EMG from pdf
EMG from pdf
EMG from pdf
Electromyograph (EMG)
An electromyograph (EMG) is an instrument used to study neuromuscular condition
and function, extent of nerve lesion, reflex responses, etc. It is specifically used for
recording the electrical activity of the muscles to determine whether the muscle is
contracting or not; or for displaying the action potentials spontaneously or those
induced by voluntary contractions for detecting the nature and location of motor unit
lesions; or for recording the electrical activity evoked in a muscle by the stimulation
of its nerve. EMG measurements are important for the myoelectric control of
prosthetic devices (artificial limbs). Electromyography is the technique that deals
with the detection, analysis, and use of the electrical signal that emanates from the
muscles. The resultant record obtained via the electromyograph is known as
EMG Signal
The EMG signal is the electrical manifestation of the neuromuscular activation
associated with a contracting muscle. The activity is similar to that observed in the
cardiac muscle, but in the skeletal muscle, repolarization takes place much more
rapidly, the action potential lasting only a few milliseconds. Since most EMG
measurements are made to obtain an indication of the amount of activity of a given
muscle, or a group of muscles, rather than of an individual muscle fibre, the EMG
pattern is usually a summation of the individual action potentials from the fibres
constituting the muscle or muscles being studied. The signal is effected by the
anatomical and physiological properties of muscles and the control scheme of the
nervous system.
In voluntary contraction of the skeletal muscle, the muscle potentials range from50
µV to 5 mV and the duration from 2 to 15ms. The signal lies in the frequency range
0-500 Hz and most dominant in between 50 and 150 Hz. The values vary with the
anatomic position of the muscle and the size and location of the electrode. In a
relaxed muscle, there are normally no action potentials. Figure 133.1 shows a typical
EMG signal characterized by positive and negative peaks. The amplitudes and
frequency content of this signal provides information about the contraction or resting
state of the muscle under study.
Dr. Saad Mutashar Abbas Al-Mustaqbal University
The electrical activity of the underlying muscle mass can be observed by means of
surface electrodes on the skin. The surface electrodes may be disposable, adhesive
types or the ones that can be used repeatedly. A ground electrode is necessary for
providing a common reference for measurement. However, it is usually preferred to
record the action potentials from individual motor units for better diagnostic
information using needle electrodes, which are inserted directly into the muscle. The
needle electrodes may be monopolar having a Teflon-coated stainless steel wire,
which is bare at the tip or bipolar containing two insulated wires within a metal
System Description
The block diagram in Figure 133.2 shows the various subsystems in an EMG
machine. The myoelectric signals are amplified by using a preamplifiers followed
by a differential
Dr. Saad Mutashar Abbas Al-Mustaqbal University
surfaces, on an electrically neutral tissue. The leads to the input of the preamplifier
should be as short as possible and should not be susceptible to movement. This can
be achieved by building the first stage of the preamplifiers very near the subject
using very small electrode leads. This minimizes the undesirable effects of stray
capacitance between connecting cables and the earth. Also, any movement of the
cable from the output of the electrode will not generate significant noise signals in
the cable, which feeds into the subsequent amplifier. The property of a differential
amplification to reject signals common to both inputs is determined by common
mode rejection ratio (CMRR). A CMRR of 90 dB is adequate for elimination of
common signals for instrumentation amplifiers, but today's technology provides us
with a CMRR of 120dB. A calibrating square wave signal of 100 uV (peak to peak)
at a frequency of 100 Hz is usually available. The main amplifier has controls for
gain adjustment from 5 |V/div to 10mV/div for selecting the sensitivity most
appropriate to the incoming signal from the patient. To ensure patient safety, the
subject should be electrically isolated from any electrical connection to the power
line or ground. This isolation is achieved either through the use of optical isolators
or through the use of isolation transformers. Filters The noise frequencies containing
both high and low frequency components are present as contaminating signals in the
raw EMG signal. Low frequency noise is caused from amplifier DC offsets,
electrode drift on skin, and temperature fluctuations and can be removed using a
high pass filter. High frequency noise can result from nerve conduction and high
frequency interference from radio broadcasts, computers, cellularphones, etc., and
can be removed using a low pass filter. The low frequency 3 dB point may be
selected over the range of 0.016-32 Hz, while the high frequency 6dB point can be
selected over the range 16-32 kHz. Digitization After proper amplification of the
signal, a suitable band of EMG signal frequency is obtained. The signal is further
amplified in a non-inverting amplifier to a suitable level. The amplified analog signal
is then digitized with an ADC. Once the signal is digitized, it is given to a
microcontroller followed by its display and printer. The quality of an EMG signal is
largely dependent on the resolution, accuracy, and sampling rate of the ADC used.
