Final Choosing Cable Size

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Choosing Cable Size

Cable Size Design procedure

The correct choice of cable size for any installation is dependent upon
fundamental aspects of:
I. Environmental conditions and characteristics of protection,
II. Current-carrying capacity of the cable and
III. Voltage drop of the cable.
When current flows through a conductor, the resistance offered by the
conductor produces heat.
Since overheating damages the insulation, the conductor size must be of
adequate size to prevent this from occurring.
Having ascertained all the necessary details, we can decide on an
installation method, the type of cable, and how we will protect against
electric shock and over currents.
We would now be ready to begin the calculation part of the design

Here then are the eight basic steps in a simplified form:

1. Determine the design current Ib.

2. Select the rating of the protection In
3. Select the relevant correction factor(CFs).
4. Divide In by the relevant CFs to give cable current-carrying
5. Choose a cable size to suit Iz
6. Check the voltage drop
7. Cheek for shock risk constraints
8. Cheek for thermal constraints.

Let us now examine each stage in detail.

1. Design current
In many instances the design current Ib is quoted by the manufacturer,
but there are times when it has been calculated. In this case there are
two formulae involved, one for single phase and one for three phase:
Single phase:
Three phase:
Ib=P/(√3 V)
If an item of equipment has a power factor and/or has an efficiency
(eff) will have been taken into account. Hence:
Single phase:
Ib = (Px1000)/(V*PF*eff)
Three phase:
Ib = (Px1000)/ (√3*VL*PF*eff)

Design Current

It is sated under cable size selection portion. For fluorescent

lamps due to the choke, starting current is very high and the
cable chosen should consider this effect
Ib = Total power x 1.8
Rated voltage
Then select the rating of protective device ( In  Ib)
-Calculate the total designed load
-Calculate the expected maximum load
I-Using the actual load of lighting and power
-Lighting load = power rating x number of lamps
General purpose socket outlet = current rating x voltage rating
x number of socket outlet
- Specific loads simply add power rating
- Total sum will give the design load

Since due to diversity there will be expected maximum load. Diversity factor
for different circuits will be as follows:
-For lighting circuits Dive Factor(DF) = 0.6 --- 0.8
- For general purpose sockets DF = 0.3
-For specific loads DF = 1

So expected load will be = Lighting x DF + GPS x DF + specific loads

Ib = Expected load
V X PF PF = Power factor and V= supply voltage

II. Calculate the design load from circuit breaker rating

-Total lighting load = number of lamps x lamp rating
-Total general purpose socket load = number of sockets X CB rating
Specific load = simply add
Total design load = the sum of loads as stated
Ib = expected load
V x PF

2. Rating of the protection In:-
Having determined Ib we must now select the nominal setting of the
protection In such that In>Ib. this value may be taken from IEE or
EEPCO regulations.
3. Correction factors
When a cable carries its full load current, it can become warm. This is
not problem unless its temperature rises further due to other
influences, in which case the insulation could be damaged by over
These other influences are:
* high ambient temperature
* cable grouped together closely
* uncleared over currents and
* contact with thermal insulation.
For each of these conditions there is a correction factor (CF) which
will respectively called Ca,Cg, Cf and Ci, and which derates cable
current carrying capacity or conversely increases cable size.

Ambient temperature Ca:- The cable rating in the IEE regulations are
on an ambient temperature of 300C, and hence it is only above this
temperature that an adverse correction improvement is needed.
Grouping Cg:- When cables are grouped together they impart heat to
each other. Therefore the more cables there are the more heat they will
generate, thus increasing the temperature of each cable.
IEE regulation also gives factors for such groupings of the same cable
Protection by BS 3036 fuse Cf:- Because of the high fusing factor of
BS 3036 fuses, the rating of the fuse In, should be less than or equal to
0.725Iz Hence 0.725 is the correction factor to be used when BS 3036
fuses are used.
Thermal Insulation Ci:- With the modern trend, towards energy saving
and the installation of thermal insulation, there may be a need to derate
cables to account for heat retention.

4. Current carrying capacity
The required formula for current carrying capacity Iz is
Iz= In/(relevant CFs)
5. Choice of cable size
Having established the current carrying capacity Iz of the cable to be
used, it now remains to choose a cable to suit that value.
The IEE and EEPCO regulation also lists all the cable sizes, current
carrying capacity and voltage drops of varies types of cables.

