26-2024- RERA
26-2024- RERA
26-2024- RERA
1. Mechanical Engineering Department, College of Engineering and Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia.
2. Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
Received Date 17 September 2024; Revised Date 29 September 2024; Accepted Date 05 December 2024
*Corresponding author: kmguedri@uqu.edu.sa (K. Guedri)
Distributed electricity generation has been a long-standing focus for researchers and policy-makers. With the
global rise in electricity demand, various generation methods such as solar, wind, fuel cells, and internal
combustion engines—are being implemented, each with distinct advantages and drawbacks. Micro gas
turbines have emerged as a viable candidate for a reliable, cost-effective, and accessible energy production
system. To enhance overall system efficiency, the heat produced from fuel combustion in these turbines can
also be used to generate hot water. This study investigates micro gas turbines fueled by biogas, analyzing the
effects of several critical parameters: Turbine Inlet Temperature (TIT), Compressor Pressure Ratio (CPR),
and recuperator effectiveness within the cycle. The thermodynamic modeling uses the thermally perfect gas
model and was conducted in EES (Engineering Equation Solver), with a selected commercial gas
microturbine used for validation. Variable fluid thermodynamic properties are accounted for based on
temperature, providing accuracy under diverse operational scenarios. It is found that to achieve the
maximum overall efficiency; there is an optimal value for the CPR, while it increases with increment in the
TIT and recuperator effectiveness.
Keywords: Microturbine, Electricity, Heat, Pressure drop, Cogeneration, Biogas, Renewable Energy, Heat
recovery unit.
1. Introduction
Energy is one of humanity's most strategic needs, the development of renewable energy systems for
and ensuring its supply has become a significant electricity generation to make this sector more
concern for nations. With fossil fuel resources environmentally friendly, performance
gradually depleting and their adverse improvement of the technologies that consume
environmental impacts becoming more apparent fossil fuels and their modifications would be
[1, 2], the necessity of shifting towards clean helpful in shifting towards sustainability.
energy technologies and performance Efficiency improvement in thermal power plants
improvement of current energy systems has been focused by different scholars in the
optimizing energy production methods is recent years. Shajahan et al. [7] performed a study
increasingly clear. The renewable energy sources on the efficiency improvement of thermal power
such as wind, solar, etc. are applicable for several plants by use of robust controller and
purposes like thermal comfort, cooking, and optimization. The data collected in their work
electrification [3–5]. Electricity consumption in helped them to propose a precise model of fuel,
the world has significantly increased in the recent air and feedwater flow rate. By employment of
decades due to a variety of reasons like population evolution and optimization methods, the
growth, urbanization, and industrialization. controllers for all the considered loops were
Thermal power plants consuming fossil fuels have regulated to perfection. In another study by Mandi
a key role in world power generation. According et al. [8], auxiliary components of a thermal
to the data presented by the International Energy power plant were improved via operations
Agency (IEA), coal had the highest contribution optimization. Aside from carrying out
to electricity generation among different sources optimization on the cycle or components of the
that was followed by natural gas [6]. Aside from
M. Oreijah, et al. / Renewable Energy Research and Applications, Vol. 6, No 1, 2024, 83-91
systems, two primary strategies are being adopted CO2 by utilizing existing technologies applicable
globally in the power industry: for combustion, while remarkable changes appear
1. Combined Heat and Power (CHP): Reusing to be needed, and more development related to the
waste thermal energy for simultaneous technological aspect is vital [17]. It is possible to
electricity and heat production [9]. It should apply biofuels in microturbines to benefit from its
be noted that the concept of heat recovery advantages. In a study by Devi et al. [18], impact
from the waste of thermal power plants can of high oxygenated biofuels on the micro gas
be applied for providing more products such turbine engine was evaluated. They reported that
as cooling, desalination, etc. [10]. the blend with incremented oxygenated
2. Distributed Generation (DG): Placing power compounds in the fuel blends shows a better
generation facilities closer to consumption performance. Microturbines fueled by biogas offer
points to minimize transmission losses [11]. additional environmental benefits, and align with
Traditionally, electricity for industrial, renewable energy goals, making them particularly
commercial, agricultural, and residential suitable for distributed generation. Recent studies
consumers is produced in large, centralized power have demonstrated that biogas-fueled
plants, and then transmitted through distribution microturbines not only reduce greenhouse gas
networks. DG systems, however, utilize smaller emissions but also utilize otherwise wasted
power stations near consumption sites, organic materials [19,20]. Aside from the systems
significantly reducing transmission losses [12]. with one type of outputs, biofuels are usable in
Micro gas turbines have shown significant polygeneration technologies. Fong and Lee [21]
promise in small-scale and decentralized power implemented a study on trigeneration systems
generation. With output capacities ranging from driven by biofuel for non-residential buildings
25 to 500 kW, microturbines are a relatively applications. They reported that the systems
recent technology attracting considerable attention considered have high potential for primary energy
in the DG market [13]. saving, up to 15%, and a decrement of carbon
One of the renewable energy sources with emissions by at least 86% in comparison with the
applicability for different energy-related purposes conventional technologies.
