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Fabrication and characterization of MSM photodetector based on DC sputtered

CuO film

Article in Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials · March 2022


3 505

5 authors, including:

Sadoon Farrukh Anas A. Ahmed

University of West Bohemia Universiti Sains Malaysia


Mohsin Rafique
Government College University, Lahore


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JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS Vol. 23, No. 11-12, November – December 2021, p. 530 - 537

Fabrication and characterization of MSM photodetector

based on DC sputtered CuO film
Centre for Advanced Studies in Physics, GC University, Lahore, Pakistan
School of Physics, Universiti Sains, Malaysia, Malaysia
Centre of Excellence in Solid State Physics, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan

Copper Oxide film of monoclinic phase was deposited on silicon substrate by DC magnetron sputtering. A metal-
semiconductor-metal (MSM) photodetector was fabricated by developing two interdigitated Ni electrodes on the film. The
current-voltage characteristics of Ni/CuO/Ni device revealed Schottky contact formation which was attributed to Fermi-level
pinning at the metal-semiconductor interface. The photo-response of the device was recorded by exposing it to the light of
different wavelengths (850, 505, 405 and 365 nm). The results showed a significant increase in current under 505 nm light
exposure. The Schottky barrier height was reduced after exposing the device to light.

(Received March 17, 2021; accepted November 24, 2021)

Keywords: Copper oxide, MSM photodiode, Sensitivity, Response time

1. Introduction The visible light detectors made up of copper oxide exhibit

high optical absorption in the visible range as compared to
Copper oxide is a well-known p-type semiconductor Si-based photodetectors, which are bulky and made up of a
that is widely recognized due to its good electrical brittle material [24]. However, only a few studies have been
properties, high optical absorption co-efficient, non-toxicity conducted so far on the fabrication of copper oxide based
and abundance [1-2]. Such characteristics of copper oxide photodetectors [25-27]. In these studies, the copper oxide
offer potential applications in optoelectronic devices, film based heterojunction photodetectors were reported.
batteries, photo-catalyst, and gas sensors [3-7]. Copper A metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) photodetector is a
oxide exhibits three different phases such as CuO, Cu2O and type of photodetector that can be easily fabricated due to its
Cu4O3 [8]. The CuO is cupric oxide, having a band gap simple structure. Also it displays fast response and high
between 1.3 to 2.10 eV. The Cu2O is a cuprous oxide phase current gain as compared to the heterojunction
which has a band gap in the range of 2.10 to 2.61 eV. The photodetectors [28]. Previously, only a few studies have
Cu4O3 is known as a paramelaconite phase whose properties reported the fabrication of copper oxide based MSM
are similar to the cupric oxide phase [8-10]. Copper oxide photodetectors [24, 29]. Raghavendra et al. [29] designed
has been synthesized by different techniques, like chemical CuO MSM visible photodetector on quartz substrate by
vapor deposition, chemical bath deposition, thermal depositing silver (Ag) contacts on the CuO film. The device
oxidation, sol-gel spin coating, spray pyrolysis, electro- exhibited low responsivity values of 0.33 and 0.59 mA/W
deposition, direct current (DC) and radiofrequency (RF) for blue and red lights respectively. Furthermore, an
magnetron sputtering [11-20]. The sputter deposition increase in photocurrent was not significant under visible
technique possesses an advantage over the other methods in light exposure. Recent studies have shown that the
terms of high deposition rate, large area coating on crystallinity of metal oxide thin films such as CuO, NiO,
substrate, controllability, and uniformity of film thickness V2O5 etc. on silicon is better than that on the glass substrate
and composition. However, the phases and physical which is amorphous in nature [30-32]. The high
properties of the sputtered copper oxide film depend upon crystallinity of a thin film helps in improving its
the deposition parameters such as oxygen pressure, photodetection properties due to reduction of structural
sputtering power, substrate temperature, and target- defects [33-34]. In this work, a cupric oxide photodetector
substrate distance [21-22]. was fabricated on Si (100) with two interdigitated nickel
Currently, copper oxide based visible light (Ni) electrodes and its photodetection characteristics were
photodetectors have gained attention from researchers due investigated.
to a potential capability of copper oxide film to absorb the
visible light, high mechanical stability and easy processing
[23-24]. These photodetectors find a wide range of
applications, such as in optical communications,
environmental research, imaging, and chemical analysis.
Fabrication and characterization of MSM photodetector based on DC sputtered CuO film 531

