Manuscript 5
Manuscript 5
Manuscript 5
1 Md. Kashif Ansari, Assistant Professor, Hansraj College, University of Delhi,
2 Yukta Anand, Pursuing M. Com (DSE, DU), B. Com(H) (Hansraj College, DU),
Sustainable finance implies the usage of funds for financing projects which are of social, economic and
environmental importance and thus includes ‚green finance‛, ‚climate finance‛ and ‚low-carbon finance‛.
Green finance is very critical to attain ‚low carbon – green growth‛. It plays a principal role of linking
economic growth, environmental improvement and the financial industry with each other. Financing of
such environmentally important projects has always been a challenging task for the Indian economy;
especially the financing required to attain the production of 175 Gigawatts of renewable energy by 2022. In
India, factors like high capital costs, lack of adequate debt financing and short-term maturity of loans have
always acted as a hindrance for financing of renewable energy projects. The paper is divided into multiple
sections. Firstly, it identifies the importance of green finance. The second section discusses the various
measures taken up by the Government of India and the Indian economy in this direction. Further, section
three talks about the various challenges for the Indian economy. The last section provides concluding
remarks as to what lies ahead for the economy of India to further its green investments.
Keywords: Sustainable Development Goals, Paris Agreement, Green Initiatives, Green Bonds, Green
HANS SHODH SUDHA, Vol. 2, Issue 4, (2022), pp. 43-50 ISSN: 2582-9777
HANS SHODH SUDHA, Vol. 2, Issue 4, (2022), pp. 43-50 ISSN: 2582-9777
HANS SHODH SUDHA, Vol. 2, Issue 4, (2022), pp. 43-50 ISSN: 2582-9777
energy as a ‚Priority sector‛ in April 2015. It green energy and to mobilize the funds of the
was done to boost up the competitiveness of private sector for such projects.
the Indian economy and to enhance
Consequently, several other banks like State
employability. The guidelines stated that the
Bank of India, Union Bank, etc. have converted
banks ought to allocate 40% of their net credit
themselves into green banks. SBI offers long-
or an amount equivalent to off-balance sheet
term loans at concessional rates of interest to
exposure, whichever is higher, for the priority
finance green projects and has launched ‘Green
sectors like wind mills, solar power generators,
Home Loan Scheme’ for providing loans at
street lighting systems, micro-hydel plants and
concessional rates for residential projects which
the like.
are environment-friendly. Bank of Baroda has
A positive trend in this direction commenced initiated a scheme for assisting the small and
around the year 2019. In the preceding years, medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the
the required finance was not flowing from the acquisition of the required equipment and
banks to such a crucial sector. This was mainly necessary measures to enhance energy
due to the including of ‘renewable energy’ conservation.
within the term ‘energy’ which resulted in a
Likewise, ICICI bank has been able the provide
large amount of fund flowing to the non-
the necessary finance for undertaking projects
renewable energy sector. But now, banks like
related to clean energy, energy efficiency,
Bank of Baroda, Canara Bank, Central Bank of
mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions, and
India, Punjab National Bank, and other
clean technologies.
nationalized banks have increased their priority
sector lending to housing, education and 2.3 Green Bonds
renewable energy.
Green bonds are those fixed-income securities,
2.2 Green Banks the proceeds of which are used for financing
projects which are environmentally viable. Like
The first ever step in the direction of green
every other bond, these bonds also have to
bank in India was the conversion of ‘Indian
acquire the required credit rating from the
Renewable Energy Development Agency
rating agencies to become financially viable.
(IREDA)’ – a Non-Banking Financial Company
The first green bond in India was launched by
(NBFC) into a green bank, in the year 2016.
YES Bank in the year 2015. Subsequently,
Green bank refers to an institution which
IREDA launched its unique 5-year green bonds
finances environment-friendly practices and
in 2017 which were named ‘Green Masala
strives to reduce carbon emissions with the
bonds’. These bonds became the first to be
help of banking activities. IREDA was
listed on the International Securities Market
established with the aim of boosting clean and
HANS SHODH SUDHA, Vol. 2, Issue 4, (2022), pp. 43-50 ISSN: 2582-9777
HANS SHODH SUDHA, Vol. 2, Issue 4, (2022), pp. 43-50 ISSN: 2582-9777
supply of reliable electricity and to provide problem in our country. The country has listed
debt capital financing to off-grid solar out various circulars, polices and agendas
companies. revolving around the environment,
sustainability, and renewable energy, but they
are not linked to each other. For instance,
A major problem that has always existed in the India’s 12th Five Year Plan exhibits core
Indian economy is the high cost of debt. This, indicators that ‘reflect the vision of rapid,
coupled with the short tenure of loans, makes sustainable and more inclusive growth’
investing in green projects a less lucrative (Government of India, 2012, p35). On the other
option for the investors. hand, the environmental targets specify that
India plans to increase the forest area by 1
A second issue that persists is the disclosure million hectares per year, its renewable energy
requirement for the issuance of green bonds. capacity by 30,000 Megawatts and to reduce the
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) emissions by 20 to 25 percent (Government of
lists down disclosure requirements for offer India, 2012, p35-36). But these quantifiable
document and does not state anything in standards are not established and incorporated
particular. It just states that the annual reports into the above-mentioned environmental
shall include ‘a brief description of such targets. Thus, such a barrier has always kept
project(s) and/or asset(s) disbursed’ (SEBI, 2017, the size of India’s green financial market much
p3). Looking at the future viability of such below the full potential level.
projects, these projects require a large amount
of funding from various stakeholders and thus The Global Business Practices (GBP) list out
they require a properly sketched out report, four main components of green financing to
rather than just a uni-dimensional summary. serve as guidelines for the bond issuers –
process for project evaluation and selection, use
Further, SEBI has demanded the issuers to of proceeds, management of proceeds, and
estimate ‘qualitative performance indicators reporting. They demand an appropriate
and, where feasible, quantitative performance and elaborate description of the entire process
measures’ (SEBI, 2017, p3) but it has not in a legal manner. SEBI, on the contrary,
established any particular metrics for the same. requires the issuers to disclose in a brief
Thus, the lack of standardization and the usage manner only the manner of utilization of funds,
of diverse range of indicators create a problem thus making the investors doubt the credibility
and thus render different projects of green projects in our country.
Another significant issue that persists is the
Lack of a proper framework and policies which issue of ‘greenwashing’ which implies an act of
are aligned with each other pose a significant making misleading claims about a green project
HANS SHODH SUDHA, Vol. 2, Issue 4, (2022), pp. 43-50 ISSN: 2582-9777
and then capitalizing on such claims and other financial market of India has been able to
such environmentally rich products. Many successfully avoid any major scandals or
Indian corporations and government agencies revelations due to the fact that it has not been
have been involved in such activities. HCL was able to realize and capitalize its full potential.
found guilty when it declared to remove
India has a long way to go until it becomes a
brominated flame and toxic poly vinyl chloride
self-sufficient and resilient green economy. A
from the manufacturing of its computers, once
balanced and sound mix of investors, issuers
it was able to get some economically viable
and green investment projects is recommended
alternatives. However, Greenpeace criticized
for the economy of India to provide it with the
the company for avoiding its duty and
much-needed competitive edge for a
responsibility by making false claims and
sustainable and green future in the coming
promises – without any clear resolution for the
use of eco-friendly materials (Insight, 2009).
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HANS SHODH SUDHA, Vol. 2, Issue 4, (2022), pp. 43-50 ISSN: 2582-9777