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ICOMSET Physics Education



Asrizal, Hufri, Festiyed

Physics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, State University of Padang, Indonesia

Implementation of authentic assessment gives potency and benefit in learning process. This assessment type
is conducted comprehensively both process and outcome. For this reason, the integration authentic assessment is
important in a learning model. The objective of this research is to develop authentic assessment that suitable with
inquiry learning model and determine its validity, practicality, and effectiveness. This research uses research and
development (R&D). R&D is a research method which is used to produce certain product and to test
effectiveness of that product. Stages of development model consist of primarily study, development model, and
model testing. There are four products in this research, those are: writing assessment of initial task, performance
assessment, scientific attitude assessment, and written report assessment. Quality criteria of authentic assessment
including validity, practicality, and effectiveness. The instrument which is used to measure quality criteria consist
of validation sheet experts, practicality sheet by lecturers and assistants, and achievement test sheet. As the result
of this research shows that: 1). the validity of authentic assessment for supporting inquiry learning model is high
with average value of validity is 81.42 and 2). the use of authentic assessment is practice and effective in inquiry
learning model.
Index Terms : Authentic assessment, Inquiry learning model, Quality criteria, Basic Electronics

1. INTRODUCTION knowledge and skills. Authentic tasks require students

to demonstrate a process or procedure of a product,
Education plays an important role in improving these tasks serve simultaneously both learning and
the quality of human resources. In every learner is assessment. Therefore, authentic tasks provide a direct
stored some various of potency such as intellectual, connection between learning and assessment.
spiritual, emotional, social, and so on. Education gives Authentic assessment is a comprehensive
some opportunities to develop various of learner assessment conducted to assess input, process and
potency become competency is use in their lives. output of learning. This assessment consist of
High competence is required by learner in solving attitudes, knowledge, and skills. Authentic assessment
various problems of life. requires that efficiency, reliability, and comparability
Graduates of an education should have a good of measures be carefully planned and delivered (Cy L,
competence. In general there are three competency 2009). The orientation of authentic assessment
standards, those are: knowledge, attitudes, and skills. includes the learning process and the learning
Knowledge relates to facts, concepts, laws, models, outcomes. Competences of students which is assessed
and theories. The attitude consist of behavioral consists of knowledge, attitudes, and skills.
attitudes, values, and norms. On the other hand, the Measurement of learning aspect includes process,
skills is associated with the performance of graduates. performance, and product. On the other hand, the
Education should be able to develop all three of these characteristics of authentic assessment are integrated
competences in a balanced manner. in learning, related to the real world, have several
Learning is an effort to develop the some methods, and conducted comprehensively.
potencies of students. In the learning process of Implementation of authentic assessment of
students must be involved actively. They are involved learning can be done through authentic tasks.
actively in reading, finding information, writing, Authentic task consist of student-centered activities
investigating, solving problems, and so on. Learning that focus on real-world and skills (Mark B, 1995).
like this is known as a student-centered learning. The Authentic tasks encourage students to demonstrate a
role of teacher in learning is as a motivator, facilitator, process or procedure of a product. This task serves
mentor, and assessor. simultaneously learning and assessment. For this
In the learning process, teachers can activate reason, authentic tasks provide a direct connection
students through authentic tasks. Authentic tasks between learning and assessment.
consist of student-centered activities that focus on Making a rubric in authentic assessment is very
content and real-world skills. Authentic tasks often important. A Rubric is an established set of criteria
involve the acquisition of knowledge and skills, their used for evaluating or rating student products and
main focus is related to practical application of this performances (Diane R, 2009). Authentic assessments

