.

Note: Arria 10, Arria V, Arria V SoC, Cyclone IV, Cyclone V, Cyclone V SoC, MAX 10, and
Stratix V FPGAs support the Projected SEU FIT by Component Usage report. SEU FIT Parameters Report

The SEU FIT Parameters report shows the environmental assumptions that influence
the FIT/Mb values.

Figure 173. SEU FIT Parameters

Change the Neutron Flux Multiplier using the assignment:

set_global_assignment -name RELATIVE_NEUTRON_FLUX <relative_flux>

• Altitude represents the default altitude (above sea-level).

• Neutron Flux Multiplier is the relative flux for the default location, which is New
York City per JESD specification. The default is 1. Change the setting by adding
the following assignment to your .qsf file:
set_global_assignment -name RELATIVE_NEUTRON_FLUX <relative_flux>

Note: You can compute scaled values using the JESD published equations for
altitude, latitude, and longitude. Websites, such as www.seutest.com, can
make this computation for you.
• Alpha Flux is the default for standard Altera packages; you cannot override the
Note: When you change the relative Neutron Flux Multiplier, the Quartus Prime
software only scales the neutron component of FIT. Location does not affect
the Alpha flux.

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683461 | 2024.07.08 Projected SEU FIT by Component Usage Report

The Projected SEU FIT by Component Usage report shows the different components
(or cell types) that comprise the total FIT rate, and SEU FIT calculation results.

An Altera FPGA's sensitivity to soft errors varies by process technology, component

type, and your design choices when implementing the component (such as tradeoffs
between area/delay and SEU rates). The report shows all bits (the raw FIT), utilized
bits (only resources the design actually uses), and the ECC-mitigated bits.

Figure 174. Projected SEU FIT by Component Usage Report Component FIT Rates

The Projected SEU FIT by Component report shows FIT for the following components:
• SRAM embedded memory in embedded processors hard IP and M20K or M10K
• CRAM used for LUT masks and routing configuration bits
• LABs in MLAB mode
• I/O configuration registers, which the FPGA implements differently than CRAM and
design flipflops
• Standard flipflops the design uses in the address and data registers of M20K
blocks, in DSP blocks, and in hard IP
• User flipflops the design implements in logic cells (ALMs or LEs) Raw FIT

The Quartus Prime Projected SEU FIT by Component Usage report provides raw FIT
data. Raw FIT is the FIT rate of the FPGA if the design uses every component. Raw FIT
data is not design specific.

Note: The Altera Reliability Report, available on the Altera FPGA web site, also provides
reliability data and testing procedures for Altera FPGA devices.

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The Quartus Prime software computes the FIT for each component using (component
Mb × intrinsic FIT/Mb × Neutron Flux Multiplier) for the device family and process
node. (For flip flops, "Mb" represents a million flip flops.)

To give the worst-case raw FIT, the report assumes the maximum amount of CRAM
that implements MLABs in the device. Thus, the CRAM raw FIT is the sum of CRAM
and MLAB entries.

Note: The Quartus Prime software counts device bits for target devices using different
parameter information than the Reliability Report. Therefore, the Quartus Prime RAW
SEU FIT rate is different from the EDCRC max FIT Rate based on the Reliability Report
data. The EDCRC max FIT rate based on the Reliability Report data represents the
likelihood of error in the CRAM indicated by CRC_ERROR pin. Utilized FIT

The Utilized column shows FIT calculations considering only resources that the design
actually uses. Since SEU events in unused resources do not affect the FPGA, you can
safely ignore these bits for resiliency statistics.

Additionally, the Utilized column discounts unused memory bits. For example,
implementing a 16 × 16 memory in an M20K block uses only 256 bits of the 20 Kb.

Note: The Error Detection flag and the Projected SEU FIT by Component report do not
distinguish between critical bit upsets, such as fundamental control logic, or non
critical bit upsets, such as initialization logic that executes only once in the design.
Apply hierarchy tags at the system level to filter out less important logic errors.

The Projected SEU FIT by Component report's Utilized CRAM FIT represents provable
deflation of the FIT rate to account for CRAM upsets that do not matter to the design.
Thus, the SEU incidence is always higher than the utilized FIT rate.

Comparing .smh Critical Bits Report to Utilized Bit Count

The number of design critical bits that the Compiler reports during .smh generation
correlates to the utilized bits in the report, but it is not the same value. The difference
occurs because the .smh file includes all bits in a resource, even when the resource
usage is partial.

Considerations for Small Designs

The raw FIT for the entire device is always correct. In contrast, the utilized FIT is very
conservative, and only becomes accurate for designs that reasonably fill up the chosen
device. FPGAs contain overhead, such as the configuration state machine, the clock
network control logic, and the I/O calibration block. These infrastructure blocks
contain flip flops, memories, and sometimes I/O configuration blocks.

The Projected SEU FIT by Component report includes the constant overhead for GPIO
and HSSI calibration circuitry for first I/O block or transceiver the design uses.
Because of this overhead, the FIT of a 1-transceiver design is much higher than 1/10
the FIT of a 10-transceiver design. However, a trivial design such as “a single AND
gate plus flipflop” could use so few bits that its CRAM FIT rate is 0.01, which the
report rounds to zero.

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683461 | 2024.07.08 Mitigated FIT

You can lower FIT by reducing the observed FIT rate, such as by enabling ECC. You
can also use the optional M20K ECC to mitigate FIT, as well as the (not optional) hard
processor ECC and other hard IP such as memory controllers, PCIe, and I/O
calibration blocks.

The Projected SEU FIT by Component Usage report's w/ECC column represents the
FPGA's lowest guaranteed, provable FIT rate that the Quartus Prime software can
calculate. ECC does not affect CRAM and flipflop rates; therefore, the data in the
w/ECC column for these components is the same as the in Utilized column.

The ECC code strength varies with the device family. In Arria 10 devices, the M20K
block can correct up to two errors, and the FIT rate beyond two (not corrected) is
small enough to be negligible in the total.

An MLAB is simply a LAB configured with writable CRAM. However, when the Quartus
Prime software configures the RAM as write enabled (MLAB), the MLAB has a slightly
different FIT/Mb. The Projected SEU FIT by Component Usage report displays a FIT
rate in the MLAB row when the design uses MLABs, otherwise the report accounts for
the block's FIT in the CRAM row. During compilation, if the Quartus Prime software
changes a LAB to an MLAB, the FIT accounting moves from the LAB row to the MLAB

The w/ECC column does not account for other forms of FIT protection in the design,
such as designer-inserted parity, soft ECC blocks, bounds checking, system monitors,
triple-module redundancy, or the impact of higher-level protocols on general fault
tolerance. Additionally, it does not account for single event effects that occur in the
logic but the design never reads or notices. For example, if you implement a non-ECC
FIFO function 512 bits deep and an SEU event occurs outside of the front and back
pointers, the application does not observe the SEU event. However, the report
accounts for the full 512 bit deep memory and includes it in the w/ECC FIT rate.
Designers often combine these factors into general deflation factors (called
architectural vulnerability factors or AVF) based on knowledge of their design.
Designers use AVF factors as low (aggressive) as 5% and as high (conservative) as
50% based on experience, fault-injection or neutron beam testing, or high-level
system monitors. Architectural Vulnerability Factor

The Single Event Functional Interrupt (SEFI) ratio measures bit errors due to SEU
strikes versus functional interrupts. Minimizing this ratio improves SEU mitigation.

10% SEFI factors are A typical specification to deflate the raw FIT to that observed in
practice. For reference, the last two columns in the Projected SEU FIT by Component
Usage report show AVF deflations for a conservative SEFI of 50% and a moderate
SEFI of 25%.

SEFI represents a combination of factors. A utilization + ECC factor of 40% and AVF of
25% thus represents a global SEFI factor of 10%, because 0.4 × 0.25 = 0.1. An end-
to-end SEFI factor of 10% is typical for a full design. Enabling the Projected SEU FIT by Component Usage Report

The Quartus Prime Fitter generates the Projected SEU FIT by Component Usage
report. The Quartus Prime software only generates reports for designs that
successfully pass place and route.

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To enable the report:

1. Obtain and install the SEU license.

2. Add the following assignments to your project's .qsf file:

set_global_assignment –name ENABLE_ADV_SEU_DETECTION ON

set_global_assignment –name SEU_FIT_REPORT ON

8.3. CRAM Error Detection Settings Reference

To define these settings in the Quartus Prime software, point to Assignments ➤
Device ➤ Device and Pin Options ➤ Error Detection CRC.

Figure 175. Device and Pin Options Error Detection CRC Tab

Table 113. CRC Errors Settings

Setting Description

Enable Error Detection CRC_ERROR pin Enables CRAM frame scanning

Enable open drain on CRC_ERROR pin Enables the CRC_ERROR pin as an open-drain output

Divide error check frequency by To guarantee the availability of a clock, the EDCRC function
operates on an independent clock generated internally on
the FPGA itself. To enable EDCRC operation on a divided
version of the clock, select a value from the list.

8.4. Specifications
This section lists the error detection frequencies and CRC calculation time for error
detection in user mode.

8.4.1. Error Detection Frequency

When you are unable to unload the EMR within the EMR update interval specification,
you can reduce the error detection frequency. You can control the speed of the error
detection process by setting the division factor of the clock frequency in the Quartus
Prime software.

Note: There is no significant power benefited from reducing the error detection frequency.