Present-day ADCs used in EMG equipment range in10-24 bit systems. The sampling
rate used in any EMG system must at least follow Nyquist's theorem, whereby the
minimum sampling rate must be twice that of the signal frequency in question. In all
present-day EMG applications, the upper limit on the frequency of interest is around
500 Hz, and so the sampling frequency may be kept at 1000 samples/s.
Dr. Saad Mutashar Abbas Al-Mustaqbal University
Most EMG machines are PC based and are available in both console and
laptop models. They provide full colour waveform display, automatic cursors for
marking and making measurements, and a keyboard for access to convenient and
important test controls. The system usually incorporates facilities for recording of
the EMG and evoked potentials. The stimulators are software controlled. For report
generation in the hard copy form, popular laser printers can be used. A typical EMG
machine is shown in Figure 133.3.
Recent developments in electronic technologies have enabled EMG equipment to
include a range of new features and networking capabilities. The RS-232 serial data
transfer protocol previously used in the PC-based systems is now replaced by the
Universal Serial Bus 2.0, which provides faster data exchange rates and even a
means of upplying power to the EMG handheld device to recharge the device
Increased storage.
capacity of data recordings on digital storage media has become a common feature.
Wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth have also been incorporated into
today's EMG equipment to provide the user with extended mobility from the PC on
PC-based systems. Acquired EMG signals can now be picked up on the body and
sent wirelessly to a PC where it is recorded, processed, and analysed. Signal Analysis
Dr. Saad Mutashar Abbas Al-Mustaqbal University
pulse duration of 0.1-3ms, and frequency between 0 and 100Hz. Output of the
constant current generator can be adjusted from 0 to 100 mA.
The recording and study of action potential propagation along peripheral nerves is
known as electroneurography. The technique is primarily used in nerve conduction
study and is considered as a reliable diagnostic test of peripheral nerve function. It
is used routinely for localization of the site of a nerve lesion and the diagnosis of
conditions such as diabetic neuropathy, which affects primarily nerve fibres.
Electroneurography recordings can be done using EMG machines.
Amplifier channels: 2 or 4
Sensitivity: Adjustable from 1 uV/div to 10mV/div in steps
High cut filters: Selectable from 30 to 10kHz
Low cut filters: Selectable at 0.04 Hz, 2 kHz
Notch filter: 50 or 60 Hz
Common mode rejection: >100 dB
Input impedance: >1000 MQ2 (common mode)
Noise: < 6 V peak to peak
Number of averages per channel: 1-10000
Stimulators: Repetition rates at 0.1-90 pulses/s
Clinically, electromyography is being used as diagnostic tool for neurological
disorders, such as neuromuscular diseases and low back pain, and disorders of motor
control. EMG is routinely employed as an evaluation tool in applied research,
physiotherapy, rehabilitation, sports medicine and training, and biofeedback and
ergonomics research.
Electromyogram (EMG)
The contraction of the skeletal muscle results in the generation of action potentials
in the individual muscle fibres, a record of which is known as electromyogram. The
Dr. Saad Mutashar Abbas Al-Mustaqbal University
activity is similar to that observed in the cardiac muscle, but in the skeletal muscle,
repolarization takes place much more rapidly, the action potential lasting only a few
milliseconds. Since most EMG measurements are made to obtain an indication of
the amount of activity of a given muscle, or a group of muscles, rather than of an
individual muscle fibre, the EMG pattern is usually a summation of the individual
action potentials from the fibres constituting the muscle or muscles being studied.
