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Food Hydrocolloids 23 (2009) 849–855

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Rheological properties of rice pasta dough supplemented with

proteins and gums
Nesli Sozer*
Food Engineering Department, University of Gaziantep, 27310 Gaziantep, Turkey

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Rheological properties of rice pasta dough were studied by creep-recovery tests for various formulations
Received 28 September 2007 containing guar gum (0.5%), casein (1%), and egg white (1%) mixtures. Non-gelatinized rice semolina (RS)
Accepted 16 March 2008 was also mixed with gelatinized RS in different ratios (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%) for each formulation. The
effects of gelatinization, gum and proteins on pasta dough rheology were determined by a control stress
Keywords: rheometer (Haake Rheostress 1). From the creep-recovery data it was obvious that as the amount of
Celiac gelatinized fraction increased there was an increase in the elasticity of the samples. However, the samples
that were produced with 75 and 100% gelatinized RS in the formulation were not smooth in texture, but
lumpy. From the creep-recovery and dynamic oscillation measurements it was found that guar gum and
Creep-recovery protein mixture can be used as a stabilizer together with 50% pre-gelatinized rice semolina. This will
Dynamic oscillation testing result in an improvement in dough properties during gluten free pasta processing from rice.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction be avoided, including durum wheat, spelt wheat, kamut, einkorn

and triticale (Taylor, Schober, & Bean, 2006). Currently, estimates
Pasta is a stable food product that is produced mainly by are that approximately 1:200–350 people in Europe, 1:250–500 in
mixing durum wheat semolina and water. It can be consumed USA and 1:300–500 in Turkey suffer from this disease (Tandoruk,
after cooking as fresh pasta or can also be dried for future use. 2005). In Asia and Africa it is quite rare (Hamer, 2005; Tandoruk,
Common pasta produced with wheat has better quality param- 2005).
eters (low cooking loss, firm pasta structure, reduced adhesive- Despite the fact that the amount of celiac patients in Turkey is
ness, etc.) than rice pasta. In pasta processing, gluten is mainly between 0.2 and 0.3% of total population, the production of gluten
responsible for the formation of the structure. Gluten is consid- free food is quite low and most of the time it is imported and sold in
ered to be the most significant factor related to pasta cooking the market quite expensively. From an economic point of view, it is
quality (Dexter & Matsuo, 1978; Matsuo, Bradley, & Irvine, 1972). quite important to increase the variety of gluten free products and
Gluten consists of gliadin and glutenin and is responsible for with local production it can also be possible to decrease the final
elasticity and al dente chewability of pasta, which is highly ap- cost of these products.
preciated by consumers. Rice is recommended as a safe food for celiac patients since it
However, some people with a specific genetic nature suffer from possesses no gluten and can be used in the production of pasta.
celiac disease (or non-tropical sprue) upon consumption of food During production of pasta from rice, some technological problems
containing wheat, rye or barley (Lai, 2001). The cause of this disease can arise due to the lack of gluten. Gliadin and glutenin perform
is the ingestion of dietary gluten, which may affect absorption of technologically fundamental functions, among which water ab-
important nutrients such as iron, folic acid, calcium, and fat-soluble sorption is very important. When water is added to the semolina and
vitamins. The patients have intolerence against the gliadin fraction the dough is mixed mechanically, glutenin and gliadin form gluten,
of wheat and the prolamins of rye (secalins), barley (hordeins) and a protein compound that forms a kind of mesh in the structure of the
possibly oats (avidins) (Gallagher, Gormley, & Arendt, 2004). The dough, trapping the starch grains and basically preventing the pasta
only effective treatment is a life long gluten free diet (Butterworth, from turning into polenta during cooking (Matsuo & Irvine, 1970).
Banfield, Iqbal, & Cooper, 2004; Feighery, 1999; Gallagher et al., Gluten absorbs water twice its own weight and moreover tends to
2004; Hamer, 2005). This means that wheat, rye and barley have to hold it through complex chemical bonds. The water absorption of
gluten is not linear: it is very slow at the start of dough processing,
but it grows quickly as the development of the gluten is perfected.
The last few minutes of dough formation are when the swelling
* Tel.: þ90 342 3172359; fax: þ90 342 3601105.
E-mail address: of the gluten is most accentuated (and also its elasticity) (Liu,

