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1 author:
Jatin C. Modh
Gujarat Technological University
All content following this page was uploaded by Jatin C. Modh on 30 March 2023.
The most emerging tool in the research process is computer. Computer is an essential tool for research,
whether for academic purpose or for commercial purpose. Computers play a major role today in every
field of scientific research from genetic engineering to astrophysics research. It led the way to a
globalized information portal that is the World Wide Web. Using WWW, researcher can conduct research
on massive scale. Various programs and applications have eased our way into computing our research
process. In this paper, various software applications and tools are discussed with respect to research
activities like data collection, analysis, etc.
Computer have always assisted to solve the problems faced by the mankind since the time of
invention, the size of the computers have drastically reduced from that of a room to that can be
accommodated in a human palm. The word computer means something which computes or a
machine for performing calculations automatically, but, today computer means not merely a
calculator. It does vast variety of jobs with tremendous speed and efficiency. Today people use
computers in almost every walk of life. Electronic computers have now become an indispensable
part of every profession: so do research. Computers have a very important role to play in all
research activities.
The importance of computers in scientific research is exceptionally high and the use of a
computer can help scientific research immensely, and is an almost invaluable tool [5]. There are
many reasons why computers are so important in scientific research and here are some of the
main reasons:
SPEED: computer can process numbers and information in a very short time. So researcher can
process and analyze data quickly. By saving time researcher can conduct further research. A
International Journal of Research in Science And Technology http://www.ijrst.com
(IJRST) 2014, Vol. No. 3, Issue No. V, October-December ISSN: 2249-0604
calculation that may take a person several hours to process will take computer mere minutes, if
not seconds.
ACCURACY: Computer is incredibly accurate. Accuracy is very much important in scientific
research. Wrong calculation could result an entire research or project being filled with incorrect
ORGANIZATION: We can store millions of pages of information by using simple folders, word
processors & computer programs. Computer is more productive & safer than using a paper filing
system in which anything can be easily misplaced.
CONSISTENCY: computer cannot make mistakes through “tiredness” or lack of concentration
like human being. This characteristic makes it exceptionally important in scientific research.
Research process consists of series of actions or steps necessary to effectively carry out research
and the desired sequencing of these steps. The following order concerning various steps provides
a useful procedural guideline regarding the research process: (1) formulating the research
problem; (2) extensive literature survey; (3) developing the hypothesis; (4) preparing the
research design; (5) determining sample design; (6) collecting the data; (7) execution of the
project; (8) analysis of data; (9) hypothesis testing; (10) generalisations and interpretation, and
(11) preparation of the report or presentation of the results, i.e., formal write-up of conclusions
reached. [1]
There are five major phases of the research process [4]. They are:
1. Conceptual phase
The conceptual phase consists of formulation of research problem, extensive literature survey,
theoretical frame work and developing the hypothesis.
Use of computers in extensive literature review: computers help for searching the literatures
(for review of literature) and bibliographic reference stored in the electronic database of the
International Journal of Research in Science And Technology http://www.ijrst.com
(IJRST) 2014, Vol. No. 3, Issue No. V, October-December ISSN: 2249-0604
world wide webs. It can thus be used for storing relevant published articles to the retrieved
whenever needed. This has the advantage over searching the literatures in the form of books,
journals and other newsletters at the libraries which consume considerable amount of time and
This phase consists of research design preparation and determining sample design. Design and
planning phase also consists of population, research variables, sampling plan, reviewing research
plan and pilot study.
Role of Computers for Sample Size Calculation: Several software’s are available to calculate the
sample size required for a proposed study. The standard deviation of the data from the pilot study
is required for the sample size calculation.
This Empirical phase consists of collecting and preparing the data for analysis:
In research studies, the preparation and inputting data is the most labor-intensive and time
consuming aspect of the work. Typically the data will be initially recorded on a questionnaire or
record for suitable for its acceptance by the computer. To do this the researcher in conjunction
with the statistician and the programmer, will convert the data into Microsoft word file or excel
spreadsheet or any statistical software data file. These data can be directly opened with statistical
software’s for analysis.
Data collection and Storage: The data obtained from the subjects are stored in computes are word
files or excel spread sheets or any statistical software data file. This has the advantage of making
necessary corrections or editing the whole layout of the tables if needed, which is impossible or
time consuming incase of writing in papers. Thus, computers help in data entry, data editing,
data management including follow up actions etc. computers also allow for greater flexibility in
recording the data while they are collected as well as greater ease during the analysis of these
data. Examples of editors are WordPad, SPSS data editor, word processors, others like ultraedit
Data exposition: Most researchers are anxious about seeing the data: what they look like; how
they are distributed etc. you can also examine different dimension of variables or plot them in
various charts using a statistical application.
International Journal of Research in Science And Technology http://www.ijrst.com
(IJRST) 2014, Vol. No. 3, Issue No. V, October-December ISSN: 2249-0604
This phase consist of the analysis of data, hypothesis testing and generalisations and
interpretation. Data analysis phase mainly consist of statistical analysis of the data and
interpretation of results.
Data analysis: many software’s are now available to perform the mathematical part of the
research process i.e. the calculations using various statistical methods.
Softwares like SPSS and spreadsheets are the widely used. They can be like calculating the
sample size for a proposed study, hypothesis testing and calculating the power of the study.
Familiarity with any one package will suffice to carry out the most intricate statistical analysis.
Computers are useful not only for statistical analysis, but also to monitor the accuracy and
completeness of the data as they are collected. These software’s also display the results in
graphical char or graph form.
This phase consists of preparation of the report or presentation of the results, i.e., formal write-up
of conclusions reached. This is the research publication phase.