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ICOMSET Physics Education

use rubrics to provide clear scoring criteria to learners question that arises from their curiosity and effort to
enabling them to conduct self assessment or peer- find the its answer. Inquiry learning encourages and
assessment before submitting. The effectiveness of a facilitates students in asking questions, trying to
rubric is dependent on its validity and reliability (Paul collect the data and process them, and finding the
M, 2012). Several benefits of using scoring rubrics in answers of these questions.
performance assessments have been proposed, such as In general, Inquiry learning model has six stages.
increased consistency of scoring, the possibility to The first stage is the orientation, teacher make
facilitate valid judgment of complex competencies, condition so that students are ready to follow the
and promotion of learning (Anders J, 2007). learning process with stimulating and encouraging
The use of authentic assessment in learning students to think and to solve the problem. The second
provide some benefit to the students. First, the stage is to formulate the problem, the teacher directs
students are able to understand the learning material and guides the students to formulate the problem. The
comprehensively. Second, students have some third stage is to formulate the hypothesis, teacher
capabilities such as collecting information, using guides students to formulate the hypothesis of the
sources of information, mastering the technology, problem. The fourth stage is to collect the data,
applying a systematic thinking, and so on. Third, teacher directs and guides the students to collect data
students are able to connect the lessons with their based on problem. The fifth stage is to test the
experience, real world, and life in society. Fourth, hypothesis that is a process to determine the tentative
authentic assessment can improve high-level thinking answer which appropriate with data or information
skills such as analyzing, synthesizing, identifying the obtained. The last stage is to formulate the conclusion
problems, solving the problems, and following the that is a process describes the findings obtained based
cause and effect relationship. Fifth, students receive on the results of hypothesis testing (Widhar D, 2013).
response and develop some alternatives. Finally, Authentic tasks are used in inquiry learning
students are able to connect the lesson with other model to activate students in learning process. These
subjects and collaborate activities with those tasks. task will connect directly between the learning model
Teachers should apply the authentic assessment and assessment. Assessment which is produced by
in the learning process. The fact shows that here are authentic tasks are authentic assessment.
some problems in implementing the authentic The use rubric on authentic assessment gives
assessment. First, the teacher states that authentic effect on learning outcomes. There are several
assessment is difficult to be applied in learning research results that show the effect of the use of
process. Second, the teacher states that authentic authentic assessment and rubric in learning. First, the
assessment is complex because it includes many use of rubric for assessment was found to be very
assessments which conducted during the learning effective in determining a pathway for both the
process. Third, authentic assessment cause teacher is teachers and the students to look for and get to the
tired in performing their duties. Another problem is desirable results (Sher Azim, 2012). Second, authentic
the authentic assessment incompatible with learning learning environment that engage students in real-
model which is implemented. world inquiry problems involving higher order
One solution to solve this problem is to develop thinking skills with an authentic audience beyond the
authentic assessment on the context and the suitable classroom (Audrey C R, 2006). Third, authentic
learning situation. In other words, authentic assessment is inseparable from and integrated to
assessment must be suitable with learning model instructional activity, and contributes to students’
which is selected. Authentic assessment has strong achievement. Authentic assessment improves thinking
relevance to the scientific approach in learning. An skill because its principles develop meta-cognitive
alternative suitable learning with the scientific awareness (Yuni P, 2013).
approach in science process is inquiry learning. Quality criteria of development result of
Inquiry is the process of defining and authentic assessment and its rubric need to be
investigating problems, formulating hypotheses, determined. There are three quality criteria used. The
designing experiments, gathering data, and drawing first criteria is validity of initial product based on
conclusion about problem (Trowbridge in Atilla C, rational thinking of experts. The second criteria is
2007). A potential result in inquiry-based teaching practicality that is easiness and implementation of
enables students to gain insights into the nature of authentic assessment in learning. The third criterion is
scientific inquiry. Inquiry activities provide a valuable effectiveness of application the product in learning
context for learners to acquire, clarify, and apply an (Tjeerd P, 2013).
understanding of science concepts (Josef T, 2012). Based on the background of the problem can be
Inquiry learning model is a model of learning formulated problem in this study. As the formulation
which practice students to learn to find the problem, of the research problem, namely: 1). What is the
to collect, to organize, and to solve the problems (DD validity of authentic assessment instrument and its
Kristianingsih, 2010). The general aim of inquiry is to rubric ?, 2). What is the practicality of authentic
help students develop the skills necessary to raise the assessment instrument and its rubric in inquiry

