Objective: Students will get an insight of the Neural Network approaches. Providing students, the
mathematical background to carry out optimization.
Text Books:
Haykin, Simon. Neural networks and learning machines, 3/E. Pearson Education India, 2010.
Ian Goodfellow and Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville, Deep Learning, An MIT Press book, 2016
Reference Books:
Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow, 2nd Edition by Aurélien
Géron, 2019, Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Joel Grus, Data Science from Scratch 2e: First Principles with Python, O′Reilly; 2nd edition, 2019.
S. Rajsekaran& G.A. VijayalakshmiPai, “Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm:
Synthesis and Applications”, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall of India,2003.
Objective: Students will get an insight of the Neural Network approaches. Providing students, the
mathematical background to carry out optimization.
Programming setup
Python library introduction
Plot activation functions and their derivatives
Generate AND NOT function using McCulloch-Pitts neural net
I, II Generate XOR function using McCulloch-Pitts neuron. 24
Linear Regression, Logistic Regression
Back Propagation Network for XOR function
Multi-Layer Perceptron
Training CNN
Training RNN
Text Books:
Haykin, Simon. Neural networks and learning machines, 3/E. Pearson Education India, 2010.
Ian Goodfellow and Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville, Deep Learning, An MIT Press book, 2016
Reference Books:
Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow, 2nd Edition by Aurélien
Géron, 2019, Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Joel Grus, Data Science from Scratch 2e: First Principles with Python, O′Reilly; 2nd edition, 2019.
S. Rajsekaran& G.A. VijayalakshmiPai, “Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm:
Synthesis and Applications”, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall of India,2003.