6. Voltage drop
The resistance of a conductor increases as the length increases and/or
the cross-sectional area decreases.
Associated with an increased resistance is a drop in voltage, which
means that a load at the end of a long thin cable will not have the full
supply voltage available.
The IEE regulation requires that the voltage drop Vd should not be so
excessive that equipment does not function safely.
They further indicate that a drop of no more than 4% of the nominal
voltage at the origin of the circuit will satisfy.
The voltage drop will be calculated using a formula (adopted by IEE
Vd = mV * Ib * L where mV- voltage drop in mV obtained from IEE
table, L- total length of the cable in consideration.

● Fundamental 3-phase Voltage-drop Calculations

These are all based on the basic formula
R =ρ l/A where ρ (rho) stands for resistivity.
ρ = 1.72x10-8 – for copper conductor
ρ = 2.83x10-8 – for Aluminum conductor

If resistance of a conductor at any temperature different from room
temperature is required it can be calculated using
RT= RO (1+ αΔT)
Where RT- resistance at the required temperature
RO =ρ l/A resistance at room temperature
α-Expansion coefficient
= 0.00393 - for copper
= 0.0039 - for Aluminum
ΔT- Change in temperature
Resistivity is defined as the resistance between two opposite faces of a
unit cube of the conductor material.
Many voltage-drop problems involve the determination of resistance
by this means and then multiplying by the current to obtain the IR
The weakness of this method, as against that adopted by use of the
I.E.E. Tables, is that the Tables are much more realistic since they take
into account the actual type of cable and conditions of service.

Diversity Factor
The amount by which they are increased or decreased for each
installation is a matter for the installation engineer to decide.
The factor is based on the assumption that the whole of the connected
load will not be turned on at the same time.
In a domestic installation, it is estimated that some two- thirds (0.66) of
the lighting load will be on at any one time.
In a hotel, the figure is 75%(0.75), and in a shop, where virtually all the
lights are on for most of the time when the shop is open, the figure is
90% (0.90).
It should be noted that no diversity is allowable in the relevant wiring
supplying certain types of load.

Example 1: From EBCS-10. Table B.1, select cables of suitable current-
carrying capacity for the following loads and conditions (p.v.c. cables to
BS 6004 into screwed conduit).
a) 240 V single-phase sub-mains of total lighting load 10.5 kW. Length
of run 10 m. Average ambient temperature 250C, diversity 66%.
b) 400 V balanced 3-phase power circuit. Load 18.65 kW, efficiency,
80%, power factor 0.69. Average temperature 300C Length of runs
100 m.

Solution of (a) Current taken by load = Power/Voltage
=( 10.5*1000)/240 = 43.75A
Allowing for diversity, maximum current through cables = 43.75 *0.66
= 28.88 A
If BS 88 32-A circuit breaker is chosen for protection, 32 A rated circuit
breaker can be selected from table 9.1.
→ In = 32 Amp

§ The correction factor for ambient temperature from Table A.4 for250C
is 1.06. Therefore the required cable rating:
→ Iz = 32/1.06 = 30.2 A
From Table B.1, choose a 4 mm2 conductor which carries 32A.
§ Testing for Voltage drop = (mV/Am) * I * L
§ → From table B.2 voltage drop for 4mm2 conductor size = 11mv/Am
→ Voltage drop on cable = 11 mv/Am * 28.8 A * 10 m = 3.168 V
→ Maximum allowable voltage drop = 2.5% of 240 V = 6V.
§ Since the actual voltage drop is less than from the allowable
maximum voltage drop, selected size is 4 mm2.
Ø If BS 3036 fuse is chosen for protection, this fuse type
requires a correction factor of 0.725.
→ In = 32 Amp

Ø Therefore the load current will be :
→ Iz = In/CF CF- Correction Factors.
Ca = 1.06, Cf = 0.725
§ Required cable rating Iz = 32 Amp/(1.06 *
= 41.64 Amp.
From Table B.1, a 6mm2 conductor carries 41 A. And 10mm2 conductor
carries 57 A. Take 10mm2 diameter conductor.
§ Testing for Voltage drop = (mV/Am) * I * L
→ From table B.2 voltage drop for 6mm2 conductor size = 7.3mv/Am
→ Voltage drop on cable = 4.4 mv/Am * 28.8 A * 10 m = 1.27 V
→ Maximum allowable voltage drop = 2.5% of 240 V = 6V.
§ Since the actual voltage drop is less than from the allowable maximum
voltage drop, selected size is 10 mm2.
§ Comment: you can easily observe that the conductor size deference in
using Circuit breaker and fuses.

