Table of Contents
Table of Contents….…………….………………………………………………………….…..i
A. General Informaiton…………………………………………………………….…..3
1. Aims and Goals ……..……..……….…..…………….……………………….……4
2. Method………………………….……….…….…………………………..…………4
3. Modelling pSi……………………….…………………………….……………….…8
4. Experiment…………………………………………………………….……….……10
5. 2D illustrations of refractions………….……..…….………….……..……..….….13
6. Project Management……………………………….………..….….….…….….….15
6.1. Work - Time Table……………………………………….…….…………15
6.2. Risk Management…………………………………….….………………16
6.3. Research Opportunities………………………….…….…….………….16
7. Widespread Impact…………………………………………………………………17
The optical properties of porous semiconducting material layer delineate as a mix of air,
silicon, and oxide are determined by the thickness, porosity, refractive index, and therefore
the form and size of pores. Index of refraction of porous silicon is reviewed during this
chapter. Complete theoretical solutions are provided by quite different methods of
approximating the effective medium, such as those of Maxwell-Garnett, Looyenga, or
Bruggeman. Numerous methods supported optical transmission and reflection
measurements are accustomed calculate the index of refraction knowledge for each recent
and modify porous semiconducting material mistreatment the envelope, Maxwell-Garnett,
and goodman method. the effects of oxidisation on the bragg reflector parameters and
therefore the variations within the index of refraction and thickness once oxidation were
Porous silicon materials are described as a mix of air, silicon, and, in some cases, silicon
dioxide. The optical properties of a porous silicon are determined by thickness, porosity,
index of refraction, and the form and size of pores and are obtained from each
experimental and model based approaches. Porous silicon could be a very attractive
material for refractive index fabrication because of the convenience in changing its
refractive index. Several studies are created on one- and two-dimensional refractive index
lattice structures. The index of refractive is a complex function of wavelength,
ñ(λ) = n(λ) − ik λ, wherever k is the extinction constant and determines how light waves
propagate inside a material (Jackson 1975).Dielectric function is contributes to Maxwell's
equations and it is refractive indexs square: ϵ(ω) = ñ(ω)2 . The refractive index depends
on the propagation of sunshine as well as the reflected and transmitted fractions of incident
waves on an interface. The Fresnel constant for reflection and transmission are given by
the refractive indices of the 2 adjacent materials. for several applications of porous silicon
in optics or optoelectronics, it's necessary to grasp the precise refractive index. There are
currently several potential device applications of porous silicon corresponding to
electroluminescent devices, gas sensors, humidity sensors, biosensors, waveguides,
capacitors and bioactive implants. In addition, passive optical components like
interference filters and optical phenomenon(difraction) gratings is realised in porous silicon.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Index of refraction, oxidisation process in porous silicon
1. Aims and Goals
The aim of the project is the understand the porous media in general and specifically we
will try to understand theoretically and numerically for the water and water vapour
system, and try to make analogies with the porous silicone and make predictions about
the porous silicone with looking at the water water system. For this we will use a basic
system, we wil just use phone and just try to look at the image of the refractive light. After
that we will just look at porous silicone and try to change the density of the water vapour
to matched the porous silicones content and make analogies from there.
The goal of the project is to develop an easy and fast experimental setup to find the
refractive index of Porous silicon. By changing the size of the water bubbles in the water
with pressure, a bubble with a density close to porous silicon will be formed.
E( r , t) = E 0 exp(ink 0 . r − iωt) exp(−k . k 0 ) k0 = (1)
where λ0 is the light wavelength in vacuum. This means that the light wave inside the
material has a wavelength differing by a factor n −1 from the corresponding vacuum
wavelength. Since the frequency of a wave does not change when it crosses an interface
between two media the phase velocity is different by the same factor also. In addition, the
wave inside the material decays exponentially if the imaginary part of the refractive index
does not vanish. Not only does the propagation of light depend on the refractive index but
also the reflected and transmitted fractions of waves incident on an interface between two
materials. The so-called Fresnel coefficients for reflection and transmission are given by
the refractive indices of the two adjacent materials. It is clear that for any application of a
material in optics or opto-electronics it is essential to know its refractive index. In the
following we show how the refractive index of porous silicon can be obtained and present
results for various types of porous silicon. Finally, the changes of the refractive index
during oxidation are discussed.
Data Evaluation
Since the aim of the project is to use the system consisting of water and water vapor as a
model to find the refractive index of Porous silicon. The data evaluations will be similar to
porous silicone evaluation.
