All India Senior Secondary Certificate Examination
All India Senior Secondary Certificate Examination
All India Senior Secondary Certificate Examination
Write the commands in SQL for (i) to (vi) and output for (vii) and (viii).
1. To list the names of items and their unit price that have unit price less than 800 and discount more than 5%.
2. To display the number of items that have more than 10% as discount.
3. To display item code and unit price in decreasing order of unit price.
4. To increase the unit price of each item by 10% of their unit price.
5. To display the highest unit price of items.
6. To display the names of items that have ‘Baby’ anywhere in their item names.
Find Output :
7. SELECT MID (Item,1,2) FROM Infant;
8. SELECT AVG(UnitPrice) FROM Infant WHERE DATEPURCHASE ‘2015–01–01’;
Q3 Practical Records [5]
Q4 Project Work [5]
Q5 Viva voce [5]
External Examiner Internal Examiner
Name : _______________________ Name : _________________________
Sign : _______________________ Sign : _________________________
Examiner No: __________________ Examiner No: ____________________
All India Senior Secondary Certificate Examination
School Code: xxxxx
Time 3 Hours | Subject: Informatics Practices (065) | M.M. : 30
Q1. Problem Solving using PANDAS & MATPLOTLIB [5 + 3 = 8]
1. Consider the following DataFrame df and answer the given questions (i)- (v)
Rollno Name UT1 UT2 UT3 UT4
1 Prerna Singh 24 24 20 22
2 Manish Arora 18 17 19 22
3 Tanish Goel 20 22 18 24
4 Falguni Jain 22 20 24 20
5 Kanika Bhatnagar 15 20 18 22
(i) Write the command to print top two rows.
(ii) Write the command to print last two rows.
(iii) Write the command to add one more column in dataframe df name total. Total = UT1+UT2+UT3+UT4
(iv) Write the command to display the rows having roll no is 4
(v) Write the command will display the column labels of the DataFrame?
B. Draw the following bar graph representing the number of students in each class.
Q2. SQL Queries:- Write the SQL Commands to perform the following:- [7]
1. Create a student table with the student_id, name, and marks as attributes where the student_id is
the primary key.
2. Insert the details of a new student in the above table.
3. Delete the details of a student in the above table.
4. Use the select command to get the details of the students with marks more than 80.
5. Write a SQL query to display names into capital letters, small letters, display first 3 letters of name,
display last 3 letters of name, display the position the letter 'A' in name.
6. Remove extra spaces from left, right and both sides from the text – “Informatics Practices Class XII”.
7. Display dayname, monthname, day, dayname, day of month, day of year for today’s date.
b) Write a Python program to display the Result using a LINE PLOT (table is given in Q1 (a) ) (3)
Maths Science SST
Amit 100 100.0 60.0
Mohan 95 100.0 57.48
Sudha 85 100.0 53.58
(i) Set the title of graph is “Result Analysis”
(ii) Display the legends.
(iii) Display the label of x axis to “Name” and y axis to “Score”
Q2. SQL Queries:- Consider the following tables CARDEN. Write SQL commands for the following
3. Write a Python program to display a BAR CHART of the number of students in a school. (3)
1. Use different colors for each bar.
2. Title for x axis should be ‘Groups’ and title for y axis should be ‘Number of Students’
3. Ensure the title of chart is “Group wise Students” and grid line must be shown.
Sample data: Group: I, II, III, IV and Strength: 38, 30, 45, 49
1. Create a table DRUGDB with the fields given in below table and assuming data type of your own.
2. Consider the table DRUGDB. Write the SQL commands for queries given below:
1. To increase the price of “Paracetamol” by 35.
2. To display the drugid, Rxid and pharmacy name of all records in descending order of their price.
3. Display all the details of the drugs where name starts with ‘C’ and has ‘sh’ somewhere in the name.
4. Display the drug name in lower case along with price rounded off to nearest interger.
5. Delete the field name loc from drugdb table.
Q3 Practical Records [5]
Q4 Project Work [5]
Q5 Viva voce [5]
Q:1 Consider the following scooter.csv file and write code for below given questions:
ScooterID ScooterName Price Company Qty
S001 Activa 6 G 78000 Honda 18
S002 NTorq 88000 TVS 43
S003 Jupiter 77000 TVS 17
S004 Access 82000 Suzuki 24
S005 Burgman 95000 Suzuki 26
a) Read CSV scooter.csv file and create the pandas dataframe. [2]
b) Display only scooter names and price which qty is less than 30. [1]
c) Display top 3 records from the dataframe. [1]
d) Display scooter details manufactured by TVS and Suzuki [1]
f) Draw a line chart which represent scooter name on x-axis and price on y-axis. Label [2]
the chart properly and display legends.
Q:2 Consider the following Table ‘Store’with the records given in it. Write SQL queries
for the following:
Stid Name City Noofemploye Dateopened Salesamount
S10 India mart Delhi 12 2020-05-18 340000
S10 Super Mumbai 20 2021-08-22 390000
2 market
S10 Planetorium Delhi 17 2019-02-14 240000
S10 Gulnaz Delhi 10 2022-04-01 180000
S10 Libaas Mumbai 8 2020-11-24 20000
a. Create the above given table with appropriate data type and constraints. [1]
b. Display Name and city of the store open in year 2020. [1]
e) Display the garment number, garment name and company in the descending order of [1]
their price.
f) Find the difference between maximum price and minimum price from the table. [1]
g) Display garment in upper case letters and ‘discountedprice’ which is price minus 5 % [1]
of price for price in between 2100 to 10000.
Q:3 Practical file [5]
Q:4 Project file [5]
Viva-voce [5]
SSCE Practical Examination – 2024
Sub: Informatics Practices (065)
Class : XII Set 1 Marks : 30 M
Time : 3 hrs Date :__/____/2024
Q:1 Write Python code for the following questions:
a. Create the above given table with appropriate data type and constraints. [1]
b. Count the number of patients belongs to doctor no D201. [1]
e) Display the last name of patients from pname with date of admission. [1]
f) Display the patients details with charges converted to whole number. [1]
g) Display details of the patient paying minimum charge. [1]
Q:3 Practical file [5]
Q:4 Project file [5]
Q:5 Viva-voce [5]