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Model Question Paper 19 (1)

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Model Question Paper - 19

Subject - Science (086)
Class – X (2024-25)
General Instructions:

All questions are compulsory. However, an internal choice of approximately 33% would be
provided. 50% marks are to be allotted to competency-based questions. 2. Section A would have
16 simple/complex MCQs and 04 Assertion-Reasoning type questions carrying 1 mark each. 3.
Section B would have 6 Short Answer (SA) type questions carrying 02 marks each. 4. Section C
would have 7 Short Answer (SA) type questions carrying 03 marks each. 5. Section D would have
3 Long Answer (LA) type questions carrying 05 marks each. 6. Section E would have 3 source
based/case based/passage based/integrated units of assessment (04 marks each) with sub-parts
of the values of 1/2/3 marks.

Question 1 to 16 are multiple choice questions. Only one of the choices is correct.
Select and write the correct choice as well as the answer to these questions.

In the reaction PbO

1 + C → Pb +CO 1

(b)C acts as oxidising agent

(c)C acts as reducing agent
(d)this reaction does not represent a redox reaction
2 Consider the pHvalue of the following acidic samples 1

S No Sample pHvalue
1 Lemon juice 2.2
2 Gastric juice 1.2
3 Vinegar 3.7
4 Dilute acetic acid 3.0

The decreasing order of their H+ ion concentration is

(a)3>4> 1> 2 (b) 2> 1 >3> 4 (c)2> 1> 4> 3 (d) 3> 4> 2 >1

3 Which of the following is(are) an endothermic process(es)? 1

(i)dilution of sulphuric acid
(ii)sublimation of dry ice
(iii)condensation of water vapours
(iv)evaporation of water
(a)(i) and (iii) (b)(ii) only (c)(iii) only (d)(ii) and (iv) only
4 In the given experimental set-up, if the experiment is carried out separately with each 1
of the following solutions the cases in which the bulb will glow is/are:
(i)dilute sulphuric acid (ii)dilute hydrochloric acid
(iii)glucose solution (iv)alcohol
(a) (i) and (ii) (b)(i) only (c)(ii) only (d)(ii), (iii) and (iv)
5 During electrolysis of water, if the volumes of oxygen and hydrogen evolved at the 1
electrodes are VO and VH respectively, then VO / VH is
(a)4 (b)2 (c)1/2 (d)1/4

6 Among the following, the metal with lowest density is 1

(a)Lithium (b) Lead (c) Magnesium (d) Aluminium
7 Reaction between X and Y, forms compound Z.X loses electron and Y gains electron. 1
Which of the following properties is not shown by Z?
(a)has high melting point (b)has low melting point (c)conducts electricity in molten
state (d)occurs as solid
8 In which of the following groups of organisms, food material is broken down outside 1
the body and absorbed?
(a)mushroom, green plants, amoeba
(b)yeast, mushroom, bread mould
(c )paramecium, amoeba, cuscuta
(d) cuscuta, lice, tapeworm
9 Four chambered heart is found in 1
(a)amphibians (b)reptiles (c)fishes (d)birds
10 An apparatus as shown below was set up to investigate a physiological process in 1
plants. The set up was kept n sun light for two hours.Droplets of water were then seen
inside the bell jar.
Identify the process being studied.
(a)evaporation (b)transpiration (c)photosynthesis (d)respiration

11 Posture and balance of the body is controlled by 1

(a)cerebrum (b)cerebellum (c)medulla (d) pons
12 Which of the following is not an advantage of vegetative propagation? 1
(a)best method to introduce new genetic traits in the species
(b)plants which produce non-viable seeds can be grown
(c)easier method than sowing seeds
(d)such plants produce seeds and fruits much earlier than plants produced from other
13 Rays from Sun converge at a point 15cm in front of a concave mirror. Where should an 1
object be placed so that size of its image is equal to the size of the object?
(a)15 cm in front of the mirror
(b)30 cm in front of the mirror
(c)between 15 cm and 30 cm in front of the mirror
(d)more than 30 cm in front of the mirror

