Basics of Alogrithm

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Unit 2: Basics of Algorithm


2.0 Introduction
2.1 Objectives
2.2 Algorithm
2.3 Format Convention of algorithm

2.4 Complexity of Algorithm

2.5 Time Complexity
2.6 Common Computing Times of Algorithm
2.7 Example and analysis
2.8 Summary

2.0 Introduction

This unit is an introductory unit about the algorithm basics and complexity of the algorithm. It
gives you an understanding about Algorithm structure, the format for writing the algorithm and
the time of execution and space in memory during the course of execution for the algorithm
which considers as the time and space complexity of the algorithm.

2.1 Objectives

Algorithm designing is an important process of solving the problem. The designing of an

algorithm considers various aspects like space and time requirement for the execution of
algorithm. At the end of this unit, you will be able to:

1. Understand about basic of algorithm.

2. Understand of Computation time for execution of algorithm
3. Understand about requirement of the space during the course of execution for algorithm.
4. Notation for determining the time complexity of the algorithm (Asymptotic notations)
5. Understand the analysis of algorithm with asymptotic notations

2.2 Algorithm

The algorithm provides the way for solving the given problem in a systematic way. The term
algorithm refers to the sequence of instructions that must be followed to solve a problem.
Alternatively, an algorithm is a logical representation of the instructions which should be
executed to perform a meaningful task. There are following characteristics of the algorithm:

 Each instruction should be unique and concise

 Each instruction should be relative in nature and should not repeat infinitely
 Result should be available to the user after the algorithm terminates.

Therefore, an algorithm is any defined computational procedure, along with a specified set of
allowable inputs that produce some value or set values as output. There are two basic approaches
for designing the algorithm.

 Top-Down approach: In this approach we start from the main component of the program
and decomposing it into sub problem or components. This process continues until all the
sub modules do not solve. Top-down design method takes the form of stepwise
refinement. In this, we start with the topmost module and incrementally add modules
that it calls.
 Bottom – Up approach: In this approach of designing we start with the most basic or
primitive components and proceeds to higher-level components. Bottom-up method
works with layer of abstraction.

Here a simple example of the algorithm is presented to demonstrate the various algorithmic
notations and a way to express the algorithm for solving the problem.


Algorithm Greatest:

This algorithm finds the largest algebraic element of vector A which contains N elements and
places the result in MAX. I is used to subscript A.

1. [Is the vector empty?]

If N < 1
Then print(„Empty Vector‟)
2. [Initialize]
MAX=A[1] [We assume initially that A[1] is the greatest element]
3. [Examine all elements of vector]
Do while I<=N
3.1 [Change MAX if it is smaller than the next element]
If MAX < A[I]
Then MAX= A[I]
3.2 [Prepare to examine next element in vector]
I = I+1
4. [Finished]

2.3 Format Convention of algorithm

Hence from this example we can consider the following format conventions for writing the
algorithm. These conventions are so general that these may be used for writing any algorithm.

 Name of Algorithm: Every algorithm is given an identify name

 Introductory Comment: The algorithm name is followed by a brief description of the
tasks the algorithm performs.
 Steps: The algorithm is made up of a sequence of numbered steps, each beginning with a
phrase enclosed in square brackets which gives an abbreviated description of that step.
 Comments: Every step of the algorithm is explained for better understanding of it. These
comments are expressed in brackets. Comments specify no action and are included only
for clarity.
 Statements and control Structures: It includes the various operators and looping methods
those are required for logical and arithmetical operations. For example; Assignment
statement, If-statement, Case statement and looping methods.
 Variable names: An entity that possesses a value and its name is chosen to reflect the
meaning of the value it holds. For example The MAX is considered as the variable in our
previous example of algorithm Greatest.
 Data structures: various data structures including static and dynamic structures are used
for the implementation of algorithm.
 Arithmetic operations and expressions: The algorithm notation includes the standard
binary and unary operators according to their standard mathematical order of precedence
as follows:
Operation Symbol Order of Evaluation