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ISBN 978-602-19877-3-5
ICOMSET Physics Education

learning model ?, and 3). What is the effectiveness of and its rubric, performance assessment instrument and
authentic assessment instrument in inquiry learning its rubric, scientific attitude assessment instrument and
model ?. its rubric, and written report instrument of experiment
Based on this reason, the researcher is interested activities. Validation of product development is
to develop authentic assessment to support the inquiry conducted by six experts. Weaknesses and mistakes of
learning model. The general objective of this research product are revised based on suggestion from experts.
is to develop authentic assessment which connected to The third phase is model testing. In this research,
inquiry learning model and to test its effectiveness. limited try-out is applied to test inquiry learning
The specific objective of the research is : 1). to model by integrating authentic assessment. The
determine the validity of authentic assessment purpose of testing is to determine the practicality and
instrument and its rubric, 2). determine the practicality the effectiveness of authentic assessment in inquiry
of authentic assessment instrument and its rubric in learning model. Testing uses before and after
inquiry learning model, and 3). determine the experimental method design. Effectiveness of the
effectiveness of authentic assessment instrument in authentic assessment is determined based on posttest
inquiry learning model. and pretest. This testing is conducted for three
2. RESEARCH METHOD In try-out activities, inquiry learning model by
integrating authentic assessment is implemented. In
Type of this research is research and this case, tray-out is conducted to determined
development (R & D). R & D is a method of research practicality and effectiveness of authentic assessment.
to develop a specific product and to test the Generally, the learning process can be divided into
effectiveness of that product. As a product of this three part, those are introduction activities, body
research is an authentic assessment which is adapted activities, and conclusion activities.
by inquiry learning model. Authentic assessment in Introduction activity is activity to prepare
this research consist of two parts, those are authentic students to follow the learning process. This activity is
instrument and its rubric. conducted based on the preliminary task. The lecturer
To develop and to test the effectiveness of a asks students to review the last lesson, to explain the
product is used a particular development model. The next learning material, to explain the purpose of
stages of Borg and Gall development model is learning, to explain the benefit of studying the
modified by Sukmadinata and colleagues. In general, learning material, and to explain the scope of learning
stages of research and development which is material.
developed by Sukmadinata and his colleagues consists Body activity is main process of learning to
of three stages, those are preliminary study, achieve competence. In this activity is used
development model, and model testing (Nana S 2006). experimental task to activate students in learning
First stage is preliminary study. This stage is process. Lecturer directs and guides students to
conducted to investigate the needs of students and conduct experiments based on task experiment. In
lecturers. There are three activities in this study, those learning process, students formulate the problem,
are to do the literature study, to conduct the survey formulate the hypotheses, and collect the data.
field, and to make the initial product draft. Performance and scientific attitude of students in
Observation result on electronics experiment activities experimental activities are assessed by assistants.
showed that: 1). lecturers only use experiment method Conclusion activity is activity of lecturer to close
in electronics laboratory, 2). authentic task doesn’t the learning process. The lecturer asks the students to
used yet in learning, 3). assessment is not connected to conclude the lesson, to check student understanding,
learning model, and 4). authentic assessment to direct the task report, and to inform the learning
instruments and their rubric don’t applied yet in material for next meeting.
experiment activities. Based on result analysis of Authentic tasks consist of preliminary task,
students questionnaire can be stated that: 1). I can’t experimental task, and report task. Preliminary task is
make the problem formulation is 67.44, 2), 2). I can’t used to encourage students to review the last lesson
make the formulation of hypotheses in experimental and to learn the learning material now. Experimental
activity is 72.09%, 3). I can’t test the hypothesis is task is used to guide and to direct students to conduct
48.84, and 4). I can’t make finding summary on the experiment activity in laboratory. Meanwhile, report
results of hypothesis testing is 27.91%. task is used to direct students to make a written report
The second stage is development model. of experiment activity.
Authentic assessment is developed based on inquiry Authentic instrument is conducted based on
learning model. In this case, authentic tasks are used authentic tasks. Writing assessment instrument is used
to connect between learning model and assessment. to assess the preliminary task. Performance
Development stage includes developing products, assessment instrument and scientific attitude
testing validity, and revising the product. Product assessment instrument are used to assess the
development produces writing assessment instrument experimental task. On the other hand, written report