0268-005X/$ – see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
850 N. Sozer / Food Hydrocolloids 23 (2009) 849–855

Shepherd, & Hoseney, 1996; Miller & Hoseney, 1999). The unique Guar gum and egg white were obtained from Sigma Aldrich
properties of gluten such as its water holding capacity and network (Stenheim, Germany) and casein was from Merck (Darmstadt,
formation during dough formation enable easy processing during Germany).
critical steps of pasta production which can be summarized as
mixing, dough formation, extrusion and drying units. 2.2. Preparation of gelatinized rice semolina
When rice is the only material used in pasta production, it
requires some starch gelatinization to act as a binder, since rice The rice semolina was tempered to a moisture content of 40%
protein lacks the functionality of wheat gluten in making a co- (on a wet basis) with water in a mixer (Kitchen Aid, USA). The
hesive dough structure. In order to improve textural properties of tempered rice semolina was arranged in a 1 cm layer on a cheese
rice pasta, there are two alternatives; either gelatinization of the cloth. A hot steam humidifier (Nembo Rapid Vaporizer, Sutas
rice flour itself or steaming of the surface of the extruded pasta Makina, Izmir, TR) was placed inside a temperature controlled
during drying (Lai, 2001). Pre-gelatinization can help to improve oven. The environment inside the oven was saturated with hot
functional properties and give body and texture to the product. In steam coming from the humidifier and the environmental tem-
the literature, it has also been reported that substances that swell perature was kept at 85  C. Degree of gelatinization was examined
in water could replace gluten in the dough (Sivaramakrishnan, by taking samples periodically and analyzing them by differential
Senge, & Chattopadhyay, 2004). Dairy proteins and hydrocolloids scanning calorimetry till complete gelatinization was achieved.
can be used to mimic the viscoelastic properties of gluten and Afterwards, the gelatinized rice semolina was dried overnight at
result in improved structure mouthfeel, acceptability and shelf life room temperature and ground (Krups KM 75, Germany), then sifted
(Lazaridou, Duta, Papageorgiou, Belc, & Biliaderis, 2007). to pass through 500 mm opening.
Hydrocolloids, commonly named gums, are able to modify
overall quality of the food product. Like starches, gums provide
2.3. Thermal measurements
viscosity and texture, and can be used by themselves or in combi-
nation with starch to create certain effects. Guar gum, locust bean
DSC measurements were conducted on steamed rice semolina
gum, alginates and carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) are common
samples to follow the degree of gelatinization. The DSC analysis was
stabilizers used in food technology to provide viscosity, improve
carried out on steamed samples in 2 h intervals until a straight line
firmness, give body and mouthfeel to the end product. Through
indicating complete gelatinization was observed on the DSC ther-
their ability to bind water, gums can increase the rehydration rate
mogram. For DSC analysis, the dried samples were gently ground
of pasta upon cooking or soaking (Yu, 2003).
with a mortar and pestle to pass through a 0.25 mm mesh screen
Guar gum, which is derived from the seed of the guar plant,
and packed into culture tubes. The moisture content of the samples
Cyamopsis tetragonolobus, is a galactomannan. The greater branch-
was immediately determined after milling by an Infrared Dryer
ing of guar is believed to be responsible for its easier hydration
(Sartorious Thermo-Control YTC, Göttingen, Germany). Ground
properties as well as its greater hydrogen-bonding activity.
samples were weighed (10 mg) into DSC pans and moistened with
The addition of guar gum solutions to dough while kneading give
distilled deionized water with a ratio of dry sample to water around
the dough a greater resiliency and a drier, less weak appearance
1:3. The DSC pans were sealed and allowed to reach equilibrium
(Glicksman, 1969).
conditions in a refrigerator at 4  C overnight. The measurements
Egg whites are an interesting food ingredient due to their
were carried out in a Perkin-Elmer DSC 6 equipped with Pyris
multifunctional properties. They are well known for their gelling,
software (Perkin Elmer Inc., Wellesley, USA) calibrated with indium
foaming and emulsifying characteristics, in addition to their high
and an empty pan as a reference. The samples were heated at a rate
nutritional quality (Plancken van der, Loey, & Hendrickx, 2005).
of 5  C/min from 20 to 140  C with nitrogen flushing (40 cm3/min).
Casein is a protein that is found in milk and used independently in
Each experiment was carried out in duplicate. For each endotherm,
many foods (e.g. noodles, chocolate, sweets, mayonnaise, ice-cream)
onset (To), melting (Tm), and conclusion (Tc) temperatures were
as a binding agent. Technically, it is part of a group called phos-
determined using the Pyris DSC software programme. The melting
phoproteins, collections of proteins containing chemically bound
ranges ((DTr ¼ Tc  To) were calculated. Degree of gelatinization (%)
phosphoric acid. Proteins and polysaccharides are commonly used
was determined as follows (Ndife, Şumnu, & Bayındırlı, 1998):
as structure building ingredients in solid and semi-solid foods to
confer mechanical strength and characteristic textural properties or 
as thickening agents in fluid foods to enhance the consistency and Gelatinization degree ð%Þ ¼ 1  DHt =DHs  100 (1)
stability of a product (Chan et al., 2007).
Rheology is of considerable importance in the manufacture of (DHt: gelatinization enthalpy at various cooking times (J/g db)
various foods as it influences the machinability, processing condi- (DHs: gelatinization enthalpy of semolina (J/g db)
tions and quality of products. Different methods, such as dynamic The results of DSC measurements and moisture content of each
oscillatory measurements, creep testing, stress relaxation, viscoe- sample after drying at room temperature are shown in Table 1.
lastograph, etc., have been used to study the viscoelasticity of food From this table, it can be concluded that a gelatinization degree of
materials (Chuang & Yeh, 2006). 83.48% was achieved after 8 h of steaming at 85  C. Previous lab
The aim of this work was to study the impact of pre- trials showed that rice semolina samples which were gelatinized
gelatinization of rice flour and the effect of ingredients such as guar higher than 85% caused higher stickiness during preparation of the
gum, egg white and casein on rheological properties of rice pasta dough (unpublished data). Dough samples were prepared from
dough. 83.48% pre-gelatinized rice semolina.