1. Parentheses () Inner to outer

2. Exponentiation, Unary plus, minus ∧, ++ , _ _ Right to left

3. Multiplication, Division *, / Left to right

4. Addition, Subtraction =, - Left to right

 Relations and Relational Operators: There are standard relational operators (<, <=, >=, ≠,
=, ==) are used with their usual meaning in the implementation of algorithm. A relation
evaluates to a logical expression that is, it has one of two possible values, True or False.
 Logical operations and Expressions: The algorithmic notation also includes the standard
logical operators like NOT, OR & AND with their usual meaning. These may be used to
connect relations to form compound relations whose only values are True or False. In
order that logical expressions be clear, we consider that operators precedence is as
Precedence Operator

1 Parentheses

2 Arithmetic

3 Relational

4 Logical
 Input and output: The algorithm notation must include the notation for input and output.
The input is obtained and placed in a variable and output is obtained by getting the value
from variable.
 Functions: A function is used when we want a single value returned to the calling routine.
Transfer of control and returning of the value are accomplished by „Return (value)‟.
 Procedures: A procedure is similar to a function but there is no value returned explicitly.
A procedure is also invoked differently, where there are parameters, a procedure returns
its results through the parameters.

All algorithms must satisfy the following criteria.

1. Input
2. Output
3. Definiteness
4. Finiteness
5. Effectiveness

The criteria 1 & 2 require that an algorithm produces one or more outputs & have zero or more
input. According to criteria 3, each operation must be definite such that it must be perfectly clear
what should be done. According to the 4th criteria algorithm should terminate after a finite
number of operations. According to 5th criteria, every instruction must be very basic so that it can
be carried out by a person using only pencil & paper.
After an algorithm has been designed its efficiency must be analysed. This involves determining
whether the algorithm is economical in the use of computer resources, i.e. CPU time and
memory requirement. The term used to refer to the memory required by an algorithm is
memory space and the term used to refer to the computational time is the execution time. The
importance of efficiency of an algorithm is the correctness. Thus, it always produces the correct
result and algorithm complexity which considers both the difficulty of implementing an
algorithm along with its efficiency.
Therefore the requirement for implementation of an algorithm with correctness considers
many aspects. The fundamental question arises is that “How can we judge how useful a certain
combination of data structures and algorithm is?” Of course the answer of this question depends
that how can we evaluate the effort that arises from performing a computation using the certain
combination of data structures and algorithms. There may be many algorithms devised for an
application and we must analyse and validate the algorithms to judge the suitable one.
Hence this effort is measured normally with following two important factors those have the
direct relationship with the performance of the algorithm:
 Memory space used i.e. Space complexity. The space complexity of an algorithm is the
amount of memory it needs to run.

 CPU time involves runtime or execution time for the program based on the algorithm i.e.
Time Complexity. The time complexity of an algorithm is given by the number of steps
taken by the algorithm to compute the function it was written for.

2.4 Complexity of Algorithm

The Complexity of algorithm is considered actually as in the form of computational complexity.

Computational complexity is a characterization of the time or space requirements for solving a
problem by a particular algorithm. These requirements are expressed in terms of a single
parameter that represents the size of the problem. For example we consider a problem of size n.
Let the time required of a specific algorithm for solving this problem is expressed by a function:
f: R⟼R
Such that f(n)is the largest amount of time needed by the algorithm to solve the problem of size
n. The function „f‟ is usually called the time complexity function. Thus, we can say that the
analysis of the algorithm requires two main considerations:
 Time Complexity
 Space Complexity
The time complexity of an algorithm is the amount of computer time that it needs to run to
completion. The space of an algorithm is the amount of memory that it needs to run to
2.5 Time Complexity