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The speed of the error detection process for each data frame is determined by the
following equation:

Figure 176. Error Detection Frequency Equation

Internal Oscillator Frequency
Error Detection Frequency =

Table 114. Error Detection Frequency Range for Arria 10 Devices

The following table lists the FMIN and FMAX for each speed grade.

Note: Frequencies shown are when N = 1. For N = 2 or 4, divide the frequency shown accordingly.

Speed Grade Error Detection Frequency


1 49 77

2 45 77

3 42 77

8.4.2. Error Detection Time

The time taken to detect the SEU error relative to the actual SEU event. This is
determined by the device in use and the frequency of the error detection clock.

Table 115. CRC Calculation Time in Arria 10 Devices

Error Detection Frequency fMAX
Error detection timeMaximum = Error detection time x ( Error Detection Frequency f ) x N

Error detection timeMinimum = Error detection time x N

• Speed grade 1: N=1, 2 or 4.
• Speed grade 2 and 3: N=2 or 4 only.

Variant Density Error Detection Time (ms)

GX/SX 160 / 220 14.29

270 / 320 14.29

480 21.13

570/ 660 27.84

GX/ GT 900 27.84

1150 44.28

8.4.3. EMR Update Interval

You must unload the EMR data within the minimum EMR Update Interval to avoid the
current EMR data from being overwritten by the information of the next error.
However, EMR Unloader IP Core can handle this by ensuring no EMR data loss during
unloading process. The IP core detects the loss of EMR information by flagging the
emr_error signal.

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The interval between each update of the error message register depends on the
device and the frequency of the error detection clock.

Table 116. Estimated EMR Update Interval in Arria 10 Devices

Error Detection Frequency fMAX
EMR update interval Maximum = EMR update interval x ( Error Detection Frequency f ) x N

EMR update intervalMinimum = EMR update interval x N

• Speed grade 1: N=1, 2 or 4.
• Speed grade 2 and 3: N=2 or 4 only.

Variant Density EMR Update Interval (ms)

GX/SX 160 / 220 0.28

270 / 320 0.28

480 0.41

570/ 660 0.54

GX/ GT 900 / 1150 0.55

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8.4.4. Error Correction Time

Arria 10 offers fast error correction capability, the correction time for each device
variant are shown in the following table.

Table 117. Error Correction Time

Error Detection Frequency fMAX
Correction timeMaximum = Correction time x ( Error Detection Frequency f ) x N

Correction timeMinimum = Correction time x N

Note: • Speed grade 1: N=1, 2 or 4.

• Speed grade 2 and 3: N=2 or 4 only.

Variant Density Correction Time (µs)

GX/SX 160/220 19.73

270/320 27.62

480 27.21

570/660 27.21

GX/GT 900/1150 39.68

8.5. SEU Mitigation for Arria 10 Devices Revision History

Document Changes

2024.07.08 • Removed duplicated content from the Mitigating Single Event Upset section.
• Added a note to Table: Error Message Register Width and Description and Table: Error Type in EMR.

2022.07.15 Updated error detection times for GX/GT variant in the Error Detection Time section.

2019.09.06 Updated the topic about failure rates to correct the number of years of one billion hours.

2018.06.08 Added Failure Rates, Configurating RAM to Enable ECC, Triple Module Redundancy, Software SEU FIT
Reports and sub-sections, and CRAM Error Detection Settings Reference sections.

2018.03.09 Added missing figure in SEU Sensitivity Processing.

Date Version Changes

March 2017 2017.03.15 Rebranded as Intel.

May 2016 2016.05.02 • Edited Error Detection Cyclic Redundancy Check.

• Updated CRC check bit instances to column-based check-bits and frame-
based check-bits.
• Updated Error Message Register Map figure.
• Added Fast EDCRC Process Flow Chartfigure.
• Added note stating that there is no significant power benefit from reducing
error detection frequency.

December 2015 2015.12.14 • Updated chapter structure.

• Added Error Correction Time specification.
• Added brief description and external related information link for Embedded
Memory, Memory Blocks Error Correction Code Support, SEU Sensitivity,
Hierarchy Tagging, and Evaluating your System Response to SEU.

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Date Version Changes

• Updated divisor value in Error Detection Frequency.

• Updated Error Detection Frequency Range table showing fMAX and fMIN.
• Updated Estimated EMR Update Interval and CRC Calculation Time table.
• Added equation for EMR update interval and CRC calculation time.

November 2015 2015.11.02 Changed instances of Quartus II to Quartus Prime.

June 2015 2015.06.15 Updated links to Altera EMR Unloader IP Core User Guide, Altera Fault
Injection IP Core User Guide and Altera Advance SEU Detection IP Core User

May 2015 2015.05.04 • Added links to Altera EMR Unloader IP Core User Guide, Altera Fault
Injection IP Core User Guide and Altera Advance SEU Detection IP Core
User Guide.
• Updated CRC_ERROR pin behavior to included column-based and frame-
based CRC error detection and frame-based only CRC error detection.
• Updated column-based type in 'Error Type in EMR' at Bit 0.
• Editorial changes.
• Updated the divisor value and range for error detection frequency.
• Updated CRC calculation time by including speed grade and rearranged
• Updated EMR update interval.
• Updated Error Message Register Map and registers in Error Detection in
User Mode block diagram.

January 2015 2015.01.23 • Added EMR timing interval.

• Added CRC calculation time.
• Added timing diagram

August 2014 2014.08.18 • Updated the Error Detection Features section.

• Updated the Configuration Error Detection section to revise the CRC value.
• Updated the User Mode Error Detection section to add in the check bits
calculation for error detection CRC.
• Updated the CRC_ERROR Pin Behavior section.
• Updated the Retrieving Error Information section.
• Updated the CRC_ERROR Pin section to update the pin description.
• Updated Table 8-4 to updated the description of the frame-based
syndrome register, user update register, and user shift register.
• Updated Table 8-5 to update the error types naming to frame-based and
column-based types.

December 2013 2013.12.02 Initial release.

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9. JTAG Boundary-Scan Testing in Arria 10 Devices

This chapter describes the boundary-scan test (BST) features in Arria 10 devices.

Related Information
Arria 10 Device Handbook: Known Issues
Lists the planned updates to the Arria 10 Device Handbook chapters.

9.1. BST Operation Control

Arria 10 GX, Arria 10 GT, and Arria 10 SX devices support IEEE Std. 1149.1 BST and
IEEE Std. 1149.6 BST. You can perform BST on Arria 10 devices before, after, and
during configuration.

9.1.1. IDCODE
The IDCODE is unique for each Arria 10 device. Use this code to identify the devices in
a JTAG chain.

Table 118. IDCODE Information for Arria 10 Devices

Variant Product Line IDCODE (32 Bits)

Version (4 Bits) Part Number (16 Bits) Manufacture LSB (1

Identity (11 Bits) Bit)

Arria 10 GX GX 160 0000 0010 1110 1110 0010 000 0110 1110 1

GX 220 0000 0010 1110 0010 0010 000 0110 1110 1

GX 270 0000 0010 1110 1110 0011 000 0110 1110 1

GX 320 0000 0010 1110 0010 0011 000 0110 1110 1

GX 480 0000 0010 1110 0010 0100 000 0110 1110 1

GX 570 0000 0010 1110 1110 0101 000 0110 1110 1

GX 660 0000 0010 1110 0010 0101 000 0110 1110 1

GX 900 0000 0010 1110 1110 0110 000 0110 1110 1

GX 1150 0000 0010 1110 0110 0110 000 0110 1110 1

Arria 10 GT GT 900 0000 0010 1110 0010 0110 000 0110 1110 1

GT 1150 0000 0010 1110 0000 0110 000 0110 1110 1

Arria 10 SX SX 160 0000 0010 1110 0110 0010 000 0110 1110 1

SX 220 0000 0010 1110 0000 0010 000 0110 1110 1

SX 270 0000 0010 1110 0110 0011 000 0110 1110 1

SX 320 0000 0010 1110 0000 0011 000 0110 1110 1

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specifications in accordance with Altera’s or Intel's standard warranty as applicable, but reserves the right to ISO
make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera and Intel assume no 9001:2015
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9. JTAG Boundary-Scan Testing in Arria 10 Devices
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Variant Product Line IDCODE (32 Bits)

Version (4 Bits) Part Number (16 Bits) Manufacture LSB (1

Identity (11 Bits) Bit)

SX 480 0000 0010 1110 0000 0100 000 0110 1110 1

SX 570 0000 0010 1110 0110 0101 000 0110 1110 1

SX 660 0000 0010 1110 0000 0101 000 0110 1110 1

9.1.2. Supported JTAG Instruction

Table 119. JTAG Instructions Supported by Arria 10 Devices
JTAG Instruction Instruction Code Description

SAMPLE(42)/PRELOAD 00 0000 0101 • Allows you to capture and examine

a snapshot of signals at the device
pins during normal device operation
and permits an initial data pattern
to be an output at the device pins.
• Use this instruction to preload the
test pattern into the update
registers before loading the EXTEST

EXTEST 00 0000 1111 • Allows you to test the external

circuit and board-level
interconnects by forcing a test
pattern at the output pins, and
capturing the test results at the
input pins. Forcing known logic high
and low levels on output pins allows
you to detect opens and shorts at
the pins of any device in the scan
• The high-impedance state of
EXTEST is overridden by bus hold
and weak pull-up resistor features.