2. Materials and methods 2.4. Dough preparation

2.1. Material A fixed amount of water was added to each sample to attain 40%
moisture wet basis. Three groups of dough samples (each 20 g)
Rice semolina (RS) which had, 11.45% moisture content (db), with different formulations were prepared. The first group (A) was
5.92% protein (db), 0.41% ash and 0.79% fat content and 81.43% from RS alone, the second group (B) contained RS and guar gum
starch was purchased from a local market of Gaziantep, Turkey. which was 0.5% of total dry ingredients. The third group (C)
N. Sozer / Food Hydrocolloids 23 (2009) 849–855 851

Table 1
Thermal characteristics of spaghetti samples: onset (To), peak (Tp), and completion (Tc) temperatures, gelatinization enthalpies (DH), and gelatinization ranges (DTr ¼ Tc  To)

Steaming time (h) % Moisture content To ( C) Tp ( C) Tc ( C) (DTr ( C) (DH (J/g) % Gelatinization

0 11.45  0.03 63.83  0.04 70.10  0.52 76.36  0.52 12.53  0.34 8.15  0.25 –
2 7.21  0.05 71.54  0.16 75.35  0.75 81.55  0.25 10.01  0.15 5.15  0.31 36.81  0.71
4 7.58  0.01 71.92  0.73 76.43  0.39 82.26  0.48 10.34  0.28 3.75  0.78 53.98  0.03
6 8.30  0.02 72.96  0.61 76.67  0.16 83.02  0.84 10.06  0.26 2.35  0.36 71.15  0.03
8 9.07  0.03 74.37  0.73 77.83  0.01 84.80  1.81 10.43  1.55 1.34  0.02 83.48  0.56

