Introduction to Plastics,

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Plastics, or polymers: lots of repeat units, or “mers” strung together

Simplest polymer: H H H H

C C … Polyethylene
… C C


General characteristics of polymers:

1. Polymers can be very resistant to chemicals
2. Polymers are good thermal and electrical insulators [exception: conductive
3. Polymers are lightweight with varying degrees of strength
4. Polymers are easily processable to produce thin fibers or intricate parts

Distinguishing material type at room temperature:

• Crystalline solid
• Amorphous rubber
• Amorphous glass
The history of plastics: [American Plastics Council:]

“Plastics: one of the greatest innovations of the millennium”

Newsweek, Winter 1997-98.
1. MUSIC – the long playing record
2. NO STICK – Teflon
3. STRE-E-E-TCH – Spandex

Other notables:
• Kevlar, “the stronger-than-steel polymer” by DuPont; 1965
• The discovery of conductive polymer; 1976
• Chemically amplified photoresists; 1989
• First polymer LED; 1990
Plastics production statistics, 2004:
[American Plastics Council:]

Plastic Annual Production Common Uses RIC

(M lbs)
Polyethylene – 8,295 Dry cleaning packaging, frozen food and
LDPE bread packaging, squeezable bottles

Polyethylene – 12,434 Films, disposable food packaging

Polyethylene – 17,548 Garbage and retail bags, gallon milk and
HDPE juice containers, shampoo containers

Polypropylene 18,552 Medicine bottles, margarine tubs, battery

cables and casing, ice scrapers

Polyvinylchloride 15,985 Clear food and non-food packaging, pipes,

traffic cones

Polystyrene 6,750 Compact disc and cassette jackets,

disposable foam cups and plates

Polyethylene 8,263 Soda and beer bottles, fleece wear, luggage,

terephthalate clothing

Nylon 1,340 Carpet fibers, clothes, machine parts (gears, none


TOTAL 89,167
Chemical structures and physical properties of major commercial plastics:

Plastic Chemical Structure Material Type Physical properties

at RT

Polyethylene Crystalline; Strong; tough; excellent

(HDPE, LDPE, LLDPE) Tm 110-140oC; resistance to chemicals; easily
Tg -120oC melt processable
Polypropylene Crystalline; Strong; tough; resistance to heat;
Tm 140-165oC; barrier to moisture and chemicals
Tg -20oC
Polyvinylchloride Amorphous Clear; easily blendable; excellent
rubber; resistance to oil and grease
Tg -70oC
Polystyrene Amorphous Clear; easily melt and foam
glass; processable
Tg 100oC

Polyesters Crystalline; Clear; strong; tough; good barrier

(Polyethylene O Tm 225oC to gases and moisture
terephthalate) O O

Polyamides H Crystalline; Strong; resistance to heat and

(Nylon) N Tm 230oC chemicals; easily spun into fibers
Chemical structures and common uses of other plastics:

Plastic Chemical Material Type at Common Uses

Structure RT

Polydienes X
Amorphous Impact modifier for glassy
(Polybutadiene, x = H; rubber; polymers; when crosslinked,
Polyisoprene, x = CH3) Tg -70oC tires, gaskets, hoses
Polymethyl- Amorphous Optical fibers; home furnishings;
methacrylate glass; lenses (Plexiglas)
O O Tg 105oC

Polyvinylalcohol Amorphous Water-soluble, so additives for

glass; milk shakes; thickening agents
Tg 80oC
Polytetrafluoro- F F Crystalline; Insulation; gasket; heat and
ethylene Tm 370oC, chemical resistive piping;
Tg 125oC cookware (Teflon)

Polyurethanes Crosslinked Thermoset; coatings; bowling
solid; balls; foam insulation
O Tg -50oC

Silicones O
Amorphous Catheters; caulk
Si rubber;
Tg -130oC

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