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Unravelling Cell Differentiation and Stem Cells

Understanding Cell Differentiation

Cell differentiation is the process by which cells become specialised, acquiring different
organelles to perform specific functions.

Role of DNA in Cell Specialisation

All cells in a multicellular organism contain the same DNA, but different genes are
expressed in specialised cells.

Differentiation in Animals vs Plants

In animals, most cell differentiation occurs during the embryonic stage, whereas in plants,
cells can differentiate throughout the organism's life.

Specialised Cells and Their Functions

Sperm cells fuse with egg cells during fertilisation, while ciliated cells remove dirt and
bacteria from airways.

Stem Cells: The Basics

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells capable of dividing and becoming specialised cells like
nerve or blood cells.

Types of Stem Cells

Embryonic stem cells can become any adult cell type, while adult stem cells have a limited
differentiation ability.

Stem Cells in Plants

Meristem cells in plants are fully undifferentiated and can become any type of plant cell.

Medical Applications of Stem Cells

Stem cells can be used to grow tissues with a patient's DNA to treat diseases like type 1
diabetes or paralysis.

Challenges and Potential of Stem Cell Technology

Stem cell technology holds promise for repairing damaged organs by growing new tissue
from patient-specific stem cells.

Q1 What is the main difference between embryonic and adult stem cells?

Embryonic stem cells are found in bone marrow

Embryonic stem cells can become any type of adult cell
Adult stem cells can become any type of adult cell
Adult stem cells are found in the meristems

Q2 What controls the appearance and function of a cell?


Q3 What is the primary function of a sperm cell?

To fuse with an egg cell during fertilisation

To carry electrical messages long distances
To absorb water and nutrients from soil
To waft dirt and mucus out of airways

Q4 What is the difference between genes in different cells of an organism?

Different cells express different genes

All cells have no genes
Different cells have different DNA
All cells express the same genes

Q5 Plant cells can _____________ throughout the organism's life.

Q6 All cells in an organism contain the same ___.

Q7 Stem cells in plants are found in _________.

Q8 What is the role of a ciliated cell?

To fuse with egg cells during fertilisation

To carry electrical messages long distances
To waft dirt, mucus, and bacteria out of the airways
To absorb water and nutrients from soil

Q9 Root hair cells have a large surface area for __________.

Q10 Why do root hair cells have a large surface area?

To absorb water and nutrients quickly from the soil

To fuse with egg cells during fertilisation
To waft dirt and mucus out of airways
To carry electrical messages long distances

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