Cast on is 8 stitches. Join and knit around. Commence chart with round 3.
Chart is repeated 4 times per round. Rounds not charted are knit.
The First chart shows the increases at the corner and shift of the Beginning
of round for each charted row; the following charts do NOT show the
corners but the pattern of increase and shift continues.
Note that from round 47 on the corner stitches with their increases and
shift of round on the charted rows are not charted. They *do* continue.
Also note - from round 47 on the charts are half charts - worked reading
right to left, then back on the same row left to right (skipping the stippled
Yarnovers in the stippled column are always followed by k1 regardless of
what is in next box of the chart.
Round 111: >1; [w, (k2tog, 0, skp, k, k2tog , 0) x 9; k; (0, skp, k, k2tog,
0, skp) x 9] x 4 (112)
Round 139: >1; [w, ktog, 0, k 3 (np, k 3, ktog, 0, k 3) x7; np, (k 2, 0, skp,
k 3, np) x 7; k 3 0, skp] x 4 (140)
Bind off.