Chemistry Model paper-I

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Model Paper - I
I B.Tech I semester Regular Examinations
Subject Code: ____________________

Time : 3hrs Max.Marks: 70

1. Answer all questions from Part-A. Each question carries two mark.
2. Answer one full question from each unit in Part-B. Each full question
carries 10 marks.


1. (a) -
Find the bond order of O2 . BTL-1 CO1 (2M)
(b) How many Pi- molecular orbitals are BTL-1 CO1 (2M)
there in benzene? What are they?
(c) Interpret any two properties fullerenes. BTL-2 CO2 (2M)
(d Outline any two applications of super BTL-2 CO3 (2M)
) capacitors.
(e) Name any two examples of BTL-1 CO4 (2M)
potentiometric sensors and amperometric
(f) Define primary cells with examples. BTL-1 CO4 (2M)
(g Identify any two properties of Teflon any BTL-3 CO5 (2M)
) PVC.
(h) List any two bio-degradable polymers. BTL-1 CO5 (2M)
(i) What is Beer Lamberts Law? BTL-1 CO6 (2M)
(j) Interpret the various regions of BTL-2 CO6 (2M)
electromagnetic spectrum.
2. (i) Derive Schrodinger wave equation. BTL-3 CO1 (6M)
(ii) + BTL-5 CO1
Determine the bond order of N2 and H2 (4M)
3. (i) Construct the energy level diagram of O2 BTL-3 CO1 (10M)
and tell the stability and its magnetic
4. (i) Illustrate the preparation of BTL-2 CO3 (10M)
semiconductors by Zone refining,
Czochralski crystal pulling technique.
5. (i) Outline any five applications of carbon BTL-2 CO2 (5M)
(ii) Summarize few properties of super BTL-2 CO3 (5M)
6. (i) Discuss the working of different types of BTL-2 CO4 (10M)
Lithium cells.
7. (i) Explain about potentiometric sensors with BTL-2 CO4 (5M)
(ii) List few applications of PEMFC and BTL-1 CO4 (5M)
Zinc-air battery
8. (i) Explain the mechanism of free radical BTL-2 CO5 (10M)
addition polymerization.
9 (i) Summarize applications of bio-degradable BTL-2 CO5 (5M)
(ii) Distinguish between thermoplastics and BTL-2 CO5 (5M)
1 (i) Illustrate the determination of Rf value BTL-2 CO6 (10M)
0 using paper chromatography?
1 (i) Discuss the working of UV-Visible BTL-2 CO6 (7M)
1 specrophotometer
(i) Outline any three applications of UV- BTL-2 CO6 (3M)
Visible spectroscopy
NAME OF EXAMINATION: I B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations
CONTACT NUMER: 9985623253
Q.No. Q.N Detailed Key
1. Bond order = Nb-Na/2 = 10 – 7/ 2 = 3/2 = 1.5
(a) 2M
a = Number of electrons in bonding molecular orbitals.
b = Number of electrons in antibonding molecular orbitals.
Butadiene consists of 4 individual p-orbitals, the П system of
(b) butadiene will contain 4 П molecular orbitals. 2M
They are П1, П2, П*3 and П*4
Properties of Fullerene:
1. Fullerene (C60) resembles an electrophile in the chemical
(c) 2M
2. Fullerene can act as an electron acceptor group. It can
easily accept three electrons or more.
Therefore, it can behave as an oxidizing agent.
Super capacitors find applications in
1. Electric cars
(d) 2. Wind turbines 2M
3. Photographic flash
4. Flywheel in machines
Examples of potentiometric sensors are membrane-based Ion-
Selective Electrodes (ISE), Screen-Printed Electrodes, Ion-
(e) Selective Field Effect Transistors (ISFET) etc., 2M
Examples of amperometric biosensors include creatine, urea,
lactate, and pyruvate determination.
(f) Primary batteries or cells: 2M
In these batteries the cell reactions are in directional i.e.,
chemical energy can be converted into
electrical energy and cannot be reversed. These batteries once
used have to be discarded or disposed.
Eg:: Dry cells, Hg cells, etc
Properties of Teflon:
1. It is a chemical resistance compound; the only chemicals
that can affect these compounds are alkali metals.
(g) 2. It shows good resistance towards heat and low temperature. 2M
Properties of PVC:
1. PVC is colorless and odorless Powder.
2. It is non-inflammable and chemically inert.
Examples of bio-degradable polymers are polyglycolic acid
(h) (PGA), Polyhydroxy butyrate (PHB), Polycaprolactone 2M
(PCL), Nylon-2-nylon-6.
The Beer-Lambert law (or Beer's law) is the linear
relationship between absorbance and concentration of an
absorbing species.
(i) The Beer-Lambert law is written as: 2M
log I / Io = – ε × c × x ——— (11)
Here, ε (= a / 2.303) is called the molar extinction coefficient
and is expressed in L/mol/cm.
Electromagnetic Spectrum is the entire range of wave lengths
or frequencies of electromagnetic radiation extending from
(j) gamma rays to the largest radio waves. It includes Radio 2M
waves, micro waves, IR radiations, UV-Visible rays, X-rays
and gamma rays.