BYPASS 11 1111 1111 • Places the 1-bit bypass register

between the TDI and TDO pins.
During normal device operation, the
1-bit bypass register allows the BST
data to pass synchronously through
the selected devices to adjacent
• You will get a '0' reading in the
bypass register out.

USERCODE 00 0000 0111 Selects the 32-bit USERCODE register

and places it between the TDI and TDO
pins to allow serial shifting of

The SAMPLE JTAG instruction is not supported for high-speed serial interface (HSSI) pins.

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JTAG Instruction Instruction Code Description

IDCODE 00 0000 0110 • Identifies the devices in a JTAG

chain. If you select IDCODE, the
device identification register is
loaded with the 32-bit
vendor-defined identification code.
• Selects the IDCODE register and
places it between the TDI and TDO
pins to allow serial shifting of
IDCODE out of TDO.
• IDCODE is the default instruction at
power up and in the TAP RESET
state. Without loading any
instructions, you can go to the
SHIFT_DR state and shift out the
JTAG device ID.

HIGHZ 00 0000 1011 • Sets all user I/O pins to an inactive

drive state.
• Places the 1-bit bypass register
between the TDI and TDO pins.
During normal operation, the 1-bit
bypass register allows the BST data
to pass synchronously through the
selected devices to adjacent
devices while tri-stating all I/O pins
until a new JTAG instruction is
• If you are testing the device after
configuration, the programmable
weak pull-up resistor or the bus
hold feature overrides the HIGHZ
value at the pin.

CLAMP 00 0000 1010 • Places the 1-bit bypass register

between the TDI and TDO pins.
During normal operation, the 1-bit
bypass register allows the BST data
to pass synchronously through the
selected devices to adjacent
devices while holding the I/O pins
to a state defined by the data in the
boundary-scan register.
• If you are testing the device after
configuration, the programmable
weak pull-up resistor or the bus
hold feature overrides the CLAMP
value at the pin. The CLAMP value
is the value stored in the update
register of the boundary-scan cell

PULSE_NCONFIG 00 0000 0001 Emulates pulsing the nCONFIG pin low

to trigger reconfiguration even though
the physical pin is not affected.

EXTEST_PULSE 00 1000 1111 Enables board-level connectivity

checking between the transmitters and
receivers that are AC coupled by
generating three output transitions:

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JTAG Instruction Instruction Code Description

• Driver drives data on the falling

edge of TCK in the UPDATE_IR/DR
• Driver drives inverted data on the
falling edge of TCK after entering
the RUN_TEST/IDLE state.
• Driver drives data on the falling
edge of TCK after leaving the

EXTEST_TRAIN 00 0100 1111 Behaves the same as the

EXTEST_PULSE instruction except that
the output continues to toggle on the
TCK falling edge as long as the TAP
controller is in the RUN_TEST/IDLE

SHIFT_EDERROR_REG 00 0001 0111 The JTAG instruction connects the EMR

to the JTAG pin in the error detection
block between the TDI and TDO pins.

Note: If the device is in a reset state and the nCONFIG or nSTATUS signal is low, the device
IDCODE might not be read correctly. To read the device IDCODE correctly, you must
issue the IDCODE JTAG instruction only when the nCONFIG and nSTATUS signals are

9.1.3. JTAG Secure Mode

In the JTAG secure mode, the JTAG pins support only the BYPASS, SAMPLE/PRELOAD,
EXTEST, and IDCODE JTAG instructions.

Related Information
JTAG Secure Mode, AN 556: Using the Design Security Features in Altera FPGAs
Provides more information about JTAG Secure mode.

9.1.4. JTAG Private Instruction

Caution: Never invoke the following instruction codes. These instructions can damage and
render the device unusable:
• 1100010000
• 1100010011
• 0111100000
• 0101011110
• 0000101010
• 0011100000
• 0000101010
• 0101000001
• 1110000001
• 0001010101
• 1010100001

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9.2. I/O Voltage for JTAG Operation

The Arria 10 device operating in IEEE Std. 1149.1 and IEEE Std. 1149.6 mode uses
four required JTAG pins—TDI, TDO, TMS, TCK, and one optional pin, TRST.

The TCK pin has an internal weak pull-down resistor, while the TDI, TMS, and TRST
pins have internal weak pull-up resistors. The 1.8-, 1.5-, or 1.2-V VCCPGM supply
powers the TDI, TDO, TMS, TCK, and TRST pins. All user I/O pins are tri-stated during
JTAG configuration.

The JTAG pins support 1.8 V, 1.5V, and 1.2V TTL/CMOS I/O standard. For any
voltages higher than 1.8 V, you have to use level shifter. The output voltage of the
level shifter for the JTAG pins must be the same as set for the VCCPGM supply.

Note: Do not drive a signal with a voltage higher than 1.8-, 1.5-, and 1.2-V VCCPGM supply
for the TDI, TMS, TCK, and TRST pins. The voltage supplies for TDI, TMS, TCK, and
TRST input pins must be the same as set for the VCCPGM supply.

Table 120. TDO Output Buffer

TDO Output Buffer Voltage (V)

VCCPGM 1.8 1.5 1.2

VOH (MIN) 1.7 1.4 1.1

9.3. Performing BST

You can issue BYPASS, IDCODE, and SAMPLE JTAG instructions before, after, or during
configuration without having to interrupt configuration.

To issue other JTAG instructions, follow these guidelines:

• To perform testing before configuration, hold the nCONFIG pin low.
• To perform BST during configuration, issue CONFIG_IO JTAG instruction to
interrupt configuration. While configuration is interrupted, you can issue other
JTAG instructions to perform BST. After BST is completed, issue the
PULSE_NCONFIG JTAG instruction or pulse nCONFIG low to reconfigure the device.

The chip-wide reset (DEV_CLRn) and chip-wide output enable (DEV_OE) pins on
Arria 10 devices do not affect JTAG boundary-scan or configuration operations.
Toggling these pins does not disrupt BST operation (other than the expected BST

If you design a board for JTAG configuration of Arria 10 devices, consider the
connections for the dedicated configuration pins.

Note: For SoC devices, JTAG connections in the FPGA block and JTAG connections in the HPS
block are chained to the Arria 10 device. JTAG connections in the FPGA have higher
priority over the JTAG connections in the HPS block.

Note: If you perform the HIGHZ JTAG instruction before or during configuration, you need to
pull the nIO_PULLUP pin to high to disable the internal weak pull-up resistors in the
I/O elements. If you perform this JTAG instruction during user mode, you can pull high
or pull low the nIO_PULLUP pin.

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Note: If you perform BST during user mode, you are not able to capture the correct values
for the PR_ENABLE, CRC_ERROR, and CVP_CONFDONE pins when these pins are not
used as user I/O pins.

Note: You can perform JTAG BST only when both nCONFIG and nSTATUS goes high after

Related Information
• Arria 10 GX, GT, and SX Device Family Pin Connection Guidelines
Provides more information about pin connections.
• JTAG Configuration
Provides more information about JTAG configuration timing.
• JTAG Configuration
Provides more information about JTAG configuration timing.
• JTAG Configuration on page 246

9.4. Enabling and Disabling IEEE Std. 1149.1 BST Circuitry

The IEEE Std. 1149.1 BST circuitry is enabled after the Arria 10 device powers up.
However for Arria 10 SoC FPGAs, you must power up both HPS and FPGA to perform

To ensure that you do not inadvertently enable the IEEE Std. 1149.1 circuitry when it
is not required, disable the circuitry permanently with pin connections as listed in the
following table.

Table 122. Pin Connections to Permanently Disable the IEEE Std. 1149.1 Circuitry for
Arria 10 Devices
JTAG Pins(44) Connection for Disabling




TDO Leave open


(44) The JTAG pins are dedicated. Software option is not available to disable JTAG in Arria 10

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9.5. Guidelines for IEEE Std. 1149.1 Boundary-Scan Testing

Consider the following guidelines when you perform BST with IEEE Std. 1149.1
• If the “10...” pattern does not shift out of the instruction register through the TDO
pin during the first clock cycle of the SHIFT_IR state, the TAP controller did not
reach the proper state. To solve this problem, try one of the following procedures:
— Verify that the TAP controller has reached the SHIFT_IR state correctly. To
advance the TAP controller to the SHIFT_IR state, return to the RESET state
and send the 01100 code to the TMS pin.
— Check the connections to the VCC, GND, JTAG, and dedicated configuration
pins on the device.
• Perform a SAMPLE/PRELOAD test cycle before the first EXTEST test cycle to
ensure that known data is present at the device pins when you enter EXTEST
mode. If the OEJ update register contains 0, the data in the OUTJ update register
is driven out. The state must be known and correct to avoid contention with other
devices in the system.
• Do not perform EXTEST testing during in-circuit reconfiguration because EXTEST
is not supported during in-circuit reconfiguration. To perform testing, wait for the
configuration to complete or issue the CONFIG_IO instruction to interrupt
• After configuration, you cannot test any pins in a differential pin pair. To perform
BST after configuration, edit and redefine the BSC group that correspond to these
differential pin pairs as an internal cell.

Related Information
Altera FPGA BSDL Support
Provides more information about the BSC group definitions.

9.6. IEEE Std. 1149.1 Boundary-Scan Register

The boundary-scan register is a large serial shift register that uses the TDI pin as an
input and the TDO pin as an output. The boundary-scan register consists of 3-bit
peripheral elements that are associated with Arria 10 I/O pins. You can use the
boundary-scan register to test external pin connections or to capture internal data.