14 The change in focal length of an eye lens to focus the image of objects at varying 1
distances is done the action of the
(a)pupil (b)retina (c)ciliary muscles (d)blind spot
15 In the given food chain, suppose the amount of energy at fourth trophic level is 5k J, 1
what will be the energy available at the producer level?
(a)5k J (b)50 k J (c)500k J (d)5000 k J

16 Which of the following limits the number of trophic levels in a food chain 1
(a)decrease in energy at higher trophic levels
(b)deficient food supply
(c)polluted air
Question No. 17 to 20 consist of two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason (R).
Answer these questions by selecting the appropriate option given below:
A. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
B. Both A and R are true, and R is not the correct explanation of A.
C. A is true but R is false.
D. A is false but R is true
17 Assertion (A): Oxygen is essential for all aerobic forms of life. 1
Reason (R):Free oxygen atoms combine with molecular oxygen to form ozone.
18 Assertion(A):In human male, testes are extra-abdominal and lie in scrotal sacs. 1
Reason (R):Scrotum acts as thermo-regulator and keeps testicular temperature lower
by 2°C for normal spermatogenesis.
19 Assertion (A):In going from a denser to a rarer medium, a ray of light bends away from 1
Reason (R):This occurs because light travels faster in rarer medium than a denser
20 Assertion (A): Carbonic acid is weak acid. 1
Reason (R):It ionised completely in aqueous solution.
Question No. 21 to 26 are short answer questions
21 2
In the given circuit, what would be the readings of the ammeter
and the voltmeter?

22 Draw and label the structure of an open and a closed stomatal pore 2
23 Attempt either A or B 2
A.What do you mean by precipitation reactions? Explain by giving an example.
Observe the diagram.

What would happen if copper turnings are used in the place of zinc granules? Justify
your answer.

24 Suggest two eco-friendly habits you follow to protect our environment? 2

25 Attempt either A or B 2
A State the role of the following in human respiratory system
(i)rings of cartilage
(ii) residual volume of air
B. State one role of each of the following in human digestive system.
(i)hydrochloric acid
(iii)anal sphincter

26 Name the mirror that 2

(i)can give real as well as virtual image of an object
(ii)will always give virtual image of same size of an object
(iii)will always give virtual and diminished image of an object
(iv)is used by doctor in examining teeth
Question No. 27 to 33 are short answer questions
27 Give reasons 3
(i) Tap water conducts electricity whereas distilled water does not.
(ii) Dry HCl gas does not change the colour of dry litmus paper?
(iii) Electrolysis of brine is called chlor-alkali process.

28 Attempt either A or B 3
A.A student needs spectacles of power -5D for the correction of his vision.
(i) Name the vision defect the student is suffering from?
(ii) Find the nature and focal length of the corrective lens.
(iii) List two causes of this defect.
B.When do we consider a student sitting in the class to be myopic?
List two causes of this defect.
Explain using a ray diagram how this defect of eye can be corrected?

29 (i)When Mendel crossed pea plants with pure tall and pure short characteristics to 3
produce F1 progeny, which two observations were made by him in F1 plants?
(ii)Write one difference between dominant trait and recessive trait.
(iii) “It is possible that a trait is inherited but may not be expressed”. Justify.

(i)By which process are impurities removed to obtain pure metal using electricity? 3
30 (ii)What is the cathode and anode made of in the refining of copper by this process?
(iii)Name the solution used in the refining process and write its formula.
31 An electric oven is designed to work on the mains voltage of 220 V. This oven consumes 3
11 units of electrical energy in 5 hours. Calculate
(a)power rating of the oven
(b)current drawn by the oven
(c)resistance of the oven hen it is red hot
32 3

Identify A B C and D. Why is double circulation necessary in human beings? Explain.