2. Methodology 3. Results and discussion

The Si (100) was used for the deposition of the copper The XRD pattern of copper oxide film on silicon is
oxide film. A sample of 2.0 x 1.0 cm2 dimension was shown in Fig. 2. The formation of CuO peak at 35.5o
cleaned using acetone and then dried. The DC magnetron corresponding to (-111) plane indicates the monoclinic
sputtering system (DaON 1000S) was employed for the nature of the film (JCPDS card number 48-1548). Besides,
synthesis of the copper oxide film. The copper target was the Si (100) peak appears at 69.5o showing a reflection from
fixed on a holder inside the sputtering chamber, and the Si the substrate. None of Cu2O and Cu4O3 peak is visible in
sample was adjusted above in front of the target. The the XRD pattern which illustrates that the copper oxide film
sputtering chamber was evacuated up to 3 x 10-5 mbar using on silicon exhibits only a CuO phase having monoclinic
rotary and turbo molecular pumps to eliminate the crystal structure.
contaminated gases. Then, the chamber was filled with The crystallite size of CuO (-111) film (D) was
argon and oxygen gasses with a ratio of 90:10, respectively calculated by using Debye Scherer’s formula as follows
and the deposition pressure was maintained at 1x10 -3 mbar. [35];
Then, pure copper was sputtered by applying DC voltage at
room temperature. The detail of the film’s deposition 𝑘λ
𝐷 = βcosӨ (1)
parameters is given in Table 1. The film deposited on Si was
characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission
scanning electron microscope (FESEM) and ultraviolet- Here ‘k’ represents the shape constant (having value
visible spectroscopy for the investigation of structural, 0.9), ‘Ө’ is Bragg’s angle and ‘β’ indicates full width at half
morphological and optical properties. The copper oxide maximum of CuO diffraction peak. The crystallite size was
based MSM photodetector was fabricated by depositing two found to be 13.9 nm.
interdigitated electrodes of Ni on the film by thermal
evaporator system [35]. A finger metal mask was used for
this purpose. The Ni was thermally evaporated on the film 1000
Si (100)
under a high vacuum. The schematic diagram of Ni/CuO/Ni
MSM photodetector set up is shown in Fig. 1. The Keithly-
2400 system was used to study the current-voltage (I-V) and CuO (-111)
current-time (I-t) characteristics of the device.
Intensity (cps)


Table 1 Sputter deposition parameters of CuO film

Deposition parameters Values
Base pressure 2.3 x 10-5 mbar
Working pressure 1 x 10-3 mbar 200

Ar:O2 90:10
Voltage 350 0
Current 120 mA 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Power 30 W 2 Theta (degree)

Sputtering time 1 hour 20 minutes
Film Thickness ~350 nm Fig. 2. X-ray diffraction graph of CuO film synthesized
on Si (100) (color online)

Fig. 3 shows the FESEM image of the CuO film. The

surface morphology of CuO is taken at a scale of 500 nm
with a magnification of 100,000X. The surface morphology
indicates the formation of small interconnected grains of the
copper oxide film forming a dense structure. The average
grain size of CuO was found to be 15 nm. This value is in
close agreement with the crystallite size calculated through

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of Ni/CuO/Ni photodetector (color

532 Sadoon Farrukh, Naveed Afzal, Anas A. Ahmed, Mohsin Rafique, Muhammad Akram Raza

Fig. 3. FESEM Image of copper oxide film

The band gap of the copper oxide film was evaluated agreement with the previous studies dealing with the
from the UV-Vis reflectance spectrum as shown in Fig. 4. nanocrystalline CuO film [38-39].
A high percentage of reflectance is observed in the infrared 35
region, whereas the reflectance decreases with decreasing CuO
the wavelength towards the visible region. When UV light 30
falls on the copper oxide film, then some portion of this
light is reflected from the film, and the other part is 25
transmitted in the film and reflects from the silicon
Reflectance (%)

substrate. The two reflected light rays combine to produce 20

interference fringes. These interference fringes are

disappeared when the light is absorbed by the film [35-37]. 15

The wavelength at which this absorption takes place is

called cut off wavelength. The absorption edge is found at
512 nm from the reflectance graph. This corresponds to
energy band gap of 2.42 eV as obtained from the following
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
ℎ𝑐 Wavelength (nm)
E=λ (2)
Fig. 4. UV-vis spectroscopy of CuO film

