Learing Journal

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The Impact of Education

Although the impact of education includes all aspects of life, there is a

highlighted impact on lifestyle of an educated person, taking the right decision at
the right time, and looking in a different way toward the future and the world
around us which gives us opportunities to invent new things.

"Education is produced within power relationships; therefore, power and social

dynamics are central to any analysis of the impact of education. The acquisition
and benefits of education are similarly intertwined by class, family, gender and
social tensions, relentlessly mutating into different varieties, environments and
appearances, and endlessly involving control" (Namalefe, 2020, p. 787).

"This project explores how students from refugee backgrounds describe the role of
community cultural wealth in their movement into and through their university
experience. It analyzes the educational journey of five students from refugee
backgrounds" (Luu, 2020, p. 170).

Full Reference
1-Namalefe, S. (2020). The impact of education in south asia: perspectives from sri
lanka to nepal. Unkown: Journal of International Students
2-Luu, Diep H. (2020). "Another Side of Global Mobility: Higher Education Access
among Students from Refugee Backgrounds." Journal of Comparative and International
Higher Education, vol. 12, no. 6S1, 2020, p. 170+. Gale In Context: Global Issues,
link.gale.com/apps/doc/A656822473/GICu=lirn17237&sid=GIC&xid=3b9b56ca. Accessed 15
May 2021.

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