33 3
Ravi connected a straight current carrying conductor wire in an electric circuit. He
moved the compass away from the current- carrying wire. The deflection of the
compass needle reduced.

(i)Why does the compass needle deflection reduce as Ravi moved away from the
(ii)Mention one thing that could have changed in the circuit of the wire that could
increase the deflection of the needle.
(iii)Explain with reason what will be the direction of the magnetic field associated with
the wire for the case described by the above figure.

Question No. 34 to 36 are Long answer type questions.
34 An acid X and an alcohol Y react with each other in the presence of an acid catalyst to 5
form a sweet- smelling substance Z. Identify X , Y and Z. Write the chemical equation
for the reaction involved and name it. The substance Z on treatment with sodium
hydroxide produces back the alcohol Y and sodium ethanoate. Write the chemical
equation for the reaction involved and name it, giving justification for the name.
35 Attempt either A or B 5
A (i)What is meant by heating effect of electric current?Derive an expression for the
amount of heat produced in a conductor of resistance R through which a current I
flows for a time t.
(ii)Calculate the amount of heat produced in a conductor of resistance 10Ω through
which a current of 2A flows for 100 seconds.
B.(i)Write the relation between the electrical resistivity ’ρ’ and the resistance ‘R’ of a
cylindrical conductor of length ‘l’ and area of cross section ‘A’. Use this relationship to
determine the SI unit of ‘ρ’.
(ii)Find the electrical resistivity of the material of a wire of length 120 cm and diameter
0.4 mm. The resistance of this wire is 3Ω.
36 5

(i)Write the names of A, B, C and D.

(ii)Name the part of flower which (a) persists even after the fruit is formed,
(b)attracts insects for pollination,
(c)produces pollen grains and
(d) changes into seed after fertilisation
(iii)After pollination, how does a male germ cell reach the ovary? Mention the
significance of this event.

Question No.37 to 39 are case-based/ data- based questions. Read the case carefully
and answer the questions that follow.
37 4
Human brain is the widest part of the central nervous system which weighs
about 1.2 to 1.4 kg and constitutes about 98% of the total nervous system.
Human brain is the most advanced and well-developed of all animals. It is
differentiated into fore brain, mid brain and hind brain.

(i) The largest part of our brain is _____________.

(ii) Which part of human brain is the ‘think tank’?

Attempt either A or B
(iii) (A)In which part of brain is medulla oblongata located? List two
functions of it.
(B)Name the receptors of light, sound, taste and smell.

38 Study the data given below showing the focal length of three concave mirrors A, B, C
and the respective distances of objects placed in front of the mirrors: 4
(i)In which one of the given cases the mirror will form a diminished image of the
object? Justify your answer.
(ii)List two properties of the image formed in case 2.
Case Mirror Focal length (cm) Object Attempt
distance (cm) either A or
1 A 20 45 B
2 B 15 30 (A) What is
3 C 30 20 the nature
and size of
the image
formed by mirror C? Draw the ray diagram to your answer.
(B)An object is placed at a distance of 18 cm from the pole of a concave mirror of
focal length 12 cm. Find the position of the image formed in this case.

39 4
Ethanol (commonly known as alcohol) is an important carbon compound widely used
in industries, hospitals, etc. Because it is a very good solvent, it is used in medicines
such as cough syrups, tincture iodine and many tonics. As it is a cleaner fuel, ethanol is
used as an additive in petrol in most of the developed countries of the world.
(i)Write the structure of ethanol.
(ii)Name the products formed when ethanol burns in sufficient air (oxygen).
(iii) Attempt either A or B
(A)State what happens when 5%solution of alkaline potassium permanganate is added
to warm ethanol. Draw the structure of the product formed and state the role of 5%
solution of alkaline potassium permanganate in the reaction.
(B)State what happens when ethanol is heated with excess conc.H2 SO4 at 443°C.Draw
the structure of the product formed and state the role of conc.H2 SO4 in the reaction.

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