Here ‘h’ is Planks constant, c is the speed of light and The current versus voltage graphs of Ni/CuO/Ni
λcutoff is the wavelength that corresponds to the absorption MSM photodetector were taken in the absence and presence
edge. The energy band gap obtained in this study is higher of various lights wavelengths ranging from ultraviolet to
than the band gap energy reported for the bulk CuO in the infrared region (365, 405, 505, and 805 nm) (Fig. 5). The
literature (1.2 eV). This higher value can be attributed to the figure shows that both the dark and photocurrent curves
quantum confinement effect which occurs because of the almost overlap on each other at 365 and 405 nm, indicating
small crystallite size of the nanomaterial [29, 38-39]. In this no difference between the dark and photocurrent values.
study, the crystallite size of CuO (13.9 nm) is in the range However, at 505 nm, a significant increase in the
of the Bohr exciton radius (6.6 to 28.7 nm), therefore the photocurrent is seen as compared to the dark current. On the
smaller crystallite size of the nanomaterial affects its energy other hand at 850 nm, a smaller difference in the dark and
band gap. A decrease in crystallite size reduces the number photocurrents is observed relative to 505 nm. The results
of atoms in it which causes a decrease in the number of show that the Ni/CuO/Ni device exhibits enhanced
overlapping orbitals. Owing to this reason, the energy gap photodetection properties at 505 nm wavelength whose
between the valence and conduction bands increases [38]. energy is slightly above the band gap energy of copper
The higher band gap value of CuO in this work is in good oxide film. The CuO semiconductor absorbs this energy
which results in the excitation of electrons from the valence
Fabrication and characterization of MSM photodetector based on DC sputtered CuO film 533

band to the conduction band, thus leaving behind a hole. equilibrium and a Schottky contact is formed. The dark
The free carriers, generated in this way are responsible for current of the device is found to be 3.56 µA at 5V whereas
increasing the current at 505 nm. However, the photocurrent the photocurrent at 505 nm increases to 86 µA at 5V (Fig.
changes insignificantly at 365 and 405 nm which is because 5). Further, it is noticed that the forward threshold voltage
of the high absorption co-efficient of the CuO. of CuO (1.6V) increases to 2.5V in light exposure. This
Consequently, the semiconductor absorbs light closer to its increase in the threshold voltage is attributed to the
surface, which causes the recombination of free charge recombination of free charge carriers in the presence of
carriers and results in the photocurrent limitation. The light at the lower voltage. Consequently, when the voltage
photocurrent increases when the device is exposed to increases, the charge carriers are swept away towards their
infrared light (850 nm). This is most likely due to the free electrodes, resulting in the generation of photocurrent [35].
The value of the Schottky barrier height for the I-V curve in
charge carriers’ contribution from the silicon substrate. This
the dark and the curve under 505 nm light was calculated
can be explained by the fact that the CuO film does not
by using the thermionic emission model. According to this
absorb the light higher than its band gap wavelength. Thus model, the current ‘I’ can be expressed as follows [41-42];
at this wavelength, the light is absorbed by the silicon to
generate free electrons and holes and hence the 𝑞𝑉
photocurrent increases. 𝐼 = 𝐼𝑜 [𝑒𝑥𝑝 ( ) − 1] (3)
Fig. 5 shows the current-voltage response of the
MSM device under 505 nm light (2.1 mW/cm2). The figure In the above equation, ‘Io’ represents saturation current.
depicts the Schottky contact between metal and ‘q’ is the charge, n is the ideality factor. K is Boltzmann
semiconductor in both forward and reversed directions. The constant and T is the temperature. The saturation current (Io)
formation of Schottky contacts instead of ohmic ones (as can be expressed as;
predicted theoretically) is ascribed to the Fermi-level
pinning at the metal-semiconductor interface [40]. When (−𝑞Ф𝐵 )
the Ni (metal) comes in contact with the CuO 𝐼𝑜 = 𝐴𝐴∗ 𝑇 2 𝑒𝑥𝑝 𝑘𝑇
(semiconductor), then a high density of metal states are
formed within the band gap of the semiconductor. Most of Here A* is the effective Richardson constant, ‘A’ is the
these states are located below the Fermi-level and contain a activation area, and ФB is the Schottky barrier height. The
high density of free charge carriers which is transferred above equation can be expressed to evaluate the ФB as
from semiconductor to metal. As a result, the Fermi-level is follows;
pinned at the metal-semiconductor interface under