contained RS and 0.5% guar gum þ 0.25% egg white þ 0.25% casein Burgers model (Burgers, 1935) which is a Kelvin and a Maxwell
mixture. Before using, guar gum powder was dispersed in water by model placed in series can be used to analyze the creep data:
using a magnetic stirrer at room temperature; then stored over-

night and stirred again before usage to achieve uniform distribu- JðtÞ ¼ J0 þ J1 1  exp  s=lret1
tion. In each formulation, various amounts of gelatinized RS were
used (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% gelatinized RS of total RS weight). All  
þ J2 1  exp  s=lret2 þ t=mo ð3Þ
the samples were hand kneaded first and then passed through the
2nd, and 4th pass of a pasta machine (Ampia MOD 150, Italy) for
where J0 is the instantaneous creep compliance, J1 and J2 are re-
four times from each pass and in all directions. The final thickness
tarded creep compliances, lret1 and lret2 are retardation times of the
of each dough sheet was determined with a caliper which is
Kelvin component, and mo is the Newtonian viscosity.
2.5 mm. Twenty millimetre diameter disks were taken from the
For the recovery phase the equation of the Burgers model is:
samples and rested for 10 min before each test in sealed plastic
JðtÞ ¼ Jmax þ J0  J1 1  exp t=lret (4)

where Jmax is the maximum creep compliance. The steady state

2.5. Creep-recovery test
compliance can be calculated by subtracting the compliance
value at the terminal region of the curve where it reaches
Creep-recovery tests were done by using a controlled-stress
rheometer (RheoStress 1, Haake, Paramus, NJ) under constant stress
of 750 Pa for 120 s. Measurements were conducted using a 35-mm
diameter parallel plate configuration with a 0.8 mm gap between 3. Results and discussion
plates. To prevent the edges from drying a thin layer of lubricant
was used. Measurements were taken in the linear viscoelastic re- 3.1. Creep-recovery tests
gion (LVR). In the linear viscoelastic region, the amplitude of shear
strain has a proportional response to the applied stress amplitude. In a creep-recovery test, an instantaneous stress is applied, the
In order to determine LVR, a dynamic oscillatory test was done in sample is rapidly deformed, imposing a strain on the material,
which the applied stress ramped from 1 to 2000 Pa at a frequency which continues to increase at a decreasing rate as a function of
of 1 Hz. The strain response to the applied stress was proportional time and at some point of the test constant stress is released,
at 750 Pa. As a result, creep-recovery measurements of each dough causing the strain to decrease and approach a zero value depending
sample were conducted under a constant stress of 750 Pa. on the sample properties (Rao & Skinner, 1986).
A typical creep curve obtained after compression of rice
pasta dough samples with various formulations is presented in
2.6. Dynamic oscillatory measurement Fig. 1. The creep compliance and creep-recovery varied between
samples, but the overall pattern of responses was similar. Ex-
Dynamic oscillatory measurement of each dough sample was perimental compliance values of samples B and C were lower
conducted using the frequency sweep mode by applying a constant than the control sample, A (Fig. 1). Addition of guar gum and its
sinusoidal shear stress of 750 Pa over a frequency range of 0.1– mixture with casein and egg white (Group C of samples)
50 Hz. decreased creep compliance values more than the guar gum
containing (Group B) samples except for 25% gelatinized RS
2.7. Mathematical modeling of the creep-recovery test containing samples. The range of creep compliance values
gradually decreased from 1.6  105 to 1 105 and then to
The mathematical relationship between elastic and viscous 0.6  105 for control (A) samples as the amount of gelatinized
properties can be simulated by using arrangements of model RS increased from 25, 50, 75% of the total RS added. Use of
elements. Elastic deformation can be resembled by a spring and 100% gelatinized RS in the formulation did not make any dif-
viscous flow by a dashpot. The number of springs and dashpots in ference as compared to 75% gelatinized RS formulation for the
the body and the manner in which they are connected can be control (A) samples. For samples containing guar gum (B) the
manipulated to represent different types of viscoelastic materials range of creep compliance values of 50, 75 and 100% gelatinized
and to demonstrate how they will behave under a stress or strain RS were similar with a range of 0.4  105 Pa1. However, for
(Rao & Skinner, 1986). The most common mechanical analogs of 25% gelatinized RS formulation it was 1.2  105 Pa1. For
rheological behavior are the Maxwell (consisting of a spring and samples containing guar and protein, except for 100% gelati-
dashpot connected in series to each other) and Kelvin (consisting of nized samples, the range of creep compliance was
a spring and dashpot connected in parallel to each other) models. 0.3  105 Pa1. For 100% gelatinized RS, this range increased to
Creep data, which is collected under constant stress (s) over 0.5  105 Pa1. The samples with guar (B) exhibited higher
time (t), may be described in terms of a creep compliance (J) creep compliance values for 50, 75 and 100% gelatinized RS
function, given by Eq. (2) in terms of shear deformation (g). formulations, than the corresponding samples without hydro-
colloids. Creep compliance value is mainly associated with
JðtÞ ¼ gðtÞ=s (2) softness (Campos, Steffe, & Ng, 1997; Hayta & Schofield, 2005).
852 N. Sozer / Food Hydrocolloids 23 (2009) 849–855