Q.No Marks
Q.N Detailed Key & Scheme of valuation
. allotted
2. (i) Schrodinger Wave Equation: 6M
In 1926, the Austrian physicist Erwin Schrodinger proposed
an equation for finding the wave function of any system.
The time independent Schrodinger equation for a particle of
mass ‘m’, moving in one direction with energy ‘E’ in a system
2 2
−ђ ∂ φ
+V (x) φ=Eφ→ (1)
2 m ∂ x2
Where ‘E’ is the total energy (Sum of potential energy and
kinetic energy),
V ( x ) is the potential energy of the particle at the point
2 2
−ђ d
is thekinetic energy of the particle
2 m dx 2
2 2
1 (mv) p
[Since, kinetic energy = mv2 = = ;
2 2 m 2m
⇒ p2 = −ђ
ђ ∂ 2 ∂ 2
p= 2 ; i = -1]
i ∂x ∂x
Equation (1) can also be written as –
d φ 2m
2 + 2 (E-V)φ = 0
dx ђ

2 2
d φ 8π m h
+ 2 (E-V)φ = 0 (where ђ =
h 2π

Expressions for Time – independent Schrodinger equation

2 2
−ђ ∂ φ
One dimension: +V (x) φ(x )=E φ(x)
2 m ∂ x2
2 2 2
−ђ ∂ φ ∂ φ
Two dimension: ( 2 + 2 )+ V ( x, y) φ(x , y) =E φ(x , y)
2m ∂x ∂ y
−ђ 2
Three dimension: ∇ φ+V φ= Eφ
2 2 2
∂ ∂ ∂
(where∇ 2= 2 + 2 + 2 )
∂ x ∂ y ∂z
Expression for Time – dependent Schrodinger equation is
2 2
−ђ ∂ φ ∂φ
+V (x) φ(x )=iђ
2m ∂ x ∂t
Bond order of N2 = Nb-Na/2 = 10 – 4/ 2 = 6/2 = 3
(ii) a = Number of electrons in bonding molecular orbitals. 4M
b = Number of electrons in antibonding molecular orbitals.
Bond order of H2+ = N2 = Nb-Na/2 = 1 – 0/ 2 =1/2 =0.5
3. (i) Molecular orbital diagrams of Oxygen molecule (O2): 10M
Oxygen molecule is formed from the combination of two O-
atoms (1s2, 2s2, 2px2, 2py1,2pz1). The total numbers of
electrons are 16.

Fig: Molecular orbital diagram of O2 molecule

The bond order in O2:
Bond order = Nb-Na/2 = 10 – 6 / 2 = 4/2 = 2
Thus, the two oxygen atoms are bonded through two bonds.
The molecule is stable and exists.
(i) Magnetic properties
The molecule is paramagnetic due to the presence of two
unpaired electrons.
4. (i) Zone refining: It is purification technique that involves 10M
recrystallization. This technique is based on the principle that
impurities e more soluble in molten state than in solid crystal.