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9. JTAG Boundary-Scan Testing in Arria 10 Devices
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Figure 177. Boundary-Scan Register

This figure shows how test data is serially shifted around the periphery of the IEEE Std. 1149.1 device.

Each peripheral
element is either an
I/O pin, dedicated
input pin, or
Internal Logic dedicated
configuration pin.

TAP Controller


9.6.1. Boundary-Scan Cells of an Arria 10 Device I/O Pin

The Arria 10 device 3-bit BSC consists of the following registers:
• Capture registers—Connect to internal device data through the OUTJ, OEJ, and
PIN_IN signals.
• Update registers—Connect to external data through the PIN_OUT and PIN_OE

The TAP controller generates the global control signals for the IEEE Std. 1149.1 BST
registers (shift, clock, and update) internally. A decode of the instruction register
generates the MODE signal.

The data signal path for the boundary-scan register runs from the serial data in (SDI)
signal to the serial data out (SDO) signal. The scan register begins at the TDI pin and
ends at the TDO pin of the device.

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Figure 178. User I/O BSC with IEEE Std. 1149.1 BST Circuitry for Arria 10 Devices

0 Buffer
0 D Q D Q 1
Input Input
From or
to device RDEBUG
I/O circuitry OEJ
and/or 0 0 PIN_OE
logic array D Q D Q 0
1 1
OE OE 1 1

0 Pad
D Q D Q 1
1 Output
Output Output Buffer

Capture Update
Registers Registers

pins do not have BSCs.

Table 123. Boundary-Scan Cell Descriptions for Arria 10 Devices

This table lists the capture and update register capabilities of all BSCs within Arria 10 devices.

Pin Type Captures Drives Comments

Output OE Capture Input Output OE Update Input

Capture Register Capture Update Register Update
Register Register Register Register


Dedicated No Connect N.C. PIN_IN N.C. N.C. N.C. PIN_IN

clock input (N.C.) drives to the
network or
logic array

Dedicated N.C. N.C. PIN_IN N.C. N.C. N.C. PIN_IN

input drives to the
control logic

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Pin Type Captures Drives Comments

Output OE Capture Input Output OE Update Input

Capture Register Capture Update Register Update
Register Register Register Register

Dedicated 0 OEJ PIN_IN N.C. N.C. N.C. PIN_IN

bidirectional drives to the
(open drain) configuration


bidirectional( drives to the
control and
OUTJ drives
to the output

Dedicated OUTJ 0 0 N.C. N.C. N.C. OUTJ drives

output(47) to the output

9.6.2. IEEE Std. 1149.6 Boundary-Scan Register

The BSCs for HSSI transmitters (GXB_TX[p,n]) and receivers/input clock buffers
(GXB_RX[p,n])/(REFCLK[p,n]) in Arria 10 devices are different from the BSCs for
the I/O pins.

Note: You have to use the EXTEST_PULSE JTAG instruction for AC-coupling on HSSI
transceiver. Do not use the EXTEST JTAG instruction for AC-coupling on HSSI
transceiver. You can perform AC JTAG on the Arria 10 device before, after, and during

This includes the CONF_DONE and nSTATUS pins.
This includes the DCLK pin.
This includes the nCEO pin.

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Figure 179. HSSI Transmitter BSC with IEEE Std. 1149.6 BST Circuitry for Arria 10

Output Buffer
0 OE
D Q D Q 1

Mission Pad
D Q D Q 0 Tx Output
1 nOE Pad
OE Logic


Output Buffer


Capture Update
Registers Registers

Figure 180. HSSI Receiver/Input Clock Buffer with IEEE Std. 1149.6 BST Circuitry for
Arria 10 Devices



D Q Pad
1 Mission (DATAIN)
RX Input
not supported


BSOUT0 Hysteretic
D Q Memory


Capture Update
Registers Registers

9.7. JTAG Boundary-Scan Testing in Arria 10 Devices Revision

Date Version Changes

March 2017 2017.03.15 Rebranded as Intel.

May 2016 2016.05.02 • Updated IDCODE.

• Added note about SAMPLE instruction is not available for HSSI pins.

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9. JTAG Boundary-Scan Testing in Arria 10 Devices
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Date Version Changes

December 2015.12.14 • Updated User I/O BSC with IEEE Std. 1149.1 BST Circuitry for Arria 10
Devices figure.
• Added SHIFT_EDERROR_REG in Supported JTAG instruction table.

November 2015 2015.11.02 Added note to state that JTAG BST can be performed after nSTATUS and
nCONFIG are high.

August 2014 2014.08.18 • Updated the JTAG Private Instruction section to add a new instruction
• Updated the I/O Voltage for JTAG Operation section to update the TDO
output buffer details.
• Updated the Performing BST section to add a note on performing BST in
user mode.
• Updated the Boundary-Scan Cells of an Arria 10 Device I/O Pin section.

December 2013 2013.12.02 Initial release.

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10. Power Management in Arria 10 Devices

This chapter describes the power consumption, power reduction techniques, power
sense line feature, on-chip voltage sensor, internal and external temperature sensing
diode (TSD), power-on reset (POR) requirements, power-up and power-down
sequencing requirements, and power supply design.

Related Information
• Arria 10 Device Handbook: Known Issues
Lists the planned updates to the Arria 10 Device Handbook chapters.
• Power Analysis chapter in Quartus Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Power
Analysis and Optimization
Provides more information about the Quartus Prime Power Analyzer tool.
• Recommended Operating Conditions
Provides more information about the recommended operating conditions of
each power supply.
• Arria 10 GX, GT, and SX Device Family Pin Connection Guidelines
Provides detailed information about power supply pin connection guidelines and
power regulator sharing.
• AN 958: Board Design Guidelines
Provides detailed information about power supply design requirements.
• Early Power Estimators (EPE) and Power Analyzer
Provides more information about the power supplies and the current
requirements for each power rail.

10.1. Power Consumption

The total power consumption of an Arria 10 device consists of the following
• Static power—the power that the configured device consumes when powered up
but no user clocks are operating.
• Dynamic power— the additional power consumption of the device due to signal
activity or toggling.

10.1.1. Dynamic Power Equation

Figure 181. Dynamic Power
The following equation shows how to calculate dynamic power where P is power, C is the load capacitance, and
V is the supply voltage level. The frequency refers to the clock frequency and data toggles once every clock

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obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing
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10. Power Management in Arria 10 Devices
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The equation shows that power is design-dependent and is determined by the

operating frequency of your design. Arria 10 devices minimize static and dynamic
power using advanced process optimizations. These optimizations allow Arria 10
designs to meet specific performance requirements with the lowest possible power.

10.2. Power Reduction Techniques

Arria 10 devices leverage advanced 20nm process technology, an enhanced core
architecture, and process optimization to reduce total power consumption. The
optional power reduction techniques listed below are offered and supported in the
Quartus Prime Power Analyzer, which can be used to estimate the power reduction
impact by enabling each of them in an Arria 10 design.
• SmartVID
• Programmable Power Technology
• Low Static Power Device Grades

10.2.1. SmartVID
The SmartVID feature allows a power regulator to provide the Arria 10 device with a
lower VCC and VCCP voltage level while maintaining the performance of the specific
device speed grade. Operating the Arria 10 device at lower than nominal VCC and VCCP
voltage levels reduces total power consumption. The minimum voltage level required
by Arria 10 devices is programmed into a fuse block during device manufacturing.
Altera provides an IP core to read these values and communicate them to an external
power regulator or system power controller. This feature is supported in –2 and –3
speed grades devices with –V power option only.

When the SmartVID feature is used, Arria 10 devices need to be powered up at the
nominal voltage level. During configuration and partial reconfiguration modes, Arria 10
devices continue to operate at the nominal voltage level. Upon entering user mode,
the Arria 10 device can operate at a lower voltage as indicated in the fuse block. The
error detection cyclic redundancy check (EDCRC) feature is supported for –2 speed
grade devices even when the SmartVID feature is used. However, for other speed
grades, Arria 10 devices need to operate at nominal voltage when performing the
EDCRC feature. The scrubbing and partial reconfiguration features are supported only
when the device is operated at nominal voltage.

Note: Arria 10 HPS EMIF IP does not support SmartVID.

Related Information
• Power Reduction Features in Arria 10 Devices
• SmartVID Controller IP Core User Guide

10.2.2. Programmable Power Technology

Arria 10 devices offer the ability to configure portions of the core, called tiles, for high-
speed or low-power mode of operation. This configuration is performed by the Quartus
Prime software automatically and without the need for user intervention. Setting a tile
to high-speed or low-power mode is accomplished with on-chip circuitry and does not

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require extra power supplies. In a design compilation, the Quartus Prime software
determines whether a tile should be in high-speed or low-power mode based on the
timing constraints of the design.

Arria 10 tiles consist of the following:

• Memory logic array block (MLAB)/ logic array block (LAB) pairs with routing to the
• MLAB/LAB pairs with routing to the pair and to adjacent digital signal processing
(DSP)/ memory block routing
• TriMatrix memory blocks
• DSP blocks

All blocks and routing associated with the tile share the same setting of either high-
speed or low-power mode. By default, tiles that include DSP blocks or memory blocks
are set to high-speed mode for optimum performance. Unused DSP blocks and
memory blocks are set to low-power mode to minimize static power. Unused M20K
blocks are set to sleep mode by disabling VCCERAM to reduce static power. Clock
networks do not support programmable power technology.