In order to compute the time complexity of an algorithm we consider only the frequency count of
the important steps or instructions. Since these data structures are so widespread, it is important
to implement them efficiently. This efficiency is measured using the following two methods:
 Asymptotic Analysis
 Big-O analysis
It is very general that the actual time (wall-clock time) of a program is affected by:
 Size of the input
 Programming language
 Programming tricks
 Compiler
 CPU Speed
 Multiprogramming level
Hence instead of wall clock time for the program if we consider the pattern of the program‟s
behaviour as the program size increases. This is called the Asymptotic Analysis.
Big- O Analysis
If f(n) represent the computing time of some algorithm and g(n) represents a known standard
function like n, n2, n log n etc then to write: f(n) is O g(n) means that f(n) of n is equal to biggest
order of function g(n). This implies only when:
f(n)≤Clog (n) for all sufficiently large integers n, where C is the constant. Thus from the above
statements we can say that the computing time of an algorithm is O(g(n)), we mean that its
execution time is no more than a constant time g(n), n is the parameter which characterizes the
input and / or outputs. From the practical point of view, we get the Big-O notation for a function
1. Ignoring multiplicative constants (these are due to pesky difference in compiler, CPU,
2. Discarding the lower order terms (as n gets larger, the largest term has the biggest
impact). Like;
 8410 = O(1)
 100n3+nlogn+67n7+4n = O(n7)
The Big-O notation helps to determine the time as well as space complexity of the algorithms.
The Bog-O notation has been extremely useful to classify algorithms by their performances.
Now we consider the three simple algorithms with different number of sequences or steps:
Algorithm 1:
Algorithm 2:
For i= 1 to n do:
end loop
Algorithm 3:
For i=1 to n do
For j= 1to n do
end loop
end loop
Now we do the analysis of these three algorithms and can see their performance with Big – O
notation. In the algorithm 1 we may find that the execution statement a=a+1 is the independent
and is not constrained within any loop. Therefore, the number of times this will execute is 1.
Thus, the frequency count of this algorithm is 1. Hence its Time Complexity is O(1).
In the second algorithm, the execution statement a=a+1 is inside the loop. The number of times
it is executed is n as the loop runs for n times. The frequency count for this algorithm is n. Hence
its Time Complexity is O(n).
In the third algorithm, the frequency count for the execution statement a=a+1 is n2 as the inner
loop runs n times, each time the outer loop runs, the outer loop also runs for n times. Hence its
Time Complexity is O(n2).
Therefore during the analysis of algorithm we have the concern to determine the order of
magnitude of an algorithm. Thus, we consider only those statements which may have the greatest
frequency count.

2.6 Common Computing Times of Algorithm

The common computing times of algorithms in the order of their performance are as follows:
 O(1): It means that the computing time of the algorithm is constant
 O(log n): It means that the computing time of the algorithm is logarithmic
 O(n): It means that the computing time of the algorithm is directly proportional to n. It is
known as the linear time.
 O(n log n): It means that the computing time of the algorithm is logarithmic
 O(n2): It is known as the quadratic time
 O(n3): It is known as the cubic time
 O(2n): It is known as the exponential time. Generally the algorithm with exponential time
has no practical use.
There are different types of time complexities which can analyse for an algorithm:
 Best case time complexity: The best case complexity of an algorithm is a measure of the
minimum time that the algorithm will require for an input of size „n‟. The running time of
many algorithm varies not only for the input of different size but for the different inputs
of the same size.
 Average case time complexity: The time that an algorithm will require to execute input
data of size „n‟ is known as average case time complexity. We can say that the value that
is obtained by averaging the running time of an algorithm for all possible inputs of size
„n‟ can determine average-case time complexity.
 Worst case time complexity: The worst time complexity of an algorithm is a measure of
the maximum time that the algorithm will require for an input of size „n‟. The worst case
complexity is useful for a number of reasons. After knowing the worst case time
complexity, we can guarantee that the algorithm will never take more than this time.
Hence the computation of exact time taken by the algorithm for its execution is very difficult.
Thus, the work done by an algorithm for the execution of the input of size „n‟ defines the time
analysis as function f(n) of the input data items.
2.7 Example and analysis