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ICOMSET Physics Education

instrument is used to assess the written report of 3.1. Validity of Authentic Assessment
experiment activity.
Validation is assessment of a product design by
Validity sheet of experts is used to assess the
experts based on rational thinking. There are four
validity of four types of products. Practicality sheet products authentic assessment and their rubric which
of lecturers and assistants are used to determine the is assessed by experts. First, writing skills assessment
practicality of use of the product in inquiry learning instruments and its rubric. Second, performance
model. On the other hand, pretest and posttest sheet assessment instrument and its rubric. Third, scientific
are used to determine the effectiveness of the use of attitude assessment instrument and its rubric. Finally,
product in inquiry learning model on RLC circuit, assessment instrument of written report of experiment
characteristics of diode, and wave rectifier circuit of activities and its rubric.
learning material. Writing assessment indicators of initial task
Writing skills assessment instrument on initial includes writing words or letters, sentence structure,
task consists of six indicators, namely writing word or use of punctuation, paragraph structure, writing
letter, sentence structure, use of punctuation, tidiness, and writing consistency. The average value
paragraph structure, writing tidiness and writing of writing assessment instrument and its scoring rubric
consistency. Every indicator can be assessed based of experts varies from 76.7 to 83.3 with an average
on certain level on its rubric. Various level and its value of 79.4. The average value of validity is
value of rubric is advanced = 4, proficient =3, basic = categorized into good category.
2, and novice = 1. The average value of writing skills assessment,
Performance assessment of students conducted performance assessment, scientific attitude
in experimental activities. Instrument performance assessment, and written report assessment can be seen
assessment includes six indicators, namely: making in Figure 1
the electronic circuit, arranging the equipment,
connecting the circuit with equipment, using the
electronics instrument, varying the independent
variables, and getting the measurement data.
Scientific attitudes of students are observed
when experiment activity in laboratory. Indicators of
scientific attitude consist of curious, honest, strong,
objective, discipline, and responsibility. The
assessment criteria to include scientific attitude is very
good, good, fair, and less.
Written report is made by the students based on
the results of experiments to follow the stages of Fig 1. Validity Value of Authentic Assessment
inquiry learning model. Indicator assessment of
written report consist of formulation of problem, Number 1 in Figure 1 is assessment instrument
formulation of hypotheses, working procedures, of writing skills. The average value of writing
truth of measurement data, testing hypotheses, and assessment instrument and its rubric is 79.4. Number
drawing conclusions. The sixth indicator is assessed 2 is instrument of performance assessment and its
using assessment sheet of written report. rubric. The average value of performance assessment
Data from the validity result of expert and instrument and its rubric is 81.7. Number 3 is
assessment the practicality of use the product of lecturers scientific attitude assessment instrument and its rubric
and assistants are analyzed by using graph method. with average value is 83. 8. Meanwhile, number 4 is
Effectiveness data of the use of product in inquiry learning assessment instrument of written report of experiment
model is analyzed by using comparative mean test. A activities with experiment with average value is 80.8.
product is said to be effective is if there is a significant The minimum value, maximum value and average
difference between student learning outcomes after and value of authentic assessment respectively 79.4, 83.8,
before intervention. and 81.4. The average value of authentic assessment is
included in very good category.
3.2. Practicality of Authentic Assessment
Results of this research consists of three parts. Practicality relates to the ease of application of a
The first result is validity value of authentic product in learning. Authentic assessment instruments
instrument and its rubric scoring of experts. The and their rubrics are used in inquiry learning model.
second result is practicality value of application of
authentic assessment instruments and their rubric
These instruments and their rubric used by two
lecturer and five assistants to assess the writing skills
scoring of lecturers and assistants. The third result is
of initial task, the performance of students, the
effectiveness value of application of authentic
assessment instruments in inquiry learning model.

