2018 Dec. CE405-A - ktu qbank
2018 Dec. CE405-A - ktu qbank
2018 Dec. CE405-A - ktu qbank
Answer any two full questions, each carries 15 marks. Marks
1 a) What is fire demand? How will you calculate fire demand? (5)
b) Explain in brief different methods used for prediction of future population of a (10)
2 a) What are the various factors affecting “per capita demand”? (5)
b) Explain Logistic curve method of population forecasting. (10)
3 a) List out the different factors to be considered while selecting the location of an (5)
intake well.
b) Describe the different methods for bacteriological analysis of water. (10)
Answer any two full questions, each carries 15 marks.
4 a) Differentiate between Type 1 and Type II settling. (4)
b) Compare alum and iron salts as coagulants. (4)
c) Illustrate with a sketch, the different functional zones of a rectangular (7)
sedimentation tank.
5 a) Explain the procedure for determination of Optimum Coagulant Dosage by Jar (7)
Test with a neat sketch.
b) Explain the theory of sedimentation. (8)
6 Design a rapid sand filter for a total demand of 6 MLD of water with all its (15)
principal components.
Answer any two full questions, each carries 20 marks.
7 a) Explain the various methods of disinfection of water. (8)
b) Explain breakpoint chlorination and super chlorination. (8)
c) What is meant by fluoridation? (4)
8 a) Explain the desalination process by electro-dialysis with neat sketch. (5)
b) Explain the types of aerators with suitable figures. (10)
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