2,2e-5 2,2e-5
2,0e-5 A25 2,0e-5 A50
1,8e-5 B25 1,8e-5 B50
C25 C50

Compliance (Pa-1)
Compliance (Pa-1)

1,6e-5 1,6e-5
1,4e-5 1,4e-5
1,2e-5 1,2e-5
1,0e-5 1,0e-5
8,0e-6 8,0e-6
6,0e-6 6,0e-6
4,0e-6 4,0e-6
2,0e-6 2,0e-6
0,0 0,0
0 40 80 120 160 200 240 0 40 80 120 160 200 240
Time (s) Time (s)

2,2e-5 2,2e-5
2,0e-5 A75 2,0e-5 A100
1,8e-5 B75 B100
C75 C100
Compliance (Pa-1)

Compliance (Pa-1)
1,6e-5 1,6e-5
1,4e-5 1,4e-5
1,2e-5 1,2e-5
1,0e-5 1,0e-5
8,0e-6 8,0e-6
6,0e-6 6,0e-6
4,0e-6 4,0e-6
2,0e-6 2,0e-6
0,0 0,0
0 40 80 120 160 200 240 0 40 80 120 160 200 240
Time (s) Time (s)

Fig. 1. Creep-recovery curves of rice pasta dough samples which contain 25, 50, 75, and 100% gelatinized rice semolina.

Material exhibiting high creep values over time has weak model fitted the data best (R2 > 0.99). For all the dough samples the
material structures whereas low values are representative of instantaneous compliance values ranged from 3.44  106 to
strong or stiffer structures. 6.76  106 Pa1 (Table 2). Gum supplementation resulted to an
The compliance values increased linearly with time after 80 s of increase in viscosity of dough samples for 50, 75 and 100% gelati-
testing. This showed that the dough system reached equilibrium nized RS samples. Hydration kinetics of RS samples with various
and presented steady state compliance (Steffe, 1996). The rate of levels of gelatinized semolina were followed for ungelatinized, 25,
increase in creep compliance values of dough samples (A, B, C) 50, 75, 100% gelatinized samples for 12 h by storing at 20, 30 and
which were prepared from completely gelatinized rice semolina 40  C and 90% relative humidity (to be published). For non-gelati-
was the lowest and it was the highest for the formulation con- nized semolina samples hydration rate was lower than gelatinized
taining 25% gelatinized RS addition. RS. As the amount of gelatinized semolina increased, the hydration
After analysis of these curves with Burgers model which is rate of samples increased. In rice, due to the absence of a binding
a combination of Maxwell and Kelvin models (Eq. (3)) the two-term agent, the water absorption rate is very low. So a system with