Vertical Zone refiner

Silicon or Germanium metal was made into a thin rod. One
zone (at top) of the rod is melted by a circular heater in an
inert atmosphere of argon at about 1000 oC. The metal melts at
the heated zone. The heater gradually moves from top to
bottom. Pure metal crystallizes and impurities move down (or
moved to adjacent parts of the rod). The metal present in
upper region is highly pure.
The upper part of the metal rod is cut and used to
make semiconductors. However, the metal obtained in zone
refining process will be polycrystalline. To make useful
semiconductor wafers, we need single crystal silicon or
germanium. For this purpose, Czochralski process is used.
3. Czochralski crystal pulling technique: Czochralski
crystal pulling process is used to make single-crystal silicon.
The apparatus consists of graphite crucible lined inside with
Quartz whose melting point is 1670 oC. Pure silicon obtained
in zone refining process is taken in the crucible. The crucible
is heated by using R.F. Coils up to 1425 oC. There is a rotating
chuck fitted to pure single crystal of silicon. Silicon is melted
and the temperature is maintained at 1416oC. Argon gas is
passed to prevent oxidation of molten silicon. Boron trioxide
cap is placed as shown in figure.

5. (i) Applications of Nanotubes: Carbon nanotubes find 5M
applications in
1. Killing cancer cells: The device would have a small
computer, several binding sites to determine the concentration
of specific molecules and a supply of some poison which
could be selectively released and was able to kill a cell
identified as cancerous.
2. Providing oxygen A simple method of improving the levels
of available oxygen despite reduced blood flow would be to
provide an “artificial red blood cell”.
3. Drug delivery: With nano particles it is possible that drugs
may be given better solubility, leading to better absorption.
Also drugs may be contained within a molecular carrier either
to protect them from stomach acids or to control the release of
the drug to a specific targeted area, reducing the likelihood of
side effects.
4. Aerospace: The components made of nano materials are
stronger and can operate at higher temperatures, aircrafts can
fly faster and more efficiently.
5. High energy density batteries: Conventional and
rechargeable batteries are used in almost all applications that
require electric power. The energy density is quite low and
requiring frequent recharging.
Properties of super conductors:
1. Superconductors are materials that show almost zero
electrical resistance at temperatures near 0 Kelvin.
2. The threshold conductor for superconductor to switchover
from normal conduction to superconductivity is called the
transition temperature.
(ii) 3. Transition temperatures for classic superconductors are in 5M
the cryogenic range ie.,near to absolute zero.
4. Hundreds of materials are known to become
superconductors at low temperatures.
5. At low temperatures and low pressure, nearly 27 chemical
elements, in which all of them metals are considered as
superconductors with their normal crystallographic forms.
6. (i) Lithium ion batteries: 10M
Lithium ion batteries:
• These are a kind of secondary batteries where lithium ions
move from cathode to anode in the discharge process.
Upon recharging, lithium ions move from anode to
• Both electrodes in a lithium-ion cell are made of materials
which can intercalate or ‘absorb’ lithium ions.
• The most widely used anode material commercially is a
graphite (C).
During discharge oxidation takes place at the anode. There,
the graphite intercalation compound LiC6 forms graphite (C6)
and lithium ions.
Anode: LixC6 → xLi+ + xe- + C6
Reduction takes place at the cathode. There, cobalt oxide
combines with lithium ions to form lithium-cobalt oxide

Overall reaction is: LixC6 + Li1-xCoO2⟷ C6 + LiCoO2

Cathode: Li1-xCoO2 + Li+ + xe- → LiCoO2

Recharge reactions:
Anode: xLi+ + xe- + C6 → LixC6

Net reaction: C6 + LiCoO2⟷ LixC6 + Li1-xCoO2

Cathode: LiCoO2 → Li1-xCoO2 + Li+ + xe-

7. (i) Potentiometric sensors:
1. Ion Selective Electrodes (ISE’s) are used in Potentiometric
2. ISE‘s depends on the concentration of ionic species in the
test solution used for electro analysis.
3. In ISE‘s, the recognition of H+ ions is done by glass
electrode sensing element. This is coupled with reference
4. Glass electrode has high resistance, due to glass membrane 5M
and it is the oldest of all electrochemical sensors.
The glass electrode is represented as follows:
Ag, AgCl / 1M HCl / H+ (test solution)
a. Potential of glass electrode depends on the conc. of H+
b. As a result of difference in conc. Of H+ ions on two sides
of membrane potential difference is developed.
Ion Selective Electrode (ISE):
(ii) Applications: 5M
1. Their applications vary from very small button cells for
hearing aids, larger batteries used in film cameras that
previously used mercury batteries, to very large batteries used
for electric vehicle propulsion.
2. Storage is easier, no high pressure or low temperature is
required (-97.0o C to 64.7o C exists as liquid).
3. The energy density of the cell is comparatively high
4. Energy density produced is 6 KWH / kg methanol.
5. Pollution free
8. (i) Mechanism of free radical addition polymerization:
Addition polymerization reactions consists of three important
1. Initiation (or) the formation of an active center
2. Propagation (or) the formation of a polymer having
the active center, and
3. Termination (or) removal of the active center
The three different active centers found to be formed during
the addition polymerization. They are Free radical,
carboanion, carbocation. So the mechanism involving these
reactive species in polymerization constitute the mechanism
of addition polymerization. Let us take one by one.
1) Free Radical Mechanism:
 Initiation: It involves the formation of free radicals in
the initiation step. Initiator like Peroxides, Benzyl
peroxide is commonly used as initiators.