With programmable power technology, faster speed grade FPGAs may require less
static power compared with FPGA devices without programmable power technology.
For device with programmable power technology, critical path is a small portion of the
design. Therefore, there are fewer high-speed MLAB and LAB pairs in high-speed
mode. For device without programmable power technology, the whole FPGA has to be
over designed to meet the timing of the critical path.

The Quartus Prime software sets unused device resources in the design to low-power
mode to reduce the static power. It also sets the following resources to low-power
mode when they are not used in the design:
• LABs and MLABs
• TriMatrix memory blocks
• DSP blocks

If a phase-locked loop (PLL) is instantiated in the design, you may assert the areset
pin high to keep the PLL in low-power mode.

Table 124. Programmable Power Capabilities for Arria 10 Devices

This table lists the available Arria 10 programmable power capabilities. Speed grade considerations can add to
the permutations to give you flexibility in designing your system.

Feature Programmable Power Technology


Routing Yes

Memory Blocks Fixed setting (48)

DSP Blocks Fixed setting (48)

Clock Networks No

(48) Tiles with DSP blocks and memory blocks that are used in the design are always set to high-
speed mode. By default, unused DSP blocks and memory blocks are set to low-power mode.

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Related Information
Arria 10 GX, GT, and SX Device Family Pin Connection Guidelines
Provides more information about the required voltage levels for each power rail.

10.2.3. Low Static Power Device Grades

Altera offers some Arria 10 device grades that consume lower static power than
standard power devices while maintaining performance. The low static power device
grades feature is only offered for selected devices with the power option 'L'.

Related Information
Arria 10 Device Variants and Packages
Provides more information about the ordering code.

10.2.4. SmartVID Feature Implementation

The implementation of the SmartVID feature consists of 7-bit voltage identification
(VID) that is programmed into a fuse block during device manufacturing.

The 7-bit VID represents a voltage level in the range of 0.85 V to 0.9 V. Each device
has its own specific 7-bit VID. You can read the 7-bit VID using the SmartVID
Controller IP core. You have the option to enable or disable the VID bit reading.

The 7-bit VID is read from the fuse block and sent to the external regulator or system
power controller through the Altera FPGA-supported interface. Upon receiving the 7-bit
VID value, an adjustable regulator tunes down the VCC and VCCP voltage levels to a
lower voltage as specified by the 7-bit VID. Multiple interface methods are supported
for the Arria 10 device to communicate the VID value to an external regulator or
system power controller. The first method to be available is the 7-bit parallel interface.

Altera offers external regulators and system power controllers that support the
SmartVID feature and are compatible with the multiple interfaces methods utilized by
the Arria 10 device.

The 7-Bit Parallel Interface Solution

The 7-bit parallel solution is a parallel VID bit interface that is supported by Altera.
This interface requires seven I/O pins for seven parallel VID bits and one pin for the
VID_EN to communicate with the external regulator.

Altera recommends you to use the RZQ_2A pin for the VID_EN function. If bank 2A is
used for DDR interface, and the RZQ_2A pin must be used for calibration purpose, you
can use other available general-purpose I/O pins for the VID_EN pin function. Before
the VID_EN pin is asserted, you need to ensure the I/O bank that hosts the VID_EN
pin and VID pins are powered up. Connect the VID_EN pin to a 1-kΩ pull-down

The VID pins need to be tri-stated during power-up and before the VID_EN pin is
asserted. Altera recommends using a level shifter to isolate the VID signals and
voltage regulator controller. This is because some of the VID bit settings may exceed
the maximum VCC and VCCP values.

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Figure 182. External Interface Connection for the 7-Bit Parallel Solution
7-bit parallel VID


RZQ_2A pin power supplies
IP Core


The following table lists the regulator requirement to meet the Altera SmartVID

Table 125. Regulator Requirement for Altera SmartVID Solution

Specification Value

Voltage range 0.82 V – 0.93 V (49)

Voltage step 10 mV step

VCC power supply 10 W – 100 W

VID input 7-bit VID

Nominal voltage 0.85 V – 0.9 V (50)

Ramp time 0.5 mV/us

VID_EN pin 1 pin

Related Information
SmartVID Controller IP Core User Guide

10.3. Power Sense Line

Arria 10 devices support the power sense line feature. VCCLSENSE and GNDSENSE
pins are differential remote sense pins to monitor the VCC power supply.

Altera recommends connecting the VCCLSENSE and GNDSENSE pins for regulators that
support the power sense line feature. The required conditions to connect VCCLSENSE
and GNDSENSE lines to the regulator's remote sense inputs are shown below:
• The VCC or VCCP current is > 30A.
• The SmartVID feature is used.

(49) This voltage range is the output of the regulator to the Arria 10 device, inclusive of tolerance.
(50) The nominal device power-up voltage is 0.9 V.

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10.4. Voltage Sensor

Arria 10 supports an on-chip voltage sensor. The voltage sensor provides a 6-bit
digital representation of the analog signal being observed. The voltage sensor
monitors two external differential inputs and six internal power supplies as shown in
the following figure. To get the ADC input, the VCCPT voltage value is divided by two.
To get the actual VCCPT voltage value, multiply the ADC output by two.

Figure 183. Voltage Sensor

Two External
6-Bit Output Channel
6-Bit ADC
Status FPGA Core
500 ksps
V CC Register
Six Internal
Supplies V CCERAM

The conversion speed of the ADC is 500 ksps cumulative. When multiple channels are
used, the speed per channel is reduced accordingly.

Note: VREFP_ADC pins consume very little current, most of the current drawn is attributed
to the leakage current, which is less than 10 µA. For VREFN_ADC pins, the current is
less than 0.1 mA.

For better ADC performance, tie VREFP_ADC and VREFN_ADC pins to an external 1.25
V accurate reference source (±0.2%). An on-chip reference source (±10%) is
activated by connecting the VREFP_ADC pin to GND. Treat VREFN_ADC together with
VREFP_ADC as an analog 1.25 V differential signal.

Connect both VREFP_ADC and VREFN_ADC pins to GND if no external reference is


Related Information
Altera Voltage Sensor IP Core User Guide

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10.4.1. Input Signal Range for External Analog Signal

You can configure the ADC to measure unipolar analog external input signal. Unipolar Input Mode

In unipolar input mode, the voltage on the VSIGP pin which is measured with respect
to the VSIGN pin must always be positive. The VSIGP input must always be driven by
an external analog signal. The VSIGN pin is connected to a local ground or common
mode signal.

10.4.2. Using Voltage Sensor in Arria 10 Devices

You can use the voltage sensor feature to monitor critical on-chip power supplies and
external analog voltages. The voltage sensor block for Arria 10 devices supports
access from the FPGA core. The following sections describe the flow in using the
voltage sensor for Arria 10 devices.

Figure 184. Voltage Sensor Components

confin Configuration
clk Register


Signals from State Machine eos
Control Block Internal ADCCLK

2 External V sigp/n_0 CH0

Inputs V sigp/n_1 CH1 6 Bits
VCCP CH3 eoc
ADC 6 Bits Output
6 Internal VCCPT CH4
Power Supplies VCCERAM CH5 Result0
VCCHPS CH6 Result1 ch_sel[3:0]
ADCGND CH7 Result2
Register Address Result3
Multiplexer Result5 dataout[5:0]
Result7 Multiplexer Accessing the Voltage Sensor Using FPGA Core Access

In user mode, you can implement a soft IP to access the voltage sensor block. To
access the voltage sensor block from the core fabric, include the following WYSIWYG
atom in your Quartus Prime project:

Example 1. WYSIWYG Atom to Access the Voltage Sensor Block

.clk (<input>, clock signal from core),
.reset(<input>, reset signal from core),
.corectl(<input>, core enable signal from core),
.coreconfig(<input>, config signal from core),
.confin(<input>, config data signal from core),
.chsel(<input>, 4 bits channel selection signal from core),
.eoc(<output>, end of conversion signal from vsblock),

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.eos(<output>, end of sequence signal from vsblock),

.dataout(<output>, 12 bits data out of vsblock)

Table 126. Description for the Voltage Sensor Block WYSIWYG

Port Name Type Description

clk Input Clock signal from the core. The voltage sensor supports up to an
11-MHz clock.

reset Input Active high reset signal. An asynchronous high-to-low transition on

the reset signal starts voltage sensor conversion. All registers are
cleared and the internal voltage sensor clock is gated off when the
reset signal is high.

corectl Input Active high signal. "1" indicates the voltage sensor is enabled for
core access. "0" indicates the voltage sensor is disabled for core

coreconfig Input Serial configuration signal. Active high.

confin Input Serial input data from the core to configure the configuration
register. The configuration register for the core access mode is 8
bits wide. The LSB is the first bit shifted in.

chsel[3:0] Input 4-bit channel address. Specifies the channel to be converted.

eoc Output Indicates the end of the conversion. This signal is asserted after
the conversion of each channel data packet.

eos Output Indicates the end of sequence. This signal is asserted for one cycle
after the completion of the conversion of the selected sequence.

dataout[11:0] Output • dataout[11:6]—6-bit output data.

• dataout[5:0]—Reserved. Configuration Registers for the Core Access Mode

The core access configuration register is an 8-bit register.