is biofuel. Scholars have evaluated the use of As mentioned, it is advantageous in terms of
biofuels for a variety of applications such as environment and technical aspects to utilize
heating, desalination, power generation, and biofuels in microturbines. In this regard, getting
polygeneration systems. Depending on the type of deeper insight into these technologies and
biofuel, they can be used for different influential factors on their performance would be
applications. For instance, biodiesels, as sulfur- helpful for designers. This study simulates a CHP
free fuels, are applicable as fuels of diesel engines cycle using a Micro-Gas Turbine (MGT) and
[14]. In a study by Wierzbicka et al. [15], use of biogas fuel, examining critical variables such as
biofuels in district heating system was assessed. In Turbine Inlet Temperature (TIT), Compressor
this work, particle emission related to district Pressure Ratio (CPR), and recuperator
heating systems by use of three biofuels namely effectiveness within the cycle. To evaluate
pellets, forest residues and sawdust were performance under these conditions,
compared. They reported that overall thermodynamic modeling with the Engineering
concentration of emitted particles with Equation Solver (EES) software is applied. Impact
aerodynamic diameter of less than 5 micrometer of these factors on the performance of a combined
(PM5) at medium working load was in range of heating and power cycle based on MGT using
6.3-7.7 × 107 particles/𝑐𝑚𝑛3 , with a bit higher cow manure biogas as the fuel is evaluated for the
value in case of forest residues combustion. In first time, which is the main novelty of this study.
another study [16], performance of a desalination The key points of the present work, which
system based on the heat recovery from represent the importance of the study are
combustion engine utilizing biofuel blends was consideration of a renewable energy source,
investigated. It was reported that despite the biogas, as alternative for natural gas for use in a
disadvantage of biofuel in terms of low heat MGT. The proposed system is a cleaner
recovery potential, use of these fuels leads to alternative compared with the MGTs using fossil
more reasonable emissions compared with fuels. Moreover, the proposed system is not only
gasoline. Use of biofuels in the gas turbines is a applicable for power generation in small-scale,
suitable alternative for the power generation but also it is usable for heating applications due to
systems using fossil fuels. Use of these fuels can the consideration of heat recovery unit.
result in significant decrease in the emission of Furthermore, sensitivity analysis is applied to
M. Oreijah, et al. / Renewable Energy Research and Applications, Vol. 6, No 1, 2024, 83-91
M. Oreijah, et al. / Renewable Energy Research and Applications, Vol. 6, No 1, 2024, 83-91
M. Oreijah, et al. / Renewable Energy Research and Applications, Vol. 6, No 1, 2024, 83-91
Rotational Speed 70000 [RPM] temperature (TIT). Since the system operates with
PowerC 159 [kW] a fixed Air-to-Fuel Ratio (AFR), the air mass flow
Effectiveness 90 [%]
rate also decreases proportionally with the
T06 543.15 [K]
ṁfuel 0.0067 [kg/s]
reduction in fuel consumption. Additionally, the
P05 450000 [Pa] water mass flow rate decreases slightly because
Fuel type Natural Gas [-] the improved recuperator effectiveness transfers
𝑸˙ 𝐈𝐧𝐩𝐮𝐭 333 [kW] more heat to the compressed air, leaving less
ṁexh 0.79 [kg/s] waste heat in the exhaust gases for the Heat
T03 1223 [K] Recovery Unit (HRU). Despite this, the overall
T04 923.15 [K] cycle efficiency increases linearly with the
ηT 0.826 [-]
recuperator effectiveness, driven by reduced fuel
PowerT 282 [kW]
T08 50 [°C]
T09 70 [°C]
ṁwater 2 [Lit/s]
T07 80 [°C]
Net electric output 100 [kW]
ηele 30 [%]
ηCHP 80 [%]
M. Oreijah, et al. / Renewable Energy Research and Applications, Vol. 6, No 1, 2024, 83-91
grows, leading to a lower turbine outlet efficiency of the cycle, allowing for the same
temperature due to the larger enthalpy drop during power to be generated with less input mass flow.