Table 2
Parameters of Burgers model for creep data

Dough type Degree of gelatinization J0  106 (Pa1) J1  106 (Pa1) J2  107 (Pa1) lret1 (s) lret2 (s) m0  107 (Pa s) RMS (%) R2
Rice flour Non-gelatinized – – – – – – – –
25% Gelatinized 3.76 2.59 3.94 22.31 1.26 1.24 0.28 0.9998
50% Gelatinized 4.80 2.07 3.54 23.87 1.50 1.73 0.20 0.9999
75% Gelatinized 5.00 2.46 11.12 23.26 1.42 3.50 0.29 0.9998
100% Gelatinized 6.76 1.74 5.24 24.92 1.77 3.57 0.13 0.9999

Rice flour þ guar gum mixture Non-gelatinized 4.46 7.00 7.74 27.61 1.67 0.30 0.20 0.9999
25% Gelatinized 4.03 3.30 4.02 26.62 1.70 0.92 0.18 0.9999
50% Gelatinized 3.83 2.38 2.22 17.62 1.20 4.08 0.15 0.9987
75% Gelatinized 5.51 1.51 1.25 27.07 1.31 4.18 0.21 0.9993
100% Gelatinized 6.73 1.60 6.65 23.71 1.51 5.10 0.15 0.9998

Rice flour þ guar gum þ Non-Gelatinized 4.25 6.94 7.12 27.64 1.61 0.26 0.19 0.9999
egg white þ casein mixture 25% Gelatinized 3.73 1.23 2.52 24.90 1.76 5.49 0.13 0.9999
50% Gelatinized 3.60 0.98 3.01 24.82 1.76 6.47 0.14 0.9999
75% Gelatinized 4.21 0.93 3.60 24.03 1.59 8.37 0.14 0.9998
100% Gelatinized 4.78 1.98 9.07 23.48 1.44 4.40 0.26 0.9998
N. Sozer / Food Hydrocolloids 23 (2009) 849–855 853