Figure 185. Core Access Configuration Register

D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0

Table 127. Description for the Core Access Configuration Register

Bit Number Bit Name Description

D0 MD0 Mode select for channel sequencer:

• MD[1:0]=2'b00—channel sequencer cycles from channel 2 to
D1 MD1 channel 7
• MD[1:0]=2'b01—channel sequencer cycles from channel 0 to
channel 7
• MD[1:0]=2'b10—channel sequencer cycles from channel 0 to
channel 1
• MD[1:0]=2'b11—controlled by IP core. Specify the channel to
be converted on chsel[3:0].

D2 BU0 Channel 0—Register bit that indicates channel 0. Set to "0".

D3 BU1 Channel 1—Register bit that indicates channel 1. Set to "0".

D4 NA Reserved. Set to "0".


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Bit Number Bit Name Description

D5 NA Reserved. Set to "0".

D6 CAL Calibration enable bit. "0" indicates calibration is off. "1" indicates
calibration is on. The calibration result does not include the final
12-bit converted data when calibration is off.

D7 NA Reserved. Set to "0". Accessing the Voltage Sensor in the Core Access Mode when MD[1:0] is not
Equal to 2'b11

The following timing diagram shows the IP core timing to access the voltage sensor
when MD[1:0] is not equal to 2'b11.

Figure 186. Timing Diagram when MD[1:0] is not Equal to 2'b11

corectl Minimum 2 Clock Pulse
reset Minimum 2 Clock Pulse
22 Cycles 22 Cycles 22 Cycles
confin Configuration Data (8 bit)

Core Sample Data Core Sample Data Core Sample Data

dataout[5:0] Previous Data

First Converted Data Second Converted Data Last Converted Data
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1. A low-to-high transition on the corectl signal enables the core access mode.
Wait for a minimum of two clock cycles before proceeding to step 2.
2. De-asserting the reset signal releases the voltage sensor from the reset state.
Wait for a minimum two clock cycles before proceeding to step 3.
3. Configure the voltage sensor by writing the configuration registers and asserting
the coreconfig signal for eight clock cycles. The configuration register access
mode is 8 bits and configuration data is shifted in serially.
4. The coreconfig signal going low indicates the start of the conversion based on
the configuration defined in the configuration register.
5. Poll the eoc and eos status signals to check if conversion for the first channel
defined by MD[1:0] is complete. Latch the output data on the dataout[5:0]
signal at the falling edge of the eoc signal.
6. Poll the eoc and eos status signals to check if conversion for the subsequent
channels defined by MD[1:0] are complete. Latch the output data on the
dataout[5:0] signal at the falling edge of the eoc signal.
7. Repeat step 6 until the eos signal is asserted, indicating the completion of the
conversion of one cycle on the channels specified by MD[1:0].
a. Both the eoc and eos signals are asserted on the same clock cycle when the
voltage sensor completes the conversion for the last channel.

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b. You can only interrupt the operation of the voltage sensor by writing into the
configuration register after one cycle of the eos signal completes.
8. When the sequence completes, and if the corectl and reset signals remain
unchanged, the conversion repeats the same sequence again until corectl is 0
and reset is 1. If you want to measure other sequences, repeat step 2 to step 7. Accessing the Voltage Sensor in the Core Access Mode when MD[1:0] is Equal
to 2'b11

The following timing diagram shows the IP core timing to access the voltage sensor
when MD[1:0] is equal to 2'b11.

Figure 187. Timing Diagram when MD[1:0] is Equal to 2'b11

corectl Minimum 2 Clock Pulse
reset Minimum 2 Clock Pulse
22 Cycles 22 Cycles 22 Cycles
confin Configuration Data (8 bit)

chsel[3:0] First chsel Second chsel Subsequent chsel

Core Sample Data Core Sample Data Core Sample Data

Converted Data Converted Data Converted Data
for First chsel for Second chsel for Subsequent chsel
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1. A low-to-high transition on the corectl signal enables the core access mode.
Wait for a minimum of two clock cycles before proceeding to step 2.
2. De-asserting the reset signal releases the voltage sensor from the reset state.
Wait for a minimum two clock cycles before proceeding to step 3.
3. Configure the voltage sensor by writing the configuration registers and asserting
the coreconfig signal for eight clock cycles. The configuration register access
mode is 8 bits and configuration data is shifted in serially.
4. Specify the channel for conversion on the chsel[3:0] signal. Data on the
chsel[3:0] signal must be stable before the coreconfig signal is de-asserted.
5. The coreconfig signal going low indicates the start of the conversion based on
the configuration defined in the configuration register and the chsel[3:0] signal.
6. Specify the next channel for conversion on the chsel[3:0] signal. Data on the
chsel[3:0] signal must be stable one cycle before the eoc signal asserts. Poll
the eoc and eos status signals to check if conversion for the first channel defined
by the chsel[3:0] signal in step 4 is complete. Latch the output data on the
dataout[5:0] signal at the falling edge of the eoc signal.
7. Repeat step 6 for all the subsequent channels. Voltage Sensor Transfer Function

The following figure shows the voltage sensor transfer function for the unipolar mode.

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Figure 188. Voltage Sensor Transfer Function for the Unipolar Mode


6-bit Output
Code (Hex)



Input Voltage (mv)

10.5. Temperature Sensing Diode

The Arria 10 temperature sensing diode (TSD) uses the characteristics of a PN junction
diode to determine die temperature. Knowing the junction temperature is crucial for
thermal management. You can calculate junction temperature using ambient or case
temperature, junction-to-ambient (ja) or junction-to-case (jc) thermal resistance, and
device power consumption.

An Arria 10 device monitors its die temperature with the internal TSD with built-in
analog-to-digital converter (ADC) circuitry or the external TSD with an external
temperature sensor. This allows you to control the air flow to the device.

Table 128. Overview of the Internal and External Temperature Sensors

Feature Internal Sensor External TSD

Temperature sensing Uses the built-in ADC to sample the on-chip Interfaces the TSD with an external
temperature temperature sensing chip

Readout access Through the Temperature Sensor Intel FPGA IP From the external temperature sensing chip

Operation availability When the device is in user mode When the device is in user mode or off

Related Information
Intel FPGA Temperature Sensor IP Core User Guide

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10.5.1. Internal Temperature Sensing Diode

The Arria 10 device supports an internal TSD with a built-in 10-bit ADC circuitry to
monitor die temperature. The Arria 10 device uses a set of NPN transistors to sense
the temperature and generate its own reference voltage for conversion. The
conversion speed of the internal TSD is around 1 ksps.

Figure 189. Internal TSD Block Diagram

This power is sourced

10-Bit ADC 10-Bit Output Temperature
Sensor Diode
Circuitry Data FPGA Core
Using NPN
1 ksps Registers


To read the temperature of the die during user mode, assert the CORECTL signal from
low to high. The active high RESET signal can be used to reset the registers at any
time. The ADC circuitry takes 1,024 clock cycles to complete one conversion. The EOC
signal goes high for one clock cycle indicating completion of the conversion. The FPGA
core reads out the data on the TEMPOUT[9:0] signal at the falling edge of the EOC

Figure 190. Internal TSD Timing Diagram

1,024 Cycles




TEMPOUT[9:0] Previous Data Current Data



Related Information
• Internal Temperature Sensing Diode Specifications
Provides more information about the Arria 10 internal TSD specification.
• Intel FPGA Temperature Sensor IP Core User Guide Transfer Function for Internal TSD

The following figure shows the transfer function for internal TSD.

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Figure 191. ADC Transfer Function



10 Bit

-40 -39.4 25 124.4 125

Temperature (° C)

You can calculate the temperature from tempout[9:0] value using this formula:

Temperature = {(AxC)÷1024} - B

• A = 693
• B = 265
• C = decimal value of tempout[9..0]

10.5.2. External Temperature Sensing Diode

The Arria 10 external TSD requires two pins for voltage reference. The following figure
shows how to connect the external TSD with an external temperature sensor device to
allow external sensing of the Arria 10 die temperature.

Figure 192. TSD External Pin Connections



The TSD is a very sensitive circuit that can be influenced by noise coupled from other
traces on the board or within the device package itself, depending on your device
usage. The interfacing signal from the Arria 10 device to the external temperature
sensor is based on millivolts (mV) of difference, as seen at the external TSD pins.
Switching the I/O near the TSD pins can affect the temperature reading. Altera
recommends taking temperature readings during periods of inactivity in the device or
use the internal TSD with built-in ADC circuitry.

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The following are board connection guidelines for the TSD external pin connections:
• The maximum trace lengths for the TEMPDIODEP/TEMPDIODEN traces must be
less than eight inches.
• Route both traces in parallel and place them close to each other with grounded
guard tracks on each side.
• Altera recommends 10-mils width and space for both traces.
• Route traces through a minimum number of vias and crossunders to minimize the
thermocouple effects.
• Ensure that the number of vias are the same on both traces.
• Ensure both traces are approximately the same length.
• Avoid coupling with toggling signals (for example, clocks and I/O) by having the
GND plane between the diode traces and the high frequency signals.
• For high-frequency noise filtering, place an external capacitor (close to the
external chip) between the TEMPDIODEP/TEMPDIODEN trace. For Maxim devices,
use an external capacitor between 2200 pF and 3300 pF.
• Place a 0.1 uF bypass capacitor close to the external device.
• You can use the internal TSD with built-in ADC circuitry and external TSD at the
same time.
• If you only use internal ADC circuitry, the external TSD pins (TEMPDIODEP/
TEMPDIODEN) can be connected to GND because the external TSD pins are not

Note: You must ensure that the ideality factor setting of the temperature sensing device
matches the ideality factor setting of the Arria 10 external temperature sensing diode
for optimal accuracy. For more information on the diode ideality factor, refer to the
Arria 10 Device Datasheet.