A simple method to determine the refractive index of a material is to evaluate interference
fringes if they are observed in the experiment. In order to do this a film of the material has
to be prepared either free-standing or on a substrate. If the layer thickness d is determined
in an independent way one can compute from the frequency difference of neighbouring
interference maxima or minima directly the value of the refractive index. Naturally, this
technique can only be used if there are sufficiently discernible interference fringes. In the
case of small layer thicknesses or large dispersion one cannot apply this simple method. A
much more reliable method is given by a complete simulation of measured spectra. The
results shown here were obtained following the scheme explained in [2]. A dielectric
function model is set up for the solid pore walls which, in a second step, are averaged
using appropriate effective medium theories. Finally, the reflectance or transmittance of the
whole layer stack is computed. The parameters of the model (including layer thicknesses)
are adjusted to fit the experimental spectra (see FIGURE 1 for an example).
Since reliable and good models are available, this method is quite successful and has, in
addition, the advantage of being applicable for layer design also. The square root of the
effective dielectric function emerging from the fit is the required refractive index of the
porous silicon layer. For the simulation approach it is important that the interfaces between
the layers can be considered as sharp on a length scale of the light wavelength. This can
be achieved with p-doped silicon much more easily than with n-doped material. Hence, in
this work results for p-doped porous silicon only are given.
FIGURE 1 : Fit of the reflectivity of a porous layer on a 0.2 Q cm p-doped silicon substrate
(left, solid line: experiment, dashed: simulation) and the refractive index obtained (right,
solid line: real part, dashed: imaginary part).
Since porous silicon is a two phase composite, being a mixture of air and the solid phase,
its refractive index is expected to be lower than that of silicon (see FIGURE 2). This kind
of averaging of the dielectric functions of the individual components is not trivial but
depends on the micro-topology of the porous system. The application of different effective
medium theories will lead to different results. As an example, FIGURE 3 shows the
comparison of the dependence of the refractive index on porosity given by different
effective medium approaches. Here, for the solid pore wall phase, a value of 3.4 has been
taken which is a good approximation for the infrared bulk value (see FIGURE 2).
The Maxwell-Garnett formula [4] (which contains no silicon network in its 'built-in' micro-
topology) gives the lower bound of the refractive index range, whereas all other formulas
give larger values. The strength of the silicon network (degree of percolation) is the most
important parameter of the micro-topology besides the porosity of the porous silicon layer.
As can be seen, the Bruggeman formula [5] gives a larger value for lower porosities than
the Looyenga formula [6]. The situation for high porosities is the reverse: here the
Bruggeman formula switches off percolation and does not describe a network but a
system of isolated silicon particles. The only effective medium formula containing a
connected silicon network for arbitrary porosities is the Looyenga formula.
As can be seen, it gives the largest refractive index for high porosity cases. Hence this
concept is often used for porous silicon layers. As can also be seen in FIGURE 3, the
Looyenga formula does not give the largest possible contribution; however, effective
medium theories with even higher percolation can be set up. More details on the choice of
effective medium formulas can be found in [7].
FIGURE 2 : Refractive index of bulk silicon. FIGURE 3 : Refractive index (real part)
(solid line: real part, dashed: imaginary part). versus porosity as given by some
Data from [3]. simple effective medium approaches.
See text for details.
Reflectivity of Rough Interfaces
Single Layer
The optical system which has to be considered in the case of a PSi thin layer, is shown in
FIGURE 4: Schematic of a porous silicon layer showing the relevant optical parameters.
The Davies-Bennett relation enables the calculation of the attenuation of the reflectivity, Rs,
due to the scattering [10,11]:
−( 4πσ
λ )
Rs = R0 e
where R0 is the Fresnel reflection coefficient and λ the light wavelength in vacuum.
For example, for a 5thick and 70% porosity p-type thin layer at 633 nm, more than 50% of
the reflected energy is scattered at the PSi/bulk Si interface. This relation has been
introduced in the reflectivity calculation [12]. The effect of the roughness is shown in
FIGURE 1 (solid line). Small dots represent the optical response when a is kept at zero. It
is clear that the contrast of the fringes in the low absorption range is also modified by the
roughness level of the interface.
At the beginning of the project, I created 2D and 3D visuals of porous silicone through the
MATLAB program in order to have more control over it. The two-dimensional figure I
created shows the slices of a three-dimensional porous silicon in motion. You can see the
images taken at different t times in Figure 4 below.
I created the figure 5 you see below, again using MATLAB. This three-dimensional figure I
created shows the porosity and specific surface of porous silicone. Although this figure is
not in motion, as we can see in many different images in figure 5, we can examine the
porous silicon from every angle and depth with features such as zooming-zooming-rotating
on it.