a- Dark a- Dark
b- 365 nm Light b- 405 nm Light
4 b
a 2
Current (µA)
Current (µA)

0 0

-2 -2
-4 -4


-4 -2 0 2 4
-4 -2 0 2 4
Voltage (V)
Voltage (V)
100 a-Dark
b-505 nm Light
80 b 6 b-850 nm Light b
60 4 a
Current (µA)

Current (µA)

0 0

-20 -2

-100 -8
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -4 -2 0 2 4
Voltage (V) Voltage (V)

Fig. 5. Current-voltage characteristics of Ni/CuO/Ni photodetector (color online)

534 Sadoon Farrukh, Naveed Afzal, Anas A. Ahmed, Mohsin Rafique, Muhammad Akram Raza

𝑘𝑇 (𝐴𝐴∗ 𝑇 2 ) Here, E represents light irradiance whose values at 365,

Ф𝐵 = ln (5)
𝑞 𝐼𝑜 405, 505 and 850 nm were 1.6, 2.1, 2.1 and 2.8 mW/cm2.
‘A’ is the activation area (0.08 cm2), and Ip is the
The A* value for CuO was taken 110.27 A.cm-2.K-2 photocurrent calculated from the I-V graphs at 5 V. The
[42], whereas the activation area was 0.080 cm2. The values responsivity of the device is drawn against the light
of I and Io were taken out from the I-V curve drawn on a wavelength as shown in Fig. 6. The figure shows that the
semi-logarithmic scale. The ФB value was calculated after device responsivity is maximum (540 mA/W) at 505 nm, as
putting the values of all the parameters in the above compared to other wavelengths. This responsivity is higher
equation. The values of ФB in the dark and in 505 nm light than that of the CuO based MSM photodetector fabricated
are found to be 0.832 and 0.814 eV, respectively. The with Ag electrodes, reported in a previous study [29]. The
decrease in barrier height at 505 nm light exposure is due to high value of responsivity at 505 nm is due to a large
the increase in the photocurrent because of the generation number of free charge carriers generated in the
of free electrons and holes. This is caused by the molecular semiconductor by the incident light. On the other hand, the
re-ordering/restructuring of the surface states [43]. low responsivity above 505 nm is due to an increase in the
The responsivity of fabricated Ni/CuO/Ni absorption co-efficient of the CuO that results in the
photodetector at different light wavelengths by using the recombination of free charge carriers (i.e. electrons and
following equation; holes).

𝑅 = 𝐸𝐴 (6)



Responsivity (mA/W)




300 400 500 600 700 800 900

Wavelength (nm)

Fig. 6. Spectral response of Ni/CuO/Ni photodetector at different wavelengths (color online)

The current-time measurements were performed on 𝐼𝑝ℎ

𝐺= 𝐼𝑑
the device at various biased voltages to obtain the device
sensitivity and gain. For this purpose, the 2.5 mA/W light
(IPh −Id )
was switched OFF and ON repeatedly to observe the 𝑆= × 100 (8)
rise/decay of current in the voltage range of 2 to 7V. The Id
pulses of current-time obtained at various voltages are
shown in Fig 7. The photocurrent increases as the light is The G and S (%) in the voltage range of 2 to 7 V, are
switched ON, and then the current reduces to zero when the presented in Table 2. The G and S (%) increase with
light is turned OFF. Fig. 7 shows that the current increases increasing the applied voltage. The highest G and S values
under the light with increasing the applied voltage. The are recorded as 34 and 3200 % when the external biased
current at 7 V is higher than that at the other voltages. This voltage is at 7V.
implies that the increase in voltage facilitates the free The time taken by the current to rise from 10 to 90 %
charge carriers’ movement under increased electrical of its value (rise time) was calculated from the magnified
energy and consequently the photocurrent increases. The current-time graphs. Similarly, the time in which
current gain (G), sensitivity in percentage (%S) can be photocurrent decay time from 90 to 10 % (fall time) was
obtained from the equations mentioned below [35, 44]; also noticed from the graphs in Fig. 6. The rise and fall time
values are shown in Table 2, indicating no significant
Fabrication and characterization of MSM photodetector based on DC sputtered CuO film 535