 Propagation: In this step, the initiated monomer

species adds additional monomer units as give below

 Chain termination: This is the last step of

polymerization process where the growth of the chain
is arrested It can occur as follows

9 (i) Applications: 5M
1. Biodegradable polymers find extensive use in the
medical field they are used commercially in tissue
engineering and drug delivery field of bio medicine
2. Used in orthopedic fixation devices. Biodegradable
polymers are used to join fractured bones.
3. In controlled drug delivery, the polymer slowly
degrades into smaller fragments releasing the drug
gradually and in a controlled manner.
4. It is used in dental devices biodegradable vascular
stents biodegradable soft tissue anchors etc
5. It is used in the manufacture of plastic bags. Toys and
other plastic products. these polymers gradually
degrade in the environment leave the environment
‘Green’ .
(ii) Differences between thermoplastics & thermo setting

They are formed by either

They are formed by
addition or condensation
condensation polymerization
They have linear or They have three dimensional
branched structure cross linked structures.
Adjacent polymer chains are Adjacent polymers chains
held together by either are held together by strong
vander Waals forces or by covalent bonds called cross
dipole-dipole interactions links
They soften on heating and They do not soften on
harden on cooling cooling
Low molecular weight They generally insoluble in
thermo plastics are soluble any solvent
in their suitable solvents.
10 (i) Paper Chromatography
This method is widely used in separating free amino acids,
sugars, peptides and sugar derivatives.
The method is illustrated by taking the example of separation
of amino acids –
A thin pencil line is drawn near one edge of a rectangular
piece of filter paper and parallel to it. The solid mixture
present in solution is now applied as a small drop using
capillary tube along the pencil line. If our aim is to identify
the amino acids in a mixture, then small drops of separate
solutions of pure amino acids are placed at intervals along the
pencil line. The filter paper is now hung vertically in a glass
tank, which contains the developing solvent and the bottom
edge of the filter paper is positioned in the solvent in such a
way that the pencil line is just clear of it. The tank is sealed
with a lid to prevent the evaporation of solvent.
As the solvent travels up due to capillary action on the
paper, it moves the components in the mixture and the pure
substances at different rates. The paper is removed from the
tank and allowed to dry. Since amino acids are colourless,
their positions on the paper are located by spraying the whole
paper with a solution of ninhydrin in propanone. After
warming the individual amino acids, show blue- lilac spots.
A particular compound separated from a mixture is
characterised by its Rf value,
Distance moved by the pure substance
Rf =
Distance moved by the solvent front
Note: Rf values are less than unity

Paper Chromatography – paper with components

11 (i) Principle & instrumentation of UV-visible spectroscopy with 7M
neat diagram.
UV-Visible spectroscopy involves transition of valence
electrons of moleculesor ions from the ground electronic state
E0 to a higher electronic state E1. The ultraviolet region is
100 to 400 nm.
The visible region is 400 to 800 nm. The amount of energy
required for the transition is,
DE = hυ=E1-E0

Working -
The radiation from the source is split into two beams of equal
intensity. One beam passes through the sample and the other
through the reference.
When the sample absorbs, the two emerging beams will have
different intensities. This produces an oscillating signal to be
measured by the detector.
The signal from detector gets amplified and goes to the
recorder which gives a print out or display.
Applications of UV-Visible spectroscopy:
1. UV/Vis spectrophotometer is widely used in medical
sciences for the analysis of blood and urine samples.
2. Quantitation of hemoglobin in the blood sample is the key
(ii) diagnostic parameter for various diseases such as dehydration, 3M
polycythemia, and anemia.
3. Dissolution testing: UV-Vis spectroscopy has long been a
method for analyzing the results of dissolution testing of solid
oral dosage forms like tablets.

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