Solution of (b)
efficiency = Output/Input
= kW * 1000/√3VI cosφ
80/100 = 18.65 * 1000/ √3 * 400 * I * 0.69
I = 18.65 * 1 000 * 100/(√3 * 400 * 80 * 0.69)
= 48.77 A.
From table 9.1, 50 A circuit-breaker of type BS 3871 can used for
→ In = 50 Amp
Load current will be :
→ Iz = In/CF CF- Correction Factors.
CF = 1 because Ca = 1.
→ Iz = 50 A
Choose 16 mm2 cable which is capable of carrying 52 A.
Testing for Voltage drop:

Testing for Voltage drop:
Maximum voltage drop = 2.5% of 400 V = 10V.
Voltage drop on the cable = (mV/Am) * I * l
= 2.3 * 48.77 * 100
= 11.22 V this is beyond the allowable voltage drop.
So, choose the next cable size, which is 25mm2
Voltage drop for 25 mm2
= 1.7 * 43.77 * 100 = 8.29 V
Therefore selected size is 25 mm2
Comment. This is one of the situations where the voltage drop
becomes the main determining Factor of the conductor size.

Example2. A 30 m run of twin and earth p.v.c. non-armored four
touching copper cables are situated in an ambient temperature of 350C.
Determine the minimum size of cable to supply a 220-V 10-kW load.
Protection given by:
(a) Miniature circuit-breaker (m.c.b.)
(b) Rewirable fuse.

Solution of (a)
Electrical Installation Circuit Design
Ib = p/v = 10000/240 = 41.67 A.
Ib = 41.67 A. 50-Amp m.c.b. is adequate for protection of 45.67 Amp.
In = 50 A. And from Table A.4 correction factor for 350C = 0.94
Ca = 0.94.
From table A.1,Correction factor for cables group together is 0.75
→ C = 0.75
Required cable current rating I
→ Iz = 50 /(0.94 x 0.75 ) = 70.9 A
Iz = 70.9 A
From Table B.3 (for multi core cable) 16mm2 cable carries 69A.

Electrical Drawings: It includes:
Electrical plans:- Separate plan for different floors
Circuit diagrams :- Separate diagrams prepared for different distribution boards
Required notes
Legend showing symbols and abbreviations
Fixture schedule
Electrical Installation Floor Plans
The plan shows the location and type of : switches , sockets , bell points,
telephone points , lighting fixtures and different electrical devices. It is
generally traced from the floor plan and reflected ceiling plan.
Includes : fixtures and equipment location
Lay out of lighting fixtures
Lay out of switches : identification and type with appropriate Symbols

Lay out of sockets and interconnecting cables.

Location of specific electric devices and their power , points like electric
mitad , heater cooker etc.
Location of distribution board ( main and subs)

Circuit Diagrams :

Definition: These are simply diagrams tabular in their form

which are showing the electric circuit system of a building.
Purpose : It provides the number and type of circuit in
particular distribution board. It enables the electrician to
determine the cable size and its current rating.
Includes: The number of circuit and their description such
as cross – sectional area and number of cables, current
rating of circuits, type of distribution board.

NB. - Number of lamps , 10 to 15 lamps each up to 100
w can be in one lighting circuit .
For general purpose socket outlets 5 A each , use 5
to 8 sockets in one circuit if there is more add
another circuit.
Keep reserve circuit breaker in any distribution board
Make all external socket outlets weather proof.
Provide three phase supply for main distribution
board from EEPCO line.
Telephone system has its own line , separated from
the electric supply line.
TV , tape recorder and other appliances may get
power from general purpose socket outlets.
Example: Consider the SDB shown below

No. of light points (lamps) per lighting circuit = 15

No. of sockets per circuit = 4
No. of space heater = 1
No. of water heater = 1
a) the estimate of maximum power demand, Pmax
b) the rating of the main switch
c) the size of the feeder cable
a. Circuit Power without DF Power with DF
Lighting 4 x 220 x 10 = 8800W 0.7 x 8800
= 6160W
Socket outlet 3 x 220 x 16 = 10560W 0.2 x 10560
= 2112W
Water heater 220 x 16 = 3520W 0.2 x
3520 = 704W
Space heater 220 x 25 = 5500W 0.2 x 5500 =
28380 Pmax 10076W


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