Center School 2023-2024 Sip Final 0
Center School 2023-2024 Sip Final 0
Center School 2023-2024 Sip Final 0
School Information
School: Nawayee Center School
Executive Director George Spears
Principal: in progress
Assistant Principal: N/A
School Year: 2023-24
Nawayee is an Ojibwe word that means the center, and at Center School,
we work closely with students to find their center, and our collective
center, in the Urban Indian community.
Introduction to your SIP/School Profile [1]
With a strong commitment to culturally-based alternative education and
serving our American Indian youth, Nawayee Center School evolved from
an informal drop-in service to what it is today alternative urban high
school focusing on American Indian students in grades 7 through 12.
Nawayee Center School is a contract alternative school, located in South
Minneapolis. The school serves approximately 45 students in grades
School Demographics [2] 7-12. The school employs 6 individuals. Center School follows the
Minneapolis Public Schools calendar and program guidelines. The school
specializes in trauma informed teaching strategies Indigenous Education
The principal entering their name and the date
in the box to the right certifies that their school
George Spears
has a School Improvement Plan on file that
meets all requirements.
This school improvement plan template was adapted from a template created by the Madison
Metropolitan School District.
School Improvement Goals
Enter SY 23-24 SIP goals as a result from the Year 2 SIP review process.
Strategic Plan Goal 1: Academic Achievement Strategic Plan Goal 2: Student Well-being Strategic Plan Goal 3: Effective Staff Strategic Plan Goal 4: School and District Climate
Every student achieves their full potential through Every student’s physical and mental well-being is School and district staff approach all work centered MPS is known by our community as welcoming,
equal access to programming that is academically addressed as an integral part of their education. on students and equity. responsive, and connected.
rigorous and connects learning with student
SY 2024-25 SMART Goal SY 2024-25 SMART Goal SY 2024-25 SMART Goal SY 2024-25 SMART Goal
School Year 2023-24 SMART Goal School Year 2023-24 SMART Goal School Year 2023-24 SMART Goal School Year 2023-24 SMART Goal
100% of teachers will communicate with students 100% of our students will be connected to daily Ojibwe
families that are consistenly missing class or truant at studies and language, speak and introduce themselves.
- 100% of the Center School students will have an - Center Schools consistent attendance will go from 6% least once a week. (where you reside, clan, reservation, name, ojibwe
individualized plan to track progress towards their goals. to 40%. 18 students that shows up on a consistent name)
- 100% of Center School students will increase and basis. 100% of staff will understand the 7 grandfathers
grow their GPA by .5. teachering and are able to integrate at least 1 teaching 60% of the students, staff, and community will know and
per month by the end of the year. understand the 7 grandfathers teachings and how it
End of School Year 2023-24 SMART Goal Result End of School Year 2023-24 SMART Goal Result End of School Year 2023-24 SMART Goal Result End of School Year 2023-24 SMART Goal Result