Apache II Brochure - Basic Changes
Apache II Brochure - Basic Changes
Apache II Brochure - Basic Changes
2 Apache II
Principal dimensions
Power plant
Length overall *136.6 m
4 x 3,200 kW
Breadth 27.0 m
2 x 1,500 kW
Depth 9.7 m
Max draft 6.85m
*Including helideck overhang
2 x Tunnel thrusters 1,500 kW (each)
1 x Azimuth thruster 1,500 kW
Pipe capacity
Main Reel Aft
Capacity 2,000 Te 2 x Azimuth thrusters 3,500 kW (each)
Flange diameter 25 m
Hub diameter 16.5 m Maximum Bollard pull
Width between flanges 6.55 m 122 Te
Auxiliary Reel
Capacity 650 Te Endurance
Flange diameter 13.00 m FW making capacity 50m3/24 hrs @ 32°C
Hub diameter 8.84 m
Width between flanges 6.55 m Service speed
15 knots max transit/10 knots eco
2 x MacGregor hydramarine cranes Accommodation
100 Te at 15 m radius 118 people in 71 cabins
10 Te at 34 m radius
1 x hydralift crane Lifesaving appliances
27 Te at 10 m Lifeboats 2 x 70 persons
Liferafts 4 x 25 persons
Fuel oil- standard 2,116 m3 Helideck
Potable water 1,389 m3 D-Value 20.8 m
Super Puma/Sikorsky S-92 (12.8 Te)
Service air
2 x rotary screw compressors ROVs
- 22m3/min @ 8 bar
- 19m3/min @ 7 bar 2 x 4000m Schilling HD work class ROVs
Configured with Schilling T4 and Rigmaster
DP system manipulators
Kongsberg SDP 21 KPOS 850m tether length
Reference Systems
2 x Kongsberg HiPAP 502 high
precision acoustic positioning
DNV + IAI, Dynpos AUTR EO DK (+)
DGPS 4 off
Taut Wire System NAUT-OSV, CLEAN COMF-(V3)
Fan Beam System
Year built/builder
Environmental Regulatory Number 2009 by MetalShips & Docks, Vigo, Spain
Apache II 3
The unique reel lay method for the installation of Integrated Control System
small and medium diameter pipelines offers significant The Apache II is fitted with a control and alarm
advantages over other methods of pipelay. Reel lay monitoring system from Wartsila that monitors all
provides clients with a cost efficient, high-quality machinery for power generation and propulsion and
technique suitable for laying pipe in deep or shallow integrates with the DP system.
water. This is a technique that has been successfully Contained within the system is a Kongsberg SDP21
applied in many offshore operational areas world-wide. KPOS fully redundant duplex Dynamic Positioning
The Apache II can lay pipe from 2” to 16” diameter (DP) system, incorporating purpose-designed pipelay
pipelines, in addition to flexible pipelines and umbilicals. functions. Up to four radio positioning systems can
Due to the Apache II’s extensive experience of reeled be interfaced with the DP system to provide position
pipe-in-pipe products, she was chosen to install information.
TechnipFMC’s innovative Electrically Trace Heated
Pipe-in-Pipe (ETHPiP) technology on its pilot project This system includes four DGPS taut wire for shallower
in the Total Islay field in the North Sea. The complex waters, an MDL fanbeam system and a Kongsberg HiPAP
project was completed successfully ahead of schedule. hydro acoustic position measuring system.
Top view of
Apache II
4 Apache II
Additional Machinery Auxiliary reel
Additional power is provided by two deck-mounted The vessel is equipped with an auxiliary reel (SPR 650),
diesel generator sets providing 3,000 kW total electrical which also is mounted vertically with horizontal axis
power. These generators are stand-alone units providing and positioned immediately forward of the main reel.
dedicated power to pipelay equipment, but can also The auxiliary reel is driven using four electric motors
be used to supplement general vessel electrical with variable frequency drive (VFD) controls and can
requirements. produce 37 Te of laying tension at the outer rim and
54 Te of laying tension at the drum (inner wrap).
The reel can be used for pipes up to 8” diameter, but is
The Apache II is equipped with two MacGregor
primarily used for smaller diameter pipes such as “piggy
Hydramarine 100 Te knuckle boom construction cranes
back” lines. It also can be used for umbilicals.
with active heave compensation.The cranes are mounted
on the port side and provide the capability for tandem Pipe ramp
subsea lifts.A Hydralift crane also is fitted on the The ramp structure is 32 m long and 9 m wide. Hinged
starboard side for deck lifts up to 27 Te. at its after end, the ramp angle is adjustable from 20.4°
to 60° by a hydraulically operated truss arrangement.
Main Reel
Additional rollers on the level wind can permit pipelay
The main reel is mounted vertically amidships having a
angles up to 72° for deepwater installation.
horizontal axis of rotation. The main reel is designed to
be used with products up to 16” diameter. The reel can Ramp equipment and level wind
produce 100 Te of laying tension at the outer rim and The pipe ramp carries all of the pipeline tensioning,
150 Te of tension at the drum (inner wrap) when used straightening and manipulating equipment. The level
in the standard configuration using four hydraulic drive wind assembly traverses between the main reel flanges
motors. Upon specific request and provided appropriate to correctly align the equipment with the pipe on
hydraulic connections are made, the reel can produce the reel. Vessel heel during level wind operations is
125 Te of laying at the outer rim and 190 Te of laying counteracted by cross ballasting using a dedicated
tension at the drum (at the inner wrap). anti-heeling system.
Side view of
Apache II
Apache II 5
Capabilities (cont.)
Pipe aligner Accommodation
The aligner ensures a consistent radius of curvature The accommodation provides full modern facilities for
of 10.1 m in the pipe after leaving the reel prior to up to 118 personnel, split between 47 double berth and
straightening. The aligner can be adjusted vertically. 24 single-person berths.
Onboard facilities include full medical, office, conference
Pipe straightening
and internet facilities and gym. The accommodation is
This consists of an array of staggered, opposing
fully compliant with Det Norske Veritas and Norwegian
specially equipped tracks with hydraulic jacks capable
Maritime Directorate requirements for worldwide
of producing 214 Te to straighten the pipe during
operations, with particular respect to amenity and noise
laying operations.
standards, and is fully ISPS (International ship & port
Pipe tensioner facility security code) compliant.
54 Te of tension can be developed by two opposing, Helideck
specially equipped hydraulically operated tracks. A helideck and reception is provided for personnel
transfers. The helideck is internationally classed to
Pipe clamp
CAA requirements and is suitable for Super Puma
This is a vertically adjustable hydraulic clamp capable of
and Sikorsky helicopter operations.
supporting up to 180 Te of axial tension. The clamp is
adjustable to fit all pipe sizes from 4” to 16” diameter.
Abandonment/recovery winch
The abandonment and recovery winch is located aft
of the reel at main deck level. Powered by a Caterpillar
3412 diesel engine, it can spool 2,900 m of 52 mm
diameter wire / 1500 mm of 72 mm diameter wire
and develop 163 Te tension at outer wrap.The winch is
normally equipped with 52 mm diameter wire, but can
accommodate diameters of up to 71 mm for project
specific operations.
Ramp enclosure
The 9 m long enclosure, situated between the pipe
clamp and tensioners, provides environmental
protection for the workforce and ensures the correct
conditions exist to perform high quality welding. It is
equipped with a sliding roof to enable cranage access
for laydown assemblies.
Apache II,
rear view
6 Apache II
Apache II 7
Enterprise Drive, Westhill,
Aberdeenshire, AB32 6TQ, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 1224 271000
© TechnipFMC plc 2021