a definable structure cannot be formed and there are also repulsive hydrocolloids, polymers, gums, modified starches and combina-
forces between the starch granules due to absence of a binding tions thereof. These additional ingredients can be added to change
agent (Sivaramakrishnan et al., 2004). In the presence of polymers the functional properties such as viscosity building and water
like gum and protein the attractive forces increase (Chanamai & binding (Haralampu & Gross, 1998). After using 100% gelatinized RS
McClements, 2001). All gums, or hydrocolloids, have a thickening or in the formulation the slope of creep-recovery curves was similar to
viscosity producing effect when dispersed in a water medium each other (Fig. 1). The general behavior among samples was as the
which gives them an ability to act as a body forming, stabilizing and amount of gelatinized fraction in the formulation increased there
emulsifying agent (Glicksman, 1969). By the addition of gum and was a slight decrease in retardation times whereas the viscosity
proteins (sample C) to the dough system, the starch granules were values increased (Table 2).
made to adhere to one another and water was more homoge- Recovery data were modeled by Eq. (4) and the results are
neously distributed through the dough system due to the polymeric shown in Table 3. The introduction of gum together with proteins
structures of guar and proteins (Sivaramakrishnan et al., 2004). The into dough formulations increased the resistance of the dough to
main problem in pasta production from rice is difficulty in the deformation where maximum compliance values decreased
forming dough which has good handling and cooking properties. (Table 3). These results were in agreement with Lazaridou et al.,
This problem can be attributed to the lack of gluten and the net- 2007. All predicted compliance values decreased as the amount of
work it forms during processing. The gum addition could help to gelatinized fraction increased. Samples C0, C25, C50, C75, and C100
form a kind of network structure which entraps starch granules due which had gum and protein in the formulation had lower compli-
to galactomannans. As the amount of gelatinized fraction of RS in ance values than samples B0, B25, B50, B75, and B100 with only
the formulation increased there was an increase in the in- gum. Meanwhile, the addition of gum to 25% gelatinized RS caused
stantaneous compliance J0 values except for guar gum samples with a slight increase of 7.41% over the initial value. The added proteins
25 and 50% gelatinized RS (Table 2). However, the retained com- would mainly control the distribution of water by immobilizing
pliances (J1 and J2) decreased. Structural changes like changes of some part of the water which will reduce water availability for
shape and size of granules, absorption of water and swelling, starch gelatinization during cooking (Kobylanski, Perez, & Pilosof,
crystallite melting, and leaching of amylose (amylopectin) from the 2004).
granules take place during gelatinization leading to irreversible
destruction of the molecular order of the starch granules (Spigno & 3.2. Dynamic test
De Faveri, 2004). The results of the control sample produced from
non-gelatinized RS without any supplementation of gum and The effect of frequency on the viscoelastic behavior of rice pasta
proteins are not given since it was impossible to form a dough out dough showed that the storage modulus G0 (elastic property) is
of this mixture. Since the hydration rate of 0 and 25% gelatinized RS always greater than the loss modulus G00 (viscous property) for all
samples are slower, the response of these particles to the rheom- samples investigated (Fig. 2).
eter sensor is similar to a rigid material. The gelatinization of RS at The plateau-like graph of storage modulus G0 indicated the
85  C for 8 h possibly caused the amylopectin to leach out and presence of network structures (Kulicke et al., 1996). The plot of
disintegrate the granular structure (Kulicke, Eidam, Kath, Kix, & storage modulus G0 versus frequency was more like a plateau as the
Kull, 1996). It was easier to form dough as the amount of gelatinized amount of gelatinized starch fraction increased. Loss modulus (G00 )
RS increased. The most important artefact in using higher amounts values were 5 times lower than the storage modulus (G0 ) values for
of gelatinized fraction in the dough formulation is the occurrence of samples containing 25% gelatinized RS and 10 times lower for
lumps in the structure. samples prepared from 100% gelatinized RS. As frequency increased
After drying and cooling of rice semolina, starch retrogradation this factor was lower showing the system was acting more elasti-
was achieved in the gelatinized fraction. The rate and amount of cally. As the ratio of gelatinized fraction in the formulation in-
retrogradation depends on amylose content or amylose to amylo- creased, storage modulus (G0 ) values decreased due to an increase
pectin ratio (Sajilata, Singhal, & Kulkarni, 2006). Retrograded starch in the water absorption and swelling of starch granules. The sam-
yields resistant starch which is resistant to hydrolysis in the small ples with gum and protein mixture (C) had higher elastic modulus
intestine (Berry, 1986; Champ, 1992; Englyst & Cummings, 1985). (G0 ) values than the samples supplemented with gum alone (Fig. 3).
This type of resistant starch is called, Type III where, during for- Both the addition of gum and protein increased the amount of
mation, polymer chains stabilized by hydrogen bondings occurred polymers in the system (MacGregor & Greenwood, 1980) and
(Wu & Sarko, 1978). Retrograded starch can be processed with resulted in increased elasticity.

Table 3
Parameters of Burgers model for recovery data

Dough type Degree of gelatinization Jmax  106 (Pa1) J0  106 (Pa1) J1  107 (Pa1) lret (s) Joe  106 (Pa1) RMS (%) R2
Rice flour Non-gelatinized – – – – – – –
25% Gelatinized 18.62 6.18 2.78 40.81 9.00 1.02 0.9551
50% Gelatinized 13.60 4.21 2.02 32.58 6.34 1.20 0.9649
75% Gelatinized 9.47 3.03 1.74 32.54 4.82 1.04 0.9867
100% Gelatinized 7.5 2.46 1.61 30.47 4.10 1.98 0.9678

Rice flour þ guar gum mixture Non-Gelatinized 82.00 11.05 5.21 43.12 38.75 0.18 0.9675
25% Gelatinized 20.00 4.48 2.89 40.77 6.6 1.08 0.9596
50% Gelatinized 6.31 2.09 1.73 40.94 3.73 5.12 0.8995
75% Gelatinized 6.50 2.17 1.45 29.98 3.67 2.96 0.9354
100% Gelatinized 6.97 2.00 1.26 19.92 3.26 2.23 0.9243

