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Inspection Reply

Executive Department: Inspection Support
Department: Factories Inspection Support
Section: Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Factories
Cod: OPS-F-210-040-V2
Related SOPs: Policy and Procedure of Good Manufacturing Practice Inspection
Approval Date: 08/06/2022

Version Control

Revision Date Version NO. Reason of change Describe the change

24/11/2020 1 Organization Identity Organization Identity
Reference No.: For SFDA use only Inspection Date: For SFDA use only
Inspected Site:
For SFDA use only

Description of Deficiency The company will fill this space with observation as it was
written in the report
1ST Responses & Actions The company will write a full and detailed corrective/preventive
action. With any attachment supporting the correction

1ST Inspector remarks For SFDA use only

2ND Responses & Actions If the first company response is not satisfactory or more
clarification needed from the inspection team the company
should response as above
2ND Inspector remarks For SFDA use only
3RD Responses & Actions If the second company response is not satisfactory or more
clarification needed from the inspection team the company
should response as above
3RD Inspector remarks For SFDA use only

Description of Deficiency The company will fill this space with observation as it was
written in the report

Code: OPS-F-210-040-V2
1ST Responses & Actions
The company will write a full and detailed corrective/preventive
action. With any attachment supporting the correction

1ST Inspector remarks For SFDA use only

2ND Responses & Actions If the first company response is not satisfactory or more
clarification needed from the inspection team the company
should response as above
2ND Inspector remarks For SFDA use only
3RD Responses & Actions If the second company response is not satisfactory or more
clarification needed from the inspection team the company
should response as above
3RD Inspector remarks For SFDA use only

Description of Deficiency The company will fill this space with observation as it was
written in the report
1ST Responses & Actions The company will write a full and detailed corrective/preventive
action. With any attachment supporting the correction

1ST Inspector remarks For SFDA use only

2ND Responses & Actions If the first company response is not satisfactory or more
clarification needed from the inspection team the company
should response as above
2ND Inspector remarks For SFDA use only
3RD Responses & Actions If the second company response is not satisfactory or more
clarification needed from the inspection team the company

Code: OPS-F-210-040-V2
should response as above
3RD Inspector remarks For SFDA use only

For SFDA use only

For SFDA use only


Inspector 1 Inspector 2 Inspector 3

Code: OPS-F-210-040-V2

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