For details about device specification and connection guidelines, refer to the external
temperature sensor device datasheet from the device manufacturer.

Related Information
• External Temperature Sensing Diode Specifications
Provides details about the external TSD specification.
• Arria 10 GX, GT, and SX Device Family Pin Connection Guidelines
Provides details about the TEMPDIODEP/TEMPDIODEN pin connection when you
are not using an external TSD.

10.5.3. Design Consideration Comparing Temperature Readouts of Arria 10 External TSD and Arria 10

Internal Temperature Sensor

When comparing between the temperature readouts of the Arria 10 external

temperature sensing diode (TSD) and the Arria 10 internal temperature sensor,
consider the temperature error contributed by your external TSD implementation at
board level such as accuracy of the temperature sensing chip, ideality factor
mismatch, and series resistance. For example, the Arria 10 internal temperature

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sensor has an accuracy of +/-5°C and total errors from external TSD implementation
is +/-4°C. The worst case temperature variation could go up to +/- 9deg °C with sum
of both errors.

10.6. Power-On Reset Circuitry

The POR circuitry keeps the Arria 10 device in the reset state until the power supply
outputs are within the recommended operating range.

A POR event occurs when you power up the Arria 10 device until all power supplies
reach the recommended operating range within the maximum power supply ramp
time, tRAMP. If tRAMP is not met, the Arria 10 device I/O pins and programming
registers remain tri-stated, during which device configuration could fail.

Figure 193. Relationship Between tRAMP and POR Delay


POR trip level

first power

last power

POR delay configuration
tRAMP time

The Arria 10 POR circuitry uses an individual detecting circuitry to monitor each of the
configuration-related power supplies independently. The main POR circuitry is gated by
the outputs of all the individual detectors. The main POR signal is asserted when the
power starts to ramp up. This signal is released after the last ramp-up power reaches
the POR trip level followed by a POR delay. You can select the fast or standard POR
delay time by setting the MSEL pins.

For configuration via protocol (CvP), the total TRAMP must be less than 10 ms from
the first power supply ramp-up to the last power supply ramp-up. Select a fast POR
delay setting to allow sufficient time for the PCI Express* (PCIe) link initialization and

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In user mode, the main POR signal is asserted when any of the monitored power
supplies go below its POR trip level. Asserting the POR signal forces the device into the
reset state.

The POR circuitry checks the functionality of the I/O level shifters powered by the
VCCPT and VCCPGM power supplies during power-up mode. The main POR circuitry waits
for all the individual POR circuitries to release the POR signal before allowing the
control block to start programming the device.

Figure 194. Simplified POR Diagram for Arria 10 Devices


Main POR


Related Information
• POR Specifications
Provides more information about the POR delay specification.
• MSEL Pin Settings
Provides more information about the MSEL pin settings for each POR delay.
• Recommended Operating Conditions
Provides more information about the power supply ramp time.

10.6.1. Power Supplies Monitored and Not Monitored by the POR Circuitry
Table 129. Power Supplies Monitored and Not Monitored by the Arria 10 POR Circuitry
Power Supplies Monitored Power Supplies Not Monitored

• VCCL_HPS(52), (53)

(51) Only for VCCIO of bank 2A.

(52) VCCL_HPS is a power supply monitored for the HPS block only and does not gate the main POR.
If you do not use the HPS block, connect VCCL_HPS to GND.
(53) These are only supported by system-on-a-chip (SoC) FPGA.

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Note: For the device to exit POR, you must power the VCCBAT power supply even if you do
not use the volatile key.

10.7. Power Sequencing Considerations for Arria 10 Devices

The Arria 10 devices require a specific power-up and power-down sequence. This
document describes several power management options and discusses proper I/O
management during device power-up and power-down. Design your power supply
solution to properly control the complete power sequence.

The requirements in this document must be followed to prevent unnecessary current

draw to the FPGA device. Arria 10 devices do not support 'Hot-Socketing' except under
the conditions stated in the table below. The tables below also show what the
unpowered pins can tolerate during power-up and power-down sequences.

Table 130. Pin Tolerance – Power-Up/Power-Down

'√' is Applicable; '-' is Not Applicable.

Power-Up Power-Down

Pin Type Tristate Drive to Drive to Driven with Tristate Drive to Drive to Driven with
GND VCCIO < 1.1 Vp-p GND VCCIO < 1.1 Vp-p

3VIO banks √ - - - √ √ - -

LVDS I/O banks √ √ √(54) - √ √ √(54) -

Differential √ √ - - √ √ - -
Transceiver pins

Related Information
• LVDS I/O Pin Guidance for Unpowered FPGA
• Transceiver Pin Guidance for Unpowered FPGA

10.7.1. Power-Up Sequence Requirements for Arria 10 Devices

The power rails in Arria 10 devices are each divided into three groups. Refer to the
Arria 10 GX, GT, and SX Device Family Pin Connection Guidelines and the AN692:
Power Sequencing Considerations for Cyclone 10 GX, Arria 10, and Stratix 10 Devices
for additional details.

The diagram below illustrates the voltage groups of the Arria 10 devices and their
required power-up sequence.

(54) The maximum current allowed through any LVDS I/O bank pin when the device is unpowered
or during power up/down conditions = 10 mA (refer to "LVDS I/O Pin Guidance for Unpowered
FPGA Pins").

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Figure 195. Power-Up Sequence Requirement for Arria 10 Devices

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

90% of

Group 1
90% of

Group 2

Group 3

Note: VCCBAT is not in any of the groups below. VCCBAT does not have any sequence
requirements. VCCBAT holds the contents of the security keys.

Table 131. Voltage Rails

Power Group Arria 10 Power Supplies

Group 1 VCC

Group 2 VCCPT

Group 3 VCCPGM

All power rails in Group 1 must ramp up (in any order) to a minimum of 90% of their
respective nominal voltage before the power rails from Group 2 can start ramping up.

The power rails within Group 2 can ramp up in any order after the last power rail in
Group 1 ramps to the minimum threshold of 90% of its nominal voltage. All power
rails in Group 2 must ramp to a minimum threshold of 90% of their nominal value
before the Group 3 power rails can start ramping up.

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The power rails within Group 3 can ramp up in any order after the last power rail in
Group 2 ramps up to a minimum threshold of 90% of their full value.

For Arria 10 devices, you can combine and ramp up Group 3 power rails with Group 2
power rails if the two groups share the same voltage level and the same voltage
regulator as Group 2 power rail VCCPT.

Note: Ensure that the newly combined power rails do not cause any driving of unpowered
GPIO or transceiver pins.

All power rails must ramp up monotonically. The power-up sequence should meet
either the standard or the fast Power On Reset (POR) delay time. The POR delay time
depends on the POR delay setting you use. For the POR specifications of the Arria 10
devices, refer to the POR Specifications section in the Arria 10 Device Datasheet.

The power-up sequence must meet either the standard or fast POR delay time
depending on the POR delay setting you use.

Related Information
• Arria 10 GX, GT, and SX Device Family Pin Connection Guidelines
• AN692: Power Sequencing Considerations for Cyclone 10 GX, Arria 10, and Stratix
10 Devices
• POR Specifications

10.7.2. Power-Down Sequence Recommendations and Requirements for

Arria 10 Devices
Altera's FPGAs need to follow certain requirements during a power-down sequence.
The power-down sequence can be a controlled power-down event via an on/off switch
or an uncontrolled event as with a power supply collapse. In either case, you must
follow a specific power-down sequence. Below are four power-down sequence
specifications. They are either Recommended (one), Required (two), or Relaxed (one).
To comply with Altera’s FPGA Power-Down requirements, the Recommended option is

Note: If you cannot follow the Recommended specification, you must follow the Required

Recommended Power-Down Ramp Specification

This is the best option to minimize power supply currents.

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Figure 196. Recommended Power-Down Ramp Specification

Maximum 100 ms

Group 1

Group 2

10% of
Group 3

< 1.92 V
10% of
• Power down all power rails fully within 100 ms.
• Power down power supplies within the same Group in any order.
• Before Group 2 supplies power down, power down all Group 3 supplies within 10%
of GND.
• Before Group 1 supplies power down, power down all Group 2 supplies within 10%
of GND.
• The maximum voltage differential between any Group 3 supply and any Group 2
supply is 1.92 V.

For Arria 10 devices, you can combine and ramp down Group 3 power rails with Group
2 power rails if the two groups share the same voltage level and the same voltage
regulator as the Group 2 power rails.
• Ensure that the newly combined power rails do not cause any driving of
unpowered GPIO or transceiver pins.
• Ensure that the newly combined power rails do not violate any power-down
sequencing specification due to device (third party) leakage; maintain the
Required Voltage Differential Specification.

During the power-up/down sequence, the device output pins are tri-stated. To ensure
long term reliability of the device, Altera recommends that you do not drive the input
pins during this time.

Required Power-Down Ramp Specification

In cases where power supply is collapsing or if the recommended specification cannot

be met, the following PDS sequence is required.