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ICOMSET Physics Education

scientific attitude of students, and written report of written report assessment of experiment activities
experiment activities. based on inquiry is easy to implement, 3). Instrument
The first practical testing is the use of writing of written report of experiment activities based on
skills assessment instrument and its rubric. Indicator inquiry is easy to apply, 4). Criteria in rubric of
practicality testing of use writing assessment written report assessment of experiment activities
instrument and its rubric consists of: 1). Indicator on based inquiry is easy to understand, 5). The language
writing skills is easy to use, 2). The language which is used experimental activities assessment rubric based
used in writing skills instrument is easy to understand, inquiry reports easy to understand, 6). Criteria in
3). Writing skills Instrument is easy to apply, 4). The rubric of written report assessment of experiment
criteria in rubric of writing skills instrument is easy to activities based on inquiry is easy to implement, 7).
understand, 5). Language on rubric of writing Inquiry process which is conducted can be understood
instrument is easy to understand, and 6). The easily through the report, and 8). Inquiry process
assessment criteria on rubric of writing skills is easy which is conducted can be assessed easily through the
to implement. Practicality value of writing skills report. Practicality value of the use of written report
indicator varies from 75.0 to 92.5. The average value assessment instrument of experiment activities varies
of writing skills instrument is 87.1. from 85.0 to 95.0. The practicality average value of
The second practicality testing is the use of the use of written report assessment instrument is
performance assessment and its rubric. Practicality 90.3.
testing indicators of the performance assessment Value of practicality of authentic assessment of
instrument and its rubric include: 1). Indicator on lecturer and assistant were shown in Figure 2
performance assessment instrument of experiment is
easy to understand, 2). Language in the performance
assessment instrument is easy to understand, 3).
Performance assessment instrument of experiment is
easy to implement, 4). Criteria in rubric of
performance assessment of experiment is easy to
understand, 5). Language which is used in rubric of
performance assessment of experiment is easy to
understand, and 6). Criteria in the rubric of
performance assessment of experiment is easy to
apply. Practicality value of performance assessment
instrument varies 77.5 to 92.5. The practicality
average value of the use of performance assessment
instrument and its rubric is 86.3. Fig 2. Practicality of Authentic Assessment
Number 1, number 2, number 3 and number 4 in
The third practicality testing is the use of
Figure 2 respectively practicality of writing skills
scientific attitude assessment instrument and its rubric.
assessment, performance assessment, scientific
Indicator of practicality testing consists of: 1).
attitude assessment, and assessment of written report.
Indicator on scientific attitude assessment instruments
The practicality average value of writing assessment
in the science process is easy to understand, 2).
instrument application and its rubric is 87.4. The
Language in scientific attitude assessment instrument
practicality average value of performance assessment
is easy to understand, 3). Scientific attitude
instrument application and its rubric is 86.3. The
assessment instrument in the science process is easy to
practicality average value of scientific attitude
apply, 4). Criteria in rubric of scientific attitude
assessment instrument application and its rubric is
assessment in science is easy to understand, 5).
87.1. On the other hand, the practicality average value
Language which is used in rubric of scientific attitude
of written report assessment instrument and its
assessment in the science process is easy to
rubric is 90.3. The practicality maximum value,
understand, and 6). Criteria in rubric of scientific
minimum value, and average value of authentic
attitude assessment in the science process is easy to
assessment instrument application and its rubric
apply. Practicality value of the use of scientific
respectively 86.3, 90.3, and 87.7. The average value
attitude assessment varies from 80.0 to 92.5. The
of test results practicality of authentic assessment
practicality average value of the use of scientific
instrument application and its rubric included in
attitude assessment instrument in the science process
excellent category.
is 87.1.
The fourth practicality testing is the use of 3.3. Effectiveness of Authentic Assessment
written report assessment instrument and its rubric. As
The effectiveness of the use of authentic
practicality indicator of the use of written report
assessment in inquiry learning model is determined by
assessment consists of 1). Language in written report
comparing learning outcomes of students between
assessment instrument of experimental activities based
after and before intervention. Descriptive statistical
on inquiry is easy to understand, 2). Instrument of
parameters both pretest and posttest are determined.

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ISBN 978-602-19877-3-5

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