I used the materials you see in Figure 6 to achieve the boiling water look I wanted to
achieve. First of all, I wanted to observe the experience in water and air so that I could note
how much the refractive index of the laser beam I was holding shifted. To observe the light
in the air from the front of the glass aquarium, diffuse scattering is necessary, and to
observe this phenomenon, I filled the glass aquarium with smoke. Then I fixed my laser,
which I placed on the tripod, at a 20 degree angle. The point where I fix the laser light is
exactly 5.5 cm below the top of the aquarium.
FIGURE 6 : The visuals on the left side are the experimental equipment
(Glass aquarium - protractor ruler - A3 paper - air motor - air pipes - laser - tripod).
The image on the right is the front view of the experiment performed in air.
In Figure 6 we see the view of the light beam from the front of the glass aquarium. After
that, I fixed my camera next to the aquarium and studied the refractions. I observed that
the ray entering the aquarium from the air environment exits the aquarium 17 cm below the
upper limit of the aquarium (This means that it is 11.5 cm below the point where the laser
beam enters). The same thing changed of course when I filled the aquarium with water. the
exit point was 14.4 cm from the upper border of the aquarium (This means that it is 8.9 cm
below the point where the laser beam enters). In other words, as expected the exit point of
the aquatic environment from the aquarium was at a point 2.6 cm higher than the air
environment. You can see the moments when I observed this difference in figure 7 below.
FIGURE 7 : The difference in refraction between air and water.
Thanks to the air motor, which is one of the materials I use, we can adjust the size and
speed of the bubbles to some extent. In this way, I can obtain air bubbles of different sizes
and shapes, which can resemble the porous silicone structure. However, we will observe
different refractions of rays.
I set the air bubbles in two different modes, one of them was the large mode and the other
was the small mode. The large mode is used in figure 8 below. You can see four
photographs in this figure. These are photographs taken at different times, that is, when the
position and shape of the air bubbles are different, and as you can see, our light beam is
coming out of different points of the aquarium for the reasons I just mentioned. So, the cm
values you see in figure 8 and figure 9 below are based on the upper limit of the aquarium.
If we want to get a value according to the point where the laser beam enters, we need to
subtract 5.5 cm from the values we see in those figures.
FIGURE 8 : The exit points of the rays observed at different times
when the air motor is set to large mode.
I mentioned that we can set air bubbles in two different modes. In Figure 8, you examined
the photos taken in large mode. Now, in the figure 9 below, you will see the exit points of
the rays that I observed in the small mode at different times.
We can see the exit point of the laser beam, which I sent to the aquarium filled with water
at 20 degrees, from the image on the right in Figure 7. And we also noted how far below
the upper limit it went. We transfer and control the same event to a two-dimensional
drawing to compare with our experiment. (Figure 10) While drawing the experiment, we
calculate the refraction angles using Snell's law.
n1 . sin Q1
n1 . sin Q1 = n2 . sin Q2 ⟹ Q2 = sin−1( ) = 13∘ (2)
n2 . sin Q2
n2 . sin Q2 = n3 . sin Q3 ⟹ Q3 = sin−1( ) = 14.86∘ (3)
n3 . sin Q3
n3 . sin Q3 = n4 . sin Q4 ⟹ Q4 = sin−1( ) = 13∘ (4)
After showing the refraction for water in two dimensions, it is time to show that the final
point of exit from the water has changed as a result of the light hitting and refracting
different air bubbles in different positions in boiling water. In Figure 11 and Figure 12 below,
we observe that the exit point of the light is different as a result of the layers I made with
random numbers and thicknesses. In Figure 11, it exits 10 cm from the entry point of the
light, while in Figure 11 it comes out after 7.8 cm. This explains our experiment. If the layer
numbers and thicknesses of the figures below change, the cm we will find will also change
(as we observed in Figure 8 and Figure 9).
Name and
IP By Who(s) Time Range Success Criterion and
Targets of
N It Will Be Contribution to the
o Performed (..-.. Month) Success of the Project
preparation for
1 the right March-April %10
progress of the
Literature Özge
2 March-April %15
Review Özyenginer
Calculation and
4 Effective April %25
Numerical Özge
5 April-May %10
Study Özyenginer
7 and Concluding May %30
the experiment
Preparation of
8 Report and May-June %10
6.2. Risk Management
Top Risks Risk Management (Plan B)
Theoretical analysis may not reach the To reach numerical results using different
expected accuracy. methods.
Challenges that may arise in
developing programs in the matlab Instead, use programs that do the same
used for numerical analysis, inability to (console, mathematica, R).
obtain the desired graphic.
The model may not be suitable for silicone
but provides information about porous
media. And we can try In order to change
Model may not be suitable. the size of the water bubbles in the water,
correcting the errors in the chemical or
physical (for example pressure) properties
by changing them, providing a bubble with
a density closer to the porous silicone.
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