Example: This example exhibits the analysis of linear search algorithm complexity.
Consider the algorithm to search vector (array) V of size N for the location containing value X.
Algorithm SEARCH [Given a vector V containing N elements, this algorithm searches V for the
value of a given X. FOUND is a Boolean variable. I and LOCATION are integer variables.]
1. [Search for the location of value X in vector V]
FOUND = false
Do while ((I<=N) && (FOUND ==false))
If V[I] ==X
Then FOUND==true
Else I = I + 1
Print(“Value of”, X,”NOT FOUND”)
2. [Finished]
Analysis: A reasonable active operation in the algorithm is the comparison between values of V
and X. However, a problem arises in counting the number of active operations executed and the
answer depends on the index of the location containing X. The best case is when X is equal to V
[1] since only one comparison is used. The worst case is when X is equal to V [N] and N
comparisons are used. Now to obtain the time of execution for the average case we need to know
the probability distribution for the value X in the vector, i.e. the probability of X occurring in
each location. If we assume the vector is not sorted, it is reasonable to assume that X is equally
likely to be in each of the locations. But X might not be in the list at all. Let q be the probability
that X is in the list. Then using the above assumption, we have;
Probability X is in location = q/N;
Probability X is not in the vector = 1-q;
The average time is given by:
T ( avg )   (Probability of situation s) * (time for situation s) [where S is the set of all
sin S

possible situations where the X can be found]

( N  1)
q q
T ( avg )   N
* s  (1  q ) * N 
 s  (1  q ) * N  q *
 (1  q ) * N
s 1 s 1

( N  1)
Thus if q=1, then: T ( avg ) 

( N  1) N 3N
And if q=1/2, then: T ( avg )   
4 2 4

So in either case the time is proportional to N.

Thus we obtain the time complexity for three cases as:
Best - case time for the linear search is O (1)
Worst-case time for the linear search is O (N)
Average-case time for the linear search is O (N)
Space Complexity
The space needed by the program is the sum of the following components:
 Fixed space requirement: This includes the instruction space, for simple variables,
fixed size structured variables and constants.
 Variable space requirement: This consists of space needed by structured variables
whose size depends on particular instance of variables.

2.8 Summary

This unit described the algorithm and its analysis in very concise manner. The algorithm
provides the way for solving the given problem in a systematic way. The following points are
described in this unit:
 The term algorithm refers to the sequence of instructions that must be followed to solve a
 An algorithm is a logical representation of the instructions which should be executed to
perform a meaningful task.
 Analysis of the algorithm is done after determining the running time of an algorithm
based on the number of basic operations it performs.
 There are two basic approaches for designing the algorithm i.e. Top-down approach and
Bottom –Up approach.
 The running time varies depending upon the order in which input data is supplied to it.
 Analysis of an algorithm is done on the following basis:
 Best case time complexity
 Worst case time complexity
 Average case time complexity
 Comparison of algorithm is done on the basis of the programming efforts for a program
and on the basis of time and space requirements for the program.
 Big „O‟ notation is extremely useful for classifying algorithms by their performances.
 Examples and analysis for computing the time complexity of the algorithm is explained.

Horowitz, E., S. Sahni: “Fundamental of computer Algorithms”, Computer Science Press, 1978
J. P. Tremblay, P. G. Sorenson “An Introduction to Data Structures with Applications”, Tata
McGraw-Hill, 1984
M. Allen Weiss: “Data structures and Problem solving using C++”, Pearson Addison Wesley,
Ulrich Klehmet: “Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms”, URL: http://www7 .
Markus Blaner: “Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures”, Saarland University, 2011
V. Abo. Hopcropft, Ullaman, “data Structure and Algorithms”, I.P.E.
Seymour Lipschutz, “Data Structure”, Schaum‟s outline Series.
Self Evaluation
1. Algorithm must be:
a. Efficient
b. Concise and compact
c. Free of ambiguity
d. None of these
2. In top-down approach:
a. A problem is subdivided into sub problems.
b. A problem is tackled from beginning to end in one go.
c. Sub-problems are solved first; these all solutions to sub-problems are put to
solve the main problem.
d. None of these.
3. Which one of the following is better computing time?
a. O (N) b. O (2N)
c. O(log2 N) d. None of the above
4. Define algorithm and design an algorithm to find out the total number of even and odd
numbers in a list of 100 numbers.
5. Explain different ways of analyzing algorithm.
6. What is time and space complexity for the algorithm?
7. What is Big-O method for algorithm analysis?
8. Determine the complexity of the algorithm with Big - O notation for the following
for i = 1 to n
for j = 1 to n
for k = i to n
a = a*2;
b = b+1
end loop
end loop
end loop

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