expansion. However, with the fixed effectiveness However, the mass flow rate of water decreases
of the recuperator, the outlet temperature of the since the available energy for recovery in the
exhaust gas rises. The higher exhaust gas corresponding heat exchanger is decreased due to
temperature entering the Heat Recovery Unit reduction in the mass flow rate of the exhaust
(HRU) provides more energy for heating water, gases. In addition, with increase in the TIT, the
requiring a greater water mass flow rate to overall efficiency of the cycle is increased, which
maintain the desired energy transfer and can be attributed to the reduction in the input
temperature rise in the HRU. The relationship energy to the cycle related to the decrement in the
between CPR and overall efficiency is typically a fuel. Despite the benefits of higher TITs, material
parabolic curve. At low CPR, the compression constraints and thermal stresses limit how far this
process is inefficient, and at a very high CPR, the parameter can be pushed. Scientists are working
increased compression work and associated losses on improving turbine materials to withstand
outweigh the benefits of better combustion, higher temperatures, facilitating greater power
leading to a decrease in overall efficiency. There generation and allowing for smaller Micro Gas
is indeed an optimal CPR for maximum Turbines (MGTs) to be used as the cycle's primary
efficiency, depending on the turbine design and mover.
operating conditions.
(b) Figure 4. Effect of TIT on a) mass flow rates of the
Figure 3. Effect of CPR on a) mass flow rates of the streams and b) overall efficiency.
streams and b) overall efficiency.
5. Sensitivity analysis
Finally, effect of TIT on the characteristics of the
For evaluation of importance of different
cycle for CPR = 4.5 K, 𝜀 = 0.8 and ambient
considered parameters on the overall efficiency of
temperature of 283.15 K is represented in figure 4.
the systems, sensitivity analysis is carried out. The
With increase in the TIT, mass flow rates of both
considered variables in the previous section were
air and fuel reduce for the same power output
TIT, CPR, and recuperator effectiveness. For
(500 kW); this reduction occurs because the
sensitivity analysis, it is required to calculate the
higher TIT improves the thermodynamic
relevancy factor, a parameter in range of -1 to 1.
M. Oreijah, et al. / Renewable Energy Research and Applications, Vol. 6, No 1, 2024, 83-91
Comparison between the absolute values of the consider other influential parameters such as the
relevancy factors reveals their impact level on the ambient temperature and characteristics of
considered output which is overall efficiency here. different components on the output of the
The relevancy factor for each parameter is proposed system. The generated data by the
obtained by the use of Equation (24), as follows thermodynamics models can be used to develop
[26, 27]: models based on machine learning methods such
̅ 𝐤 )(𝐲𝐢 − 𝐲̅)
as artificial neural network.
∑𝐍𝐢=𝟏(𝐗 𝐤,𝐢 − 𝐗
𝐫= Aside from the suggestions mentioned that are
̅ 𝐤 )𝟐 ∑𝐍𝐢=𝟏(𝐲𝐢 − 𝐲̅)𝟐
√∑𝐍𝐢=𝟏(𝐗 𝐤,𝐢 − 𝐗 applicable for the current configurations, there are
some other suggestions on similar systems with
In equation (24), ̅𝑦, 𝑦𝑖 , 𝑋̅𝑘 , and 𝑋𝑘,𝑖 are the output different structures. For example, the recovered
average value, ith input value, average value of heat from the exhaust gases can be used for other
kth input parameter, and ith input value of kth purposes such as desalination and cooling. These
input parameter, respectively. In figure 5, productions require some additional components
calculated values of relevancy factors for each such as thermal desalination systems and
input parameter are presented. These values reveal absorption chillers that would increase the
that recuperator effectiveness has the highest complexity of the system.
impact on the overall efficiency of the designed
cycle under the mentioned assumptions. 7. Conclusion
Microturbines could be attractive options for
distributed generation applications. In order to
make these systems more environmentally
friendly, it is possible to use biofuels as renewable
energy sources and apply HRU. In the present
study, effects of different factors namely TIT,
recuperator effectiveness and CPR on the overall
efficiency of the system and characteristics of the
cycle with constant output electrical power is
investigated. According to the findings of the
models, solved by use of EES software; it can be
concluded that increase in TIT leads to elevation
in the overall efficiency of the cycle. In addition,
it is found that there is an optimal value for the
Figure 5. Relevancy factor values for three inputs of CPR of the applied compressor and deviation
the cycle. from the design point would lead to reduction in
the overall efficiency. Furthermore, it is observed
6. Recommendations for future studies that with elevation in the recuperator
In the previous sections, applied method for effectiveness, cycle overall efficiency improves.
modeling and the governing equations, results of Findings of the present article would be beneficial
the modeling by consideration of different factors for the designers and engineers working on the
variation and sensitivity analysis were cycle efficiency improvement and greenhouse
represented. There are some ideas that could be gases emissions reduction of power generation
considered in future works, which would be systems. In future studies, different types of
worthwhile for designers and scholars. For biofuels can be used, and the cycle characteristics
instance, in addition to the energy efficiency of can be evaluated for deeper insight into these
the systems, some other criteria and indices such alternative fuels.
as exergy efficiency or environmental factors can
be applied for analysis of the present system. 8. References
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