difference with the change of voltage and it remains almost photodetector fabricated in this work. Further
constant. improvements can be made in the future by reducing the
The insignificant variation in the rise and fall time can structural defects in the film.
be due to the structural defects inside the film. The rise and
fall time values at 7V are 302 and 232 m sec, respectively. 4. Summary
The responsivity at different biased voltages was calculated
using Eq. (6) and the obtained values are given in Table 2. A monoclinic cupric oxide film is produced by the
sputter deposition of copper in a reactive oxygen
Table 2. Photodetection parameters of CuO film based MSM atmosphere at room temperature. The deposition of Ni on
photodetector copper oxide film forms Schottky contacts between metal
and semiconductor interface which is attributed to Fermi-
V G S (%) trise tfall R level pinning effect at the metal-semiconductor interface.
(sec) (sec) (mA/W) The Schottky contact in copper oxide film promotes low
dark current. The copper oxide film with a band gap of 2.42
2 1.85 85 0.312 0.216 5.8 eV shows high sensitivity to 505 nm light and photocurrent
3 3.07 207 0.262 0.215 46 is considerably increased. The Ni/CuO/Ni MSM
4 10 280 0.312 0.240 198 photodetector shows a high current gain, sensitivity and
5 18 1700 0.296 0.240 540 responsivity under green light. The current gain decreases
6 26 2500 0.304 0.240 807 when the device is exposed to either ultraviolet light or
7 34 3200 0.302 0.232 1047 infrared light. The current gain and sensitivity are increased
with the increase of biased voltage. However, insignificant
The results of this study are compared with the changes are observed in the rise and fall time of the device
previously investigated visible light sensitive with the increase of applied voltage.
photodetectors in Table 3. The comparison shows a
remarkable performance of the CuO film based

1.0 2V
35 4V



Current (µA)
Current (µA)


0.7 15


0.5 0
0 5 10 15 20
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (sec)
Time (sec)
3V 5V

7 80

Current (µA)
Current (µA)




0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20

Time (sec) Time (sec)

6V 7V
140 180

Current (µA)


80 100

60 80


0 0

0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Time (sec) Time (sec)

Fig. 7. Current-time characteristics of Ni/CuO/Ni photodetector (color online)

536 Sadoon Farrukh, Naveed Afzal, Anas A. Ahmed, Mohsin Rafique, Muhammad Akram Raza

Table 3. Comparison of photodetection parameters of various visible photodetectors

Material Substrate Fabrication Type of λ (nm) Bias Voltage R (A/W) %S Rise time Reference
type type technique detector (V) (s)
CuO DC Magnetron MSM 505 7 1.04 3.2 ×103 0.302
Si (100) work
CuO Quartz Electron beam MSM 450 5 0.00033 40.30 53.8 [29]
V2O5 Si (100) Spray Pyrolysis MSM 540 5 0.94 2.6×103 0.700 [45]
CDS Si (100) CBD MSM 500 1 0.24 9.7×103 0.009 [46]
ZnO/Cu2O FTO glass Hydrothermal/CBD Heteroju 425 0 0.0082 -- 0.140 [47]
Cu2O/Ag/ ITO glass Electrochemical Heterost 564 2 0.27 -- -- [48]
ZnO deposition ructure
MoS2 SiO2/Si Thermolysis Process MSM 532 10 0.57 -- 7×10 [49]
InAlN Si (111) Co-Sputtering MSM 520 5 0.67 4.8×103 0.620 [41]
TlInSSe Glass Bridgman Technique MSM 532 10 0.61 -- 0.300 [50]
ZnO QDs/ Sapphire CVD/Sol gel Heteroju 532 0.5 0.084 -- 1.5 [51]
MoS2 nction

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