The research article, research paper, research thesis or research dissertation is typed in word
processing software and converted to portable data format (PDF) and stored and/or published in
the world wide web. Online sites are available through we can convert our word file into any
format like html, pdf etc. Various online applications are also available for this purpose. Even we
can prepare our document using online word processing software and can store/edit/access it
from anywhere using internet.
There are various computer applications used in scientific research. Some of the most important
applications used in scientific research are data storage, data analysis, scientific simulations,
instrumentation control and knowledge sharing. [2]
Data Storage
Experimentation is the basis of scientific research. Every experiment in any of the natural
sciences generates a lot of data that needs to be stored and analyzed to derive important
conclusions, to validate or disprove hypotheses. Computers attached with experimental
apparatuses, directly record data as it's generated and subject it to analysis through specially
designed software. Data storage is possible in SPSS data file, lotus spreadsheet, excel
spreadsheet, ASCII/DOS text file etc.
International Journal of Research in Science And Technology http://www.ijrst.com
(IJRST) 2014, Vol. No. 3, Issue No. V, October-December ISSN: 2249-0604
Data Analysis
Analyzing tons of statistical data is made possible using specially designed algorithms that are
implemented by computers. This makes the extremely time-consuming job of data analysis to be
a matter of a few minutes. In genetic engineering, computers have made the sequencing of the
entire human genome possible. Data from different sources can be stored and accessed via
computer networks set up in research labs, which makes collaboration simpler.
Scientific Simulations
One of the prime uses of computers in pure science and engineering projects is the running of
simulations. A simulation is a mathematical modeling of a problem and a virtual study of its
possible solutions. Problems which do not yield themselves to experimentation can be studied
through simulations carried out on computers. For example, astrophysicists carry out structure
formation simulations, which are aimed at studying how large-scale structures like galaxies are
formed. Space missions to the Moon, satellite launches and interplanetary missions are first
simulated on computers to determine the best path that can be taken by the launch vehicle and
spacecraft to reach its destination safely.
Instrumentation Control
Most advanced scientific instruments come with their own on-board computer, which can be
programmed to execute various functions. For example, the Hubble Space Craft has its own on-
board computer system which is remotely programmed to probe the deep space. Instrumentation
control is one of the most important applications of computers.
Knowledge Sharing Through Internet
Lastly, in the form of Internet, computers have provided an entirely new way to share
knowledge. Today, anyone can access the latest research papers that are made available for free
on websites. Sharing of knowledge and collaboration through the Internet, has made international
cooperation on scientific projects possible.
Through various kinds of analytical software programs, computers are contributing to scientific
research in every discipline, ranging from biology to astrophysics, discovering new patterns and
providing novel insights. When the work in neural network based artificial intelligence advances
and computers are granted with the ability to learn and think for themselves, future advances in
technology and research will be even more rapid.
SPSS is the most popular tool for statisticians. SPSS stands for Statistical Package for Social
Sciences. The latest version of SPSS is IBM SPSS STATISTICS 20 (purchased by IBM after
version 19). It provides all analysis facilities like following and many more.
International Journal of Research in Science And Technology http://www.ijrst.com
(IJRST) 2014, Vol. No. 3, Issue No. V, October-December ISSN: 2249-0604
Statistical inference
Analysis of variance
Frequency distribution
Data exposition by using various graphs like line, scatter, bar, ogive, histogram,
pie chart….
Microsoft Excel is popular spreadsheet software. Others spreadsheet packages are Lotus 1-2-3
Quattro Pro, Javeline Plus, Multiplan, VisiCalc, Supercalc, Plan Perfect etc.
The word processing packages are Microsoft Word, Wordstar, Word perfect, Softward, Akshar
(Gujarati), Amipro etc.
International Journal of Research in Science And Technology http://www.ijrst.com
(IJRST) 2014, Vol. No. 3, Issue No. V, October-December ISSN: 2249-0604
be inserted and formatted, a method for inserting and manipulating graphic images and a slide-
show system to display the content.
The presentation packages are Microsoft Powerpoint, Lotus Freelance Graphics, Corel
Presentations, Apple keynote etc.
Various Desktop Databases are Microsoft Access, Paradox, Dbase or DbaseIII+, FoxBase,
Foxpro/ Visual Foxpro, FileMaker Pro
Commercial Database Servers that supports multiuser are Oracle, Ms-SQL Server, Sybase,
Ingres, Informix, DB2 UDB (IBM), Unify, Integral, etc.
A web browser is a software application which enables a user to display and interact with text,
images, videos, music, games and other information typically located on a Web page at a website
on the World Wide Web or a local area network.
Examples are Microsoft Internet explorer, Mozilla firefox, Opera, Netscape navigator, Chrome
(google browser), Safari
International Journal of Research in Science And Technology http://www.ijrst.com
(IJRST) 2014, Vol. No. 3, Issue No. V, October-December ISSN: 2249-0604
Online questionnaires
Online surveys
Collaboration tools
Skype : Voice and video conferencing
Google Hangouts :Voice and video conferencing
Modern Research tools
Modern electronic research tools, like Zotero and Evernote, make the collection of
research data, and collaboration between colleagues possible, which that in the past
would have been difficult, expensive, or even impossible. They also save large amounts
of time citing and creating bibliographies. Evernote allows the user to capture digital
content, including web pages, PDF files or snippets of web pages, organize them,
annotate them, share them, publish them and search them.
[1] Kothari C R, “Research Methodology, Methods and Techniques”, New Age International
Publishers, pp.10-19, 2004.
[3] Rich McCue, Research & Collaboration Tools for Students, Staff & Faculty: Creating a
Modern Memex, http://richmccue.com