The electrical activity of the underlying muscle mass can be observed by means of
surface electrodes on the skin. However, it is usually preferred to record the action
potentials from individual motor units for better diagnostic information using needle
electrodes. In voluntary contraction of the skeletal muscle, the muscle potentials
range from 50 uV to 5 mV and the duration from 2 to 15 ms. The values vary with
the anatomic position of the muscle and the size and location of the electrode. In a
relaxed muscle, there are normally no action potentials. Figure shows the
unprocessed EMG signal characterized by positive and negative peaks. The
amplitudes and frequency content of this signal provides information about the
contraction or resting state of the muscle under study.
The motor units of a muscle are activated repeatedly to sustain contraction, resulting
into sequence of MUAPs, known as motor unit action potential train (MUAPT). It
is shown in Figure 8. The summation of many trains of single motor unit potential
is called gross myoelectric signal (GMS). The motor units of a muscle are activated
repeatedly to sustain contraction, resulting into sequence of MUAPs, known as
motor unit action potential train(MUAPT). It is shown in Figure 8. The summation
Dr. Saad Mutashar Abbas Al-Mustaqbal University
of many trains of single motor unit potential is called gross myoelectric signal
The electrical potentials generated by the muscle range from 5 microvolt to 5 mill
volts and their duration range between 2 milliseconds to 15 milliseconds. EMG is a
fastest signal inside our body. It is a signal, which has highest frequencies compared
to the other electrical signals. The frequency of EMG signals approximately falls
between 10 to 3000 Hz. In a relaxed muscle, there are normally no action potentials.
The amplitude of EMG signal depends on type of electrode used and degree of
muscular contraction. The needle electrode inserted into the muscle fiber generates
spike type voltage, whereas a surface electrode picks up many overlapping spikes
and therefore produces an average effect.
As stated the action potential of a given muscle (or nerve fiber) has a fixed
magnitude, regardless of the intensity of the stimulus that generates the response.
Thus, in a muscle, the intensity with which the muscle acts does not increase the net
height of the action potential pulse but does increase the rate with which each muscle
fiber fires and the number of fibers that are activated at any given time. The
amplitude of the measured EMG waveform is the instantaneous sum of all the action
potentials generated at any given time. Because these action potentials occur in both
positive and negative polarities at a given pair of electrodes, they sometimes add and
sometimes cancel. Thus, the EMG waveform appears very much like a random-noise
waveform, with the energy of the signal a function of the amount of muscle activity
and electrode placement. Typica1 EMG waveforms are shown in Figure 9.
Recording Techniques:
There are two basic methods for recording of EMG signals.
1. EMG with voluntary muscular action, and
2. EMG with electrical stimulation.
To obtain a good and noiseless EMG, it is essential to clean the recording site
thoroughly. The disc or needle electrodes used must be clean and fixed on the
recording site with conductive electrode jelly. The patient should be asked to relax
completely to avoid activity from other muscles, which may otherwise, interfere or
mix with the signals to be recorded from the selected site.
Dr. Saad Mutashar Abbas Al-Mustaqbal University
voltage input picked up by the electrodes to a level adequate for the operation for a
readout device, such as the oscilloscope or loudspeaker. Surface, needle, and fine-
wire electrodes are all used for different types of EMG measurement. Surface
electrodes are generally used where gross indications are suitable, but where
localized measurement of specific muscles is required, needle or wire electrodes that
penetrate the skin and contact the muscle to be measured are needed. As in neuronal
firing measurements, both unipolar and bipolar measurements of EMG are used.
Most Electromyograph includes an audio amplifier and loudspeaker in addition to
the display to permit the operator to hear the "crackling" sounds of the EMG. This
audio presentation is especially helpful in the placement of needle or wire electrodes
into a muscle. A trained operator is able to tell from the sound not only that his
electrodes are making good contact with a muscle but also which of several adjacent
muscles he has contacted.
Dr. Saad Mutashar Abbas Al-Mustaqbal University