Rice flour þ guar gum þ egg white þ Non-Gelatinized 78.10 25.00 6.30 38.64 31.10 0.19 0.9965
casein mixture 25% Gelatinized 5.59 1.71 1.57 38.61 3.22 3.45 0.9568
50% Gelatinized 3.97 1.25 1.16 33.0 2.39 3.19 0.9644
75% Gelatinized 3.72 1.19 1.21 43.78 2.33 2.97 0.9367
100% Gelatinized 6.41 1.90 1.60 38.68 3.53 1.20 0.9648
854 N. Sozer / Food Hydrocolloids 23 (2009) 849–855

1000 Table 4
Tan delta values of dough samples

Frequency (Hz) A25 B25 C25

0.1 0.29  0.00 0.15  0.01 0.19  0.01
1 0.15  0.01 0.11  0.01 0.13  0.01
G' and G'' (kPa)

100 10 0.15  0.01 0.14  0.01 0.15  0.00

20 0.18  0.01 0.17  0.02 0.16  0.00
30 0.19  0.02 0.16  0.05 0.18  0.01
A50 B50 C50
0.1 0.17  0.01 0.16  0.01 0.14  0.01
A50 1 0.13  0.01 0.12  0.00 0.12  0.01
10 A75 10 0.17  0.01 0.14  0.00 0.16  0.00
A100 20 0.18  0.01 0.18  0.05 0.17  0.01
A25 30 0.18  0.02 0.19  0.04 0.17  0.04
A50 A75 B75 C75
0.1 0.16  0.01 0.14  0.01 0.13  0.00
1 0.17  0.01 0.14  0.01 0.13  0.01
1 10 0.17  0.01 0.15  0.01 0.16  0.03
0.1 1 10 100 20 0.18  0.02 0.22  0.01 0.21  0.03
Frequency (Hz) 30 0.19  0.02 0.24  0.01 0.21  0.00
A100 B100 C100
Fig. 2. Dynamic mechanical spectra of control sample (A) with 25, 50, 75 and 100% 0.1 0.16  0.01 0.14  0.01 0.15  0.02
gelatinized RS. (Closed symbols, storage modulus (G0 ); open symbols, loss modulus 1 0.16  0.01 0.15  0.01 0.17  0.01
(G00 )). 10 0.18  0.01 0.16  0.03 0.18  0.01
20 0.21  0.01 0.20  0.02 0.21  0.04
30 0.22  0.02 0.21  0.09 0.23  0.04
Another popular material function used to describe viscoelastic
behavior is the tangent of the phase shift or phase angle called tan
delta (tan (d)) which is the ratio of loss modulus (G00 ) to storage a parameter is directly related to the energy lost per cycle divided
modulus (G0 ). Tan delta is also frequency dependent. As mentioned by the energy stored per cycle that can vary from zero to infinity
previously, all elastic modulus (G0 ) values were greater than viscous (Steffe, 1996). Table 4 presents the tan delta values of samples
modulus (G0 ) values. As a result tan delta values were lower than 1. under predescribed frequencies. Generally, control dough samples
In fact, the elastic modulus (G0 ) values of dough samples without had greater tan delta values and with the gum addition there was
any supplementary material were higher than the other samples. It a decrease. As the amount of gelatinized starch fraction increased,
was believed that this high elastic modulus value was representa- there was an increase in tan delta values. At low frequency levels
tive of a more rigid structure than an elastic structure. Tan delta as protein addition decreased tan delta values. The decrease in tan

1000 1000
G' (kPa)

G' (kPa)

100 100

A25 A50
B25 B50
C25 C50
10 10
0.1 1 10 100 0.1 1 10 100
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

1000 1000
G' (kPa)

G' (kPa)

100 100

A75 A100
B75 B100
C75 C100
10 10
0.1 1 10 100 0.1 1 10 100
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

Fig. 3. Dynamic mechanical storage modulus (G0 ) of rice dough for control (A), with gum (B), with gum and proteins (C) containing samples.
N. Sozer / Food Hydrocolloids 23 (2009) 849–855 855

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