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Figure 197. Required Power-Down Ramp Specification

Maximum 100 ms
Group 1

350 mV
Group 2

< 1.0 V

Group 3

<1.0 V

• Power down all power rails fully within 100 ms.

• As soon as possible, disable all power supplies.
— Tri-state Group 1 supplies, and do not drive them actively to GND.
— If possible, drive or terminate Group 2 and Group 3 supplies to GND.
• Ensure no alternative sourcing of any power supply exists during the power-down
sequence; reduce all supplies monotonically and with a consistent RC typical
• By the time any Group 1 supply goes under 0.35 V, all Group 2 and Group 3
supplies must be under 1.0 V.

Required Voltage Differential Specification

To not excessively overstress device transistors during power-down, there is an

additional voltage requirement between any two power supplies between different
power groups during power-down:

ΔV < ΔVnom + 500 mV

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Figure 198. Required Voltage Differential Specification

Maximum 100 ms
Group 1

G1 V
Group 2

G2 V

Group 3

G3 V

• Power down all power rails fully within 100 ms.

• For example, if Group 1 Voltage = 0.9 V, Group 2 Voltage = 1.8 V, and Group 3
Voltage = 3.0 V, then:
G3Vnom = 3.0 V G2Vnom = 1.8 V G3Vnom = 3.0 V
G2Vnom = 1.8 V G1Vnom = 0.9 V G1Vnom = 0.9 V

(G3V – G2V)nom = 1.2 V (G2V – G1V)nom = 0.9 V (G3V – G1V)nom = 2.1 V

(G3V – G2V) <= 1.2 V + .5 V (G2V – G1V) <= 0.9 V + .5 V (G3V – G1V) <= 2.1 V + .5 V

(G3V – G2V) <= 1.7 V (G2V – G1V) <= 1.4 V (G3V – G1V) <= 2.6 V

• To meet this voltage differential requirement, ramp down all power supplies as
soon as possible according to the Required Power-Down Ramp Specification.

Note: Not following the required power sequence can result in unpredictable device
operation and internal high current paths.

Relaxed Power-Down Duration Specification

For supplies being powered down with no active termination, voltage reduction to GND
slows down as supply approaches 0 V. In this case, the 100 ms power requirement is
relaxed - measure it when supply reaches near GND.

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Figure 199. Relaxed Power-Down Duration Specification

Maximum 100 ms
Group 1

<100 mV
Group 2

<200 mV
Group 3

<200 mV

• Ensure all Group 1 supplies reach < 100 mV within 100 ms.
• Ensure all Group 2 and Group 3 supplies reach < 200 mV within 100 ms.

Related Information
AN692: Power Sequencing Considerations for Cyclone 10 GX, Arria 10, and Stratix 10

10.8. Power Supply Design

The power supply requirements for Arria 10 devices vary depending on the static and
dynamic power for each specific use case. To reduce dynamic power of the Arria 10
device to a negligible amount before power down, hold the nCONFIG pin low to force
the Arria 10 device into a reset state.

Arria 10 devices have multiple input voltage rails that require a regulated power
supply in order to operate. Multiple input rail requirements may be grouped according
to system considerations such as voltage requirements, noise sensitivity, and
sequencing. The Arria 10 GX, GT, and SX Device Family Pin Connection Guidelines
provides a more detailed recommendation about which input rails may be grouped.
The Power Analyzer for Arria 10 devices also seamlessly and automatically provides
input rail power requirements and specific device recommendations based on each
specific Arria 10 use case. Individual input rail voltage, current requirements, and
input rail groupings are summarized on the “Report” tab.

Related Information
• Arria 10 GX, GT, and SX Device Family Pin Connection Guidelines
Provides detailed information about power supply pin connection guidelines and
power regulator sharing.
• Early Power Estimators (EPE) and Power Analyzer
Provides more information about the power supplies and the current
requirements for each power rail.

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10. Power Management in Arria 10 Devices
683461 | 2024.07.08

• Power Delivery Network (PDN) Tool for Stratix 10 and Arria 10 Devices

10.9. Power Management in Arria 10 Devices Revision History

Document Changes

2024.07.08 Updated Figure: Relationship Between tRAMP and POR Delay.

2023.10.25 Added the Design Consideration topic.

2022.06.26 Updated Table: Pin Tolerance – Power-Up/Power-Down.

2022.05.27 Removed instances of "Enpirion" from Power Supply Design section.

2022.01.21 Updated Table: Pin Tolerance – Power-Up/Power-Down.

2021.07.16 Updated the SmartVID section to include a note on the Arria 10 HPS EMIF IP support.

2019.12.30 Added Overview of the Internal and External Temperature Sensors table to clarify the differences
between internal and external temperature sensors in Temperature Sensing Diode chapter.

2019.03.28 Updated the Power-Up Sequence Requirements for Arria 10 Devices section to include information
about Group 2 and Group 3 power rails.

2018.05.07 • Updated the External Temperature Sensing Diode section to include information about the diode
ideality factor.
• Updated the power-up and power-down sequences in the the Power Sequencing Considerations for
Arria 10 Devices section.
• Editorial updates.

Date Version Changes

December 2017 2017.12.15 • Added a link to AN692 in the Power-Up and Power-Down Sequences
• Updated RESET signal from HIGH to LOW in Internal TSD Timing

March 2017 2017.03.15 • Rebranded as Intel.

• Updated the Power-Up and Power-Down Sequences section.

October 2016 2016.10.31 • Removed the link to AN692.

• Updated the Description for the Voltage Sensor Block WYSIWYG table.
• Updated the topic about power-up and power-down sequences to stress
that excess I/O pin current can affect device reliability and damage the

June 2016 2016.06.13 • Updated the value of the VID_EN pin in the Regulator Requirement for
Altera SmartVID Solution table.
• Updated the Power-Up and Power-Down Sequences section to include
more information for the power-down sequence.
• Added the Voltage Sensor Transfer Function for the Unipolar Mode

May 2016 2016.05.02 • Updated the WYSIWYG Atom to Access the Voltage Sensor Block
• Updated the voltage range and nominal voltage range in the Regulator
Requirement for Altera SmartVID Solution table.
• Updated the Description for the Voltage Sensor Block WYSIWYG table.
• Updated the Description for the Core Access Configuration Register

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10. Power Management in Arria 10 Devices
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Date Version Changes

• Updated the condition for the Group 1 power-up sequence in the Power
Groups Ramping Sequence table.
• Updated the requirement for the CvP configuration scheme in the
Power-On Reset Circuitry section.
• Removed support for the VCC PowerManager feature.

December 2015 2015.12.14 • Added a note to VCCIO and VCCL_HPS power rails in the Power Supplies
Monitored and Not Monitored by the Arria 10 POR Circuitry table.
• Updated the RESET and CORECTL signals of the Internal TSD Timing
Diagram figure.
• Updated the formula for the ADC Transfer Function.
• Updated the supported speed grades devices for the SmartVID feature.
• Updated the conditions for Group 1 in the Power Groups Ramping
Sequence table.
• Updated the Power-Up and Power-Down Sequences section.
• Updated the Voltage Sensor section.
• Updated the External Temperature Sensing Diode section.
• Removed the Bipolar Input Mode support from the Voltage Sensor
• Removed the JTAG Access Mode support from the Voltage Sensor
• Removed the Voltage Sensor Transfer Function section.

November 2015 2015.11.02 • Updated the ADC Transfer Function figure.

• Changed instances of Quartus II to Quartus Prime.

June 2015 2015.06.15 • Added a note to describe the current for the VREFP_ADC and
VREFN_ADC pins in the Voltage Sensor section.
• Updated the ADC Transfer Function figure.

May 2015 2015.05.04 • Updated the Power-Up and Power-Down Sequences with requirements
for the power-down sequence for each group of power rails.
• Updated the description of the config port in Table 10-4.
• Updated the Transfer Function for Internal TSD section with the formula
to calculate temperature from the tempout[9:0] value.
• Updated the supported parallel VID bit interface to 7 bit in the
SmartVID and VCC PowerManager Features Implementation section.
• Updated the note to the voltage range of the SmartVID and VCC
PowerManager, in which the range includes tolerance.
• Updated the on-chip reference source to ±10%.

January 2015 2015.01.23 • Updated the Unipolar Input Mode section.

• Updated the on-chip reference source for the VREFP_ADC pin in the
Voltage Sensor section.
• Updated the steps in the Accessing the Voltage Sensor Using JTAG
Access section.
• Updated the description for reset and corectl ports in the
Description for the Voltage Sensor Block WYSIWYG table.
• Updated the Internal Temperature Sensing Diode section on how to
read the temperature of the die during user mode.
• Updated the Timing Diagram when MD[1:0] is not Equal to 2'b11
• Updated the Timing Diagram when MD[1:0] is Equal to 2'b11 figure.
• Updated the Internal TSD Timing Diagram figure.

August 2014 2014.08.18 • Added the SmartVID and VCC PowerManager Features Implementation
• Added the Using Voltage Sensor in Arria 10 Devices section.
• Added the Transfer Function for Internal TSD section.
• Added the Power Supply Design section.

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10. Power Management in Arria 10 Devices
683461 | 2024.07.08

Date Version Changes

• Updated the Dynamic Power Equation section.

• Updated the Power Reduction Techniques section.
• Updated the SmartVID section.
• Updated the Programmable Power Technology section.
• Updated the Voltage Sensor section.
• Updated the Power-Up and Power-Down Sequence section.

December 2013 2013.12.02 Initial release.

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